The Most FEARED Necron. Imotekh The Storm Lord EXPLAINED! | Warhammer 40k Lore

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amongst the huge cast of deadly and eccentric necron characters none of them are perhaps as feared as much as emotec the stormlord himself pharon of the sawtec Dynasty and for good reason too this guy is an absolutely ruthless conqueror who doesn't just annihilate all of the Lesser life forms within his path but also all of the smaller necron dynasties that get in his way as well now most of the other necron royalty choose to bend a knee immediately rather than face the pharon's Wrath now despite possibly being the most well-known necron character in all of 40K his lore is admittedly still pretty mysterious but today we're gonna fix that as we're gonna get to the bottom of what the stormlord is all about from his ridiculous War gear that is so Advanced it seems like magic to us lesser species his ruthless uncompromising Crusades of necron dominance and the horrifyingly Bloody way in which he conducts War but before we get into all that I'm going to take a minute to tell you about this video's sponsor Warhammer 40 000 warp Forge a brand new collectible card game on PC from the developers of the insanely popular Horus heresy Legions if you played the last demo you may be pleasantly surprised to see that the necrons of the sawtec dynasty have emerged from their stasis Crypts to join The Fray alongside the Orcs of the goth Clan and the ultramarines the faction's first available playable characters feature Orc in the diviner nemisor sodrak and imotech the stormlord himself I got a chance to play this game over the last week and I was incredibly impressed by it the combat is fast paced and brutal and the developers have gone the extra mile to add Arenas card effects and a whole bunch of voice acting that perfectly encapsulates what Warhammer 40K is all about now the developers promised that eventually all of 40k's most famous factions will be added to the game and I'm super excited to see what it's going to look like when it releases later this year as of today there's a free demo of the game available on Steam so click on the link in the description of this video to try it out for yourself but be quick because it's only going to be live until the 22nd and don't forget to wishlist the game on Steam so you'll be the first to be notified of brand new mechanics and factions when they get unveiled big things to Warhammer 40 000 wart Forge for sponsoring this video and with that out of the way let's dive head first into the Grim dark in order to understand emotec's story we need to know a bit more about the dynasty that he rules over 60 million years ago in a period the necrons refer to as the times of Flesh it was said that the sawtec dynasty was the third largest of all of the necron tears dynasties being surpassed by the one that was ruled over by the silent King the zarican dynasty however a lot changed in the 60 million years while the necron slumbered in their stasis Crypts many dynasties were completely wiped out hundreds if not thousands of Tomb worlds mysteriously going offline whether it be due to natural calamities reading by lesser species or even sabotaged by their rulers ancient Rivals who happened to wake up earlier as fate would have it many of the sawtex Tomb worlds remained mostly intact and thus in the current age they are by far the largest and most powerful of all dynasties remarkably the sawtex Crown World mandragora had come out of the great sleep physically unscathed it had however Fallen victim to something potentially far worse a lack of leadership and unrestrained ambition within its raw Royal Court you see for his advances the necrons are they are a proud and egotistical species many of the Noble's inherent belief in their own superiority is surpassed only by their Relentless ambition to Compound on this it's not uncommon for necrons to reawaken with detrimental and irreversible technological and psychological damage caused by any number of factors that could have occurred during their 60 million years in stasis some necrons are absolutely insane when they wake back up or are haunted by visions and premonitions of the future and past events that may or may not be real some necrons who were once Scholars teachers or artists in life may reawaken as bloodthirsty Warlords well conversely once brilliant and revered strategists emerge from their Crypts as sparking and gibbering lunatics what exactly happened to the crown world's ruling Faron isn't exactly clear other than they had perished during the great sleep now by the time a mandragore is Reawakening its population found themselves without leadership and thus on the precipice of a power vacuum the Royal Court was left to inherit at the entirety of the Dynasty and with no direct line of succession the great Rebirth of the mighty dynasty was plagued with Petty squabbling and infighting amongst its would-be rulers at first the dynasty was admittedly able to put these things aside as the far more immediate threat of the Myriad host of hostile Xeno squatters that had taken up residence on mandragora itself and in the surrounding sector and needed to be dealt with Once those lesser life forms had been eradicated the nobles were once again made victims of their own ambition each felt that it was their divine right to take the crown and control of the dynasty for themselves this marked a period of civil war that lasted around 10 years with no one faction able to achieve dominance the political upheaval continued to get worse and worse as more and more of the necron nobility was reawakened each who crawled out of the stasis Crips found themselves as a new combatant and mandragora's great political war it got so out of hand in fact that the order was given to completely cease all reanimation Protocols of high-ranking necrons despite this edict one of these would-be rulers got the brilliant idea to reanimate some of the sawtec's most ancient Heroes personally if he was able to resurrect some of the most esteemed generals from the times of Flesh have them become indebted to him and personally back his claims to the throne then all of the other Nobles would certainly fall in line on paper it wasn't exactly a bad plan and it may just have worked out for them however this pretender's ambition got way ahead of them and rather than resurrecting some lesser yet still beloved Heroes The Pretender flew too close to the proverbial sun and instead chose to go right to the top they would reanimate the greatest necron General who had ever lived emotec the stormlord who emotec was before the time of the great Reawakening is still something of a mystery most records from this time are incredibly fragmentary to say the least and what we do know comes primarily from ancient Eldar myths and legends and a few fragmented memory banks from specific necron characters both massively unreliable sources many of these necrons describe the memories of this time as being like a memory of a memory of a memory of a memory a momentary mental flash of an image that vanishes the instant the individual tries to focus on it there's a few interesting lines in the novel The Infinite and the Divine that can give us a bit more insight into just how ruthless emotec actually was in life there's a scene where traz and the infinite is ruminating on what he can remember before he went to sleep he says his memories of the times of Flesh are practically non-existent he can't even remember what he used to look like but the memories of the war in heaven after he had received his body of negrodermis are a little bit clearer he remembers quote Titanic clashes armies of metal marching with dire purpose into the faltering lines of The Reptilian old ones emotec The stormlord Carving through the piteous ancient ones like the necron tier death God they had discovered was all too real this isn't a lot to go on but to be compared to a god of death by somebody like trozen the infinite certainly lends Credence to him not only being incredibly physically powerful but also a monstrously intelligent General if he was able to strike such fear into something thing as advanced as the old ones there's another more humorous scene later in the book that sees trozen in its ancient rival origin the diviner in front of what is known as the awakened Council it's basically a council of representatives from different necron dynasties that's supposed to rule over all of the dynasties to keep their squabbling and infighting from getting out of control and ultimately avoid or at least lessen Civil Wars by acting as a mediating force in a court of law earlier in the novel orcan had stolen a Priceless Relic from trozan who has retaliated by basically putting him on trial Orkin doesn't recognize the council's authority and feels like they will be biased against him as they do not have a member of the sawtec dynasty amongst their members nonetheless the council intends to go through with their judgment of which if he is found guilty the punishment will almost certainly either be death or banishment or can slightly ask them what they think will happen when the stormlord realizes that his chief Seer had been killed by an unsanctioned Council all of the representatives freeze At The Mention Of The sawtex Faron and as much as possible for mechanical beings made out of living metal they appear visibly shaken or it can presses further pointing out that one of them had actually campaigned alongside the stormlord at 1.60 million years ago he asks him to inform his fellow council members exactly what happens when emotec Goes Forth into the panoply of War gone like the kuvu he says it means for something to be completely and utterly eradicated or conversely to have disappeared without a trace the phrase directly references the kufu dynasty that emotec and his armies had completely and utterly destroyed now fun fact despite the horrific and bloody Slaughter that served as the origin of the phrase a gun like the kuvu was a term that eventually became a common necronteer idiom that their people would say after finishing a meal and leaving nothing left on their plate the trial is immediately postponed and scheduled to resume in about 10 000 years when the sawtec representative in question was scheduled to reawaken trousin is absolutely Furious about this and demands that a mediator be awoken in his place and as interesting and sometimes hilarious as necron courtroom drama is this is a video about the stormlord so we'll cover this scene in a future video let's get back on the topic of his Reawakening The Pretender who took it upon himself to reawaken the stormlord Shirley assumed he would have agreed with his claims and supported his pursuit of the crown unfortunately for the delusional Royal this couldn't have been further from the truth emotec was enraged by the disorder that had consumed his dynasty these petulant children had shamed not only themselves with their narcissistic bickering but further had failed their Dynasty that they had taken sacred vows to uphold the sanctity of this plague of instability had gone on long enough the stormlord rallied his own Army of supporters and claimed the throne for himself The Pretenders cancer of egotism finally excised from the Crown World the new pharaon would see his people United once again and from that day forth ruled with an iron fist no infighting of any form would be tolerated within his kingdom instead that energy would be redirected out into the stars the galaxy had once been ruled by the necrons and it would be so again with the sawtec Dynasty's vast resources now under his full control emotech would set forth on a campaign of Rapid expansion since that day it is said that emotec has never been defeated in battle he is one of the Galaxy's most esteemed and Powerful generals even when compared to the most heavily augmented minds of the greatest necron leaders his strategic genius is just on an entirely different level to the Mortal Observer it would seem as if he has some kind of omnipotent power of divination he's able to simultaneously conduct Wars across dozens of Worlds and command hundreds of different armies it's as if he's somehow able to know where his enemies will appear and exactly what they're going to do before they even know themselves he's been documented as employing perfectly intricate complex counter Maneuvers to outwit his foes will simultaneously coordinating even more complex battle stratums and Wars on far-off worlds some claim that his gifts of insight and masterful strategic planning are the results of some dark pact or ancient and blasphemous techno sorceries or even potentially just rumors that have gotten completely out of hand In fairness the truth of his abilities is somewhat clouded in mystery but the little bit of insight we do get from the lore says that when he awoke from the great sleep he had a form of statistical and hyperological strategic ability his mind was able to process so much information so quickly that by comparison if a mortal mind was able to work on his level for about a minute it would cause it to burn out almost instantaneously a blood gushing out of the ears mouth knows the whole shebang even further it's said that he is able to perceive with absolute Clarity the quote fractal web of future probabilities it's not that he's literally able to see what's going to happen in the future or one of many potential Futures like orokin or even the Primark sanguineous can rather that this dude is so unbelievably intelligent that he's able to perceive in his mind every potential outcome and almost instantaneously come up with the probability of How likely it is to occur based on the probability of each of the infinite interactions Great and Small that could occur in each and every one of them there's one one final thing that makes him such a great warlord and admittedly it may not seem like that big of a deal in comparison but it's unbelievably important in the grand scheme of the cosmic Battlefield that is the grimdark future emotec understands Mortals he understands how the Lesser species think their emotions their culture Traditions how they react in times of joy and great tragedy if knowing your enemy is the true Mark of a master strategist then emotec embodies this philosophy better than perhaps any other General alive now there is one caveat to this emotec is practically the Avatar of logic this is what all of his systems are rooted in so the only enemy that he truly struggles with are creatures that behave completely irrationally which fun fact makes him absolutely despise having to fight the Orcs as being unpredictable is kind of what they're all about imotech understands that when fighting against Mortals fear is potentially the most potent weapon of all and thus he utilizes Terror in his strategies quite frequently his army March under the cover of blackened storm-ridden Skies the clouds billowing forth cascading a rays of emerald lightning that lash against the enemy tearing apart War engines and infantry alike many enemies that find themselves in the position under the storm clouds are simply swallowed up by the torrent The energy they produce cutting off all forms of communication with their allies and making them easy prey for his Legions any foes that do manage to escape are chased down by his swarms of blood scarabs now these tiny machines embed themselves in the fleeing Warriors and produce a signal that proves irresistible to packs of flayed ones if you're not familiar with them flayed ones are insane necrons who have been inflicted with what the dynasties refer to as the flare curse what exactly the curse is is still up for debate but most tend to believe that it is some form of technological virus a disease that causes their mind to rapidly deteriorate and makes The Afflicted individual constantly crave the taste of Flesh and Blood eventually their compulsion to start taking grisly trophies from their enemies evolves into a full-blown insanity fracturing not just their minds but their physical bodies as well as the curse also causes the metal frame of their necrodermis to mutate into a hunched loping feral Predator a form much more reflective of their diseased mind the great irony is that their living metal bodies don't actually have mouths with which to eat unable to ever truly feed they are driven deeper and deeper into a psychotic Madness the longer they continue to exist like hungry ghosts they are drawn to battlefields across the stars with high levels of casualties attracted to the intoxicating scent of fresh Gore like hungry Seaborn Predators the blood scarabs that emotec utilizes pulse out a signal that mimics the bloodiest of all battlefields when received and interpreted by their fractured Minds swarms of flayed ones ripped their way across reality and tear into the battlefield in their hundreds if not thousands fully engulfed in their own homicidal Madness they hurled themselves into The Fray eviscerating anything and everything in their path they descend upon the enemy in a cleansing storm of scithing Talons and and cleansing blades not only are flayed ones incredibly effective shock troops but the demoralizing effect they have on enemy morale as the soldiers see their allies butchered by these Eldritch Abominations cannot be overstated emotech will not rest until all of the Lesser species have been purged from the Galaxy the necrons were the rulers of the physical Universe once long ago and he will not stop until they take back the entirety of their ancient Kingdom the storm Lord and thus the larger satek Dynasty's aggressive expansion does not just Target the worlds held by lesser species in fact all too often necron dynasties find themselves in the path of his fleets as well the strict code of military honor is always observed and these dynasties are often given the choice to join the sawtec Empire of their own accord or to resist and face the entirety of its wrath many of these dynasties exist knowing that one day the stormlord will come for them and when that time comes they bend the knee without hesitation emotec in turn rewards their subservience handsomely often supplying them with powerful weapons and other resources but to those who refuse they quickly find out that they weren't ever really given a choice at all their Dynasty would be absorbed into the sawtec regardless of their actions albeit in a far more brutal manner when emotec decides to take to the battlefield himself he is equipped with a wide array of incredibly advanced necron technology the staff that he wields is known as the staff of the Destroyer an ancient and ornamental staff that is similar in construction to a necron Wars Scythe a weapon traditionally wielded by necron nobility or Elite bodyguards it's comprised of similar material to that of a power weapon and is capable of slicing through infantry and heavy vehicles with ease the staff had originally been designed for the very first Fair run of the sawtec dynasty zahed after his death it would then be passed down to each subsequent Faron making it not just an incredibly powerful weapon but also a prestigious symbol of rank the most interesting thing about this weapon is it has the ability to unleash a searing beam of pan-dimensional energy that absolutely obliterates everything in its path the only caveat to this is it consumes an incredible amount of energy and must take a significant amount of time to recharge before it can fire another blast and the storm Lord's offhand he wields what is known as The Gauntlet of fire an armored glove that cackles with green flame and works like an imperial hand flamer on the defensive side of his Armory he utilizes what is known as a phase shifter an incredibly strange device that causes the wheeler to appear as a blurry after image to their foes and bullets and Blades seemingly pass through them as if they weren't there this is because the phase shifter has the remarkable ability to manipulate the fabric between Dimensions literally causing the wielder to phase in and out of existence when utilized properly and with expert timing the phase shifter can render its wielder nigh Invincible like all necrons emotec's body is made of the living metal substance known as nekodermis that is able to repair itself from all but the most Grievous of injuries however emotex is given an extra layer of Defense with what is known as The septurnal Weave an advanced array of monofilament fibers that are threaded throughout his body the filaments are made of phase hardened amaranthite and adamantium drastically increasing the hardness of his body to the point that it Rivals the astartes Terminator armor emotech has one major weakness it would be a form of militaristic hubris that seems to go in stark contrast to his hyperological nature he has a tendency to let high ranking generals and individuals of incredible importance live after battling them he normally mutilates them in some way slashing out one of their eyes cutting off an arm marking them in such a manner that they will never be able to forget the humiliating defeat they suffered at his hands famously he personally cut off the hand of hellbright of the black Templars in 930 m41 on the world of Schrodinger 7 despite the fact that hellbright was the superior swordsman he was never able to land a killing blow on the stormlord and was ultimately defeated by him to this day hellbright hunts imotech was such a feverish Zeal that some would say it borders on the line of insane Obsession and it's difficult to determine just how large the sawtec dynasty truly is some lore states that it controls around 82 worlds with more coming online as the timeline moves forward many of these two worlds were likely not originally sawtec tombs but most likely belong to some of the assimilated Dynasty these two worlds are not the only planets of the sawtec have conquered and in the 9th Edition necron codex it states that worlds such as these number in their hundreds whatever these numbers actually are they definitely pale in comparison to the magnitude more planets that have been destroyed by the storm Lord's armies despite its notable reputation as the largest necron Dynasty it seems pretty small by comparison to something as large as the Imperium the fruits of his Relentless expansion however are still incredibly impressive when you consider the fact that he only awoke from the great sleep just over 200 years ago despite how important emotech's character is to the necron's lore it's rather unfortunate and kind of bizarre if I'm being honest that to this day we've yet to be gifted with a novel based on this guy from the black Library despite being involved in many of the campaigns throughout warhammer's history he also hasn't ever been given a comprehensive and engaging story arc like many other characters that are similar to him a lot of the stuff we have to work with when trying to piece together is lore is unfortunately still in a fragmentary and semi-mysterious place and I'm really hopeful that one day we will get in an excellent Trilogy of books that does the storm War Justice in the meantime there was a ton of room for speculation about who he was in the times of Flesh and his interactions with other necrons by the time of the 42nd Millennium the two most pivotal things to happen with the necrons in the recent lore has been that of the Pariah Nexus an event he wasn't even really involved in and the return of the silent King an individual who deserves his own lore video and unquestionably will end up butting heads with emotec in the future we don't know too much about their history but it is known that emotec is not a fan he blames the silent King for what happened to his people 60 million years ago as it was the silent King who made the deal with the Catan that saw the necron tear thrown into the furnaces of biotransference and now this guy shows back up 60 million years later suddenly wanting to unify his species and undercut everything that emotech has been working towards I think there's a really cool story arc coming that's going to see these two characters clashing in the very near future but what do you guys think is emotec the greatest General that has ever existed in Warhammer 40K okay or are there other characters that you think could easily outwit him what do you think is going to happen when him the silent King finally end up in conflict with one another and just in general what are your favorite necron characters or units let me know down in the comments section below the necrons are my personal favorite faction and the one that I mainly play in the Warhammer tabletop game so I'm hoping we get more novels written from their perspective in the future because as of right now other than a bunch of short stories we just have the twice dead King series and the infinite and the divine all three of those books are excellent but I want more thanks again for watching my video all the way through it means the world to me go ahead and click the like And subscribe button it helps my channel out a lot and if you want to be really cool click on the notification button because that's the real subscribe button nowadays anyways that's all I had to say on the Storm King so I'll catch y'all on the next one
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 322,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: necrons, necron lore, necrons 40k, necron story, necron character, imotekh the storm lord, trazyn the infinite, orikan, sautekh dynasty, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, games workshop, warhammer lore, 40k lore, lore, deep dive, astartes, emperor of mankind, primarchs, space marines, tau, orks, drukhari, eldar, the silent king, flayed ones, pariah nexus, weshammer
Id: BtsZHFSoeg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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