The Death Korps of Krieg - Flawed Masters of Trench Warfare and Dead Memes

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well i was going to take the plunge into pure lore eventually the rules make my head hurt so i can't become ospec's tactics or anything similar and i already made the guard do or don't so the rules are more or less covered to the extent i'm capable of doing so i mean i could go into the specifics of stats for krieg models but i'm going to make the assumption that most of you don't plan on spending the several grand necessary to build a proper krieg-only army listen man if you want to spend your college tuition on resin then by all means i won't stop you but i'm making this video for the people whose monetary decisions don't all revolve around james workshop all that being said grig is a fun faction to talk about and lore but you know a tad bit covered already but i want to talk about them now and besides they have one of the very few warhammer backstories that isn't grim and dark because games workshop did the usual thing it went chaos cass is the bad guy no one can do anything in this universe without a tying back to chaos in some way nope krieg is the epitome of 40k grimdark without any outside help just good old-fashioned human awfulness none of that demonic crap you'd think games workshop would make stories along that vein more often love him or hate him everyone is at least aware of the fact that krieg exists so there's clearly some kind of market for it you'd think that as a company it would just make sense to capitalize that and try and recreate the success of krieg but there i go again trying to apply logic to games workshops business decisions but i wildly digress let me tell you about krieg in the death court spawn for what's probably the fifth time you've ever heard about this no bs memes being presented as fact here and we'll even start with the planet's history because believe it or not they have one triggers don't just pop up like a fungus whenever enough pill boxes are built in an area but before i do that first i have to tell you about how this video was sponsored by rage shadow legends we're back for round two baby let's go the game with hundreds upon hundreds of hero choices and combinations hasn't gone anywhere and now it's time for raid's three year anniversary this month happy birthday video game i'm happy for you and they've kept pumping out things for the game all these years let's look at this magical book for a showcase of some of the features added doom tower bit melodramatic the name you say not at all there's 120 levels of bosses that would love nothing more than to eat your soul and or body don't worry they don't discriminate new players and old players alike can all be devoured more bosses and heroes it's pretty simple here you add more heroes to the hero game please stay with me now they've all got pretty awesome designs i mean just look at the sketches i wanted to creating them some of them have really nice features on their sketches and designs a whole new feature shadowkin because adding new characters isn't enough last year ray decided we need a whole new damn faction do you like samurai aesthetics don't answer that the answer is yes because samurai are cool and the shadow can have that and more liberated from the forces of evil the shadow can still aren't quite what i'd call good guys a little bit of gray morality with these guys something spicy for you and the hydra look he's coming out of a present is he cute no he's not cute he's the hardest boss in the game you know how hydras have multiple heads yeah all these heads do something different there's no one-size-fits-all strategy here if you come in here swinging without a plan then say goodbye and you'll deserve it too because i'm telling you about it right now and you still went in without a plan there's more to say of course tis once again a celebration for the three year anniversary of raid this month free gifts for everyone it's reverse birthday you don't need to give gifts to raid if you down the game raid will give gifts to you but wait there's more new champions are being added new artifact sets a fully personalized video about every player's raid achievements everyone's phone will turn into a raid style transformer and take you away on a magical journey okay i made that last part up but the rest is still true and on top of this there's a whole month of special events and tournaments win characters win sweet sweet shards and win more if you don't own raid yet well guess what there's a link in the description and a qr code right here on screen that'll give you a special birthday package worth forty dollars four zero forty four tens the three heroes misery cord tiger soul and romero are back if you foolishly didn't download the game with my last link then now's your chance to grab them and 10 force xp magic xp and spirit brews each enough brews to make a dwarf moderately tipsy and it can all be yours but of course you've only got 30 days to redeem all this so if you wait you're gonna miss out and probably make the hydra cry and you don't want that do you not unless you're some kind of monster but if you already have the game fear not it's a birthday celebration there's still stuff for you just punch in three years rating you'll get 25 dollars worth of free gifts new and old players alike what else can i say i could say you should download raid again i guess download raid just click the link in the description and i'll see you in the game we have finished the ad it is now time for krieg how do we start with that name because dear god i think we finally found the least subtle games workshop name in the history of the franchise it's just war who names a planet war did whoever colonize it hear about the german language but never actually learned what the words meant or was it founded by future germans and they thought if they named that ironically it would be a really nice place to live you know like iceland well either way they foreshadowed what was going to happen to it nice and succinctly anyways before the planet of krieg started cosplaying the fallout universe it was a regular old hive world it was actually a pretty prosperous trading and manufacturing hub sure it was still a high world and therefore the vast vast majority of people lived in conditions that could generously be described as unpleasant but hey it was no worse than any other high world in the imperium at the very least because it was a trading and manufacturing world there was always some fresh face merchant from off world who could generously donated the food supply by getting devoured by cannibals okay i might be making that last part up for dramatic effect but it's a hive world that's not the least likely thing to happen by far funnily enough the state of affairs actually lasted for most of the imperium's history i mean you'd expect a planet called war to be targeted by a dozen different orc invasions on the daily but not wasn't until the year 433 m40 for things to go really bad you see unfortunately for krieg the planet was ruled by something just called the council of autocrats more wonderfully unsubtle naming and you see the funny thing about people in power is that they generally like to keep that power so these guys started getting paranoid and started turning their cities into fortresses though to make a dwarf jealous and then they started getting bitter towards the imperium about getting taxed all the time because how dare anyone abuse our populace and steal their resources no one has the right to do that but us and then one day on the aforementioned year 433 m40 things went bad the governor of the planet who was apparently such a heinous man that his very existence has been reckoned away by the imperium declared independence and then a whole bunch of nobles went right with him in fact most of them did he also decided to renounce the emperor as a god because at this point you might as well just full send the whole insurrection thing but thankfully there was one man left to call for help colonel jerton and call for help he did before the imperium at large finally responded and told him to sort of the mess himself or so help them god they might actually do something truly the imperium always has mankind's best interest at heart so mr colonel jordan found a whole bunch of atomic bombs at a shed somewhere weighed his pros and cons and turned the whole world into atomic soup and that still didn't end the civil war because of course it didn't but because the rebels were the ones the nukes were pointed at they got the worst of it i mean as much as anyone can be worse off than anyone else in nuclear war and after a nice and short 500 years krieg was back in imperial control now to go back in time for a brief moment the guys in charge of taking stock of the imperium's inventory saw the crew got nuked and pretty much run it off as a loss i mean when your subjects start blowing each other away with atomic weapons it's a pretty safe assumption i'd say so upon hearing that krieg was actually still alive and kicking the administration celebrated the most imperium of man way possible by immediately demanding that krieg sent a regiment of men to the imperial guard as soon as possible krieg sent 20. well damn and thus was the death core of krieg introduced to the galaxy at large with something called vitae womb technology which could be anything from star wars clone trooper vats to big rooms filled with a lot of people going at it all the time they always provide as much manpower as the imperium asks for and then more and they're pretty good at what they do in fact in the areas they excel in they're probably the best in the whole damn guard but wait a minute before you write me off as another shovel humper that was a loaded sentence in the areas they excel at implies there's areas they don't do so hot in and you know what there's a whole lot of areas kriegsman are useless at that's right you shovel mean spewing kaiser worshiping sycophants krieg can do things wrong and they aren't equipped to handle everything first off krieg is of course based on world war one trench combat this isn't news because the name of the planet is just german for war people automatically assume they're based on germans technically yes but not just the germans more the concept of world war one combat as a whole really what did you think it was only the germans in world war one who built trenches while everyone else just sat in the middle of no man's land playing rock paper scissors to see who was getting shot at first in fact do me a favor and look at a french world war one uniform and a kriegsman side by side you'll notice that a they look almost identical and b the french aren't german but krieg shovel kaiser shotgun meme so what do i know since i brought it up and i'm just complaining about memes right now before i get back to actually talking about them shovels are not krieg's main form of combat you cretans will they use them in combat well yeah why wouldn't they if they had to a shovel to the head is pretty painful turns out but in my humble opinion i think they're more likely to use the you know i don't know the gun in their hands with a pointy bit of metal on the end of it before resorting to construction equipment and they don't commit suicide by minefield at the earliest chance they get the desired death is a form of atonement for their planet's rebellion and seek to take as many people with them before they go you can't take anyone with you if you clear a minefield by walking on top of it the problem with krieg is that there are three interpretations you can make of it there's the sad pitiable version of it because they're an army of grown-up child soldiers who are brainwashed to think they need to die for the sins of people long since dead there's the stoic side of them that refuses to budge under even the most deadly of circumstances because nothing short of their skin melting off is going to faze at kriegsman and then there's the version where the best regimen ever and have sabaton songs constantly blaring in the battlefield as they run headfirst in the enemy to beat them to death with a shovel now in a vacuum none of these are inherently bad interpretations even the last one because it kind of leads into the sillier parts of 40k the problem is between memes and people not actually looking into the subject matter the last one is all people ever hear about and it's annoying as hell it makes people dislike a regiment that otherwise is outstandingly cool and just generally a great piece of warhammer lore but i've complained about memes long enough hopefully exactly long enough to make people know i'm not just here to make shovel jokes so getting back to the lore of this lore video what is the death core of krieg actually good at attrition warfare in a nutshell if the situation requires the guard to stay put and hold no matter the losses you can't do better than krieg any enemies whose whole shtick is charging headfirst and melee are going to have a bad time because every member of the death corps has a bucket list that starts and ends with murder suicide once again corn proves he is the worst chaos god blood letters and berserkers bravely rush across the field to be immediately gunned down by a five mile long trench system of artillery and last cannons same for slaanesh in this case sure they're a whole lot faster than corn but also a lot weaker and vulnerable to things like any form of concentrated firepower whatsoever orcs as well though they at least might build some stompa or other unholy abomination of metal that lets them get close as a general rule of thumb any enemy that focuses either primarily on melee or attrition warfare themselves is probably going to hand the death core of victory on a silver platter the iron warriors may be just as good at building fortifications in siege warfare but the funny thing about a really big cannon is that it doesn't really matter if a space marine or a normal guy is the one pointing it at the enemy the tyranids i'd say are a 50 50 chance because while they primarily focus on rushing into melee the hive mind is so adapted that the moment they find a weakness in the greek lines they're going to pour in and start murdering guardsmen like it's going out of style also in one of the cane books the man himself mentions how infiltration organisms like lichters are sent in once the hive mind figures out where the major defensive locations are and that sort of thing would be a death sentence for krieg let alone something like a trigon burrowing under the trench you also can't really scare the kriegsman as a whole so nightlords probably aren't gonna cut it better than corn because they acknowledge that stealth is in fact a thing but what are you gonna threaten them with death that's kind of the end goal of a krieger regiment that equals redemption so you can't really threaten them with a bad time oh i'm sure whoever gets captured is going to have a miserable time but the army as a whole is just going to fight you even harder for being a dick oh and they're also perfect for places like the wastelands of hive worlds and other areas of the galaxy where you can best describe the environment by saying the planet has cancer yeah those gas masks they wear not just for show turns out that exact thing actually happened in caiaphas kane minor spoilers are head but nothing intensely plot related so cover yours real quick if you don't want to hear quick quick here it comes the corps were deployed to the most inhospitable parts of the planet that had the fortune to be defended by caiaphas cain and they did not care because when everyone in the army has a death wish a little thing like the atmosphere being 90 toxic waste does not slow him down but don't think that all this makes creek invincible oh no no no not even close if the enemy excels at speed agility and generally not just charging directly at a trench line then krieg is screwed picture this cree gets all their forces lined up the trenchers are ready and armed to the teeth and they're ready to fight kill and die the name of the god emperor of mankind then a web weight portal opens up behind them and they all get massacred by howling banshees the elder are a hard counter to creed because they just don't have to deal with that kind of attrition warfare you know how france but that really big wall of fortresses before world war ii and then germany just kind of walked around it vastly simplifying i know but that's the gist of it well the death corps is france in this scenario the eldar are just going to teleport right behind the fortifications and obliterate them also almost all of their vehicles are lightning-fast hovercraft they don't need to worry about getting caught in no man's land because they just float over it and the krieg lines of defense if the death corps tries to chase the eldar well you're chasing the eldar you aren't going to catch them they just run circles around krieg and whittle them down to nothing over the course of about five minutes it's even worse with the dark eldar a bunker may as well be a gift-wrapped christmas present the clouds and craft worlders also have magic trenches aren't so effective when someone waves their hand and lightning appears the same problem happens when fighting against each only even worse because at least you can put a wall between yourself and the lightning hard to do that when instead of lightning they just opened a portal directly to hell beneath your feet how about the tau well not as much of a curb stop as the eldar but their technology is so advanced i can't imagine trench warfare would really phase them they're quick enough to avoid mass artillery and their battle suits are tough enough to handle small arms fire long enough to take him out also pulse rifles beat last gun so while krieg has the advantage of experience in a war of attrition the tao had the advantage of their weapons not being squirt guns additionally certain enemies can still overwhelm them if they're tough enough and krieg doesn't have enough of a numbers advantage nergalite forces while being slow and not exactly hard to miss can take the hits creaks and throw at them or they could just vomit poison gas on them like the purge did that got creek good to be fair they only retreated by one trench line so like 50 feet max but that hardly makes the guys who got gassed any less melty necrons as well can give them a real hard time when you can repair all of the last gun wounds in the world it's kind of irrelevant if you shoot the neck around 100 times if you can't finish him off of course artillery can still hurt the slow-moving necrons so it might not be a total defeat it's just not going to be an easy victory by any definition for the death corps and if the necrons break out the real big boys like a catan shard they're going to win handily though whether or not they would for just a bunch of kriegsman is a matter of debate because i think it's funny to end on this krieg has a habit of people thinking them as door stops whenever they show up in lore that doesn't explicitly feature them once again here we go when they show up in the caiaphas kane novel fair is fair as he fights alongside them he's more than happy to appreciate their suicidal bravery but before that he's just kind of like yeah they're crazy i don't get what it's all about and the japal regiments think they're utter doormats they're more than happy to let the kreesmen take the bullets for him but they don't really care for the whole dying for the emperor deal i just think it's hilarious that every fan of the franchise seems to either love them or hate them but in universe everyone except the administrator just kind of treats krieg with utter indifference so there's the death core of krieg a faction that by all rights should be a real fan favorite but because there's nothing more fun than beating a dead horse a lot of people dislike them oh well hope we could give a slightly different spin on these fellas since i know plenty of people have covered them already it's just fun to talk about the gas mask lads what can i say thank you of course to my channel members who are the trench line to my creed combat tactics keeping me safe from artillery fire and letting me continue on artillery fire in this case representing something bad filling your own interpretation the support is greatly appreciated regardless of my ability to properly form metaphors thank you for watching and take care out there [Music] oh i'm sure that you've heard of it but if you haven't there's a krieg romance novel titled and this is a treat my wish to generate children with you is only exceeded by my devotion to him because even the romance novels are bland and depressing perfect fit for this regiment honestly you gotta appreciate what they do but lord knows talking to one of these chumps would be the blandest experience you've ever had
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 374,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, WH40k, 40k, Games Workshop, PancreasNoWork, Imperial Guard, Astra Militarum, Death Korps of Krieg, Krieg
Id: R9e7nSc-iKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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