I tried to play Star Citizen so you don't have to

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"Everyone's just trying to sell me a ship!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MadBronie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

And of course the comment section is filled with fanboys.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nrgte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The opening made me think the title could’ve been called β€œI tried to pay for Star Citizen so you don’t have to”.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wiser3754 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's interesting to notice that even in the space of big youtubers who get curious enough to try the demo we can observe a split between super shills (half of them being paid by CIG or one of their affiliates) and people who immediately see there's a big problem. The demo is so polarizing I wonder why because usually in gaming a consensus in the larger gaming community is usually found rapidly especially amongst youtubers. Or am I wrong?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Patate_Cuite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very upbeat and makes light of the bugs which in reality make the "game"/demo unplayable.

Most telling comment at 20:12 - "for something that's been worked on for ten years it feels like maybe there should be more here"

This would be a generous treatment for producers who were really trying to make a game but someone should tell him its been jank for 10 years and CI have just left it like this all that time.

Considering which its not good to cut CI even more slack, because they are not worthy, is like aiding and abetting a robbery.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/boolybooly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll leave that to grumpyeye to play and give me the down low so I don't have to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ClickClickBoom82 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best way to become a 'hater' is to play Star Citizen while in possession of an actual objective and functioning brain.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AtlasWriggled πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Logs in, crazy stutters, sets to "medium" settings for his RTX 3080. Such fidelity.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nanonan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

"It's a good game"


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jace_09 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay since everyone's been saying starfield looks a lot like star citizen and i've never played that game before i figured we should check it out okay so star citizen um okay it's not on steam star citizen what the hell is robert's space industries okay first person adventure well they spent a lot of money on this website okay uh play now okay for 45 i can get um three month insurance what does that even mean okay this looks cool but i'm just we're gonna go with the cheap option you know i might i might not even like it embark on an epic single player campaign digital access upon release so it's not out so it wants me to pay for something that's not out yet this is the most complicated purchase i've ever made for a video game do i want to add light and dark gray paint for three dollars no all right so buying this early access is not a purchase um because it's still in development okay but there's a road map what what is all of this what the is this oh my god so they've got plans out to march 2023 jesus okay now we can download the game okay you not i'm clicking start the download and i go to this page and it says i need to buy a game package on my account so i click get a game package and it brings me back to the same page or no it wants me to buy other things no i've already bought the starter pack okay if i go to my hanger and billing and subscription okay it says that i paid but the fulfillment is none and the payment is pending what is even going on okay i found this reddit thread from five years ago so it's a really long time ago but this person waited two hours from buying the game to actually being able to play it okay okay i guess i'll just i guess i'll just wait oh it's kind of cool um you can spend 1 100 for this pack you get six ships oh thank god it's in stock oh and luckily this one contains lifetime insurance you know you're gonna need that insurance okay just out of sheer curiosity i went to check my bank account and it has charged it it's still pending because it's a recent purchase but usually that means you can like download what you bought it can take up to 24 hours to process your payment all right so it only took about 30 minutes honestly not that bad but it's still funny now i can download star citizen okay let's let's sign in to the galactic network all right it's time to become a star citizen to unlock your friends list select a primary residence in the persistent universe is this like second life or something okay here we go whoa that looks really good actually i can't decide which one looks more like generic white guy number three which i think i'm pretty much generic white guy number three okay we're blending we're blending so i'm like mixing guys that's kind of cool okay we got uh our green eyes cool nose blending how do i change yeah let's change my hair color i'm trying to make me if you didn't knows what i look like okay that looks about right oh yeah wow that's quite the mohawk [Music] i'm a mad scientist okay i guess this is closest to me here we are the character model is kind of insane though all right this is my citizen we're gonna select our our system we're in the stanton system loreville or area 18 new babbage or orrison huh i don't know let's do loreville press action to stand up oh oh oh wow people weren't kidding about the choppiness let's uh yeah let's turn down the quality maybe let's see if my 30 80 can handle this okay that looks a little bit better this feels like bruce willis apartment in the fifth element i would like to scan my id scanning scanning oh hold on hold on hey what's wrong with that guy's face can i talk to this man ooh everyone's are you guys okay oh man how do i make this playable like graphics wise i'm gonna put it on low quality uh open and close your moby glass oh this is cool i have 20 000 credits comlink no friends that's fine there's my uh there's my vehicle i'm not gonna mess with anything i swear i'm probably just gonna screw something up um i'm on this planet oh here's the system we're in that's that's cool uh mo trader secure and convenient personal transactions from anywhere i don't need to send anyone any money no one no no i paid for that money contracts we're looking to hire a pilot who's interested in running a local route for us hell yeah let's do it i'm curious though like i've seen really good gameplay of this and i have a really good computer can i make this not choppy confirm an inner thought selection what jeez what floor do i need let's let's uh let's go back to our moby glass moby glass okay accepted contracts okay i just need to pick it up from hgms anderson on auburn aberdeen aberdeen's another planet we're on floor okay so let's just go to the ground floor that's my inner thought let's go to the ground floor can i talk to this man hey i'm clicking on you my inner thought inner thought inner thought oh they're just like pumping the the waste out of there they're just dumping all over the place oh pickup package [Music] that far away okay hey where's my ship hey buddy are you a real person i can't tell who's a real person okay admin office residences huh perhaps there is a map in my special holo watch oh okay i need to go to a moon of hurston to pick up a package oh okay now we're in third person this is what i look like okay let's go to the spaceport so we're gonna get on oh nice just in time oh god i didn't check what line i need to get off on i really do feel like a star citizen taking public transit all right we're at the space board baby so let's read the map i took the spaceport line out to the spaceport from the metro center cool cool cool central business district i don't need to do a business yet customs area i think that's probably what i need because i need to get out of here at east gentlemen new star citizen coming through buy now fly today how much does that cost how much real money do you think that costs um elevators to hangers do i know where my ship is docked at he's talking to me definitely take a look around got some great stuff in stock right now oh no he's just trying to sell me something i'm not interested i wonder if someone can tell me where my ship is i bought the crappy ship i'm looking for the crappiest ship everyone's just trying to sell me a ship i already have a ship that ship's cool okay welcome to new deal shipyard no i i own a ship oh god i found another one of these guys oh whoa is that a real person hey get back here hit hey buddy i'm gonna follow this guy they know like they look like they know what they're doing do you speak in the universal language of teabag hello what's wrong with their mouth it's like chewing something so that's probably their ship okay since i can't find my ship i this it's asking me to look for a real person to help me find my ship i just want to find my ship okay okay we got a guide vehicle retrieval terminal oh hell yeah welcome to the aesop vehicle retrieval system i want to retrieve my vehicle your vehicle has been delivered to the following location sweet hmm what's going on here um okay no all right where's hangar eight damn it oh my god i can scroll down the list of hangers oh my god i'm an idiot there she is this is my baby in all her glory let's uh um where's the button enter ship oh enter pilot seat [Music] i press r got it so we're gonna i don't know how to do this i don't know what i'm doing honestly i'm probably gonna crash this thing oh oh oh oh oh no no no no i don't think we're it's even open um i think i need like permission for takeoff or something uh what i didn't do is contact the spaceport to ask to leave which is like you know rookie mistake right uh comlink uh this is uh jv to uh lauraville yeah landing services oh okay [Music] whoa surely you can't go anywhere right this this is this place is quite dense let me tell you that uh press action to toggle spooling ships must fully spool up their quantum drives i knew they were gonna ask me to spool i don't want a spool but they insist on it okay we need to go this direction let's level out here how do i you know get this bad boy going you know you really like punch it use left shift to activate boost and overclock your thrusters for high maneuverability where where are we going i need to raise my landing gear which we've just done oh okay it's kind of cool we're moving but somehow i'm not getting closer is that another ship below me hold on thinks yeah that's something darren churchill is requesting combat assistance i don't know what i'm doing sorry darren oh ship systems thrusters no no no no no no no turn the turn the thrusters back on enable whoo still going like slower than molasses here maybe i should go out into space let's get out of the atmosphere oh we're going into space this is cool this is pretty cool open the ark star map and select a destination for quantum travel we're here i wanna go to aberdeen once you've selected waypoint will appear align your ship once you have target press action to enter missile mode wait no i don't wanna [Music] blow up the planet okay so i need to i need to go into quantum mode wipe helmet visor really needed to do that i'm so scared to press anything okay so i've got further instructions from the internet we're going to start spooling okay i i i didn't know how to do that but now i do b oh we're spooling baby we're spooling okay we're ready spooling complete whoa this is sick we're spooling i hope it's going to stop whoo we spooled really hard oh oh oh if i land in this game it's going to be an accomplishment i need to pick up this package so let's just start going can i quantum thrust here or is that gonna blow me up no no no turn it off turn it off turn off the quantum drive no where are we going no oh it's working oh it's quantum driving me to the destination this atmosphere is thick but pretty cool honestly um i feel like i'm flying blind here like i could oh oh there's actual planet here gonna hit anything oh slow down slow down oh oh slow down slow down oh yeah way down way down okay here we go okay oh we made it oh i gotta request air traffic control excuse me well if you're not gonna answer i'm just gonna land okay very carefully okay we're spinning i would like to not spin okay let's uh extend our landing gear okay and now we're descending very slowly we landed [Music] wow i made it i can survive for 12 minutes here that's a little rough i'm actually surprised i made it i thought i was gonna have a lot more trouble cycle the airlock [Music] oh hi invite to party oh that's a real person what can i do for you how's it going this guy looks seems like a cool dude we could be friends i don't know saying this any other day i guess boring making a pickup i think you're confused what oh okay okay oh excu excuse me didn't mean to bump into you i'm just trying to be a good star citizen you know literally picking up the package and delivering it you know it's kind of silly but it's also kind of cool i'm not gonna lie can i place this car go down lie down can i just place no i mean i guess i could take a nap but there's no time okay oh yeah i just put it on the ground there that's perfect it's my precious cargo so to drop it off that far away okay let's do it when people are nearby your ship remains on the server for a short time during this time there's a risk of someone stealing it what no we're not gonna collide it's fine so we're gonna raise out of the old atmosphere again and then just for good measure i'm gonna wipe my helmet visor you know you never know man be some sweat on there uh requesting deep space backup no i'm the wrong guy let me tell you that okay we gotta drop it off at the station here set route now we're gonna start spooling or actually no let's get a little higher let's get a little higher everyone knows oh you have to be born yesterday to be a star citizen and not know that you need to get out into space before you start spooling spooling's complete three two one you know this is kind of cool it may be like a a real rip-off and people are paying like a lot of money but i won't lie and say this isn't cool it's pretty cool ho ho okay we're actually gonna quantum closer oh this is cool look at this it's like a little space station what is this oh yeah slow down slow down slow down slow down slow way down uh oh uh oh no don't don't collide i need two contacts we need to make contact you know what i'm saying uh let's contact the station okay cool thank you this has an arrow on it let's make sure we're in the right position [Music] nice let's uh pick up this bad boy welcome oh that's nice goodness i don't know i don't know where i'm supposed to go um lobby bring me the lobby there's some nice lobby music maybe some some magazines some space mags then got to go through security whoa sorry dude oh this guy looks cool hey how's it hanging working hard or hardly working am i right it's kind of cool oh easy hab just like rehab oh you've got some axe shampoo i'd love some of that she looks nervous let me see if i um my contract says where i need to bring this thing nope right now it doesn't say where i need to bring it hey hey can i get some drugs okay just oh look there's a new there's a guy he has like some sick guns huh okay i didn't know what to do so i i left to the main menu um maybe i rented a hotel room but what happened to my box oh no i lost no i lost my mission that kind of sucks but i guess it is my fault might as well check out the galleria area like there's some fun stuff to do casaba what's here um okay i can buy some stuff i didn't earn any money but i can spend some of my money and it looks like there's some really good clothing here so i'm gonna buy i'm gonna buy this really cool jacket all these pants look the same so i'll just buy some the cheapest pair all right did some shopping ooh there's some actual armor in here that's kind of cool i should have saved my money look at this bad boy now it's time to go to the bar wow it's pretty crazy in here someone's standing on the bar oh some pool can i gamble nope oh fines and citations payment system i've committed no crime got a perfect record oh i can buy some guns this is what i'm talking about i haven't even gotten to shoot a gun yet uh rifle inspect oh that's kind of cool i like this uh let's buy it why why the hell not fantastic this looks great let's let's get a holographic state for it why not [Music] oh this is how you access your inventory clothing cannot be equipped oh clothing and armor can't be equipped okay okay let's take out a contract then one where i can shoot someone we're gonna go to this mining claim and kill some oh and then i get ratings based on how i do that's cool so it's kind of like uber it's time to go kill those bastards we're getting our spooling system ready we're sorry we're spooling for the quantum drive you know it's probably a horrible idea but i kind of want to see what would happen if you quantum drove just like straight into an asteroid be kind of cool okay we made it to the mining claim okay now we need to go down here or we didn't make it to the mining claim we made it kind of close okay oh god oh god we went fast we went past here we are on the mining claim what's the what what am i looking for what am i missing okay apparently this uh this one's broken so i'm going to rendezvous with this person to help them in space i don't uh oh let's see if this works oh oh they're actually bad actual bad guys [Music] oh oh what does that mean oh oh no whoa i don't know how to handle this okay okay here we go i'm here to protect oh wow it's hard to catch people jeez oh slow down oh okay i should be able to hit this guy uh oh they're shooting at me they're trying to talk to me no talking more fighting let's go go bad for me because i have a feeling i sincerely don't know what i'm doing shields are critical no that's not what we need right now uh-oh dodge the missile uh okay so i died by fatal impact cool medical care no injuries that's that's great can i leave yeah let me leave oh i'm actually in a gown [Music] when got myself killed in the star citizen all right guys well um as you can tell this game is really complex and i don't think it really teaches you how to do a lot of stuff i just had to like look up a lot of stuff but i won't deny that it's actually pretty cool um although i don't know how many people have patience for a game like this it's it's very clunky and uh yeah for something that's been worked on for 10 years it feels like maybe there should be more here by this point maybe and uh yeah i'm glad i played this because now i can compare it to starfield but i i still don't even feel like i haven't scratched the surface on this thing it's crazy thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed this video let me know by clicking the like button subscribing to the channel clicking the bell so you don't miss my next one and i'll talk to you on the next one
Channel: jayvee
Views: 2,624,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JV2017, JV2017gameplay, jayvee, star citizen, star citizen review, star citizen in 2022, star citizen starfield, star citizen gameplay, star citizen 2022 gameplay, star citizen 2022 review, i tried to play star citizen, star citizen vs starfield, starfield jayvee, star citizen jayvee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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