Never Judge The "Stupid" Student... (r/AskReddit)

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serious teachers of Reddit what is the surprisingly smartest Fingal stupidest student has ever said when I was teaching grade five a few years back I had a student who really struggled academically and misbehaved a lot during one of his punishments which was washing dishes with me from our morning breakfast time i straight-up asked him why he kept getting into trouble the boy admitting that he just knew that if he misbehaved he would get to spend time with me one-on-one and we would talk about life and his hobbies and such I found out later on that his father had been incarcerated for pretty much the entirety of the boy's life so the stupidest and most misbehaved kid in the class was actually just playing the system the whole time and really just needed a positive male role model in his life after that I told him he didn't need to act up in order to spend time with me he could just ask for extra responsibility and I would give it to him he was mostly better behaved after that I miss him a lot teachers like you are the ones that make a difference used to teach chess to elementary level kids would run chess camp over the summer 20-40 kids come in every day for a full school day but every period is basically a chess class lasts a week on the first day I would tell kids they need to lose to get better which is true in a game like chess especially in the beginning I would tell them you have to lose 50 games before you can improve in chess well on about day three I'm walking from the field to the class and see one of my students 2nd grader walking the other direction and ask him offhand how's chess going and he responds well I've lost all of my games so I guess I'm doing great I teach first grade so many not as dramatic as other replies I had a kid who is kind of never quite paying attention we read a dinosaur book and were answering very basic first grade questions in the back of book it literally had a Brachiosaurus and said the dinosaurs legs are a Blanc be short he pretty much got stuck here and didn't move on to me it was the easiest question in the book but some of the students are low-level English learners so it is possible he just couldn't understand the words long or short after like seven minutes of doing my rounds and assisting other students I came back to him he had written in C long and short are both opinion words in a college music history class we were discussing the differences in sound between a harpsichord from the high barak in today's grand piano one student who normally contributed little said the reason that two instruments sounds so different is because half C chord strings are plucked by quills whereas piano strings are struck by hammers and he would make different sounds - if plucked or struck I'm teaching English as a foreign language and one of my students hasn't been attending for a year when he finally came I gave him an essay to write he wrote it in perfect German because he thought that we were studying German the guy had been learning German all year long only to learn that we were studying English this is both the smartest and the stupidest thing I can imagine in high school I took three years of German and then in my senior year I switched to Italian for some reason the same teacher taught both Italian and German at one point during the year we had a basic homework assignment just simple questions that we were supposed to write answers for you know the type making sure we can read basic Italian words and respond with basic ones I answered the entire thing in German by mistake he did give me full marks on it because he said in order for me to do that and do it correctly it was obvious that I was understanding the Italian translating it to English and then translating that to German so it did show an understanding of the language I had to keep reminding myself the rest of the year to make sure I was in fact writing in the correct language elementary school I worked in the school admin office for a while we had a cop come in to speak to the kids basically to warn them on the dangers of strangers and random people speaking to them in the street the cop was great and told the kids how they should always be careful and that some bad men might take them away from their mothers and daddies one kid puts his hand up and asks the question so what will happen if we go with one of these stranger men the cop wasn't prepared for that question and just said how sad it would be and how his parents would miss him a few days later a new buzzword was going around the school which phonetically sounded like Fedor file the kid had looked up online or spoke to someone and then told the other kids and schools about what these fat men do it scared the hell out of some of the kids and the principal had to come to each class to calm the kids down that kid probably did more to make sure no one left the school with a stranger than the cops as a student I remember my teacher telling a story in grade 12 english about the only essay he thought deserved more than 100 percent on a provincial exam the subject was being independent this student seemed to be writing a totally off topic and garbage essay to start he wrote it as if Anna Quebec French accent for those of you who don't know the stereotypical accent puts h's where there aren't any and takes them away when they are supposed to be there for example where instead of hair or instead of her it will be da Road II anyways this essay was about a Fisher who had died while on the ocean fishing it was written from his point of view watching his fiancée grieve over his death she would constantly look at his picture in a pendant he gave her for their anniversary eventually she started dating again and while milan shelley he was glad for her he watched her life grow with this new man and as he watched through the window and she looked at his picture again he was happy for the new man he was happy the man made her happy but there was something he would always have that the man wouldn't he would forever be independent that whole however many word essay for a single pun I couldn't believe it TL DR guy had a balls to write an essay worth 30% of his grade seemingly off-topic ending and upon a day stood because the teacher had a sense of humor I have a student in my class with autism he is very high-functioning but he is a couple years behind his grade level we were discussing the American Revolution and one of the vocab words we had was tyrannical leader I jokingly told the class that if I was ever the leader of the country that's the kind of leader I would be and I went on to say that all of your teachers would be that way too most of the class looked at me blankly but this one kid with autism understood what I was saying and looked at me and while trying to contain his laughter says well that's because all teachers have a superiority complex I just couldn't help but laugh in front of the class for the next five minutes my favorite student of all time in my nine years of teaching was a kid named Logan Logan was this giant kid tall as I was 5 feet 2 in the 5th grade and massive Logan also had an information processing learning disability he processed information more slowly than most people he spoke very slowly and deliberately with long pauses and just saw the world differently Logan had learned early on that if he played dumb people would treat him like he was stupid and do his work for him he had this look he would put on his face mouth again lower lip hanging down littered drooling Eisen focused and he would refuse to speak to you I figured that out really quickly and after two times of me making him talk to me at recess when he referred using class heated and pull that look with me anymore it was a complete facade anyway because of how Logan processed the world he would spend his recess slowly walking the grounds and picking up anything interesting he found he found things no one else would find coins sequins a box of sewing machine stools et Cie and he'd bring them to us teachers if he didn't know what they were or just wanted to share them with us so one day at recess he comes up to me and the other teacher at recess duty with me and he's holding a condom wrapper he asks us what it is and the other teacher quickly says oh Logan that's just a candy wrapper for grown-ups here let me take that and throw it away and Logan today looks us in the face and says oh good I thought it was a condom and though shouldn't be out here on the playground and then he turned and ambled off his emotional intelligence was incredibly high I had a student with autism in class Tyler tiny little guy super sweet but would have occasional severe meltdowns I will always have the image in my head of tiny little Tyler mid meltdown swinging his arms at giant Logan and screaming while Logan simply stood there and took it and gently patted him on the head tl doctor I don't care if it's too long and no one reads it Logan was one of the best people I've ever met in my life and I have so many good memories of him when learning mythology mister if centaurs have two arms and four legs does that make them insects I've mentioned this before and also it is genuinely difficult to tell who is the stupidest kids are smart some days and clueless others some grow out of it anyway we were talking about cheetahs being the fastest land mammal some inner-city kid swells up and says he can beat a cheater in a race the class laughs kid doesn't let it go finally he just says I can beat a Fed cheater in a race I'm just thinking maybe I hate the word in describing this kiddo and it wasn't so much what she said but did she certainly wasn't stupid but as an at-risk youth counselor I can't say she was very low functioning she went a wall one night out of the blue not one star saw her leave usually when this happens kids go to dumb kid stuff like going to the park to drink and smoke teenage stuff well we didn't see her for two days we finally got a phone call from a person who had taken her in for hundreds of miles away when she got back to our facility she had this nervous look knowing I was gonna scold her I didn't I was too impressed I asked her how she did it and she said she kept hopping buses I guess none of the drivers had the heart to kick her off so there she went I took a very big risk in the fact that I congratulated her on her journey her eyes lit up when I told her she had managed to travel farther than any kid that had ever gone a wall she never did it again and actually graduated the program with success still a booger but I always remember that booger I don't want to be dumb like my mama teach her at an inner-city school for a time where almost all the students had free breakfast and lunch lots of the kids realized a knew they were in a no-win situation and a downward spiral in terms of Education and situation in life quite a number of them tried their damn nest though to get out of it lots of times the kids don't know what is awaiting them at home many parents don't read to their kids or help them with homework many just can't because they themselves barely have an education or they are in just bad bad situations one student came in and said their mama chose to pay the cable TV bill over the hot water bill later the same mom chose to pay her cellphone below her electricity and that student had enough and decided to start studying and try to climb out there is hope I don't know if this counts but I was teaching a public speaking class it was mostly ninth grade they were all nervous about their first big speech and I tried to ease their nerves by saying I promise giving a speech won't kill you then some kid shouted do you know how many people in history have died while giving a speech to incidents come to mind kids 10 11 year olds having a disagreement on their group assignment I instinctively call out the Troublesome kid whose whinny voice is ingrained in my brain and is the first voice I notice he jumps up and screams that his group are egotistical a-holes who can't even decide on a topic two days into their assignment was impressed by his vocabulary but more so that the small amount that had been done on the assignment already was completely his still had to send him to the principal I was on prac in a class of 7-8 year olds a pair of girls gave me a drawing and said I was really pretty another girl who seemed to be from a lower class family compared to her classmates and had learning delays heard this and came up to me saying I don't think you are pretty I was taken aback but kids are kids and don't always have filters she saw the look on my face and followed up quickly saying I think you are kind and smart being pretty doesn't matter girls can be more than pretty are you going to stay as our teacher forever and that was the moment I knew this profession was for me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Redditors
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Id: syZ0Oew89G0
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Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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