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the winds blow across the plains making the long grasses dance and sway in undulating waves like a sea of green beckoning to me i answer i walk amongst them the seas of grass my hands low and outstretched at my sides i feel their gentle caress across the palms of my hands it is the love of the world spirit that i feel through these appendages its fingers touching mine we are one so it has been since our people left the harsh and heady havoc of the days of the empire for it was dying it was decaying it was falling but it was not seen by all the degeneration that would destroy our ancient civilization in one outcry one raucous bellicose scream of exaltation and victory the birth scream of the being that now hunts our futures hunts our very souls she who thirsts spanish and thus my forebears left that rotting empire and struck out on our own for they saw the rot sitting in and foresaw its end we went to the fringes of the galaxy to worlds that had been terraformed eons ago for this very purpose but instead of continuing the cycle of pain of corruption we put aside our technology we put away our toys and temptations and return to the life that was always meant to be a simple life a pure life a good life the exodites are what our scant remaining king call us elder i but not of the craft worlds we have been on this world this magnificent place of beauty and serenity for a score of thousands of years or more we have grown we have raised our families and raised our farms and simple gather our lives and patterns we ride great saudians a time of need at those times we take out what little technology we have retained for that most unpleasant of activities war but scandals has happened i was told once that a race that looks somewhat like us the mon k the craft world has called them for they have better knowledge of these ungainly parodies of our magnificence they came but we repulsed them with ease but that was some generations ago now my musings blow through my mind like the wind does my hair i find myself at the highest point of the valley looking down on our simple yet elegant abodes place i call home as i begin to walk down toward it the holy shrine the one vestige of our heritage the great webway gate that stands amidst the buildings it begins to shine its runes lighting up in sequence i have never witnessed this not in all of my thousand years of living i've been told what it is what it does but it was so unimportant to me having no experience of it that i must admit i forgot much of what the elder said forgot the nuances so as it begins to shine its glyphs come to full awakening i stand a gog many in the village now move from their homes to witness this greatest of oddities this rarest of all events for someone is coming it can be no one but one of our cousins of the craft world elder so they stand in relaxed amusement awaiting the surprise of a visitor from the great expanse of the darkness of the void the coldness of space but it is not so something is wrong the gate does not so much open like a sea but bursts into life its center not a clear pool of water but a rent in space of lambert malevolence something is direly wrong i begin to run toward the village i need to get my weapons i know this i can feel the howl of anguish and pain that emanates from the world spirit as the first thing is blurted out from the rent in space quickly followed by more and more and in that moment i see my world end it is the soulless the slaves of the inger the horror of the past how they were but tales it was all meant to be a metaphor i thought but nay they are here the soulless as great rays of energy spring from the extended arms of these metal monsters these terrors from the dawn of time i see my people die whatever is struck by these lines of hate simply dissolves seems to evaporate seems to fall apart eaten away by the power of hate that springs from them i am so shocked so horrified i stop i stand to watch where i should be moving forward gaining my arms and standing or telling taylor running to inform the other settlements they are here how a word floats the four of my mind dolmen gates and with it come the stories i thought forgot of implacable lines of metal men walking slowly and relentlessly through our people forever repairing themselves when brought low by our weapons the unstoppable the ones who were supposed to be defeated they have returned it can only be them but the tales our religion are parables they are wrong they are so very wrong for what comes out the gate moves so swiftly killing all not in the way i was informed slowly and deliberately and uncaringly no they are wrong the soulless metal beings below me are flying amongst the village and around it making sure none can escape others are rampaging for there is no other word i have at my command they kill and crush and tear at my family my people my village swords as large as a man claws they dig into bodies and raise them up before pulling their victims apart and spraying the blood to the winds it is so brutal so hateful they are destroyers like none i have ever seen or heard some are on three legs that make them move like a spider but twisted by nightmare they're moving into the houses the buildings getting all inside hunting all this is not just killing this is not just ending foes this is extermination nothing is spared on nobody their movements economical yet vicious i fall forward onto my knees the tears flooding from my eyes as i experience grief as only an elder can i see one of them appeared out of nowhere it has many arms and it stares at me its blinking green eye all i can see and then it shoots continued after the law welcome gentle listener i'm voldemort and i wish to introduce you to the forces factions and units of the warhammer 40k universe and today we will be discussing one of the most terrible groups amongst a race of butchers and murderers a race so filled with hate that they would wipe all life from the galaxy but even amongst these beings where compassion and mercy are mere words without reference or bearing for them even amongst the necrons there are those that are so despicable that they are near shunned by their own kind out of fear of the extremes their atrocities their twisted goals for most necrons would be content to rule over the galaxy again as pharaohs and kings with all bowing to their power but today we discuss the necrons of the destroyer cults so as usual for the very basics let us lean on existing wisdom to quote destroyers not all necrons awake from the great sleep as hail as was intended some suffer physical damage in the intervening millennia usually faulty stasis crips bring on a slow decay that rots the mechanical body and erodes in chromatic pathways others become infected by the flare virus and evolve into creatures whose reason is subsumed by a taste for flesh yet there are also those necrons who awaken from slumber with their physical form intact but their psyche torn beyond recognition angered and despairing of their soulless existence these necrons turn to nihilism they no longer seek redemption or repatriation with the flesh that was so long lost to them they wish only to drive all living things into death's welcoming embrace these are the destroyers the self-appointed heralds of oblivion destroyers destroyers are deranged agents of annihilation whose sole reason for existence is centered around an unshakable yearning to quench the flame of life a destroyer cares not for borders or allegiance nor does he make any distinction between the innocent and the damned all life is his enemy on all living creatures are his prey it is not the destroyer's violent madness alone that makes them so different from the other denizens of a tomb world insanity in fact many a slumbering necron though it rarely takes a dramatic form but instead merely exacerbates the victim's innate eccentricities yet even the lowliest necron warrior longs for a return to the time of flesh and because its physical form echoes the living breathing soulful creature it once was it will under no circumstances tolerate further dilution or corruption of that physical form instead for a destroyer everything is subsumed into the all-important goal of annihilation they ruthlessly adapt augment or expunge any facet of their physical form if it will improve their mission of slaughter legs are removed in favor of repulsor platforms arms are fused to the workings of course cannons even the destroyers sensors are reconfigured to better serve target lock and prediction capability its neural circuitry be passed to improve response time at the cost of vestigial emotions none of this is to say the destroyers do not feel fear though they might explain a retreat away as conserving resources it is a retreat nonetheless spurred on by a spark of self-preservation that would never quite be extinguished what makes the rise of the destroyers truly disturbing is that it can be found on almost every tomb world from the poorest fringe world to the noblest of crown worlds this suggests that the descent into this particular form of madness is driven by subconscious imperative possibly one implanted by the katan during biotransference this does not mean that destroyers hail from every level of necron society it takes a certain freedom of personality to embrace nihilism with such cold-blooded determination a level of individuality denied to lower-ranking necrons destroyers therefore almost without exception emerged from the ranks of immortals lichguard and occasionally death marks most are banished to the outskirts of their tomb world dwelling in isolated fortresses ruled over by courts of destroyer lords a destroyer's chilling dedication to destruction is a valuable addition to any necron army on most campaigns their brutal efficiency more than compensates for the almost habitual insubordination with which they treat other necrons of all ranks the canist and mostar anemosaurs make a direct point of building campaigns around the actions of destroyers rather than making doomed attempts to enforce their own battle plan on the twisted warriors so long as the destroyer knows that there are other forms of life in the vicinity it will direct its barefoot attention upon their destruction and has no intellect or focus to spare for such irrelevancies as orders and strategy once the enemy is in sight destroyers pay little or no heed to their allies but instead settle into optimized and self-sufficient extermination patterns shattering enemy formations with long-range salvos of gauss-fire before moving into point-blank range to methodically scour survivors from the blackened craters destroy our lords destroyer lords are the most maniacal of their kind this is chiefly because they retain far more intellect than baseline destroyers and can bring all of this fearsome intelligence to bear in their pursuit of galactic conquests this efficiency is also the more murderous for the destroyer lord's complete lack of empathy while few necrons retain any instinctive comprehension of pity and mercy the cleverest amongst them can at least still grasp such concepts intellectually not so destroy lords they have long ago discarded any ability to empathize with other creatures if a destroyer lord takes prisoners it is not out of honour or pity but simply efficiency there are a thousand ways in which captors can be used as lures for other fleshlings and destroyer lords are conversant with every last one in a galaxy full to overspilling with genocidal deathbots destroyer lords remain worthy of mention as something truly horrific those of the method dynasty whose culture prizes obliteration above all others are particularly well known for systematically annihilating entire systems planet by planet leaving only corpses wastelands behind them while others kill for pleasure or in service to some malign guard destroyer lords pursue their bloody crusade simply because it is their chosen course by their calculation joy is just one more pointless emotion and the favor of god's naught but a crutch to support the frailties of flesh in truth even overlords find destroyer lords somewhat disconcerting believing them to have willingly embraced the machine most also hold the lingering suspicion that when all organic life has been eliminated their nihilistic brethren will turn on their own kind as a result many destroyer lords are outcasts stripped of rank they are forced to dwell on the periphery of necron civilization as their madness prove infectious destroy lords are formidable combatants for their physical strength equals that of the mightiest overlords many favour warsize or void blades over ranged tools of war in this horrific way a destroyer lord is a craftsman and the fruits of his bloody labors are far more easily tallied in the thick of the fighting there is no artistry to destroy lord's blows each swing of his blade is driven by the desire for optimal efficiency similarly those few that do favor slaughtering from afar train their deathly beams upon their enemies with cold dispassionate precision the resultant annihilation though often spectacular is registered by the destroyer lord simply as the logical conclusion of their hard-wired hatred indeed the obliterative drive of a destroyer lord is so potent that their mere presence on the battlefield rouses lesser destroyers so amplified they are able to achieve even greater acts of wanton carnage as they carry out their masters wrathful plans scorpek destroyers striding forward in a rush of ungainly steps their weaponized limbs sweep in a whirlwind of gore scorpio destroyers feed their need to kill whenever they are unleashed upon the battlefield nothing else can override the hardwired desire to kill that empowers these deranged necrons scorpek lord scorpek lords are vessels of monomaniacal obsession stripped of any compassion and nobility they exist to kill the living for in the twisted circuitry of their minds there is room for naught else for scorpek lords the desire to kill has long since eclipsed the reason why and they are driven ever onwards by their insanity canoptic plasma sites concrete plasma sites use their monomolecular proboscis to inject an infectious sentient energy into the deranged members of the destroyer gods this hateful substance as dangerous as it is powerful heightens their nihilistic insanity and drives their mindless annihilation to new heights end quote destroyers it may never be known if their slumber destroyed some part of their cortexes their mechanical minds eroded over the millions of years of their gestation in the time locked bunkers while they attempted to wait out the danger of the elder eye or the crork who were too numerous and powerful to be directly confronted after the necrons had expended much of their strength battling not only the old ones but then their subsequent war against their in-gear masters the dark star gods they dubbed the katan and when they did and weakened they were for the katan did not go down easily and trillions of necrons died in that labor despite besting even these dark things of terror their losses had been eye-watering and the younger races left behind by the old ones were in fine fettle and eager for war so the necrons slept knowing full well that the crawk would devolve if they had nobody to fight on the industrial scale that would have been provided by the necrons that they stayed active or the elder eye who it was prophesied by the necron chronomancers would end defeating themselves out of hubris thus has both happened the elder eye consumed themselves in the act of creating spanish who they call she who this and the crook did indeed devolve into the orcs who were then culled so often by their siblings the elder eye that they have never been able to regain their best right of might and power so the silent king of the necrons who ordered this hibernation he was right perhaps it is not the erosion of time that has affected them perhaps it is the stark reality of the horror of their existence this soulless condition that has broken something in their minds perhaps it is the sheer jealousy of those that still have flesh and the soul it contains that has snapped these beings forever wishing to undo the act of the bio transference their transmogrification into the necrons so out of spite they now wish all to be wiped clean from existence they have far more forms and weapons than ever the imperium had believed for the early awakening two worlds and but the one form of destroyer those that have replaced the lower half of their bodies with a platform that skims through the air and arms that are replaced with the gorse weapons of their kind no now the galaxy is seen greater and greater diversity in form and function in the destroyer cults with the advent of the scorpek destroyers and their lords being self-altered to exult in the heady carnage of melee their weapons able to carve through power armor as if it were paper smash and slice through the deepest and densest of defenses as if it were flying china before a rampaging bull as we have heard even the necron pharaohs and nemosaurs cannot restrain these things when they have their living in their sights and there can never be mercy clemency pity or even an end to it for they are immortal and they are unrelenting and their hate can never be sated now they do not even just terrorize the real space worlds of the populace of the milky way oh no they are now able to access the web way through the necron dolmen gates and traverse the galaxy as do the elder the harlequins or the dukari for now no craft world the black library itself even any exodite world all are vulnerable to their campaign of extermination even the denizens of the dark city of cormorant even they are not safe from the war without end the blades and blasts of the destroyers and if all else is destroyed all life finally scoured from the galaxy then they may well just turn on their brethren necrons and then when even they are gone perhaps each other through the galaxy is not consumed by the great devourer the tyranid then its fate may be to be a grave with only one last being remaining and that being may well be the last of the destroyers the slayer of all the remainder of their own kind i have been baldermod your faithful servant i hope you have enjoyed this brief introduction to the necron destroyers if so then please do consider liking and subscribing if you do then hit the notification bell button as i would not want you to miss out the faeron looked at the eighth dimensional array predicted before his throne the image filling most of this audience chamber the complexity of the map and his various myriad markings and chevrons blinking in and out of existence he had watched for days now passively calmly all was going to plan he had been ordered to deploy his destroyer cults only but this was for a very specific reason the first being that it would give those elements of his force a chance to vent their ire but also to stretch their legs so to put it many had not been able to engage in some time and this was a way of not only giving them their head but also to check their operational effectiveness it was beyond anything he had witnessed he had never commanded destroyers before few had who had not woken early he sneered at the lack of control and the import it gave to the lesser races the pharaoh saw it as a curse a degeneration as bad as that of the flare virus because it meant the destroyers were fixated with that which should be below their contempt the buzzing and swarming masses of the lesser races he'd even lost two of his best warriors one anemosaur even to that detestable condition but the effect the effect they were like a whirlwind of annihilation that whipped around one planet after another in this system scouring each of every last living being he'd even witnessed them hunting cattle even those who could never bear arms or stand in the way of the new necron hegemony pathetic his underlings wondered why he had not deployed his vast array of warriors and weapons and despite how aggressive and effective the destroyers were that they tarried above the planets of this system twiddling their thumbs while the destroyers went about their bloody business it was simple and it was working when the third planet was attacked then web way gates opened and elder eye warriors of the craft worlds appeared to do battle with the destroyers across the three continents their game of cat and mouse a complex ballet that would confuse even the most veteran and talented generals amongst the lesser races but not the elderly and certainly not he the nemosaur who had fallen to the cult was leading with viciousness and cunning outplaying the elder eye on most fields out foxing and outmaneuvering them endlessly but they were not then caught in traps as others would be for elder i were nothing if not swift in their redeployment as the confrontation raged the shifting of his remaining nemesis were regular and tedious they did not know nor would he enlighten them for he had been instructed by his overlord to draw as many forces of the elder here as possible to elongate any confrontation and drain their scant forces so he bled them and it was working perfectly as more and more of them arrived he could end it in moments could bring his fleet around the dark side of the moon where they skulked and cover the planet with his men but that would prove to the children of the old ones that they simply could not win hence they would do what they do now they would flee to harbor their strength for they were now a pathetic shadow of their strength of old teetering on the very precipice of extinction for all its issues the plague of the destroyer cults not being the least the goals of the great sleep had been achieved the crook though still numerous were now laughable the elder eye are spent force only these new things those that looked like a cheap imitation of elderly only they really posed any threat he watched on a small webway gate activity spiked and the green clad warriors of the elder eye arrived in greater numbers still he nodded in contentment he would be lorded mightily for his patience and restraint for each and every elder eye warrior weapon and ordnance that was here would not could not be brought to bear on the coming confrontation at a green and lush plant elsewhere in the galaxy oh how the elder i would howled with fury when they discerned the hoax but then every dead eldar anywhere in the galaxy was an effort worthy of the making now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 61,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldermort, Baldemort, Necrons, Warhammer 40K Necrons, Dectroyer Lore, Skorpekh Destroyers, Necrontyr, War in Heaven, Phaeron, Warhammer Necron KIllers, Annihilators of Life, Necron Lore, Necrons Lore, Necrons Stories, Necrons Units, Space Skeleton Warriors
Id: tp11AxooTFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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