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[Music] [Applause] come on one more time if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] revelations i am what god says [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can do what god says [Music] i [Music] but i would never be the same [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor eva god you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favorite [Music] show [Music] i would never ever know [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] thank you blessed father in the name of jesus father we rejoice that this morning we are found in you not having our own righteousness and we rejoice that your word comes with clarity today and our understanding flooded with light and i decree that veils follow the eyes of your people and the minds of your people clarity comes by the teaching of your word and we receive the accuracy of jesus made manifest within our understanding today and by the end of this service we declare that your people equip built up and jesus glorified thank you for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together to say this world i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says that amen like thunder we want to welcome everybody connected to the service this morning by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram and all of the social media community we want to appreciate every one of you we're so glad you're in the service this morning and i'd like you to do me a favor like you always do help us share the video this morning let us use our facebook pages you know as an evangelist to get the message out there share the video on your page share with all the groups put them on telegram put them on monogram you know create watch parties let's just flood the earth with the truth of the gospel of jesus christ all our house centers a joy to see every one of you connected this morning and all our campuses around the world what a blessing what a blessing to be able to you know connect with all of you today and i'm so excited to announce that our church in japan started today actually they started today in japan and it's a joy you know to know their service finished long ago i think it should be evening now in japan they are eight hours ahead of us so it should be you know sometime in the evening but it's a joy to know that the brethren in japan started a campus today and we just believe god that the whole of japan and the entire asia will bow to the truth of the gospel of jesus christ i didn't hear powerful amen are we excited to be in the building this morning well can we give the lord a praise and a shout and let's celebrate glory to god whoa amen grab your pen your notebook your bible and you can be sit ahead with your sweet smart self this morning as we continue our teaching on the integrity of god's word the integrity of god's word hebrews chapter 1 verse number 1 hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 god who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time pass unto the fathers by the prophet unto the fathers by the prophet remember we said that when you study the scripture in verses you need to realize that the verses are someone's interpretation of the scriptures the verses are someone's interpretation because the writer did not put in do not put the books in verses is someone translating who put the verses for you all right so quite a number of times the verses can take you off what the writer is saying i believe as we keep studying together we will get this picture clearer because sometimes they translate us or the people who did the interpretation for us in the scriptures sometimes they separate what should not be separated that is that sometimes you will see a thought that supposedly should have ended in a verse continuing in the next verse it was translators who had the privilege of translating that did that job of interpreting i believe that verses should be used for coating you know when you want to coat not for explanation and not for making of reference did you hear that for quoting not for explanation and not for making of reference but you must always you know keep your mind from wondering at the limitation of those verses you must keep your mind from wondering you know that's why we take efforts to look at the context of what is being discussed and sometimes we take the time to do word study we do a study of words dictionaries don't give you meaning dictionaries only give you probable meanings it is sentences that allows you to see meanings sentences look at festivity for example chapter 6 verse 17 it is not within our subject but it will help with what i just explained first timothy 6 17 charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high-minded not trust in uncertain riches but in the living god who given us richly all things to enjoy brother paul was writing to timothy the word rich in this world presupposes that you understand what this world is this world is the activities rich in these aeons the activities you are rich in this world or you are rich in the activities of men by business by commerce by trade by investments career or by innovations or other things like politics you know by getting engaged in the activities of men you became rich rich in this world in the aeons in the activities of men that they be not high-minded nor throw us in uncertain riches on certain riches so the word which is there in that verse is used for material things but he calls it uncertain on certain riches but in the living god notice you have to be a bit patient in written in reading in the living god who gives us all things richly to enjoy now there's a spin of words in there he uses the word rich four times as are about to see and they have two different meanings rich rich rich rich four times watch festival team chapter 6 verse 17 again pay attention 6 17 charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded not trust in on certain riches but in the living god who giveth us richly all things to enjoy now observe rich in this world in this world i have explained it to me those who have by virtue of engaging businesses trade commerce investments notice he didn't say judge them that god has blessed to be rich he didn't say charge them that god has blessed to be rich rather he said charge them who are rich in this world then he said that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living god did you see that but in the living god the word bought in the living god now let's read verse 18 of the same testimony chapter 6 6 18 that they do good that they be reached as a fortress that they be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate ready to distribute willing to communicate did you observe in verse 18 that they be rich in good works rich in good works now when it says rich in good works is that material or spiritual spiritual that they be rich in good works spiritual that means paul uses the word rich for good works which is not material look at verse 17 again when he says who gives us all things richly to enjoy in our minds you will be like he gives us cars to enjoy houses to enjoy he gives us money to enjoy and jobs to enjoy but that's not what he's talking about there you know he gives us lands and aeroplanes no he said rich in this world so by saying he gives us all things the danger is when you see the word all things and you mean all things that's where the danger is and you know in bible teaching i have told you that whenever you see all things he doesn't mean all things what did i say when you see all things should be all these all these things i can do all things i can do all these things he expounded onto them in all the scriptures specific all day not just all in all day so these things dealing with these all these things so what are the things he gives us richly to enjoy because we cannot use the word all things to mean everything it's just like all things worked together for good to them who love god and to them who are the called according to his purpose all these things and if you read within that context you will see what it means by all these things for those he for knew he predestinated those he predestinated he called those he called he justified those he justified he glorified so all these things these things which things for knowledge predestination calling justification glorification all of these work together for our good it doesn't mean sickness and disease and poverty all of them are working together no no no no no that's not what it means it's dealing with specifics that context only will unveil all these things all right please stay with me you read the word all things within the context so for example all things are yours when he said all things are yours down within that context he explained what he means by all things he's talking about the gifts of the spirit paul apollos all of us are yours now what are the things he gave us richly to enjoy he says that you do good number one number two you'll be rich in good works number three ready to distribute number four willing to communicate now did god give us 18 to us let's read verse 18 again testimony 6 18. that day do you do good that they be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate so is verse 18 a function of the spirit of god dwelling in us uh yes it is is a function of the spirit of god dwelling in us let me also ask you another question is verse 18 what the bible called the riches of god or the riches of god in glory huh my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory is verse 18 the riches in glory yes all right now is verse 18 the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints yes all right now so what does he give us richly he gives us good works good works good works okay let me ask you a very simple tricky question here does he give us good works or good things huh good works or does he gives give us capacity to own things or capacity for good works capacity for good work so the riches or the richly to enjoy cannot be material he gives us all things richly to enjoy because he already told you inverse 80 what the richly to enjoy are good works ready to distribute willing to communicate those are the good works so how do men get rich they get rich in this world how do they get rich in this world business investment trade career job politics these are all systems that this world has designed where you offer services innovation and creativity and you are rewarded for what contribution you make to the betterment of humanity that reward is what culminates into wealth into riches and into possessions that is not given to you by god directly even though god set the planet for you to engage and make the money you went to school you went to be trained most of the things that were used in training you were written by non-non-christians atheists people who don't care about god wrote most of the textbooks that you you use in school to study how to serve the world system and then you graduated got a job give yourself to industry give yourself to business and by productive reasoning and productive contribution to humanity you got money in exchange for what you offered is that true that's how you make money sit down in the church first and pray poverty and hunger will kill you and you will be buried you don't get money by praying fasting you get money by in by industry that's why he says charge them that are rich in this world it is you that will get rich god doesn't make you rich church them that are they are the ones that are rich in this world that they be not high-minded but trust in the living god who enables us with capacity to be able to distribute it takes the grace of god to make your money and distribute your money to people it takes the grace of god for you to be a blessing to people am i teaching good yeah it takes the grace of god so you charge them not to be high-minded but trust in the living god prosperity is not evil there's nothing wrong with you making money and getting wealthy it's not evil at all but never let anyone give you any spiritual principle to prosperity you didn't hear that prosperity is not evil but never let anyone give you any spiritual principle to prosperity there is no such spiritual principle it is a deception so what does god give us richly he gives us richly the capacity to do good works because by saying he gives you richly all things if he was the one giving you richly all things in verse 80 in in verse 17 it will have been a contradiction because it says you are rich in this world [Music] see let me read it again so that you now get the full picture testimony 6 17 and 18 charge them that are rich where in this world that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living god who giveth us richly all things to enjoy what does god give us richly to enjoy next verse that they do good they that they be reaching good works ready to distribute willing to communicate that is the one god does which is spiritual capacity but the previous verse it is you that gets rich in this world am i communicating at all if you're getting a shouty powerful amen someone says but the bible says he makes the sun to shine on the good and the wicked that's not a prosperity scripture if it is if you think it is then why don't you stay under the sun from morning till evening and by the end of the day go home with one million nara so it's not a prosperity scripture that verse is about god's kindness showing us how to reflect his kindness in how we treat others you know so you can use matthew 5 44 to 45 for prosperity because i have never been rich sitting under the sun i only discovered that if i stay long under the sun i get darker than i am is not true he gives us richly all things to enjoy what are those he gives us the ability to communicate he gives us the ability to distribute he gives us the ability to be good so he is telling the rich guy don't look at your money money is uncertain today it comes tomorrow it's not there you invest today you make serious profit you invest tomorrow you lose it is not reliable money is uncertain so do not trust in uncertain riches that's what he's telling the rich guy but rather than trusting in money look at the eternal riches the capacity that god gives you to be a blessing to others and being a blessing to others lost eternally the impact the impression the kindness the changes that your world is able to make on people's lives leaves an eternal deposit on such people i told i've told you many times a millionaire is not one that has millions accumulated in his bank account a millionaire is one whose lives have touched a million people when your lives has touched many people your kindness your generosity your wealth has touched millions of people you are a multi-millionaire so it's not the accumulation that makes you a millionaire it is the distribution and the impact that your resources are able to make on other people on the gospel and in human lives that's what defines your through world and your true value where humanity and god is concerned am i communicating at all hallelujah are you in the building very important now [Music] he gives us the austria is the believer he gives us virtually all things to enjoy now so can you see how rich and riches are used to mean two different things rich natural wealth reaches good works willing to con distribute see in in the same context two different meanings so it is a context that defines the use of words and the greek word is the same thing but you see if you read it in context you read it to understand because like i told you context and concept context and concept sometimes same words are used for opposite things same words but used for opposite things jesus said in luke 6 38 look at it look chapter 6 verse 38 luke 6 38 put it up for me it was on the computer luke chapter 6 verse 38 hallelujah give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaking together running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that you made with al it shall be measured to you again give and it shall be given unto you and what he was talking about there is the law of sin and death the law of sin and death yet he said earlier to him that acts of you give to him so he uses the word give for two different things first of all if they ask you for anything give to them then in the same context give and it shall be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together the word the way the world system walks the law of sin and death so you must learn to read patiently scriptures and understand the context of what is discussing amen i said amen is that clear this morning tell me very loud i am rich by god in good works see i have capacity to distribute capacity to be a blessing to other people i didn't hear a good remain hebrews chapter one verse one again because we're dealing with things here hebrews god who at sundry times and in diverse manners speak in time past unto the fathers by the prophet verse 2 hath in this last days spoken unto us by his son whom he had appointed air of all things by whom also he made the world's verse three who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upon all things by the word of his power when he had by himself poached our sins sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high now the word whom whom whom whom give us to again the word of whom hebrews 1 2 by whom also the last sentence by whom also he made the wars the word whom there has to do with christ because christ is the heir of all that the prophet spoke about as the prophets were speaking they were speaking about christ particularly they were speaking about christ particularly about this particular subject matter look at something brother peter said in first peter chapter 1 verse 10 first peter chapter 1 verse number 10 of which salvation the prophet if your bible is mine i will underline the prophet have inquired and search diligently who prophesied of the grace that shall come unto you they prophesied of the grace that shall come unto you look at the next verse the next verse searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when he testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that shall follow next verse 12 verse 12 unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves that not unto themselves so he says that they prophesied but what they prophesied was not for them it was not for them so we said that the prophet said things that were not about them and christ became the heir of the things that they said did you get that the prophet spoke things that were not about themselves and christ became the heir of the things that they spoke little one that jesus will now say search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life they are they the speakings of the prophets i am the heir of those things so jesus is the heir of the things that the prophet spoke please pay attention the word heir means inheritance and we will explore that word in a bit the heir who is jesus is the greek word clarinomas clarinomas k-l-e-r-o for those of you writing k-l-e-r-o-n-o-m-o-s clarinomas the air or it means the one who owns the words that they said jesus is the one who owns the words that the prophet spoke he is a kaba dagger i like the jb phillips translation the jb phillips translation says he is the legal owner of all things the legal owner of all things because he is the reason for the prophecy of the prophets and he is the one that the prophets were speaking for so inheritance deals with ownership inheritance deals with ownership what belongs to you so we said that the prophets are the spokesperson they said the thing before it happened the first person called prophet in the old testament was abraham genesis 20 verse 7 genesis the guy on the computer stepped with me now because i will need you quickly to move with me now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet that's the first time the word prophet appears in the bible for he is a prophet and he shall pray for them and thou shall live and if that restore her not no doubt that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are dying a prophet so abraham was called a prophet a prophet is a hebrew word nabi nabi nabi which means a spokesperson a spokesperson someone who speaks on behalf of another it means he is not talking for himself it means when a prophet speaks he is speaking for another someone who speaks on behalf of another exodus chapter 7 verse 1 exodus chapter 7 verse number 1 and the lord said unto moses see i have made thee a god to pharaoh and aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet aaron was called moses prophet moses was called god to pharaoh the word god is a hebrew word elohim elohim now listen carefully every time you see the word god especially in the old testament it does not refer always to deity the word god is the word elohim so every time you see the word god it does not always refer to deity it just simply means someone who is a george or someone who is in charge or someone who superintends someone who's to pretend so sometimes angels are called gods sometimes judges magistrates see that magistrate judges are called gods in the old testament so if you do not study the context once you see god kill it you will think he's talking of deity he could be talking of an angel or a magistrate or a judge kill it are we in the building here again if you remember have i told you before the old testament must be explained it has to be explained if it is not explained you can use the old testament and kill yourself it has to be explained all right so the word god means someone who is in charge of a district so moses will be in charge and aaron will speak for him that's what it means moses will be in charge and aaron will speak for him the word god don't always mean deity every time you see the word god you must study the subject for example psalm 82 verse 1 where many christians say we are gods we are gods have i not told you you are god you are not a god wait first wait god standed in the congregation of the mighty he judge it among the gods among who the gods next verse how long will you judge who are the gods judges how long will you judge unjustly and accept the persons of the wicked cellar next verse defend the poor he sees he's talking to judges magistrates judges high court appeal court supreme court judges defend the poor and fatherless do justice to the afflicted and needy what did he call these judges god are we teaching hello are you in the building so when you see the word god don't always refer to deity it is a context that will explain who he is talking about moses will be george you will be his spokesperson so moses will have the knowledge moses will have the discernment moses will have the judgment but you will tell the people on his behalf the numbers 11 29 please pay attention numbers 11 29 and moses said unto him and there's thou for my sake will that will god that all the peoples all the lords people were prophets and that the lord will put a spirit upon them moses was saying i want everybody to be a prophet i want everybody to be a spokesperson among us moses's response when joshua came and told him that two people that were not in the building were prophesying the two people that were in the kitchen cooking started prophesying meanwhile in joshua's mind only the people in the building were supposed to prophesy and then they saw two people outside prophesying so joshua came to moses and reported those two people in case moses wants to stop them from prophesying and moses said look my prayers that everybody in israel should be able to prophesy there should be no big deal about prophesying every child of god should be able to prophesy i will put my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy every child of god you prophesy you don't need to look for a prophet to prophesy for you you are the prophet of your life you stand up and prophesy am i talking to somebody here yeah you stand up and prophesy you have the spirit of god in you you don't have to look for somebody outside to interpret to you what the spirit of god in you is saying to you you have your bible you have you have the word of god taught you all the time you should be able to grow to a point where you can prophesy discern and know what god is saying discerning and knowing what god is saying for time concerning your life that's what we're teaching you that's how we're taking all the time to teach you tediously like this because you two have a right to know god expressly exactly wholesomely holistically you have a right you don't need somebody you don't need to go between god is not your stepfather god is not your stepfather he didn't marry your brother's wife no neither did he marry your brother's mother god is our father we are all broughted into god by christ jesus and we have equal relationship with god i told somebody we shout hallelujah he's your father say with me i'm not a stepchild of god shout it very loud let the devil hear you i am original child direct child legal child amen amen [Laughter] glory praise god forevermore numbers 12 6 numbers 12 6 and he said here now my words if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream [Music] this is after moses married utopian woman and they were trying to do a coup d'etat against moses the one prophet there is someone who speaks on behalf of another so abraham was god's spokesman abraham was god's spokesman abraham was god's spokesperson or abraham was god's pr the one who says things for him so question who is a prophet please listen carefully the word prophet in the new testament is the word prophetess prophetess is from two words is from the word pro pro the word pro means beforehand pro profit pro beforehand to say it before it happens a prophet is not a nourished narrator of an event that has happened a prophet is not a narrator of an event that has happened or a narrator of an event that is happening happening that's ghanaian right that is happening okay he is not a narrator of event that has happened or a narrator of an event that is happening no that's not a prophet a prophet is one who speaks before it happens he could sometimes talk about past events but the key aspect of that office is that you say it before it happens the second word is femi to say or to declare so you have prophemi when it is put together it is the word prophetess it means to say it before it happens that means in the words of abraham we will find things he said before they happened in the words of abraham being a prophet we will find things he said before they happened remember we're examining the integrity of god's word that means that god's communication with us for us or to us came through abraham god's communication with us for us or to us came through abraham so we're going to explore that how did god communicate with abraham by his spirit how did god communicate with abraham by his spirit please pay attention somebody else who also was a prophet was noah noah for example none of these saw visions and revelations neither noah no abraham none of them saw visions or revelation like prophets do today yet without seeing visions and revelations they were called prophets look at first peter 3 18. i'm going to start some some technical work here and then we just go for christ also has once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened in the spirit but quickened in the spirit now we will do some quick study remember first peter chapter 1 verse 10 to 12. put it up quickly first peter chapter 1 verse 10 to 10 12 of which salvation pay attention the prophets have enquired and searched diligently who prophesied of the grace that shall come unto you next verse searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when he testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that shall follow next verse unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you which the holy ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into what did the prophets prophesy again the sufferings of christ and the glory that you follow look at verse 18 of first peter 3 18 again first peter 3 18 for christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened in the spirit this statement can it be seen as an utterance in the old testament can this first peter 3 18 be seen as an utterance in the old testament huh yes so go to second peter 2 5. ii peter 2 5 and speared not the old world but saved noah the 8th person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly wow he calls noah a preacher of righteousness you won't find him called a prophet in genesis but in second peter he is called a preacher of righteousness look at jude chapter 1 verse 14 please pay attention jude chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also the servant from adam prophesied of this prophesied of this saying behold the lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints so he mentioned someone else enoch and he called enoch a prophet look at genesis 5 18 genesis 5 18 and jared lived 162 years and he begot enoch next verse and jared lived after he begot enoch 800 years and begot sons and daughters he begot enoch when he said the lord cometh when enoch prophesied the lord commented the word prophesied there is a greek word prophet t prophet temp prophetel propheteo propheteo p r o p h e t e u o prophetio p r o p h e t e u o to speak beforehand it is the verb for prophetess the verb for prophetess it is used a whole lord for speaking by the spirit the interesting part is when you read about enoch in genesis you will not find this part that he prophesied that the lord commits you will find it in genesis so he says here he prophesied the word prophesied was used by jesus for the prophets of the old testament this same word prophet you see it in matthew 11 11 matthew chapter 11 verse 11 verily i say unto you among them that are born of women there had not reason a greater than john the baptist notwithstanding the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he making reference to the prophet of the old testament look at verse 13 of matthew 11. for all the prophets and the law prophesied until john prophesied until john question these prophets that prophesied until john do they include is enoch included okay great look at matthew 15 verse 7 but just before we read matthew 15 verse seven this prophets that prophesied until john is abraham included good matthew 15 7 ye hypocrites well did isaiah prophesy of you saying so is isaiah also included among the prophets okay so paul uses this terminology in the book of first corinthians chapter 14. he uses the terminology of prophecy eight times in first corinthians 11 he uses it two times first corinthians 11 verse 2 and verse 5 then in 1st corinthians 13 verse 9 it is used for speaking for or speaking by the holy spirit then again it is used in first peter chapter 1 verse 10 to 12 where we read who prophesied of the grace that shall come unto you so this word is used a whole lot for the prophets of the old testament now go back to jude verse 14 jude verse 14 and enoch also the seven from adam prophesied of thee saying behold the lord cometh with 10 000 of his saints so enoch spoke about christ is that right talk to me power city is that right so when you read luke 24 25 or full slow over to believe all that the prophets have spoken 26 ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory 27 and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself in verse 44 of that same scripture verse 44 of luke 24 and he said unto them these are the words which i speak until while i was hated with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and the in the psalms concerning me was enoch also one of these prophets was he good now so let's get back to no one first peter chapter three but listen carefully what we are dealing with here is not events in countries and cities we are dealing with events concerning the christ is that is that is that clear we are dealing with events concerning the christ so first peter 3 18 first peter 3 18 for christ also had once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit next verse by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison pay attention he says he preached to the spirit in prison some people think that what it means is that jesus when he died did evangelism in hell that's what some people think well that's not impossible but that is not what the context here is saying he says to speak to the spirits in prison now the word speak there is the word keruso kerus u r-u-s-s-o which means to announce what the preacher does to announce remember i have told you before that translate yourself the liberty to choose the kind of pronouns they use in translating they have liberty to choose the kind of pronouns they use in their translations so when he said he went and preached the pronoun he is from a compound word etho etho can be used as the or he they or him now in this verse it can be jesus who went to preach in prison because it doesn't make sense look at verse 20 of that scripture in peter first peter 3 20 which sometimes we are disobedient when once the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah while the ark was a preparing wearing fuel that is eight souls we are saved by water give me 19 and 20 again so that we can follow the trend of discourse by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison give me verse 18 so that we follow the thought pattern for christ also had once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit verse 19 by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison verse 20 which sometimes we are disobedient when once the longsuffering of god waited in the days of noah while the ark was a preparing wearing fuel that is eight souls we are saved by water we need to close in on the word disobedience in verse 20 give me that 20 again the word disobedience which sometimes were disobedient the word disobedience is the greek word appear apathy i th oh disobedience look at me everybody this a patio it is used for a response to a message the word apetio is used for a response to a message so they must have been disobedient to the message that was preached so he says which were disobedient appetito disobedient to a message john 3 36 john 3 36 he that believeth on the son had everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him we want to look at the word apetio used most times for the gospel he that believeth not so it means to believe not appetite it's not that they disobey school rules or traffic light disobedience in this context is not what we naturally call disobedience disobedience means they rejected the gospel they did not heed the gospel they were not persuaded look at acts 14 verse 2 acts 14 verse 2 pay attention but the unbelieving jews steered up the gentiles and made their minds evil affected against the brethren unbelieving you can't say somebody is unbelieving until you have preached to him and he rejects somebody you have not preached to you can call him an unbeliever somebody have not preached to is a sinner but the moment you preach to somebody and he refuses to believe he now graduates from a sinner to an unbeliever so they are called the unbelieving jews because the message was preached and they did not believe look at acts 19 verse 9 acts 19 verse 9 but when divers were hardened and believed not but speak evil of the way before the multitude he departed from them and separated the disciples disputing daily in the school of one tyranus the school of one tyrannos are you still in the building it's oftentimes used for a response to a message a response to a message romans chapter 2 verse 8 romans chapter 2 verse 8 but unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrought they do not believe the gospel look at romans 10 21 romans 10 21 but to israel is safe all day long i have stretched fought my hands onto a disobedient and against saying people paul talking about you know the jews disobedient they didn't obey the gospel romans 11 verse 30 romans 11 verse 30 for as you in time past have not believed god yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief talking about the jews romans 11 31 romans 11 31 even so have this also now not believed that through your mercy they also may obtain messages so it is used for response to a message a appear to appear to you it's used for a response to a message romans 15 31 romans 15 31 that i may be delivered from them that do not believe in judea that do not believe that my service which i have for jerusalem may be accepted of the saints so it is used for a response to the gospel response to god's word that same word disobedience is used in hebrews 3 18 hebrews 3 18 and to whom saw he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that believed not to them that believe not hebrews 11 31 many scriptures good for your health by faith the hallowed rehab perished not with them that believe not when she had received the spies with peace them that believed not so the word apetio is a general word used for disobedience i mean it's not a general word used for disobedience but it's a word used for response to the gospel appetit disobedience so whatever he's talking about must have been a response to a message all right look at first peter 2 8 please pay attention first peter 2 verse 8 and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the world being disobedient why did they stumble disobedient well unto also they were appointed this is the same letter he says being disobedient look at first peter 3 1 likewise he wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the world obey not the word they also may be one without the word by the conversation of the wives obey not the word same same epistle where he talked about disobedience first peter 4 17. first peter chapter 4 verse 17 for the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of god and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of god that obey not so go back to first peter 3 19 and 20 again we're doing exigencies by which also look at me everybody look at me take the scripture off look at me everybody do you see how how long it is taking us to dismantle one verse are you here do you see how we are traveling traveling just to uncover a verse of scripture it's called exegesis is work see how much work is taking me to explain it to you imagine how much work it took me to study it its work by the time we come on the pulpit and we are taking a doctrinal position it is coming out of diligent work are you understanding are you understanding yeah it's coming out of work that is how to approach bible study there is no shortcut to bible study and then some people will now come together and say they want to they want to i don't know what they even use they want to they want to prove that me i'm a heretic and they can't even do exigencies on a verse they're just quoting scriptures without intact even the scriptures they are quoting are scriptures that are fighting each other it takes work you can't just stand up and be and be and be attacking no you calm down then you follow the teaching you follow the thoughts you follow scriptural thoughts you go with the scriptures you allow the scripture speak and you take a humble position and let the scriptures talk to you it is what the scriptures talk to you about that becomes your position are we in the building if you understand and say i hear you it's like somebody says well you can lose salvation how then he quotes a scripture okay so is that the scripture you're quoting yes all right let's do what exiges it's not enough to quote this bible is not a quotation book we called just for us to remember but bible quotation is not bible teaching say with me bible quotation it's not bible teaching say bible recitation it's not bible teaching that somebody is busy practicing coaching coaching contributing he's not doing bible teaching bible teaching is exegesis you take a scripture you look at the pretext the postex you go for you go now and look for the corroboration of that scripture then you come back to do word study word study each word you study the word and you do exegesis on the word to finally arrive at what the intent of the altar was it's work friends it's work amen what did i say it is his work now go back go back first peter 3 19. first peter chapter 3 verse number 19 by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison and look at verse 20 which some time did you see the word sometime where what did we do a work on disobedient appetite it means they did not believe the gospel they were disobedient put it up when once the long suffering of god waited when in the days of noah while the ark was a preparing we are in fuel that is eight souls we are saved by water which sometimes we are disobedient the word sometime is a greek word for day p-o-t-o it means at that time the word potent deals with a past event it has nothing to do with the present potay past event used again by peter in first peter 2 10 please be patient with me first peter 2 10 which in time past potay we are not a people but are now the people of god which have not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy in time past potay first peter 3 5 first peter 3 5 for after this manner in the old time the holy woman also went in the old time potay in the old time all right the holy women also in the old time that means when the word pote is used the event or the person described happened in the past first peter again 3 18 19 and 20. kabbalah for christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit 19 by which also he went the question here where people have problem is who went and did this preaching okay is it noah or christ so that's what we're working on here now put up that scripture by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison 20 which sometimes potate we are apatio sometimes did not believe the message when once the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah while the earth was a preparing wearing fuel that is eight souls we are saved by water so the preaching happened with the disobedience hello when did the disobedience happen when the preaching was preached okay so the preaching and the disobedience happened at the same time hello hello the preaching and the disobedience of the people have you can't say they disobey until you preach so when you preach their response will either be obedience or so the the the event happened in the past when the preaching was done so the preaching wasn't an after death event so the preaching was not an after death event the preaching was done in the days of noah by noah the preaching was done in the days of noah by noah and the people who disobeyed the gospel of noah are now the spirits in prison are you following the people who disobey the gospel in the days of noah are now the spirits in prison so noah preached they disobeyed when they died they went to prison is it getting clear yeah that's what he's dealing with in that verse of scripture now remember we are examining the integrity of god's word and i have a number of these to deal with that will culminate in that integrity of god's word the number of things we take it bits by bit by bit until we arrive at the holistic picture because somebody shout hallelujah but you today you have heard the gospel and what is your response you have believed and what is the result huh hello what's the result okay wait you today you have heard the gospel and what was your response talk to me now what's your response do you believe and when you believe the gospel was the result are you saved or you will be saved are you saved how saved are you huh eternally saved are you sure what's the basis for your assurance that's the integrity we're dealing with what's the basis the basis for the assurance of your salvation is what was integrity don't use integrity of god's word to cover up what's the integrity of god's word that's what we're examining so that's why this study is important because this study now shows you the basis for why you believe that if you die today you are in heaven with jesus that's why we're studying what was studied and we're examining characters through the scriptures through the prophets to arrive at that conclusion are you blessed this morning say with me i am eternally saved in jesus christ he died my death he was buried my burial he resurrected my resurrection on the basis of his resurrection i have eternal life do you believe that stand on your feet that's all i've got for you this morning i'm going to continue this in the next service and you don't want to miss it for anything half information is very dangerous amen have information is dangerous are you blessed this morning lift your right hand and show me i am saved secured in christ jesus eternally i didn't hear powerful amen do you observe that the bible say whosoever believeth in him shall not but bought bought bought bought but until he come quickly shall not perish but stand there shall not perish but who is in possession of this handkerchief right now me or him is it mine am i having it will i have it will i have it do i have it is it mine is it in my possession does it have my name does it have my name is it mine does he have my name or something that is yours that's your name now all right intuitive who has it me him whose is it now does it have his name is it in his possession is it not his property the day you received christ he entered you you have you didn't hear that say i have eternal life now is mine my property my possession it has my name he says that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have it's not open-ended it's not if he keeps behaving good he will have it is he has now glory to god say i have eternal life right now secured saved by jesus christ and he will never lose me i will never lose him amen amen hallelujah bless you man praise god hallelujah lift your right hand to heaven father thank you for everybody under the sound of my voice in this building online on television wherever your people are hearing this word revelation knowledge grows big on your inside this world comes with such clarity and we come against every voice of doubt and fear be silenced in the name of jesus lord i pray that the revelation of jesus keeps growing big on our inside until nothing else matters thank you for an army of people you are raising all over the blue marble planet men and women that will preach this gospel defend this gospel make this gospel known and shout it on the mountaintops and blanket the entire world with the truth of jesus christ and we rejoice that falsehood is collapsing and deception is giving way because the light of the gospel is piercing through the darkness in the name of jesus and father we rejoice we give you praise that in our hearts we have the assurance of salvation the assurance of jesus christ and the joy of salvation thank you for answered prayer in jesus christ's name and every believer says he powerfully amen and i hear another amen how mean if you have the joy of salvation in the building can we go ahead and celebrate our salvation in christ jesus glory amen now listen to me the spirit of god spoke to me early hours of this morning while i was praying for this service everybody listen to this this will help you a lot the lord said to me tell my people do not serve me just because you want a reward let your serving me be an offshoot of the joy of salvation that you are so joyful in this salvation that the natural response it brings out of you is service the spirit of god spoke to me clearly this morning he said tell my people not to serve me just for the world but let their serving me be an outflow from the joy of salvation amen and he says to me that kind of service never gets tired never gets offended never gets weary and never gets to a point of giving up because it is an outflow from joy and joy is strength joy is strength when you serve as an outflow of joy you just keep serving and serving and serving and you're delighted and honored and excited to just keep serving the kingdom of god serving the purpose of god serving the people of god in spite of them and irrespective of them because you are not doing it for them you are doing it for jesus in them they may make it look difficult for you to serve them but when you see beyond them and see christ in spite of them you serve joy i don't know who these words are for but the spirit of god spoke to me and asked me to bring this world to this house you serve as an outflow of joy the joy of salvation did you hear that do you receive those words you serve as an outflow of the joy of salvation because once you realize what christ has done for you serving his purpose serving his body becomes natural those are the kind of things brother paul will say i am a bond slave a bond slave i'm a son of god but i have decided to take on me slavery to god's people a bound slave means i am a self-appointed slave god didn't make me slave i paul because of the too much goodness of god he says i am the chief of all sinners yet grace found me so because of how god reached out to me in my state i have decided to make myself a slave even though i am a son i have decided to make myself a slave for the people of god that comes out of the joy the acknowledgement the realization of salvation and the value of it amen are you blessed this morning take those words think about them pray about them and do what you need to do for the kingdom i want to take up your offerings this morning before we close everybody i want to thank partners and friends of this ministry who keep giving all over the world and within this house and in all our campuses giving to support the vision given to support the purpose of god through this ministry and through your support we're able to get the gospel out out to where people are all over the nations of the earth and i want to thank you i want to appreciate all of you partners and friends and my prayer is that you will never get weary in well doing as you keep giving we keep reaching out to souls remember god is not on righteous to forget your labor of love so grab your offerings everybody your kingdom investment your partnership i want to pray over them as we honor christ with them and remember i'll be live again at 11 a.m gmt plus one as we continue this teaching on the integrity of god's word taking it to you know um to another point we're not finishing today we continue for the next few weeks but it's exciting to just have everybody here amen all right if you're watching around the world and where you are there's no banking details on the screen whether on tv or social media that is relevant to your location you need to shoot email to dr ebeldamina you know stating your location and we will send you an account that will be relevant to your location but want to thank you for giving and honoring christ lift your offerings to heaven for prayer father we thank you for everybody giving this morning we're giving honor we give a joy we give with gratitude we give as part of our worship to you for all you have done for us and we give in honor of what christ has done and we give us our responsibility to get the gospel to the nations of the world and we thank you that our offerings are a sweet smell before you today thank you for the privilege to honor christ in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen praise god hey guys you know we love you remember 60 days of glory extended is ongoing but on radio on television and on social media every 12 noon gmt plus 1 and 10 pm gmt plus 1 60 days of glory extended is ongoing a repeat of everything we taught a repeat of all the questions and answers we want them to sink in before we start the next season which begins on the 11th of october we go live again from the 11th of october till whenever the lord allows us to stop and from the 11th of october we begin again the question and answer session with mr michael bush but this time around it will be called the councilor asks the counselor and what it's going to be like is people write us real life situations real real life challenges and we give you counsel from the word of god on what to do apart from the questions and the answers so it's going to be an exciting time while i teach the word we answer the questions and bring counsel it's going to be very explosive and i'm looking forward to that wonderful time we love you guys i'm looking forward to meeting all of you again at 11am gmt plus one invite friends and families all our campuses we live in the abrahams of coordinators house centers your house pastors will tell you what to do and everybody else enjoy the grace of god we see you at 11 a.m gmt plus one let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service this morning glory amen are you this for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominant please call us 234 806 800-9939 or email power city office at [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,656
Rating: 4.9083967 out of 5
Id: M4yts3IbWdc
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Length: 94min 22sec (5662 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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