TISHREI 5781 Chalkboard Teaching by Christine Vales

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welcome to the chalkboard teaching for the new biblical month we are entering into it is the month of tishri and the name tishri means beginning so we are beginning a new month and also a new season the season of fall and also we are beginning a whole new year so i think most of us are ready for a brand new year right and a fresh start so let's receive this fresh start and fresh revelation from the lord my name is christine valas and i'm blessed to uncover the lord's prophetic calendar with you guys here in real time so thank you so much for tuning in so this new year on god's calendar is called rosh hashanah and i'm sure a lot of may have heard about that it actually means head of the year and it's when that civil calendar turns over the numerical year actually changes and this year we're we're moving from 5780 to 57.81 and this number is actually based on the creation or the physical birth of the earth this is rosh hashanah now some of you guys may recall that there is another new year on god's calendar and that is in the spring in the month of nisan and that is the spiritual birth and that is based on our redemption at passover jesus is death burial and resurrection so that makes this month of tishri the first month of the physical calendar year where things are beginning and the seventh month of the spiritual year where things are ending so we want to pay attention to things going on in our lives and let's note as many things may be ending and maybe beginning simultaneously at the same time yet in perfect order as the lord would have it so tishri one begins this new year 5781 and so this year that is friday night september 18th 2020 and we will hear many shofars going off in congregations and synagogues around the world and in many jewish homes and even christian homes people will be dipping their apples in honey celebrating a sweet and fruitful new year and many will even be partaking of a round hollow bread on rosh hashanah which actually is supposed to be a depiction or in the shape of a crown showing the the kingship of god and you know i couldn't help but think about crown and corona right this corona virus and i believe the lord wants to encourage us and remind us of his kingship and that when jesus was on the cross he wore a crown of thorns and his death burial and resurrection defeated death and it defeated sickness so we don't have to fear moving into 57 81 by his stripes we are healed so let us cast our fear onto the lord and move forward with joy in his great victory so last year we entered the decade of the 80s which was a decade of declaration and you know if we study out the numbers we can gain prophetic insight so the number 80 in the hebrew alphabet is connected with the hebrew letter pay and that is a picture of a mouth an opening it means to decree and declare and so the lord was reminding us and is reminding us throughout this whole decade of the 80s that death and life are in the power of our tongue and out of the heart the mouth speaks so we need to guard our heart and so you know what we shouldn't have been surprised really that the enemy would come and attack our mouths and our breath this past year you know as it seems the whole world has been wearing masks you know and so the lord wants to encourage us and say you know the word of god cannot be bound no matter if there's a mask or not and he wants to encourage us and he wants us to look forward to with confidence as we move into 5781 because now this 81 combines the mouth with the hebrew letter representing one which is the aleph and that aleph is the first letter of the hebrew alphabet or the aleph bet and it is a picture of an ox a father even god himself a strong yet gentle leader so the lord is bidding us to go forth into 5781 leading by his word yes so we have to get his word in our hearts right first of all and declare his word over our lives and you know we can only give out what we put in so as we spend time taking in his word planting it in our hearts speaking it forth we can then rise up in our authority to govern to teach and lead by his word that is his is his bidding to us here as we enter in to 57 81 and for those of us who are feeling inadequate in our speech the lord would say to you what he said to moses in exodus 4 10 and through 12 he says go and i will be with your mouth and i will teach you what to say so stay tuned guys for a whole chalkboard teaching on the new year 5781 coming soon all right so the tribe associated with this month is ephraim and i believe the lord wants to encourage us here in the beginning of the month beginning of the season and especially in the beginning of the new year because efrain's name means double fruit for our future so the lord i believe wants to remind us as we start the year of his covenant that he made with us and that is that we are blessed to be a blessing we are to have enough and extra bread and seed even double fruit for our future and you know what guys we do not need to fear the future because god is for us he is not against us and his promises are not yes and no and maybe no the word says in second corinthians 1 20 says that all of the promises of god are yes and amen to those who believe in him right so let's bless the lord and let's get into his word and forget none of his benefits and make this declaration of truth with assurance as we move forward with him into 57 81. so now the month of tishri is full of feasts and fasts and shofar blasts and you could read all about those feasts in the old testament in leviticus 23 tishri is also known as a month of the high holidays and as we go through the chalkboard teaching you'll see that this truly is a month of returning and rejoicing so right at the top of the month tishri won this is the feast of trumpets and the shofar blasts repeatedly this year that's friday night september 18th 2020 and the shofar blasts as a spiritual wake-up call to believers and non-believers alike and this was a day in jewish tradition where the books were open and the focus of the jews were to get their name written in the book of life but now we are under a new covenant and we discover that messiah jesus fulfilled the law for us and romans 10 declares that if we confess with our mouth that jesus is lord and believe in our heart that god raised him from the dead we shall be saved so our names are then written in the lamb's book of life forever sealed and we never have to wonder again and so here in this month of tishri the lord wants us to start the year in the best way possible and that is knowing that we are his he's always calling us and drawing us to himself to that relationship with him so let's kick off the year right making this most important decision and declaration of awe confessing him as the lord of our lives now these first 10 days of the month of tishri are known as the days of awe and this year in 2020 that will be saturday september 19th running through monday september 28th and the lord is calling us in this season to return to our absolute source which is him himself right and you know even as his children we are like sheep and we go astray right but we have a good shepherd who guides us in the way that we should go and he leads us on the path of righteousness for his name's sake and we even see that depicted here in the hebrew letter that's connected to the month it is the hebrew letter lamed and this is a picture really of a shepherd's staff and the lord gently leads us and guides us speaking his truth and love over us showing us where we've been off track and calling us to turn and return to him and his ways and you know it's the kindness of our good shepherd that leads us to repentance here we see on the tenth day of this month of tishri we will hear the shofar blast once again calling us to repent here on the day of yom kippur and before we get into exactly what yom kippur is let's look at this word repentance itself for a little bit because you know repentance always gets a bad rap i think just hearing the word repent we just cringe we don't want to do it you know but it's just another deception of the enemy because repentance actually brings peace with god when we turn our hearts when we give our lives over to him we have peace we have relationship with him and the reality is guys this is a gift first john 1 says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and we he will forgive us our sins and purify us for all our unrighteousness that's what brings us into right relationship with god so repentance really is this act of turning our eyes off of ourself and getting them back on the lord and our identity in him as believers it's stopping and turning from trying to figure out everything in our own flesh trying to figure things out on our own terms really and getting back on track and walking by the spirit so maybe we've been walking in fear right or maybe we've been exchanging the truth of god for a lie or maybe we've been speaking but not using our voice in wisdom so the lord would encourage us right now and say to us as believers hey you are better than that you have the resurrection power of jesus living in you and as believers you are sealed with the holy spirit so tap into that perfect love which is within you and it will cast out all fear know who you are know that you are loved by me and let's go forward that is the gift of repentance oh my goodness so thank you lord for this gift that brings peace and rest with you because the lord you know he wants us to move forward with no hindrances right and even as we look at this chalkboard this flow here he doesn't want there to be any obstacles and you know even the word tishri means ever flowing streams so just this flow with no obstacles allowing the holy spirit to flow freely in our lives to be free from doubt in our relationship with him and as the word says the path of the righteous is smooth and it grows brighter and brighter so we have a bright future in him guys and repenting brings refreshing acts 3 19 says repent and turn to jesus and receive times of refreshing what a gift repentance is so now back to the day of yom kippur which literally literally means the day of covering it is a fasting day on the biblical calendar and this year that's monday september 28th and this is a day in jewish tradition when the books were closed and the deeds of man's actions would be weighed and this is depicted actually in the constellation this month it is libra and the heavens declare the glory of the lord and all the constellations point to messiah jesus so here libra are these weighing scales right and we know that god is a righteous judge and he uses a just scale but you know we would always come up short according to this law so he set up a system in the old testament where a blood sacrifice would cover the sins of israel so once a year on the tenth day of tishri on yom kippur the high priest would enter into the holy of holies and offer an atoning blood sacrifice to cover the sins of israel but you know in hebrews it tells us that we have now a new and better covenant so i encourage you guys to read the book of hebrews especially chapters 8 through 10. and we'll see in hebrews 9 that it tells us that our good shepherd was also our high priest and the perfect atoning sacrifice he laid down his life for us his sheep all because of his great love for us and hebrews 10 goes on to say that jesus's blood was much better than the blood of any animal and his blood was offered once for all and it not only just covered the sins of israel for that year but it erased the sin of the whole world forever past present and future and the word says he remembers our sins no more so it goes on to say where there is the remission of sins there is no more offering needed and so jesus confirmed this promise when he declared it is finished on the cross he took on our sin so that we can take on his righteousness a divine exchange takes place when we receive him and guys so under this new and living way he then puts his his word in our hearts and in our minds and so we can come into his presence we can come into the holy of holies with boldness how awesome is this guys he is the way maker and this guys is just reason for rejoicing right and it comes right on time because here on the 15th day of the month of tishri we hear the shofar blast out once again on the full moon of tishri 15 calling us to rejoice in a week-long festival known as the feast of tabernacles it is also known as the feast of sukkot which means tense so feasts of tense and the lord calls us to set up our sukkah or our tent and rejoice and remember how he cared for his people those 40 years as they dwelled in tents in the wilderness and he also calls us now to remember how he takes care of us as we are here journeying with him here on the earth in our earthly tents right great is his faithfulness let us rejoice here during this feast of tabernacles and you know i think that this is my most favorite feast of all because i just love setting up a tent i mean who doesn't really love a tent you know so so let us enter into this great festival and rejoice and set up our tents starting this year saturday night october 3rd through friday night october 9th now speaking of tents i want to bring to our remembrance last month in a lull we learned that the king was in the field right and that was a picture of jesus how he left his heavenly palace and set up his tent or his sukkah in our fields right here in the earth all because of his great love for us and now here in tishri during tabernacles he is calling us to set up our tent and emulate the king and follow his example as sojourners on earth being in the world but not of it and he's calling us to love one another as he has loved us by his spirit as he talks about in john 13 and by his love guys we will be known and in this great love jesus found joy and in this we too will find great joy so let's celebrate the love of god and loving one another in and out of our suckas this month now one last note on the feast of tabernacles is that we actually see jesus celebrating this feast in the gospel of john and jesus made a declaration that many of us have heard and and know probably this passage of scripture but may not um have put it in its proper context so check out john 7 starting in verse 37 where it says that this is the last day of the great feast and it's referring to the feast of tabernacles and it was during a water pouring ceremony where they would pray annually for the outpouring of rain at that very moment jesus opened up his mouth and said these words he said if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink he who believes in me as the scriptures say from his innermost being will flow rivers of living waters he was speaking of the holy spirit and he is speaking of that right now to us and you know when we believe upon jesus and receive him he seals us with the holy spirit but then he calls us to more to receive the baptism of the holy spirit which empowers us and activates that well of living waters within us so that we can do works and even greater works as jesus said so also you know in this decade of 5780 where the lord is highlighting the importance of our mouths may we release this heavenly language praying to the lord spirit to spirit praying in tongues as the spirit gives us utterance so if you've been neglecting this gift or if you've never received the baptism of the holy spirit all you have to do is ask the lord and he will baptize you with his spirit and he will not withhold any good thing from you so even here in 50 57 81 let's hear his words afresh from psalm 81 that says open your mouth and i will fill it now in closing guys these feasts that we just talked about are the last feasts on the lord's calendar we had four feasts in the spring and those were passover unleavened bread the feasts of first fruits and pentecost and all of those feasts have already been fulfilled in jesus's first coming and so here in the month of tishri in the fall these last three feasts have yet to be fulfilled and perhaps will be fulfilled by his second coming so let us listen to the shofar and let us awaken our hearts to the promise of his sure return and perhaps it is the feast of trumpets that will bring in the rapture of the church and yom kippur which will usher in his second coming and the feast of tabernacles even our millennial reign with him now guys we are not required to celebrate and enter into any of these feasts and fasts you know because we learn that the word says that all we need to do is confess in our hearts and believe on jesus and we shall be saved however from my personal experience i have found such great joy in entering the appointed times of god because they all point to and celebrate jesus our messiah and you know what they also draw my heart to him closer and closer every year as i enter in and so i have been so blessed so we don't have to celebrate the feasts we get to celebrate the feasts so i encourage you guys to consider entering into these feasts here in this month of tishri so lord we thank you for bringing us through 5780 and we look forward to 5781 moving forward with you lord and so even now as the shofar blast lord may our hearts awaken to your great love for us god and may we not forget all of your benefits lord and may our mouths be open to declare your great love and your faithfulness over our own lives and souls and the world around us lord and may we blast off into this new year 5781 in your love in your confidence and in your joy thanks for listening guys and blessings as you go forth with jesus
Channel: Christine Vales
Views: 20,846
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Keywords: Hebrew Calendar, Jesus, Yeshua, Messianic, Teshuvah, Hebrew Year 5781, Repentance, 5781, Prophetic Word Oct 2020, Tishrei, Yom Kippur, Feasts of the Lord, Feast of Trumpets, Days of Awe, Feast of Tabernacles, Yom Kippur., Baptism Holy Spirit, Lamed, Ephriam, Shofar, John 7, Book of Hebrews, New and Better Covenant, Times of refreshing, Open your mouth, Lead by His Word, Fall, Second Coming of Christ, Prophecy, Jewish Calendar, Rosh Hashanah, Hebrew Year 5782
Id: 97azSSLyHdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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