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hello youtubers Alaska prepper here so I'm on my back deck enjoying the evening that's probably about 7:00 7:30 in the evening right now and it's really nice outside today although it has been kind of chilly goodness gracious it's really chilly if you guys remember a few videos back where I showed you where there was a snow bank that there was still snow like I don't know maybe a week ago or so there's actually still snow there this the longest that I've ever seen that snow go without melting and we're already into June but I wanted to go ahead and just have a little talk with you guys the first ladies and gentlemen I understand that some people got upset with my last pay day prep video right and I almost felt bad posting that video because Victor was out of control but I left it up for two reasons even though I knew that it would probably cost me some subscribers which I'm not worried about but the first reason I left it up is is because by the time that I got to do a little bit of editing on that video I had already put everything away and I was going to take everything back out but if you would understand the second reason why I left it up even though Victor was way out of control is because in 30 years I'm hoping that he'll look back to that video or one day when I'm gone who knows 30 40 50 60 years for the way that the medical technology is going on you know going on nowadays I want to make sure that he has something to look back at where him and I were laughing together so if you took offense to that video because there were interruptions at home first of all you need to know Victor he's kind of a wild child and second of all you know I left it up because he's my son I love him and I'm hoping that one day he'll go back to that video and see how silly he was acting with his father so having said that let's put that aside second of all I'm gonna have a conversation with you all today and understand that I'm not trying to fearmonger right after doing videos for the last couple of years to three years what have you the word fearmonger comes up often and I'm not gonna lie I just blocked an individual the other day because he called me a fear monger because I don't need to hear if you don't want to be here because you think I'm fear-mongering then by all means you have all of the control you can unsubscribe and go patronage another channel right and I'm not trying to start off this video by telling you a unsubscribe and leave but please understand that I'm not fear-mongering I am NOT trying to scare you into doing something that you normally would not do or into doing something that I myself I'm not doing alright so that's not where I'm coming from and I know that my VIPs you know our community members that have been here for a while a lot of them since the beginning they know that I'm not fear mongering you guys know that I'm not fear mongering and for those of you that are new to the channel maybe you just came across it please understand I'm not trying to scare you I'm trying to inform you in a way that will allow you to make decisions for yourselves and your families based not on what you hear me tell you but based on you researching what you think you need to research from what I tell you so if I tell you something that that I think something is happening don't believe me go do some research okay ladies and gentlemen I always encourage people to do their own research you are the captain of your ship all right you cannot go off of what you hear or you know or see someone else do you have to go off of what you feel is best for you and your family so do your research don't take anyone's word to heart do your research and then once you've research that information that you maybe heard from somewhere else then you can make a good decision based on where you are in life based on your situation and your family situation okay so don't think that I'm trying to scare you into doing something that I want you to do what would I have to gain by scaring you into doing something nothing at all ladies and gentlemen I've been sounding the horn for years and I'm gonna continue to sound the horn but the reason I want to do this video and this is kind of impromptu we just had dinner a few minutes ago we watched a movie Victor's at work thank goodness for this video sake so my wife and my daughter and I just had dinner and watched a movie and I say you know what it's a really nice night out let me go and step in the back deck and you know do a video so that I can talk to you know my VIPs my awesome community members because ladies and gentlemen there's a lot of information out there and there's so much today I was scanning through the news articles on the internet there is so much information we get inundated with information from every side and how do we know who to believe or what to believe and that's why it's so important that you go out there and think for yourselves and research these topics for yourselves that way you can have a good feeling on what you are doing to prepare for whatever may come and I wanted to talk about some of that before I get into that I want to shout out a channel that I've been subscribed to for a while right and it's a prepper I want to call it a prepper slash information Channel and it's a great channel to go to to get a lot of up-to-date information or Intel on what's going on not only around the country but also around the world and this person that runs this channel does a great job I think he's a good man and he has a good heart and he really is concerned about getting the word out there for people to be informed or to be better informed on what's going on country right so the name of this channel is bear independent what I'll do is I'm going to leave a card for his channel up on the right hand corner either there there wherever it appears so that you guys can go check it out because I think that his channel is a throve of information and he does what's called a Daily Brief every morning every morning throughout the week I'm not sure if he does it on the weekends or not but he does a Daily Brief every morning that lets everyone know what's going on what new things have happened in the last 24 hours since he did his last one now I'm not associated with bear independent you don't need to tell bear independent aap sent me or anything like that I'm just telling you this because I think that he has a great channel on information about things that's going on currently and he doesn't everyday he doesn't update every day of the week he doesn't update so he keeps you informed very well all right so that's just something I wanted to tell you it's not really something it's not really what the video is about it's not a channel sharra but I would really wanted to tell you guys that because he's got a great platform and I think that you would get a lot of good content and a lot of good information from this channel if you went over there but ladies and gentlemen I was thinking today going through all the news articles today first like I said we're inundated with news nowadays we don't know what to believe we don't know who to believe you know we don't know what's real and what's not and I think it's by design the system especially the media system that runs the country or that runs throughout the country they've done a great job ladies and gentlemen at dividing us as a nation the political system has done a great job as dividing us as a nation you know you have your right or your left you know sure you've got some of your independence you've got some of your Green Party whatever right but mainly if you live in the United States you mainly know that there's really two political sides right the right and the left why is that you know in my piñon and i can be a hundred percent wrong it's a great way to keep the nation divided because when a people are divided they are easily conquered right just read Sun Tzu's Art of War I actually downloaded that audiobook I like audio books instead of reading I still read but I downloaded the audiobook Joe says I can listen to it three or four or five times I've read it once it was great but go ahead and read some Tzu's Art of War and one of the things that you read in that book is that in order to defeat an enemy the very first and most important thing that you need to know in order to defeat an enemy is to know yourselves and that's what's being taken from us we are we are flushed with so much information and we live in a world where we have to struggle or most people have to struggle just to reach that first rung of the ladder that a lot of us have forgotten who we are look at what's happened to the family unit in the United States and in a lot of countries around the world it used to be that children would never think about sending their parents to a home when they got too old they would never think of their parents as being a nuisance and now it's commonplace to go ahead and send your parents to a home when they get too old when you one day when they need more care right we have been divided as a nation and of course you all know what's going on around the country and around the world as well with all of the gatherings and you know people doing bad things on the street speaking out against the injustice that have taken place here in the last week or two and I'm not going to talk about that because there's absolutely nothing I can do about that nothing I can do about that so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to try and and use my energy for good instead of drain my energy and have negative energy take over me all right because there's nothing I can do about that do I think that it was unjust or unjust what happened to that gentleman I definitely do I definitely do right but we have to take a look at the big picture ladies and gentlemen we have to take a look at what's happening around us I mean there's so many things and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go off the cuff here I'm just gonna pick something and talk about it and let me talk about the the one thing that I really like to talk about it you guys probably know this but let's talk about the stock market I put up a chart I put up an overlay chart on the community page all right I put up a chart of the stock market from 1928 I think it was to like nineteen forty something I'm not sure how far it went along all right and then I overlaid a chart of the Dow Jones for the last five years and I overlaid it on top of the Dow Jones chart for the time frame that the Great Depression just started to where it kept going and I just left a comment on there I left something in writing on there saying what do you think about the similarities you know something like that of the Dow Jones chart from the Great Depression era and the Dow Jones chart from this time frame here that we're living in right and for those of you that haven't seen it pretty much in the Great Depression you had a big rise to all-time highs and then you had a 50% drop and then you had a retracement upwards of 50% of that entire drop and then it started going downhill slowly but surely for several years before it actually regained the momentum that had had to be back where it started at before it dropped the first time the chart that I overlaid it with was a current chart of this market now and if you look at it the similarities are pretty frightening alright so I put those out there not to tell you what to do or in this case I put that chart out there not to tell you what to do or what to think but to get you to think about it look at that chart look it up for yourselves and many people I'm pretty sure just looked at that and said wow that does look similar but didn't research it didn't go and take a look and see are those charts that ap put up there are those real you know are they real and if they are why are they so similar so part of that now that I'm thinking about it more I don't think that we are gonna follow that trajectory from what I see going on right to me those two charts were very similar but I don't think that today's chart or our current chart will follow the same trajectory as the Dow Jones did back in the Great Depression era and that's for a couple of reasons the first reason is is because back in the Great Depression era those stocks were actually based off of you know the economy so the economy was doing that over during that time the stocks went down if a company was doing good stocks went up and all that stuff until they started playing their games to try to crash the market today it's different look at the stock market today it's back it's like within 3000 points of its all-time highs all right and it doesn't matter how bad and use comes out like I think today they found out that in the month of May 2.6 million or so new people apply for unemployment for the first time and what happens to the stock market goes up by five or six order points right it's like we're living an opposite world so after thinking about this I'm thinking that it's not going to go down the stock market is not going to go down like it did back in 1929 1930 etc but something even more scary is gonna happen I'm thinking that this blackmarket is just gonna continue to go up it's gonna break all time highs is going to go up and up and up and what that is called is it's called a crack up boom what happens is is that the federal government is subsidizing all of these corporations and all of these banks with so much newly printed money that that money has to go somewhere and what are the banks and these corporations gonna do they're gonna put it into their company right making their company valued at a higher nominal price not necessarily that it's valued more not necessarily that it has more value but that it has a higher nominal price meaning that the inflation that was created is inflating the stock market so what I think is that the u.s. is going to continue to do this the Federal Reserve Chairman I believe his name is Jerome Powell he pretty much said in an interview with 60 minutes that they have unlimited unlimited printing capabilities where they can print as much as they want to keep that stock market propped up now some people say that they're only gonna continue to do this until after November for obvious reasons right but I don't know I have no idea what's gonna happen I don't know if they're gonna continue to do that they're talking about doing another stimulus and for the people right you know the $1,200 you guys got there they're talking about doing another one for 1200 or 2,000 or something like that and what's scary about that is is that the last time that they did that they ended up giving what out of that ama three point three trillion dollars or something bill that they passed for the economy the American people ended up getting I don't know about 400 billion maybe 500 billion like 1/6 of that that's what the American people ended up getting right so for 500 billion dollars we were pacified enough to allow the government to print trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars they printed treat from three trillion dollars for the economy and the balance sheet for the Federal Reserve went up by about three or four trillion I think it's sitting at about seven and a half trillion now and what does that mean that the balance sheet for the Federal Reserve went up it means that they printed money and they bought assets from banks and corporations so if a bank had a bundle of bad mortgages of mortgages that Elend out that were subprime meaning that the people that took those mortgages out had really bad credit the bank's take those bad mortgages they put in a bundle and then they sell it to the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air and gives it to the banks so that they can go out and lend more money pretty much so that they can go out and make the same mistakes or take the same nefarious actions that they did in the first place to get into the jam that they were in where they needed a bailout so what I see coming ladies and gentlemen is maybe not tomorrow and maybe not in six months but I see really high inflation I don't want to say the word hyperinflation all right because hyperinflation men it would be very very bad hyperinflation in a way you can say is a jubilee because when a country hyper inflates is money and your money is worth nothing that means that your debt is gone everyone's dead is gone but what happens with that is that in addition to the debt being gone all of the paper assets that existed out there is gone also because it's worth nothing because the currency has been hyper-inflated but I don't see how we can get out of this now they're even talking about going to negative interest rates they're seriously considering going into negative interest rates and how backwards is that how backwards is it that someone can borrow money from someone else and get paid to borrow money but what a lot of people don't understand is ladies and gentlemen is that if they do go to negative interest rates it will not benefit any of us it will those people at the top that borrowed millions of millions of billions of dollars but it won't benefit any of us I guarantee you if we go to negative interest rates and you go to buy a house you're still going to pay interest on it if you go to buy a car you're still going to pay interest on it if you borrow money on a credit card you're still gonna pay interest on it so if they go to negative interest rates we're still gonna pay interest you and me the average Joe on the street is still gonna pay interest and in addition to that the money that we have in savings or that we are saving is gonna lose value at an increasing rate than what it is now so I just don't see anything good coming out of the economic and financial situation that we find ourselves in today and that's not only this country all of the countries are doing it all of the westernize developed countries are doing this in a dual everyone is devaluing their currency at the same time and who is it that that hurts that hurts the worker the person that goes out and works and saves is the person that gets hurt when those policies are enacted so that's why I don't see things getting better and like I said I'm not trying to scare you I'm just trying to tell you how it is that I see it I'm just trying to tell you what I see in hopes that you can go out there in search all right and search for what will become your truth what you turn to in order to better prepare for the future to ensure that your family has what they need to survive or at least to live a somewhat comfortable standard of living our standard of living ladies and gentlemen is going to go down it is going to go down unless you have the things that you need put away eventually those things are going to become extremely expensive and you're going to have to labor more for it than what you are doing now and let me explain to you what that means because some people say well it's true that things are gonna get more expensive but you're gonna end up making more at your job maybe so but ask yourself this question let me give you an example of that red feather butter in a can alright let me give you an example of that and I'm using a short time period but bear with me and maybe you can see the point that I'm getting at so I think I forgot what video I told you guys this and that when I bought red feather butter in a can like seven years ago I've got some cans that are like seven years old I remember paying like five dollars a can or $4.99 a can or something like that right seven years ago I was making in from in terms of nominal dollars I was probably making about twenty dollars an hour okay seven years ago so that means that that five dollar can of butter cost me 15 minutes of my life so let's say that seven year excuse me I got a mosquito here let's say that seven years ago I could buy four cans of butter with one hours worth of labor okay five times four is twenty I was making twenty dollars an hour I could buy four cans of butter with one hours worth of labor let's fast forward seven years to today today I make about twenty-five dollars an hour it's like twenty four and change but let's say twenty-five twenty-five dollars an hour today one can of red feather butter in a can one can cost let's say ten dollars okay it's a little more than that it's like $11 and change but let's say ten dollars so today for one hours worth of labor all right for 25 dollars I can only get two and a half cans where seven years ago I could get four cans now you can apply that math to almost everything to almost anything that you need all right in order to to survive to live and things like that for example have the prices of vehicles gone up in the last seven years and have they gone up and percentage-wise have they gone up more than what your pay has gone up so if the price of a new vehicle today let's just take your garden-variety vehicle let's say seven years ago actually I can tell you about probably seven years ago I bought a little more than seven years ago but let's say ten years ago I bought a little Hyundai a little Hyundai I really like that little car too it's the one that I that I gave to Victor I bought that vehicle for about thirteen fourteen thousand dollars today that same vehicle all right if you buy a brand new it's almost twenty thousand so it went up in price about forty percent but my pay has not gone up in price in the last ten years by 40 percent you see what I mean so it's not the nominal price it's not the nominal value that you want to look at it's how much labor does it cost you to purchase those things that you purchased in the past today how much more labor do you have to give to be able to purchase that today now that's what happens when inflation occurs and the thing is is that it doesn't hurt people that are already millionaires ladies and gentlemen if you're if if you have a net worth of a hundred million dollars are you gonna eat any better than if you had a net worth of twenty million dollars no right so it doesn't hurt them that inflation is going up because they have plenty of currency to be able to make up for that inflation but the people that it really hurts are people like you and me that actually have to go out and labor for their money that have to earn that money with their trade it work with the work that they do you know that they trade for so we are the ones that end up paying the price in the long term that's why I always say and I've said in several videos that the inflation of the money supply only hurts those people that work you and me because he eventually we're gonna have to work more in order to get the same things we're gonna have to work more so that's one of the things that I really see that is going to really come down the line and really hurt a lot of people and that's one of the reasons why I do this channel it's because I want to put that seed in your head that will allow you to say let me look into this it's not to scare you ladies and gentlemen as I talked to you before I did a video a couple of days ago look at what's going on with our food I mean there's places in the US where food is cheap you know compared to other places but there's places where food is very expensive I get emails all the time ladies and gentlemen I got an email from someone I believe telling me that they were paying like seventeen dollars a pound for you know for a good cutter there was another one that told me that she usually gets one one of those tubes of ground meat ground beef like once a month and she noticed that she started getting them for like twenty-five dollars for a tube and then she noticed that the next month she went it was thirty three dollars for that same tube and then the next month she went this last month in May it was fifty five dollars for that tube you know and in some places around the country they you know you may chime in and leave your comments please let us know what you're paying for ground beef let's just use ground beef that's a base what are you paying for ground beef where you live in the state where you live how much are you paying if you would like to leave that in the comments that would be great it would be a great gauge to see what the prices are here in Alaska where I live the prices are going up I was very lucky to get some ground beef for 399 a pound on that last pay day prep I was I thought I was really lucky to find it for 399 and then I remembered like I told you 20-something years ago when me and laughs and misses Alaska prepper got married we used to buy ground beef for 69 cents a pound so in 20 years we are paying what five six times more than what we used to pay 20 years ago well ladies and gentlemen I guarantee you this 20 years ago I wasn't making six times less than what I'm making now I would say that 20 years I was probably making if I remember right close to $35,000 a year I was making 20 years ago I'm not making I'm not making more than twice $35,000 a year today I'm making much less than you know then half then twice that so I would have to be making six times more than I made 20 years ago today in order for that meat that I'm buying for me to be buying it for the same price when you count it as labor and not nominal terms so that meat is costing us six times more today or it's costing me six times more today than what it did 20 years ago however my salary hasn't gone up to six times so you know that those aren't all of the challenges that we have with food a lot of people have forgotten about the devastation that is going on in Africa and Pakistan Saudi Arabia now in China with the sorry I forgot I forgot what those things are called again with the locusts all right so a lot of people are forgetting about that about what's going on with the locusts and all those countries and about how they're being devastated right we're having countries trade with us and things that we've never traded before like I believe we got what was it earlier this year that we got a whole bunch of corn from Brazil I believe it was and now there's countries that usually export who are importing Africa used to export and then in the last two years alone where they used to export and then provide theirs themselves with a hundred percent of the grains that they needed two years ago maybe three now now they import about 50 percent of the grain that they need so they no longer export but now they import so that's a net loss of about 75% of the grain that was being produced because no longer are they exporting but now they're importing about 50% of the grains that they need and then look at all the challenges that we're having here in our country with food it's going to be very interesting to see what the harvest season is going to look like here in the US I haven't heard too much about the planting season and all that kind of stuff because of the crisis that is going on and has been going on here in the last few months haven't really heard much about that but another great channel for you to go take a look at it's ice age farmer right he has a wealthy throve of information when it comes to food shortages and what's going on in the food industries you know so there's so many things that are coming our way I think that the main one is finance is the economy because ladies and gentlemen believe it or not some people out there will say well I don't need money to live I don't need money it's maybe not there are some people that don't need anything that can go out there and make it on their own and and forage and grow a garden and not have to go into town for anything right and they're content we're living a minimalistic lifestyle and they grow just enough food so that they can eat and they need very little from the outside world but ladies and gentlemen most people do most people need a form of currency so that they can exchange value with one another because they can't make everything for themselves so when that currency that we are used to using on an everyday basis in order to pay for our lives in order to pay for what we need to live when that currency goes away either because it's reset or either because it's really devalued and it hyper inflates it's gonna cause a lot of pain and that's the reason I'm doing this video is because only because states are starting to open and jobs are starting to open up again we are not out of the woods ladies and gentlemen please continue to prep please continue to do those things that you know it's the right thing to do don't stop just because things seem like they're getting a little bit better in my eyes they're really not you know they're not in my eyes and I'm talking about the big picture I'm not talking about just localized area to tell you the truth if I didn't have the internet and I didn't have any outside source of news here in Alaska I have no idea that there was anything going on wrong with our nation I'd have no idea even through this crisis the only reason I I would have known something through this crisis that we've been going to is because some of the stores that I visit you have to wear a mask to go in other than that have no idea yes some stores ran out of some stuff early on and things like that but as far as how prepared my family was for this we didn't even have to go to the store the only reason I went to the store and continued to go to the store is to backfill any of those preps that we viewstub during this time because I feel that it's very important to continue to keep your preps topped off but the big picture tells me that we are not going to better times I've heard this word used several times in the last few days and I'm gonna go ahead and split the word up that way this video doesn't get censored but the first word of this two-part word is Marshall right and then if you take the first word of Law School you combine those two words together I've been hearing that word a lot and I don't think people understand what that means that means that the Constitution is null and void until that ml is over you can be stopped there can be checkpoints you can be denied your rights just by Fiat just by the virtue of one person deciding whether you can have those rights or not at that given time things just aren't looking that great and I want to encourage you all to continue to prep don't soften up now don't relax of course take a little bit of time to enjoy life like I said I just watched a movie with my family it's not all about prepping ladies and gentlemen that's not what life is about prepping us so that you can live life in a comfortable manner should you ever find yourself and your family in a situation where those things that you count on to sustain your lifestyle your standard of living if they're not there that you can continue to have that same standard of living or as close to it as you can all right even though a situation is going on you can still continue to live your life with some normalcy that's what prepping is about and then also continue to work on your skills so that you can become self-reliant prepping is not an end-all be-all right it's a pathway to self-reliance you see that land behind me I'm hoping that here you know in the future you guys will be able to see a garden back there you know and see actual life growing out of that land and I know for me it's taken a long time because I have a priorities list that I have to get done before I can start doing those things but that's why I'm prepped so that if something happens I can have that time to be able to go ahead and work on being self-reliant if you're able to do that now that's great take advantage of it I see so many comments where people say I've had a canner for two years and I've never used it I've seen a lot of comments where people say I've had a canner for X number of years I've never used it but after watching your video I decided to go ahead and and make my first batch of canned meats that's that's an actual email that I got and I think it was great I love those emails so keep them coming ladies and gentlemen I loved I loved those emails maybe maybe one day I'll do a live stream or I'll do nothing but read positive emails that I got back from people that are appreciative of our community because it is a great community all right ladies and gentlemen I could probably stay here and talk for the next hour of the things that I think that's going on and why I think they're going on but the fact of the matter is this and I'm gonna leave it at this if you're not prepping right now if you're not preparing if you don't like the word prepper or prepping or preparing call it something else it doesn't matter to me what you call it seriously think about it sit down with your family and ask them what are the things that we need in order to live the life that we live now and then ask them what do you think life would be like if we didn't have these things that we can get on a regular basis and I'm sure that in the end after your conversation is over you will decide that being prepared it's more important than spending your money on a new car or a new motorcycle or some new toy now by all means if you can afford to go get a new car or to go get a toy or whatever by all means go get it nothing wrong with that you have to live ladies and gentlemen you have to live a little I just got a new toy not too long ago because I got my bonus from work where I'm getting my bonus from work all right so I got a new toy and I'll probably do a two or three-minute video on that just to show you guys what it is but it's really cool and it's exactly that it's a toy you know and I was excited about it and little miss Alaska prepper is excited about it too because we you have to live ladies and gentlemen but I always have in the front of my mind what do we need that we don't have what do we need to do that we haven't done and I have a list this long and even though I have a list this long of things that I still need to do I still take a little bit of time and I take a little bit of money so that we can have a little bit of fun all right because it's not just about prepping you have to live as well now your definition of fun may be different than mine so you know whatever it may be all right so don't stop living but more importantly don't stop prepping continue to prep continue to add to your stock I actually just received those oxen forms white wheat berries i order here about a week and a half two weeks ago that I let you guys know about so I hope that all of you guys that took advantage of that that you guys got yours yours in as well so that's gonna be about it ladies and gentlemen you know let me go ahead and say this you'll put first of all thank you very much to everyone that's been donating to the buy me a coffee account for those of you that don't know what to buy me a coffee accountants it's an account where you can buy me a coffee or that's what it's called right it's like buy me a coffee or give me a tip or something like that and that money that goes into that account ladies and gentlemen goes 100% to charity all right every penny that I withdraw from that I count goes to charity and my push is going to be for the Fairbanks Food Bank that's where the money is going to be going to so if you guys have all your preps if you have all of the things you need if you're comfortable and you can afford to throw three dollars or six dollars or nine dollars because I think it's in increments of three dollars if you can afford to throw a few of those dollars to that account you have my word that that's going to go to the Fairbanks Food Bank and I am gonna match dollar to dollar up to five hundred dollars I'm gonna match dollar to dollar up to five hundred dollars so here about towards the end of June or so I'm gonna go ahead and withdraw all the money that's been saved up in there I'm gonna let you guys know how much it is that we withdrew and then I'm gonna match dollar to dollar up to five hundred dollars all right and then I'll do a short video showing you guys me giving the money to the Fairbanks Food Bank all right so I just want to let you guys know that in case some of you have not heard that so hey ladies and gentlemen I appreciate you guys tuning in thank you very much for for supporting me by watching my videos I truly do appreciate you guys spending a few minutes of your day here and like I said go ahead and check out Baer independent because the reason I keep saying it is because it's a great channel great information on that channel alright mr. Baer I'm not sure what his name is but mr. Baer is this a big husky alpha male it's what I think he is he's like a big husky alpha male but he's a good man alright good man good family and he goes out very good information invaluable information as far as I'm concerned so go check out his channel and of course go check out Ice Age farmer go check out adapt 2030 a couple of the channels that I'd follow Oppenheim and ranch project another of the channels that I like to follow that talks about food shortages and things like that so go check out those channels ladies and gentlemen but most importantly whatever channel you do go check out make sure that you do your own research all right and come up with your own conclusions based on an educated guess because that's all we can do is we can make an educated guess as to what's gonna happen right cuz none of us has a crystal ball so take a look at your environment take a look at your surroundings see what's going on and decide what it is that you need to do that's going to benefit your family's well-being in the future all right so that's what I have to say about that ladies and gentlemen so thank you very much again for joining and I truly do appreciate you guys joining in I'm gonna go ahead and go and now because I do have to go to work tomorrow and even though it's nice and sunny out it's like I don't know about 8:30 close to nine o'clock now so I'll be getting ready for bed here pretty soon I having said that thank you very much again ladies um I hope you guys have a great rest of your week remember to be good to each other when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to all of you in your families there's a last prepper and I'm out
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 13,346
Rating: 4.947299 out of 5
Keywords: economiccollapse, crackupboom, foodshortage, inflation, prepper
Id: XCdfGaHIsoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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