Seinfeld - The Coronavirus

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what are you doing what didn't did you just double dip that double dipped what are you talking about you dip the chip you took a bite and you dipped again so that's like putting your whole mouth right in the dip from now on when you take a chip just take one dip and end it well I'm sorry Timmy but I don't dip that way are you done huh no you dip the way you want to dip I'll dip the way I wanted tonight you in for a real treat I'm personally gonna prepare the dinner for you and the my Audrey [Applause] got that pasta primavera Elaine I am very busy here who else did you mention my shoes - huh I want to know why did your conversation I am NOT discussing this this is insane got that pasta primavera yeah is anything wrong you look like you've seen a ghost oh you got yourself a cold anyway the thinking here is that it would be best if if you didn't do any more of these shows because of the coffee thing raver I'm sorry what about so in your life now you're not canceled I'm Sonia luck she's a doctor I got a thing for that crowd what is wit but it's coffee Jerry it expels the disease germs out of the body into the air where is your key yeah well I know man he's he's got it you know creamer I rented out half of my space to you yeah huh I ran it out half that space to do mail bags he's storing mail in here evidence an ass tea coffee back there what car taking any medication for that yeah I got some pills they taste terrible just swallow to tender all right sit down I know what come on just sit down [Laughter] pills are these anyway for Smuckers may cause panting and loss of fern these are don't pills all right Talib I'll be right there oh well this is it played you know without this burger we'd be out on the street why they sure saved us please I've got to see dr. Berg right away this rash is spreading I can't see you miss Venice he's busy oh come on have some compassion it's contagious then hi Jerry hi Marion listen I decided I can't kiss hello anymore I'm sorry it's nothing personal it just makes me a little uncomfortable and I can't do it I'm sorry Jerry anyways I was just telling there you know I'm not gonna be doing the kiss hello thing anyone sorry I just can't do it it's nothing personal it's just that I'm not really able to do it and I'm sorry thank you for your cooperation that's right here it's it's a little white I don't have to take a biopsy on this oh what a biopsy a biopsy yeah cancer is it cancer the white have cancer I know what it is it's all over for me in fact let's end it right now Jerry kill me kill me now I'm begging you let's let's just get it over with be a pal just take the pillow and put it over my face well uh what kind of like this Elaine what are you doing I see the world [Laughter]
Channel: Videos About Nothing
Views: 2,430,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seinfeld, Videos About Nothing, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Best of Seinfeld, George, Jerry, Elaine, Kramer
Id: sWjgjxvBJpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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