🥇 The Ultimate 2023 Star Citizen New Player Beginners Guide Best Start Make Money Fast

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welcome Ensign to the ultimate new players beginner's guide for Star Citizen 318 where I'll show you how to stock up on the very best armor and weapons that you can possibly get within the game haul free of charge from there we're gonna lay the smackdown on some NPCs doing some bounty hunting I'll show you how to quickly unlock the FPS cave missions which pay out a whole boat ton of money then we're gonna make a freaking killing by mining a whole bunch of gems with the rock between cave missions and rock mining we're eventually going to have enough money to mine quantanium in the prospector chi-ching if you follow the steps in this ultimate new players beginner's guide for Star Citizen that can absolutely guarantee you're gonna be able to buy some of the most glorious ships within the game first things first though you're gonna need to create a studly looking avatar from there you're going to be directed to where you're going to want to set your home location within the Stanton system now you can pick any one of these place says I am more partial to the scummy town of Louisville so we're gonna go there just because it's centrally located when you load Star Citizen for the very first time you're gonna notice that you spawn on a bed within some halves and if you're spawning in Hurst and the halves look kind of ugly but if you want to get out of the bed you simply just press y now we're not going to make any money if we hang out in the Habs all day so let's head over to the door if you're gonna hold down F and then just left click with the mouse to open the door if you ever want to enter third person mode you just press F4 and if you hold down Z you can actually rotate the camera angle with your mouse pressing F will get you out of third person mode and if you wheel up on the center Mouse wheel it'll let you move faster time to call the elevator let's hold down F and left Mouse click then wait nice I have an elevator buddy it is worth mentioning that the very first time you load Star Citizen the Shader cache is going to be loading and oh my goodness it's gonna be slightly laggy in the beginning but that'll generally only last for about the first 15 minutes of gameplay whatever City you start in your main goal is to find the Metro Center so you can hitch a ride to the airport when you get there you're going to run across these Aesop fleet manager terminals this is where you're going to summon your ship from pulling out your ship is super easy you just click the retrieve button on whichever ship you want to pull out and eventually it's going to tell you what hanger you need to go to in our case it's hanger number four in Herson the hangers will be located down this hallway what ship package should you buy before you play Star Citizen well that's a great question ensign some of these game packs are reasonably priced and some are absolutely outrageous so if you'd like to just see if you enjoy playing Star Citizen I recommend that you get the Aurora Mr starter pack for 45 bones no yeah don't even bother getting the Mustang Alpha but if you're willing to spend 15 bones more get the Pisces Expedition it's actually a pretty decent ship the cutter is in all that bad although it's basically a flying brick the Avenger Titan is the starter pack I shystered my wife into getting this one is hands down one of the very best starter packs in Star Citizen now if you're like freaking Daddy Warbucks you might as well just spend 95 bones and get the Nomad starter package this will actually help you quite a bit when we get to the Rock mining stage ultimately just get yourself a starter package to see if you like playing Star Citizen and don't you worry yourself to Pieces Chris Roberts loves money so much he'll let you upgrade to a better ship later rule number one Anson when you are out in the verse and you open up the very back end of your ship you need to be the most paranoid person possible you know except for maybe when you're in the hangar because other people will get inside your ship and steal it just make sure the coast is clear before opening your door and then make sure you shut it as quickly as possible to get into your pilot seat just hold down F and left click with your mouse once you get all comfortable in your pilot's chair in order to turn on all the power in your systems you're going to press r r stands for flight ready before we head out let's make a few changes in your options scroll down until you get to flight space break engages boost that's going to be set to no make sure you turn that to yes I have no idea why no is default now scroll down to the very bottom where it says Vehicles exiting combat seats require hold turn that to no that way you can just press one instead of hold y to get out of your chair head over to the key binding sections and look for flight movement you're going to scroll all the way down until you get request landing set a macro for that so you can press one button for takeoff and Landing requests well we're just about ready to take offense and I hope you're wearing your brown pants today let's quickly go over the controls up his spacebar down as control W will move your ship forward s will move your ship backwards D will move your ship to the right and a will move your ship to the left e will roll your ship to the right and Q will roll your ship to the left shift is your speed and X is your space break in order to plot a course to get the heck on out of here you will need to press f2 which will open up the system map no matter what city you start in I highly recommend that the very first place you visit is the space station in orbit right directly above the city so you can create a new buying point in order to start spooling your Quantum Drive all you have to do is press B now we won't be able to engage that until we get about 9 500 meters above the planet's surface ah there we go now we can just kind of level out and you're going to see this little blue arrow that little Arrow's purpose is to help you find the location that you have marked in your Moby glass and for us it's going to be Everest Harbor once your Quantum Drive is spooled and calibrated you're free to hold down B that will engage the Quantum Drive once you get close enough to the stations the ATC will let you know that you need to request a land just hit that macro that we made just a second ago the little blue Arrow will Now guide you towards the landing pad you need to go to which will be signified by the circle and the downward pip alrightens and this is where wearing your brown pens comes in clutch because you know if you crap yourself on the very first landing attempt at least nobody will know unless they can smell it yeah that awkward moment when I'm trying to be totally awesome and I clip the back of my trying to fit it in the hole you know just like you're probably gonna do too before getting out of your chair press I to kill power to your engines that'll leave everything else turned on so the next time you get in you're gonna have full power to Shields this will be a really quick stop we're just going to hit up the hospital and create a buying point then we're going to be right back the hospital itself is located in the lobby inside of every hospital there will be these two Insurance terminals here all you have to do is interact with it then transfer your imprint now if we end up kicking the bucket we're actually going to spawn here instead of PlanetSide which is going to save a bunch of time stored my Cuddy black which is kind of pretty Godly I'm actually going to use the Aurora Mr which is the cheapest starter package that you can buy within Star Citizen press F1 this will open up your Moby glass now you want to look for the contracts manager to give yourself a little more practice of plotting courses from point A to point B doing a little bit more landing and taking off we're gonna do a Box Mission this one requires us to pick up a box at Woodworth and drop it off at Edmonds now it's not so much about how much we're getting paid it's about how much we're gonna freaking rip off while we're delivering this box when you arrive on location as usually a good idea to land next to the building that has the Box in it although we're basically going to rip off every building here now these white boxes will actually have all kinds of different things in them like food and water there's some multi-tools which we need as well as some multi-tool attachments you can use the move alt button if you like however I don't want everything I just you know want specific things these color bottles I'm grabbing actually fill up your food in water so I'm not bothering to grab the food in the Box however I will grab that tractor beam attachment grabbing some more drinks as well as that three stack of those orbit mining attachments that's awesome found a red crate and these will actually have armor it's a bummer it only had one though in order to pick up your package just hold down F and use your left Mouse click you know if they paid more I wouldn't have to rip off my customers if you hold down shift you can actually run faster now let's get this box dropped off into the Aurora now make sure when you do that you don't actually drop it you place it if you can drop it it'll either your fault for your ship or sometimes bug the mission so just make sure you place it pressing I will open up your personal inventory now you can drag these items over one at a time and waste a whole bunch of your time but you might as well just use the move all button flying into Edmonds to rip everything I mean drop off this package after you land make sure to press I to turn off your engines once you're inside the correct building it's either going to prompt you to drop it off here on a shelf or in a kovalex terminal cha-ching our first payday that orange helmet alone there is worth 3K at a cargo shop all in all we did pretty good this is the loot from just doing one of those box missions now if you want you can continue to do box missions and they will pay you even more money realistically though once you get your food and water and the multi-tools the attachments and some extra armor you're basically good to go on my way back to Everest Harbor to drop off all my loot when the space police came over and started scanning me well guess they need to make sure that I'm not like some kind of a legal drug Runner or something needless to say just let him scan you until they find nothing or run away if you have a bunch of drugs because you will get in trouble once you transfer all your loot from your ship to local it is now totally and completely safe the only way you can lose it is to put it on and then go die somewhere base Robin hooding made me a little thirsty but before you can drink you need to take off your helmet right click on the bottle and then click carry once it pops into your hand hold down F and click the drink key right after that hold down the left Mouse click and it will drink all the liquid for you at once now don't pull the classic blunder and send and forget to put your helmet on then go out in space because you know you will pretty much die it's time to rip off some guns here on my top four favorite locations within the game to get the rarest guns stuff you can't even buy in stores if you head over to Bud's grocery make sure that you land exactly where I'm landing and make sure you cut off your engines or your ship will blow away this place has some horrible storms word of caution my young Ensign anywhere that you can rob guns from crates none of those places are protected by enormous itself this means anything goes someone can blow up your ship or shoot you if they feel like it as long as the satellite icon in the upper right hand corner is active you can still report crimes so far we haven't found any loot but this room is generally pretty loaded ah here's a medical crate grab these white medical guns they're worth 700 each red crates and an Armistice Zone will generally drop pieces of armor but here outside of an Armistice Zone you're gonna get a whole bunch of guns and sometimes some rare armors next crate looks relatively empty we got a couple pieces of armor and a custom SMG here's another medic crate we have some more of those white guns we're also going to grab the med sticks as well as the oxy pins you can grab the green snot too last room is the bedroom and white lookie there we found another red crate man we are hooking it up totally and completely fat on this run got a bunch of guns and a helmet wow one of those is actually a sniper rifle hell yeah up until now we've been looting into local the second you hit that move all button our loot is in Jeopardy all right let's get the heck on out of here because if anybody ganks us right now they're gonna be able to loot all of our guns congratulations Lieutenant if you made it all the way back to your spawn location with all of these guns and the med supplies you are fully set up for the next stage of actually making a whole boatload of money congratulations on your promotion Lieutenant now let's see what you're truly made of it's time to do some bounty hunting as well as some cave missions in Star Citizen 318. open up your Moby glass then head over to the contracts manager from there you're gonna click on the mercenaries Tab and then definitely get Call to Arms every suspect that we apprehend with our bullets worn just an extra 500 space bones click on the general tab then head over to the Bounty Hunter section you'll want to get this tracker training permit certification now don't worry even if you have the cheapest starter package in the game which is the Aurora these missions are really easy when you track these missions it's going to give you like a little blue icon of a box that's where your Target's gonna be and sometimes they're not going to be near any Quantum drop-off points so you know after you get to the closest one you're actually going to have to fly there and if your target is about 200 kilometers away from the nearest drop off point well that can take you about five minutes to fly there manually but we need to complete this Mission so it is what it is before we do this head over to key bindings then Advanced controls you want to scroll down until you get to Vehicles power triangle assignment then click on that set your weapon increase to one set your engines to two then scroll down and set your Shields to three reset everything you want to set that to four once you get close enough to your target you're going to notice that it changes position when it does that that is the actual position where the MPC is going to spawn as long as my Shields and engines are charged I like to put all power to weapons this will actually give me some extra shots and will cause my lasers to recharge faster helping me to apprehend them better pressing t on our suspect will Target them now we can let them have it but the full Fury of the Aurora Mr with 100 power to weapons eventually these guys are gonna fire missiles at you and if that ever happens bug out really quick and then spam H if you do it right they will go after the decoys totally and completely missing you you can now lay smack upon the enemy once again Lieutenant if you ever get yourself into some trouble where your Shields start to go down and you're almost about to get bucked just put full power to Shields then boost away as much as you can when your Shields come back up just put full power to your engines charge that back up then you go back into battle with full tips to weapons I am starting to take quite a few hits and my Shields are starting to weaken but this guy is basically done he has almost no Shields there we go they're gone now and he's gonna pop even though you could kill the wingman for an extra 500 bonds it's actually better to go straight up into the atmosphere and then Quantum out as quickly as you can holy crap that's actually the ground so yeah you actually go up and not down and then you Quantum out of here oh yeah it's a really good thing I wore my brown pants today Lieutenant because I just basically crapped them once you Quantum out none of those NPCs will follow you so you're ready to take the next mission doing the free answer Bounty assessment next will unlock the FPS cave missions seriously no joke Star Citizen is so beautiful sometimes I reckon I'm gonna have to apprehend you now Jeffrey um well that was easy okay which way is up now stopping by really quick at her 01 to grab some armor a really good backpack and some ammo for all those guns we looted as well as some Hollow sights for now just toss all that extra crap in your backpack we'll deal with that in a bit at this point we're gonna need to grab the Bounty Hunter contract evaluation in the area that we want to do cave missions in then we're good to go Lieutenant I'm not kidding I'm not the most glorious pilot in combat but you know I'm still flying an MR and these things are super duper easy to do seriously don't be that new player that goes oh no I can't do this combat is so hard well you know granted combat might be difficult against skilled players but these low-level NPCs that's a total and complete different story because they basically suck just keep pumping rounds into your suspect and then eventually you're gonna pump enough rounds into them that you get to actually apprehend them bony subdued fatality time to boost away while his wingman cries about failing at his job these FPS cave missions come in two different varieties the one that pays the most is the Victa legal occupants that pays 30k but you have to smoke everybody the second type is a question mark RT that goes to a cave they pay 25k each you only have to kill the main target but let's face it everyone's going to get apprehended you can never really Quantum to these caves you're gonna have to Quantum to the closest marker then fly all the way there I highly recommend that you approach these caves from a really high altitude because once you get to around 5000 meters away that marker is going to disappear if you approach from ground level it's going to be really hard to find this cave entrance but from above it's super easy as you get closer to the cave you can tell that that's the cave right there because it's a lighter texture and it looks like a pile of Boulders Kirsten has a couple different cave layouts but luckily this one's the best one time to get our buck on this is going to be really fun and I already saw a giant white crate sitting out in front of the cave at these cave missions none of these white boxes are gonna drop weapons but they will drop a bunch of armor or under suits at this point you want to hold down one that'll open up your flywheel then select which weapon you want to use you want to press T to turn on your light because there will be bad guys right around this corner on unfortunately in Star Citizen 318 our suspects no longer drop gems but that's okay because a whole boatload of them spawn in this cave oh look more scumbags now be careful Lieutenant because there is one scumbag left well not anymore Naboo another white crate here's another white crate with a medical crate actually spawned inside now well it's hoping for a small crate but here's a medical crate those small ones will have gems inside running down the hallway a little further we're going to discover two guys in here which we're gonna quickly apprehend with our sniper rifle all right Lieutenant now be careful as soon as you shoot that guy right there now dude I was still talking there's gonna be a guy that rushes you bro you almost caught yourself killed him didn't it what are you trying to do make me the commander of the only person I've ever taught that gets killed doing these Sims um never mind I guess you apprehended them all Lieutenant Target spotted Lieutenant you do have the authorization to use lethal all right let's go back in he always has a partner as a wingman who basically just failed his job you have the authorization to use any means necessary to apprehend the suspect you know for the extra 500 space bones time to mine some gems all you have to do is press three to pull out your mining laser then right click with your mouse this will let you scan the rock that you're gonna try to mine once it's scanned left click with your mouse will turn on the laser beam then wheel up to increase the Laser's power ultimately you need to give the laser enough power to make it up into the green area but not too much power because if it goes into the red and it's there for too long well you'll blow yourself up when inside these caves you want to look for the little gem nodes that have the pink gems on them that is called had night had night is the most valuable gem that you're going to find in these caves it's worth 275 per Gem and each one of these nodes are going to drop 10 gems for completing this Mission we earned 25 000 auec for killing a single Target at a question mark RT we ended up apprehending 12 scumbags that means we made 6000 auec just from the call to arms and I'll most likely stay in this cave until I mined about 25k in gems that's not going to take me very long total time doing this mission is about 30 minutes all right Lieutenant we're starting to get close here make sure that you wheel down before it gets up into the red and before it drops out of the green if you need to You'll wheel that up although this is looking really good although you might want to move it down somewhere because I don't want to blow up good job Lieutenant you know I keep underestimating your mad skills and totally questioning your abilities and then you totally and completely pull it off over and over time to pick up all the gems off the floor now it's really super easy to do all you have to do is hold down the F key and then click on store you guessed it Lieutenant time to crack more of these have night rocks now we're going to be doing this over and over and over until we either fill up our backpack before we throw up in our mouth as much as I hate to swallow throw up it really isn't your very best interest you fill up a large backpack at least on your very first trip before you end up leaving these caves time to save a whole bunch of time flying back to our buying point to sell all these gems all you have to do is just log out to the main menus once you get to the main menu just log right back into Star Citizen you're now going to spawn at your bind point this little trick will literally save you about 15 to 20 minutes of your life let's face it ain't nobody got time for wasting time look at the bones I mean all the gems we ended up farming you'll want to head over to the admin office in The Galleria on any space station that you're on they will buy all the gems that you bring to them and believe me Commander we have a whole bunch of gems to sell you know thanks to your Mad Skills that's right you heard me due to your outstanding excellence in the field of bounty hunting as well as the mass amount of gems that you ended up farming I'm gonna promote you to Commander right now doing those three Bounty missions in order to unlock these FPS cave missions is really a smart way to go especially if you do it in person because those caves are really really hard to find unless you have the actual Mission you won't have to worry about getting ganked and I'm sure if someone tried to gank you you would totally put them down Commander because you're literally that good it's time to make money fast doing Rock mining in Star Citizen 318. first thing you need to do is head over to the refinery deck on any L1 station hit up the Vantage rental kiosk here and if you don't own a cuddy black or The Nomad you're going to want to rent one right now after that you'll want to rent the gray cat Rock which is super duper cheap this thing's gonna pay for itself really fast all right Commander we made some pretty good money last stage but this stage is going to be making that stuff look like bubble gum change at the time of filming there was a really bad bug going around that wouldn't let you out of your chair if you own the Cuddy black so yeah that's why I'm using the max right now no worries though at this point that bug's been fixed generally at this stage I like to farm had night on Daymar but I want to show you something that's a bit less profitable so we're gonna Farm aphorite on Lira like bro seriously Star Citizen looks so good it you know makes me lose my train of thoughts sometimes once you arrive at The Outpost you will want to land right next to those little blue pads right there that's where you can pull your walk out at if there's anyone around when you're pulling your rock out be super paranoid don't let them in your ship when you get inside hit up the fleet manager's terminal you will have to claim your rock on the very first time you pull it out because it's actually at the location that you rented it at right now don't worry Commander about wasting a whole bunch of your time because it only takes 14 seconds to pull out your rock once you claim it so it's not really that bad I guess maybe go rip something off any second now any second now you know this is just like the Army where you need to hurry up so you can just wait around a whole bunch pretty much always get in the habit of just getting into your rock then driving it over to your ship before you open up the back cargo hatch because I'm not kidding you there are people right now beating off to the thought of actually getting in your ship and totally griefing you now the last thing you're going to want to do is have that mental image stuck in your mind so definitely just be paranoid much like all good things in life Commander when you pull in your rock it's gonna be a tight fit so you know just kind of squeeze it in there nice and slow uh I said tight fit even though there's nobody around I can't quite close that hatch fast enough out of paranoia once you're ready to locate the gem notes hit B to enter your scan mode pressing tab will send out a pain a single gem has an RS signature of 620 so any multiple of 620 is going to be a gem note you won't really find any salvage yards on a planetary surface but each one has a signature of 2 000 a single minable Rock will have a signature of 1700. so basically that signal of 1240 means there are two gems right here that we can mine up with The Rock now if you want to easily find out what type of gem that is just look at it while you're in V scan and hold down your left Mouse click button suddenly you're gonna get a whole bunch of information and those are afrite gems right there gem patches are super duper easy to find so I recommend that you spend just a little bit bit more time looking for an actual patch of about four or more now you can find Patches of 10 or more they're not very uncommon but for posterity let's mine these if you're mining out in the Boondocks and you're pretty far away from any settlements you can pretty much feel free to leave that ramp down nobody should be able to find you out here unless you get super duper unlucky I pretty much feel we're far enough away right now Commander so I'm gonna leave the back door open I hope it's not famous last words gem nodes were fixing to mine are too big to use the hand running tool that's why we need to use the rock you're going to press M to pull out your mining laser now this is very similar to hand mining you're going to actually need to scan it before you start putting a charge into it because you don't want to blow yourself up pressing the left Mouse click is going to turn on the Laser's power now wheel up to increase the laser intensity just make sure you don't crease it too much because you know going into the red basically makes you die and dying is a big fat huge waste of your time Commander so you want to do that as little as possible it also hurts a bit too there we go it's actually starting to get relatively close to the green area now could have just had 100 percent of power and it would have got there first but we want to make sure that we don't heat it up too fast so it doesn't get into that red whatsoever a little bit of red isn't so totally and completely horrible but if that actually cracks and it's into the red a half decent amount you better break your freaking neck to get away from it or it will totally and completely send you to your maker then I would have to find a way to resurrect you Commander then demote you right back to Lieutenant because you totally choked on something that's like really super easy to do every single time you crack open one of these gem nodes it's going to drop at least 30 gems unless you kind of crack it in the red then it's going to get a little bit less and they're gonna fly all over the freaking Place pressing the right Mouse click will actually get you into extraction mode now you'll be able to scoop up all these gems like a freaking boss now that wasn't all that hard was it Commander I think we have this last Rock cracked right here now that's going to be another 30 gems on the ground ultimately we got 60 gems from these two notes now that's not too shabby but it sure would be a whole heck of a lot better if we just spend a little bit more time trying to find at least a five to a 10 pack that's gonna be a lot more worth our time taking off and winning for one or two gems at a time really isn't worth it time for more tight fit action now you're going to be going in and out and in and out and in and out quite a bit while you're doing Rock mining like right next to us we picked up another signal source of 1240 that's gonna mean it's two gems I'm not even gonna bother this time here's the signal source of 1860 that's going to guaranteed be three gem notes my inner Frankie tells me I should probably just land really quick and yoink those up close by we found a signal source of 3100 that's gonna mean There is five gem nodes right there that's definitely worth mine enough spending just a little bit of time is actually worth it when you find these bigger gem patches because like I said earlier spending a lot of time landing and taking off is time consuming and it's better if you just land when you find a half decent patch time to do a whole bunch of cracking cracking cracking then we're gonna be doing some scooping cooking scooping Commander if you ever run into the instance where your rock isn't collecting anything all you have to do is press M to stow away your laser then cut Power by pressing U once everything's powered down just press R then you can pull your mining laser right back out by pressing M once again doing this will actually fix that bug where your rock won't collect anything now you can get back to making a whole boat ton of money now I don't want to really give away how much money we're gonna make at the very end of this video but let's talk about the difference between mining here on Lira and primarily farming up the aphroite as opposed to heading over to Daymar and mostly focusing on farming up had night gems here's the deal Commander had Knight itself is worth 275 per Gem and aphrite is only worth 152. that is a difference of 123 AUC per gem now the rock can hold up to 800 gems before it's totally and completely full cool now you can stuff those gems in the very back your ship I'll show that in a bit but the difference is 98 480 BC for spending about the same amount of time and farming on day marks that appear here's the thing about had night it lights warm climates and right now we're kind of on like the ice Moon of Hoth right now so we're not gonna find any had not here whatsoever there are other places where you can Farm had night in the verse the only problem is if you try to farm on Ariel or Aberdeen in the Hurston system you're gonna run into some problems nothing is more frustrating when you spend the time to find a really big patch in like three quarters of them spun under the ground or Boulders and things like that that are resting on the surface of the moons oh yeah Rock is getting really full at this point I might just demonstrate how to actually empty the hatch in the back of the Rock and put all those gems into our ship I mean I guess I could you know totally be less greedy and just go sell this stuff but why do that I mean I'm I'm having a great time the service running pretty good let's make even more money head to the back your rock you're gonna see this little hatch all you have to do is hold down the F key and left click with your mouse it will open up the hatch for you then you can transfer all of these gems to your vehicle Commander I highly recommend that you don't get used to doing this and continuing to fill up your ship and go out there and keep mining in the Rock and doing that over and over because eventually something might go wrong and you might lose all your gems in order to avoid most of those horrible circumstances from happening to you just get used to filling up the Rock and immediately going to your cell location to sell just like with the cave missions you can pretty much sell these gems at any admin office anywhere you can also sell them at any of the mining facilities that are located on planets or moons where you can pull the rock out I generally go right back to the exact same place I pulled my rock out of but you know first I need to be slightly more greedy for the most most part I like to crack all of the gem nodes first and then spend the rest of my time scooping up all those Gemmy goodnesses off the ground and look how many there are all over the place we had four nodes here so that basically means we have 120 gems I'm just going to quickly stuff these gems into my ship so it makes it slightly easier to sell all from one location here we are back at cell five total time in the field was about an hour and 15 minutes which isn't too super horrible really when you arrive at one of these mining outposts they're only going to buy these gems in one location and that's the building that has the orange light on it you want to hit up the Commodities terminal then select which vehicle you have your gems in in our case it's going to be the freelancer max I pretty much emptied out the rock entirely looks like we ended up with 120 F right and a little over 160 dollar line which isn't too bad although the dolivine's worth even less than had Knight which is a total and complete bummer but it is what it is before we totally drop our load and sell all that after right off let's see how much we get for the Doleman all right 21k isn't too super horrible I figured it wasn't gonna be too bad I mean it doesn't take long to scoop up these gems and right there there's 109k which is even better now imagine if you farmed had night on Damar he would have made 100K more I have a deal for you as long as you don't talk about all the money I lost trying to run slam while crashing into an asteroid I'm gonna promote you the captain now a smart Captain's gonna head over to the Crusader system and go farm on Damar he can actually pull your rock out from scd1 then it's time to make outrageous amounts of money in Star Citizen 318 doing prospector mining once you've saved up 2.2 million you want to head over to New Deal in Hurston and buy the prospector and she's one of the best ships in the game to help you make money just make sure you have about 200k left over for upgrades and refining costs wow that's a really big rock guess it's a good thing that I'm packing a surge module now that you have a prospector one of the very first things you're going to want to do is go out and buy some surge modules you can buy those in three different locations one of them is at dumpers Depot at Port Oliver Tammy and Sons and laurable in the Hurston system hurl one at Green Glade station on the refinery deck before you can really mine quantanium you want to make sure that you upgrade your Arbor head laser to a Lancet mh1 mining quantinium in the prospector with pretty much any other mining head is going to be a death sentence for you the next thing that you're going to want to grab is known as a stampede module you can actually pick those up at the arco1 station and I recommend that you make that your home buying Point once you have all that sorted we're ready to to jump in the field and start making an outrageous amount of money in Star Citizen 318. there is no better place in the verse to mine quantinium than on the moon of lira in the r Corp system let's drop in at spell 21 out of everything you've done so far Captain this is going to require the most skill press V to enter scan mode and then hit tab to send out a ping your scanner should be set to a 360 degree angle by default just spin around in a circle and look at every single one of these boxes that appear so how can you find Quant super duper easy on Lira while it's quite simple each one of these single rocks is going to have an RS signature of 1700 on clear what you're mostly looking for is a signature of 3400 Quant likes to spawn in pairs or in groups on lyrics so it's very very easy to find it occasionally Genesis and obsidian rocks will spawn close enough together to actually trigger the 3400 but it is very very easy to tell Quant spawns like right next to each other that is most definitely Quant let's head over there and put a scan on it and see if it's even worth a crap basically Captain just because you find quantanium doesn't mean it's always going to be really good Quantum you're gonna find a whole bunch of these rocks that are like around two percent and that is most definitely not worth your time occasionally you won't be able to scan these right away so if you just pull out your Bulldog Blazers and then shoot it you will be able to scan it once you pull out your mining head and that right there due to being a big green area is a crappy Rock let's check the next one with just the Lancet mining head you can crack rocks up to about 5.5 K Mass without any surge or Stampede modules and that one's also a crappy Rock due to the Big Green area whenever you're out there hunting quantinium on lyric understand that quintinium loves to spawn around mountains not so much in the mountain ranges themselves if you find yourself in a big flat desolate area you're probably not going to find any quantitium so you better start looking for mountains Captain I highly recommend when you're out there in the field just before you go quantanium mining grab yourself a Box Mission because if you find a really really good patch like this one right here you're going to want to be able to Market and come back ultimately if you find a really good patch like this one and you didn't get yourself a Box Mission you can just blow yourself up and respawn and use your marker as a way to come back here between each one of these loads oh yeah there's like four or five loads of quantinium here and unfortunately I didn't grab a box mission of course I didn't no guts no glory let's hit old F1 to put a surge into this rock here now it's going to build up a whole bunch of heat but unfortunately it's not really going to be enough we're gonna have to do a second search this time we're going to let off a surgeon as soon as it wins I'm gonna hit alt F2 in order to do a stampede now this is going to cut right through the green area as fast as I can it should have been a little bit closer ah it's gonna drop out gonna die I'm gonna die my way see that's exactly what happens when you forget to grab a box Mission but there's my marker right there the quants right next to it scarfed up all that Quantum why looky there found another big fat patch of quintanium not far away from my marker and while looking they're not too far away from that last patch that I mooched up everything at here's another patch of quantanium cha-ching generally I won't mind any Rock that's under 25 quintanium no matter what Mass it is because it is worth being a little bit picky and just settling on things that are like 30 and 40 percenters because you're going to find quite a few of those here on Lira prospector mining is basically exactly like rock mining except for doing it while flying around all over the place pulling out your mining laser is exactly the same as well as switching between extraction and Mining mode wheeling up and Wheeling down will increase or decrease the amount of power that you're putting into the Rock now quantanium is extremely unstable so you do not want to get this into the red now a little teeny tiny bit of red like that is not too bad but you definitely want to wheel down before that happens this is the constant struggles of mining quantanium either it's going to be too high up in the green bar and going to the Reds you're gonna need to wheel down and then it's going to try to drop out of the green and you're gonna have to wheel up it's like a back and forth thing and you have a tiny little green area to try to keep it in at all times now the last thing you are going to want to do is crack one of these rocks angry and that means it has a little bit of the Red Zone lit up when you detonate it that can actually cause part of the pieces of this rocks to explode and they'll be gone forever Captain if you ever crack a rock anger your very best bet is to get the heck on out of there as quick as you can just back up straight and it'll blow up and hopefully you'll be out of the range and it won't you know take part of the ship with you as for this rocket looks like it's just about to crack and I always like to back off just a little bit like I said that little bit of an explosion right there if it was in the red area it could damage your ship Quant when it's broken down into even smaller slabs is harder to crack now notice that it was only up to 11 percent and it shot way way up into the red that is actually not too good right there now I should take a moment to let that cool down before I finish to Crocket because looking there this is going to crack angry it's gonna shoot these rocks all over the place and it probably even lost a purple piece in the process on a regular Mouse wheel doing this is actually real relatively difficult sometimes because when you barely wheel up you're gonna hit about five or six percent and that's about the maximum Quant likes before it freaking blows up in your face well at least you got this one cracked really good gonna right click to enter instruction mode now let's start scooping this stuff up generally I would scan these pieces first but I already know these came from a 100 slab so I'm just going to scoop them all up because I know they're all going to be Godly if you ever crack a rock that has a dirty break which means the yellow pieces are not 100 slabs make sure that you actually scan everything because the moment we start scooping Quan on board the countdown clock of Doom and destruction starts you have 15 minutes from the moment you bring the quad on board to get your ship stored or it will self-destruct this is why you always want to crack down all of the yellows into purples because purples are the only things that can be scooped then take the time to scan all of those purples and hope to God that your scanning device doesn't suddenly develop a case of Alzheimer's disease because that can happen your ultimate goal is to reduce the amount of time that you have this quantanium on board so the only way you can really do that is to know exactly what you are going to scoot before or you start scooping it these last bits are the pieces that actually blew up on that first slab that I cracked so I already know they're a hundred percent pieces now we have plenty of time to get back although there is one that's kind of trying to hide in the ground I got you I got you you can't hide from me quantanium as soon as you get back to Ark album make sure you store your prospector head over to the top level of the refinery deck and look for the two terminals setting up a work order is like super duper easy and just hit the begin button then go over there and select your prospector and then set up the work order from there you'll want to pick the type of refining process you're going to use and for the most part I like to use Fair on Exchange it's a high yield and doesn't cost a whole heck of a lot to complete those orders if you don't care about how long it takes you can do the dink solventation process which generally takes about twice as long and costs about half as much no matter what method you use make sure you toggle over the element they actually do want to refine because it will throw away everything else that is toggled to the red whenever you want to actually start your order just hit the confirm button twice now your order is in the process once you have a bunch of work orders completed you're going to need a transport ship so head down to the r Corp system look for the traveler kiosk where you can actually rent a constellation Andromeda which will cost you just a little bit more than seventy thousand well worth it because you can haul three full orders of quantanium within this Beast loading up your ship is super duper easy just head back to the refinery deck where you process all your orders with the prospector then select which ship you want to put it in then hit collect it this is literally that easy realistically you want to have a bunch of these orders stacked up on our way down to Area 18 to make a whole boatload of space bucks this should be over a million auec when you land make sure you store your ship to protect your load then head over to the tdd in the center of town so it took me about two and a half maybe three hours tops to mine all this quantanium right here doesn't count the refining time but hey that's 1.3 million right there that is some really really good money congratulations on your promotion to rear Admiral job well done how about we go buy a really big ship to celebrate ever since 318 dropped I've been breaking my neck to make money I've made money I've lost money but at this moment I've made a lot more money than I've lost let's buy the C2 this is my favorite ship in the game for cargo hauling I can't wait whenever you buy a gigantic load of cargo and Star Citizen 318 you never know if you're gonna make it back to the cell Port this is the very definition of high risk High reward one of the worst things you could possibly do is take this C2 or the caterpillar and immediately jump right into trading the Quantum Drive on this thing is horrible if you just purchased the caterpillar or the Hercules do yourself a favor and fly over to crew L5 where you can get a much better Quantum Drive it'll run you 93k and just make sure that you save and equip your changes now I plan to run cargo in the constellation Taurus as well and can't do that unless I buy the ship which is relatively expensive this is the largest medium freighter you can possibly buy in Star Citizen it holds 174 SCU worth of cargo before you trade in the Taurus make sure you head over to Port Tressler and buy an XL1 Drive these faster drives will totally save your life now that I have the fastest Quantum drives in both of my ships I'm going to head over to the Microtech system we're going to hit the moon of uterpy and then go to Bud's grocery these new Quantum drives will spool and calibrate faster as well as having a much faster cool down time buds growery is not an enormous zone so I'm making sure that this is going to be my first stop I plan to fill up on distilled Spirits as well as rob a bunch of guns here's a loot compilation of all the red crates we found while we're in here at Bud's Brewery man we got hooked up so if we were here with the C2 which holds four times the amount of cargo as the Taurus I would be filling up with distilled Spirits as well as processed food considering the profit margins are much bigger on the distilled spirits that can't afford to waste any space with that food with a full load of spirits on board we're going to head over to the Moon of calliope from there we're going to land at the Grand settlement smca 6. the master plan is to sell all these spirits and then buy a whole bunch of gas for our next stop hopefully there's not a whole heck of a lot of other people trying to sell distilled Spirits here all right dun dun dun Moment of Truth we're about to see if there are a whole bunch of other people trying to sell distilled Spirits at the exact same time I'm trying to sell distilled Spirits now it is okay if we don't sell them all here although I'll make more profit if I do I'm just hoping I can sell most of them now 160 seu that's pretty much the majority of what I bought next we are going to try to buy a whole bunch of astatine astatine is going to be the most profitable gas that we can possibly load up on right now and although they don't have very much I'm gonna buy all 43 SCU right right now and if you have more cargo space like I do you're going to want to stock up the rest of the way with fluorine try not to buy any chlorine because that stuff isn't as profitable as the fluorine or the astatine at this point you're going to want to check the commodity alerts in your journal and look for medical supplies whatever is the Overstock place that's where you're going to go in the Microtech system you can get these medical supplies in two different places at riyanore McGrath or rianari anvik master plan for here is to Pawn off the rest of the distilled Spirits as well as all those gases then load up on medical supplies first things first I'm going to Pawn off the rest of these distilled Spirits now I'm pretty sure since I only had 13 SE worth they're pretty much probably going to buy every single one of them because they're a bunch of drunkards now time to sell all this acetine and well it looks like somebody else has already sold a bunch of astatine here now this fluorine isn't super duper profitable but the space trucker motto is you never fly with an empty cargo hold you always want to maximize as much profit as you possibly can per hour while you're doing this it is now that bat time rear Admiral we're going to load up the rest of this Taurus with medical supplies which are hugely profitable our next stop is the snow covered lens at new Babbage in the system of Microtech now we're going to do something a little bit cheeky we're not going to land at the airport notice the airport to the left of me there's a tram system that actually comes off of that now there's a little offshoot which connects to four little domes that's where you're going to want to land to the back side of the domes there will be this little area that you can land on it's kind of an uphill incline it's right next to an area where you can summon ground-based Vehicles find these surface entrance you'll run through this door and then there'll be another door run through that done at the end of the hallway there's going to be an elevator you'll want to take this elevator directly to the commons you'll get out of the elevator and run through the commons where all the NPCs are fake exercising then you're gonna run all the way through the factory line now at the very end you'll run into the tdd doing it this way instead of landing at the airport will save you about 10 to 15 minutes on each one of these trips which will add up to a whole bunch of extra profits let's Pawn off this load of medical supplies for 265k then I can finally get rid of the rest of this acetine sure was a shame they didn't buy it at the mid place because I would have been able to sell more Med supplies doing that trade run took about 20 to 25 minutes and we ended up making 97k which is really good for the Taurus if I had used the C2 we would have made a lot more than that next up is the Hurston system we're going to be going over to the Moon of aerial and trading on bezdek with the C2 this is basically going to be a back and forth back and forth trade route from aerial all the way back down to Louisville over and over as many organic loads as we possibly can trading later night as well as titanium you definitely won't fill the C2 up all the way with laronite but you'll have a never-ending supply of titanium now well they only have 66 SCU of larynite available right now that's unfortunate somebody kind of bought them out a little bit before I got here that's okay though we'll scarf up as much larynite as we possibly can and then we'll just fill up the rest of the way with titaniums now they have 8 000 available and the C2 only holds 696 so yeah they're gonna have plenty of titanium oh man what's that smell I can smell it from here all that fresh Cargo in the morning while doing this back and forth and back and forth trade route you can squeeze in about three runs per hour while you're doing this just depends on how lucky you are with the trains and if you get left behind when you're doing this trade run you basically want to do the best deck to lauraville lauraville De Lathan Lathan to lauraville lauraville De bezdek and so on try not to hit the same place twice no I just realized the last time I rode this train I was a total and complete Noob at the very beginning of this best start got those train rides in Hurston are like totally and completely ridiculous let's get our pitiful amount of air and I pond off it's only 66 SEO it looks like we're gonna be able to sell it for 204k last but not least is gonna be our freaking mountainous pile of titanium we have you're 630 se's that's like ridiculous gonna sell it for 560k total profit for about 20 minutes of work is 140k remember that that Trucker's motto when I said never fly with an empty hold well we can fix that right now you can buy scrap right here and then fly it over the reclamation center and then sell it right there before heading to Ariel running scrap there can be risky but you will make about 91k extra per hour if you do that let's now head over to the r Corp system our very first stop is going to be the moon of Walla we're gonna head over to the Shady Glen farms and completely and totally load up with a bunch of distilled Spirits as well as food probably gonna rip off a whole bunch of guns too this trade run as well as the one in Microtech are definitely one of my favorite trade runs to do you know as long as everyone's gonna buy my distilled Spirits boo they only had one box to rip off time to hit up the Commodities terminal and wow it looks like hardly anybody is trading distilled Spirits as well as processed food now the food isn't a big surprise but these Spirits actually is within your region all of these servers are going to show share the exact same economy I'm willing to bet that somebody right now in a different server is actually buying distilled Spirits probably not the food though probably the only guy buying the food right now our next stop is on the exact same Moon we're gonna head over to the r Corp 045 Mining facility in the r Corp system there's actually two places you can get larynite they're both on Walla first one's going to be where we're going to at 045 and our next stop is going to be at 056. let's hope both of these places are gonna hook me up fat now this run can be hit or miss you're either gonna strike it freaking absolutely rich when you hook up with at least 400 sdus of larynite and other times well they're not even going to hook you up or buy all your distilled Spirits it totally depends on who's trading right now who's got a big giant load of distilled Spirits you guys want to drink some with me what do you mean I can only sell nine NSE never mind give me my damn beers back you guys suck well that was totally and completely unfortunate and I'm guessing multiple people literally sold a whole bunch of distilled Spirits here well at least I can count on these people being really fat because they basically bought all my food well at least we can get 112 SCU of larynite which isn't too bad this place is actually better than the next spot I can generally get over 200 SCU here just depends on the time of day I'm trying to trade in order to keep your loot as safe as possible you always want to set your route as well as spool your Quantum Drive before you take off ah this should be interesting looks like we have some Reds here the next thing you want to do to keep your cargo safe is go into F4 mode and just kind of be the ship look around the ship make sure that there is nobody around before you drop that elevator yep those Reds never stood a chance the moment I got out of the arm is the Sono is pretty much on Target and jumping out with my Quantum Drive realistically I know somebody is just ahead of me so I don't think I'm gonna sell very many distilled spirits of course not only 34 this time if you know somebody is just just ahead of you on one of these trade routes just switch to a different area because server hopping that's not going to help you so much see what I mean about the activity I can only buy a 36 Su of Lara Knight right now there is at least one person or multiple people doing this trade route that I'm doing right now the next best thing to buy is going to be the astatine and if the astatine is out well you definitely want to get diamonds because anything else is going to be a waste of your time let's quickly head over to Area 18 catch the train right which at least isn't as long as in person and then sell over loot do you need a massive ship like the C2 Hercules to make it killing at trading in Star Citizen 318. the short answer is no but the long answer is yes much like in life bigger is most definitely better as soon as we sell all this I'll do a total profits for all three runs combined of course I would have made more if I would have traded with the C2 and Microtech system but hey it is what it is this run right here in our Corp system is one of my favorites although this time I basically got kind of screwed over on the distilled spirits that doesn't happen very often it's just that's the look of the Drone someone got there a little bit before me they got all the quantities then I'm left with all the crappy demand they don't want to buy anymore total profit for all three trade runs combined was three hundred and fifty four thousand fifty three auec congratulations we're Admiral you are now ready to take on the verse
Channel: Hawkes Gaming
Views: 215,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen beginners guide, star citizen beginners guide 2023, star citizen new player guide, star citizen new player guide 2023, the ultimate new player beginners guide for star citizen, star citizen new player money guide, new player guide star citizen 2023, beginners guide star citizen, new player beginners guide star citizen, star citizen beginners guide to making money, star citizen best money making guide, star citizen money making guide, star, citizen, guide
Id: d-KmCHFP0e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 32sec (3332 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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