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the entire world will be swallowed by the message of christ in our lifetime fraudsters will be afraid of the pulpit in our lifetime legalism will be afraid of the pulpit in our lifetime if you don't preach christ nobody will hear your voice in our lifetime nobody will abuse the bible from nation to nation from coast to coast from continent to continent from the mountain to the valley nations will bow to this message they will bow to this message they will bow to this message penguin the angry labor shackle a director [Applause] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet is is are you excited i am what god says i have what god says [Music] i would never jesus is my salvation say jesus jesus is my righteousness is is my [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr ava you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor [Applause] i would never i would never never be the same i never ever knew [Music] the future for fear not rejoice and be glad rejoice and be glad you are the light in the midst of darkness and no matter how dark the dark may be a ray of life makes a difference in the darkness and you're not just a ray of light you are the embodiment of my life saith god because you have my word on your inside therefore don't be afraid don't be afraid cheer up stand up look at the future and rejoice because the future will work in your favor oh glory glory glory glory glory i tell you days of glory days of grace days of beauty days of jubilation days of celebration hey there will be an outpouring of my glory like never before days of celebration says the spirit of god thank you father praise your father things about yourself things of the spirit things in the spirit concerning you i unveil to you by my spirit you take hold of it you take hold of it you take hold of it and by it war a good warfare saith god it is a good warfare because the outcome of the warfare is in your favor it is a good warfare safeguard because the outcome of the warfare is in your favor it is a good warfare because you already know the end of the warfare because you have the prophecy in your heart so you take my word you take the prophecy and declare what i have said to you and be not afraid be not afraid you shall never be ashamed says the spirit of god hallelujah thank you lord jesus oh yeah don't get me wrong they'll be dark for the world they're gonna get darker and more complicated for the world but you will be the shining light in the midst of the darkness you will be the light in the midst of the darkness their confusion will not affect you because you already know ahead of time and you already know that i have already made the way i have already made the supplies i have already made the directions available to you so you will not be confused because you will know what to do and you will walk within the confines of [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] praise your father in the name of jesus heavenly father we rejoice that we are found in you kept by your power thank you for the privilege to look into your holy written word today and we rejoice that we have the holy ghost living on our inside to guide us into all the truth so as we feed on your word we feed on sound diet today our eyes are opened and i decree that your people are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man and with the creator by the end of this service nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise glory and honor for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say this word i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the word naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we're so glad to welcome every one of you and we want to welcome the aqua bomb state community connected by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb you know you fm inspiration fm and heritage fm we want to welcome all of you do us a favor today help us call a friend a family member somebody you love ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves and i tell you they will thank you later for being so kind to them our social media community we appreciate all of you we thank god for every one of you that has helped us to get the gospel to the ends of the earth we continue in fighting the good fight of faith so do me the same favor you've always done help us share the video on your page you know share with all the groups on your page join as many groups as possible and of course create watch parties tag some people drop them on monogram telegram what's up groups let's float the earth with the fragrance of jesus's grace we want to welcome all our campuses around the world we love you guys we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service this morning and all the bible study centers around the world and if today is your first time of joining power city service we love you we're glad you came you will be very glad that you are part of this service so get ready for fasting your seat belts is going to be an exciting adventure in the world of his grace and everybody in the building are we excited to be here this morning can we celebrate the word of god with a shout this morning glory amen grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of his grace we're examining the in christ realities in the cause of our new creation commitment in 2021 and we've covered quite some distance as we begin to examine the pressing of the christ your bible is to the book of john chapter 5 verse number 39 john chapter 5 verse 39 you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me next verse and you will not come to me that you might have life this was jesus speaking to the jews luke chapter 24 verse 25 on the way to imaus jesus meets cleopas and his friend and they were discussing about the events of the three days that were gone about the burial the debt and the resurrection then jesus asked them and they were you know speaking things that were not consistent with scripture and jesus answered and said unto them oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself so we've established that the bible is jesus's book that the bible has a message that is centered on the person of the christ so we say the bible is a crystal centric material that carries with it a crystal-centric message crystal-centric means centered on the passing of christ crystal-centric message and we've been examining you know in the course of a study we've established that jesus is a man spirit soul and body that jesus is god who became a man so he is hundred percent god as though not man and hundred percent man as though not god so jesus is god man man god all right now we've established all of that and we have looked at antichrist and all that the book of galatians chapter four verse six the book of galatians chapter 4 verse 6 was where we stopped in the first service and because you are sons god has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying abba father crying the word sent forth god has sent forth the word sent forth means to perform a task the word sent forth it means god has sent forth or god has released his spirit into your hearts to perform attacks the word heart is the word cadia in the greek cadilla means the core when we say this is the heart of the matter the very core so the spirit of his son has been sent into the core of our being into the core of our being sent there to perform a task sent there to perform a tax what is the tax crying the word crying is the word kaizo in the greek k i a z o for those making notes is used figuratively to shout out a message cry out means to call out is about the message that means the message of the song in the spirit is to be said loud the word cried the message of the son in the spirit is to be said loud it means an overwhelming tone it's not whip it's not shout it's not the spirit of god in our hearts is crying oh no it means to shout out an overwhelming tone it means an overwhelming emphasis of the spirit of the song and that overwhelming emphasis is the affectionate relationship the father has with us the affectionate relationship the father has with us overwhelming message so cry out is not whip is the same word used in romans chapter 8 verse 15 put it up for me romans chapter 8 verse 15 for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father we cry abba father the overwhelming message is the affectionate nature of god the name of god is called father in the epistles more than any other book in the bible the emphasis of god in the whole epistles is the fatherhood of god and that's why when you say the spirit of his son crying abba father paul said that is to also say this is where the message comes from the message of the apostles the spirit of the son crying about father that same spirit that gives us that overwhelming message of the affectionate nature of the father towards us the cry is the overwhelming emphasis okay and that emphasis must be reflected in our teaching in our preaching in our singing abba father in our praying abba father there must be that overwhelming emphasis of god's affection towards us please stay with me all right so the word crying is the word kaizo in the greek k-i-a-z-o to say something very loud it's not a crying out to god abba father no this is a message of the spirit in the new testament abba father the affectionate dear intimate relationship the father has with us he uses the word adoption in romans i mean in romans 8 15 the spirit of adoption and then in galatians chapter 4 verse 5 he uses that same word adoption if i put it up let's read romans 8 15 romans for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father the spirit of adoption there the word adoption there is not the same context as in today where you go to an orphanage home and adopt a child that's not the context in bible days the word adoption is not the same with today's adoption all right so the word adoption there is the word you desire he used heutacia in the greek for those writing notes is spelled as h-o-u-i h o u i t h e s e i a you this here in ephesians chapter one verse five he uses the word children put it up ephesians chapter 1 verse 5 having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will he uses children and then he uses songs because when you use the word sons is the word eutecia it's where you have the word hoyos if you remember hoyos we talked about that within the week where you have sons adoption of sons that is to place us as sons as children by jesus christ to place us placement to place us romans chapter 9 verse 4 talking about israel romans chapter 9 verse 4 who are israelites to whom pertaining the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of god and the promises that is where that word is used secondly in romans 9 4. then they say third use of the word adoption in romans chapter 8 verse 23 romans chapter 8 verse 23 and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to it the redemption of our body waiting for the adoption to with the redemption of our body so the word adoption is to place our sons to take the place of a son that is to be seen as a son that is before you have adoption there must be the son the son is jesus that is the title he has throughout the epistles the son the first begot the first begotten from the dead the son of god so adoption will be they that are placed in the same state to be placed in the same state as the sun to be placed a placement hoyos is used for a matured sun you know one was entered into the full privileges of the father hoyas one was entered into the full privileges of his father so he's saying to us that we have received the spirit that places us in the same place as jesus we have received the same spirit that has brought us into the same place as jesus remember we identify with jesus in his blessing and we identify with jesus in his office don't forget that now so adoption places us in his dead in the same place as jesus i used to follow him it places us in the same place as jesus the spirit crying the adoption of sons so that's what adoption means we have the spirit of his son notice in galatians 4 5 put it up for me galatians chapter 4 verse number 5 to redeem them that we are under the law that we might receive the adoption of songs that we might receive the adoption of son so he saved us and by saving us we have received past tense the adoption by salvation we are placed in jesus instead we have received the adoption of sons he also said god has sent the spirit of his son commander god has sent on a mission the spirit of his son into our call the very spirit of his son the very spirit in jesus has been sent into our very core that means adoption is not a place as much as the spirit in us adoption is not a place as much as the spirit in us that is we have the same spirit as jesus we have the same spirit at jesus please pay attention look at that romans chapter 8 verse 23 again romans chapter 8 verse number 23 and not only they not only they but ourselves also which are the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to with the redemption of our body the redemption of our body now please pay attention he says we wait for the adoption the redemption of our body in verse 11 of romans 8 put it up romans 8 11 but if the spirit take note the spirit of him the rest of jesus from the dead dwell in you he the rest of christ from the dead shall also quicken your moral bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you he calls our body mortal mortal body so a mortal body cannot be the level of the sun the sun doesn't have a mortal body but we are now placed in the stead of the sun but the mortal body cannot be the same level with the sun so what's the redemption the redemption means to go and receive what has been paid for to go to redeem to go and receive what has been paid for is being paid for but it has not been received so the adoption is the redemption of our bodies to receive what has been paid for or to receive what he has paid for so he said we have the first fruits we have right now the first fruits right now we have the first fruits of the spirit but there is something we don't have yet that is the redemption of the body now stay with me that means two things happen at salvation two things number one i have the spirit of the sun in my heart which is the first fruit the spirit of the sun in my heart is the first fruit romans 8 15 romans 8 15 please pay attention take note of the tenses for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father now so we have received that romans 8 23 romans chapter 8 verse 23 and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit we already have the first fruits but even we ourselves that have the first fruit we grown within ourselves waiting for the adoption to with the redemption of our body so the first fruit is the spirit of his son adoption okay but even with that we are still waiting for the adoption we have received the spirit of adoption first fruit we are still waiting for the adoption so we wait to receive what's the difference we have received the adoption we are still waiting to receive the adoption what's the difference the first one is that we have received the first fruit which is the first stage which is the initial work which is the spirit of jesus in our hearts we have that one right now then the final work will be what the body mortality that would be the complete redemption so was jesus raised from the dead spirit soul and body so right now you have the first fruit of the spirit which is what the spirit of adoption then we are waiting for what the redemption of the body are you still in the building the redemption of the body that is romans 8 23 in the future romans 8 15 has happened romans 8 23 is in the future romans 8 15 has already happened because right now our bodies are still called mortal bodies our bodies are still called mortal bodies even though they have been paid for but when there's a redemption it will be the body of the sun glorified the redemption will be the body of the sun glorified right now the spirit of the sun has taken possession the redemption will be the body of the sun glorified are we in the building if you're still in the building say i hear you all right i want to be sure you've not gone home yet all right now the adoption is by jesus in other words he will be the pattern son he is called the first born the spirit of adoption is the spirit of his son romans chapter 8 but before we open there is a spirit of adoption now let me ask you the spirit of adoption is it the spirit of god please i want other people to hear you around the world are you sure is the spirit of jesus the spirit of god is the spirit of jesus the spirit of his son okay so yes yes yes right is the spirit of his son your spirit is your spirit the spirit of god romans 8 2 let's see how romans 8 2 describes for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death so the spirit of life is where in christ jesus romans 8 9 romans 8 9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his so the spirit of christ there refers to the spirit of his son huh yes okay romans 8 9. there is the spirit of him the spirit of him take note of that so he is the spirit of life romans 8 2. the spirit of god and the spirit of christ romans 8 9 romans 8 10 the spirit life because of righteousness romans 8 10 the spirit life because of righteousness romans 8 11 the spirit of him or his spirit now i know you're making notes i like to read that 10 and 11 for you so you see what i just explained romans 8 10 and if christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness 11 but if the spirit of him the rest of christ from the dead dwelling you hear the rest of christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you romans 8 13 8 13 for if you live after the flesh you shall die but if you through the spirit do modify the deeds of the body you shall leave so romans 8 13 the spirit he just called it the spirit all right 8 11 the spirit of him or his spirit attend the spirit life because of righteousness 8 9 the spirit of god and the spirit of christ 8 8 2 the same spirit spirit of life look at 8 14 romans 8 14 romans for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god so the spirit of god now the spirit of god in verse 14 as many as are led by the spirit of god the spirit of god in verse 14. is it the same spirit in verse 2 spirit of life in christ so the spirit of light in christ is the spirit of god is it the same in verse 9 verse 9 in verse 9 the spirit of him is it the same in verse 10 the spirit is life because of righteousness is it the same in verse 11 the spirit of him that raised christ from the dead is it the same as the spirit of god okay look at romans 8 15. his bible study romans 8 15 for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father why adoption is used is identification that we are now identified in the sun placed identification romans 8 16. stay with me the spirit itself beared witness with our spirit that we are the children of god which spirit it bears witness with our the word bear witness has to be explained so you're not confused bear witness means to testify or to acknowledge to testify or to acknowledge so again let me ask you again the same things i actually answered very confidently now that i have put that little lacuna there [Laughter] glory to god so the spirit of the son is the spirit of who is it the spirit of jesus yes okay so if the spirit bears witness with your spirit that you are a child of god do you have your own spirit apart from the spirit of god so what is he talking about same spirit that's a good one same spirit that's accurate that's correct so the spirit of his son the spirit of adoption the spirit of him our spirit is the same is the same the same spirit spirit of god spirit of adoption spirit of his son our spirit the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of god so the spirit of god testifies that our spirit is the spirit of god is the same thing are you understanding the same spirit you don't have two spirits inside you are not a monster he's one spirit he that is joined to the lord is one spirit his spirit is my spirit so let me ask you is the holy spirit your spirit huh huh be confident so the holy spirit is your spirit because you and the lord so the same spirit in jesus what jesus can do exactly same spirit now stay with me because we are dealing with adoption so he used the spirit to summarize all that he has said the spirit of adoption the spirit of his son the spirit of him is summarized by the spirit do you understand the spirit keep that somewhere so the spirit of adoption means we share the same identity in our spirit with christ identification see our identification is spirit soul and body our identification is total spirit soul and body uh do you remember yesterday we were talking about the fact that the word logis oh my do you remember logis oh my means credited to my account all right so when there is a logisom i okay which is to an accounting term for crediting when when the debt of christ is spoken of lord give someone will mean what that death is my death that burial and that resurrection meaning that when jesus died it was deposited in his account my account when he was buried it was deposited in his account my account when he rose from the dead it was deposited where in my account so who died you died who was buried you were buried who rose euros who defeated death you defeated that so as he is so am i that's identification that's the reality of the gospel you are not a struggling poor old sinner no as he is so are you this knowledge must be supreme over your feelings even if you feel as nasty as the devil you are one with christ your feelings must be subject to your knowledge and eventually what you know will change how you feel am i teaching good here keep swallowing these teachings as they enter you they will free you how many of you remember somebody gave us a testimony last night who was struggling with addictions and he said he just kept hearing the word now he is surprised that he is the one that is free from all those things and how he got free he cannot explain then he said in fact what papa is saying is correct just keep swallowing the word it is what you eat that will determine what you push out now if you eat what it would it would it would you become modified if there's english like that when you become mortified your action will be worthified it's not by might not by power stop struggling to be a good person you will end up a hypocrite relax and swallow the world let the world enter and work it out i feel like i'm teaching here see when the word enter it will work it out you will be the one that will find out that you are no more interested no more appetite the word will kill every antichrist appetite you just find out after a while the appetite is the works of righteousness it's not struggle we are not pretending here be yourself and let the world enter stop acting we are not actors we are real people here am i communicating keep eating anything keep eating it every form of addiction will be wiped out when this world enters the problem is people don't have word and they tell them live right so when they try it's not working they pretend they pretend and everybody is pretending for everybody everybody is pretending for everybody then the day pressure comes and you manifest your true color can a christian behave like this even you guys doing if your own prayers shall come what does you do so everybody's because nobody is being real am i talking to somebody here but when you just be yourself and let the world begins to enter let the world begin to enter as you swallow the world the world will come and saturate your being you won't even know when you're living right it will be natural you don't plan to urinate you re urinate when urine comes it's natural if you could live right you know you don't need jesus you cannot that's why jesus came that's why everything he does he did is credited to your account why is there credit in your account so you use it when you need it the reason for credit in your account is so you use it when you need it so when you do wrong what do you do you withdraw the credit you withdraw from your credit i'm dead to sin i'm alive to god i reckon with that i do not reckon with my behavior i reckon with what is in mind [Music] if i'm teaching good shout i hear i hear now sit down sit down let's run let's run let's run that means the spirit of adoption is a sharing identity in our spirit with christ that means our spirit does not grow into sonship we are born sons we are born sons now romans chapter four let's examine this word very well logisomai it means to give account it means to speak of what exists logisomei is spelled as l o g i z o m a r is a greek word logism i it means impute or imputed is an accounting term which means to give account to speak of or to speak of what exists romans chapter 4 verse 8 let's see brother paul romans chapter 4 verse number 8 blessed is the man to whom the lord will not login my sin impute to whom the lord will not account sin or record sin in his account to whom the lord will not credit his sin that man is blessed who even though he has failures god the judge of all refuses to credit it in his account that's the blessing the gift of righteousness devoid of works now why did god not reckon with abraham's sin why romans 4 3 romans chapter 4 verse 3 for what saith the scripture abraham believed god and it was counted unto him for righteousness so question why will god not reckon with abraham sin because abraham believed he believed look at verse 5 romans chapter 4 verse number 5 now to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justified the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness his faith is counted lugizumi the word justified means he is discharged of his wrongdoing when you are justified it means the judge looked at you and by his authority as the judge discharges you of wrongdoing are you understanding do you understand yeah it's like recently uh president donald trump just before he left office granted pardon to 140 people who were prisoners their prison term was not over but presidential power he called him out and said whatever they said you did i as the president of the united states of america release you discharged and acquitted without prejudice that is in your record it does not exist that you ever committed that crime and if anybody accuses you of it you can sue him for character assassination now that's what a man who is a president has the power to do how much more jesus [Applause] how much more jesus i said how much more jesus jesus didn't only just say come you're free jesus died he paid the price and rush triune family and say once you believe in me you're righteous are we teaching now imagine that donald trump after giving those people executive pattern then the people go and begin to say i know i'm a very wicked person i know i don't deserve this freedom i should go back to prison and it goes back to the prison door and stand here i want to enter i know they have said i'm free but i don't think i am free let me just enter that is what christians do every time they pray and confess their sin every time you pray and confess your sin you're going back to the prison to say even though somebody paid for me but i don't think it is correct i know myself i want to pay for myself you are full not just fulfilled two thousand years ago he died my death so when he died who died it's called identification that's what christ did for us that's what christ did for us and you are totally free from it no record long ago long ago the old account was set too long ago the record clears today it's clear so that's why when we come in prayer we don't come with any what whether whether i remember or i remember not we completely father thank you thank you lord i stand before you as the righteousness of god thank you lord i am as holy as jesus and if you hear jesus you hear me always if you cannot say no to jesus you cannot say no to me the spirit of his son is in my heart proclaiming and announcing very loud god's affectionate love towards me hallelujah i tell you this is the kind of place we can dance and dance till the service is over but we have some more things to write down so the word justified means he is discharged of his wrongdoing it means from the point of faith from the point of faith god stopped reckoning with abraham sin you didn't hear that from the point of faith god stopped recording abraham sin from the point of faith god stopped reckoning with abraham's sin that's why if you read how god dealt with abraham he never for once reckoned with his fault not for once did you notice that abraham's believing was once he believed once and he was righteous forever once once abraham had a cause to even battle with an affair yes but the believing in genesis 15 what was credited to his account the issue of him and the house lady him and all that non-recorded because from the point of faith god stops reckoning with abraham's failures from the point of faith the moment you believe in jesus sin is no more recorded in your account the moment you receive jesus so abraham's sin was never reckoned with he believed just once and that believing was credited to him for righteousness his faith abraham's faith recorded not abraham's conduct his faith was recorded not his conduct his faith because his conduct is not great but his faith is great and it is faith that is recorded for him to be great means it was not his conduct but his faith god dealt with abraham on the basis of faith not the basis of morality that's why even today god doesn't deal with you on the basis of morality otherwise there are moralists who don't believe in jesus and god has no dealings with them because morality does not stand a chance but god deals with you on the basis of faith why do people go to hell not for bad behavior but for unbelief in jesus when people don't believe in jesus they go to hell because faith is the currency that is recorded by god teaching good now thank you lord so abraham's conduct needs not to be righteous before he is called righteous did you hear that yeah faith was what was needed for him to become righteous so abraham believing god not acting wisely or acting well but believe in god righteousness comes by faith that is his sin will not be reckoned with look at romans chapter 4 verse 6 you will love that romans 4 6 even as david also described the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputed righteousness without walks god takes record of righteousness without walks he calls him righteous in spite of his actions abraham was called righteous without his actions why was he called righteous faith romans chapter 4 verse 17 which brother paul quoted from psalm 32 verse 3 romans 4 7 sorry romans chapter 4 verse 7 quoted from psalm 32 verse 3 saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered so reckoning is not a denial it's not that his sins were denied is that his sins were not recorded he wasn't treated with his sins so abraham sinned but god forgave romans 5 12 to 14 now 5 12 to 14. wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death pass upon all men for that all have sinned for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law nevertheless that reigns from adam to moses even over them that are not seen after the similitude of adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come that is even though abraham was in that class but righteousness was what was credited to his account that reigned from adam to moses abram was inside but in abraham's case what was credited to his account under that dispensation was righteousness why he believed faith in christ so what did god do god reckoned with abraham's faith not his sins not his deeds not his conduct the word impute logis oh my means to take account of when i take account of faith i am not taking account of anything else when i take account of faith so in god's moral compass in god's moral compass faith is highest that is morality for god is faith morality for god is faith faith in christ so something else may be existing but i'm not taking account of it what i'm taking account of is faith logism i means god is a judge god dismisses every evidence why because abraham believed so we cannot count his sins against him because he has believed in the death of christ it's not that he hasn't sinned but because he has believed in the death of christ his sin is not recorded that's why it's called blessing now it's not the name of his sister that's why it's called blessing the blessing there is that you appeared before the global court of justice standing before the judge of the whole earth and your accusers are holding hard evidence against you but you have faith in christ after stating all their cases with their evidence the chief judge said even though those evidences are there they are dismissed they will not be recorded and he looked at you with all that they have said against you and he said acquitted and discharged in the face of evidence while faith in christ so unto him that that what can not but believeth on him that justified the criminal his faith is counted for righteousness am i teaching here tell me i believe i'm justified say it again i believe i'm justified so loki somali does not deny wrongdoing it just doesn't affirm them it doesn't deny them why why does it not affirm wrongdoing because of romans 4 25 it was affirmative because of romans 4 25 cabada romans 4 25 who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification something was done for you what did you do you sinned what did christ do for you he died so his death negated your sin and by your faith in that death you are treated as sinless so since the death was done for you god reckons with the death of christ he doesn't reckon with your wrongdoing he reckons with the death of christ he reckons with the resurrection of jesus he does not reckon with your sins hebrews chapter 8 now so if something is done for me i will reckon with it i reckon with what is done for me not what i have done but what has been done for me done by christ for me you know listen let me give you a little homework if you have the time read romans chapter three chapter four chapter five and circle the word four four four four everywhere you see four four four in romans chapter three four and five and it anywhere you see four the team that follows four is for you anywhere you see four romance chapter three verse four and five take that as a homework and enjoy it hebrews 8 12 now hebrews 8 12 get him blessed for i will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will i remember no more to dear circle there if your bible is your own except you borrowed it and even if you did it circle after all it has space there for you to write to their unrighteousness that scripture was taken from jeremiah 31 31 jeremiah 31 31 behold the days come say of the lord that i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah 32 not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers in the day that i took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt which my covenant they break although i was a husband unto them save the lord 33. but this shall be the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days saying the lord i will put my law in their inward part and write it in their hearts and will be their god and they shall be my people next verse ah glory to god next verse and they shall teach no more every man is neighbor and every man is brother saying lord the lord for they all or they shall all know me from the list of them unto the greatest of them say the lord for i will forgive their iniquity and i will remember they are seen no more i like to go to the hebrew context the word remember no more is the word zakah z-a-k-a-r in hebrew is the same word used for mind full of something remember no more zakar mind full of something or to be mindful or to consider it the word remember is not something you forget or didn't forget is the word be mindful something you consider something you take note of or something you don't take note of your sins i will take note of no more i will take note of no more it was translated in the greek as memnesco zakar in the hebrew memes ko in the greek how do you spell memnesco m-i-m-n-e-s-k-o memnesco hebrews chapter 2 verse 6 is where it is used hebrews chapter 2 verse number 6 but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that doubt at memes call of him mind full so when he says i will remember no more it means i will never be mindful of same word i will no more consider so it's not a denial god is not saying i will not remember because it does not exist what it means is i will not be mindful of so god is not mindful of sin why is he not imputing sin because of what jesus did so what does he impute righteousness look at second peter 3 2 see the way brother peter uses it ii peter chapter 3 verse 2 that ye be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets be mindful or think about so that word zakar is hebrew and memnesco is not to deny it means they are not acknowledged so if i am to reckon what must i do it means i must reckon with what god reckons with i reckon with what god reckons with abraham related with god based on that fact that man was born hey abraham that is the very first person he relates with about this fact god we must never stand in god's presence if you don't understand what i'm teaching you never stand in god's presence with a memory of sin father i have come father you know a fish in the water cannot do without swimming now no you're not a fish you're not a fish you're not in the water [Music] don't let all wise fables move thoughts don't let all those village things haunt you out of what god has done for you hallelujah so if i want to glorify god i glorify god by saying what god says about sin your sins and iniquities i will remember them again i will no more be mindful of them glory to god so when people talk about confessing sins what they mean by that confession is that you are developing an unrighteousness consciousness a sin consciousness whereas logisomai and zakar and mimnesco are telling us to reckon with the gift of righteousness most of those things come in softly you know coming very gently see are you now trying to say that even when we do wrong we should pretend that we didn't do it are you trying to say so now are you okay wait pastor so now so now so pastor what you are trying to say now is that when i sin i should just do bull fees my conscience won't allow me pastor i didn't expect your conscience to allow you because your conscience is unschooled it's not trained so just like any untrained human being will behave that's how your conscience is behaving what i'm doing now is training your conscience in righteousness so your conscience will will be at home with righteous talk so your conscience will not be comfortable with sin talk it's a training so persona are you saying oh pastor that if i see now i should just bold face and say i am righteous yes that's what i'm saying you're not bold in faith you are acknowledging what christ did which is bigger than your sin are we teaching here so pastor you say we should never confess sin to who god does not reckon with sin so who are you confessing it to no it's a question who are you confessing to now god does not reckon god has no record he doesn't have the place to be writing people's sins he doesn't have such record i know some of you the church where you came from they told you that every time you sing god's video camera is filming you as your singing is filming you and the record is kept and when you die and finally arrive at heaven they will play it on big television and they will show everything you're doing anybody who told you that thing is very wicked he has weakened you is there english like that he has weakened you your sins and iniquities god does not reckon with sin so somebody says when i sin what do i do reckon with what christ has done what christ did who did he do it for you what you did what you did who did you do it against yourself so you sinned against yourself and christ died to take care of that sin so when you do wrong you and christ who is bigger christ who should you take side with christ how do you take side with christ by ignoring what you have done and acknowledging what christ has done so why do you wrong where you do wrong what do you do i am dead to sin and alive to god thank you father thank you father how can a man of god say he cannot confess your sin this man of god don't understand him at all how can you understand me how can you understand me except it'd be given to you from above somebody shout i am righteous i am accepted say i reckon with what jesus has done on my behalf say the work of christ is credited to my account when i need it i withdraw i thought somebody would shout hallelujah now i'm rounding up but listen to this now righteous consciousness altars are buffered righteous consciousness means i reckon or i speak of what god is mindful of i reckon all i speak of what god is mindful of what is god mindful of god is mindful of the sacrifice of jesus that's what god is mindful of god is not mindful of the bad bad things you did they are of no value but he's mindful of the sacrifice of his son because that is what is of value so what happens when you've done wrong you take side with the sacrifice of his son and acknowledge what his son has done and that's right just consciousness and when you awake to righteousness you see not when you awake to righteousness you sin not and if you keep awakening to sin you keep sinning but if you awake to righteousness you see not teaching good you identify with the sacrifice of jesus so that's what i reckon with i reckon with the gift of eternal life no songs of sin consciousness even abraham will not sing it if abraham comes to this service even with his old testament mentality and you start singing sin conscious songs he won't sing with you abraham in genesis knew better than many christians of today he knew better he knew better the man was bold look at abraham in spite of all his weaknesses god is going to destroy solomon gomorrah abraham said come come come come far be it from you that the judge of the whole earth will destroy the righteous with the sinner come come close god come close if you get there and you find 50 righteous will you destroy god say no 45 no 40 no 35 no 30 no see abraham beginning without any sacrifice 25 no 20 no 15 no 10 no then he stopped i wish had gone two god would have said no if you had even said one god will have said no if you have said nobody god would have said no because that prayer of abraham will have stood in the gap for sodom but abraham gave up at 10. don't forget the effectual father prayer of a righteous man so that's why in prayer you don't stop you pray until all that god has prepared comes into manifestation somebody shout i hear you when god saw abraham's heart god say i know where your heart is your heart is lost don't worry whether there is a righteous man or not since your heart is bothered for lord i will save lord that is before the death of christ the ezekiel after christ has died that you say you are praying and you don't know whether god has answered or not sometimes when you pray god says yes other times god says no and some other times god says you shut up man you don't know god all the promises of god are in him yes and amen to the glory of god by us i thought somebody would shout hallelujah i reckon with the gift of righteousness i do not consider sin he was delivered up for my offenses and he was raised again for my justification hallelujah in righteousness we act on the world what god's word to you your sins and iniquities he will remember them no more reckon with that it's not a denial of wrong deeds but an affirmation of the effective work of christ i'm not denying that i did something wrong if i need to apologize i will apologize but after i apologize to you i will take sides with what christ has done i am the righteousness of god in christ where are the righteous people in the house lift your right hand and tell me i am the righteousness of god in christ stand on your feet and let me hear a living amen [Applause] turn to somebody and say hey righteous man [Applause] glory to god i know some of you didn't find your righteous man standing beside you sir i'm waiting for all of them to stand up santiago was a hell righteous man your prayer naked power tremendous power available pray when you can because that is what is preserving this planet bless today i said bless today say every time i pray my prayers are answered jesus said father i thank you that you hear me always me too i have the spirit of the son father i thank you that you hear me always even now you're hearing me thank you father i didn't hear powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let me pray father thank you for your word we grow in knowledge we grow in grace we grow in revelation we grow in understanding and i decree that the revelation of jesus grows big on our on our inside until nothing else matters in the name of jesus barriers dominated obstacles terminated obstructions terminated in the name of jesus those in need of a miracle receive a miracle in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed be healed be healed in the name of jesus father we rejoice in faith for your word that is growing and growing and growing in this house and we thank you that your people have built up an army that the devil cannot withstand and we give you praise for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality glory get a good offering let's honor the word of god with our offerings we give in faith we give out of gratitude and understanding knowing that our offering they are tools of getting the gospel to the ends of the earth i also want to mention those online television the banking details are scrolling radio audience mr michael bush is joining me in another minute or two he will read the account details for you before we answer your questions respond to your phone calls and respond to all the messages you have sent across it's been a wonderful two weeks has it been a wonderful two weeks it's been an exciting time of growing and learning and we are still going to continue in on wednesday in the midweek service we are going to examine the details of the debt of christ the details we're going to go into the details of that debt we're going to go in there because there are rudiments of that debt we have to understand so that when we say jesus died we have a clear epignosis of what we're saying so you don't want to miss midweek service for anything on wednesday at 6 00 pm gmt plus one of course you'll be in the house centers by 5 30 to join the other brethren and all our campuses and everybody else will make sure you have it broadcasted everywhere you are amen all right lift up your offerings let me pray over them father we thank you for the privilege to give we're giving faith we give with joy and we rejoice that our offerings are a sweet smell before you today thank you for the blessing that we have from your world every day increasing and getting getting blessed and kept and we decree right now that our offerings continue to advance your course and everyone give him you lack nothing you are supplied for in all things in jesus precious name and every believer sees it powerful amen now listen to me before we take up the offerings we're not going to sign you up we're going to stay on because of as the councilor but i won't be able to announce this during as a counselor so listen carefully our bible study for two weeks finished today and those of you who even read very well must have finished the book of acts because in my family we were able to finish the book of acts just reading 10 chapters every day and we didn't even start from day one so that gave us space to play around and yet we have finished the book of acts now from tomorrow we will start from genesis chapter one five chapters every day genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy joshua and if you are faithful with it with extra three four five days of playing around by the 31st of march you will have finished those books five chapters every day by the 31st of march so after 31st of march i will give you the next reading plan we're going to go together in phases at the end of the day we'll finish the whole bible but there's a way i'm going about it if you observe we started from matthew then now we're coming back to genesis we may come back to the epistles and go back to judges so there's a way i'm going to go about it because there's a way i want you to go through the bible and have an understanding that is very you know clear for you to to be enriched in so everybody from tomorrow genesis chapter 1 5 chapters every day till the 31st of march we will have finished the book of joshua then i'll give you the next reading plan are you excited about that praise god all right so you know online don't go away tv don't go away radio stay with us we'll be joining mr michael bush in another five minutes or they're about but we're going to give our offerings and rejoice and thank you for giving to this ministry eat it let's do it as we celebrate glory to god [Music] hallelujah [Music] yesterday today forever you are my god and king you never change yesterday today forever no [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank [Music] nobody [Music] [Applause] nobody loves you [Music] and i worship ourselves everybody gets set to give him praise you are the the thing that you do show me that you care is glory hallelujah i don't know whether i should say you should sit but you have the option to sit or to stand provided you can bring out your kingdom investment and your worship offering anyhow is convenient if it is convenient for you to sit and bring it out fine but quickly if it is coming enough for you to stand wherever it is bring it out right now please because we have to go to the next segment of the service kingdom investment and your worship offering everybody as soon as you take it up you stand and as soon as you stand lift it up and thank god for it everybody should be standing now you don't have to sit everybody please stand wherever you are we are honoring god with our you know with our offerings and we honor him with everything that we are and with everything that we have so honor god and stand that is what we do here we honor god in everything we do here father we thank you we are grateful for the privilege to give you have given us everything and so we are conscious that we are bound in every good thing so that we are bound in every good work today we appreciate the fact that our offerings are acceptable before you and we thank you for the blessings we declare that this week is a week of great manifestation your glory in every dimension of our lives thank you because we lack nothing our hands are blessed whatever we touch is blessed and so we return the glory to you even as we continually enjoy your grace in jesus precious name let the believers say amen and please you will quickly with joy and with gladness come forward here kingdom investment in the basket and the offerings just right here [Music] everybody [Music] foreign who you are day oh amen all right let's celebrate as mr market bush comes for ask the councilor glory to god glory to god my microphone please good afternoon from your nigeria and welcome to the finale of this chapter of our program our beginners always do while we still stand in place with account details for especially a radio audience there are three banks as usual fcmb there's nf and there is uba on this all important edition of the program i start with zenith right at the very top 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12. and that is the account number for zenith power city international of course remains the account name the second bank is the one that's as united as the cam uba 139 26 465 139 26 465 still the same account name power city international and detail fcmb 29 82 68 20 28 29 82 68 2028 that's announcements number one quickly quickly announcement number two calls you're going to be joining us any moment as a matter of fact in the next five minutes as soon as blah blah blah joins me you would also join us on telephone thank you plus two three four that's the number if you're calling from outside the country otherwise it's 186 800 9939 or you send us an email or two all of that to ask the counselor now at gmail dot com or better steel and sms or two two plus two three four if you're doing it from outside the country otherwise it's 207 or three nine six nine one eight six four two announcements number two down just one and we are good to go for sponsorship you need to call up plus two three four if you're doing so from outside the country otherwise it's oil free two seven five six one or four or you send an email or two to dr ebelldamina doctor there of course is dr that's about the size of announcements that's always the traditional opener of our program my name is michael busch i'm joined by producer pastor ij aquarium the production team please put your hands together for us of course the resident pastor is also in and i'm excited to see him pastor president and his dear wife william and now the sex man the man of the moment the man without whom all of the bible education we received globally may not have been possible help me welcome this international televangelist this radio mine and of course prolific author help me to welcome global barber [Applause] dominance so good to see you today fantastic blah blah blah how it's been your day bloomberg is fantastic just fantastic i uh well i don't know i just take um 30 seconds with you to do the traditional opening prayer as soon as we're done with that i have two questions of my own to set the stage then we get back to enugu where we spent last night and zoom off let's pray together father we thank you for grace mercy on jesus thank you that today even as we pray for our nation we pray for our state acquire we pray for the governor we pray for his cabinet we pray for everyone that serves acquire bomb state the public servant civil servants that they continue to enjoy your grace your protection and your help even as they continue to provide for us an enabling society for the preaching of the gospel we pray for nigeria we pray for the next rest of the nations of the world that lord continually as we stand in prayer that all our leaders will come to the knowledge of christ and we decree and declare that the enemy will not overrun our cities and our nations we stop him in the name of jesus and where the creator this week the kingdom of god continues to make progress our souls are saved disciples are raised and the glory of god is made manifest in jesus precious name and everyone says a powerful amen amen remember thank you we continue to thank you please be seated thank you thank you put your hands together for yourselves very great audience always i look forward to coming here and to sharing moments with you okay global baba my number one opening question today would be you know as a result of all that i've heard from you and i'm beginning to wonder when you when you when when you comb the bible for knowledge yes as a pastor will you say that you receive help from the holy spirit yes does it hold his holy spirit guide you does he tell you some things does he tell you what to say does he tell you the right things well in bible study we stay with the book but what the holy does spirit does is to open our understanding so as we are reading the book the things that were written in you know are made manifest to our minds but there are rules there are guides for interpreting the scriptures if you don't know them you can never even with the holy spirit you can never be able to interpret so basically there's the knowledge that is foundational then based on that knowledge the holy spirit now begins to give you directions on how to communicate effectively i don't know but i think that's always the case for me if i had known i would have asked all my questions that one fell soon because that you know totally preempts my question if i ask and i will see myself i don't know enough but let's mean let me still ask for my viewer and for my listener okay why then do otherwise there controversy among pastors the other day you said something that was profound about school of thought that there's a school of thought oh this is what they want to put out is what they want to put out why is there no unanimity among pastors number one many are not trained they just got zeros in church and people told them they have a call of god so they brush their bags carried their bibles and began to read their thoughts and there's a a huge class in fact my friend pastor paul at the pharisee was telling me that he believes 95 percent of african pastors are not trained that that's his own estimation 95 so if you take 95 percent of untrained pastors you can imagine the impact that will be so many are not trained some others went to bible schools but also the bible schools that they went to are not sound now that that's a bit funny but they are not sound because when theology is not built on christology all kinds of things will come out of it the basic way to interpret the bible is to look for christ because the bible is christ's book and once it is not that there'll be problems so that's why there's a lot of people are reading their thoughts people are creating their own theology out of the bible and you know the bible can be used to say anything for example most world religions are from the bible and the reason is because once you are not looking for christ in the bible you will get occultism you will get other things out of the same bible you know so it's christ that makes a difference in bible teaching okay he said 95 so that should also perhaps include pastors of some mega churches pastors who have done this man and boy like you you know crowd doesn't define soundness in theology crowd doesn't what about the number of years number of years somebody can be in ministry for 70 years and doesn't know john 3 16. yes so it's not crowd it's not number of years it's knowing christ and being able to be taught how to look for christ through the whole bible christ makes the difference in the bible okay no more please put your hands together for him he does he does so so well okay my last opening question global password how can get back to enugu and fly off around the world would be about what you said earlier today during the teaching series you said something about president donald trump you know i'm thankful he's no longer there but you said shortly before he left um the white house that he granted pardon to a hundred and forty people whereabouts yes yes and um and you went on to give a beautiful analogy that if those people cannot get back to the prison don't say i want to come back because i mean the president made a mistake by pardoning me why should you that christ died for that's such a profound analogy where did that come from why didn't we hear that why didn't you tell us that all this while are you just telling us that because bible teaching is precept upon precept lying upon line as we keep going we keep unfolding like that so that's why so do some things also unfold to you well yes sometimes new things open up to me okay that means there's hope for all of us for all of us okay go over to enugu as we set out this one comes from musee says um i write from a new blah blah blah i'd like to thank you so much and you too mr bush please explain to me first corinthians 12 30 to all speak in tongues so what does it mean and my second question is joel 2 28. your old men shall dream dreams so what is dream dreams vis-a-vis hebrews 1-1 thank you so much sir well dream dreams there is the same thing as sea visions it's just language dream dreams see visions is the same thing and he was talking about the outpouring of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit in operation when the outpouring takes place it was a prophecy of joel that was fulfilled in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost that's what that means now when he says do all speak in tongues he wasn't saying some people do not speak in tongues he was talking about order in a service when a service is going on and it is time to prophesy or to speak in tongues and interpret all are not supposed to be speaking except the person that has the tongue and the interpretation so that's what he meant by do all speak in tongues it was order of service not that every christian shouldn't speak in tongues okay fantastic still in the south eastern part of the country we go to abba abia state this one is the longest one i'll try and see how we take it hello global and my dear mr michael bush my name is michael i write from about i'm so happy for this opportunity to ask some questions now i see i understand why the queen of shepherd commented about the servants of king solomon who always heard his wife sayings indeed aqua bomb is blessed to have you i just hope they recognize and appreciate the value of what they have now to you my amiable mr bush please circuit on the good work that you do and please ensure that you i get answers to all these questions thank you okay i do that that battery of them uh nine and all i try and see how blah blah blah goes through this so one why did jesus agree with the devil that possessed those men to cast them into the head or to cast him into the head of swine knowing full well that that was somebody's business blah blah blah somebody's livelihood somebody's source of income well remember it was only done once and then remember when jesus walked in matthew mark luke and john everything he did was to teach something so he was teaching in that analogy allowing those demons granting them their requests was jesus teaching that if demons could ask and their request is granted how much more you meaning there is nothing you ask the father that the father will not give you okay okay so we can start taking phone calls um told uh considering that it's the finale this time around i'll take my first caller hello [Music] foreign [Music] tonight we started to lose human joy from the supreme business today are never dimensions of revolution i am just glad this is a great testament in our life and my family [Music] says thank you [Music] thank you god bless you all right matthew chapter 5 verse 20. thank you pastor sama jala matthew 5 20. put it on there on the screen for i say unto you that accept your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the pharisees and scribes you shall in no wise or in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven so what jesus was teaching here had to do with the law of moses and jesus was telling them well for you to actually enter the kingdom of heaven the standard of your righteousness must go beyond the standard of the law and nobody can get that standard so what he was doing is he was trying to get them defeated in the law so they can look up to him for righteousness that's actually okay thank you let's just head back to ababia state and the namesake michael is still on the second question the three wise men never mentioned the word christ to king herod global baba said where is he that is born king of the jews which would have meant many things ranging from angry political opponents to a revolt how then did king herod specifically know that they were referring to the christ not just any angry group of persons trying to overthrow him because all of them were expecting that birth from from the torah they had read they knew that there was a king of the jews to be born from the torah so when they said it by reason of the expectation it was easy for the king to know who they were talking about okay so quickly from steal from michael in about happier state so you said that desire on its own is not a sin but what does jesus mean in matthew 5 verses 27-28 matthew 5 27-28 put it off for us matthew 5 27-28 you have heard that it was said by them of all time thou shalt not commit adultery yes but i say unto you that whoever looked on a woman to lost after her committed adultery with her already in his heart all right so jesus was talking about the law of moses and lifting up the bar to bring them to a place where they are defeated so they can look up to him that's exactly what was happening here that's why he lifted the bath from them and that is why at the end of the teaching they said to him who then can be saved that means none of them can qualify and that's exactly what the intent of that parable was after jesus healed people he told them see that no man knows it what was he trying to conceal or prevent he didn't want anybody to know he was the one because or else they would kill him before his time so he had to keep himself until the appointed time of his death so that's when he wounded miracles that were not normal he told them to keep quiet and not talk about it and where they spoke about it he ran away and left the town because he didn't want them to mop him before the time because there was a timing for everything a second caller hello hello we have many thanks for coming in you have just one minute your name where you calling from okay good morning sir my name is the chances and i am calling for money from channels okay bless you i have not actually questioned the results quite that first of course i'm still looking for one for a bigger name to call you victory thank you there for us thank you i enjoyed the fellowship with you with his family with a great time standing here my first question is that you i was supposed to have people [Music] it's just about a few days ago that i just covered in genesis we have another [Applause] okay go to matthew matthew mark luke and john then you can meet up with us okay okay so we will continue with michael in above yesterday we hope that he's able to get back to us okay a global bible question number five from michael in about abia state in 1st john chapter 2 verse 27 what is the meaning of the phrase and you need not that any man teach you okay i was talking about first john he's talking about the anointing in you the anointing in you means that you have the witness of the spirit and when you are being taught by those that god has appointed over you as pastors and teachers when they are teaching you there will be a witness of the holy spirit to the truth that is being taught that's what he meant okay so we take question number six in acts 241 what type of baptism was that acts 2 41 put it on we just quickly have that acts 241 acts chapter 2 verse 41 they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same they were added on the tree because what a baptism at that time they were still baptizing people with water remember the book of acts is a book of transition how they move from old testament to new testament and so up to acts chapter 8 they were still baptizing people with water but the moment brother paul came into the church and began to teach sound doctrine what a baptism disappeared so that was water there fantastic global war that answers his same six big question since at what point did the apostles realize that the area of water baptism had gone that answers it it was when brother paul comes into this church okay seven was there any significance to this why did the holy ghost take time before coming upon the believers in acts 8 14-16 but while peter yet spoke in chapter 10 44-46 he came upon the listeners no hands were laid well again remember acts chapter 10 was the first time the holy ghost came on the gentiles so when they the first time the holy ghost came on the gentiles it had similarities with the day of pentecost when it came on the jews just to show that there's no difference all came without laying off hands but thereafter we lay hands on people brother paul laid hands in acts chapter 19. so we lay hands on people and there are also people today we talked to while we're here talking the holy ghost falls on them so either of them is still the same question number eight did john literally see the holy ghost in the form or shape of a person descending and remaining upon jesus please throw more light yes john saw the visible literal descending of the spirit i i did a teaching on it within the week with all the greek and and and all the exegesis if you get the material of this last week of teaching you will get that full teaching there and finally thankfully how did jesus choose the apostles why would he choose judas discard someone that does not believe in him please sir what was he thinking when he chose judas and please have prayed for me i need business breakthrough financial helpers and business opportunities thank you so much michael he didn't choose judas for judas to deny him he chose judas giving judas an opportunity to also believe but judas decided not to believe and he can force him and he can kick him out he will allow him and trust that he will change and until death he didn't change so it wasn't just like today he doesn't force anybody he gives all of us equal chance to be called to the gospel but the choice ultimately is left to you our last caller is on the line hello yes your name yes your name and where you calling from go ahead yes good afternoon afternoon yeah i'll call from you i want to remain anonymous please okay yeah i have a problem or rather a challenge i've not been to church since this year i am a believer a christian a very strong one at that i've not been to church since because of some certain things my pastor is not close to his member and i don't know what to do you want to assess him you can't assess him easily like he's like a spiritual father i am very confused i don't know what to do please thank you i also don't know what you should do i can't tell you stay away from your church and i can't tell you to force your way into your pastor but if he's a pastor any person that is not accessible is not a pastor he's a boss a real pastor should be accessible sheep assess shepherds shepherds must be available for sheep to be able to access them so my advice is simply if i were you and i'm not saying you should do it i will change the church quickly and get a church where i can get somebody who is watching over my soul and i can assess him when i have a situation to access my pastor okay we're done with calls and because this is a very special edition of the program producer we'll just take a couple of live questions if we can but i have another longish entry from the eastern part of nigeria says hello global abandoned intercontinental mr bush my name is michael i write from the eastern part of nature i want to use this opportunity to thank god for giving us a man like in our generation the only preacher of the gospel that knows the gospel of christ as it should be the only preacher of the gospel that is focused on building believers not building of churches god bless you daddy may god fill you with my knowledge of the gospel and bless mama for being a good wife by giving you peace of mind to learn another to help us on learn learn and relearn god bless you mr bush as well words cannot be enough to express how pleased i am to meet you since i first got an encounter with you back then in 2008 that should be about baba that was the first time i fell in love with you but now you have so much revelational knowledge i haven't followed them all i'm here yes thank thank you i may god bless you that i need a piece of advice my father died in 2012 before his death he cursed um i'm just wondering what this says now before his death the cause of his death was similar to what caused the death of his older brother eight years before 2012 although nothing was wrong with him not up until my siblings and i including my mother decided to leave the white government church and change to anglican that was when my father became angry and stopped eating my mother's food and joined his brother that was poisoning his mind to throw my mother away to cut a long story short before his death in fact a day before his death he said we should call a pastor for him when we did that the pastor led him to christ now last year i heard that this first son died in just exactly another eight years before they laid him to raise the remaining brothers i had went to inquire of the reason this happened in a native way and they found out that their father that's my grandfather because of the quest for his son went to israel and asked and promised that if giving his sons will worship or over sacrifice to it and it happened that after his death none of his sons did this and followed such death my mother called me a few days ago to tell me this and also said that they want to come to a compound and get stunned that the prayer person um that they should go and get sun from where my grandfather wants it because they play my the place my father built the house was where my grandfather once built a small mud house he stayed there and farmed but that was not his main building i've told my mother that we have been regenerated and that the compound has been sanctified that my our genes lineage and inheritance in christ that detention now is the sun although nobody from my family followed with them to inquire because when they called and said native way my mother said no that she's not a child of darkness rather light in this case what should we do blah blah blah i think that's just it please help ignore it that's all ignore it don't send any sand anywhere just ignore them when you ignore them enough they will not bother you again global baba yes so all of that trouble that we read and read and read already it's just 10 seconds okay i'm told that we have a couple of uh i mean four okay just make it very short five wow just make it very very short we don't have time yes please sir very short your name thank you my name is anthony yes i go ahead good morning please i came in from my academy to worship with you wow that's good bless you i'm tony thank you welcome yes papa i sometimes i get confused about this particular issue the rapture it started with the lord jesus first of the body in i think matthew chapter 24 when he says that this gospel of the kingdom will preach all over the world and then the end will come and then paul also took time to talk about rapture in first thessalonians chapter 4 i think verse 17 and peter also talked about it but somewhere along the line paul also in ephesians chapter 3 verse 21 when he entered that place he said world without and amen i'm seems confused i will this world ever end okay yes it will end when jesus said this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached and then the end shall come it's not talking about end times it's talking about the end of the prophecies of the old testament that the preaching of the kingdom will bring the end or the fulfillment of the prophecies of the old testament it's not talking about the end of times now when paul said world without end he was talking about our experience with christ eternal life life without end this physical world will end because corruption will put on incorruption at the resurrection of the church this world will be folded away because this world is corruptly seen and this is not the world that we're going to live in okay thank you i'm afraid i'm afraid i'm afraid i'm not even able to take even too i'm not even able to take what you're going to do just write your questions write your questions i'll carry it subsequently when the program returns i just need to go i need to prepare the grounds for us to leave global we're rounding off this um series and we need to go and cool off in dubai that would be nice yes global barbarous flights are not going to dubai now oh sure but we can always connect with ethiopia maybe talk into that yeah absolutely absolutely okay so dear global sir it's with great honor and unspeakable joy that i write to you my coach my mentor my teacher just to name a few all thanks to our father almighty for you that is sir i'm grace i write from the uae my question what did brother paul really mean in philippians 3 11 secondly i really desire to be trained and brought up by you i've been asking myself quite some time now how i can really i could really get close to you even if it would take me to come over to nigeria to your place to be trained totally by you because i really want to follow your footsteps just say something daddy all right sure we can train you uh plan to come to nigeria every july we have 30 days of glory 30 days bible school everything here physically you can plan to come this year a lot of people are planning to come this year especially since they were cheated of it last year because of coronavirus we trust god by july all that will be behind us now his question was philippians yes chapter 3 philippians 3 11 if our enemies are might attain unto the resurrection of the dead next verse not as though i had already attained either we're already perfect but i follow after if that i'm a apprehended for which i also am apprehended of christ jesus paul was just talking about his desire you know desire to know christ and desire to eventually be glorified that is this body taken off so it can be in the full state where christ is right now that was his desire and prayer if you start from verse 10 he started with the i may know him and the power of his resurrection so it was his desire his hunger to put off this and being the full regalia the glory of christ okay so the series is about to be rounded off remember our broadcast will continue everywhere on every platform whether on air and online right now global baba just allow you to do one thing prayers we've written we have many prayer requests just do that before all right let's pray for all those in need father we pray for people in needs people that are sick we ask for their healing right now in the name of jesus amen people in need materially financially we ask for a miracle we ask for favor we ask for opportunities in the name of jesus those that are going through a period of trial sorrow pain pressure in the name of jesus we declare an intervention of god and we rebuke the wind and the waves in their lives and we speak peace in the name of jesus amen thank you father for the blessing upon your people and we rejoice for answered prayer in jesus name amen amen thank you for your fantastic work passed out as a resident pastor pastor president and his dear wife william also pastor ij aquara producer and the production team on your behalf this is michael bush the anchor dropping it here and asking global to take us home the intercontinental mr bush it's been another wonderful time hasn't really been a great great great great blessing to us amen let's celebrate him thank you man thank you and everybody else we wanted to know we love you we're glad for you you've given us the opportunity to always bring the word of god to you even though as a counselor takes a break we're coming back very shortly but there's a lot of going to be a lot of rebroadcast all over television radio and social media every day like tomorrow will begin ted training evangelism and discipleship broadcast at six o'clock on facebook and youtube you don't want to miss it for anything from tomorrow evening and everybody else you know we love you we're glad to have dr gabriel and his wife still with us we love both of you uh pastor pastor pastor praise we love you and we're glad you're here with us remember to follow us today at three to five on uh one two three xlfm this evening 9 to 10 inspiration 10 to 10 to 12 heritage heritage fm tomorrow morning 5 45 xl fm 11 to 1 radio acquired bomb one two three xl three to five fm and it keeps going through the week like that we love you guys enjoy the rest of your day we look forward to being a blessing to you as the days go by and until then be blessed goodbye amen praise god let's go ahead and [Music] celebrate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,857
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ES-AoV13f_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 40sec (7720 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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