How to make authentic Louisiana Gumbo

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hello this is Denae from cooking with today and today I'm making Louisiana gumbo we're going to make a chicken and andouille sausage gumbo but first we're going to start by making our roux and a row is a combination equal parts flour and oil I have canola oil about 1/4 cup in my Dutch oven right now and I'm going to be adding 1/4 cup all-purpose flour we want to do this very carefully because while we're will fizzle up you don't want to get burned in making a roof you have to take your time and even though I do have the fire the stove on medium high heat I'm going to be working very quickly to make this room now a roux is usually the foundation of all Dumbo's there are a lot of folks that can tell you well you don't need a roux in order to make gumbo not true if you want authentic flavor you need to use a root whether that's a purchase group or one that's made homemade we're going to look at the different stages of the root as you can see it's very liquid right now very shiny you take a look there and it's sort of a butter brown and it's going to change very quickly so I'm going to show you a little bit I'm going to put the different Ruth there you look at that color and we're going to take it to the next color which will be a little bit darker the darker the room the richer the flavor but as I said this is on a medium time and you have to work quickly if you're not accustomed to making mine reduce your heat put it on a medium I'm going to reduce mine right now put it on a medium heat and work slowly you're going to notice that now the roux is getting even darker and really the very best room for a gumbo is a blackboard however it's very difficult to get a black room you have to turn your pot down usually I like to make a black bloom very slowly and it may take you up to about 45 minutes on a very low heat but if you can see we're getting darker and darker now if you want to continue stirring because at no time do you want your room to break apart and you see because of this cast iron skillet it can handle the heat canola oil has a high heating point and it can handle all this heat that we put on it I highly suggest if you're going to make your homemade room that you have a well-ventilated kitchen I have added to my room and as you can see it is very dark I've added Holy Trinity which again my onions bell pepper and celery also top then my green onions and I'm going to stir my vegetables around in the room it's getting sort of a muddy murky color this is good this is exactly what you want now pay close attention you see how it's almost making its own gravy here this is your room and this is the very foundation of your gumbo I'm going to turn my heat back up because I want to saute these vegetables until they are a bit crunchy but okay so they're going to be a little bit crunchy a little bit salt and we just keep stirring this dark Roux is going to give our gumbo a rich flavor that is traditional to Gumbo's made throughout the south now you can see how it's bubbling and if you look carefully you see how it's making its own little sauce there what you don't want to do is burn your room once it's burned turn off your stove let your Dutch oven or your pot cool and toss it because it's no good you cannot make a gumbo with burned through and I've been doing this a long time many many many years so I know how to move quickly and save my gumbo from burning I don't think I've ever burned a gumbo in fact I'm quite sure I have but it does take some getting used to and practice makes perfect now we're going to add andouille sausage which is a cajun spicy Cajun sausage and it has fat flavor spices it is absolutely delicious we're going to add that to our vegetables and continue stirring around all these great flavors are going into this gumbo I'm going to add my turkey sausage only because I like turkey sausage and in a Dumbo you can add whatever sausage you like just make sure it's a bulk sausage and this is the turkey sausage that I'm going to add also so you know this gumbo is going to have lots of flavor I'm now going to add the chicken stock because we are making a chicken and andouille sausage gumbo and I'm using a low sodium well it's not canned but it comes in a box a low-sodium chicken stock again I'm very mindful of the amount of salt that I put in food especially if I'm using prepared foods so for this gumbo I'm going to use a low sodium a low sodium chicken stock and I'm just going to add it you can see that I have the roux and the vegetables all on a high heat and we're just going to very slowly add as we add it it stops the pot from boiling and that's okay because we're going to bring it back to a boil and I'm going to incorporate almost all of this chicken stock and now I'm going to bring this back up to a boil our gumbo is now boiling it's reached a rolling boil which we want and now we're going to add our seasonings which include garlic powder not garlic salt a little salt I'm not going to put it all in there because I don't really know how salty my um my stock is and I had it tasted my gumbo I'm going to add some garlic and the reason I didn't add the garlic to the room is because it would burn it it's so hot and in this way when the gumbo is finished you'll get these tiny wonderful little bits of garlic and if you're really into garlic you'll love it if you want to leave the garlic out you can and then I'm going to add the cayenne pepper this is about a half a teaspoon you can add more but I highly suggest before you do that you taste the taste the gumbo not now but once it actually starts its slow simmer now I'm going to add chicken breasts that I've cut up and just sauteed in a little olive oil you will notice that I did not make my root with olive oil a roux is not made with olive oil I don't care what anyone tells you you can't do it I'm going to turn this back up so that so that it comes to a rolling boil again and you'll notice every time we add an ingredient it cools the pot down that's okay that's what's supposed to happen and last but not least I'm going to add my okra now you don't have to add an okra to your gumbo although the African word for okra is gumbo and the way I learned to make it the way my mom made it my grandmother made it they used okra in their gumbo I'm using frozen cut okra some people say that okra is a little bit slimy if it is and you're not into the slimy kind of slimy I can't think of any other word to describe it you can saute it and a little bit of oil canola oil and that usually reduces the slime from the okra it doesn't bother me and to be honest with you gumbo doesn't last in my household very long so I'm going to add this time and my okra and this is about I want to say about a cup and a half of frozen cut oh great now as you can see there's a lot in this pot and we still have just a little bit of chicken stock I'm going to pour some in and what's going to happen is we're going to put this on a slow medium low slow simmer and this is going to cook down for probably about 45 minutes maybe even an hour well the dumbo has been cooking for about 20 minutes simmering I've turned it on a very low and at this time the gumbo is complete its finished now I would normally put it on very low on a low heat or since it's in this cast-iron pot cut the heat off completely put the lid on and just let it simmer for another 30 minutes or so before serving it's going to stay hot as you can see it's a rich dark hovel color I've tasted the gumbo added a little bit more salt and the flavor is wonderful if you look and I'm going to go on and take my my ladle here so you can see it's not the least bit slimy because of the gumbo because of the okra and it's not thick like gravy look at the consistency it's not real watery but it's not thick it's like a maybe a chicken soup consistency and this gumbo is served over rice or it can be served plain and I'm going to show you exactly how we would serve the gumbo we just take a ladle with a little bit of everything and a little bit of rice and we're just going to serve it right over there and then I'm going to take a little bit of broth and there is your bowl of gumbo with a little bit of chicken andouille and turkey sausage okra and all the vegetables the recipe for this gumbo will be on cooking with Danai calm and I hope you'll give the recipe a try
Channel: Denay's Test Kitchen 🍴
Views: 1,200,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Louisiana Cajun Gumbo, Cajun Gumbo Video, Chicken Sausage Gumbo, Chicken Andouille Gumbo, Authentic Louisiana Gumbo, Gumbo File Video, Gumbo recipe video, How to Make Gumbo, Gumbo roux video, Cast Iron Dutch Oven, Gumbo, Louisiana Gumbo
Id: jrCHZ86kOH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2011
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