Need Brinks truck for all this CASH! Livestream

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goodness gracious dad go on guys i am so sorry i apparently i'm gonna have to do a little self saving for a new laptop unfortunately this one is not working either i have the worst luck with these laptops hey guys there we go sorry i need to go in here and see if i can somehow shut down this other live stream hey there we go yeah i'll tell you i don't know what was going on first off the uh they didn't want to uh i don't have to do that when i get home oh wait a minute it didn't want to go turn on see if i can get rid of this dude not that one okay all right sorry guys so anyways the computer kept wanting to do updates and i sat here for over an hour waiting on it to do an update dude update and then nothing so then finally once i got that fixed then when i went to go live i got to circle death and she keeps saying going live and it just sits there and turns and turns and turns so we finally made it on here lord knows uh we've uh had quite the battle to uh to get started all wendy there's always gonna be i got my my fair share of haters out there it doesn't matter what i do i could give everyone a thousand dollars a piece and they would say i want a thousand and one but hey everybody i see everybody's coming one so today is going to be a fun one uh you're gonna notice the swat and the uh hummer in there basically if i can get the hummer the military hummer before the swat vehicle that's extra 100 uh they won't come off so it just needs to come off and touch the edge so that's what with that one um it was a 400 buy-in not that much it should be a fun feel good to be back uh sorry my brain my brain is on the same function that the uh the computer is for today but four hundred dollars got a decent amount of quarters finally got everything up and going so let's go ahead and get started no you didn't come in late you're right on time i've started later unfortunately sat here for over an hour i think text wendy uh about an hour and a half ago and get ready to go live oh thank you sharon hey lisa thank you samuel yes i think you're right play left get an easy win and that's just an extra bucks to get that but the left side plays better hello joshua how did you go with the guy that want to fight you i'm a big fan thank you so much poker rosie oh i know wasn't that the craziest thing ever seriously i'm serious this place it's not in the middle of nowhere but it's not labeled there's nothing wrong here they used to have when they did bingos they had the uh one of those arrow painting signs i sat out in the parking lot and that's how people knew when they were but there is a little small housing development beside here and the only thing i could think is he seen people there and he walked up but it was pretty uh it was pretty interesting and like i said when i walk out there to see what was going on i had no choice because the way i was coming in i came in behind him and he was all about don't sneak up on me craziest thing ever hey everybody oh it's awesome amy they can be addicting that's for sure a lot of fun oh thank you so much gary i know there's see there is when they were in the other place they did have a little bar that served uh you know normal beer and liquor and stuff like that but in here the only thing that they have is a uh soda fountain that's not even turned on but when they had the bingos they would sell soda but i mean this place looks like a ghost town from the inside i don't know what the guy was thinking maybe he was coming they were thinking that he might be coming in and see if he could steal something that's hard to help hey john you know misty you didn't miss much at all we're just finally getting started unfortunately already a late start we're trying to get this military homer up first before the swat one oh good gary i'm glad you're swung in your feet's going down man i know all about that i had the same thing when i had that stuff happening on my lungs west virginia am i saying it right i don't think where is rene at from florida pain maker push we haven't said that in a long time haven't we i actually thought all about that thank you nancy i'll definitely try so it looks like oh there we go down on the ground all right going good ah thank you samuel speaking of star struck i have something special coming up on the channel but it's taking longer than what i thought to do but i think it's something to give for me to you all oh no missy for sure so sorry to hear about that my mom actually was diagnosed with covet last week and she's had a tough go at it luckily it hasn't been respiratory for her but she's had everything else oh wendy yes unfortunately i wasn't there i told him to hold on i had a surprise for him but i wasn't there when he got home he didn't get home until around 8 o'clock i was already here but i know he's going to be super excited hey mark and thank you so much for the super chat wendy by the way i'm sorry i got so caught up in reading it [Music] i kind of put the camera up oh thank you so much terry i tell you i feel so much better that's for sure i uh we had a beautiful day here and actually you want to talk about some good luck so my refrigerator on the last camping trip that we took my refrigerator went out just stopped working so i went to walmart and bought a little small mini fridge so all of our meat wouldn't go bad well today was the day i was getting ready to take the refrigerator out and i was going to put in a house refrigerator a normal mini fridge and uh i got on youtube last night i started watching videos about it it didn't make sense that it completely went out normally like you you lose uh because they run off of propane and electric all the uh bonus holes open that's cool um so i went through and double checked and pulled all the fuses and sure enough a fuse that you couldn't really see that easy was blue put a new fuse in it and refrigerators turn right up that saved me hundreds of dollars toronto ontario canada yeah i don't unfortunately i still don't have the capability of doing the loot cam with the uh on the live streams yet well this is a good one all right let's see what we've done here with cash all right so we got 10 20 40. all right we got back 50 bucks actually i need to go ahead and get something to put the cash in grab another one of these dollars four hundred dollar buy-in and we got that yeah i was so tickled with that i'll show you all pictures here in a little bit i finally uh for those of you all that remember i painted it last year i actually painted it like five different colors it was a little very pain in the butt but i got all the the uh [Music] lettering and stuff finished today so it was a very productive day hey we play you win i was watching you all last night hope you all doing good a little thing came up and showed that you all were alive was last night when you had the bees in it or was that the night before one night i was watching you get bees in there hey y'all tara wilson alabama oh did you said he went and got that coin pusher today awesome yeah that was it okay i remember you uh because i think i watched the last live stream every time i come on and i see you're live i always pop over i thought it was the bees last night awesome so you got the coin pusher now all you got to do is just get that channel started start uploading come over to the family 400 400 dollars is not a bad deal for a coin pusher i tell you you go if you go to arcade options because there's not a lot of them those things even the junky ones here for about five six hundred dollars so that's a good deal really is you can't play winner winner on your ipad really see last i talked to them they were working on a desktop version um i'm not sure what all's going out with that hand said he hasn't won a winner winner i tell you what there's a guy named john lee and anybody that's part of the winter winter community you know exactly who he is he's like rated number five in all with the most wins if you go over to the winner winner page my facebook page i think it's just called the winner winter fan page that guy uploads videos and tips all the time he has helped all of us out so much with winning yeah man it's been a long time since we've had to bring this hole into lifting it's always a nice little surprise so we got the titanic coin getting close um the swat team hasn't even fell off yet so guys that's an easy hundred bucks right there [Music] yeah sorry it was late i have literally been sitting up here for an hour waiting on the laptop to do updates i have never seen a computer do more updates i guess because it's i use it once a week so i guess they do weekly updates i need to go there in the settings and change that it's like watching ice melt i'll keep that i'm sorry to hear about that oh that's awesome jram oh thank you out there yeah you're right we play you lynn absolutely i'm telling you i've seen that it was at 35 for like 40 minutes oh man oh all right let me get the uh reliable out of here i like it when there's so much cash you can't even open up the sheet [Music] oh come on sorry guys i'm trying to get this cash unstuck all right i need something you got plan b here plan b what old trusty knife man what a pain in the butt sorry guys this money does not want to move oh i'm cutting up the bills all right i'll try to move around it oh what a pain but there we go as i say what a pain to happen on a live stream this was a video i could just cut it out [Music] all right here we go sorry about that my goodness all right guys so we had 50 so there's 100 125 back and plus a bitcoin entry so we got a quarter of our money back if you can get this thing to uh come up here and touch the edge that's 100 bucks in the back so i'm just going to keep on playing on the left side here it's also pushing a couple six dollarship come on baby there we go now we're talking bring down the cash my last name is bartlett leslie it's on the channel joshua bartlett well as you all can see i have stuck inside the chute but i want to win this hummer first before i start focusing on anything over there so they are watching so we even need to go get them i don't know if there is a secret uh joshua honestly i mean i know people have different techniques and stuff i think the idea really is just [Music] try to make the playing field push as even as possible which i'm not doing that right now because i'm trying to win this hummer without taking that swat vehicle off no mary i don't know when the bitcoin drawing is that i i gotta tell you it's probably gonna be like last time where they have to get enough money first in before they do the drawings obviously they're not in the business to lose money and it was more active back then so it might be a little bit there you go we play you man that's that's good advice all right so that was officially my last quarter let's go down here oh yeah oh we got the [Applause] oh man goodness gracious a lot of money came down not a lot of quarters though oh man all right well let's figure out where we're at here so what do we have 150 250. look at this oh let me set this right here 250 2 4 6 8 300 so we are hundred dollars away from being even josh how are the stocks you won doing profit they're good michael um one of the stocks that i've got is a company called till ray and i didn't know much about it but they're based in canada and they say that it's like if you could buy stock you know go in and buy google or apple before it was expensive that's what tilray is going to be now i know they they deal with medical marijuana but if it comes federally legal they say that stock is going to go crazy and that's one of the ones that i won and i got 10 shares of it um it's only like 22 a share right now but that one does pretty good and then uh my uh i get small dividends from apple yeah everything's a couple of them went down all right let's see if we can somebody said this is just a guy with no uh playing a coin pusher that's exactly what it is a guy and a queen pusher channel's not for everybody come on baby hey there's uh frank no notification go figure explain virginia city nevada they were moved to oh i hate to hear that frank well frank i'm officially at 300 400 buy-in actually i'm over that if you look i don't know if you all can see but there is a 10 bill stuck inside the chute so that would be 310 i think it's a 10. i don't want to set the arm off oh man for sake of having a video i'm gonna have to do another buy-in thanks elizabeth so there's 320 but we have that 10 in there so technically it's 330 but this is all i did with her so i want to win let's try this let's see if i can get hmm come on baby come on uh frank it was four hundred dollars four hundred so we are eating away from breaking even and frank if i can get this hummer to touch the end of the glass before that swat vehicle then that's the extra hundred bucks which i think i'm gonna have to do a buy into oh that almost did it ah come on baby and we're down to two quarters yeah sometimes i do but the problem is asked why don't i play until i clean it off is a lot of these on the right um that they once they go over to the side that it's almost impossible to win it's so hard all right guys so i'm gonna do a buy-in real quick um i'm gonna do 200 i think i think 200 should let's see let's just let's count up we got 20 40 60 80 100 and there's 200 so if anything we can break even dead zones there you go frank that's the word i was looking for all right guys give me one second i'll be right back [Music] just one second so sorry guys i'm back so unfortunately there was a 250 by and i couldn't do 200 but that's all right so now we're at uh uh four five six fifty six fifteen ball so today is going to be trying to break even oh thank you trudy i'm glad you were able to catch it yeah it doesn't it doesn't help that youtube doesn't notify anybody that i'm live so all my uk people i am so sorry to hear about prince philip but one thing i could say i mean oh no stay up there he definitely had a life that out 99 years old i mean it would have been cool for him i think it says birthdays in june to make it to 100 but still 99 years i would take it dj crystal i would love to um the problem is everybody's so far away like we play you win um i think what the hell they haven't been in a while but they live in ohio oh it happened oh i was talking there we go all right give me a second let me make sure they see that did you catch up all right thank you all right guys so there we go so that puts us up to what 4 20 4 30 now so that's awesome yeah amy i'm so sorry though so sorry that that happened death is never a good thing but he seemed like he was a great man [Music] all right so actually i don't know why i'm still playing on the left 420 now we can play it all over the field all right come on baby there you go oh thank you so much for being here i'll see i hate when i do that why did i do stock in it i didn't really have a choice when they were doing the stock uh giveaways here that was one of the companies that i won but after i wanted i just started paying attention to uh what the company was about hey at the end of the day it's all about the benjamins every bit of stuff that i have there's the brave every bit um everything that i've won here and what little bit i've invested out of myself which isn't much ah come on baby oh we got ten thousand dollars worth of silver how did i miss that there's my retirement oh i hate to hit up jram yeah boy west virginia they couldn't make it any more illegal the problem is west virginia is outside of coal there's not a lot of industry here in eastern panhandle where i live they got we got the irs the coast guard there's a lot of different government buildings but uh so anything they can do for profit it helps the state out obviously which in return helps the schools and so i guess they jumped on that train when they could and apparently man the lottery's done whoa check that out the thing is barely hanging on there and they told me it wasn't gonna come off hanging on by tire now oh and you know what's going to happen is that things won't get stuck inside and shoot no there's all there is one two three four five coin pushers here you think i would know that without having to count yeah there's five coin pushers there's a call machine there's the chicken game which everybody loves there's a game that it's an old style slot machine that get pays out quarters and you can use your winnings towards these games instead i had to do a buy-in um and i think that's it gravity works douglas is out i missed something on price of silver oh it's an inside joke bud it's an inside joke it's a mistake that uh i made a long time ago i thought silver's price was worth a lot more than what it was and i won an ounce of silver and i i thought i had something worth a couple hundred bucks and thankfully i got a lot of educated people who watched the channel and they corrected it i actually had to put a video out basically saying i'm sorry i made such a dumb mistake so now we just say it's the ten thousand dollar silver one oh yeah we've uh i don't know if y'all remember but i've done i've done it on live streams before i went over and played it but we can do that i mean it's cool it's it's called the balloon bars balloon bars i used to i used to play a lot i used to when i'd get done i'd go over there and try to win quarters for next time yeah exactly it's a place all but shut down they unfortunately the bingo hall is completely down but they're going to bring it back because apparently you wouldn't believe i've got to know these people up here very well you wouldn't believe how much money they make like seriously i never in a million years would have thought about how much revenue is for bingo but they said they sell uh they still sell scratch off tickets or not scratch off um what are those things called um oh they got a certain name but you get it and they fold them out and some of them holders anyways they do that too so anyways uh got another 30 so what we got four i am completely confused where we're at we got another 30 compared up there pull tab there we go but they do those too but you know what's impressive about bingo is how people have a whole table full of cards and they sit there like bam bam bam bam all the way down through pretty impressive a fire hall i used to uh volunteer at they they did bingo for a while then they built a new station and uh they put a big old bingo hall inside of it but obviously they're shut down oh thank you yes i get to keep my winnings um there's i don't keep what's in here because most of stuff that's in here is uh is fake they don't put in biggest i've said it before but there's three different reasons why they do that number one is that way they don't have to go through and empty every machine out every night in hopes that someone doesn't come in here and break in it wouldn't be that hard to get into the building that's one two uncle sam wants his money and they got to keep track of what goes in and goes out and you can do it like i do and go ahead and pay taxes now or you can wait till the end of the year and claim it which is in the butt and i would mess that up 20 computers wow yeah you're right you're exactly right about that oh there we go yeah he was already seeing that trunk right there holding all that up that's a bunch of quarters there waiting too there you go 1099 g on wins over 1200 that's how it is at the uh charlestown casino they uh when you went over i guess it's 1200 they have to think you can do it then or claim it later but i've never had too much luck of winning too much over a thousand if i leave with 300 in my pocket i feel like i had a good day how do you spell the name of that canadian company it's called tell t-i-l-r-a-y tail ray last night lost the stock was going for 22 a share and uh everybody man after that i started this thing has gotten me into a lot of things got me into gold it got me it's given me an educational stock things that i never you know i thought about what i've never done but i did some investigating on that company and they said it's literally going to be the next google now's the time to buy dollars a share heck even if you just wouldn't call a couple shares you know hang on to it australia favorite pizza from australia and then you gotta love my uh oh wow what's his name geez why am i having a brain fart the string coin pusher that's so funny i love that channel yeah that's a good dog heads up definitely all right guys so that was officially my last quarter all right let me see where we are officially at right now oh man all right so we got another thirty dollars added to the cup so i'm not 100 sure we're at but we got another bitcoin entry this one is the uh dash that's korean nothing matters uk 380. is that counting that though the hummer too oh look there's a there's one of those buffalo nickels with the there's three three gram gold bar or whatever green yeah grams gold coins so that's something neat to try to get oh hey well welcome back samuel yeah i might have to i just don't know how they would be about removing she was supposed to be i think the drunk guy scared him off i tell you man i know every state has their loud and crazy people but for whatever reason west virginia just seems to have a over abundance of them oh come on baby oh thank you mitch i tell you i do i feel so much better so much and it's crazy because when i went and got my x-ray my lungs don't look that much better my family physician said that oh there it is all right so that that's going to be a big help i think gold's down a little bit i think it's like 50 some dollars a gram now but it doesn't matter he'll go back up so we can just say 150 bucks i keep grandma's vacuum granny i need you to come down here and fix this for me see if i can actually win that silver bar this time gold is at 56.07 a gram how's it today thank so there you go so i watch this cool uh i watch this cool documentary it's actually kind of old but it was called echo in the canyon it was basically about the california music scene back in the 60s like mamas and papas but it was pretty good wait a minute oh it's stuck in the chute i don't know if you all can see it but that circle thing is stuck in a chute that's a good you know hopefully there is something in there we've been putting enough quarters in there hopefully that thing will fall soon [Applause] ah dodge corn you know that's something that i have a dog coin dog corn like it's called that's right sharon no i think i refrain from licking the quarters vancouver awesome thanks for being here [Music] do [Music] so let me see if i can go i wish mike was here because we got that cash right there too and then we got uh this thing is still not balanced right bounces wherever it wants to wisconsin oh there was a good one thanks so much for being here guys i might have to get them to get that out when i'm done playing all right so we got some more cash here and we've got another bitcoin entry so there's one of those and as far as cat ooh this is a good one so we got a 50 and a 10. so there's an extra 60 bucks man we gotta be getting close to breaking get the drunk guy back oh that's so funny yeah they were purposely trying to keep him out of here i think it's one reason why mike had me come out because he sees this and good lord knew what he was done come back later that night and broke in here you know i'm surprised that they use quarters here i'm surprised that they don't use tokens oh christine thank you so much hey you hey you back thank you so much for the super chat super nice love you no i don't make enough to to buy a car but i'll tell you what my next investment's gonna have to be seriously is gonna have to be um i'm about to get a gaming blast off i really really i need something that has huge wi-fi because this is a metal building so i think that might affect the wi-fi signal as sharon said there's brace retirement barge is sitting right there santa fe texas um i have well i think it was uh oh an ounce wise oh goodness you know i'm not 100 sure i'm pretty certain that i'm up to almost three ounces of gold i think so i might be wrong but i was last time i checked i think i was getting close to three all the silver dropped oh there one brings retirement now i can fish the same rich never in my life oh i'm filthy rich filthy filthy rich six thousand yeah it was that's right come on baby come on oh there's another twenty dollars in the hole oh twenty five dollars now jeez i'm so that's rough there you go all i got michael 20 2500 now shout out from mike hawk winnipeg canada thank you mike big shout out to you platinum gosh i wonder how much an ounce of platinum would cost oh there we go here we go all right so that was officially my last quarter let's go down here and collect all right so oh thank you samuel thank you so much for being here and i greatly appreciate it have a good night and i hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow hello from oregon thank you brandon twelve hundred and nine dollars an ounce for platinum whoa man that's what i'm talking about there's a guy's youtube channel trying to think what his name is there's a lot of gold hunting but you just talking about platinum and where you find it how you get it and why it's so expensive that was 40 frank i'm sorry yeah that last one was 40 bucks [Music] all right so i'm gonna play the left side a little bit maybe i can get uh because obviously there's nothing but that 50 chip there on the right [Music] maybe we can get that uh cash and stuff off there amy asked about the hole in the center so what that is it's called a bonus hole and when quarters will keep dropping down in there and then when enough weight drops there's a thing that it'll drop down into the chute it's pretty loud normally you all can hear it but sometimes they put like random stuff in there too like gold or cash or stuff like that so it's kind of like a cool little bonus yeah this one does that all that and then the other machine has where enough course uh down it comes out of the top oklahoma there you go dead man switch now they have those train engines keep you from falling asleep you don't keep your foot on it don't hit the emergency that was good oh there it is did you all hear it all right let's go down here and see oh no it was just quarters i didn't put anything in there oh that's a bummer well we got the bonus hole though [Applause] that's crazy you were just asking about the bonus it happened right afterwards so now what happens is after that thing falls it will stay down so all the quarters that fall in there now just go into the uh the little coin slot that they have you can't win it twice oh thank you so much i appreciate that i am feeling so much better i feel like a new man i truly do count my blessings so i got a funny story to tell you all maybe it's not so funny i don't know but oh both of them are down now so as as most people know majority of my career has been in ems work 24-hour shifts we uh they switched it it used to be sometimes 2401 48 off 241 five day i mean they had it all over the place and then now it's 24 148 all but because of that my sleeping schedule was always messed up so you know sometimes i was up all 24 hours and then come home and take a nap and it was always messed up so after i take not every night but i take sleeping meds and uh the problem with sleeping meds is if you don't go straight to sleep you can do some dumb things well the other night i put a post up on my facebook and youtube page talking about new ideas for videos and i could do ems and stuff needless to say that was a sleeping med message i woke up the next day and read it was like oh man josh i know to stay away from the computer so i deleted it but yeah no yeah it's uh don't edit videos and sleep meds right i'm telling you i do some of the dumbest out order things from amazon i just that's why i don't take it every night of course i don't want my body to get used to it too and think i'm still awake and sleep but man i seen that i was like oh man i mean it could have been worse i could put a different message out but i was talking about i could do ems videos and and the biggest reason why this stuff's always on my mind i want to do new fresh stuff but i don't know what i was trying to get to oh thank you dustin i appreciate it i can only imagine what my uh edited videos look like we play you win if i didn't sleep with that oh i'd probably i'd probably put all kind of crazy stuff in there all kind of crazy songs in the background oh so funny so the moral of the story is most how i'm good with handling it but if there's ever a three o'clock in the morning message that pops up and it doesn't make a lot of sense and it disappears the next day that's from that current status is negative seventy dollars on 580 okay how to dance brought to you by joshua bartley i know i was i put a thing up here saying teaching ems skills like what how am i gonna what am i gonna teach i don't know what i'm gonna teach people that want to learn ems skills they go to school for that oh i was so embarrassed but some people apparently thought it was a good idea he's the basics all right so uh what is ems emergency medical service so basically uh emt paramedic i work uh for the county that i live in but i mean ems is like a broad name because that kind of covers like hospital and you know stuff like that but uh emergency medicine is you know more your people come to you in the ambulance trying to do what they can do because i'm gonna make a brinks truck you know i don't know you know where i got the idea for this video the name of it is i was watching this video on youtube of a guy who opened up the side door to a brink's trunk all this was out in the open he opened it up got the keys to the back and stole like i don't know how many hundreds of thousand dollars worth of gold out of the brinks truck right in daylight so it made me think about brinkstraw ah come on baby i really need really need this stuff to start moving i know if i can get them i just don't know how she's gonna be about moving that for me because a lot of times they look at this as this benefits them so we'll see we'll see you know what you're right i didn't see that 50 chip so let's go ahead and get what we can get right now let's get that 50 chip off there come on baby hi monica armpire i'm good how are you doing so much better actually just getting outside today um just getting outside and being able to uh oh thank you wayne i really appreciate that aussie coin pusher julie yes that's who i was talking about earlier i love all z coin pusher i couldn't think of his name i love that channel that's a good dude he's funny yes hey come and kick it watch it rain indiana oh man and we had some bad rains last night sounded like though the old saying captain dog that's what it sounded like oh the 50 fell all right so there's 50 dollars closer all right so now we gotta focus on this stuff right here if possible his name is jason okay okay no nancy i didn't i'm sorry i missed your comment that's awesome gary asked i'm on location but sometimes i do record for my house um sometimes i get up in the office and i'll do like a i know there's not the most entertaining videos but i'll do a video you know talking and catching up with everybody sometimes when stuff goes on no if i was at my house the wi-fi would be a lot better my grandmother on the other hand her wi-fi is terrible that's the reason why it's going in and out can you say grayson please absolutely hey grayson love the name awesome nancy that sounds great i totally look forward to it all right so we got another 50. 50 joshua thank you so much awesome name by the way but thank you so much for the super chat you are awesome i greatly appreciate that yeah the neighbors shed wi-fi i keep telling them look you got to get some boosters out here man how can i run a channel if your wi-fi is not working oh so funny i'm serious if any of you all are artistic at all if you could draw a picture one or two pictures a picture like me in a little tin uh shed playing the coin pusher in someone's backyard or the one with grandma upstairs like watching her uh golden girls and i'm downstairs playing point pusher okay nancy that sounds awesome i have some stuff that now just to let you know and anybody can tell you i am so slow and shipping stuff i'm trying to get better but my demonstrations especially after that disaster of december or whatever you want to call it with all those coins that i sent got threw out such a pain so we're gonna have to remember today that there is three there's a buffalo nickel and uh three grams of gold that they're gonna have to get out for me but it's stuck in the chute we've been using uh pitney bowels works decent for shipping i'm gonna have to look that up pick me penny bows pick me babes oh thank you so much uh pop popper gaming well if you caught titanic coins i just won one i think i have like two of them two or three all right so i'm gonna try i'm just basically gonna play until i'm out of quarters i think it's been a good day i'm happy even josh keep it downstairs while she watches your stories right tara i've got everybody from the auctions taken care of officially i can honestly say that i got everybody from the auction taken care of that was the one good thing i did do but there's so much other stuff that i got to send down oh my gosh i'm so so bad with it but the auction stuff i got that one that one that was a bit of good news with that officially uh i think it was windy wendy i i shipped out uh friday or thursday i think so yes i definitely uh i've definitely got a lot of coins over the years between playing from here and playing for flying j's um i was on a kick there for a while just trying to win uh thank you smart um pre was it 1960 what year was it when the quarters were all silver um i used to collect a lot of those that was my last two quarters guys see what comes out of this and one quarter but i'm happy i might not be completely even but i hit it flying all right so let's do this uh i'm sure some quarters are going to fall but let's go ahead and start counting up and see what we've done i've had fun what is it 1009 i mean it was a good day a little man just got home so i definitely like to go see him so let's uh let's start making a pile here yeah there's a titanic yeah i finally got everybody everybody taken care of as a friday thank you goodness gracious that was that was completely my fault just completely 100 my fault lost the paper didn't know there for a while what went to who it was just a disaster all right so let's go ahead and start so we got uh 20 40 60 80 100 let me put this 50 to the side 20 40 60. 80 200 20 40. there's a five 40 60 80. okay there's there's 300 in cash well no no no no i'll take it back i'm sorry there's 355 dollars in cash um so we got 355. now so we'll count in that winning that too 355 455 555. with chips um we got one two three entries into the picture oh three entries into the bitcoin drawing for whenever that inspires yeah right i'm telling you um apparently a 25 silver bar and we got the titanic queen elizabeth coin so what was that six where are we at looking on 6 to 55 is that where we're at 655 thirty dollars in profit oh and wait a minute we forgot about the uh three grams of gold which i never really count that as a monetary always just as a prize but we got three grams of gold and a buffalo nickel i don't even know how much buffalo knuckles is uh oh 74 canadian dollars awesome so guys i'm happy i had fun we cleared most of this off if mike was here i would have him move that but it's not mike um not everyone does the same thing that others do but uh we could probably got that off there but i should truly had a lot of fun i had a name announced in november like i said guys i just that is my if i have one weakness you know superman has his kryptonite buying his shipping stuff which is terrible when jeff was here me and jeff had a ledger and we wrote down names and we put it to the side and when email came in we would sign it it was so organized and after that i just got so unorganized even when i try to get organized i'm unorganized and then when all that stuff happened with all those coins i shipped and they started getting damaged in the mail coming out that just really threw me through i mean seriously but guys thank you all so much for everything i had a lot of fun i'm so sorry that the live stream was late tonight but i had a lot of fun talking to you all i feel great um it was just a good night and i'm ahead i haven't lost so you know that's what i do yeah i need to use uh click names little ledger right i need you spreadsheet uh yes i think we counted 100 for the truck um i have to take that off there and i'll get all my cash you know as i'm leaving here but it's sunday and i know they want to get home too here it is 10 o'clock guys have a great evening i'm gonna go home thank you misty i'm gonna go home and spend some time with little man um wendy sent a surprise out to him so i get to show him that i know he's gonna be tickled uh but have a great sunday have a great week i'll have a new video out wednesday i have a new video on facebook tomorrow well a video on facebook tomorrow but outside of that guys have a great evening thanks so much for watching and i will talk to you all soon have a good night guys there we go we play you wins getting ready to go live go click on their channel and go over check out their live stream i promise you'll enjoy
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 10,545
Rating: 4.8472905 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine
Id: eB40y1apDEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 4sec (4624 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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