Tutorial : Newbie start guide : X4 Foundations

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and we're back with a quick tutorial on X4 uh we're gonna start here on the Young Gun start for foundations if you don't have any of the DLCs don't worry we won't be really covering any of that we're just going to be covering the basic start this is not the best one we will cover the best one later but that is a little bit overwhelming for newer players so for now we're just going to start with young gun which starts us off in well a terrible ship this here is the elite Vanguard it is uh trash uh we're gonna assume you have done the flight school and you know all the basics of movement and controls this isn't The Beginner's beginner's guide this is the you want to see what you have to do the moment you've learned how to control your ship even to wee bit now go straight in here and we want to upgrade combat engines there is no reason to ever pick the all-rander travel engines unless well the all around unless you're looking for cheapy cheap but honestly you can save money elsewhere definitely get the combat engines for everything also combat thrusters definitely for everything and you can't really do much else to be honest you've got a few different things in here just leave them where they are we're gonna add that to our shopping list and we're going to apply that confirm the order and that leaves us with about six grand that's going to take 60 seconds to do while that's going on we're gonna see if we can't find ourselves a captain hello and we clicking their their hiring cost is about five grand you know what we will pay it and we were then going to assign them out to our Elite Vanguard we want you to select you your role is to be Captain thank you for taking me on yep that's great that is actually one of the first missions you have to do though that is very badly communicated if you every single ship requires a captain if they don't have a captain you can't control them when you're not on the ship and at some point we are not going to be on this ship it would be nice oh and you don't have to walk all the way back to your ship at any point when you're in a station and your ship is in it you can just hit shift and D to teleport there uh Shifty boom instantly teleports you there and yeah here comes our captain now time to unduck we don't have any other upgrades going on in the ship and in all fairness it's a piece of trash but it's our piece of trash let's get out of here first thing we want to do is bring up the map then we want to start heading towards second contact over here and we have absolutely zero exploration but we need to go to right there so we're just gonna right click and we're gonna set start guidance to position this activates the Waypoint system and you can even hit shift and a to activate your autopilot though maybe let's clear the start the docking base first if you hit shift and one it starts your trans your travel drive and you can see we're slowly accelerating up to Max speeds unfortunately that's a little bit slow Off the Mark a good trick to use is press tab to use your Boost function and then once you've hit about half your Shield drains hit shift one to switch over to travel drive and it just means you've more quickly accelerated up to near your top speed and we're going to start heading over this is going to be a bit of a journey you first things we really want to do is get ourselves the fastest ship possible get a bunch of Drive upgrades on it and just which makes exploration and the rest of the game a lot easier so you're literally going to spend probably the first hour and a half to two hours of the game grinding up a bit of money getting a better shift and generally just making sure that you can get from point A to point B faster allowing you to do more missions and make more money once we pass through this gate doesn't matter what angle you go at it you always come out and I disagreeable on the other side contact and we want to head over to this location right over here you see on the opposite side of this there's a gate right here there is a reflection down here called The Holy order of the pontifex uh they're basically a paranoid faction that are extremely violent and they don't like the people on this side of the gate these two sides are about to kick the absolute snot out of each other the great thing is neither of them hate us and the great thing is all of their ships when they explode will leave some junk behind it we can salvage we are going to trash Panda our way through all of their stuff oh that reminds me first thing we're going to do is go in here and go to settings controls General the first thing you're going to want to change is stop engines it's just down here this is incredibly useful it basically stops your ship however it's by default set to backspace this is the opposite side of the keyboard to where your hands are so change that to something more accessible I went with my side Mouse button too uh your mileage may vary I would then also scroll all the way down to the bottom and you'll find deploy laser Tower put in a hotkey for that my preferred one is B that's reasonably accessible with my thumb and it's not in use when you start the game they are the two hotkey choices I would definitely advise you to change at the very start of the game now before we start picking up sitting outside this gate and picking up all the trash that falls out we're going to want to do a few things the first thing I like to do is go through the gate to the other side and like I said doesn't matter what angle you go through the gate at you always come out at a 90 degree angle the other side so we can come in at this weird side angle entering system stop the other side then we hit the enter key to bring up this and we are going to deploy a satellite satellites are excellent because they give you Vision in a place when you're no longer there so see that green circle that is what we can we'll be able to see this on the other side even though we're not here anymore and I will just turn right back around and boost your way to the gate now that we're at the other side we're going to get a little bit of distance from the gate take a quick stop oh if you've lost track before you were on the map you can click this reset to top view at any point and we're going to deploy another satellite right here and that's going to give us a view on this location oh I want you to look at that some people have started dropping goodies okay there are several ways to get your hands on these goodies you can manually navigate your way to them and that is usually the Preferred Choice it's faster that way what do we got over here we've got medical supplies nividium crystallite and seminar most of this stuff is not going to be very valuable what we're looking for here is actually I'll Point them out as they drop however these things drop and they will degrade or disappear over time so what you want to do is say start guidance to object what you can do from the map view is hit shift a this will activate the autopilot so you can see it there kicking at the bottom left that's going to navigate us straight towards those those crates and then let's go back out we're gonna start going towards them and there is this o key in your keyboard it activates it like a tractor magnet and it's basically sucks in all of the surrounding items near you if you hold this down you can hear that noise yeah that's the magnets going off and if you press the m key while holding it down still that will keep going and you can see as we get near disengaged and cool we sucked up all of those items and then we're gonna head over here same thing again hit shift eight engage however you can't ever let your finger off the Oaky it's kind of weird if you let your finger off the Okie you can't suck stuff back up again you have to go ahead of map you so for example I take my handle vote I hit o it won't activate again you have to go out of the map view you know and go back into map view this way you can quickly navigate between all the items and pick them up disengage less you you know what we'll grab that while we're here and this is going to be your life for the next 45 to 55 minutes however there is one more satellite we need to deploy before we go any further what's that over there basic engine fuel injector you know what we'll grab you two oh basic medical supplies anything with a big number after it usually say 50 or 60 or more it's usually some sort of cargo you can't grab that and I think we're about to encounter our first problem sometimes items will be really close to the highways and your ship can't get too close to them never mind we've got close enough it's magneting up the stuff oh no pilot disengaged you can see there in the bottom map as well them coming towards us if you look at the gate where all of the trash is coming through or all of the potential trash and you look to the right over here object you'll see a gate here about 60 kilometers away we want to start heading that direction they can sometimes drop stuff over there and if we don't have a satellite to pick up the drops we won't even know what's happening it's just the enemies will sometimes accelerate through here too quickly get over to that gate and get out of here before we get a chance to pick up the goodies awesome so we want to get rid in about five tiles of it you can see where that satellite is yeah this looks like good enough to stop you can stop from inside the map view and you can actually tick your ship from in here as well and you can deploy a satellite from inside boom there we go second satellite down I think we've managed to accidentally collide with that thing oh they're xenons if it's just a letter that means they're Xenon Xenon or bad Xenon or evil stay away from the Xenon they will actually attack you there are other areas where you can go around Scavenging trash from flights however those flights usually involve things like the Xenon and the Xenon will try and kill you this is the safest place to get your early game starter cash because you both sides don't want to kill you however the Xenon and sometimes the Yaki they're factions that automatically hate you and will attack you can show up here so stay away from them if they arrive while scanning the map here for new things to pick up I noticed that our satellite on the other side has picked up a couple of boxes there's a basic fuel injector over here and a programmable field array that thing's worth over 100 Grand so let's immediately head over there and grab that ah there's some more boxes over here basically just keep looking around grabbing stuff as quick as you can and moving on oh one thing else we've noticed here are space Flags these are vitally important 25 of them can be turned into over a millionaire usually about 1.1 million you want to immediate prioritize these these items will disappear so you do have to start prioritizing spaceflight eggs programmable field arrays flux capacitors all of these things are worth big cash so go for them first now stay away from the larger ships if they're going to explode you'll usually get an explosion warning but uh if you go near them when they're exploding they can damage you and this is one of the few ways you can die out here trying not to get killed that way it's embarrassing every so often through no fault of your own your ship will end up damaged it's not the end of the world you can take your ship back for repair but that's expensive it's far better to fix this yourself for smaller ships this is quite doable in a reason amount of time you want to get up for your chair uh go to use the transport room and use your spacesuit now then when you use your space you just hit stop just hit stop the moment you get it and you're gonna have your repair tool equipped just hit space uh your Elite van gear there we can see 61 62 63 you can slowly repair up the hole using your own repair beam this is Handy for small ships but when it gets to mediumships it's very slow and if you want to go for a large ship like a destroyer forget about it you're uh you're gonna run out of oxygen well okay you won't run out of oxygen but it's gonna take so long you're going to need there's not enough tea in the world once you have repaired the ship you're going to want to board it again now I'm going to get a little bit further away so you can see the boarding procedure select the ship hit shift d for docking like anything else and then it'll show you the little green dockinglets if you've hit stop the moment you get out of the ship you shouldn't even have to do this you just did shift e and immediately get sucked right back in again and turn ship is repaired we can get right back to what we were doing uh it's some sort of heat seeking missile grab this that's why we uh we had some problems all right let's see if there's anything else left lying around the place looks like we've run out of trash to vacuum up you see both sides start with a certain amount of ships once those ships are exhausted they don't have to rely on their economies to replenish them the economies in this game are heavily randomized so one side or the other can usually get pretty heavily gimped or usually both sides and even then normally happens in these sort of fights is uh defense platforms are what stops everything so even if one side does have an advantage over the other they'll just keep butting their head off a defense platform until they die and then it just keeps happening again and again so now that that's run out it's time to start moving so we're gonna want to hit the highway this is the location where all of the goodies they've been coming from this is the highway system uh the game is made by German so it's a drive on the right sort of system so we're just gonna pop down here take our hands off the wheel and zoom we start to get zipped around the map uh it doesn't hurt to actually keep an eye on the map as you go by maybe you'll see some goodies we're just gonna stick on this until we get to hatikvah's Choice thankfully the AI will tell you every time you change sector and it'll give you the name of the place system organ Prime Yep this is not where we want to go entering system I take fast choice that's the one we're looking for tikvah's choice we're probably going to want to take a left here shortly oh wait there we are ah there's the hatikvah Aragon trading station excuse me we are getting off just move away from the oh yeah move away and it will immediately kick you off the highway though it might cause you to slow down this is a quest that came along with the Boron expansion and we'll deal with that later for now we're just gonna Dock at the station uh parking near ship is going to suck namely because you don't have any of the advanced docking computers yet uh don't worry let's start getting into position here now if you haven't done any of the piloting tutorials which you should have done the piloting tutorials this is going to be a little bit too advanced for you we're going to want to line up the arrows make sure everything's aligned come forward a bit and stop there we go boom now we've landed time to go make some dough successfully docked one thing to make sure every time you dock before you get off the ship or before you do any sort of space walking you want to click on property owned grab the ship you were currently on go under the information and check under its Behavior this is what it's currently set to do if it's set to hold position that's great if it's set to fly to a location or something like that that's bad that means the moment you get the shifter probably going to try and run away not always but sometimes depends what other commands are set up so just make sure this is over set to hold position or just to delete all the orders that are in there until it defaults to whole position trust me saves you a lot of effort now right now we are in the game we have been doing this for about 39 minutes let's see how much cash we've managed to get out of it so far exit ship find the nearest elevator these things are located outside of every docking port just doesn't matter what one you come out of the reason we stopped at this location is it has multiple Traders centers Traders corners trading center stations like this always have multiple trading corners and we want to do that because we'll take advantage of the price differences between them some of them will give us better prices than others and this is the quickest way to go between them here you go exits now see yellow yellow means they're not going to give you as much as you would like green means you're going to give you a good price the two things we were trying to sell here were the programmable field array and the magic list usually we have a fair chunk of both of those however this one's in white this one's in yellow that is bad there is also one thing we should have done first we should have went straight over here to this crafting bench you're not going to use this too frequently but uh the one thing it is very good for is taking the caviar the 25 space fly eggs we got and we can convert that into caviar we need another nine space Flags to get another carrier and those things are worth a lot going back to the shopkeep over here if we check under where is it space flight caviar they're willing to pay us 999. if you notice the way this is in yellow that is also a bad location uh let's if you bring up the map and go back out again it skips the whole talking section otherwise every time people in here and you exit you have to go goodbye and they won't let you move away for a second so save yourself a little bit of time go to the map view skip back in okay this is the currently the Traders location we're at let's hop over to the next Trader and see if their prices are a little bit nicer they are paying premium for hydraulic pumps we'll get rid of those they're not really worth the loss but since there's no real all these things in here you don't really have a use for them so just sell them off if they're in the green all the stuff that's up here this usually might have some uses so be a little bit more conservative they're playing good money for magic let's so we can sell that to them so bottom floor lady has best price for space caviar third floor split has the best price for programmable field arrays we will Skip One always keep one programmable field or eight you're going to need it also one flux capacitor and one damage Singularity engine all of those are very valuable this will take us up to about 2.6 million uh which is unfortunate what we'd really prefer is about 3.6 million so we're going to have to take a slightly risky approach I would prefer to but it is what it is we're gonna undock and we are going to head back to the highway autopilot engage where we're heading to is this section over here just as the highway curves we want to head over there namely there is well a big Xenon Invasion that usually happens over here it could have some goodies and we would like to get our hands on nine spaceflight X that would give us an extra million and we look at that we've already found crates so do we have any crates that are worth money this place is going to be much riskier because the Xenon are going to try and kill us at every available opportunity so we either need to get our hands on about oh actually four or five programmable field raids would do let me start raiding this area we were unfortunately unable to get any more space slides and this area seems to be dry at least for the time being at the same time because we've left satellites there and back here we can also check these two locations and see there's just no fighting going on right now uh this will differ depending on your map and how it generates so you could have masses of fighting and be swimming in 5 million at this point there's a it kind of goes in swings and render bites depending on your playthrough they are completely randomized time to get back on the highway and keep moving we're going to keep to the right and keep going the same direction we're gonna stay in this for a while entering yeah as we pass through we've been heading all the way through to paranoid space so we're just this is the excellent thing about this you just get to stay on this all the way around entering system Trinity Sanctum ah excellent now Trinity sanctum is what we've been looking for this place should have a paranoid Wharf right by the highway which is exactly where we want to go it's time for us to buy a new ship in fact we'll dock at it first let's unpause and let's duck our ship this should be our last talking in this terrible piece of trash that we're flying we wish to purchase one of the ships belonging to the paranet now there are several different types of ships and races and all sorts of things going on but at this stage of the game the best ship you can get with this sort of starter this adjacent start is a small ship the Pegasus Vanguard Scout this is the fastest ships you're going to be able to acquire for well a reasonable time frame let's just say you're going to put on three combat drives Mark threes you're going to go combat thrusters Mark threes you're gonna stick on uh Shield generators just go with the Mark III weapons wise well you don't really have much of a choice so it's pulse laser Mark II and you only have one weapon slot on this thing so that's what you're stuck with max out all the software you might as well and then four consumables we're actually gonna go with something a little bit odd here we're gonna stick in five laser Towers five resource probes five nav beacons uh five Advanced satellites and then a whole bunch of regular satellites we're going to need those later crew wise we're gonna go with just a single pilot we're not going to actually give us some Service Group we might have a need to make a manager later we'll add that to the shopping list and that is going to send us back 1.76 million which not cheap not cheap at all but we're going to get up and we're also going to do a few things while we're here oh that's going to take about a minute or so for that to be built in fact you could probably go over here and have a look at it the game is quite detailed in a lot of respects so on your left there you should be able to see yeah I believe that is their shipping constructed I do love the level of detail they've put in this game Sorry I'm getting distracted all right we're gonna have a quick shot uh go down to the Traders entrance just so we can see what's going to see if we can trade away some of the stuff we managed to collect from the Xenon our ship is built and ready to go uh if your ship is not built you'll see a little thing down the bottom it'll tell you how long it's going to take if they don't have the resources to produce it it might take them five or ten minutes to acquire the resources before the ship gets built but now that it's done and our trading is complete there wasn't really much here to be honest we can just hit Ctrl shift d and it'll give us an option of which ships to go back to we're going to go to our Pegasus Vanguard Vanguard yeah get out of the way buddy this is our ship and then we get to take command and on Duck this ship is just so much faster and better in every respect okay let's go get back on the highway shall we back on the highway keeps the rice and we're gonna keep going you see is a loop it goes all the way around and back to the start so we're actually going to end up right back over here very shortly and the reason we're doing this is because of missions now if you go under missions over here you can see this Ali Alliance invitation thing this one you want to accept uh we're not actually going to do it but yeah it does lead us to something else please note we have come all the way around and we are over by true sight we're actually coming at true sight from the opposite direction true sight is where we put down our satellite here and here to do all of our trash collection in the early game so just sticking to the highway keeps you that way yeah we're gonna end over all the way to hatikvah's Choice again because that's where the next stage of the mission is but we were flying to our destination one stop before a mission has come up I keep an eye out for these all the time I just thought I would mention it until it happened what you're looking for is basically destroy criminal traffic these ones are really good for raising your rep with all of the different factions now if you look into the factions several of them don't really like us a lot minus 15 is not a problem that means it won't attack us but until we get to -9 they won't even know this land at their stations or trade with them and minus 30 and -25 good luck with those two they uh yeah you're not gonna do anything uh yeah n minus 30 still not doing anything with them but everyone else you have the option to usually become friends with them so what we want to do here we want to accept this Mission because it gives us an awful lot of easy free happiness with them and it's actually in a perfect location where we were going to go anywhere so we're gonna fly up to the station and then our job is to destroy criminal traffic uh if you press shift e it'll select the next piece of angry people report range transporter there we go now the problem is they're gonna be near the station so you want to make sure you get a decent angle on these and done they also drop stuff vacuum that up yeah there's a signal leak nearby we'll worry about that later uh shift e for the next Target please and let's see if we can't get an angle where we don't accidentally shoot the station if we miss you if you shoot the station too many times they will get irritable so try to avoid doing that all right and there is number six wow these took a long time to spawn and one second now we currently have a reputation of about stop no if you feel bad all of these people have killed puppies so their extermination is good now reputation gained plus one we got A plus one reputation with the Argon Federation now we would have gotten more if this was a faction we had negative reputation with we have like minus five or if you're below zero you actually get a little bit of reputation every time you kill some Criminal Traffic around the station so these are very very useful for getting up your reputation with a faction very quickly okay uh where were we oh yes Mission if at any point you have lost track of the mission you're on just go in grab Mission offers uh then we can go into active missions this one here and set to active it'll turn right back on your little guidance system which tells us we have to go back to here and then off we go again so following this Quest thread you don't technically I don't believe you need to following system this question but it does make it far easier to get where we're going which is the player HQ unfortunately our guidance has worn out as in uh our computer doesn't know where to send us because it doesn't know where the next section is that's easy just grab the nearest ship you can find give them a calm where can I find and the last one number five is usually always what involves your quest so I would like to find a way to heretic's end they will go yep new information now perfect and then our Quest information thing has come back up and off we go again and the reason that we picked this ship the fastest chip available is because when we hit up the uh the travel speed we've already surpassed how fast Our Last Ship would go and we're gonna keep going until we hit about oh I think it's six six kilometers per second make that 5.859 kilometers per second entering system Heretics end excellent designated air immediately that guy's annoying voice actually it's not that annoying that's the start of the next part here we go excellent well in that case we are going to stop dead and oh look this ship has magically appeared out of nowhere yeah he goes down like that a lot dark with this place anyway we're gonna fly in here real quick oh and because we've got the good talking computer now we can just sort of like land horribly and the docking computer will still correct for our ability to almost crash into them and we go down here and we go to the science laboratory anyways so this guy's about to give us this station for no reason after you have a quick talk of them you'll only have one option and that one option will open up the research menu This research menu here teleportation is very tempting I would really like that however the first thing we're going to go for is basic chassis are quite regulated excellent not illegal and we're just going to let him say whatever he's going to say and we're gonna get started with the mission to get the nanites that will allow us to upgrade our ship so that it can go a little bit faster so this will immediately activate a quest line all we have to do is go talk to some guy that some guy will allow us to am I doing there we go into three kilometers per second almost instantly would boost makes things so much faster we have again run into the problem of our autopilot not knowing where to go easy peasy come the nearest ship wait a morning stare sending you information now done sometimes you're going to come up on these accelerators uh don't stress they're basically Gates except the only part that's the gate is this round circular bit in the middle aim for that boom it'll just put you at the other side after flying where we're told to go this yellow arrow will guide us to where we're supposed to go on the station so just get out of your ship Follow the yellow line and when you get to the actual transport thing it'll show you in yellow which thing you're supposed to click on almost impossible to get lost and once you get there Follow the yellow line some more and it brings us in here and goes straight to these guys yeah here we go basically fetch Quest We teleport back to the ship and we just bring it back to the guy at our HQ heading right back to our fishy friend over here we deliver the item now then we should be able to begin our research I look forward to seeing how this turns out and you'll see here this research will start progressing it takes about 10 minutes but that's going to go on we are going to head straight back into our ship we are going to go and locate the nearest Wharf which is the Argon Wharf just before hatikvah's Choice it's actually on the gate Network or the highway Network so off we go now that we're at this Aragon ship we're gonna do two things a few things one we're gonna wait until these Mass Transporters and stuff show up that want to get killed uh Criminal Traffic no and we're gonna kill a few of the puppy murders that's gonna help out our reputation with the Argon as well as that we're going to go into scan mode and we're going to start looking around for Signal leaks uh if you haven't read the tutorial on this one or get done the tutorial the moment you find your first signal link it will explain it to you but let's cover it really quickly here ah and you see that fuzzy line right here that is a signal leak and if you turn to the right you'll notice the right hand side of it is now weaker and the left hand side is stronger that means it's over that direction so we can tell it's somewhere in the middle there it's on this Tower most likely or somewhere located in this sector then you kind of rotate around looking for the signal link itself you know it definitely seems to be up higher and there you go see that red dot that's the signal leak and when we point to create edit great and then you have to get in super close and then this will usually give you something like Tech enticement very similar it's a offer they're basically giving us you can get like some special offers that'll help you out on your on shipyards like this however that's not what we're most intrigued in here what we're trying to do is get our understanding of this station up a bit as it is when we look at this station and we go under information this is what we can see now because we've scanned it we can actually see what components it has the percentage of scanning need I'm not so sure about but yeah we're going to keep scanning it looking for signals until our research is complete oh and we just gained another fraction point with the Argon for killing that uh enemy that was running around or that criminal that was wandering around with all the research done and we've gone to a shipyard we need to go down here and go into the ship dealership section in the second we want to head over to right here and we've got ourselves a workbench there's also a crafting bench if you need it but workbench wise we want to go straight to chassis modifications level one chassis modifications and we want to get the polisher it's a drag mod uh basically allows your ship to go faster at the basic nanoleaf you pick up actually going around it's one of those things you're going to find when ships are blowing up all around you nuvidium crystallite same thing you're going to find them as well uh we're gonna install this and we have somewhere between 4.7 to 16.7 and the cost is 50 grand these are the bonuses we get out 15.91 you know what I'm worth it that's fine in fact anything above 10 I would probably just stick with this early on especially because we're low on resources every time you use this you use a little bit of nividium crystallite the basic ship nanoweave is never destroyed during this but if you reassemble it you lose some of the navidium crystallite every time which means you will run out so you get limited opportunities here this early on later on we'll have more and more parts to play around with so done now that has changed our ship stats we now have a boost speed or a travel speed of 6.9 kilometers as opposed to I think it's 5.8 before or and our max speed is good up to 634 in fact we've got better straight feel it's a more maneuverable better faster just more awesome all-round ship what we're targeting here is just getting the fastest ship we possibly can as quickly as we can Pegasus Vanguard with that done it's time to go back into research and get ourselves engine mods because engine mods will allow us to go faster this second fetch Quest is not something to Quest as a little bit of a jug we've got to do exactly what the guy said uh also said there was a dead evolved over there I kind of stopped and grabbed when we're on the way uh where autopilot disengaged autopilot great we have no idea where we're supposed to be going this is going to make things a little bit more interesting thankfully there was a ship nearby so we're able to calm them to find out where we're supposed to be going however this information this may hurt our times just a little bit okay that's not so bad we have one minute 37 seconds to get across the system easy peasy seriously that's all we have to go to easy peasy entering Grand exchange free empty space or maybe not we've got 25 seconds well in all fairness there was a little bit of slow down at the start and even if this doesn't work out we could always get a chance to repeat it and the next time we'll actually know where we're going very good work oh damn that was close that was that was way too close oh wow that was close uh this next place we gotta go is actually docking on a moving ship which is interesting once you get close enough to a ship you kind of get sucked into its gravitational field or something or the kid that's the right terminology but that's the lead dog it does mean that you don't actually have to worry about getting kicked away you'll just sort of drift beside it without any pluses or minuses oh see this ship here this guy's gonna offer to sell it to us don't don't accept it it's pointless as far as I can tell there's no good things from it I'm just here for the price your new goal it gives us the antimatter injector we get out of here and we leave him behind we pop back to the fishy dude we drop them off the stuff in our research I look he immediately Begins the research and that's going to take 10 minutes now next up we're going to want to go for basic weapon mods we don't actually need them to be honest once this mod goes through we'll get our ship up to the highest speeds it can possibly go to Vanguard depending on how well we roll on the uh the modifications of course but uh I usually like to get weapons knocked or out of the way with at the same time because it's just convenient well we're waiting for all of this good to go ahead we're going to pop over to tilati space and start scanning their shipyards over here we might as well add their information to our pool as well as that we're moving quite fast now what 6.9 kilometers we'll get there pretty quick we've got a bit of time arriving at the talati shipyard you will notice one thing we have like no information on this whatsoever if we select it and bring up the information you'll see no idea of what's in storage or Bill Storage unlike the Argon Wharf over here which we have actually scanned so we're gonna try and make this look more like the other one and then we're going to do it to all the Sim to the equipment Dock and it's the bloody Wharf scanning all of these is not entirely essential but you're going to have to scan some stations just to find some of the data leaks and as well as that you're going to need to improve your relations and doing the stations just seems like the best one it has it provides the most benefit long term also allows you to figure out shortages in the economy which is useful well mid to late game um here's some more happiness with Distillery no you're gonna get these pickup missions occasionally uh this is a mission given by the Vega Syndicate I'm not bothered oh great I got scanned by the little fuzz this will happen occasionally the first will scan you and when they do they'll go a little bit of hostile and start trying to hunt you down so their security vessels are coming after us we'll just pop over to somewhere else this is because we have a bunch of stuff in our inventory that they don't like namely a lot of that stuff we collected from the battlefield if we go under here we check under inventory this is all the stuff that is illegal in the local sector security bypass decryption slicers all of the space fly eggs I'm not busy you can drop those off at the HQ I'm just not bothered because it's too much effort to do so once the research is complete uh we can just pop down here and we're going straight for engine modifications and now let's see Reaver that's the one travel thrust mod this is going to make our travel speed faster now these three items that it's mentioning here the basic fuel engine fuel injector extended fuel container and the video Mark said all those you just find round Langer scraps this is one of the reasons why we start off just being a trash Panda picking up all the stuff just lying around the place because all of this stuff is useful and it gives you money at the start and it'll end you up for getting all of these upgrades done as quickly as possible 39 percent oh you know what that oh I would have preferred to get above 40 how many more how many more chances we got okay let's try it one more time 37. um I'm willing to risk it again 35 no no no one more 35 oh go on 37 fine we got 37. uh should have stuck with the first one learn from my mistake if you get above 37 just stick with it it's fine all right but this means our Max travel speed is now 9.5 kilometers per second I think we were below six when we got this as a baseline our boost speed is massive our travel we're just we're much faster this just makes everything in the game faster early on in the game you do not have access to teleportation teleportation is great but only when you have places you can teleport to which is usually ships and stations that's when you've got lots of money right now we have two ships which is our starter and our high speed ship and that's it so even if we had a lot we researched teleportation it's not going to be nearly as useful for us as a ship that can travel nine kilometers a second that is far more useful to us now it's time to do the next part of this which is the weapons this should hopefully be pretty quick and I'm going to skip over the non-important bits while we're also piloting our way to the next section I thought I'd do a quick check here we can now see all the components they have this is actually kind of Handy if we see any shortages like say Shield components we know there's a shortage in the local environment however let's see Shield components now it's fine here scanningers these actually seemed reasonably well stocked Hull components and advanced composites well this means there's just there's opportunities and keeping an eye on shipyards they are the end point for all resources basically all resources end up going to the ship years one way or another and getting turned into ships literally everything ends up there everything else is either an end product there or it's an intermediate product that eventually feeds into it this next research item is a little bit trickier than the last ones we have to go and collect some stuff unfortunately autopilot guarded let's do a quick scan shift three and then you press the or a key and hold it down until it's fully charged and some of the other mechanics they introduced just so you could find stuff and here we have security containers we've been sent to pick up a bunch of weapon containers however there's also a bit of a problem and they're guarded by some laser turrets Mark II lizard hurts if you go near these Mark two if you start trying to extract the contents of the secure crates that are right there the laser Towers will start firing so we're going to do is do a quick drive by here and drop down a few laser turrets of our own we bought five when we bought the ship so press B to drop one out because we also changed the hotkeys for that to three and four and five perfect now what we want to do is pick a fight yeah where are you we're gonna go back and find the first laser turret we are going to get in nice and close and then we're just gonna start shooting it kind of rotate around it so it can't shoot back hey exit and there's the other one over there done we have managed to successfully destroy both of the laser Towers now we can go open those crates in peace but before we do let's go claim our four remaining laser Towers back we're a little bit faster we probably could have kept all five of them uh simplest thing to do is go up to your object list this localizes it to your your space and it's like deployables uh we're going to grab where's the other lizard Towers oh my God out of here I don't know what those red things were I didn't even look we are gone what the hell is that yeah that's that that's not the good guys yeah uh this is one of the reasons we've invested all our money in this ship reason being at 630 meters per second none of them can catch us that was just uh burned like crazy and get out of here God uh yeah we'll come back in a minute once those guys have left and this is our first lock box and these are actually scattered all over the universe but what you want to do is see those red things on the corner we have to shoot those if we shoot the Box itself uh once you do enough damage to the Box will explode and the contents are lost so you gotta be real careful here and this is not the perfect weapon for it but it is pretty decent perfect container all we need is one of these bring the items to me and we uh we could open up the others but honestly it's not worth anything anyway what were you doing uh yes we wanted to select these four of which you can either do that way or we can go to locally owned things and go to you and go deactivate all and then once they're all deactivated you can just vacuum them in like we would anything else yeah we're just gonna burn our way out of here there is no way I'm tanking with the Xenon there way too tough and then we just head back home and this is the end of that delivery quest line matching item you should be able to begin our research and again the research starts how this turns out this one is less important though because well we don't care about the weapons to be honest not just yet but I just wanted to show you how to get that one the next one is Shields Shields you can't really do anything but you have to get shot by three different weapons so that takes it's a little bit trickier to do can be done it's just uh let's um organized doing a quick stock take at this point in the game we've been playing for about two hours and 41 minutes we've knocked out three of the reached arches well we will have in nine minutes and our ship is pure speed this is exactly what you want because everything we're doing from here on in usually a lot of the missions especially up to Mid game you're going to have to get your meat suit somewhere to actually do it so having the being able to get there quickly just makes things far less of a drag otherwise you will get a little bit bored and you'll probably end up having to you know leave your computer for a while just to go get booze or something because it will drive you crazy so that's why I heavily recommend taking this pass to get all of these things from here on in though it's going to be all about the money if you are new to the game I strongly recommend you go off and start doing a bunch of random quests just uh go around to stick to the loop for a while go find all the quests that the factions are offering I just start trying them out and experimenting and having fun all of the races will give you different ones and just try and raise up your faction ranking with them and generally just play and enjoy them the problem from here on in is we're going to be pumping money and as we pump money you're gonna go beyond the point where those quests are really as valuable as you'd like and you're going to sort of lose out on that part of the game so my advice play it this way because you'll only get the one chance to do it once you know how to make lots of money it becomes less enjoyable anyway with that out of the way we're gonna start with our first money making trick which will be we're gonna get that Elite Vanguard that we haven't been using and we're gonna send that Elite Vanguard over here as you can see there's a bunch of stuff going on and what we're going to do is we're going to tell that repeat Elite Vanguard to do some repeat orders and then we're gonna send it to right here and say I would like you to collect jobs that means the elite Vanguard will collect anything in this area that gets dropped so all of those crates it's going to attempt to collect them now do try and keep it away from any of the factories the problem is if it's close to the factories the factories will send out their police to scan them and it could cause issues I I could make it to where we're going just yet there's just there's too much stuff look at all this yeah this is basically a gold mine you can't guarantee this is going to happen in a run but I'm going to get a little bit distracted here and take care of this this early money generation from finding stuff on the ground maybe got a little bit too lucky 36 programmable field race is just a little bit higher than average let's just say however a couple things I'd like to point out here you can get a flux capacitor a programmable field array and a damaged Singularity engine allow you to make a SATA device that allows you to speed up time which is very handy in the late game so always be on the lookout for the flux capacitor and the Damage Singularity engine those two are the harder ones to find if you see those they're dropped almost exclusively by the Xenon pick them up immediately before they disappear very important however we have gone far over the 30 minutes ideal that YouTube prefers for its videos so we're going to be cutting this out here however that's probably just a testament to the depth of this game this game really has an awful lot of mechanics to chew into and play around with and just getting an optimal start for a nice fast ship it it takes this much time it's kind of crazy that unfortunately means all the money making abuses will be in the next video uh we're going to be sticking mostly with Mining and Factory stuff there are some ship capturing things though I've decided to eat those out they might be just a little bit too complex for newer players it's obviously that bad it's just it requires you to know a bunch of other game mechanics that I think is probably better reserved for a second start oh yeah the best start is the accomplished scientist the accomplished scientist start starts you with way more stuff and about a quarter of a million in your pocket you actually spawn immediately at the HQ meaning you don't have to hunt this down and you start with the northern Vanguard instead of that piece of trash Elite also if you zoom out on the map you have actually explored lots and lots of sectors meaning you know where lots and lots of stuff is for example there is the whole circular route that you can go around and there's a bunch of extra sectors down on top of all of that you actually have satellites at several key locations this is quite handy for keeping track of stuff and it just makes your hole start so much easier but I think this would be rather overwhelming for a newer recruit so I think you should probably hold off on doing this until your second playthrough I am going to cut this out here I hope this was at least mildly informative for you and uh good luck [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 33,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginning, start, tutorial, ep1, guide
Id: V3ieWQ_dPEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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