I tried to play Star Citizen again AGAIN

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almost exactly a year ago I tried Star Citizen for the first time this is what happened big old piece of piece of rock here uh-oh uh oh no no what are you kidding me I gave it a couple more tries probably put like six to ten hours into it and decided it's probably not for me but now that the new Star field gameplay came out of course it scratched that itch I want to get into a space game I want to see what it feels like so we're gonna revisit Star Citizen one year later oh yes sleeping in my space suit that's something I always love to do I look very comfy so I do want to say I logged in and got sort of accustomed to this before I started recording there's a new tutorial that say what you will about Star Citizen but it took them this long to do it but the tutorial actually really helped me like it really did sort of get me back on the ground level of what I needed to know to actually play this game and not feel like I was completely lost and having to Google absolutely everything all right let's go to the ground floor and get our ship I like playing this game in third person because it really just reminds me of Mass Effect hey look there's another human being um they call that the the space Jitters um for a second it looked like this guy was wearing space lights look I wouldn't say I'm competitive but yeah okay I'm competitive that's why macarena's tournaments are my jam Macarena is a super fun free-to-play online shooter that you can play on mobile or desktop and one of its coolest features is tournaments these weekly competitions let you compete against others and earn some really nice rewards you'll compete in 5v5 death matches or free for all brawls and then that'll get you a battle scorer which contributes to your tournament ring in order to enter you need a ticket for each match and you can earn these by opening crates or buying them from the shop you'll also need to have three Mech slots unlocked if you want to do the 5v5 tournaments or five if you want to do free-for-all once you do that this is how you start you just hit battle and select tournament at the end of each heat you'll get some resources to upgrade your mechs but if you rank high enough you'll be promoted to the next bracket the following day where you'll get even better rewards for the month of June Macarena is celebrating Pride with our lgbtqia us Community offering players the chance to get Pride themed skins for free via gameplay and then later this month there's going to be a Sci-Fi themed event with new maps and the chain gun Scorpius and a new heavy duty pilot Macarena is completely free to play on Android iOS and PC right now and you can use my link below or scan my QR code to get bonuses worth thirty dollars we're talking one missile rack 6 one Prodigy crate and one skin to get you started plus you can use my Dion screen to add me as a friend and we can play some matches together so don't wait around download Mech Arena today and thanks to Macarena for sponsoring this video okay let's uh pull up our Moby glass and uh see what we can do here okay so we've got a lot of different types of missions over here on the left we could just play as you know an Amazon delivery man in space racing I don't think so I don't think it's gonna work for me research investigation Let's do an investigation here uh vehicle claim has been filed we need an investigator to check out their wreck site on lyria locate the black box and return it to private Landing Pad okay sounds great okay so investigate the wreckage claim where is that exactly let's go retrieve our ship and then we'll find it out so as far as I can tell you like do oh that's where we need to go it's actually not that far away you do a bunch of missions and then you sort of get like ratings it feels like and then those ratings maybe get you better missions as far as I could tell actually before we leave I only have um a space Oh hey dude what's up oh look at that angsty t-shirt I'm gonna go back to cubby blast because I think I do need like an actual weapon the only weapon I have is the grenade launcher and it's only got Six Bullets so you know speaking of other open world games this does have a cyberpunk feel to it at times sort of makes sense wouldn't you do it I'm already lost I think I just took a wrong turn here we go this is what I'm looking for all right oh hey buddy hey oh oh space shutters ah there it is Cubby blast okay oh they've been operating since 29.32 that's man this is a family business okay SMG Night Stalker rifle shotgun hey follow what do you what are you uh press in there huh they wanna talk to you okay you won't talk okay I like a lot of these products uh I'm gonna go For The Night Stalker rifle confirmed purchase immediately delivered to my local inventory great and then I'm gonna grab a suppressor and screw it I'll buy the holographic too all right let's look at my inventory here uh here's my Night Stalker rifle maybe I need to take off the other one first okay I switched them and then I'm putting the suppressor and the sight on so let's look yeah there it is okay I'm also gonna buy some ammo okay it looks like I can't buy ammo there there's a bunch of ammo on the ground here oh yeah um multi-tool I definitely need to buy one of these I think that's useful for Stuff um why I'm while I'm here um quick buy some refreshments oh okay I think I'm walking around with it hold on oh yeah okay let's just put that away fella oh dude I finally found some ammo okay hold on okay this is a P4 AR rifle which means I need p4ar magazines beautiful I'm gonna buy like four of these all right it's time to blow this Popsicle stand and uh get out there you know what I'm saying oh god oh another source is it that's a huge backpack no no no no no don't close don't close don't close perfect timing okay well this is a great opportunity for me to um to take a swig of my cruise Lux yes drink drink uh drink oh I need to take my helmet off I'm an idiot helmet off oh God I'm ugly all right let's drink that bad boy that's what it sounds like to drink oh man that was great and now arriving drop hahaha I just littered um hello sir I see they still haven't addressed the NPC standing randomly on things it's actually a feature not a bug you know it's actually my plan turned out to be a stupid plan but it was my plan to compare this game right now to to what we're getting in Starfield based on that gameplay we just got but they're just this is a Sim simulation this right here this game's Star Citizen it's just not the same kind of game sure there's similarities but there's more differences to count I think wait what oh yeah I crashed my ship I'm gonna pay the fee thank you yeah you're welcome wait it only made it from two minutes to 50 seconds I guess I'll grab some food while I'm at it um tilapia Verde that sounds good thanks um watermelon slice uh maybe I need to can I store this don't forget about that burrito what if I got into my ship and sat on my burrito I mean that would just be about the worst thing I can think of wait I can't I can't store this um just put that in your storage man there you go okay so I've got a burrito wait where's my burrito uh store okay so confirmed holding burrito burrito going into inventory save that for later all right my hangers and hanger two wonderful you know one thing I really wish they uh figured out with this game I don't know if it's possible I don't like that I have to wake up in on like one of these planets and then or you know space stations whatever and have to go through this entire process every single time I want to get on my ship but again it's because this is more of a Sim I get it all right uh during the getting my ship go and close that door go ahead and enter that seat um all systems ready it's gonna ask for permission to leave okay all right [Music] see can I clear this already yes I can all right here we go whoo so this is something you can do in Star Citizen that you won't be able to do in Starfield which I I do I do see that as a bit of a bummer you know like I get it I get the reasoning why but still it would have been cool to just do this just kind of adds to that realism Factor okay let's get to a bit out of orbit and oh whoops I think I accidentally hit the brakes oh nice okay so we're pretty high up by this point Let's uh take a look down [Music] it's pretty cool it's very quaint and sort of peaceful in that Spacey sort of way we are going to spool towards lyria find that black box all right spooling I also like to pop out and look while you're traveling it's pretty cool like it's cool you can see these objects in space you're actually moving to and from like this this is pretty cool whoa so lyria wreckage I'm going to actually we do need to Quantum over there oh wrong button shubin Mining facility I guess we could warp there and then fly over yeah it's only 20 kilometers over all right here we go oh nice all right all right so we're entering the atmosphere okay so there's a couple different like little spots on this planet we could go to okay so I'm gonna spool out here and then look back down at where I need to go yeah that's right that's right okay here we go all right now okay okay that's close enough our black box is down here there it is all right I like that we're landing on a planet that is like we're on the light side of the planet oh God oh God Slow Down slow down slow down loaded oh my God someone just asked for a transport request dude I don't even know what I'm doing I'm doing that here's the black box um let's engage our landing gear okay okay dude it's copacetic it's fine we're fine everything's fine okay okay I feel fine positive thoughts yeah hell yeah oh okay um before I leave I think I took my helmet off right yep no helmet uh um wait where's my personal inventory what's going on here personal inventory wait Dude where's my personal inventory what okay so I'm currently unable to find my helmet is this gonna kill me I can survive 30 seconds um where's where's my freaking helmet where's my freaking helmet dude [Music] okay foreign well uh I don't know what to tell you guys um I messed up I took off the helmet but the helmet didn't just stay in my inventory which doesn't make any sense but uh okay I guess I'll go back and Dock and see if my inventory randomly reappears well this is a familiar sight my engine's turned off as I was trying to land back on Area 18 and um predictably uh okay dude here's my local inventory okay so it's the inventory for area 18. I'm so confused it seems like I need to drag stuff over to my personal inventory because if I don't do that then it'll stay in the local inventory which is different than the inventory you take on missions okay so before I do anything else I'm moving everything to my personal inventory okay that's my personal inventory that's coming with me alrighty so we're back and I am wearing a helmet actually though I am wearing a helmet I understand how inventory systems work now coming in nice and smooth like here you see we're moving like somebody who's definitely played this game before it only took me two times two attempts to get here okay landing gear down we're gonna do one of these numbers right here and we're good man that was so smooth and just to double check I think I think if my helmet's not on I'm just gonna Rage Quit um oh my God it's on and then I've got everything else I I wanted let's get this okay got some wreckage for sure okay this black box it's inside so I probably need to look for some sort of hatch right uh okay oh all right we've got a dead body hatch is five million kilometers away I'm sorry what okay uh there's another dead body oh here's the black box oh wow this place is a little spooky I kind of want to get out of here immediately on account of the dead bodies and the toilets and stuff okay so I gotta drop it off but first I want to check out these other wreckages here wait hold on what do I look like so let's uh oh I left my hatch open excuse me could you just could you just get on there jump there we go now uh let's place it um right there that's a fine but yeah oh bro okay okay all right uh okay maybe I'll just put it on the on the ground place right there yeah okay nope stay there please stay there okay I can close that so it won't go anywhere now I am curious about what's over here it's just like another crash site I do like sort of the desolation of this game uh White helmet visor just because it looks cool so I imagine this is what starfield's gonna feel like but there's actually going to be like creatures and stuff man I really should have just taken my ship over here what the hell am I doing [Music] okay uh wonderful fantastic um what's yeah what's over here I'm gonna use my scanner to figure out oh little rough Landing that's fine it's fine let's put our that thing on there and then uh multi-tool I I don't know what this is nope not getting there look at this thing it's like a Rover can I flip it can I do like a tractor beam oh I can cut stuff can I cut a hole in this looks like no okay well this feels like a dead end unfortunately what if I were to swap out the module now I've got mining well you know what it's it's time to get out of here you know I uh I don't know what else I could do I think I did the thing oh maybe I could have picked up that thing I don't know maybe if I had a larger ship drop off this black box one thing I remember really enjoying was moments like this when I played this year ago it is very pretty and spool oh this is cool so wait so this is the dark side of the planet and this is all the lights of the city lighting it up that's really cool area 17 is where we're going uh I understand everything okay okay so that's pretty cool go to this person's private landing pad to drop off the black box it's a little sus but I I don't ask questions you know what I'm saying I'm not in the business of asking questions okay okay so now this is cool but my question is like all those floating moving lights are not actual cars right they're just lights that look like cars whoa oh am I landing on a building haha oh yeah look at that this is kind of sick oh okay I'm into it I'm into it oh okay we did it your doordash is here hello your Dasher is here let me uh drop off we're going to uh yeah I did it okay I got I got only 9 000 credits for that I died I crashed my ship I don't know I'm just saying maybe maybe I deserve a better reward you know that's all I'm saying so I feel like we should take on one more contract in this video that one was kind of a disaster and I want to get into some action so um I've been looking at the Bounty Hunter and mercenary contracts so we're gonna go ahead and take this Blackjack Bounty trial contract we're looking for Ronaldo Lillard they're hiding over at the launch pad on lyria I always wonder like can you use the med Bay and the Drone repair or is that just like window dressing I don't know also just to double check I have plenty of ammo and my weapon on me nothing goofy going on there and I also have an emergency Pips and an emergency burrito I just can't not go into this this view when I'm leaving somewhere it's just too cool so does this say we can kill him or a bounty hunter oh yeah located neutralize oh yeah this is not dead or alive baby this is dead cruise control off spooling back to lyria baby and I'm warping it's beautiful look at this and we're there sick okay um where's our buddy boy so my question is can we land in any of these places and no there will be things to do oh it is on the dark side okay it's going to be a not Mission we're moving in baby I can't really oh oh I think I was about to crash into the freaking Planet oh my God see this is really cool I like how this looks very Spacey oh okay okay oh Target location okay so he's just at that launch pad all right so I'm gonna go in very carefully oh um okay hold on you're gonna play it like this buddy oh he wants to play it like this huh okay so I need to shoot down these guns yep okay they locked on yep nope move move move wait it said something's critical I think I should just land and then move in you know what I'm saying criminal land maybe oh God oh God oh God stop stop stop stop stop stop oh it's so dark okay okay okay you can't no no no no there's gonna be like a little Hill here where you can't hit me there we go okay I've landed um I've taken on some damage okay well it is dark darker than a I don't have a good phrase for that I don't know all right it's a night Mission I left my ship on I hope that's cool oh I need to I need to load my weapon hold on I guess I should put this stuff on my person ah look at that brilliant now I can reload oh hell yeah I'm looking for the criminal known as Ronaldo Lillard I don't know if this game does have space monsters or alien monsters whatever or the wildlife but I mean it could then it would be really scary because it does it does lighting very well I will say okay we're here I guess the big guns don't fire on you on foot at least I guess that's what I'm hoping the sky is insane out here though look at this guys trespassing on private property now I'm a bounty hunter oh yeah I know I know I know I'm trespassing whoa [Music] I don't know why I'm so nervous it's probably all this breathing Renardo I'm looking for you buddy Ronaldo Renardo neutralize a change to neutralize do I just knock [Music] oh God the door's already open you've been a bad man oh we're going down oh I've done one of these before it was a while ago but I've done one sub level one okay boys ready for live fire oh my God oh my God Bernardo Bernardo come out with your hands up and your pants down I think I'm so freaked out because NPCs in this game are weird so I don't know if I'm gonna see like a t-pose guy floating towards me or an actual human [Music] all right well this is uh super lame um I I looked up some stuff and apparently this stuff just bugs out so that's like my only explanation I got all nervous for nothing okay here's another thing protect a sight Blackjack security there's hostels in the area protect the site eliminate the threat maybe this one will actually work so it looks like it's on the other side of the planet I'm gonna boost out of here should be able to spool over there okay whatever kind of damage they took on really messed with my my Boost I can't really boost all that much look at that atmosphere it's thick that's really cool okay here we are clear all hostels so am I gonna get shot at again oh there's a bunch of little ships there huh I'll land next to one of these other ships there we go nice and easy okay we're here hopefully this works okay 10 hostels remaining at least that updated okay this is a familiar sight Deja Vu hopefully bad guys this time oh I hear gunfire oh so there's gonna be also good guys here so I need to not shoot the good guys I think I've done that before oh there's only eight remaining okay so he's a good guy he's not gonna shoot me right yeah wait what what dude I did this last time [Music] okay those are bad guys oh my God hilarious oh although the bad guys aren't really shooting me all that much I've committed a crime you're not taking me alive I mean the shooting's fine it's actually pretty slick I think I'm wasting a lot of bullets by doing the reloading too much thing okay blue mark means good guy obviously oh hey I see you last hostel leave the area or you will be trespassing okay and I've done some late crime hey I still got paid all right let's get the hell out of here whew this trespassing thing is stressing me out major torque imbalance that seems bad all right well we did it all right guys well that was kind of a an anti-climactic ending I thought there would be more action but yeah I think we've uh we've got another solid look at Star Citizen maybe I just need to like keep playing but I feel like almost everything feels the same as in it doesn't feel like there's so much like too much variety but again could be wrong could be that I'm just not you know digging far enough beneath the surface but yeah I think I will give this some more you know time okay there's seriously something wrong with my ship because like this right here what I'm doing right now this is gorgeous this is perhaps the coolest thing we've done in this entire video and yeah there is something that really does kind of scratchy Niche for me so I hope you guys enjoyed this one if you did remember to hit that like button also subscribe to the channel if you haven't already for more videos like this hit that Bell to receive notifications each time I upload thank you guys once again for watching and I will talk to you next time don't forget to use my Macarena Link in the description or scan my QR code to get bonuses
Channel: jayvee
Views: 194,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JV2017, JV2017gameplay, jayvee, star citizen, star citizen review, star citizen starfield, star citizen gameplay, i tried to play star citizen, star citizen vs starfield, starfield jayvee, star citizen jayvee, star citizen 2023, star citizen 2023 gameplay, star citizen in 2023
Id: OvsEem0UVR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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