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the battle of amarah the battle of amarah was to prove a crucial turning point in the history of the orphan War and the largest confirmed single loss of life in a confined engagement within living memory in segmentum tempestas it would also become the Crux of what has since become known as The orus Salvation campaign the protracted counter assault to hold back back and defeat the nekron onslaught across the sector after the disastrous first stages of the orphan War Eve of Destruction the onslaught had consumed more than half of the inhabited star systems that made up the orus sector and had done so in just less than a 100 standard days sewing panic and Terror on a vast scale and ending the lives of billions in doing so the Invaders had zown all before them into disarray Savage battles becoming desperate Retreats and Retreats becoming anarchic route as the sector's forces were overcome and Scattered the Invaders ravaging ever onwards to Victory after Victory no Imperial Force available was able to do more than delay the enemy's Onslaught or stay their progress then seemingly inexplicably they stopped at Amar under the oversight of sector commander and governor general calibron Lan and his military Council all forces that could be availed upon were concentrated and rallied with haste none knowing just how long this pause in the attack would [Music] continue as time wore on and no attack came LS growing paranoia and seeming insatiability as a Time unknown in its particular cause weighed heavily in the battle plans and dispositions of forces that were enacted in amaras defense the out of sector reinforcements that now began to arrive in response to Leon's cause were largely channeled directly to the buildup at amarar other local units from the worlds of the arantis cluster and Eastern portions of the sector as yet Untouched by War were stripped wholesale of their defensive positions and likewise redirected to Amara weakening the protection of their home World an act which greatly damaged morale and planetary political stability leading to outright Mutiny on several occasions which needed to be brutally dealt with by the commissariat within a quarter span of a standard year the forces arrayed at amarar had grown to colossal proportions with over 19 million Imperial Guardsman in place with perhaps 10 times that amount of reservists and militia raised under emergency edict and armed and equipped with a cadium pattern to the strictest provisions of the departmental munitorum foremost amongst the off-world Imperial Guard formations in Marshall power and one of the last contingents to arrive in system were 2 million troops Dawn from the death core of C spearheaded by the veteran 17th lion Corp under the command of Marshall Caris Vena additionally several Space Marine chapters had answered the orphan sector's Call to Arms including the entirety of the minors chapter its Vanguard elements now sweeping through the northern orus sector alongside a company of the Marauders chapter which also deployed to the Amaral system while detachments of the red sarus and Nemesis chapters were known to be on Route the Armada masked in amarra's void space at this time was no less impressive comprised Rising several hundred escort cast vessels and more than 60 rated Cruisers and capital vessels of the Imperial Navy including several Primus grade battleships and four Space Marine battle barges with the ancient and stored ARA Dominus as their Flagship seldom in the history of the Imperium had such overwhelming forces been seen in the defense of but a single star system as the Silence of the Invaders Drew out and time pass the rush to defend amarar seemed no longer so pressing and calls for more immediate action to meet the enemy's forces became common but Lan and his Council remained adamant an absolute moratorium was imposed on any attempt to Counterattack into the Lost regions of Orphan space or even conduct reconnaissance in force to ascertain if Imperial survivors still fought on isolated and alone or even to Aspire enemy movements and strength strength a dark Veil had been drawn across the sector's Lost World which L and his confidence seemed loathed to disturb the Battle of amarar began without Preamble or warning no deep range ory for told of their necron's coming and no astropath or sear prophesied their presence in the current of the imperion at 15 34202 local time scape a massive gravitational flux frang into being near the amarar system it shock waves causing the sun to violently eject plasma and radiation into space in a series of massive solar flares the fury of the injured star was such it reached as far as the orbit of the systems innermost planet oric and Flash incinerated everything on its day side in an instant across the amirar system sensor Nets and orpe scanners were blinded Vox traffic was drowned out and unshielded instruments rendered useless in the electromagnetic howl of the tormented star such was the confusion and tumult created by the sudden solar storms that it was not until the Sentinel for battle station in deep orbit around amarar Prime exploded in a rapidly expanding ball of burning glass and molten wreckage that it was realized that the long look for attack had finally come the necron host had Unleashed their Wrath the vast Imperial Battle Fleet on station further out at the fleet Anchorage of Layon an Amor 3 posted at what conventional wisdom dictated was the optimum location to best intercept ships translated into the system from the warp quickly brought backup systems and Optical surveyors online to view the destruction they found to their horror the image of a black Fleet of unknown vessels silhouetted against the burning death throws of the battle station the ships traveling at such near impossible speeds they were in range of Amaral Prime in moments and there was nothing that could be done to stop them nor even time to give a warning the enemy had appeared within the walls as the fleet raised its Mighty engines from their idling Slumber a process that would take time that amarar Prime could ill afford the ARA Dominus and sister ships were forced to watch impotently as flashes of golden and emerald light flickered around amarar as orbital minefields and weapons platforms were swept aside by the blacks blade and spear-like shapes of the Alien Invaders systematically amarar Prime was stripped of the defenses that so much blood treasure and time had forged and Sentinel 2 then Sentinel 1 each a battle station with the Firepower of an entire Cru a squadron in its own right were blasted into a p of burning wreckage and left to hang like fiery Omens in armor our primes night sky the capital world of the orus sector lay open for attack by the time the orbital defense batteries that shielded its high cities and the missile silos concealed beneath its gray Seas began to open fire wildly into the skies above the enemy was already at amra's gate dark and unnatural storms boiled in the skies above Riven with Vivid and corposant lightning while eery flashes of pale Radiance flickered in the shadows between the high spires and tunnels and passages deep below ground tactical Vox Nets still mired in howling static and interference were suddenly swamped with reports of attacks both from the ground and the air in the wide ceremonial plazas of the Kosen Hive a spectr Army of blackened iron had appeared between the lightning strikes and was advancing through the city streets slaughtering all before it at dunrod starport swarms of ravenous metallic insects in their thousands had erupted from the Subterranean access tunnels below devouring everything in their path and tearing apart the two shuttles and gunships on their slipways from within elsewhere in the high city of New vburg the largest of amoral Prime's arcologies was to be destroyed from the air as the Sleek shapes of Doom size and night shroud class attack ships fell upon it from the storm wrecked skies above the antimatter bomb released as lightless black containment spheres by the night shrouds shattered on contact with their four targets ripping them into Oblivion and rending great wounds into the spes which so undermined began to topple and crash down bringing in Untold Carnage upon their multitude strapped inside the half submerged complexes of the tritonis hive were likewise soon undone the city's defenses had long relied upon its Labyrinth of flood passageways and sub levels to impede and confuse any attacker but found that they were poor barricades Against the Machine dead things that came for them creatures with no need to breathe and to whom Darkness was Refuge assailed by mournful funeral barks that Rose from the black Waters bearing silent Legion of skeletal metallic Warriors and scissor handed fiends that crawled from the Shadows to do murder soon the air does and coral-like Heights of tritonis were also splined and falling its watery streets echoing with the screams of the dying beyond the cities that were the invader's primary targets military outposts were also soon attacked attacked by the Relentless nekron Invaders the foremost of these the polar Bastion militaris a Lynch pin of the pl def fences was Suddenly besieged by a fank of hulking war machines that hovered soundlessly over the ice flows seemingly Unstoppable by shot and shell they closed in relentlessly tearing apart the mountain hold fast with lashing blast of energy and Unleashed waves of seismic force that brought down the granite faces of the for fortress's curtain Wars as if they were made of sand the kilometers of prefabricated Barrack blocks on the moovan peninsula built to house nearly a million Guardsmen were simply annihilated from existence blazing lamp and shafts of light descending from orbit and leaving nothing but fine white ash and few silica glass where once a vast Army had stood rallying for War outmatched by an enemy that seemed to be suddenly everywhere and had the power to Simply materialize out of thin air The Defenders of amarar though thrown into disorder neverless fought back and fought back hard Against The Invader at Kosen the massacring legions were met by the tanks of the tan 234th armored Battalion who quickly learned that even the Small Arms of the Invaders proved lethal to their heaviest armor at close range knowing that to remain on the battle field would mean Swift destruction the commanders of the Battalion therefore pulled their vehicles back into the wide concourses where they could hope to engage their forward range in places almost jamming the area between the hab spes with Leman russes drawn up in staggered lines AB breast Manor and basilisk artillery tanks behind them providing barrage fire support at the first sight of the unliving ranks of the necron Warriors stalking to towards them the tan opened fire in an unrelenting barrage of shellfire at long range through which nothing could hope to survive even as rank upon rank were blasted apart and Scattered warriors were sent spinning into fragments more took their place and yet more still dragged themselves up from the Broken Ground and began to reassemble themselves to wh their metal bodies forward again the takan seeing with horror that their Fury was doing no more than holding the tide back could not relent their barrage and keep firing until their Cannon barrels began to Glow dull red with heat as shells were brought up with backbreaking haste to feed the guns a Savage stalemate of sorts had been achieved it was one that takan officers knew they could not sustain for long but little did they know that they would not get the chance to see how far their determination ammunitions could last against so so impliable a foe for the Valiant Guardsman of tekan death came from above and below testimony from the single survivor of the action then employed as part of the shell carrying train reports that the danger went unnoticed at first owing to a thunderous D of their own guns the first he saw of their plight was when a lance of burning heat like the blast from a melter gun only far more focused and prolonged instantly incinerated the troops in front of him and bisected a sentinel power loader nearby in a single sweeping Arc back attributes to luck the fact that he and his fellows were on the return to retrieve more shells or the Munitions would have surely ignited and he would have been instantly killed he described a huge black shape buzzing past directly over his head as he threw himself into cover and looking up in shock he saw the sides of the Spy Tower was around the armored column crawling with multi- segmented robotic insects of nightmarish size identified by the logists of the Ordo xenos as a canite these machine constructs propelled themselves downwards onto the trapped takan forces on torous wings of shadowy force slicing apart armored vehicles with their cutting beams before descending to smash and hack apart the survivors with bladed Limbs and energy re Stingers Anarchy quickly descended on the tan as trapped so closely to each other their tanks could not maneuver or bring their weapons to bear without hitting one another and their own troops with no less than General Slaughter ensuing takan Commando units attached to the armored Battalion sought to counter the attack with concentrated bursts of Hell gun fire and Man portable plasma Weaponry but this Counterattack was quickly over welmed when huge rapidly moving aroid likee constructs erupted from the ground beneath the takan and sealed the Trap these killing machines moving with bluring speed were able to pass through solid matter at will swiftly they completed the massacre smashing through the remaining battle tanks the carcasses of the takon Guardsman dismembered and sent spinning away as the killing machines tore past the entire 23 4th Battalion met its end in a span of no greater than 20 standard minutes with Trooper yawned back surviving by crawling into a sewer Culver and being Swept Away later to be summly executed for cowardice in the face of the enemy C in the days following the initial assault Amaral Prime had been blasted into a burning ruin and each of the main hives had fallen to the Invaders the necron hosts taking no prisoners and offering No Quarter Imperial resistance however was far from entirely spent and as the Havoc of the initial assault passed ad hoc formations and rallying points soon formed on the ruins and in the areas spared either by accident or by Design from the destruction that had been visited upon the world out on the carala industrial Plains which ranged for tens of kilometers to the west of the shattered ruins at new vburg Hive the death core of C were waiting a late arrival to the must at Armor and with their reputation preceding them the death core had been deployed to several ouve areas across the planet well away from the local forces's Barrack stations on the carala plains the 17th lion core had taken over an area of 100 square km of warehousing and manufacturer to house their forces finding these structures far less secure than was meted by their Doctrine they proceeded to exploit the underground utility tunnels that crisscross the area setting their Engineers to further expand them to create arms dumps and refuges when the onslaught came this foresight saw the lion core survive almost unscathed by the initial attack and once The Firestorm had passed they emerged from their improvised bunkers in their tens of thousands into the smoking ruins Resolute in their determination to drive the Invaders back the death core first dispersed into the wreckage of the industrial plane sweeping methodically across the shattered ground engaging the enemy linking up with other Imperial surviving groups and recovering armor and Munitions wherever they could be found it was Marshall vener of the death core who took charge of the battlefield at this point ordering the execution of several senior officers of the orphan guard he considered had failed in their duties and offering others the chance for glorious martyrdom in the front lines vena's command quickly grew to Encompass over 200,000 Guardsmen as well as a dozen scratchbuilt squadrons of attack aircraft formed from a score of decimated formations now dispersed into smaller groups for their protection and using cleared roadway Concourse designed for macro crawlers as air strips the disciplined death coure troops Veterans of such broken battlefields as armor ra had become used the shattered City Scapes as cover from which to fight using every Tumbl down ruin as an improvised strong point and concealing snipers and Lookouts amidst the Mounds of the Dead in the days that followed fighting against the necron forces was fierce the armored bodies of the enemy providing all but impervious to lire and their implacable war machines pretty naturally resistant to most heavy weapons in the Imperial Arsenal the death core however more than matched their Relentless foe with their determination to fight no matter the odds and quickly they shifted tactics through a combination of long-ranged indirect bombardments with artillery and extreme close assaults denying the nekron's own longrange Firepower as much as possible seeking to overwhelm the foe with sheer numbers and bloody determination these tactics met with great success but often came at a very high cost in lies likewise the combat engineers skilled in generations of tunnel fighting use seismic detectors to Shield their bunkers and tunnels from The ravening Assault of the necron's Coptic Scarab swarms with flamer and melter squads kept in permanent Readiness to respond to any sudden incursion From Below Marshall vener knew that such gains as his forces had made were at best transitory and with no hope of reinforcements arriving and with the necrons in command of much of the pl Sur it was only a matter of time before his forces were isolated surrounded and destroyed as soon as they were deemed a sufficient threat Vena decided that rather than see his command bled and destroyed without gain he would instead attack and pursue martyrdom in the Glorious destruction of The Emperor's enemies all he needed was a Target and he would soon be provided with one reconnaissance by elements of the Minor's chapter trapped on the planet surface during the attack had determined that in the rubble of new vurg Hive something alien had manifested in the darkness where wreckage had been stwn hours previously a step pyramid of strangely angled green black stone Ren with veins of pulsing Emerald light now rose up into the night drawing bolt after bolt of lightning from the troubled skies above to strike its apex and cause it to burn with glimmering Ghost Fire around this pyramid had formed lesser citadels of the same Maleficent Stone these being studded with Arcane weapons in placements and strange battlements connected to the main structure by angular trenches filled with glowing fog around the pyramid complex the skeletal figures of necrons moved in tireless Patrol and tides of scarabs and other construct swarmed in and out dragging a multitude of corpses and wreckage fragments with them to feed the pyramid's hunger against the stronghold of the enemy Marshall Vena ranged his forces for attack even as intelligence came in from forward observers of alien Stars being seen in the rent open storms above the pyramid through which blasted flares of emerald energy that surged up from its apex with deafening reports as they moved into position each of the men of the death course assault brigades knelt in silent ordered ranks crouching in the rubble and AR waiting for the C to battle as the alien lightning flashed and flickered in the shrouded night between the ruins in which the death core Marshal and the necron defenses lay was a rough kilometer of open ground blasted flat and scorched marking The Killing Zone which they would have to cross to reach their objective the signal was given at last and the death core Rose as one and began to advance across slowly evenly Gathering Pace as they left the rubble and entered the Blasted ground immediately the curving arcs of centy pylons materialized on the walls of the citadels and turned to track the advancing Army arcs of power visibly flaring along the strange necron battlements then the killing began howling beams of emerald energy blasted great sways of men from existence while Tesla cannons spat volleys of lightning that left anything they touched as blazing cinders hundreds fell in the first moments but the death core line did not waver in its advance and now from deep in the ruins behind them their own guns spoke impassively forward artillery observers had noted the range and dispositions of the necron's own heavy weapons and marked them for Destruction Vena had ordered that no Munitions were to be spared no Cannon left in reserve and the Deathcore basilis and preators answered his call with a furious bombard M sending tons of shells into the air to fall like deadly rain on their targets instantly the pyramid and its sub citadels were wreathed in a mantle of flame as hundreds of shells burst along the alien construct the pyramid flickered for a moment like a mirage on the horizon before becoming solid once again one of its outlying Obelisk Towers blasted to fragments in a stream of arcing lightning soon as a bombardment lashed out again again great chunks of black masonry were Torn Free from the structure and an eerie howl cut across the battlefield clearly audible even over the Thunder of the shellfire the nekron fire power was quickly redirected upwards sweeping the skies and Blasting apart the shells before they could reach their target and in the rest fite the death core pressed their advantage surging forwards while vena's tank companies held back until now roared forth from the rubble at Frank speed through the Des War lines towards their objective as the Imperial troops closed to a few hundred meters the ground before the Citadel burst open the scoring murderous canopic constructs directly into the oncoming death core troops the huge articulated bodies of the stalkers rose up and tore through the lines whilst hundreds of smaller scarabs dragged men down stripping the flesh from their bones they were met with bayonet and Flash gun flamer and frag grenade and the death core flowed like a tide around the killing machines while the tank companies entered range and opened fire with their battle cannons into the ranks of the shambling necron Warriors that were beginning to stream from the citadels on the Left Flank a squadron of macarius omega plasma tanks Unleashed blast like miniature Suns towards the defensive pylons heedless of their overheating cannon in their determination to strip the Citadel of its defenses while on the right centor carriers spreed forth through a storm of gor fire which blasted scores of them to shrapnel in order to deploy their quad launchers as close as possible to the enemy thousands fell tanks erupted into fire and a blizzard of shells was hurled against a Black Pyramid which began to break and crack smoke billowing and actinic lightning playing sickly across its splintering surface behind the Imperial lines the companies of troops Left Behind to defend the artillery position found themselves beset in a desperate battle to Stave of Twisted blade handed flares that came for them from the Shadows just as nekron attack craft shrieked from the skies to strafe them into Oblivion the squadrons of Imperial Lightnings and Avengers that tore through the night to intercept the lethal night size of the necrons were few but bravely they Dove Straight Into the Heart of the enemy squadrons they weapons blazing in the darkness each pilot commending their soul to the emperor and knowing that this would be their final battle the die was cast the battle was held in the balance and there could be no holding back already tens of thousands lay dead on the Blasted plane before him but Vena did not falter in ordering forth the second wave raising his sword high and leading the charge himself across the deadly ground the the death core filled the battlefield like a living tide of steel and fire and crushed and toppled the remaining Coptic stalkers that bar their path trampling the scattered scarabs into the Earth the death core reached the outer citadels of the pyramid complex just as their own shelfire began at last to falter but for the necrons it was too late the enemy was already upon them the human soldiers swarming like ants across the alien fortifications surrounded the necon warriors were brought down in murderous crossfires and the Machine creatures were driven back and destroyed one by one as for every C the nekron slaughtered a dozen more took their place everywhere across the structure breacher charges were slammed into place and melter bombs were hurled into enemy conduits and cracks in the armored edifice the violent detonation of the Black Pyramid blinded onlookers 5 km distant and carved an ash white crater out of the Wasteland that was very visible to vessels in orbit above the battle Savaged World although elsewhere the Imperial Defenders also saw degrees of success holding off if not repelling the Invaders The necron Invasion had been murderously effective each of the three major High cities was in ruins the plant principal starport was overrun and its Keystone defense facilities had been reduced to Rubble the death toll had climbed into billions and Amaral Prime burned the miner and the Reaper with its lethal cargo deployed to the surface and the conquest of the planet well underway the necron fleet had turned its attentions again to interplanetary space leaving amarar Prime covered in boiling black storms and Riv with the fiery streaks of wreckage re-entering its atmosphere in their wake the Imperial Armada rang Ed against them now AR raay in a vast Echelon formation and on full burn towards the inner system detected their movement and its captains cursed momentarily believing the Invaders would flee before the armada's cataclysmic gathered might leaving them no chance to avenge their failure to prevent the black Fleet from bringing about the deaths of so many on the plant's surface they were wrong the necron ships turning with almost contemp ous Grace formed themselves into perfect cresant shaped attack formation and locked onto a direct intercept trajectory with the heart of the Imperial Armada exhibiting sudden unearthly acceleration no human ship could ever hope to match on the flag bridge of the Apocalypse class Battleship arod Dominus Grand Admiral jorg Karu Knight commander of battlef orus watched the hollow spheres before him showing the onrushing enemy with great apprehension although his desire to avenge the losses his Fleet had suffered in the past months and the affront of the world he had solemnly sworn to protect unlike many of those under his command he would not let his wrath blind him the far power of the fleet at his disposal was of an unimaginable order of magnitude and more than capable of shattering entire worlds through Brute Force alone a factor he believed his foe was more than aware of now with the Imperial of battle orex is repaired he could ascertain that the black Fleet possessed less than a quarter of his own number of vessels and by Imperial standards far less in tonnage the bulk comprising what would comparatively be of the escort class in Imperial terms the larger vessels some 20 in number were according to the intelligence provided to him by the AO xenos identified as harvest ships while the foe matched his 11 greatest warships with two Monsters of their own together anchoring the center of the attacking cresant these tomb ships were gigantic each being over 15 km in Span and surmounted with strange pyramid-like structures that threw off incomprehensible energy readings which baffled and alarmed his magos they had already been codified the Sun Killer and the Dead Hand by the Imperial strategos and marked as the highest priority targets to all within the Armada the force represented the largest concentration of xenos necron vessels on record and kuu determined to give them the respect they deserved having conferred with the Sinister asterian molok chapter Master of the minor Space Marines the Minor's chapter Fleet commanded by the lumbering Relic assault ship deos Kata itself shielded by a dozen escort strike Cruisers had deployed into a second Echelon some way behind the armada's main line of battle poised either to deliver a killing blow after the lines had crashed or to intercept any breakthrough Force where the enemy's plans to punch straight through rather than engage to his own command he issued the direct order to all vessels to maintain formation and engage only as directed on pain of death and although the captains of many battle hungry destroyers and cruisers bulked the order they knew that their lives would be forfeit to their own shipboard commissars should they disobey with frightening speed the necron fleet had closed the empty void between them and was entering extreme weapons range before any more orders could be given or carried out the Imperial Armada though was first to speak its wrath hundreds of torpedoes spat from the launch tubes of the mass destroyers frigs and cruisers of the Imperial Force Blaze bling straight and true on pillars of fire towards the black Fleet that awaited them the necrons came on undeterred and as the torpedo swarm Drew closer they made no attempt to alter course or evade and as hundreds of thousands of kilometers of distance was eaten away to tens of thousands no avoidance Maneuvers nor counter fire issued from the ominous xenos warships on the flag bridge of the ARA Dominus all looked on in breathless silence as a torpedo entered terminal range suddenly where hundreds of blue icons had flickered on the holospheres tracking the projectile's flight Red Alarm glyphs now flashed frantically and simply disappeared scores of torpedoes simply ceased to function rendered inert and Powerless by some agency the Imperial Battle ores could not even detect While others self-destructed or spun wildly of course as if blinded the flu that flew true were simply avoided with contemptuous ease by the necron vessels which sped past them at unguessable velocities or vented their atomic spite uselessly against the impassive black hulls of the great tomb ships too few to have any real effect still the necron ships black a yet against the darkness of the cold void came on within mere moments the two fleets neared the edge of Lance Range and the necrons fired on the bridges of the Imperial ships alarm silence howled as massive gravitational distortions were detected hurtling towards them at speeds barely below that of light and too late the struggling machine spirits and cogitators of the Imperial ships identified them for what they were fragments of dead stars these BS of Oblivion shattered void shields in bright actinic flashes and tore open the ships within with Savage ease and up up and down the Imperial line ships both great and small simply flashed out of existence alongside the Alica Dominus the battle cruiser ramach which had served the Imperium since before the great Crusade was struck Aid ships and exploded bathing the Admiral's Flagship in Fire and debris shaking her to the core despite the tumult around him Karu issued the orders for the Armada to come about to broadside and fire at will and the closing voy between the two fleets became a blinding storm of Blazing Lance beams and plasma fire hurtling macro Cannon shells and roaring missiles whilst the necrons answered with a fury all of their own as blasts of Amber and emerald light flickered out to Splinter hulls and strip away decks the two fleets interpenetrated and parted raking each other mercilessly as they passed and Karu watched in horror as a hollow sphere resolved the chaotic details of the battle into some semblance of order the casualty list flickered on it a strange mechanicus can runes which only a trained and augmented eye had a hope of being able to interpret at such speed fully a quarter of his ships were registered as destroyed or crippled already compared to so few of the enemy so very few horror mounted on horror for the Admiral as an necron Fleet having flown past arrested its inertia and turned back upon their course coming right back at the Imperial ships from behind it was an utter impossibility and yet it happened before his disbelieving eyes the second necron attack run was even more devastating than the first the Imperial ships caught unexpectedly from behind in their vulnerable rear arcs blind spots created by their own dry flares and already reeling in many cases from Battle damage were easy prey and dozens died before they realized the danger or heard creu emergency order to break formation the retribution class Battleship Talisman of Grace was caught between the sunkiller and sheared in half by its gor Rays whilst the hary cruiser mendic cartus was pulled apart mercilessly by a pack of necron Raiders like a wounded herd animal caught between Predator beasts the armada's line of battle quickly fractured and broke apart ships flaring exploding like stars in the darkness the survivors now lashing vainly all about them with broadside and Battery fire or spilling Fighters and bombers into the void often to be cut apart by the defensive fusel ODS put up by their own Brethren the ARA Dominus herself turned as closely as her expert crew could Grant her and caught a harvest ship broadside the black Hull Rippling like water and finally failing before the fury of energy poured into it the Harvest ship detonated with a flash of pale green light leaving nothingness in in its W but the Roars of Triumph on the flagships bridge were shortlived as a venerable Battleship was rocked a new as a Triad of necron Vaders passed close alongside her her void Shields down the dir ships hammered her from stem to stern gutted her starboard Lance batteries and consumed her main engine deck in fire unable to answer her Helm the AR Dominus tumbled wildly in the darkness the bodies of her crew and frozen air trailing behind her as she fell through the Carnage the necron ships wheeled and fell like caran birds at the feast the two great tomb ships glided majestically and inv violet through the heart of the storm annihilating anything that came near while the pilots and crew of lesser craft the do close were driven mad with fear or found their ships had become cold tombs for them their power draining away to nothing it was into this bloody Malay that the minors chapter Fleet plunged headlong having observed the battle on his own Hollow sphere asterion molok The Bleak Master of the minors quickly realized that engaging the nekron ships with their Superior Firepower maneuverability and range was suicidal Folly and instead issued orders for close assault without quarter or reservation of force their target was to be the Dead Hand which the machine animus of his own ancient assault ship had discerned had been the first vessel to leave the orbit of stricken Amara and the first to fire upon the fleet this molok knew in his Warrior's Heart was the master of the foe their Flagship the Throne of their commander and it was this the minur meant to destroy adopting an attack formation in the shape of a bull's head with the deos crater forming the protected skull the chapter's three battle barges to jaw and its eight strike cruises the horns the chapter Fleet smashed into to the heart of the battle engines at full burn and fire held until the last moment as I Unleashed hail from their bombardment cannons and plasma batteries the chapter's war vessels did so heedless of whatever lay in their path as stricken Imperial ships caught between them and their goal was shredded just as were any necron Raiders smashed aside on the fleet's headlong plunge towards the Dead Hand two nekron Harvest ships turned and opened far into the onrushing Space Marine vessels the battle barge daughter of Tempest once the pride of the lamenters chapter Fleet and taken as a prize during the bab war was blasted a suer and fell from the formation its entire armored for Section disintegrating in the nekron crossfire but the minors did not relent even when the dead hand's own weapons spoke and shattered the Portside Hull of the fidelitas Lambda and sent a trio of strike Cruisers into fiery Oblivion at Point Blank Range boarding toward Torpedoes gunships and casus assault Rams hurtled from the launch Bays of the Minor's Fleet and crashed into the hull of the Dead Hand and its close escorts the ships at their backs still firing remorselessly at the prey hoping to open up hell rents for the borders to exploit a dozen assault craft managed to pierce the hull skin of the nekron flagship and found within a charnal house of stagnant Blood reaking air darkened corridors and black alien sepoc malevolent Scarab engines were everywhere and wraith machines phased through the solid walls to assault the attackers as antibodies would attack a virus invading a living body the minosaur implacable and unrelenting fought on battling and bleeding for every inch of ground as every turn of passageway brought fresh enemies looming out of the darkness One By One The Space Marines fell their armor blackened and burned by gor Rays bodies punctured and torn apart by the ghost claws of the Tomb sh Defenders until only one Squad remained Terminator Squad estallion blast scarred and bloody at last forced its way into the tomb ship's vast Central chamber a cold and haunted space nearly a kilometer across that lay beneath the Black Pyramid that crowned the tomb ship here amid the chill Mists and Circles of strange obelisks at the center of ranks of whispering sarcophagi breathed in corposant Ghostlight arose a great de upon which stood the terrifying Overlord of the necrons in a shrouding cloak of raw Darkness it would be the last sight the Warriors of squad exelion would see as a fance of necron pretorians rose from the shadowed mist and slaughtered them for their transgression but it would be enough the signal had been sent all but close enough now to crash into the tomb ship the Dess crater badly wounded and with rents of damage scoring her dense armor opened fire with her bombardment cannon at Point Blank Range their targeting Solutions identified by Squad exelion below the fusel Ard of macro shells ruptured the dead hands Hull exposing the Vault chamber within to open space in a screaming Vortex of decompression the Dead Hand bucked away like a wounded animal one vast Arc of its cresant super structure catching the datus crater a glancing blow and sending the Relic assault ships spinning with the impact the damage however was done the seamless shell within the tomb ship otherwise impenetrable to orps or Target solution was broken and in that instant the ancient teleporter engines of the deados crater had fired and delivered their baleful cargo as a pulsing shock wave of the teleport Transit cleared Asteria Mok and his bodyguard of 30 of his chapters Terminator armored veterans alongside two contempt dreadnots of the chapter still stood amidst a black Gale of venting atmosphere and confronted the lord of the nekron host between them was no Preamble no Warrior salute or Declaration of challenge or intent instead molok merely raised his black Spear and Unleashed its LZ blast at the Sinister figure high on its Throne like dares the gold and white bolt strong enough to pierce the armor of a battle tank struck the machine creature's shoulder and rocked the figure back but did not move more than elicit an eerie hissing howl not of pain but of insulted rage from the cold air a great glittering cleave likee blade of pale obsidian materialized in the nekron overlord's outstretched skeletal hand and he threw himself from the D like a bot of Thunder slicing open the first Terminator in his path with a Savage backhand blow as if the Warrior's vaunted Armor was as nothing so was the battle joined and in a moment all the vast chamber was Fury the sound of churning storm bolters and roaring assault Cannon bleeding away from the air into the open void above from the darkness the necron pretorians and tomb Guardians came hulking armored forms twice the height of a man they gilded and corroded death marks glimmering gold and Crimson in the fire flash light of the Manor's weapons in their hands they bore Arcane staf weapons blazing with ghostly flame with which to blast their foes to ashes or great cleaving blades and all segmented Shields able to repel the deadliest fire soon the minors were hardpressed a shrinking circle of Warriors who had already accounted for twice their number only to see the Fallen drag themselves back from the ruin and be replaced by another of their kind stalking implacably from the darkness molok raged and slew as tirelessly as any machine Warrior that rose up before him and with a far greater cold Fury his Storm Shield resounding with the blows of enemy weapon or the black spear tirelessly slashed and stabbed punching through armored torso and severing mechanical limbs as he went the dark Overlord fought and killed his way towards the mour chapter Master leaving a trail of rent and severed Terminators in his W until suddenly the tomb ship shook to a resounding blow and it began to tilt crazily the artificial gravity field within it Rippling and buckling the necon overlord was Stone unceremoniously to his knees and looming a above him was ancient gion the contempt of dreadn not's great fist raised to strike the lethal energy field that enra it churning soundlessly in the now airless Vault the hammer blow fell but the Reaper's blade was there to meet it and the dreadn not's forearm exploded in flame and spinning shrapnel the tomb ship tilted further still and gon reeled and staggered the dreadnots huge armored feet skidding and losing perches the overlord Spang bonelessly from the ground and laid into to gion with his great blade and a rapid series of two-handed slashes sending splined ceramite and showers of Sparks fountaining from the wounded dreadnut gon fell one knee actuator severed brackish blood and silvered amniotic fluids leaking from the Rin in his armor the overlord rose up to deliver the final blow and the black spear found him Morlock punched the ancient relic weapon cleaned through the overlord's back and it exploded from the ank glyph that was emblazened across the Ron's chest wreathed in pale flame and Amber lightning transfixed the overlord spasmed under the spear its death mask thrown back as if in a Silent Scream Asteria molok smashed the dark overlord off his spear blade using his Storm Shield to deal the blow just as a tomb ship rocked again with fresh impact the White Flame of plasma fire licking around the apperture in the vault Chamber from the void Beyond by A Warrior's Instinct earned on a thous and Battlefield molok reacted before his conscious mind detected The Reaping blade falling from on high raising his Storm Shield as a dark overlord's blade came down the ancient device blocking a blow that would have cleaved molo's head in two before it finally shorted and spat quickly coming apart under the repeated wild blows of the necron's glittering Blade the world tilted once more and they parted molok feeling the burning cold hate of the deathless creatures B for Crimson eyes as the broken skeletal figure retreated into the darkness the master of the mayur's chapter himself was swept out into the void surrounded by the bodies of his dead Warriors as if caught in a Whirlpool the darkness shimmered as the vast shape of the stricken dead hand turned and blotted out the stars with its Transit and began to accelerate away revealing the burning Hulk of the Minor's battle barge fidelitas Lambda behind it the ship's dying act had been to Ram the Dead Hand and in doing so it had at last caused enough damage to force the Colossal ship's retreat with their Master's vessel on the move the black Fleet disengaged and driven off but hardly defeated believing only death and fire behind them whilst in a move completely unanticipated the Sun Killer and a dozen escort Raiders unexpectedly split from the body of the black Fleet and made a landing on the night side of oric whose face was soon consumed by dark storms and pulses of unnatural Radiance the rest of the surviving necron ships and the wounded Dead Hand simply vanished without Trace from the augies of the handful of Imperial ships still able to track them one second they registered the next they were gone the nekron host if not defeated had been checked but for most of the survivors that was a pic victory at best battlef feed orus was shattered less than 10% of his vessels were still in anything resembling fighting order and every single one carried the scars of the battle as to the rest of the Armada it lay in vast arcing clouds of still burning Hulk and tumbling debris a p for the once glorious Defenders of the sector visible across the entire star system Amar Prime although rid of its principal Invasion Force Bur still and was now the graveyard for billions such victories that have been claimed there had been bought at the most terrible price of all any surviving Imperial forces were evacuated as quickly as possible from the shambling ruins and pulled back to the outer worlds of Layon and Calamar to regroup while the remnants of the civilian population were regrettably left to their fate the Battle of Amara was over
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 140,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40O Krieg Story, Warhammer 40000 Krieg Story, Warhammer Krieg Story, Krieg vs Necrons, KRIEG VS NECRONS - THE BATTLE OF AMARAH, Death Korps of Krieg lore, Necron lore, Orphean war, Imperial Armour: The Fall of Orpheus, The Fall of Orpheus, Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer, Baldermort, Baldemort, Krieg at war, Krieg stories, Krieg history, Necron History, Battle of Amarah, Warhammer battles, 40K battles, Warhammer audiobook, Warhammer 40K audiobook
Id: 98zJNdv06zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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