Pressure Canning Beef Stew

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welcome everybody today we're going to be canning up stewing a jar it's into the lunch instead dinner you didn't even have it for breakfast whatever you want to do I'm gonna show you my setup I'm gonna show you exactly step by step how we do this except I already pre chopped all the veg and the meat I'll show you the sizes just so you get a gist of what it is there's no exact recipe I will guesstimate how much I put in each jar it's just an eyeball you'll see cuz I love carrots so I put more carrots and I do potatoes and my stew if you love potatoes you might want to add more potatoes instead of carrots but I'm a carrot lover all right so come on over and see my setup and see how easy quick well I wouldn't say quick this takes time but you're you're gonna love having these pints of stew on your pantry shelf just reach for it warm it up doctor a bit if you need to not what I mean by doctorate is you can add more salt more pepper more seasoning whatever you want I'm just doing minimal we're just doing salt pepper a bit of garlic and yeah come on over and I'll show you everything we have [Music] I'm first gonna show you is the setup I usually do the same setup for whatever I'm canning I do have canning jars so we're going to be using these today I have my lids the Rings are over there but I just want to show you that I'm using I chopped up these potatoes some of these are a bit too big so I will have to cut some of these down I did add a little bit of fruit fresh to the water for these potatoes I chopped up some onion it's a dice like a medium dice this is like two onions I did have some celery in the house you don't have to add celery if you don't I just had it in the house so I will add it because it adds that little bit of extra flavor which increases the depth of flavor of the stew I do have a whole hunk of meat I think this was a round roast or a rump roast something like that it was like yeah it was on sale for like $2 a pound there's not a lot of fat on it which is perfect for canning I also have carrots and I chopped them about this big let me see some of them are larger than others you can make them smaller if you want I also have some fresh garlic we're also gonna add some salt as well as pepper I did have this is very clarity I didn't strain it good enough but I'm out of beef broth I need to make a giant vat of beef broth and Canada this is what I have I have some veal stock lighter in color but it's still it's gonna be fantastic I also have a pot of water which I'll be putting the lids in I know with pressure canning they say that you don't have to soften the rims the lids I've always done it and I'll probably continue to do so over here you can see I already use this once today this is the 920 with all-american 921 canner it has 2 inches of water in the bottom once again we're doing a raw pack method so you don't want to have hot water in there I have room-temperature water in there and just so I don't forget I am going to add a splash of vinegar to the water that's in the canner this just prevents that cloudy coating that gets on jars it's up to you whether or not you want to do it I always do it and yeah so let's just jump right in let's get these canning jars started did forget to go over with you is the tools that are needed this is my little D bubbler this is the jar lifters and this is the funnel I'm gonna put this stuff off to the side except for the D bubbler so to start this actually it's just do one so I can show you what I like to do is these jars do not need to be sterile they're clean because we're pressure canning so to these pint jars what I do I really never measure anything but I'm gonna grab some meat and you're just going to put it in the bottom you can go as heavy or as light as you want with the meat I know the people that are eating this love meat so we're putting a good portion of meat into that jar I'm gonna grab like a tablespoon of onion that's for flavor we're also gonna do grab some of the celery this is just gonna have a good undertone of flavor that we're also going to add carrots and I truly truly love carrots I love carrots there's never enough carrots in stew since these are pints that's probably like I'm gonna show you how much that is in there probably like 2 or 3 tablespoons of carrots we're also gonna add some potatoes these um I had some yellow potatoes leftover and I wanted to use them up so these are the yellow like the Yukon Gold potatoes now with this you want to leave 1 inch of head space and that is perfect just the way that is right there look at that that is just gorgeous on its own right now I can show you one more if you want there grab some meat you don't have to add as much meat as I do my family is truly meat lovers so I do add quite a bit of meat they like it like a tablespoon of onion and maybe like a half a tablespoon just like four or five pieces of celery I'm gonna grab some of these carrots then we'll just pop in some potatoes now I'm gonna see how many I can get out of what I have here I'm curious to see how many I jar as I can get let me finish these off and then we'll be back to season them so to season these what I'm gonna do I'm just adding a little bit of fresh garlic just a bit just to flavor the stew just a little bit and yes I'm using my fingers they're clean alright so next we're gonna go ahead and add salt so to each one of these we're gonna add a half a teaspoon you can add as little or as much salt that you want I'm just doing these real quick so you can just see how once you have a system in place these go so so quick last but not least is this is the only thing I'm adding to these jars just to turn on the pepper there we go I'm gonna take my funnel so to these jars what I'm gonna do is add some of this veal veal stock it's gonna pour it right in anyone that lips you want to leave one inch of head space by using the beef stock reveal so I'm using veal stocks that's the only thing I had in the house but if you have beef stock go ahead and use your beef stock don't like I said you're gonna fill this to one inch I do want to go over you want to meet in the bottom because you push the meat in on the top and it's squishy squishy squishes then it's very difficult well I already broke the seal but it's very difficult for this to dribble down see it sorry it's overflowing so I think put your meat in the bottom you'll be able to fill these so much easier so the next step you're gonna take your deep bubbling tool because these are all seasoned and everything bubbles are bad when it comes to pressure canning so you want to make sure there are no bubbles in your jarred goods you just run it down the outside you can use plastic or you can peat use wood do not use metal that's beautiful right there you want one inch of head space you're gonna go ahead and do this to all of them and we're gonna end up with 16 jars and look at this one I've batted this down a bit so actually what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab some potatoes or you can grab carrots or whatever go ahead and add an extra piece beautiful so the next step is we're going to take a paper towel and we're going to pour some vinegar on it this is a very important step all these steps are very important when it comes to pressure canning and you're gonna take that paper towel and you're going to wipe the rim and what this does is it takes off any debris don't use the word debris like food bits seasoning anything that could be on the rim that would prevent the lives from sealing as you can see like I see pepper some like the veg probably won't show up but there is pepper now once again also I want just backtracking right now I want to reiterate you want to have one inch of head space in these jars and the deep bubbler actually has a built-in mmm the built-in measuring device but usually one inch is right below this rim that's one inch that's my guide I do sometimes use the D bubbler but it's just good practice to measure because you want to get this is closer a spot-on as you can get because it always I want to play the lottery with botulism I don't want to win the lottery when it comes to botulism so you just want to be careful and just follow all the rules and regs and once again I can't stress it enough go to the national home preservation webpage excellent information they have an excellent book and just chock-full of information now my lids have been in just warm water just gonna go ahead and take these lids and we're just going to put all these lids on here am I gonna do a few for right now well I'm gonna do them all but I just want to show you you're going to take excuse me you just want it finger tight it might look like yikes it might look like I'm putting it on hard but I'm not this is just finger tight and I'm gonna go ahead and finish up the rest of these next step we're going to take all these lovely jars and get this out of my way so I don't burn myself and we're going to put them in the nine twenty one pressure canner there's about two inches of water and you want to make sure this bottom piece is in there and the water should be room temperature not hot not cold and we're just gonna go ahead and put place these jars down here two four six eight now we're going to take this second level second layer put the rest of them on top now this is going to provide 16 pints of beef stew on the pantry shelf now we're gonna go ahead and put the lid on like I say in all my videos there's a little hook here arrow here dimple take that arrow whoops line it up with that dimple you're gonna do the toggles are the boats you're gonna do them across from one another don't tighten them down all the way yet do you want to try to get this lid as level as you can on both sides you just want these finger tight and what we're doing right now we're gonna crank the heat the heat is on high now we have to wait for this to come to a boil which probably takes around 10 10 minutes it's only pertains to the All American 921 this is your steam vent once this starts steaming we're going to let this vent for 10 minutes so this is started to vent you really can't see it so I always use my pepper mill there it is you can see it right there so what you're gonna do now is you're gonna set an alarm on your phone or just set an alarm of some sort you want that to vent for 10 minutes it's been 10 minutes so what we're going to do is I'm going to go ahead and add that weight my elevation is less than 1,000 feet so I'm adding 10 pounds of pressure but you can go to your national home preservation website and check that out but you also need to know your elevation which you can check online now we have to wait until this goes up to 10 a little bit past the 10 pounds of pressure then we can start the timer that's probably gonna take around 5 minutes for that to do that okay so it's up to 11 pounds of pressure what we're gonna do right now is I'm gonna reach back and turn it down to where I know it's going to maintain this pressure on my stove but hover watch it make sure it does not go down below that 10 pounds of pressure now you can start your timer for 75 minutes for the plank okay so it's been 275 minutes what I'm gonna do right now I'm shutting the heat off what you're gonna want to do now we have to wait until this goes down to zero don't touch it leave it along and wait until it's zero so you can see the gauge is down to zero so what we're to do right now is remove that wait please use tongs and the rest of the steam is coming out so what I like to do now is give it a few minutes to sit there anywhere from five to ten if it's been five to ten minutes so what we're gonna do now we're gonna loosen this up just like this now this is gonna be hot so please be careful watch out for steam and dripping water Wow look at that gorgeous actually we put this on the stove there we go now there's such a drastic temperature difference I'm gonna give these guys a few minutes to acclimate to the cool temperature in the house which is probably in the 60s - I don't know how hot this is right now but I am gonna show you I just don't want some siphoning to occur I'm gonna bring this in so you can see it look at that gorgeous so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna take these pipe towers out and just put them on I always put you always want to put a cloth down so I'm just gonna go ahead and there's one with the meat on the top we're just gonna go ahead and take these all out they look really good they look good real good and that's what you want to hear that lovely pinging noise this is gorgeousness in a jar so these have set actually you want to let them sit for 24 hours this is how I store my jars you want to take the Rings off and what I do I take a wet soapy cloth and clean the tops you want to make sure there's nothing on the like a little ledges or rims here because bacteria can grow there and just it's good practice and just wipe the entire jar down just like so I'm only gonna do the one just to show you what I do and then what I do because if I want to write on this right away I take a paper towel and just wipe off the top because the Sharpie won't work if you take it right off the top so I put 320 and I put what it is I'm just gonna put beef stew just like that and then these will go down into the basement I keep a few upstairs just to have on hand so I don't have to go all the way down to the basement I'm up on the second floor I did forget to tell you one thing while you're taking the rings off you want to make sure these are all sealed like the top should be a little bit concave if any of these are broken and if you I always check them when they come out just to make sure like maybe like 30 minutes later just to make sure they all sealed but just check again to make sure the lids are on either use them right away or discard them I just want to thank everybody for watching the video if you liked it give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe we're gonna have some more canning videos also spring is here so we're gonna do some backyard gardening as well but this is perfect you have instant lunch dinner on the shelf thank you everybody
Channel: Down to the Property
Views: 22,171
Rating: 4.945684 out of 5
Keywords: pressure canning beef stew, how to pressure can beef stew, how to can beef stew, how to can stew, all American pressure canner, all American 921pressure canner, how to can meals in a jar, how to pressure can meals in a jar, beef stew canning, beef stew pressure canning, how to pressure can, how to can
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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