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[Music] if you know that you're not going to remain the same again jump up on your feet [Applause] [Music] the word of god is [Music] revelations [Music] [Applause] hallelujah i am what god [Music] do what says says [Music] i believe [Music] [Music] i would never never [Music] but i would never be the same [Music] jesus is my righteousness [Music] i believe [Music] no [Music] me [Music] never [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor eva [Music] come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale [Applause] [Music] [Music] is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favorite [Music] [Applause] [Music] never show be the same i would never know [Music] oh [Music] the holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take on this morning for the gift of the holy ghost [Music] the gift of the spirit is a gift of salvation [Music] [Music] [Music] of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god shining in our hearts this morning a product a product a product [Music] [Music] the glorious gospel of christ the knowledge of jesus will cover the whole earth every nook and cranny of the earth as the waters cover the sea and [Music] he said that i am sure that when i come to you i shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of christ this morning my couple shall tie at her we are ready for that fullness we are ready for that fullness somebody shout glory oh let's celebrate the presence of our papa in the house celebrate with a club celebrate with a shot let's celebrate the gift of god somebody shall glory [Applause] [Music] shout of god as glory amen lift your right hands to heaven father we rejoice that this morning we have this opportunity to learn to be equipped to grow in knowledge and grace thank you lord that we speak words which the holy ghost teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual persons and we ask that the eyes of your people's understanding flooded with light nobody lives here the same way they came buddies and yolks are destroyed and with the creator by the end of this service jesus is glorified thank you father for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally dear for today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way have kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram we also want to welcome all of our quiet home state community connected to the service right now by way of comfort fm xl fm radio aquaborn passion fm inspiration fm and heritage fm and we're also on premium fm in a back premium fm every day we're on premium fm um every day um i'm not too sure of the time by by heart right now but i'm sure we're going to make adverts towards the the premium fm broadcast which is already running and we're going to talk about the time some more within the week and then we're also going to put extra adverts so that more people will get to listen to that broadcast but i know it's somewhere in the morning hours so we'll talk about it within the week but we're glad to welcome everybody that is connected to the service right now all of our social media community do me the favor of getting the message to the ends of the earth share the video on your page tag some people join as many groups as possible share with all the groups put the messages on on whatsapp groups telegram monogram let's flood the earth with the fragrance of jesus grace i also want to welcome all our campuses around the world what a joy to have everyone in the campus our brothers and sisters around the world welcome to the service this morning we're excited to have all of you in the service is everybody in the building excited about the word of god can we celebrate the word of god with a shout this morning glory amen grab your pen or not book your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self let's get into the word of his grace this morning now if you are not in the first service i will advise you to get the teaching of the first service it will help you a lot with a number of things i have dealt with because i'm just going to continue from this service god knows that god's spirit always leads us romans chapter 8 verse 14 god's spirit always leads us we're looking at leading and perception for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god so we will not have an issue with the leading of the spirit because you are born of god you are led because you're born of god you are led yet it is important to know what the leading of the spirit is we are examining how do we perceive the leading of the spirit we have said that the leading of the spirit is direct you don't have to pray for leading every believer is naturally laid romans chapter 8 verse 14 to 16 romans chapter 8 verse 14 to 16. for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god next verse for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father next verse the spirit itself buried witness with our spirit that we are the children of god we said that most of the time the way we receive oftentimes is where the challenge is we have no problem with god talking to us it's how we receive what god is saying that's where the problem the perception the leading don't have problem is the perception how you receive the message or how you receive what god is saying and we also said that many of us are on the lookout for the spectacular and when you're looking out for the spectacular you miss the supernatural because the supernatural can be very simple the spectacular is that which looks dramatic that which looks like a wonder you know those dramatic things that's spectacular and that's what many people look out for most of the times but god's leadings are so simple that we have to pick up the impressions and the revelations that we receive from the spirit of god ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 please pay attention ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him he says when there is revelation the eyes of your mind are being enlightened revelation is the enlightenment of the eyes of your mind by the spirit of god the enlightenment of the eyes of your mind so revelation is from your spirit to your mind the eyes of your mind that means the eyes of your will that is the eyes of your thinking are flooded with light that's revelation in other words you cannot take away your thinking from how you respond to the leading of the spirit in the leading of the spirit your thinking comes to play your thinking your thought process and today we will have a broader perspective as we begin to examine decision making decision making in the leading and the perception of god's leading the question is how interested is god in what we do how we do it and where we do it when we do it and with whom we do it take note of the questions how interested is god in what we do number two how we do what we do number three where we do what we do number four when we do what we do number five with whom we do what we do how interested is god in those very factors that's the question we should ask how interested is god in the decisions that we make in our lives is god really interested in how we dress how we eat how we sleep because sometimes we think that god is only interested in spirituality we're being spiritual but like i said in the first service the analogy i gave was the analogy of an inventor an inventor who invented a device let's say an inventor who invented the microphone is interested in how the microphone is used the color of the microphone where the microphone is used the attitude of the microphone the output of the microphone you know the productivity of the microphone the guy who invented the microphone is interested in every detail of the microphone very interesting one time a you know toyota also was a toyota mercedes-benz one of those companies produced a car sold some thousands of that car and then they discovered there was a defect so the manufacturer asks everybody to bring back the cars and they're going to replace it for them at no charge why because their name is on that vehicle and they care about what people's impressions are of who they are based on their product now so if human beings are that particular about their product and his functionality how much more god the creator of man he's interested in what you do he's interested in what you wear he's interested in what you eat he's interested in where you live god is interested in everything in fact the bible tells us that the very hair of your head is numbered every time you comb your head and hair falls off the number is corrected that's how detailed god is about you he cares about everything you know sometimes you think that god only cares about we're doing ministry he only cares about we're praying in tongues no he cares about everything how you slept whether you slept well or not what you ate whether you're eating to build or you're eating to abuse your body god cares about all of that he's interested in everything every detail of your life god is interested in it now please stay with me so we are looking at decisions the making of decisions every minute of your life you are making decisions right now you made decision to listen to me and you can decide while i'm teaching you can decide not to listen to me because every minute you're making decisions you decide where to go you decide when to go you decide how to talk to people you decide how to look at somebody you decide not to look at somebody you decide to keep your legs like this and while i'm teaching if you like you decide to cross your legs you every minute you are making decisions you decide to sleep while i'm teaching and you decide to stay awake you decide to write things that pertain to other things you plan to do within the week making it look like you're writing what i'm teaching but you decide not to listen nobody's going to ask you nobody's going to challenge every minute of the day you're making decisions and all of these decisions put together will ultimately determine whether you're in the will of god or out of the will of god because god has a will for your life god has a purpose for your life god has a plan for your life because you are god's product you are god's product now stay with me so we're going to be examining ministry career location that is where you live we'll look at marriage which is very key we'll look at business and investments which are very important we want to be able to look at where and what role does common sense play in the perception that we have of the leading of the spirit and in the first service i began to talk about zechariah and his wife elizabeth whom you know god told them they were going to have a baby and that the name will be called john and the ministry of john god gave them a brief on the baby they were going to have god didn't tell them to go and have sexual intimacy but zechariah by common sense knew that if god told him that his wife will have a baby and this is what the baby will do zechariah knew that he has a responsibility to sleep with his wife and produce the baby god didn't need to tell him sleep with your wife that is where common sense comes in perceiving the leading of the spirit we also talked about peter the holy ghost told peter to stand up when he was in prison stand up peter stood up to run the holy ghost say wait where are your clothes that's common sense wear your clothes take your sandal let's go common sense god is not going to play the common sense for you you will have to play the common sense part in perceiving the leading of the spirit you have to play the common sense and many people that is where they get stranded many people that is where they get frustrated and they start fasting and praying endlessly because they miss out something they should have done that will have moved them into that plan and purpose of god for your life for their lives so they start fasting and praying i'm going all over the place looking for what they call deliverance because they think it's a demonic problem not knowing is just a common sense application that is lacking in helping them work into that which god has designed for their lives are we still in the building now so there's a place of common sense and sometimes we feel that god should do what we ought to do by ourselves god doesn't function like that you have to be the one to apply that common sense in obeying the leading of the spirit now remember i have said in life generally we have options options every human being in the choice of a career there are options you can decide to be a medical doctor you can decide to be a lawyer you can decide to be an architect there are options in life every day you wake up you wake up with options to go out not to go out to sleep or to wake up all those are options every human being has options you know all the time and it is making the decision on which of these options to choose that ultimately will determine whether you're in the will of god or you're out of the will of god like i said in the first service you can go and read medicine and then by the time you're graduating from medical school you'll find out that there are about 100 000 medical doctors in the country and there are maybe only 500 hospitals that need doctors so you end up joining the competition market and some people never ever go beyond that they stay they are frustrated and they end up living a life of regret and they blame everybody else for what you know they ought to have done that they never did so we're dealing with things here that are very critical that will help you to enjoy this grace that jesus has already given you so now listen carefully um there's also location location is important you know a job a job comes to you better opportunities greener pastures somewhere in nigeria where now you have to relocate from aqua bomb and go there maybe relocate to ub state or you relocate to borno state or of course by elsa or ogun state for greener pastures they used to see now that's straightforward for some people so now you go to benin or worry or lagos and you are faced with there's a green opportunity greener pasture do i go or do i not go then you conclude it's not important how can god tell me where to live i don't even need to pray about it i can decide where i want to go we have marriage and in marriage you also have options options and if you say you don't have options in marriage you are an exception to the rule because everybody has options remember to say well since i was born nobody has told me i love you something is wrong with you fundamentally you have you told somebody you love him because if you have not told somebody you love him maybe that's why nobody has told you he loves you because as you grow in life you love people you love your mommy you love your daddy and you tell them daddy i love you mommy i love you you love your brothers okay and then you grow into extended family members you grow into neighbors i love you i love you no strings attached you're not thinking of sex you just you just you just love them love them for them and as you grow loving people people love you back so when a lady said no man has ever told me i love you because you live in a hate island and nobody wants to cross in there because it's full of bile and hatred even those ladies if you look at them they look very very tight up they look tensed and you know that such a person if you stay with that person you will harvest the fruit of complain they are not happy who wants to spend his life with gloomy moody dowdy bloom gloom zloom nobody wants to spend his life with a very dowdy human being i want to be around people who are happy trust me by god i don't like sad environment if you're inside this don't come close to me because even my angels will push you away i like people that are happy and i want to be around happy people because i'm a happy person i'm a happy person i don't know how many of you want to be around people that are sad any no i don't know why nobody has told me i love me spend time with such people whether ladies or men you will find out that their life is full of complain they complain about everything including god and satan and even the rats in their house they complain no rats are coming to this house the rats now are too much i'm teaching good i know what i'm talking about you know i'm a pastor i talk to people all over the world i know what i'm talking about from my youth nobody has ever you need prayers because everybody has options every human being has options do i do this do i do that what about this you have options life is full of options some people think pastors are gods so everything they want to go to a pastor should i eat pepper is it gary or rice all eat everything don't come to me and ask me what to eat you know and there are people that can't do anything till they talk to a pastor they can't no no no god never designed for you to live your life like that even god doesn't control you like that you're not a robot he gave you the freedom to choose however he gives you wisdom on what to choose and what not to choose am i talking to anybody here we have options in life so in the book of georges chapter 6 a man by the name of gideon spoke to god and god answered him now we will deal with that look at gideon i mean george's chapter 6 verse number 16. george's 6 and the lord said unto him surely i will be with thee and thou shalt smite the media knights as one man next verse and he said unto him if now i have found grace in thy sight then show me a sign did you see that underline that show me a sign that doubt talkers with me that's it that's a place never to miss show me a sign that now talks with me next verse depart not dance i pray you until i come on today and bring forth my present and said it before the and he said i will tarry until that come again next verse and gideon went in and made ready a kid and a living cakes on a of an effort floor the flesh he put in a basket and he put the broth in a pot and brought it out onto him under the oak and presented it so now some people say well father this is what gideon did god if you're the one talking to me make nepal take light now god if you're the one talking to me let a dog hit my door and then suddenly dog whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa because satan uses elements so if you use elements to seek for direction you will have elements coming because satan walks in the realm of elements god if you are the one that is talking to me wake me up by two o'clock two on the dot satan will wake you up say thank you jesus so gideon was saying god give me a sign and you know pastor praise there are many people that live their life by seeking for signs god are you the one okay if you are the one make that sister to greet me then i will know she's my wife and the sister would just say good morning sir she has never greeted you before a guy i know you know i had the story of in in josh plateau state a church that you know the pastor was my friend years back but he's going to be with jesus the guy was praying for a wife and those are the days i used to teach about will of god will of god in marriage there's one will of god for if you miss you have missed so you say oh god after praying for long he said lord in short today as i go to church the first sister that will greet me i will marry her the first sister that would greet me and there was a sister in that church that you know was paralyzed from her waist down so she uses crotches so as he was arriving church as soon as he arrived the church door she was sitting by the church she just said good morning bro he said i bind you you are not the first to greet me god is bringing the first person to greet me you already said the first sister that is his sister she's not an unbeliever why are you binding you're abiding a child of god there's no verse i say whatever child of god you bind no we don't bind believers believers stand first in the liberty where with christ are set afraid they cannot be born bound or burned or bound don't use it's what we call fleas you don't use fleeces to seek for direction that's a fleece you know it's like a um it's like a trial and error now look at that george's chapter 6 verse 22 george's chapter 6 22 and the angel of god said unto him take the flesh and the unliving cakes 22 brother george's 6 22. and when gideon perceived that he was an angel of the lord gideon said alas oh lord god for because i have seen an angel of the lord face to face next verse and the lord said unto him peace be unto thee fear not thou shalt not die gideon taught because he has seen an angel he will die that is one of the assumptions of the old testament so he put out a sign lord if it is you let me see a sign and people get into trouble playing in the senses because when you're talking about a sign you're talking about walking in the same stream working in the same stream not working in revelation [Music] and satan is the god of this world that he can manipulate things i have seen satan manipulate visions and you hear people say they saw jesus but that is not bible jesus they saw it was a manipulated jesus by the devil in their subconscious and some people have even gone to heaven not bible heaven heaven that satan manipulated and you know some of us glorified dreams i dream my dreaming the way i dream no you don't glorify dreams dream is the least way god can speak to you the least dream is like after all options have ended god has tried to reach you in every other way he couldn't reach you because you are spiritually dull then god decides to use a dream to communicate long glorify dreams you have the gift of the spirit of the word of god you have the holy spirit you can be glorifying dreams and making a big deal out of your dreams so gideon put out the fleece and god honored it and i'll soon show you why god honored it stop using fleeces to determine the will of god for your life if you say anytime my wife conceived god allowed it you will soon be the father of all nations any time my wife is pregnant god has allowed it you will soon hit 12 15 children is it not true i said is he not true it's true so there is common sense in perceiving the leading of the spirit god doesn't have to tell you you know have a child before you have a child once you marry a wife you know that part of marriage is to have children you don't wait for god to tell you to have children when god says go quickly and meet so and so go quickly and meet so and so you don't drive your car and start driving without checking fuel and other things even though it's god does say go quickly and check so and so when you enter your car you check fuel you check engine oil even though god said quickly the quickly of god does not preclude caution that's where common sense comes in and he won't because god said quickly you go and check that person you drive at 280 280 kilometers per second you were running to people and destroyed but god said quickly yes god said quickly but in the quickly of god there is room for common sense in the quickly of god there is room for common sense common sense is where caution comes common sense is where you make sure you do the right thing you do it properly so when we put out fleeces and we wonder why things are like that is because fleeces doesn't mean it is god god if you are the one let my uncle visit me today your uncle will come with some village heads so you find that many times when it comes to the leading of the spirit in our lives it is a combination of many decisions a combination of many decisions that we eventually make you will discover that following the plan of god for our lives is like a tangent if you discover there's a place i am supposed to go even if it is close by you don't just get there straight it's like a tangent even if it's close back you will have to follow the plan and sometimes the plan could take you round and round around before you finally arrive it is in the following of that plan nitty gritty details here and there that will ultimately arrive at that plan of god there is no plan of god for our life that is just here bam bam none no no plan of god that you just enter like that it is the series of decisions you make every day in different areas of your life put together over time that situates you in the plan and the purpose of god for your life which now means that every decision you make in life is critical in helping you arrive at the plan of god every decision you make every decision from decision of career to decision of wife to marry the decision of children to have the marriage decision of where to live all of that put together will determine whether you are situated in the plan of god or not because those decisions ultimately will be what will situate you in the plan and the purpose of god for your life please stay with me we've already agreed that god is interested in everything a christian does you know medical dr snow and dr gabriel a medical doctor medical doctors know that if a particular part of your body is malfunctioning it can affect the overall functioning of your body so that means one part of your body can destabilize your entire body that is why in the plan of god one decision can disorganize all of god's plan for your life because the plan of god for your life is like the functionality of the physical body so that's why you don't just make decisions anyhow you must know and have the responsibility of knowing that this decision i'm about to make will impact on god's overall plan for my life therefore i must be careful about making the decision i must be careful about making a decision there are many people that are regretting why they married certain people they married both men and women many they have regrets if they have their way they will just end that marriage and get another person that will give them peace in their lives but they already made a decision and there are many people that cannot fulfill the plan of god because their wife is a major obstacle and there are many people that cannot walk in the plan of god because their husbands are a major obstacle they cannot kill the husband they cannot kill the wife and they cannot divorce them because there's no reason for divorce but yet the people stay in their life like a clog in the wheel and stops them from god's plan so again decision decision decision will ultimately decide whether you live in the plan of god for your life or you live below god's plan for your life as a child of god you don't just you don't just make decisions carelessly no you don't because they will impact on you they will impact on you don't be careless except you don't take your life serious don't be careless don't be careless [Music] so certain things will happen to us that we get to the wrong tangent if you're not careful and then see when you finally miss the plan of god and you start going to the wrong tangent the only way to get back to that plan is that god will now bring you back to square one square one and then you start the journey afresh afresh there are no short cuts no shortcuts in following god's plan please don't forget that there are no there's some people it is at the age of 50 60 or even 70 that they now finally locate god's plan for their life but at that time all the stamina and strength and agility they would have had to push it is almost gone but at least they finally entered something as a young man you don't play young man you don't play with your choices just play around carry one sister play around release her carry another one play around release her you are joking because every day of your life counts in the calculation of your age every day i say your mind somebody has taught me the things i'm teaching some of you maybe i wouldn't have wasted some time i wasted every day of your life count in your age so if you play with today you just wasted 24 hours you play with tomorrow another 24 hours you play with one year you have played with 365 days of your life and you cannot recover it you can't recover it so make hay while the sun shines don't play with your life don't think you have time time is deceptive it makes you think it is there then when suddenly you turn you find out that it is not there anymore that's why the guy david solomon could say teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom teach us lord to number our days don't think you're too young 25 30 40 years ago of my life ago in my life i thought i was very young by the time i turned i discovered 40 years is gone it goes so fast it goes so fast that it will shock you that it has gone so fast right now you think you're a young girl you still have strength by the time you're done you have four children that are already looking for how to go to university and graduate then you realize that i'm not really that young just yesterday i thought i was young just yesterday time is deceptive you really don't have the time you think you have so don't use your life for experiment don't play around and play around and play around a few days ago it was december 25th i mean december 31 i was standing on this altar speaking god's word over here this is september by the time you turn tomorrow to be january 2022 time goes time waits for nobody and life is measured in time life is measured in time i'm teaching good thank you lord so square one is the most difficult place to get for many of us get back to square one in first time chapter 16 god told someone to go to the house of eli i mean the house of jesse an anoint for me a king what was the instruction go to the house of who jesse and the one anoint for me a king and he goes to the house of jesse now listen everybody listen carefully he begins to tell himself god has sent me to anoint a new king but there was a king now the question would be what if somewhere did not continue listening if all someone heard was go and anoint me a king he would have anointed the wrong person because in his mind the king will be alien and when he arrived he looked for earlier but because he was still listening to god that is why he knew that it's not earlier so he now decided to go through the children one by one because sometimes that is the way to go you go through the process to finally arrive at what god is saying so he went to the children one by one and it was in that process he knew that all of them are not he now says they are known again they say there's a little but i said we shall not sit till he comes and then on david's arrival he now knew that this is a person because god won't tell you everything at once he tells you step by step unless you obey one he brings two as you obey to he brings three he doesn't tell you everything at once god doesn't function like that he leads you step by step so that you can trust him and rely on him to continue leading and guiding you into his ultimate purpose now even some of some of us here will begin to rejoice the next king is coming from the house of jesse god has already spoken no problem we'll just go there and annoying somebody no he had god but he patiently paid attention to the details there are details you ought to hear when god is speaking to you it's not good enough to know the country god is leading you to sometimes you need to know the streets sometimes you need to know the street he said to the guy go to a street called straight sometimes you need those specifics you don't just relocate he told him go to the house of jesse and anoint me a king even with that it was not sufficient so he now used common sense he said god has asked me to go to the house of jesse and anointed king but you all know that there's still a king in israel and if the king finds out that samuel is going to anoint a new king while he's in power he will kill samwell and kill everybody in the house of jesse that's where common sense comes because the king of israel then saw there was all the army all the navy all the air force were at his command so when god sends you or tells you something you need to use some common sense so and i said god if saul here you will kill me what do i do god says okay as you're going if they actually where are you going with oil tell them you are going to worship and sacrifice don't tell them you're going to anoint the king so god gave him common sense on how to apply the instruction god has given to you because there is common sense in the application of divine direction tell them i'm going to worship and i'm going to sacrifice of course anointing a king is a sacrifice unto god but don't use anointing the king you sacrifice that's wisdom that's common sense god didn't say nothing will touch you god just gave him the right phrase to use and you see when he got to the house of of jesse he even missed god he went to study looking for eli but because he kept listening he was able to finally identify the right person remember there's a distance between the spirit and the mind there's a distance between the spirit and the mind and it will take patience to locate exactly what god is saying it will take patience to look at exactly what god is saying i can assume that you're from the very first that from the very first statement god made everything was revealed yes but it will take patience the details the details prophet samwell got later was as a product of his perception you have to pay attention to details to what god is saying sometimes we are too forward we conclude too quickly we just conclude god has not even started talking he just gave you the headline you have concluded impulsive listeners so the leading of the spirit is not a one-time event the leading of the spirit is not a one-time event it's a concurrent and a combination of many decisions it's not a one-time event it's a combination of many decisions that we make through life not just one that's why you must take every decision serious no matter how insignificant they look like because some decisions you make today may haunt you tomorrow they may come after you mercilessly some decisions you make today can pursue you and make life unbearable for you so be careful how you make decisions if abraham had known that sleeping with his house girl to produce ishmael will throw the middle east into an eternal permanent enmity permanent between the arabs and the jews ishmael and isaac one decision wrong decision has thrown generations in endless fights by a father by a father some of you have products of a home where your father married two wives till today that decision your father made has put you in your family in total disarray one careless decision your father just saw one fine girl carried and added to your mother just other the girl is the audition your mother is the main thing as he added her the addiction became the biggest problem of the entire life the man died sorrowful and the children are going through sorrow careless decision one choice you make can totally obtain your entire life and keep your children unborn in perpetual pain watch what decisions you're making in life when you are making it it may be sweet when the repercussions begin to come it may not be worth it after all he may not be wanted after all a friend of mine divorced his wife devosta very nice grounds when they was to divorce i asked him again are you sure you want to do what you're about to do it is in your power to make the decision but you do not control the outcome of the decisions are you sure i know you have reasons to divorce your wife i know you have a lot of reasons but are you really sure you are ready for the outcome of this decision because you make the decision but you don't control the ripple effects he's a man of god i'm ready for it i said okay no problem he didn't just divorce her he left everything for her plus the house and run away she woke up and didn't see him because she was a violent woman here anyway a woman that makes a man to run away from his house god will deliver you some of you don't know what i'm talking about some of you don't know what you're talking about it's papa ayo who said sometimes you see a man walking on the road and talking hello yes he said now problem now problem a man is walking by himself and talking yes after what is it what is it fire is burning somewhere you see music it doesn't matter it doesn't matter and then you see me you enter the road that is what he's saying is let a car push me down it doesn't matter let me die of what use of my life it doesn't matter cars will be avoiding him he is begging that to carry him dead he say no not now you not now you that thing you did you have to enjoy it some of you just carelessly make decisions carelessly you you don't think about the weight the implication of that decision i'm teaching good so you need to take every decision seriously don't assume this area doesn't matter god will understand no it's not about god understanding it's about you and the repercussions because every decision is vital paul for instance shows tibulty he first asked the elders about timothy and they told him about his testimony then he chose him and you know it took paul a while it took time for paul to conclude that timothy is his son you know those of us that understand bible we don't just go around claiming songs that is my son my son no we don't do like that that's my daughter for what now are you so hungry for children pregnant your wife produce plenty we don't go around claiming songs it takes a while for me to call you my son it takes a while i have to be sure you're really my son i don't want to claim people's children carrying people's wahala for what now you have to really be a son for me to call you my son i don't go around calling people son i don't bless you brother bless you oh papa you're my father thank god bless you for me to call you my son i must see that you're truly one you don't go around looking for songs when i see a song i know and when i see a straight child i know it's not everybody that is my son no at my age i'm old enough not to be flattered by flattery at my age if at my age i'm still being flattered i'm a fool and i know i'm not a fool i know i'm not i may look like one but don't be deceived by looks if you judge people by looks you'll be in trouble because most people don't look it most people don't look like it are we together here i said are we together here yeah so it took paul a while to call timothy my son and paul didn't say i'm looking for a song he said i'm looking for an assistant so they took timothy and gave him as an assistant but after a while of following then paul saw that this guy has eaten from my ministry christ has been formed in him ministry has come out of him by my label he said timothy my son don't be afraid of the testimony of jesus demoting my son it took time it took time people think we want people to be calling us papa global baba baba for what now how does it change the balance in my pocket global baba and the 2000 naira is still in the pocket and the two thousand era is still there baba keep it with the chop name don't be calling anybody your father who asks you to call me father i'm not father if you want father there are many catholic church they have a lot of reverend fathers go there and get one yes we are not looking for how you will call us father but if truly you are my son i am happy for you to call me father and i'm happy to call you son i'm very happy but not farther from a straight child if if people start if biology if naturally people start calling you further it will cause problem because that means somewhere somewhere you must have met a woman that people are not aware of to produce a child it's not even healthy for people to be calling you father everywhere i'm teaching good here social media why are you calling though why are you calling father what don't call me call me abel damina is that not my name but if i'm your father you can't even call me bill damina you can't you can't think if i'm your father but if i am not why not why not that's my name don't even put reverend don't put pasto [Music] papito ebilito damilito who papa [Applause] leave that thing now i'm teaching good this morning it took a while for paul to call timothy son you know some things happen with the concurrence of several decisions we make several decisions in life to arrive at some things for instance marriage i have discovered that marriage is not something that you pray for but something you prepare for marriage is not something you pray for marriage is something you prepare for you prepare for you prepare for because some folks will have taken many decisions in their lives they would have taken many decisions in their career they would have gone far in their business and you know but now when it's time to get married they start praying and fasting and then sometimes as a result of prayer fasting they go and marry somebody that is not fit for their lives and they live a life of regret any time you discover that you're in the wrong place sometimes what you need to do first is to live where you are leave the place and go back to where you're supposed to start from so sometimes you may need to change location because the location where you are in may be affecting what god wants you to understand and to know in ministry yes some people need to change location like some of you have left churches where you used to be you're now in power city and since you came into power city things are now getting clear now you are beginning to have meaning to life is that true because you were in the wrong location now you have to come to the right place to hear the things you ought to hear to restructure your life and live a meaningful life and there are some people that are still in that wrong place but there is dropping on what i'm teaching and they're happy to hear me teach but they're still in the wrong location what i am teaching you won't see the import of it because it won't work for you in the wrong direction you have to live get the out of your father's house get out to a place i will show you to a place i will show you and if you observe when abraham was leaving he now took a lot the instruction was not take your relatives you get out he took lord he took lot and not long after they have traveled they started fighting them currently and abraham said why are we fighting why are we currently the land is before us lord come make your choice and lord took the most flourishing part and abraham looked to god and said god the guy has taken everything god said no no he has not taken everything the blessing is not with him the blessing is with you you're the one i called i didn't call out you're the one that carried excess luggage now that the luggage is leaving you lift up your eyes and see from where you are westward southward eastward not what as far as your eyes can see including lord and where lord has chosen i have given it to you you cannot stop a man that is on course with god you cannot stop a man that is in the will of god you cannot stop a man that is blessed by god no you cannot every attempt to stop him will add to him i'm teaching good this morning i said i'm teaching good this morning you follow god you follow god's plan and you follow god's instructions to the later so it's important to change locations sometimes there are people that have relocated from where they used to live in nigeria to acquire them to be in power city through or falls they moved their family came here rented a house moved their business to this city so that they can be in this church because they have discovered that anything they want to be in life is possible if they will only hear the writings so sometimes the first thing is to change location change location so there are decisions there's no decision of your life that is not vital and there are some things that are just common sense if most of the people around you listen carefully and i'm using this word carelessly if most of the people around you are carnal christians colonel christians in cohoot permit me to use that word you cannot marry a spiritual man or woman when you're always hanging out with colonel christians there's no way you surround yourself with carnal believers you know believers that are not spiritually minded believers that are fleshly minded there's no way you surround yourself with them and then now you when it's time to marry you will not marry a spiritual woman from where now your entire environment is infested you you see the word i use is what infested with flesh-ruled people so when it's time to marry it is one of them you will marry and he that subway to the flesh shall reap corruption a sister that don't care about prayer cruise when i'm teaching she is sleeping every sunday you look at her her notes are always clean because she wrote nothing and you are planning to mariah well done continue i didn't say continuously continue a brother that don't care about the things of god he's not interested in spiritual things he is not he's not committed time to prayer doesn't come even when he comes he's outside in front of the church engaging brethren that are arriving oh brother how are you it's been a while we did this okay you're going all right i was enjoying oh sister how are you he will be there for 40 minutes when the prayer is about to round up then he will come here what wouldn't you be doing here the day you marry such a brother by mistake you don't enter continue no passion for spiritual things no fire no passion no fire it's not forgive brother i will share with you i was just chatting and he shared something with me and i agreed with him and i laughed over it and i said it's very serious sometimes a way to establish a relationship with people in church as they start coming around you tell him uh you want us to be always related let's meet in prayer cruise we will start from prayer cruise seven o'clock saturday morning let's meet in prayer cruise me and you will pray together till 10. we'll do that for a few weeks then we can become friends only serious people will stay with you somebody is not serious that's the end of the relationship prayer what are you three hours and let me look for another friend let prayer define your friends less bible study define your friends evangelism and discipleship those should be the markers that decide those that hang around you because people that hang around you can be the loophole to your downfall and could be the fire that will set you on your course let those spiritual determinants be the indicators that determine who your friends are so if most people around you are not fathered favent in the work of ministry there is no way you will yield to the holy spirit in the ministry like you're supposed to because the moment you allow people that are lukewarm that is why i have told dr gabriel and all our leaders here any district pastor or house pastor that is lukewarm remove him remove him immediately we are replacing all the lukewarm ones because a lukewarm leader cannot lead firebrands listen carefully an army led by a an army of sheep led by a lion will defeat an army of lions led by a sheep an army of sheep led by a lion will defeat an army of lions led by a sheep everything rises and falls with leadership i refuse to let any lukewarm person be my leader in fact he will run away because the fire i will bring from under his bomb bomb the fight you you can't lead me with lukewarmness no no i will either set fire on you are you clear what are you talking about you are a leader church you come late you sit and hide under the gallery and be sleeping and me your followers made your disciples i'm on fire sitting in front making notes you my leader you're at the back are you leading or i'm leaving you that is yeah stick yes i just created it no no no that day is over the old is gone the new has come this is a new power city am i talking to somebody here this is not business as usual no this is a new day you want to sit up sit up you don't want to sit up clear clear there are people whose bones are on fire a leader when they call for leaders meeting you come late church service you're late everywhere you're late if you're up to your rate even rapture you're late when we are all gone then we will see a detail coming because of god's mercy i'm about to close this house what are you talking about talk to your neighbour say the old is gone the new has come you better be part of the new so there are things that have already affected your perception of things there are things that have already affected it you know possibly some things are common sense common sense i call them common sense not because they are common sense logically or psychologically but because they are common sense to you as a christian common sense let's look at marriage again marriage the bible gives clear instructions you know there's a there's a man of god called rc sprawl rc sprawl he gave a quote i'd like you to write in your writing he says if you believe that the scriptures came through the inspiration of the holy spirit if you believe that the scriptures came through the inspiration of the holy spirit and you believe the holy spirit is the spirit of truth and you believe the holy spirit is a spirit of truth then you cannot say that you are listening to the holy spirit when you are disobeying what he has already said you cannot say that you are listening to the holy spirit when you have disobeyed what he has already said let me repeat that who could if you believe that the scriptures came through the inspiration of the holy spirit and you believe the holy spirit is the spirit of truth then you cannot say that you are listening to the holy spirit when you are disobeying what has he has already said in the written scriptures that means are you here there is a general sense that is a general common sense in the scriptures for all of us there is a general common sense in the scriptures for all of us there's a general common sense in the scriptures for all of us in business there's a general common sense in the scriptures career there's a general common sense in description location there's a general common sense in the scriptures marriage there's a general common sense in the scriptures you can't take away from i always say like location we will see details on this location as we go on when it comes to location for example changing countries dr damina i just got admission to go to london to read masters or to go to korea and read phdo to go to japan or to go to dubai or to go to america for phd okay now when it comes to change of location for such purposes if you look at the bible well moving from nation to nation was always for the purpose of fulfilling purpose that's why people moved in the bible to go and fulfill purpose to go and carry out a kingdom assignment that was the purpose for moving from nation to nation deliberate decisions people make to fulfill purpose deliberate decisions i'm going to go to australia for the purpose of ministry even though i will read masters so in the natural it looks like it's masters i came to reading in australia but in the spiritual i came to australia to start power city campus that is my purpose but i use a natural doorway to arrive australia so i'm reading masters but my main assignment is to start a campus and raise disciples by the time i'm finished with masters i will have raised disciples appointed a leader over the campus then i can relocate from australia to another country for another purpose to raise disciples because i'm on a mission to fulfill god's purpose for my life not that you go and read masters and come back you raise nobody you wasted the time no no every time you are traveling somewhere for a natural purpose know that beyond that natural there's a higher call and sometimes we may have to get some of you to intentionally relocate to certain places to go there and bring the light of the gospel it is commissioned work the gospel that took the life of god is so serious that it affects how you travel and where you traveled i'm teaching here i said i'm teaching here what did jesus say go into all the world and do what preach the gospel go and make disciples of all nations he didn't say go and do masters he didn't say go and do phd he said go and make disciples go and preach the gospel to all nations are we saying you shouldn't do masters you are not listening you can't disobey god and make disciples of all nations you can't disobey god to all the world and preach the gospel that means in the specific things you want to do like masters or phd or a business trip you must acknowledge the general common sense of scripture and the general common sense of scripture for believers moving from place to place is for the purpose of establishing the kingdom and raising disciples am i clear yes that's the purpose there's a reason for migration in scripture so i must see that by my going abroad it is a platform to obey the leading of the spirit am i going abroad or am i going overseas i was watching a comedy within the week from some guy that always blows comedy somebody said okay let me know do you watch comedy once in a while i stumble on them and i'm not allergic to comedy it's just that i don't also invest time in them if i cross one by chance i watch i laugh and move on but that's not the source of my joy so the guy now said there is a difference between oversea and abroad he said don't you know they are not the same abroad is not overseas overseas not abroad he said for example kotonu is abroad america is oversea i didn't know that before because kotonu you can trek from lagos to kotonu and there are two different countries you can trek i'm serious from lagos kotonu you can walk and then you get there and they stamp your passport you have gone abroad even cameroon cameroon from ecom you can trek and you're in cameroon and you're abroad you say but oversea you fly over the sea i didn't know it was like that he's a comedian that taught me even though i'm here to prove this is his lecture but it makes a little sense so know when you go abroad i know where you go mercy when you come back you know what to tell us i was so close don't worry praise god you know sometimes you people travel and then you travel and then when you get there you now change church because you don't find power city so you change church when you change your church you change the spiritual atmosphere over your life the moment you change church you change the spiritual atmosphere over your life and then we actually why did you change church i didn't see any other choice that's why i changed church that's not a reason the time you spent here we should have trained you if you were attentive such that if you go to where there's no christ-centered church you start one that's why we're training all of you to be disciples to go and disciple the nation say i hear you and so there's none you start one and become the lighthouse to that community and raise men in the message of christ and make disciples so when you live you live a witness for the gospel that's what makes your travel dear productive not to go and eat burgers burgers or beggars you eat burgers or burgers chips and chicken nando's nando's chips and chicken hot dog cold dog medium hot sandwiches you eat so much so many sandwiches unto you yourself you're sandwiched you come back speaking differently because you entered a new spiritual atmosphere so you come back looking different acting different behaving different and talking different brush what a transformation a transformation in the negative where you enter is that it is should i join another church and they taught us there to pray pray for people to die so now whenever there's anybody to be dead call me i will die the dead the man this is a brother that used to pray for lying prayers i pound my knees under the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named that he will grant the brother now comes back he says everyone that is looking for your downfall falls down five times one two three four five abroad was happening he moved to a different spiritual atmosphere and it affected him before he recognized it that says you don't change that's why in bible days you are not permitted to marry outside your tribe tribe is not evil house are you rubber tribe is spirituality you don't go and marry somebody of another faith no you will fight in your house faith can break your marriage you're not careful your empower city praying polite prayers functioning in new testament revelation that you go and marry an orthodox person that does not even understand that in the garden of eden there were no fruits then the person comes to your house to be saying we will not eat fruits because adam had fruit and he missed the call of god will only eat vegetables they say what do you mean say i'm serious he said no you're joking i'm serious if you bring fruit to this house i will throw it out we don't want to fall into the trap of adam you think he's a joke but he says serious he said english like that he's not a joke is it serious you know why it happened like that you entered a different spiritual atmosphere to bring a life partner that would be one flesh with you so you are trying to combine two different elements to work together it's not going to work every time you imagine to part every time you come by your wife every time you people try to gather together you will gather together because two spiritual atmospheres are fighting in one house some of you are in a wonderful church with great sisters here that if they take bible and pieces of dignity then you want to marry now go to the village mommy i have come find me a wife a wife like you from the village one carry one for you say she's a good girl say okay mommy you marry and bring when we are preaching she's looking at us say hey so your pastors say if you sing god god has forgiven you hell fire is real i don't like what he is saying he said he said i'm telling you i will not come to that church he said he said in fact if you go there there will be fire in this house he went home now it's a gift from whom there's common sense in the bible do not be unequally with that is common sense in the choice of your life partner you don't need fasting for that common sense in making decisions there are general common sense supplies in scripture that helps us in making decisions that eventually lead us into the will of god i'm teaching good this afternoon and of course you when you go into a spiritual atmosphere that is different from ours you start changing your friends you change the kind of information you get then everything about you now changes because you took decisions that were going to affect you eventually [Music] so when it comes to marriage the scriptures are clear do not be unequally optimistic unbelievers light and darkness has nothing in common you cannot marry a non-christian in fact you cannot marry someone you are not sure he is saved even if he's in the same church with you but you're not sure he said you can't marry him neither can you marry someone that is saved by by your confession i believe god is saved i believe god he said no for by their fruits you shall know them don't look for god's will in a relationship with an unbeliever there is no god's will there don't even look for it an unbelieving relationship with you is out of the will of god period if someone said but i believe that jesus is the son of god even demons believe and tremble that's not enough and then you want to marry somebody say but i don't believe in speaking in tongues and you want to marry such a person i don't believe in speaking in tongues after all everybody must not speak in tongues it's not speaking in tongues that makes you a believer but that statement is an indicator that this is not your meat that is not your myth two of you are no meat you your nan gung dong zhang and everybody say i don't believe in speaking in tongues please when you're speaking enter toilet this house cannot carry us your wife is sending you to toilet because you're speaking in tongues very soon she will send you to go and rent another house some say no i will change that no wait first change her before you mariah that power you used to change after you marry apply it first and be sure you wait enough to confirm that it was not pretense and somebody can pretend for 10 years so wait till after 10 years see your face you think you are smart glory glory if you're learning something shout out i hear i hear we're talking about leading some perceptions are you married somebody says i don't really believe in miracles why miracle there are good doctors okay there are three people you cannot change god satan and married people there are three people you cannot change you can't change god you can't change satan and the last one once they are married you can't they can't change that's what every husband if you have any complaint on your wife you have she has told you sorry a hundred times and she's still doing it you can't change married people every wife you have complained on your husband that's why you are even with your fasting he said he has no change there are there are three of them you can't change them the only thing that can change a married man a married woman is when he intentionally decides to look into the perfect law of liberty then he'll not be in a forgetful hearer but you do have the walk the thing will change him we always open face beholding the glory of god that's in the mirror we are changed except a man or a woman deliberately decides to look at the mirror you can't change them see i will change him he will end up changing you because it is not good behaviors that change evil it is evil that changes good you don't know first corinthians 7 39 says he says the woman that put it up first corinthians 7 39. first corinthians 7 39 glory to god 739 first corinthians the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband leave it but if her husband be dead she is at liberty to be married to whom she will only in the lord that's common sense marry anybody common sense only in the lord that's common sense only in the lord so there's no room to decide for marriage outside people that are saved that's not the will of god and you know to marry somebody it starts with the relationships you keep why are you hanging out with who do you spend time with as a young man or a young lady who are your friends who are those always flocking around you some people are too close for comfort before you know it your emotions will get in the way of hearing from god so before you get entangled clearly defined there are relationships that should never lead to marriage in fact there are relationships that should not exist in the first place first corinthians 15 33 and i'm closing are you blessed first corinthians 15 33 be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners corrupt good manners what are good manners look at me everybody number one prayer cruise is good manners number two listening to god is a good manner number three going to church and attending house centers on midweek service wednesday is good manners evangelism is a good manner working in love and forgiving brethren is good manners being respectful is good manners submitting to authority in the local church is good manner they're very clear in scriptures waiting on god to know his will for your life is good manners but you see evil communication can reduce all of that to nothing evil communications it can reduce all of that to nothing so the challenges of listening to god and perception can start from the kind of communication we keep yes listening to god and perception starts from the kind of communications we keep there is no neutral relationship in life you're not neutral no neutral relationships every friendship is either provoking you to good works hebrews 10 24 either provoking you to good works or corrupting your good manners every relationship you are in is either provoking you to good works or corrupting your good manners so you must apply bible common sense bible word evil communication corrupt good manners don't go around praying father that brother even though i know he has evil is not good can i make him my friend no it's clear glory to god glory to god somebody said decisions will determine whether i am in the will of god or out of the will of god no matter how i know those decisions thank you lord stand on your feet what a service when is i'm going to continue i'm still going to be on decisions i'm going to enter other areas of life i've not finished with marriage i have not finished i will still touch marriage because marriage marriage it can keep you in heaven or hell on it before we go there marriage yes matters can make you a happy man or a sad man marriage can make you a depressed person or an excited person marriage can give you high blood pressure and sugar diabetes at once i'm not joking some of you don't know what i'm talking about because you're not married marriage can suddenly give you high blood pressure that even your grandfather didn't have 170 over 140 that's a dead man dr gabriel why are you laughing you know i didn't read medical science is it correct or wrong correct me now okay there's something like that what's everything about 40 okay or is it 170 over 30. it's true he said brother come to church they are greeting him he's looking wahala from house say bro bless you bro he left his wife at home but the wife thought he left but didn't know that he is still with her now that their greeting is still at home bro our sister comes to church even when i say the lord bless you she's crying it is well with you she's crying that cry is not from what i'm saying that cries if only you know what i'm going through in that house papa deliver me from my husband how can i deliver you i don't have the orphanage for women who are suffering from their husbands to be camped i'm sorry mother i have to still go back that house yes sorry father father comforter touch the man touch his hands touch his leg father let me laugh so that way you are deciding you remember my laughter marriage marriage can make you fulfill the plan of god and it can stop you it's one critical decision critical that's why brother paul said i wish all of you can be like me because you saw what is going on here he said just be a eunuch father thank you i'm in eunuch from now that's what paul said it should be it's better to be a eunuch than to be in hell in the name of marriage so choices decisions nobody is going to force you two of you are smiling when you decided you didn't know that the smile was a bit just come just where the man or woman just go [Music] just come you are the best man you are the best girl just god the moment you enter who is laughing with you you think i'm laughing you think i'm laughing who is your mate one week inside the marriage you are no more greeting people morning one week only it shouldn't be like that amen are we excited shouldn't be like every area of your life should be filled with joy should be filled with victory should be filled with success every area of your life you should be excited about life you should wake up in the morning all you have is joy ready to face the day that's living that's how to live that's the way god wants you to live but your choices will determine whether you live like that or you live like this father pray for everybody every man every woman every boy every girl every child in this service everyone watching online all our campuses all over the world everyone following us on radio and television i actually love jesus that this series will bring correction it will bring adjustments it will bring solution it will bring intervention it will bring miracles in the name of jesus that this series will help your people to liberate themselves and work in your plan working your purpose and working your fullness great gracious upon every one of you a decree that the enemy's trap will never work on your life your soul has escaped like a bed the snare is broken the snare is broken in the name of jesus i decree that the peace of god the possible understanding the comfort of the holy ghost and the grace of god will help you in making decisions you will make right decisions you will make godly decisions you will make decisions that will bring results of goodness and joy and pleasantness it is well with you those of you that have made wrong decisions received supernatural intervention receive the correction of god receive the correction of god receive the miracle of god to fix those situations receive it in the name of jesus thank you father for answer prayer in jesus pleasure's name if you believe that prayers and said let your aiming come and know to finality well go ahead clap celebrate and rejoice rejoice for every area of your life rejoice for your marriage rejoice for your career rejoice for the ministry rejoice for your businesses rejoice for all that god is doing with you and all that god will do with you rejoice the things are working out rejoice the things are corrected rejoice that things are being fixed rejoice that things are working glory glory glory glory say with me i will live my best life now not in the future i am living my best life now and i will keep walking in the plan of god for my life say yeah i receive a life free from sorrow fear depression frustration i'm living a fulfilled life in christ jesus and every day will be an improvement my part is as a shining light he shines brighter and brighter and brighter onto the perfect day i didn't hear powerful amen that's the way god wants you to live that's the way god wants you to live every day of your life and husband make up your mind not to give your wife a bitter life wife make up your mind not to make your husband regret while he's alive don't make up your mind to make your home a heaven of rest make up your mind to give your wife a better life than she had from my father's house make up your mind to live the life that jesus died to offer live it well leave it to reckless abandon let joy feel your heart let joy feel your life let joy fill you that's what god wants you to do that's the will of god for you that's god's will don't leave below you don't belong there live above the thoughts i have for you thoughts of good and not of evil to give you a future and a hope and there is common sense in the bible on how to live this life and that's what we're excavating are you blessed now i'm about to take up your offense but listen carefully today's partnership service if you're watching all over the world today's partnership service and if you're a partner of this ministry thank you for all that you do to help us do what we do and today is another opportunity to give towards this ministry and if you're not a partner remember somebody gave that's why you heard me teach if you also give to support us every month more people we hear imagine if somebody didn't give you wouldn't have had so if you don't give other people not here that's what partnership is all about where you intentionally decide every moment to take a portion of your income and support what we do around the world is expensive global evangelism requires global income because it takes a lot of money to get the gospel out there and as we get more partners we're able to do more we're able to push this light into the ends of the earth so partners thank you and those of you that want to be partners today should email to dr ebel damina at yahoo.com dr abel damina we will send you banking details and partnership information every month you decide how much you want to send we don't tell you how much to send it is free will is generous is an offering of love for god it's an offering of honor for jesus it's partnership to make what jesus died for get to the people for whom he died so you want to be one shoot a meal to dr ebel ebelldamina yahoo.com all right and we'll be taking the partnership off it in a few minutes i'm also you know um informed that we need to announce the following we're launching campuses all over the world um we're launching a campus today a campus today started in onicha we have a power city campus right now in onnichol so for those you know nature or young people in our nature the power city campus there is number eight chidera street udoka estate or nietzsche number eight chidera street odoka estate or nature the phone number for the coordinator there is zero seven zero eight six two one two one three nine for those in nature or your people there refer them to the campus in nature then there's another campus that started today in tata south africa in tata south africa that campus started today for those in that area of south africa the number to call for you to direct people in that area to attend the campus is plus two seven eight one eight zero two zero zero four four i repeat plus two seven eight one eight zero two zero zero four four another campus started today in south africa pearl south africa pearl south africa so if you have people there encourage them to attend the campus the phone number for that campus in pearl south africa is plus two seven six seven seven four one five four five five i repeat plus two seven six seven seven four one five four five five another campus started today in harare zimbabwe another campus started in harare zimbabwe for those in harares in barbados the capital of zimbabwe the address for harare is 37 giraffe crescent 37 giraffe christened borrowdale waste in harare the number to call for those in zimbabwe for your people in harare to attend our campus is plus repeat 263-772-431-3444 two six three seven seven two four three one three four four there's a campus in harare zimbabwe and i'm informed that today makes one year for our campus in johannesburg south africa can we celebrate the brethren in johannesburg we celebrate with you guys we're taking the nations of the earth with the gospel of christ can i have a good amen glory amen all right grab your honor offering let's give in honor of god's word every time we teach the word we give you an opportunity to give in honor of the word in honor of the labor of god's word and in honor of all that crisis and now listen for the purpose of campuses every time we ask you for the honor offering listen carefully for all our campuses the honor offering comes to the headquarters so if there's a banking details of the headquarters and you want to give a banking i mean an honor offering after every teaching you need to make sure you send it to the account in the headquarters here number two the partnership offering comes to the headquarters all right so when you're sending partnership offerings at the campuses make sure you don't misdirect it and it's not because i don't trust it's just you need to have clarity then the worship offering goes to your campus where you are the worship offering goes to your campus where you are so that the campus has some financial ability to take care of the campuses responsibilities all right so partnership comes here for global evangelism honor comes here because this is where we're able to reach out to you then finally you worship offerings or general offering at the campuses go to that local campus there so that the campus has some finances to help it run its operation you need to have that clarity that's very important okay now let me quickly ask for the honor offering lift it up to heaven there are banking details on the screen where you you know sending your honor offerings bank images are scrolling on the screen for those on tv and for those online and radio audience mr michael bush we still have about 10 minutes to ask the councilor radio audience mr mikey bush read the banking details i will answer one or two questions before we sign you off all right lift up your offerings let's pray father thank you for the privilege to give we're giving faith we give a joy our offerings are a sweet smell before you today and thank you for the opportunity to make a difference in our world through our givings everyone giving the blessing is upon you and your family and i decree that your needs are made supernaturally in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen like all right we're going to worship and give the offerings and the banking i mean the you bring your offerings right anywhere on the pulpit drop them with joy hit the music as we give an honor cry praise god [Music] good afternoon church i just take the traditional opening announcements then we get down to the nativity of ask the councilor today the free bank accounts of course and they all have one account name power city international that's the account name there are three banks fcmb there's a net and there is ubm starting on this edition with uba nine 139 six four six five that's for uba for zenith ten twelve thirty six fifty nine twelve that's for the net and then for fcmb 29 82 68 20 28 power city international that's the account name quickly finally for sponsorship for partnership and for support so that we can continue to remain on air and reach as many people as we can across the nooks and crannies of our country the number to call uh is plus two three four if again if you're doing from outside the country otherwise it's oil three two seven five six one or four you just send an email or two to doctor abell damina yahoo.com doctor there of course is dro okay the state you said my name is michael bush my producer joins me put your hands together to welcome the man of the moment global baba dr abel damina the intercontinental mr bush good to have you here on a sunday like this fantastic global bless your man bless you you have tremendous strength so much power well you too we've been doing it together come on so nice to see you love you so nice jesus see you and uh pastor president kona resident pastor welcome back put your hands together for him without any further ado we're just gonna start as we always do with a quick prayer for the road let's pray together father we thank you for the privilege of receiving answers to prayer guaranteed in christ so we pray for kwai bomb state the governor his executive cabinet all the public servants civil servants and everyone that serves this state citizens of acquiring businessmen career people professionals students women mothers children fathers we ask that grace abounds in this land that the message of christ continues to grow and thrive in this land and every deception and falsehood and religion collapses like a pack of cards in the name of jesus we pray for nigeria that the gospel of christ continues to thrive and the gospel of christ continues to gain gain momentum in this nation we pray for all of africa and the rest of the world that disciples our race preachers are released and the gospel of christ dominates our world in jesus precious name amen amen please be seated thank you very much ask the counselor the special edition that we call the freestyle edition that will just fly all over and take the course as they come starts now we start this edition of the program uh from you where we are hello global baba my name is emmanuel and i write from young please i have desired global baba to marry a white woman i've discussed it with my friends and my family they say it's not it's a bad idea that the woman can wake up one day and fly away with our children please my father advise me on this one thank you ah fly away oh glory white women don't fly with children white women don't fly they are human beings like us the white people are human beings like us you know there's no difference between us and that just cultural difference so if you want to marry a white woman you've got to get yourself into a wide society live among white people get to understand their way of life get to understand their culture and then see if you will think about marrying a white woman after that if you still do but then you will have built friends you will have networked they will have known you you will have known them they will have been able to trust you enough to allow you to marry their daughter so that's the way it is like it is in every nation in every culture you can't stay in acquiring and be dreaming of a white woman because there are no white girls in acquiring we only have our nigerian aquamites and nigerians you know and a few africans maybe so if you want white woman go to white community go to white society i advise you america is there europe is there england is there you can go there relocate since you you have the money to do that should be able to fly there and settle there for a while then you can pick a white woman there and marry and you can be sure she's not going to fly with your children because before you marry her you will have known who she is you will have understood how she will have understood you and you will have followed all the things i taught in relationships greetings global barbarian the intercontinental mr michael bush god bless you for the good work you're doing for the body of christ please i would like to remain anonymous global barbara kindly helped me on the phone have a prayer partner she told me that the holy spirit told her that i'm a prayer partner she introduced me to our church but i don't understand her i feel she's now jealous of me as my prayer life has changed dramatically since i started playing with her i confronted her but she said she was not jealous and that is the devil making me to feel that way i don't know what to do now because it's like my prayer life has changed upwards but hers is going down sometimes she asks me to pray for strength that she can't pray i need your advice please blah blah blah help me god bless you well what you do is share with other things you learn that has made your prayer life to be transformed take time share with her and you know just that share with that but if the friction is increasing two cannot work together except they agree you may have to start reconsidering keeping some distance and maybe looking for somebody else you want to make your prayer partner that is able to pray with you so that together you can sharpen yourselves ion shaping ayam who does not sharpen io many more blessings from yoe games is uh hello global baba must confess i've never really taken time to listen to your messages not up until yesterday and today i paid rapt attention to you i'm so blessed and touched god bless you sir any time i want to pray to god for anything i would always say a voice reminding me to go to matthew 6 33 please my question blah blah blah blah uh what are the things of the kingdom that i should seek first i've been hearing this voice since 2017 blessing from you well blessing what you seek first of the kingdom is the revelation of jesus and what he has done for you in his death burial and resurrection jesus is the embodiment of god's kingdom so if you are to seek jesus seek first the kingdom it means seek jesus first so and that's what we preach in power cities so pay attention to the things we teach in this church you will grow in the knowledge of christ in the knowledge of the kingdom and you will walk in that reality anonymous entry again blah blah blah please daddy can you help me explain acts 24 16 with respect to who a christian is having robbed and defrauded another acts 24 16. and hearing do i excite myself to have always a conscience void of offense towards god and towards men well you're just trying to use the bible to back up your expectation of what should be because that's not exactly what brother paul was talking about here in acts 24 so to understand what he's saying start from verse one and read the entire chapter and if you still don't understand read from acts chapter one to acts chapter end then you will understand that what paul was talking about there is not restitution what paul was talking about there is the gospel how that he keeps his conscience clear by preaching what he ought to preach which is the gospel of christ without adding his nuances and his own ideologies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,207
Rating: 4.8832116 out of 5
Id: fiSjo1cTY68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 9sec (7389 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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