WORD OF THE LORD 5782 Rosh Hashanah

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[Music] hi and welcome to my channel i'm k nash if you're new here i release prophetic words and deep teachings from god's word if that's something you're interested in make sure you hit that subscribe button all right you guys today i'm going to be sharing what god put on my heart for rosh hashanah five seven eight two welcome to five seven eight two welcome to five seven eight two it is time to awake to the new hallelujah it is time for the new it is time to arouse yourself and stir yourself up for the thing that christ wants to do with you it is not time to sit in a chair and be stuck god is moving in a new direction this year you are not in er anymore like abraham was you are going to canaan you are in canaan it's not just a physical shift it's a mindset shift you got to go to the blessed place you got to go to the new place you have to change your emotions in christ remember you have a sound mind in christ we go from glory to glory it's time for a change jesus all right you guys i'm gonna try to get jesus through this video the best that i can this is the last video i am filming here in central florida before i move through south florida and so i've been here for 16 years i've been in many different cities i've been here a long time and so this is my emotional for me so i'm gonna try to get through it without crying i was kind of emotional before but if that happens that's what's gonna happen but anyway welcome to the new year hallelujah i can feel the anointing of the heavy presence of god this will be a year of presence this will be a year of transforming this will be a year of multiplication you will see things they were one and now they are two we saw this manifest in our house recently where we just started getting multiples of food they started multiplying we started getting extra food in our house and we're like how is this happening god's anointing multiplies seeing the blessing of the lord make up one rich and he adds no sorrow to it and one of the ways it operates is it multiplies what you have jesus it's a supernatural thing what you have now is not what you really have you have to see in the spirit what you really have hallelujah we are going to see a lot of twos this year okay we are going into 5782 and we are also going to be going into 2022. you are going to see twos everywhere as a sign of god's covenant with you for double jesus let's go into daniel 2 22 he reveals deep and secret things he knows what is in darkness and light dwells in him god is going to be revealing things this year this will be a verse this year daniel 2 22 jesus this will be a year of exposure things are going to be exposed good and bad things secrets and mysteries in god's word but also people that are not of him are going to be exposed jesus let's read the rhema this year will act as a sabbatical year as financial struggle will cease for many many will see debt freedom this year who obey my voice many i long to gather you as a hand gathers its chicks but you were not willing my presence a focus on my presence a returning to my presence for many who are lost a return home of many prodigal sons specifically boys many men will return home who were lost they will be awakened in prayer to who they are and wife wife's tears will be caught in jars many painful marriages will change and be lighter there will be a flow this year that will be unprecedented the holy ghost will move in leaps like david who surpassed his brothers to be king there will be succession for holy ghost followers a shaking of false saints exposure jesus hallelujah it is time to wake up okay when you look in the strong's concordance and you look up the number 5782 it means this to arouse to a wise to awaken to stir okay so this is going to be a year of stirring god is going to be stirring things up and changing things to make them in that perfect melody that perfect pot of stew jesus i feel the holy ghost it's not like that pot the prophets made that had poison it remember how elijah touched the stew and it turned from poison into edible god is gonna take what seems in your life like poison and make it edible jesus this is not a time to fall asleep like the man that fell asleep who was listening to paul preach he fell off the side of the building he was so tired he felt asleep this is a time to awaken oneself do not fall asleep like peter who fell asleep when he was supposed to watch for one hour it is time to arise to awaken oneself to move into that new beginning of life to change to start a revolution this will be a revolutionary season for the remnant for the saints of god for the people on fire my fiery ones will arise my fiery ones will move they will burn atmospheres to the ground they will take the devil camps as theirs there will be redemption there will be family redemption there will be marriage redemption there will be financial redemption i'm not going to say exactly who this was but i'm going to tell you a story that happened to our family okay somebody went against our family and we lost a house because of that god burned that person's house down okay and i'm telling you this because god is a just god okay things might not happen right away it was years later but god is saying i see what they're doing i am not oblivious to what they are doing i come and i change things i sent my son so you could be renewed i sent my son so you could be recovered i sent my son so you could be restored i am the living god i am not dead i am alive i am still moving now as i was then when jesus was alive on the earth but now i move through you now i awaken you now i give a covenant to you hallelujah praise you god praise you thank you holy ghost thank you god thank you god now i was talking about a doubling on my facebook page for those of you that follow me on facebook if you don't you should follow me over there because sometimes i release when i get them quickly and i don't have time to like post a video or anything i'm just kind of got to get a now word so if you like that you can kind of follow me over there on facebook it's facebook.com knash ministries but anyway i was talking over there about doubling and i really feel god is going to be doubling things this year so maybe you made a certain income maybe that's going to double maybe you had a certain amount of friends that's going to double maybe your congregation is going to double maybe you win a certain people amount of christ last year and that is going to double this is a season of double you will see doubles you will see twos when you see twos also no it means exposure okay god is taking off mass of peoples that were fake there are false prophets there are false saints there are people that the devil sends in the camp to try to stir the pot in the wrong way there's a false stirring jesus there will be a false stirring of people that aren't of god but there's the real stirring of christ there will be a false stirring and a real stirring you will see commotion and chaos but you will see blessings and sacrifices jesus you will see people making sacrifices for the lord giving things up so they could go to the next level in christ another word the lord highlighted me with succession and i he had me look up what that meant the action or process of inheriting a title officer property again we're talking about inheritance right now if you haven't watched my video recently on inheritance basically what it is is that we receive from christ just because of who we are you know there's certain things we have to do to get certain things in the kingdom of god when you go into proverbs you see certain principles but inheritance is just because of who you are because christ died you are in access to certain things now sometimes we don't know that because we wrestle out our starvation with trembling and groaning so sometimes we are in that wrestle but our inheritance is a positional thing another thing i thought the lord says abundant water an overflow of water jesus there will be an overflow of water watch water jesus water will be a sign of the times as well so keep your eye on the water jesus a year of rain get a raincoat because i am raining my presence and blessings will pour upon my people i am raining with physical rain and increased rain for my people crops will grow crops will grow this is a time to wake up and see the new and get to work the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few too many people are receiving without re-pouring out okay you know you can't just receive and save and sieve and watch all these ministers and just keep watching videos and then you just become like fat in the spirit but you're not pouring it back out okay you're just like oh man this is great i feel good i feel the glory you got to share the glory you got to share it you got to put it back out you know don't get full without reporting out i feel that's an emphasis for some of you right now don't take what the holy spirit's giving you just for you make sure that you share it okay and why because of all says it's better to give than to receive because i'm telling you you all know this when you buy someone a present and they like it and their face lights up that is an amazing feeling it's better to give than to receive holy if you can heal someone if you can win someone for christ you know how it feels when you watch someone and they're first coming to christ i mean it's emotional because you remember when you first came to christ and you're like wow praise god you know let's see what god's gonna do with them and you get excited in that moment and you know that god has another person that's on here and they can win more people to christ so i want you to get excited to share i want you to stir yourself up and to be aroused be aroused for christ you know i was talking to a prophetic friend of mine recently and he came over my house because i'm moving and he was saying bye and stuff and one of the things we were talking about is he was like hey you need to tell people that they need to get hungry and because i was like you know sometimes i'm teaching people all the principles but they just ain't getting it and it's they're not applying it even though they know it intellectually and he says it's because they don't have hunger and i was like that is so good and what i want to tell you right now is i pray that god would create a hunger in you a hunger in you he would stir yourself up to have more of god don't you want god don't you want god this year make a commitment to read through the bible this year make a commitment to be on your face this year make a commitment to go into prayer intercessing making it commitment to be a giver and a tither and a sower of god make a commitment to win people for christ make a commitment to whatever the holy spirit's putting on your heart right now make a commitment to get clean from that addiction let's start this new year off making things before the lord that need to be made okay what are you going to do differently this year are you going to walk in his presence are you are you going to walk in his presence what are you going to do what are you going to do don't you realize you need god to live don't you realize that every problem you have can be solved by god why are you not seeking him he is the answer he is your source to everything hallelujah all right you guys if you want to sow your first fruit seed for rosh hashanah i know many of you do that every year you can do that at kanashministries.com just click on the giving tab or you can send it to our new p.o box as well also if you want to sell a rosh hashana seed just in general i believe for a hundred fold with you i believe this is a hundred full time i personally do this every year i sow a rochester on a seed as well i'm not telling you to do something i don't do and i see it manifest in my life so whatever you're believing for this year let's put it in the ground and give our first fruits and our offerings to god let's start the year off fresh hallelujah thank you god i pray right now that you bless people as they give i pray right now that they move into their anointing this year i pray right now that they receive a hundred fold whoo i feel the holy ghost i pray right now that some of you will receive a thousand fold i pray right now that the thirty fold and sixty fold are not your way of living that the hundredfold becomes your focus jesus that you start producing you start yielding crop you start winning people for christ i pray that your churches become full and packed out jesus i pray that your anointing increase in healing i pray that your body is healed i pray that your finances are in order i pray that you see in the spirit in a deeper way i pray that you have dreams and visions this year i pray that you just move forward i feel like very strongly move forward put the past in a box and throw that box in the trash just put it in the trash let it go you know when i was starting to follow christ the lord told me to throw take 27 of my journals or 25 i don't know i always use number 27 for some reason i don't know why but i was like 25 or 27 journals and to just throw them in the dumpster and i was like really shocked by this but it was all my journals from my recovery season and you know there was a lot of raw emotions in those journals there was a lot of messiness in those journals and i didn't need to revisit it anymore so i remember just carrying those journals and taking them to the dump store and throwing them in the trash and saying i don't need to remember these memories anymore that's enough that's enough this was enough i got everything out of my heart now it's time to just float out of this season on to the next one i pray you float with christ all right you guys i love you happy rosh hashanah welcome to 5782 i'm looking forward to seeing what god will do this year with you and i pray also that you just get out of debt and you just stop struggling financially that was the thing on god's heart you know we have a book on that you can also pre-order that as well all right i love you guys and stay focused stay focused this year be on your face love god and love others happy new year guys bye
Channel: Kay Nash
Views: 28,405
Rating: 4.9543076 out of 5
Keywords: Prophetic Word, Prophetic Word for Now, Word of the Lord, Word of the Lord for Now, Kay Nash Prophetic Word, Kay Nash Word of the Lord, 5782 Prophetic Word, Rosh Hashanah Prophetic Word, Rosh Hashanah 2021 Prophetic Word, Rosh Hashanah Word of the Lord, Daily Prophetic Word, Daily Prophetic Utterance, Prophetess, Modern Prophetess, Prophetess Now, Prophecy, Bible, Jesus, Yah, Yeshua, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, 5782, 5782 Word
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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