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pulling up to the farm what's up what's up good morning did somebody order a handyman Perry that 100 can you take it you mama my girls boy you take it over my job welcome to the vlog guys welcome what's going on out here man ladies are working can't got Cain working out here look at that make you some money today what I'll get paid to shovel poo what up guys what's up baby what up okay you guys try to imagine it's really when you try to imagine you have flies on your face and body all the time they apparently make this spray right like a fly spray for horses and these type of animals so I'm going to try to go get some of that I feel so bad for like what is it flush I don't flies mean I'm gonna fix you up today buddy I'm a fiction oh so annoying I know I'm gonna put you up just in the side of the building he's gonna drill a hole and and then that's right here okay better live the drilling up to the expert gonna come right to me sharp so you're gonna go cut a piece so two by far that you just have randomly in the garage I could see I could go do some sometimes like anything I'm serious I'm dead serious all right let's see it I can't have these girls truly believing I can't cut these wood and do a little job like that like I can't have that I got I got a guy I gotta get them back on Trevor yeah you can understand I'm the guy for the job when anything is done they can they can rely on me and call on me you know what I mean like you might am i that bad okay - I don't know but I got a piece of wood and I got a saw oh no it could it be how are they be you know I didn't miss I didn't that community was going to get play that great Romans got his piece of wood look okay so we're going to bond it was here and I didn't want it to just clopin out right look that's what you're going to put there why couldn't you have just measured it with me either measuring - no that's not gonna fit what is that I measure is are you boom and this on the outside it won't be poking out / empire's out here like in a like whatever I got you for you know this time is it going this perfectly straight look at that oh my gosh honey hey don't some learnin okay I'm proud of you here's what we have to do you got to hold this imma go outside just run some screws in it he's alright I'm not whole nuttin why you through anything sorry I'm a little girl to protect it's not so little to look at you with that drill Nikon Erica for you look you know how to turn that thing on yeah I won't oh yeah is it plugged in okay so I had no idea I guess horses love mint so I got these treats that have knit in them they look like terms let's see if donkey will eat it today legit looks like like raisin yeah something right fleshly anything doesn't look like poop you want it he's like what is that that turn away from me get that turn away from me oh very good weirdest by ever commit the horse tree is a donkey tree they like men weird they might have in fresh-pressed wait what did you just say mister I don't go through your hands that's why I'm not in second lady is going to pop out of it she's holding the would imagine spoilers Claire can come out here oh yeah we're professionals here little bit of pain can you say Oh dad he ruins everything Oh is mommy the best man oh you did a love of Omega C nothing say nothing I won't build this farm by hand it's clear today I'm screwed of time oh you need tool Oh do that that's it boom okay so that's what you use to cut that no idea that looks like something they use at the nail salon you don't mean to your nails didn't I thought be part of being a good handyman is having the right tools like if I had all the tools you can do anything that's it that's all it take it makes no one else no maker baby that's all I'm saying are you proud of daddy oh yeah I'm late I'll be here all week you're proud aren't you you should be proud I am very proud of you all at least I live in one heart around here now the donkeys safe that's right Ford a can always get worse look you guys have an absolutely great day man I know it can't be perfect but I hope you're having a good day I hope that during these vlogs are able to just set aside anything you're going through right now you know I used to tell you guys all the time that we're all struggling we're all going through things and we are every single one of us is struggling right now with something you're not alone rolling this together man I wish that there was a way for us all to team up not a lot of problems together you're not alone no matter what it is you're going through somebody if dealing with stuff even worse than you I don't feel like I've done like a preach to you guys in a while but I just need you to understand how frigging important you are how strong you are how you're going to get through anything like it's so crazy how powerful you are and I need you to understand it I need to get back to always telling you I used to tell you every day so important somebody call me Crisco let's see who's calling me right now my manager that'll be instead let's let's try to get back on those challenges number one I used to challenge you guys won let's start with one hour today one hour only positive thoughts if something negative happens you've got to figure out why it's positive what I'm telling you guys the worst thing that happen to you in life have a positive side swimming you just got to realize the worst things that have happened to me in my life have ended up being blessing and turned me into a better version of Who I am right now so usual problems figure out the positive side of when you figure out why you're going through them don't worry about them worrying changes nothing take action understand that it's going to be for the better I know it sounds crazy it really does and it is but it's for the better there it's always a lesson use the lesson take smiling gosh keep your head up face smile and it so it sounds it sounds cheesy sometimes we're so true man be positive like do it just bear I'm still on a mission and I think I just landed it guys here it is watch yesterday's vlog I tried to find fuel for my flamethrower I think that's what it is and I just couldn't find them anyway but it looks like this is it oh that is totally it look at that that's it we found it dude I guys would go back home I got to buy something that I've never bought in my entire life like literally never even heard of this before until today fly spray somebody's calling me let's see who it is Brittany hello they've never heard of this in my life but there are so many auctions literally fly spray everywhere I know what to get how do you know what to get dude I don't know I'm just going to get a couple of making sides maybes dude can even see out of that it's a fly mask I just bought but I just got three things I've never bought in my life bags of finest Alda for rubber mats and two bottles of flak spray for horses cattle donkeys farm animals barns you name it my whole life my whole life going in the stores go out all these things three things I've never bought in my life simple things you know I guess I just never done a last thing that I want to bring up I don't want to bore you guys but I do want to challenge you I do want to do there's reasons that I make these videos one not only am i capturing my memory is amazing to look back with my family years ago and watch these videos create a career create a better life for my family and I and to push you guys the challenge you guys use these videos for a sense of motivation I hope that when you watch these videos there is a sense of wanting to challenge yourselves and wanting to do something that maybe you wouldn't do I do not watch this video pushing you to do what it is that you want to do there's more to life than going to school every day graduating going to college getting that job paying your bills there's more to life and that is passion and doing what you love inside of what we normally do in life finding what it is you love to do and chasing it down and making it yours I'm telling you there is so much more to life than just paying your bills you've got to challenge yourself not only into me this is where the challenge comes in because it's easy it is easier to choose the other route Andy to choose like positive and negative being positive is hard it is a challenge every day we all face so many freaking problems horrible problems and it's just easier to choose the negative five solids let's life sucks and I can't do it I'm not even going to try it's just easier it's lazier to be negative it is truly just an easier route in my opinion to go positive the lid pauses to slap a smile on your face even though you're going through some of your worst time is a challenge it is difficult and it is never going to be easy but I promise you if you can find that route maybe meet the middle you know you're going to come across times where you just either some days where I'm fighting myself stop being friggin negative I'm thinking negative it's just we're humans like we're going to do it that's where people where humans like we're all struggling with that fight learn what it is that you love will help your life so much attacking and finding and chasing that passion will help you get to that positive that positive lifestyle it's it's more than a mindset it's finding what it is that you love to do doing what you hate you'll always be working and you'll always be fighting to be positive because you're doing what you hate to do don't get it man go get it's not you're not going to wake up tomorrow and everything you've dreamed of is going to be said now you got it you've got a challenge yourself I know I'm venting I'm going on way too long here but I hope you take one one thing from this blog today beyond the fun and the flamethrower that I'm about to light up I hope you take away I said you may be you're young maybe you're eight if you're sixteen maybe or thirty maybe you're a parent every day is a good day to start just start we're in this together man let's team up start whatever it is you've been putting off I know you've been putting it off I know you do it because I do it myself now I put it off start now go get it I freaking love you guys we're a team and I want to be here for you I want to push you every day that's what my channel is a good channel infuse for motivation it uses to inspire you it's use where maybe smiles laughs stupidity but at the end of the day once you guys be lifted up and go get it go get it I'm done let's go home that's like something song well I think we got our first target right there look at this little crazy man you could help her today man you've been helping everybody so it's just like three days of talking about this thing I hope it's I hope it's worth it I hope it's not just a dud never use this thing before definitely got the right tank so what is going on first things first oh right that this is pretty intense you open up the valve like so you ignite it like so I mean that's that's pretty intense well what was that pressure pressure so it sounds like ass yeah yeah so you switched funnels you think that's the problem oh the problem that was before okay I got huh there you go and we fall in no time about do it girl you don't have the donkey I use the flamethrower I'm all right my feet like it sky on fire oh my gosh it's about to take a ride on a four-wheeler we're gonna take a ride dude so he wants to know you gotta do it yourself you guys do it yourself he wants it anyone's know oh he wants the rope he's going to change my mind I'm out of here it's mine that's what you wanted with a little help he's like wait you're gonna start it what come on oh jeez yeah we should put like a bed right here are you happy / these goofy dog alright guys we're up to test this out the only real issue right now is donkey refuses to find another place to eat donkey I feel pretty safe but you can really never be too sure alright without further ado let's give this thing a shoot will do yeah I don't know what I'm doing oh that's good Oh it looks like you're a firefighter but opposite fire makers dude it's hot up there it's like I'm impressed with how much fire it requires that Ron Howard didn't know it I'm impressed with how much fire it takes to actually get something started like how much fire I blew on that this is a little bit did he's a lot there's like that much left really yeah out of this whole thing I got a crazy idea what you think about that has this ever been done before until right now somebody's shooting a flamethrower out of a GTR oh my son does not sound like very safe idea it's safe alright tonight we're doing a first timer this is the first to own field don't like Google GTR flamethrower and there's a guy shooting the flamethrower out of the GTR because I've never seen it I don't think you've ever seen it if you have I'm gonna feel dumb because I feel like this is the first time I'm right here first time the only part I don't want to do is my car so clean and I have to drive it through my grass cane my car so cleaned it hasn't been the screen since I got the thing look at that Wow it's never ever this clean so I feel really bad right now anything for a first-timer right anything's we're first on the whole insides been detailed it's like literally brand new again such a baby dude I'm about to shoot a flamethrower out of the car but I'm worried about driving on the grass cuckoo cuckoo puffs okay so this is a shot I want to go I mean mainly I was thinking for Instagram GTR plant is just look cool so hopefully last time I did flamethrower thing camera couldn't get a picture because it would blow it out like the ISO whatever disgust so we're going to try it again and I'm going to shoot a flamethrower out of this thing so here we go [Applause] [Applause] no perfect see good idea right first time flamethrower GTR ever cane give me five so we're making history here boy this is this thing one day you'll be like my daddy then do much I know flash we said we set a record tonight baby we said a real real record in all seriousness guys that was actually fun completely safe this thing is amazing and I didn't feel in danger at all it's really comfortable don't try this at home let me do it for you we're always having fun but we're always being safe we actually have this guy which had put me out the whole car went up it was done the whole cost Empire what do you think good what do you think yeah you like it look at that sky that's beautiful how the fire went up it actually did light I was not sure if it was going to you guys putting you guys away or what flash you're gonna start sleeping out here I think you don't ever want to come in he's like fine I'll go to bed found these keys I can't perfect flesh is your body going night-night that's fine ladies while I get some rest of the moon is absolutely intense look at that thing Wow look at the fire look at the moon settling inside I've been running around all day keen and I just set up a really funny scenario here we're going to film it for you guys alright goodbye on the back of this van is perfect because we put a hot dog delivery truck at the end of here with a guy on top of the roof here we go sit come on clear up clear oh boy oh boy oh it never left the roof dude he never left oh my gosh guys we are gonna say goodbye I got some really good news cane you want to know what it is I got some good news today if anybody ever asks you have you ever seen a guy should a flame thrower GTR you can say you have that's the good news she loves me she loves me thank you guys so much for hanging out today thank you so much for giving us a 24 hour break which we didn't take back we had fun yesterday man I love having fun with you guys we will see you tomorrow thank you for everything King saying who's your beautiful you one of a kind smile more go get it you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,500,388
Rating: 4.9495378 out of 5
Keywords: car, Roman Atwoods, youtube pranks, motivating, roman soldiers, family, day, everyday, instagram, kid-friendly, family fun, noah atwood, family friendly, Vlogs2017, happy, house, cars, backyard, brittney, motivation, roman atwood vlogs, Roman, home, roman vlogs, positive, ohio, Biggest, best, kid friendly, atwood vlogs, fast, family-friendly, funny, smile more, inspire, fun, Atwood, Roman Atwood, family vlogs, GTR, kane atwood, sports, daily
Id: Rk52m-q39yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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