Necron Crypteks Lore

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welcome gentle listener now I'm Baltimore and I wish to introduce you to the factions from forces of the Warhammer 40k universe I am now taking this opportunity to present the necron clip decks it is necessary for you to have at least a passing knowledge of themself YouTube video that I'm presently working on will make a lot more sense so let us begin the necrons our erase ancient beyond belief they fought in a galactic conflagration that would make the confrontations of the 41st century look like skirmishes and would boggle the mind and senses of any who presently wage what they think of as war I shall go into this great confrontation in more detail in the future but there are a few fully known facts to relate the two details of the war in our lost to the depths of time and colored by the whims in twisting of becoming legend the necrons of course know what happened but they are not forthcoming with the details as of yet just know the necrons were and still are possibly the most technologically advanced race that has ever stalked the galaxy their skill knowledge and feats in this arena are second to none not even the mighty elder I can approach their power when it was at its zenith although they have slumbered long millions of years they are now awakening at a frightening rate as I do so they're only now beginning to rebuild and reveal their power the crashes they have been in so far have been poultry matters to them they have not even begun to properly show their majesty and marvels to the races at the Warhammer universe their technology is so advanced it would appear to breach every existing law that is known to humanity it knows almost no pounds and is wielded by the necrons like a scalpel when they do to hyung ditch their full power there may be none who can stop them I will now lean on existing wisdom to illuminate you as to the basics of the cryptic and to reveal two of their most important and talented Saiyans then at the end we shall get into the meat of the matter - quark cryptex cryptic the members of pangalactic conclaves of technologists whose purpose is to study a maintaining the Eldridge devices of their race their necrons they are masters of dimensional dissonance singularity manipulation atomic transformation and transmutation elemental transmogrification and countless other reason defying technologies in many ways the cryptex powers mirror those employed by the cycles of other races but with a crucial difference instead of using a mutant mind to channel warp energies the kryptek employs arcane science to harness the universe's fundamental forces every Conclave specializes in a particular field of techno sorcery did a psycho man see plasma and see a floor no man see or any one of a hundred thousand other disciplines the conclaves were originally founded to share information and expertise from one end of the galaxy to the other but have since become fragmented and isolated in the millennia since bio transference cryptex have become just a stagnant and fragmented as every other aspect of necron society nowadays the surviving conclaves are maintained of a force of habit more than any practical reason though cryptex have no official rank in the political structure of a dynasty they wield incredible influence then the Contin ability was disinterested by the workings of the technology employed and this attitude has faded little with time a cryptex power springs from this ignorance the army of cryptic spiders race and scarabs and his control though few necro Nobles pay the idea much heed a tomb worlds countless systems require perpetual maintenance if they're at a function at peak efficiency and a slighted kryptek is always willing to bring the cycle to a screaming-hot should his betters require a reminder even the proudest overlords world must owe an apology when his soldiers weapons seized up on occasion a Necron overlord will go so far as to recruit an especially trusted and knowledgeable kryptek to serve in his royal court particularly in the case of the OGG de Becque dynasty where the cryptex are possessed of a rare genius such move can prove politically dangerous for the overlord as is essentially elevates the cryptic to the same rank as the necron lords already serving there and so fosters a resentment nonetheless having the cryptex worth of knowledge and expertise close at hand is more than adequate compensation ultimately the only thing that holds the ambitions of a taking check is another of his kind should retained cryptic rise to far above his station and Ektron Overlord will attempt to replace him by luring a more tractable triptych away from the service of a rival even this has complications for whilst no kryptek was knowingly supplant another of the same Conclave a rifle from another Conclave will happily do so once his services are acquired a cryptex Duty stretched far beyond the tomb world it is common for an O Lord to grant a cryptic the first pickings of precious alloys power cores are focused crystals in exchange for his services on campaign such a bargain says both sides well a toon world's resources are limited and the cryptex trade requires that he have a ready supply of Tyrael for his part the Overlord gains the full fury of the cryptex incredible techno sorceries with a mere gesture of his staff of light a kryptek can unleash pulses searing Viridian energy that melted ethicist armor with ease the chronometer on is another favorite treasure amongst a cryptex this I ship device can alter and shift the flow of time around it's better slowing incoming energy blasts and flying bullets to a cruel to better observe the efforts of their rampaging creations some cryptex use can optic cloaks to soar above the fray each of these techno arcane shrouds is attached to a spider-like construct that generates a powerful anti-gravity pressure field allowing its wear to speed through the air this item also has a remarkable secondary function able to stitch together a damaged knitted dermis with its supple limbs and focused radiation beamers the technological marvels wielded by the cryptex are the weapons of the gods nay gods would think to stand against them aluminum suzelle as architect of bio transference the coton might have provided the knowledge for buyer transference but it was says a lass who made it a reality even then he saw it as the first of several steps on the path to ultimate evolution the journey that would end as a creature not a flesh or metal but as a God of pure energy until that day says Eris is driven to take full advantage of his Android phone after all no longer must he sleep nor deal with the thousand frailties and distractions to a flesh is heir so Sarah's Labor's to unravel the mysteries of life for he fears that he would be a poor sort of God without such secrets at his fingertips so Sarris has been on the brink of understanding for many centuries yet somehow final comprehension always escapes him perhaps there are some concepts in the universe that do not reveal themselves before logic or perhaps it is simply that to understand life the observer must stand among the ranks of the living and not the undead whatever the reason the truth is that the secrets of the soul will almost certainly lie forever Beyonce's Eris's comprehension it is a truth that he will never accept yet at times says eros must turn aside from his work and act in the interests of others he requires a constant flow of living subjects and the most efficient way for him to acquire such creatures is through trade expertise in exchange for captives those Asura's is obsessed with the secrets of life its aptitude for augmenting the weaponry and even the mechanical bodies of his fellow necrons is peerless so Sarris is delving into the form and function of so many disparate living creatures has taught him how to augment almost every facet of necro machinery portrayed seen as distasteful by many of his peers the dissection of Rousillon Iraq toyed compound eyes unlocked an improved array for targeting optics and the molecular dissembling of chitinous amble hi led the way to more efficient armored configurations to name but two of many thousands of such advances on occasion so services talents are in such demand that he can name his own price invariably a harvesting rate targeted against the world of his choosing above all says eros cherishes elder I subjects as they inevitably produce more intriguing results than any other of the galaxy's creatures however few Necron overlords would deliberately transgress on elder I territory for reasons other than solid military gain Sosa's eros finds such specimens the hardest of all to acquire as as their ass inevitably accompanies the initial waves of such an attack the better to pick and choose the subjects that will make up his payment and ensure he is not being cheated by his client once seized says Eris's specimens can look forward only to a pain field though not necessarily brief existence in the blood-stained and shadowed laboratory catacombs south central water few as the services operations are carried out on the dead free breeze the knowledge he seeks resides only in the living banks of stasis machinery keep the subject alive and aware throughout the procedures though they do nothing to numb the terrible pain the specimens agonized screams are of no consequence to Cesare s as he feels no kinship with such inferior beings he simply shuts off his audio receptors until a repulsive noise subsides watching him passively as his whirring tools carved the subject apart molecule by molecule [Music] [Music] or a can the diviner seer of the nekron chair what a can is a consummate Astra man sir able to calculate the events of the future from the patterns of the stars thus did he know of the fall of the hell derive the rise of man the Horus heresy the coming of the tyrannies and the great rift many thousands of years before they came to pass through careful study and scrutiny oricon can even divine lesser occurrences the movements of fleets the destinies of individuals even the strategies undertaken by campaigning armies events not important enough to reshape the galaxy but the foreknowledge of which can dramatically change the fortunes of the beholder though they make use of his labor studies few amongst Oracle's pairs truly trust him this is not altogether to do with his skills for all critics are capable of TechKnow sorceries that defy belief the unease oricon provides is due chiefly to the mocking scorn with which he treats the nobility of every rank and to the knowing gleam in his eye that implies he is party to a joke that no other can perceive many an overlord would dearly like to see or akampana shhhhht for this quiet insolence however not only as such a course of action in politic the benefits of being able to call upon oricon skills greatly outweigh any friends caused by his manner it is also almost entirely impossible oracle knows the plans of his rivals and enemies long before they do and his his child's play for him to exploit such schemes to his personal advantage an alteration that more often than not involves a fatal outcome for the original plotter a skilled astro man sir though he is Hawkins predictions are not flawless unforeseen events can queer his calculations altering wiping out and replacing his prophesied timeline warp travel is a constant aggravation as it's Eddie's and Iraqis seem to delight in defying his predictions and for such circumstances to preserve his plans and reputation Oregon is forced to employ a closely-guarded set of chromatic abilities traveling backwards down his own timeline he emerges in the past at a point which he can set his prophesied version of the future back on track normally by having the interfering factor destroyed in some manner in Oregon's predictions the Imperial Navy dockyards of Helios 6 should never have survived the onset of war skull crack and did so only by inconvenient intervention by the middle some silver skulls fourth company by retro actively arranging for the space means to be ambushed and nearly wiped out by nekron forces some weeks earlier oricon ensured that the destruction of Helios six ultimately occurred as first foreseen thus were the necrons able to reclaim much of the surrounding sector and more importantly thus was or Atkins reputation kept intact oricon has always been sparing as such actions and rightly so for his meddling campers all manner of unforeseen events as a direct result of the Helios six affair no less than five Space Marine chapters including the death specters howling Griffin's and the remainder of the silver skulls descended upon the allows our system to take revenge ultimately destroying the toon world from whence Oregon's original Commission had come in that case Oracle's culpability in the disaster remained secret but it could have easily gone otherwise oricon takes great care to keep his imaginations hidden from his peers though chrono Mansi is a science practice by many as a cryptex no other is remotely capable of Oracle's feats something that would increase a hundredfold the suspicion in which he is held and suspicion is the last thing Oricon needs at this moment a thousand millennia of planning and preparation are about to come to fruition once the stars are in the proper alignment oricon can finally embrace his true destiny his physical form will become a vessel for impossible celestial energies making him a shining being of terrible power and the temporal trap seer said throughout the galaxy will activate and like a spider pulling at its web Huracan will manipulate the skein of time itself there is a low voltage end quote such a stark and simple description of them almost blase in its outlining by Games Workshop but as ever this is where we the fans can and must flesh out the topic and take their meager notes and let our minds and imaginations take flight as was always intended thus do I make very simple extrapolations the cryptic is a being that was able to invent and then upkeep weapons that were used to destroy the coton themselves the katana will go into in more detail very soon but they were the most powerful beings that this galaxy and setting have ever known yet electrons bested them shattered them brought them low then enslaved them this act alone should make the races of today shatter and prepare to bend the knee but this is not an end it is merely the beginning says Eris has the ability to perform the bio transference on any number of beings he would not usually lower himself to do so unless in dire need or directed by an electron Lord he could not refuse was very few indeed yet he retains the ability to replenish the necron ranks at any time he is also on the verge of apotheosis a fearsome entity indeed horican is an astro man sir but he is not the only one is also Khurana man sir as we have heard again he is not the only one he is us perhaps the most talented the necron ability to control time itself can never be underestimated and gives just a smallest glimpse of the wonders and terrors they can unleash on the galaxy if they were pushed or directed to do so the technology the wonders that the necrons control soothe a cryptex will be able to defeat any adversary their controller understanding of what they call noctis that which the Imperium savants call buckstone means that they can be almost immune to the power of the warp can shut off entire regions a space to its effects and ward from the power of even the mightiest of cycles they can set the future they can change it they can see the past they can visit it if they so wished and before anyone mentions temporal breaches and loops of causality the Warhammer world is already replete with paradoxes this is no boundary to them or the setting and this is all just one of their arcane arts let that sink in one [Music] you now I will not reveal the totality of my or antara at this knowledge for that I will await until my next new chrome video which will be coming very soon it should be one laughs the Wang's in Bollywood your faithful servant I hope you enjoyed my introduction to the cryptex if you did then please consider liking and subscribing if you are regular gentle listener then please do consider supporting us on patreon and most importantly no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun Gullu [Music]
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 49,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Necrons, Warhammer 40K Lore Necrons, illuminor szeras, Szeras, Orikan, Necron Cryptek Lore, Illuminor Szeras Lore, Warhammer 40K Lore for Beginners, Baldermort, Necrontyr, Silver Skulls Space Marines, 40K Lore, Warhammer 40000 Lore, Warhammer Stories, Warhammer History, Warhammer Necron History, Warhammer stories, Cryptex, Cryptek, Crypteks, Illuminor
Id: W_z9jqcaVLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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