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you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the sea hunger cannot break the seal farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian cup meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2022 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm106.9 ryo radio [Music] 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight guangaba road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Music] come on one more time if you know that you're not going to remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] is [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on i am what god i says do what god says is [Music] but i would never never be the same with the holy ghost [Music] jesus is my righteousness is i believe now [Music] is me never never [Music] disease be healed in the name of jesus thank you lord that as your word goes forth with clarity nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise glory and honor for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully amen lift your right hand to heaven let's release our feet together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service this morning hey guys do me the favor you've always done let's float the entire blue marble planet to the fragrance of jesus's grace this morning help me share the video on your page and share with us many groups are on your page and join as many groups as possible let's get the word to the ends of the earth also drop the video on monogram telegram drop them up on whatsapp groups you know let's just let's let's lighten the dark places of the earth with the light of the gospel all our bible study centers we welcome all of you and all the campuses around the world what a judge have everybody connected to the service this morning hey guys you get ready we're going to have a great time as we study the ward are we excited to be in the building this morning can we celebrate the word of god with a shout this morning glory amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self get your pen your bible your notebook let's get into the study of god's word we started the new creation camp meeting last week and um those of you that have been coming i'm sure you're being enriched i'm sure you're growing those of you that have not been coming i'm sure you found an alternative that will help you grow spiritually apart from what we're teaching here because you are responsible for your growth i'm responsible to feed you but when you don't make yourself available for me to feed you then you have maybe you have an alternative somewhere where you're feeding on and feeding from the right diet just make sure you are not eating junk along with the right food all right okay john chapter 5 verse 39 john chapter 5 verse number 39 john 5 39 search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me we've been looking at brother paul's revelation of identification and we established that that that revelation has to do with in christ in christ remember we've taken time to establish the purpose of the bible the purpose of the scriptures where were they written they were written to bring us to a place of wisdom in the subject of salvation through faith which is in christ and we said that word in christ is a very critical word we have to pay attention to in the book of luke chapter 24 verse 25 luke chapter 24 verse number 25 on the way to imaus when he met cleopas and the other disciple and he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself and the things concerning himself there has to do with a destination an arrival point that is to say when he expounded to them all the scriptures all the prophets the destination point of all the scriptures and all the prophets were the things concerning himself so we said that the message of the scriptures is oppressing the message of the scriptures is oppressing and in the old testament is a prophecy or a promise in the four gospels the message of the four gospels is christ all the parables are about himself the bible reveals jesus and the bible is christ's book the bible is christ's book the four gospels which we have been investigating that the four gospels are about christ second corinthians chapter 5 verse 19 ii corinthians chapter 5 verse 19. to which that god was in christ you see that to which that god was in christ if your bible is mine i will underline in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and had committed unto us the word of reconciliation god was in christ salvation through faith which is in christ if any man be in christ so in christ in christ in christ now that word was in refers to a state of being a state of being because we found out that christ is a man christ is a man so we can say that god was in a man if you have been following carefully by now you know what i'm talking about god was in a man god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself so god in a man god in a man or god was in christ so the four gospels are god in a man fully man 100 percent man 100 percent man somebody will ask me how logical is that it's not logical it only becomes logical when you believe it it doesn't make sense to say that god was in christ it only becomes logical after you believe it before you believe it it will never make sense to you because the natural man can never receive the things of the spirit neither can he know them their foolishness to him so it never makes sense to you it is only logical after you believe it god was in christ the four gospels we said we have a man like god a man like god a man like god is what we have that is god who became a man and as the word became flesh the word became flesh god became a man the pre-incarnate became incarnated the pre-incarnate became incarnate god was in man or god became a man the word hoyos and we have explained what hoyos the greek word is which is what you call a macho song or an heir a mature song or an heir one who is one with the father one who is just like the father i and my father are one notice at no point was jesus called the first son he was always called the only begotten son the only begotten song and yesterday we began to leave some framework within those parameters to be able to bring you to a place of clarity now remember we also established yesterday that jesus is called the son of man the son of man which establishes his humanity the son of man and then he is also called the son of god the son of god describes his humanity plus his divinity the son of god is an a combination of deity and humanity divinity and humanity together is what we call the son of god and for more clarity get the teachings of the week that will help you especially for those who are not here because i'm not about to start explaining those terminologies after i have spent quality time teaching them here in the house so jesus is fully man and fully deity today he is fully man and fully deity today so when you say in the name of jesus the name of jesus is the name of a man the name of jesus is the name of a man look at philippians chapter 2 verse number 5 philippians chapter 2 verse number 5 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus which was also in christ jesus uh studio guys do we have niv if you have niv can i have the niv translation niv your attitude should be the same as that of christ jesus your attitude should be the same let this mind be in you now which was also in christ jesus give me the king james version verse 6 verse 6 and we're going to construct that verse versus very well who being in the form of god taught it not robbery to be equal with god that word robbery thought it not robbery the greek says something thought it not something you should hold on to taught it not something you should hold on to all right because that word robbery doesn't really bring out what the intent exactly what the greek the original house the greek says that he being in the form of god the word form is the word substance in the greek he been in the substance of god taught it not something you should hold on to he been in the substance of god taught it not something you should hold on to that's why he said robbery in king james version it says who being in the form of god the word being is an old word which is parachute who parachute in the greek it means what you are being in the form of god actually is an old word it means he who is exactly god exactly god being in the substance he is god almighty all right now that word who participate means what you are so philippians chapter 2 verse 6 confirms the deity of jesus it's like saying he being as god or yeah he being as god did not hold on to that quality as god him being as god did not hold on to that quality as god that is he let it down he let down that quality hopacho it's spelt as hu p-a-r-c-h-o for those making notes h-u-p-a-r-c-h-o is the same word as i am i am i am that i am all right so he been in substance god did not hold on to that quality as god he let it down so he is god what did he do who being in the form of god the word form of god is the greek word mofis m-o-r-p-h-e-s morphis that is in context it means something that is essentially it something that is essentially it that is who is essentially god jesus is essentially god the greek says not just sheep but it's all the essential attributes of god it doesn't just have the shape of god he is all the essential attributes of god that is he is as god as god he is as god as god that was what he is or what he was as god as god before he became a man he was as good as god before he let it down and descended into humanity and don't forget we have said when deity descent into humanity that descent is called the son of god all right so he is essentially god he made himself of no reputation means he emptied those attributes he emptied those attributes he offloaded those attributes that makes him god he laid it aside and took upon himself the form of a servant the same word for form office that is he took upon himself the form of his servant and was made in the likeness of man deity became humanity deity became humanity and you know there are many christians who don't even know that jesus is god because nobody teaches them they don't even know who jesus is they just know that jesus is our savior finish they can't defend it they can't explain it they can't communicate it because they don't know who he is jesus is not an errand boy jesus is not junior god jesus is not god's representative jesus is essentially god who became a man and when god became a man god became a man that combination of god in man is called son of god son of god is not baby god it's not the king of god son of god means deity and humanity merge together that imagine is called son of god are we in the building here yeah he is god almighty he doesn't look like god he doesn't speak for god he doesn't speak on behalf of god he did not come to talk for god he is god talking for himself he is god communicating by himself he didn't send anybody to do it for him he did it by himself for himself i didn't hear powerful amen now the word likeness made in the likeness of men that is his shared humanity with man that is there was nothing that is in jesus's earthly work he functioned fully as a man he lived as a man that is why he had to be anointed of the spirit how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost you don't anoint god you don't anoint god man you only anoint a man so when jesus was anointed it was a further proof of his humanity are we here yeah we've already looked at other aspects within the course of the week you know he functioned as a man by the virtue of delaying aside of his advantage as god he now functioned as a man look at verse 7 of philippians chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 verse 7 but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of man verse 8 oh glory and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross at this point are we describing him as god or as a man as a man correct now verse 9 wherefore glory to god god also had highly exalted him exalted in god or exalted in man good and giving him a name which is above every name giving him a name god or a name as man as man all right god has also exalted a man you don't exalt god nobody can exalt god god is exalted by himself but when you begin to exalt somebody it has to be a man god exalted jesus the man look at mark 16 15 mark chapter 16 verse 15 hallelujah and he said unto them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature next of us and he that believeth verse 16 he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned verse 17 and this signs verse 17 and this sign shall follow them that believe in my name wherefore god has early exalted him and given him a name in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues in my name they shall cast out devils the name of a man or the name of god huh the name of imam yeah he exalted him and gave him what who was exalted a man who was given a name in my name name of whom the man jesus in my name they shall cast out devils so let's examine a few basics at the conception of jesus was he a man hello if you're answering you know people are listening to you all over the world let them know you're talking to me at the conception of jesus was he a man in the temple when jesus sat down with doctors of the law and was asking them questions was he a man when he was buried was here man when he died was he a man when he rose from the dead was here man at the right hand of the father today is he a man is he a man when he opened blind ice on the streets of galilee was here man so all of the authority is given to god or a man so who owns all the authority in heaven earth and under the earth today in my name cast out demons the name of who in my name you lay hands on the sick and they shall recover the name of who i thought i was hearing a conflicting opinion so we speak in tongues in the name of word you pick up serpents in my name the name of who don't forget we have a man like go to the book of acts 17 29 acts chapter 17 verse number 29 for as much then as we are the offspring of god we ought not to think that the godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone graven by art and man's device that is stop using doves as image for holy spirit that is idol worship stop designing things stop imagining images of a bed flying over your head when you speak in tongues that is idol worship look at it pull it up for me again that scripture for as much then as we are the offspring of god we ought not to think that the godhead is like onto gold or silver or stone graven by earth and man's device all of those designs and pictures and images are not in any way connected to god all those jesus pictures on the wall in your house you are actually in idol worship because those pictures are not the pictures of jesus they are the symbols of human beings that you are secretly worshiping without knowing nobody ever had the picture of jesus not even ideology jesus made sure nobody snapped him a picture all through his work on it so that there will be no historical image identified with the christ any picture you have of jesus that you put as calendar in your room burn it off this afternoon so that you are free from idolatry jesus has no picture most visions people have of jesus is from movies all those people that keep telling they saw jesus most of them is bad dreams bad dream i'm serious i'm very serious look at the study of that same scripture we're reading acts 17 30 and the time out and the times of this ignorance god winked at but now commanders all men everywhere to repent vast 30. i mean verse 31 now look pay attention because he has appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that god who will who will judge the world in righteousness man whom he had ordained he had ordained a man whereas he had given assurance unto all men in that he has raised him from the dead so which man has he given all judgment to the man christ because he now qualified that man as the man whom he has raised from the dead he put all assurance in that man he is not any man he is just man so man is not restricted to the first adam now go back to philippians 2 9. philippians chapter 2 verse 9 wherefore god also hath highly exalted him and giving him a name which is above every name the exaltation is resurrection when you hear god as early exalted what it means is that god has raised him from the dead giving him a name which is above all names what was the new name given to him let me ask you before jesus died what was his name his name shall be called for he shall save his people so what was his name okay when he died what was his name why are you answering me like you're not sure before he died that one doesn't need revelation now before he died what was his name when he died what was his name when he rose from the dead what was his name when he ascended up to heaven what was his name nobody says wherefore god also has highly exalted him and giving him a name he has given him a name so he was given a new name and jesus was not a new name because in the hebrew jesus is joshua is there anybody in this church whose name is joshua huh anywhere your name is joshua all right there's joshua there any other joshua okay there's another joshua there your name is actually you're answering jesus because that's the meaning of your name joshua is jesus in the in the greek joshua in the hebrew they are the same joshua is jesus jesus is joshua i can never call my name the name of god no jesus is not the name of god jesus is the name of a man that's why we have jesus a footballer called jesus and god didn't kill him how can you bear the name of how can you be no no no no no no is the name of a man and whether you answer jesus or joshua is the same thing so he gave him a name what will be that new name look at verse 10 of philippians chapter 2. get him blessed chapter 10 of philippians that at the name not a dimension of the name you are reading your your local religion into the bible he didn't say a dimension there's no mention in that scripture mentioned has been forced in there by music composers who don't even know what they're thinking about and you collected it and you are dancing a tk on it there's no mention in that verse not a dimension of the name no there's nothing like that it's not in the bible at the name now let me ask you all of your question is there a difference between at the name and a dimension of the name there's a difference the moment you introduce mention you have changed the entire demography and the entire meaning and the entire intent and the entire destination and the entire composition of that verse you have given it a coloration that has altered the message of that particular verse not a dimension at the name same name that has been given god has given him a name add the name and that name that god gave him every knee put it up every knee should bow off in heaven there are no things in the original of in heaven and in earth and under the earth at the name of jesus that term every knee is used in romans 14 11. let's look at it romans chapter 14 verse 11 for it is written as i leave say of the lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to god they quoted from isaiah 45 23 isaiah 45 23 i have sworn by myself the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness and shall not return that unto me every knee shall bow and every tongue shall swear that word swear makes a horse so really this terminology is talking about salvation every knee shall bow means people will be saved it does not mean demons will kneel down you unclean spirit the bible say you will bow oh yeah kneel down no you are you're not acting with knowledge every knee shall bow means people will embrace the salvation that jesus has offered is it clear people will embrace salvation that is the figurative meaning of that every initial bow because he now says every tongue shall confess how do you get saved you confess with your mouth the lord jesus and you are saved so that scripture is a salvation scripture is it getting clear yeah so he says at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that jesus is lord he wasn't talking of every tongue on earth it can be every tongue on earth he is referring to those that have accepted salvation because your tongue does not confess jesus except you have accepted salvation and everybody on it has not accepted salvation so when he says every knee shall bow it is not every as in every it is every within the confine of those who have accepted the gospel because we have accepted the gospel our tongue confesses his lord he is lord he is lord he has risen from the dead he's lord every knee shall bow every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord are we not confessing somebody told me jesus is lord and the reason why you said that is because you believe because no man can say jesus is lord but by the holy ghost is salvation now romans 14 11 and 12 again romans 14 for it is written as i leave saith the lord every bow to me and every tongue shall confess to god so then every one of us shall give account of himself to god so he's talking about the judgment seat of christ two things two things number one the judgment seat of christ brings salvation it brings salvation then number two that judgment seat of christ judges the works of believers it judges the works of believers it brings salvation and it judges the works of believers that is why he said of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth under the earth there refers to hades had this before now the place of outer darkness we are those who believed in the gospel before jesus came and we are saved we are kept in hades and on the earth and in heaven every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess he is referring to the judgment that is jesus is exalted to the right hand of majesty on the right hand of the father so go to ephesians chapter one this explains it now hold on just hold on a minute before we get there matthew 28 18 matthew 28 18 and jesus came and spoke unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and on earth all authority in heaven and earth is given to me so when you hear the name of jesus that name that god has given to him where for god after his resurrection gave him a name what is that name all power in heaven and on earth has been given to me that authority is the name he gave him authority in heaven and on earth not the mention of his name the authority of jesus with jesus jesus who died was buried arose triumphantly so that's not your own joshua here is the rising lord oh glory oh glory so you see that name that name that god gave him that name ephesians 1 20. ephesians chapter 1 verse 20 which he wrote in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right and in the heavenlies far above 21 far above all principality and power and dominion and might and every name far above every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come far above every name that is named what is father above every name that is named the authority given to jesus so that authority is the name that was given to him upon his resurrection and exaltation authority in heaven on earth and under the earth so you see that name refers to authority look at it again ephesians 1 21 22 23 ephesians 1 21 far above all principality power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come next verse and had put all under his feet and give him the head over all to the church gave him the hair he is the head over all to the church next verse next verse which is his body the fullness of him that he let all in all so the name of jesus refers to the office to the office not j-e-s-u-s that sometimes when you are attacked the more you call the name of jesus the bigger the attack becomes because that label doesn't scare the devil that's why sometimes they press people and they want to call the name of jesus god jesus some of you have been there you know what i'm talking about even though you're frowning your face trying to create i know you am i not your pastor you're struggling to call this gg the devil stop the g and give you a clean slap you because that label is not what god gave him upon his resurrection he already had the label before he died he had the label in the grave he had the letter when he rules but something was given to him that represents that resurrection and that thing is the office when you know the office you work in that authority whether you call jesus or not once you enter anywhere with that knowledge of that authority every devil begins to tremble am i talking to somebody here it's not about the label it's about the office that's why the seven sons of skiva the seven sons of schema in the book of acts they walked to unclean spirits they came to demons and said to the demons in the name of that man whom paul preaches we adjourn you to come out the demon said what what what an insult the demon said what an insult you we oh we don't blame you paul we know jesus we know who are you okay we will teach you a lesson the demons came out of the person they possessed they released him to go they gave him self-deliverance you can go we have got a new assignment they went after that young man and gave him the beating of his life and wounded him for calling a name that he does not understand the office of the authority is not in the label the authority is in the office you don't like the president of nigeria buhari but you must respect the office because the office is bigger than buhari buhari will go the office remains so what gives buhari power is the office so when you recognize that office it's not about the label it's about the office many people don't know the office just carry the label and jesus said and jesus said hey wait wait wait wait even the devil believes that name and trembles it's not the label it's the office which comes by revelation as i'm teaching your eyes are open and you realize what that office is and you realize that you yourself you are in that office so when you move you move with the office and when demons see you walking in the consciousness of that office they start crying out am i teaching good this morning it's about the office not the label i should say where for god also has highly exalted him and given him a name not jesus not jesus because before he died he had jesus when he died he was still jesus when he wrote but upon his resurrection something was given to him that was not there before the office all principality power dominion they are under that office am i teaching good here they're all under that office every name that is named not only in this world but in that which is to come they are all under that office and i have news for you you are a part of that office i bow my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named in my office cast out devils in my office lay hands on the sick they recover in my office you speak with new tongues jericho barakata glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory say with me i am in that name [Applause] he has made him the head the head over his body see that ephesians 1 where we are verse 23 and 22 and 23 ephesians 1 22 and 23 and had put all under his feet and gave him the head over all to the church so everything he got including the name is to the church the reason for that office is the church are you watching yeah the reason why he died is for the church the reason why he was buried is for the church the reason why he rose is for the church now he has been given a name that is above all and has been giving authority to the church look at verse 23 23 which is his body and the fullness of him that feel it all in all so the name of jesus refers to his office he had to rise from the dead to be seated at the right hand of the father seated doesn't mean resting seated does not mean he is resting he sat for the first time when he rose from the dead that sitting is the exaltation that is the name of jesus the exaltation is the name the sitting is the name above all names and that is the name of jesus which is far above far above principality powers and might and dominion and every name that is named so when it says above all names he is referring to principalities powers and dominion might the name of jesus so the new testament is in that office you didn't hear that the new testament is in that office do you understand yeah the new testament is in that office look at ii corinthians 5 17. glory to god therefore if any man in christ a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are new 2 15 having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twin one new man so making peace so the new man refers to christ christ is the new man if any man in christ christ is the new man christ is the new creature it is the greek word chinos anthropos chinos k-a-i-n-o-s anthro a-n-t-r-o pos p-o-s kainos anthropos a new being unique a unique being a new being so that means we are new man in him we are new man in him the plurality only has to do with identification but there's one man one second adam one last adam one man one second adam one last adam plural by identification we will get to that in the second service so again let's go back over a few things whose heaven is it man's evil who has authority in heaven man so when believers die they go to whose heaven so heaven is for who man okay so heaven is empty that's why john said who is worthy to sit they answered him the lamb only the lamb is worthy to sit on the throne so jesus goes into heaven his heaven your heaven man's heaven now by identification he is heaven now your heaven by identification one man one second adam one last adam what does he go to heaven to do upon his resurrection hebrews 9 22 to 26 are you getting blessed 9 22 and almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens shall be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these for christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the truth but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of god for us now yet that he should offer himself often as a high priest entered into the holy place every year without blood i mean with blood of others for them he often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world had he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself so why does he go to heaven to cleanse heaven to cleanse heaven heaven became blocked heaven became blocked heaven became polluted heaven became without access because of adam's transgression so it was therefore necessary are you following put it upon it again let me read so that with those thoughts you follow the reading hebrews 9 22. hebrews and almost all things are by the law of portrait blood and without shedding of blood is no remission it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with animal sacrifices that's the meaning of this but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than animals for christ who is a better sacrifice better means eternal enduring everlasting for christ is not entered into the holy places married hands like the tabanacula of moses which are the figures figurative expressions of the truth but jesus who is the better into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of god for us so is christ's heaven heaven therefore is not god's exclusive preserve heaven is not god's exclusive preserve it is man's heaven if you look at the four gospels when you hear the kingdom of god or the kingdom of heaven they are interchangeably used and he says is the father's pleasure to give you the kingdom it gives the father pleasure that kingdom is his authority and that authority is in the place called heaven that reality so it's christ heaven meaning it's man's heaven teaching good heaven was made for man ew kenyon a theologian i respect very well put it like this the reason for heaven is the earth the reason for the earth is man so man is the center point the reason for heaven is the earth the reason for the earth is man so man is the center point of all that god did he said the reason for heaven is the earth the reason for the earth is man so heaven and earth refers to the kingdom that god gave to man heaven and earth refers to the kingdom that god gave to man under the earth becomes relevant because of god's love in time god's mercies and love for man that's what makes under the heaven i mean under the edge relevant and if you follow carefully a few days ago we said when did the 11 get saved we have come back when did the 11 get saved those that were not here right now i'm sure they don't know we're talking about at what point did the 11 receive salvation let's go a point further from where we stop daddy the question will be when did they believe of course you know luke 24 25 27 he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself look at that luke 24 44 to 46 luke 24 44-46 and he said unto them these are the words which i speak unto you while i was here with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me then opened here their understanding that they might understand the scriptures and said unto them thus it is written and thus it behoove christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day so jesus expounded to them the scriptures go to mark 16 15 mark chapter 16 verse 6 15 and he said unto them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature next verse he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned he that believeth not shall be done and this sign shall follow them that word believe they will preach for those to believe so obviously by this instruction they had believed they had believed by mark 16 they had believed for them to go and preach for orders to believe so by mark 16 they had believed are you following are you following because he operated them in verse 14 of unbelief look at that mark chapter 16 verse 14 before he now commissioned them 16 14. mark chapter 16 verse 14. afterward he appeared unto the 11 as they said admit and operated them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen so after he operated them in 15 he now said go which means after between 14 and 15 a believing took place are we teaching a believing took place between verse 14 and 15 now by the time he spent time with them appeared to them expounded the scriptures to them they had believed look at luke 24 51 luke 24 51 and it came to pass while he blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into heaven 52 and they worshipped him and returned to jerusalem with great joy this had never been used for them before this is the first time the world with great joy is used for them with great joy they return to jerusalem with great joy this evidence is the fact that they had believed because there is joy after you believe at this point you call them believers because they are believers are they saying what about judas judas is carry out is he carry out a carrot what about brother judas did he believe judas did he believe what was he called what is perdition one that is damned forever judas never believed but the judas healed the sick the jew has cast out demons the judas preached the gospel but was never saved and never believed so there could be people in churches who are casting out devils and preaching but they are not saved see that a man is preaching doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about judas the treasurer of the church the man carrying the money bag yet did not believe in jesus so somebody can be a walker in the church but doesn't believe in the vision of the church so don't be carried away by the id card that people put on as church workers there is something bigger than id card being a or wearing a cossack is it cause or quasar car sock okay you know i've never known the neighbor even when you teach me does it register because it's not my team even when they wear cut socks and drop the big chin they may be far from christ by far see judas and that is why some of them to preach christ is an offense because they and christ don't they don't have anything to preach christ is an offense to them they are offended every respected preacher in this country said to me this your jesus thing is too much what i was shocked because i had great respect for him he said this you are jesus team you are doing it too much so i said to him what should i do if i don't do jesus sir what should i do he said no no no there's nothing wrong with it but he has already told me his heart that jesus is an offense to him jesus is an offense he said it to me to my face not that they told me man he met face to face he said this your jesus thing is too much sir at that point no respect sir what should i be doing because the reason why i even respected you in the first place is the jesus thing that i thought you were in so now having discovered you are not in the jesus team there's no more respect sir what should i be doing he said no no no i have nothing against it but i will not do it jesus is an offense to him and yet people call him man of god and people even kneel down for him to put anointing anointing from where when jesus is an offense to him he is too much judas was carrying the money bag that's why people must hear christ to be saved that's right we have not started preaching we are just warming up we are just warming up to start preaching you think i'm joking we are just warming up we are just warming up that's why i'm equipping so that when we start every one of you will be in this corner doing it it will be all over the place it will be everywhere acts chapter one i'm rounding up blessed acts chapter one verse three to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god next verse and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he you have heard of me verse five for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hands question if they had believed in verse 5 why did he say wait for the promise of the father you know that's why we stopped if they had believed why did he say to them wait for the promise of the father now hold on that terminology promise of the father we saw it used in luke 24 49 luke 24 quickly quickly luke 24 49 and behold i sent the promise of my father upon you bartering in the city of jerusalem until they endured with power from on high the spirit coming upon you promise of the father the spirit coming upon you acts 2 39 pay attention please acts 2 39 for the promise is unto you promise of the father for the promise is unto you and to your children and to order that affair of even as many as the lord shall call so the question will be when was the church born don't go far jesus is the head of the church so from the minute he rose from the dead the church was born jesus is the head he is called the first born from the dead the beginning he has preeminence over the church ephesians chapter 1 verse 15 to 23 so by his resurrection the church was born so the critical question is those folks when they believe jesus message did they have the holy ghost in them eh talk to me church the day of the holy ghost in them if they had the holy ghost in them that means the holy ghost was given that means the holy ghost was given is that true they are the holy ghost in them at salvation once they believed so once they believed after his resurrection they were saved and they had the holy ghost in them please follow carefully now what did they wait for another holy ghost or an experience it can be an experience because peter was clear he said jesus sat down at the right hand of god and he shed fought that which you see and hear where there are two spirits why are you looking at me where are there two spirits can a man believe and not have the spirit of god in him huh how many of us are believers do you have the spirit of god so can a man believe and not have the spirit of god okay did abraham believe did he have the holy ghost in him abraham did abraham believe did he have the holy ghost in him is it the same experience abraham had that the 12 had did they believe was the holy ghost give him twice because he just said that abraham had the holy ghost in him so was the holy ghost giving twice at what point did they have the holy ghost in them was abraham had jesus resurrected when abraham believed so did abraham have the holy ghost in him i like this class we need to understand that term the holy ghost was given is the holy ghost being given referring to utterance or the new birth huh i'm hearing utterance i'm hearing a new bird write it down the question is all clear how clear can it be let me give you a parallel and i'll leave you with those thoughts as we close the service can a man be born again and not have the holy ghost has anybody ever been saved and was not born again has anybody ever been saved and was not born again in the entire old testament did you see the word born again who who introduced the word born again where john three so where people say before john 3 were people saved before john 3 where are they born again before john three so can somebody be saved and he's not born again okay was abraham saved was isaac saved were they born again a wonderful class wonderful class was abraham born of the spirit is it possible to believe and not have the holy ghost in you is it possible today to believe and not have the holy ghost in you but before jesus died is it possible to believe and not have the holy ghost did abraham believe did he have the holy ghost why because the holy ghost was only shed forth after he rose which you now see and hear out of your belly this specky of the spirit for the holy ghost was not yet given why because jesus was not yet glorified are we getting clear are we getting clear if we're getting clear can i have a powerful amen so was there a period that it was possible to believe and not have the holy ghost acts 10 44 last scripture for the service acts 10 44 you don't want to miss the next service while peter yet speak these words the holy ghost fell on all them which had the world 45 and thereof the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with peter because that on the gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy ghost they heard they believed and what happened bam now acts 11 17 just for more clarity acts 11 17 for as much then as god gave them the like gift as he did unto us talking about acts 10 44 who believed on the lord jesus what was i that i could withstand god do you know what peter was explaining here to the council in jerusalem peter was yet speaking while he was here speaking he didn't pray for them he didn't gather them on the altar for holy ghost baptism while he was yet speaking the word of god bam people just to the hangar laboratory and the labor recorder so the apostles in jerusalem sent for peter and said how dare you how dare you how dare you take what we have exclusive right to and share with the gentiles peter said friends i was only preaching while i was preaching they started speaking who was i to withstand god i couldn't it's not me i was just teaching it fell on them the way it fell on us on the day of pentecost because on the day of pentecost as they were together suddenly so the same way it happened to the jews it also happened to the gentiles because that act then was the pentacles of the gentiles acts 2 was the pentecost of the jews so by accident jew and gentiles bam no difference i don't know if i'm teaching good here so that is why the apostles started getting angry how can you be sharing this this thing with how dare you shout what god has cleaned you shall not call unclean i'll put my spirit upon so now peter confirms that the holy ghost was given on the day of pentecost so when was the holy ghost giving when was the spirit giving to them on the day of pentecost that was that all trans or salvation utterance so we said the holy ghost upon is utterance the holy ghost upon the gifts of the spirit did they have the holy ghost within did they have the holy ghost within it was because they had the holy ghost within that it was possible for them to have the holy ghost upon hallelujah well we will explain further in the next service and a lot more in the next few days to come but are you blessed in this service if you're blessed get on your feet and shout bless hallelujah lift your right hands to heaven stand with me glory to god what a class this morning there's a good way to study isn't it lift your right hand to heaven and say with me in the name of jesus i believe i believe in the lordship of jesus over my life therefore i am in that name and in that name i speak with new tongues in that name i cast out devils in that name i lay hands on the sick and they recover said the secret cover when i lay handsome in that office because if jesus was physically here and he laid hands on people they will recover jesus is here in me when i lay hands it is his authority therefore the sick recover when i lay hands on them i cast out demons i cast out demons and i declare the authority of jesus is at walk through me in my generation i didn't hear a powerful amen father i pray for everybody under the sound of my voice in this service online on television radio wherever people are guarded listening to the to the sound of my voice bringing clarity to the word of your grace i decree that your people are being built up equipped the revelation of god's word is growing big on our inside the revelation of jesus is growing big in the hearts of your people and all over the world an army of people are rising to preach this everlasting gospel and we declare that the dark places of the earth are reached by the glorious light of this gospel and i call everyone here a minister of the gospel and a minister of the new covenant and in the name of jesus signs and wonders follow you and i decree that as you open your mouth to speak you have boldness to make known the mystery of christ great grace is upon you great grace is upon you and with great power you continue to give witness of the resurrection of christ in the name of jesus father we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus christ's name and every believer says that amen with joy can we go ahead and celebrate the word of god this morning [Applause] that doesn't look like a celebration that looked like his glory if you know you are born of god if you know you have the holy ghost in you and if you know you have the gifts of god in oppression then go ahead and celebrate what you have [Music] glory amen i tell you i tell you i'm so blessed this morning hallelujah amen all right today's partnership sunday but before we get into partnership i'm saying this now for the benefit of the online community television community and all those that are following on all the different devices and platforms today's partnership service and i want to thank all of you partners who believe in the vision of this ministry enough to commit your resources to it knowing that by doing that you are honoring the legacy of the gospel that jesus left for us as responsible sons and daughters as responsible citizens of his kingdom as an extension of his hand on the earth to make known the fragrance of his grace in all nations of the earth and i want to thank every one of you those of you that have made specific commitments this year monthly commitments and those of you that have gone beyond the monthly commitments you have made to embark on specific projects i want you to know i'm very grateful and you know jesus is much more grateful that you have not received the grace of god in vain that you are you are placing a value on that grace you have received to get this gospel to other people and through your givings and through your finances we are committed to doing more for the kingdom this year and i want you to know we're very grateful as a church and i want you to know wherever you are around the world your givings and your monies and your commitment is not wasted jesus who is bigger than all of us is taking record and there is reward for every dime you give to this ministry to change lives and to touch lives so today's commitment to partnership and those of you online i'm sure you're already doing all your your redeeming of your commitment for this month but i'm going to pray for you quickly and after that i will take up the offering father we pray for all partners all over the world all our partners partners and friends of this ministry whose hearts you have stirred up and opened up to give to this ministry every month a particular amount of their resources to enable us do all that you have instructed us to do lord you spoke to me and you said you gave me the instruction for this vision and you will put it in the hearts of men around the world to give towards this vision because it is you at work and in the day of your power your people are willing thank you for the willingness because it is you that walks in us but to will and to do of your good pleasure it gives a father pleasure to see souls brought to the kingdom so i pray for every partner you are a partaker of the grace of this ministry because you give in the defense and the confirmation of the gospel and i command right now that the fullness of the blessing is upon you and your household that you are sufficient in all things you lack nothing and in the name of jesus we decree that you are preserved and sustained for this kingdom assignment the enemy cannot touch you in the name of jesus we bless the work of your hands we bless your career we bless your jobs we bless your businesses we command opportunities to be made available to you those to open up to you favors in the name of jesus and father we rejoice for greater increase and enlargement testimonies streaming into this house as a result of this kingdom commitment to the advancement of your cause and we give you praise for it in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen once again partners thank you thank you wherever you are around the world now everybody grab your your offerings we want to give in honor of god's word we want to give in acknowledgement of his faithfulness in our hearts and in our lives hallelujah all right you'll have it online on television i'd like you to lift up your offerings to heaven everybody else in this building we want to pray over our offerings as we give this morning father in the name of jesus we give in faith and we give with joy and we give with gladness in honor of the world we have received right now and as we give we rejoice that our offering honors christ and honors the finished work of christ our offering honors the labor of the teaching of god's word so we give joy we give it knowledge and we give with grace thank you for the opportunity and we rejoice that our offerings are accepted right now and i decree that needs are met supernaturally thank you for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen now listen around the world you will be joining you again at 11 00 a.m gmt plus one this morning and at the 11 o'clock service we'll also be doing ask the counselor with mr michael bush and then from tomorrow to next sunday will be the last week of new creation camp meet in 2021 have you been blessed in this camp meeting you know you don't want to miss what we'll be doing the whole of this week every evening from tomorrow 6 pm gmt plus 1 will be live bringing teachings of god's word to you and building you up bringing grace to you because grace is multiplied through knowledge all right so we look forward to seeing all of you in the next service and until we connect with you at 11am gmt plus one let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service this morning glory amen amen praised by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call plus 234-806-800-9939 or email you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the sea hunger cannot break the sea farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 yo excel fm 106.9 ryo radio aquabo 90.5 uyo union fm 100.7 uyo and heritage heaven one zero four dot nine and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight ranger road oyo aqua bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors able and rachel dominar [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,330
Rating: 4.7685952 out of 5
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Length: 99min 55sec (5995 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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