How To Pressure Can Beef Roast

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hello everyone and welcome to Sutton's days so a little back story in today's projects as some of you may know my mother has been ill and it has been decided that she cannot eat beef anymore so she told me to go clean out her freezer well I don't have room in my freezer so these two big roasts were in her freezer and what I'm gonna do is get them canned up and I thought I would take you guys along for the ride I did do another beef video I'll link that in the iCard but I thought hey you know what that was a while ago so we'll do another one um I've been I've been defrosting them so they're still a little cold inside but nice good marbling in here there's a nice fat cap to it too and these will make wonderful this might be frozen really good right here these will make wonderful quick dinners quick and easy dinners for us so I sharpened my knife and everything I was gonna be prepared for you guys okay so I am NOT going to do anything more than cut these up and because like this right here this literally this section right here everything else around us fine it's still frozen but by the time we get it in it's gonna be defrosted I got a lot of questions asking whether or not you can can frozen meat well the issue is let me let me do you here like this okay so you've got your jar right and you've got your meat and we're raw packing so what you're trying to do is stuff that jar full of meat do you want no wasted space in there okay because it is going to create its own natural breath when it does you do not need to worry if the broth that it creates is not covering every single thing okay but the more that you can fill that jar then the more likely that it will cover and a little bit of fat that's on there is not a big deal I'm putting this in chunks we'll end up using it for like beef and broccoli you know that kind of thing you want to go to an inch headspace so that's what we're gonna do and we're gonna get all of these jars filled now if you want some bigger chunks that's doable - absolutely not a bad thing I'm gonna have to figure out how to get into the middle of this right there so it's gonna go but sometimes timing and the world at large is not agreeing with us all the time and so you just have to work with what you've got and when I tell you that you need to you know be as safe as possible I mean it okay but this does not make it less safe it is going to possibly extend the time that it needs to be in if it is not defrosted and that's but that's the key right there when you are pressure canning this meat the timing that is recommended by the National Center for food preservation is timing for whether or not the heat can get into the center of whatever's in there whether it's the beans whether it's the meat okay so if it's frozen that's going to extend your time a bit so you really don't want frozen frozen frozen like I said it's 85 degrees here and so this will defrost before I manage to get it into the canner so I'm not terribly worried about it um and there's a little bit of fat here that's just extra flavor you guys just extra flavor you can never have too much flavor right I don't add any seasoning to the roast because you don't need it and okay now there's a lot of differing opinions you see when it's still kind of frozen it's kind of hard to cram it in there but there's a lot of differing opinions about whether or not to add seasoning here's my thought and I've said it like a million times I'm an ingredient canner I don't want to decide what I'm doing with this until I'm gonna have to come back and revisit this one until I crack open that jar okay so if I'm not in the mood for taco seasoning or onion soup mix in there or whatever okay then that makes it unusable to me you can always add the seasoning you are really not you know adding that much time to your meal prep by having to add seasonings now this goes for any needs that I do not a big fan of adding anything I know quite a few people are fans of putting multi dextran in there I'm not but that's just me and I'm not super sensitive to some of the issues that people run into if you are try the multi dextran from what I'm told you know it helps keep the texture and the firmness of like your ground meets your ground turkeys beef whatever chicken it helps keep that more palatable for some people but honestly I just want the meat cooked and then I will figure out what to do with it that's the easiest thing to do and we really really really enjoy the canned roast and with the prices now you want to make sure you're getting the most bang for your buck even though it does appear some prices seem to be going down a little bit but how awesome is it right Phil his favorite part of you know the roast other than the dinner itself is the leftovers so he can make you know just a nice beef sandwich out of these and he's happy as and V I much prefer it the next day using it for you know other ingredients it feels really the roast guy I'm not much of a roast person I really need two hands to do that so like the bigger chunks like this one you know I'll be able to pop those out of that jar and add some gravy and add some potatoes and if I want I can add you know just all at once in a pot dump this dumping jar carrots dump a jar of potatoes dump whatever else I want in there make up a roux you've got the gravy life is great and you have a home cooked absolutely awesome roast beef dinner in like 10 minutes [Music] that's nothing to take lightly it's also you know I'm big on canning proteins I love having multiple different proteins on our shelves I think it's a a good insurance policy to have and especially if you're managing to catch sales because nobody knows what's happening over the course of the next you know few months so in order to take advantage of when we have it and get it into the jars and make it something that we can look forward to during the fall of the winter whenever because you know you get home after work on the winter and you're tired and you just don't want to play anymore okay and so what makes it better than a nice comfort food meal like pot roast or beef and broccoli or you know a beef sandwich then just being able to crack that jar warm it up and have it it is awesome now a lot of people will ask Kaylee's but I thought fat wet rancid well it can okay high quantities of fat can go rancid in the jars so I don't try to keep a whole in the jar but I do keep fat in the jar if I think it's excessive I cut it off I put it to the side the dogs will get it are the pigs again it or whatever but uh you know the little bit of fat that's on here is going to essentially melt down and when the jar cools it'll form a fat cap on the top okay and when you go to use that it'll just be some awesome natural flavor for your meal whatever that is and if you're not a fan of the fat because some people can't have it then you can easily pull it off not a big deal either way but if the fat is not an issue for you then put it in the jar and let it do what it's supposed to do which is to flavor your meat okay now you can add salt and pepper if you're so inclined but seriously wait just wait wait and add it after you pull it out of the jar there is no huge part of me savings on doing it ahead of time I don't even know these were not marked so I do not even know the pounds that I have in here but I pulled out 18 jars just in case and I pulled out my little girl who I haven't actually can within a while I've been doing small batches so I pulled out my 23 quart presto and that is what we are going to use today okay so we're keeping busy with mom you know she ended up back in the hospital and they are doing their best to make her comfortable and try to get her stable they have officially diagnosed her with Crohn's so we'll be doing some diet changes for her and I'm going to be canning some chicken soup because when she leaves the hospital she will be going to a nursing home for a little just to work on physical therapy and get her strength back up again and I want to make sure she's got some nice bone broth and it's a nice mellow chicken soup that her stomach can handle so that will be probably the next project you guys and I'm totally gonna cheat because this girl is a little strapped for time and energy right now I'm gonna end up going to a store and getting some rotisserie chickens I slaughter that word every time you feel makes fun of me something fierce but I'll take you guys along for how I do that because that'll be coming up here shortly okay in the meantime we're just gonna keep packing these jars because we're almost done here so what other things do you think you would use this beautiful beef for you can pull it out barbecue beef oh yeah hello this will shred up like a dream like I said the beef and broccoli which I have to admit is one of my favorites and beef and broccoli Alfredo hello yeah so all kinds of good stuff that you can use here to make this taste fantastic super quick and simple meal look at that size okay now I'm gonna put that size in there because that's not an issue it will still make it into the center and then I'll have a couple small pieces that I can shove in there too to take up the room okay okay and I think we have enough for one more jar so that will mean how many jars did I do so fifteen fifteen points and they're not all seriously packed you know what I mean so we've got a little space in there here and there and that's fine like I said they will get their natural juices and they will taste absolutely phenomenal so let me get this cleaned up and then we'll start getting these ready to go into the canner so because this is meat I really prefer to clean the rims of the jars with vinegar it's just a safety measure I mean there's some fat on here and why take a risk right so we're gonna wipe down all the ones that gives us another opportunity to feel the tops and make sure there's no cracks or chips in them and make sure that they are clean from any debris because that could impact your final product so I ended up going down to 14 jars I didn't realize I only partially filled two so I combined them and so now those are all clean now for those of you who they've been with me for a little bit you know that we had to source some bulk lids and I wanted to try them out because I hear he's had great things about them so I skipped past the ones I had in storage and jump to the Orchard Ridge Ridge Orchard Road thank you Lisa so they come in individual boxes which you get a whole case I think it's like 288 of them so it's a good deal $75 at your doorstep so that's me is a good deal and you buy them in bulk which means you don't have to worry about running out for a little bit which is really important because as a lot of us realized we couldn't get our hands on supplies during the whole kovat situation these make an incredible sound that I'm hoping to be able to capture for you when I pull them out they are a sturdy lid I'm very impressed with them so you want to put them on and such you do not have to heat them up or pressure canning okay so you just set them right on top easy peasy make sure they're centered and then we are good to go I am still trying to source out bulk Barnard and lids for us at a good price as soon as I am able to pull that off you will know you'll be the first to know okay and so there we go and now the rings and I have a great great great subscriber who sent me a lot of extra rings because as a lot of you know I buy my jars used the water in the canner is cold because the meat is cold so we're starting off cold all the way around because we don't want thermal shock we are just finger tight okay so that means you're not cranking it on there if you put them on too tight the lids can buckle and the the jars won't seal right so just finger tight because we don't want failures if we can help it okay make sure they're on their Street and then please don't drop them into your camera just place them into your canner it's a beautiful thing okay we're gonna end up doing two layers with this because I will only get I think maybe nine or ten on the bottom and there's three inches of water in the bottom of the canner before we started when you put the jars in there the water will rise okay but they should not go over this if they do go if the water goes over the top I have too much water in there and okay so we're gonna put the last five on the top row let me grab my rack I would love to hear what you do or would you with your beef once you have our roasted it's always great to share ideas and recipes okay ring is not tickling me okay that's a heavy-duty ring you can feel the difference you can absolutely tell the difference in the differ rings let's see what goes on this one see on this one it went right on you think he could hey so we've got the rack we've got the five on top we're going to turn up the heat now you're gonna slowly bring up the temperature of the water we're gonna put the lid on and we're gonna let it vent for 10 we'll be back when we are venting a steady stream of steam say that ten times over this is Benny venting for ten minutes so we're gonna put the weight on and when that starts to jiggle we're gonna regulate the heat we're gonna turn it down a little bit so that it just doesn't nice little hula dance you don't want it really Rocking when we get to that point we are going to stabilize this and can it for 75 minutes because they're pints and the goal is 10 pounds of pressure if you do not have the jiggler then you go by the gauge and it's 11 pounds of pressure okay so we will see you when we pull these all out okay so we let the canner depressurize naturally on its own and now we're gonna pull out the jars oh yeah some beautiful beautiful roast I don't know if you can clear it the lids are already starting to hop [Music] okay looks like all 14 jars did beautiful we are going to be enjoying 14 different males with roast they see how it created created zone liquid they're all a little bit different it's whatever is in the jar and the meat the fat and when this cools off that will actually solidify partially because of the fat okay real quick I want to show you as they start to cool down you'll see how they separate you see the oil on top that's the fat that rendered while it was cooking and that will create kind of a fat cap on top okay the liquid does not have to cover the meat because it was raw packed and so it cooks while it's in the jar let me see if I can find there we go that one's still bubbling but this is what it will look like after about an hour so out of the canner and that's perfectly good there's nothing wrong with it the natural liquid from the meat does not need to cover the meat okay I hope that you enjoyed canning roast with us this is a great way to make it shelf stable and not have to take up room in the freezer you don't have to worry about freezer burn life is good and dinner is quick and easy when it comes time I hope that you give this a try and if you do feel free to let us know what you think until next time remember be safe
Channel: Suttons Daze
Views: 72,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food in jars, home food preservation, home canning, home preserving, putting food up, stocking the pantry, 52 weeks of canning, fiesta ranch, january pantry challenge, Canninglife, how to pressure can beef roast, how to pressure can roast, canning roast, beef roast, pressure canning, canning meat, food storage, pressure canning meat
Id: ZAt_Zgtiri4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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