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hello youtubers alaska prepper here so i don't need toilet paper for a while ladies and gentlemen before i start this video let me go ahead and say that i'm sorry ahead of time if the video quality is not that great i'm using my old phone because my new one broke into a million pieces when i dropped it so i have to get it replaced however ladies and gentlemen this video is not about me bragging about what i have and how much i have i just want to encourage you all that slow and steady wins the race and what you see here is a whole bunch of paper towels a whole bunch of toilet paper a whole bunch up there if you can see those are female sanitary napkins and i just want to tell you that i've been accumulating this stuff here for about the last year and a half almost two years if you can see over there these napkins over here or these paper towels those are the old sam's club paper towels for one from when sam's club used to be here in fairbanks and when they closed they were selling everything at 50 to 75 percent off so i got all of those paper towels there for 75 percent off including some of the toilet paper that sam's club sells which is that palm toilet paper i got that for 75 off when they were leaving okay so slow and steady wins the race you don't have to go out and purchase a whole bunch of stuff in one shot if you cannot afford it just continue to accumulate those things that you know that you will use and that will not expire with time for example i've had this tissue here toilet paper and paper towels here for a couple of years now and there's absolutely nothing wrong with them i don't have a humidity issue inside of this trailer because our temperatures here are usually pretty cool i don't have a rodent problem inside this trailer right because this trailer although i hit this trailer with a tree let me see if i can show you guys up here you see that i dropped the tree on this trailer is still sealed so no insects or vermins get in here okay so slow and steady wants to race i wanted to show you that i have probably about two and a half year supply of toilet paper here paper towels we maybe go through one roll a month of paper towels because we mainly use like regular cloth towels to wipe the kitchen counters and stuff like that and then we wash them and as you can see up there you see those female sanitary wipes they go back a whole bunch i figure i have about enough female sanitary wipes for about 36 menstrual cycles so that's roughly three years right this box down here is completely full it's got about 200 250 maxi pads in it all right and as you can see this is also a box of scott tissue that i got from amazon back when they were like 39 or 42 something like that which now they're still not a terrible price that box brings 80 and it's like at 57 right now which is not a terrible price but 39 42 is a lot better than 57. so this is just one example of how slow and steady wins the race now stay towards the end of this video because i'm going to be doing a short clip of inside my pantry i went ahead and retooled i guess you can say retool my pantry or part of my pantry so that it will accept more food than what it did before right another thing i wanted to show you ladies and gentlemen i only have one box of baby wipes out here however i have several inside my pantry in the house at first i wasn't sure if baby wipes would be okay freezing and thawing and they're just fine i had two boxes of baby wipes that i took out of this trailer early this year after the snow melted and after the temperatures came down or or went up all right to where it wasn't freezing anymore and those two boxes of baby wipes that i took out of here have been in here for about three years and there's absolutely nothing wrong with them we're using them right now inside the house so we rotate through those what i think i'm going to be doing is just taking some of the baby wipes i have inside my pantry bringing them out here that way i can make more room for food inside my pantry all right let me show you another thing that i've been slowly and steadily purchasing throughout this entire year and it's something that you've seen on several of my payday preps now look at this ladies and gentlemen i'm sorry that the lighting in here is not very good but i'm inside my tent right now as you can see i'm on that platform for the ap studio that i'll be building next year these are all canning jars now if you've been following my payday preps throughout this year you'll know that i've been accumulating these little by little throughout the year i didn't go out yesterday and purchase 25 cases of canning jars i actually have a couple more cases inside the house but this is what i've accumulated this year just by buying them slowly but steadily consistency is the key to prepping for the long term ladies and gentlemen all right there were times where i only bought two cases there were times where i bought six cases because they were available and because i had the funds and that certain time to purchase them so as long as you're consistent in your payday preps and you continue to accumulate little by little eventually it will build up now who would have known 10 months ago you know the beginning of this year that these things were going to be sold out everywhere and not available for the next six months during a time of the year when people are really wanting to use these jars because they're harvesting their gardens and things like that well i purchased them knowing that i wanted to use a lot of these jars during this winter to pressure can more meats so that's why i've been stocking them up all year long and now ladies and gentlemen guess what i don't have to worry if the stores don't have them i don't have to worry if the company that makes them is not making them or not putting them out for retail sale for another six months because i've got plenty of jars now that i can do what i need to do with without having to worry whether they're available at the stores or not this i want to say not patting myself on the back but this is a great example of why we prep things that we know we're going to use in the future instead of waiting to the last minute to get them now let's go take a sneak peek at my pantry's retool to show you guys what i came up with now ladies and gentlemen this is the inside of my pantry it's very small so i can only show you one section at a time because there's really not enough room for me to move back and show you everything across right like that but let me just go ahead and show you what i've been doing to make more room in my pantry and what it looks like so for those of you that have seen my pantry videos from the past you'll notice that now instead of just having one shelf with jars stacked on top of each other i added shelves in the middle so i reclaimed some wood that was just scraps and i made those shelves and now i can stack stuff on top that previously i would have had to stacked on top of my jars and now my jars are free from being stacked upon and as you can see up here i've got some back there i got some jarred or pressure canned pork which i'm going to be doing a prepper pantry cooking video with some of that pork here pretty soon i got some of our favorite chilies i got some vienna sausages which i like and everyone in my house likes except for mrs alaska prepper and uh here i've got some pressure can sausages some pressure can bacon and let me show you what the pressure can bacon looks like [Applause] for those of you that have never seen pressure can bacon and that looks really nice all that white stuff is just the lard all right let me see what else we got here here's some pressure canned uh pork all right and this one i actually pressure can not too long ago july of this year we have some sausages that i bought here on a payday prep not too long ago and we have a whole bunch of corned beef that goes all the way back on this shelf here it's full of nothing but chicken so this goes all the way back nothing but chicken all the way back then on this shelf we have uh jars that i can of chicken quart jars of chicken that i can in 2016. this is chicken as well and i've got some bacon right here that i pressure can in 2016 as well now as you can see in between these spots i've got napkins just to take up some space and then the bottom is also full of chicken now these napkins that i put here it's just to take up space so that i don't have to find more room for them but as you can see i built the shelf for this one as well that's recessed in a little bit and it's all full of spam nothing but spam yeah so that's got spam all the way back our next shelf here is our oldest meat so we'll be eating these meats first you can see these were canned in 2015 you can see some of them are even a little dusty that's some sausage that we tried now this sausage right here is not like your italian sausage or anything like that it's kind of like a bratwurst type so and they're pretty good even dog likes the whole dog likes everything but as you can see there i've got some pork that i can in 15. this right here is just some chicken some things that i don't have labeled is because i can tell exactly what it is by looking at it all right we have some turkey back there we have some bacon bits those of you that want to see bacon bits all right and this is just a little bit of overflow that i couldn't fit in the shelves that i built so i just put it right there same thing with this i have a little bit of overflow on beef right here but as you can see back there we have more beef actually this is my experimental row this right here is all experimental stuff this here is a jar of meatloaf that i pressure can in 2014. and it still looks great and pressure canned meatloaf ladies and gentlemen is delicious i'm going to wait till 2024 to open this up here's some sausage that i pressure can in 2015 and i'm gonna wait till 2025. there's some other sausage here that i'll probably wait another two or three years to see how it is before we go for the 10-year mark and this here is just some beef ground beef that i pressure can in 2018 and it looks really nice right in addition to that we have some turkey that i pressure can in 2015 and it looks great and then we have some some chicken thighs and we have some pork that i pressure can in 2015 as well these are just overflow we're going to go ahead and use these whenever we want to use them but that's what that looks like and as you can see i've got more spam there's another shelfless pan you can see that i put some paper towels back there just to fill in some gaps but this is the great value luncheon meat as well and this is all spam and luncheon meat in this shelf this shelf right here has more meats my goal ladies and gentlemen is to try to fill as much meat in these shelves as i possibly can so here we have chicken ground beef back there we have some of the kirkland roast beef in a can and that goes pretty much all the way back this is ground beef here and that ground beef goes all the way back i think they're what one two three four five six deep so these core jars are six deep we've got chicken this is roast beef this is turkey this is turkey stock and this is more chicken i believe or no more turkey so we have chicken beef turkey and ground beef as well along with turkey stock and these are all my keystone that i've been purchasing throughout the years and those of you that have been with me since the beginning you all remember all of those videos that i did saying i bought more keystone at amazon because they were on sale for a great price so i didn't pay over 5.68 for any one of these cans any time i ever bought one of these cans is because they were like five dollars in change and now i don't even want to know what the price is now over here on this shelf i've got a lot of my ghee so this is the ghee that we're using right now i pressure can this ghee in 2013 it says butter there but this is ghee i got some dac hams back there i have some more ghee right here that's uh not as old as these these guys right here and i have a flat of beef beef roast that i pressure can in 2019 as you can see back there i have uh you probably can't see it but i have all of my red feather butter back there and i also have some of the uh cheese and a can back there as well along with some fresh ghee that i pressure can not too long ago or that i processed not too long ago this one right here excuse me i got all my beans my black eyed peas and ladies and gentlemen for those of you that are going to ask why i leave my rings on my jars it's just a convenience thing if you come to my pantry you will notice that all the rings are loose any jar that has a ring on it is loose like look at this one let's find another one with the ring see this they're all loose i just do that so that i don't have to have an additional box or somewhere else where i keep the rings right so over here oh let me show you this top shelf well as you can see i have some of my ppe up there but this top shelf is full of nothing but either bacon or bacon bits so there's nothing but bacon and bacon bits there and you'll be able to see back there i have all of my coconut oils that i've accumulated over the last year and a half or so from costco i think i have four or five of those back there like i said you can see that i have ppe over here i got my knife right there some more ppe but here i've got some can this my night vision goggles here i've got uh some canned goods in the form of just manwich some corned beef hash my b m bread that i really like some of the vega cheese in a can that is good for almost ever if you guys have never tried this biscotti spread it's delicious and of course i've got a whole bunch of peanut butter that goes all the way to the back and right now we're working on 2018 peanut butter which there's nothing wrong with it here's my thermometer that i keep all right and uh as you can see it shows that inside right here in this room is 61 degrees right outside is 49 right now but in this room is 61 degrees this is kind of like a condiment shelf you can see i have my mustard ketchup i have some tartar sauce along with some mayo and i do have some spaghetti sauce i remember saying i was going to buy spaghetti sauce again but my wife wanted to try this so we bought a six-pack i think it was and then back there you can probably see that that's himalayan salt that's like long-term storage stuff so i just put it back there because i know that i'm not going to be dipping into it anytime soon down here is all my jams that i've made so these are the jams and jellies that i've made myself that i can myself this is just some papaya that uh that we like to use to make dominican cake and then you can also see that i have some store-bought jellies and jams that were at a good deal and i purchased them during a payday prep on this shelf right here the one that's below my condiments is where i have a lot of my nuts and my sweets you can see i have raisins there i have some of these sweets these are the bonbons that i did that uh video with not too long ago maybe a month or two ago i have some nuts in there and ladies and gentlemen believe it or not these are still good and then i have some pie filling in here that there's absolutely nothing wrong with these guys and some peanuts as long as these stay sealed these nuts stay sealed they stay good so whenever i open this big can of peanuts i go ahead and i put most of it in like a quart jar and i seal it with an oxygen absorber and then i and then i leave out whatever we're going to eat like within the next week or two all right so up here i have more sweets i have a ton of honey that honey that i put in in mason jars i also have agave bag there so there's a ton of honey back there there's some local honey there's some pasteurized honey and i also have um raw honey in here as well right as you can see i got some honey from germany here and this uh appeared in one of my payday preps as well for anyone that wants to know what this is this is just some raw sugar all right you just some raw sugarcane that got a hardened into a block and this is really good as well it's good to use this if you're making like a flan all right i know that hispanics like their flan and this is one of the things that you would want to use if you're making a flan for your for the part of the sugar that turns really brown of course we have our drink mixes we have our evaporated milk we have our condensed milk and those go all the way back and then we have our cake mixes and some cookies up there all right right below that i was trying out this this unit here where it lets the cans go all the way around so you can put the oldest date in the top and then take them from the bottom i'm not sure how much i like it yet if i end up liking it i might get another one so i can do this entire shelf just with those units with the cans in it but as you can see most of this here is just some chef boyardee as you can see they didn't all fit in the in the unit that i bought and then here we've got some canned peaches pears mixed fruit down here we have a whole bunch of olives and pickles i still have those boiled peanuts that mr tom sent me we have some soups and we have some chicken broth and those go all the way back pretty much and this shelf right here down here we have some tomato paste diced tomatoes in a can we have olive oil extra virgin olive oil there's some lard back there that i can myself and we have some mashed potatoes right there the ones that we used to get from costco but for some reason they don't carry them anymore and those mashed potatoes are awesome and then as you can see i have more oil down there along with some vinegar down there on this shelf right here we've got our two year supply of coffee and this is what i would recommend if you're going to store coffee long term is to get them in the vacuum sealed bricks this can here is next in line to be used up but it's still less than a year old from when i bought it as you can see we have about 40 pounds of organic all-purpose flour there and we have a whole bunch of pancake mix from costco behind that pancake mix from costco i probably have about four cases of powdered eggs that i purchased from costco last year and then i repackaged them for long term by vacuum sealing them and by adding some oxygen absorbers and up here this is kind of like my spice area this is spices that i've got vacuum sealed for long term with oxygen absorbers and then other spices that we use as well when we run out we just come and get it some vanilla extract that i got that i've had before i started uh making my own this one right here this i think it's bodell or roedell this is outstanding vanilla extract it's probably the best i've ever had and that just happened to be a gift from a friend but as you can see i've got spices that go all the way back up here i've got cereals i've got oatmeal i've got crackers i've got hamburger helpers i've got stove top i've got chicken noodle soup the dry kind that you have to add water to so i've got a whole bunch of dry stuff here that is calorie dense and that will last a very long time on its own without even repackaging it the only thing that's repackaged up here for long term is the quaker oatmeal that i vacuum seal an oxygen absorber and then just put back in the box and then as you can see up here we have some cup of noodles which i've found that the cup of noodles last a lot longer than the ramen noodles without getting rancid because the cup of noodles are actually sealed where no air can get in and since the other noodles come in a bag more likely air can get in and out of them and they do go rancid a little sooner than these guys but these guys i've had really good luck with up here ladies and gentlemen i just got a tote that's full of hygiene items i've got a tote right here that says mountain house meals those are the meals that come in the cold weather mres the ones that come in the white bag and there's probably about 300 mountain house meals in that tote then of course right here we have napkins along with k cups of coffee not sure how good they'll be and for how long but i know that we've tried some that's already been about two or three years old and it was still good and then up there i just have miscellaneous stuff you can see that i have some vacuum sealed tea up there some coffee filters this top row over here is a lot of my oxen farms as you can see i got more mountain house meals over here you know let me correct myself i have about 300 mountain house meals between this tote and this toad not just in one toad all right this total over here has all of my battle boxes that i collected over the years and as you can see here i've got more oxen farms emergency essentials and then i also have some mountain house over here this is one of the first things that i ever prepped was the tvp meat which i will not eat unless it's a very very dire situation but more likely what i'll do with that is is mix it with rice and feed it to dog if we ever have to i only have three cans of that stuff though right up here as you can see i have a lot of baby wipes i have a lot of garbage bags and i also have the construction size garbage bags up there all right ladies and gentlemen and that's pretty much it i've got a little cabinet here where i keep some paper towels up there and i just have some peas for my pea shooters in that little cabinet and it just happened that we didn't need that cabin when we built a house so i just put it there so that i can put some peas in there for my pea shooter all right ladies and gentlemen so that's about it uh the floor is really a mess because i've been organizing stuff in here so i won't take you through that torture but on the floor i just have totes and i also have mres under these shelves but this is what it looks like ladies and gentlemen and i want to go ahead and let you know for those of you that are beginning to prep or haven't been prepping for a long time ladies and gentlemen i've been building this pantry for literally almost a decade i did not do this overnight i don't want anyone that sees this to say i can never do that ladies and gentlemen i'm not a millionaire and i've been buying little by little over time and this is what has become of me being consistent i've been doing payday preps before i even started doing a youtube channel i just didn't call it payday preps i just you know i just bought them to have extra stuff so i've been doing this for a very long time so don't be discouraged that you may not have this but also take into account that this room is not a very big room i would say that this room is about the same size as a walk-in closet okay so if you have a walk-in closet or a couple of closets in your house this is what you can do with it all right ladies and gentlemen that's gonna be about it i'm gonna call it good for today i hope that you guys have a great day and that you guys have a great weekend ahead of you we'll see you guys on sunday 12 noon alaska time we'll hang out and have a little bit of fun having said that remember to be good to each other when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to all of you and your families there's alaska prepper and i'm out
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 102,477
Rating: 4.9409108 out of 5
Keywords: #prepperpantry, #stockupnow, #prepper, #shtf, #foodshortagecoming
Id: 7ToJhsap034
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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