I Played Ultra-Modded Skyrim for a Year // PatPat Plays: Skyrim Elysium Remastered Modlist (1-50)

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1,756 mods I've been playing Skyrim for the past year using the elesium remastered mod list links to it in the righty bits this is to be the 50th episode of said let's play but it's not going to be like my normal content no no no I wanted to use this Milestone to take a look back on the series as a whole that's right it's everybody's favorite anime episode The recap episode if you haven't seen anything up to this point that's perfect this episode was literally made for you new viewer as for those of you who have been with me since the beginning how about I trip down memory lane you've been meaning to get out of that house for a while look Memory Lane even has little patches of grass you can touch isn't that nice yeah for real though I just wanted to do something a little more edited it's probably going to turn out cringe but who knows speaking of cringe episode one I had a bit of fun with character creation and made one of my first relatively success uccessful Tik toks out of it I wrote an entire backstory for our boy tardy penis which is just cringe but it's just some harmless light RP in order to help me make decisions in game now into the actual game we wake up from a bonk on our head and grab everything that's not nailed down we are then tasked with baby's first dungeon where I pretty immediately find my new favorite weapon the spear I kick some ghost ass and then it's time to go to our new home in solitude okay my duty here is done episode 2 has us taking a tour of our new Museum that we own and just figuring out a lot of what it has to offer episode 3 is when we finally make it out into the World We join the college find a wreck ship and go to our first actual dungeon I get overwhelmed and start to pray to whatever God will take me then my prayers answered woolly angels to send and smite my enemies get [ __ ] [Music] dude my gods my beautiful beings episode 4 sees us exploring the silent Moon's camp where I die a lot I find what I was looking for which turned out to be a book that tells me I didn't find what I was looking for it tells me to go to a top of the mountain so I do and while I do I keep dying on my horse for no reason wow why I get to the top of the mountain and move on with my life next stop was Windhelm where I'm told to leave because of good old high fantasy racism hold it there Arian oh you're not allowed inside the city it's the law here you need to leave okay episode 5 I decide to start the college quest line nothing new here really except for this funny dog I find the big orb at the end of the episode and we learn our first dragon slur ice form episode 6 was mostly spent in menus but I get better at cutting the fat as the series goes on I also completely broke my game riding the horse what is happening what what what is happening amazing am I going to die from this let me can I get off the horse oh that just turns on uh okay this seems to be a problem towards the end of the episode I start the main quest which has a starting the only dungeon I ever remember playing in Skyrim originally Bleak Falls Barrow episode seven we dive deeper into the BFB saving this [ __ ] just for him to go off and be a [ __ ] we also find an absolute ass ton of ruined books which have become super useful since we can give them to Loria to turn into spells and such then we do the claw puzzle find another word and then have our first real boss fight I offer him a little cheese and he dies first thing I do in episode 8 is wash my penis the animation takes quite a lot longer than I thought it would then we go back and turn in the ruined books for the first time and get some hot garbage we continue our way to Helgen where we are greeted by a dragon whose animation started late and scared the hell out of me this is the starting Town what the [ __ ] oh my God scared [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we fail our mission so I decided to take a dour to the nearest Quest marker for a key that only works half the [ __ ] time and a ton of keys that work none of the time in episode 9 we start the the vanilla main quest by going into a cave and find a text to speech voice man dying only to have said man get up fight and kill the spider that hurt him and then go back to whining a poor boy on our rad Riverwood we get ambushed by Bandits and one of them just casually turns into a werewolf almost killing me we make it to Riverwood and sit down for dinner but they won't let me eat anything rude in fact everything in this house is marked to steal except for their Loose [Music] Change 60% of episode 10 is spent in the museum just getting my [ __ ] life together man we also visit White Run for the first time in this episode we talked to the yl to progress the main quest and they asked me to slay a Dragon episode 11 starts with me Shilling out my favorite Walmart water then doing the one thing I regret most during this playthrough I kill a dragon why do I regret this well this Quest triggers the ability for dragons to start spawning everywhere to kill you which normally wouldn't be a problem but there's a mod on this list that's called deadly dragons a mod that makes sure dragons are as powerful and dangerous as they should be if Dark Souls hadn't taught me to be stubborn I would have reloaded and done something else but I cheesed the [ __ ] out of this dragon and made my life hell I go back to the Yaro and tell him I'm a special little boy then get my first companion of the playthrough Lydia don't get [Music] attached in episode 12 we start in the mountains where I find out I don't have access to the mod that lets me go back to cido and in order to do so I just need to complete the college quest line so that's on the top of my list of things to do and I do just that go back to the college do a Dungeon Crawl learn a new word end of episode episode 13 just sees me having the smoothest brain because I start doing a quest that I thought was for the college but in fact wasn't I do the dungeon anyway and fight this little teleporting bastard I continue with this dumb Quest and I get absolutely bodied I'm dead I'm dead he just one shot me getting sniped I say okay that's it where you guys I'm going home episode 14 opens with us going back to college to speak with a man about some books then I am immediately attacked by a dragon after the dragon's been dealt with I head off to get a quill I only do this Quest because it's between me and where I need to go little did I know in order to get this quill I would have to face off with Bandits Dwarven constructs and Falmer all with a B ass robot boss at the end all just to get this crappy shitty thing that I will never use in episode 15 I make my way up a mountain just to get my ass absolutely [ __ ] by a dragon you know what else you're you're a girl Dragon oh to the point where I give up on catching these hands and make my way down the mountain I found where I needed to be for the stolen books I do the dungeon perfectly not dying a sing SLE time I promise but then I get to the boss and this [ __ ] kicks my ass all over the place until I put my foot down and say no we're going to go do something else but we'll be back shortly between the episodes my computer actually shits itself to death so I had to replace some stuff which means I had to redownload the entire mod pack which updated with a ton of new mods I think I'm on version 2.5 now probably Lu luckily I was able to recover my save and continue with this adventure in episode 16 a viewer tells me about something that can help me with fall damage so I have to travel to FAL wrei and of course as soon as I do I get there and the dragon is no happy with dragon dead it doesn't take me long to find what I'm looking for a man falls out of the sky apparently a reference to morind the man had a paraglider and I'm told to scale the mountain if I wanted one most of the episode is getting killed by Bandits while climbing up the mountain but when I reach the top what a beautiful view I fly around for a bit and find myself in an unloaded Fulk wreath so I fast travel to reload it and get into another dragon fight in episode 17 we start by talking to some of the museum peeps uh then we thwart the worst assassination attempt I have ever seen is that an invisible man and now that the Dominion has risen once more it seeks to bring elsewhere under its thumb going to get assassinated right now there are those of us who would not have this so Rus happens upon this Relic a number of years ago brings it into his safe P but word spread swiftly on the worm Winds of Elsewhere and now the Thalmor seek to obtain it every piece of power they get their hands on bring you closer to dominating all of tamri so Reis gives to you the St done so that you may safe keep it and keep it from the clutches of the thalore pH that was close you saved the RIS from that sneaky thalore RIT owes you his life he wishes he had something of value to give you for saving him and we get an Airship that I won't lose to a little later after that we go around town completing some simple quests and fast travel over to Windhelm it's here that I get asked if I'm racist to which I respond with the correct answer I literally don't even want to talk to you am I racist you've come to the wrong City then then outside Windhelm I talk to a random guy on a boat who whisks me away to Far Far Away into the DLC a DLC that I had no idea even existed so I thought it was just a huge ass mod I explore the town wipe out a bandit camp nearby and finish it all off with a jump scare oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that episode 18 is mostly exploring and fighting I do get mind controlled by a rock so that was fun after that we do some more dungeon diving where I find my new best friend juanan episode 19 at the end of the last episode we were tasked with killing a long since dead General he's already dead so it should be easy as Wan's first true battle I can say he passes with flying colors and now I have a new best friend for life we kill the general and turn the quest in without any more Direction I decide to take a stroll down the beach where I find suicide spiders a madman and this [ __ ] thing what the hell just happened oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that oh my God oh my [ __ ] Christ bro eventually I find myself in the small mushroom Treehouse town where this dick of a wizard lives I agree to help him with his research where he just experiments on me and I have to wait for side effects whatever that means you know what time it is do time it's dog time everybody everybody knows it's dog time I buy a dog in episode 20 I name him cat vegetable which I know sounds weird but it makes sense because he's the exact opposite of dog meat from Fallout where dog meat is useful cat vegetable actively gets in your way where dog meat will help you in a fight cat vegetable will literally gang up on you where dog meat is cute and adorable cat vegetable is well he's also pretty cute and adorable I'm not going to lie but enough about my new dog I run into these people at the beach that said their home had been taken by Goblin dudes and I go and help them get it back on the way to my next objective I've take a little swim and have my health permanently lowered because of it turns out those side effects are triggered by water I go back to the derang doctor to get a cure when I try to head home to put stuff away I'm stopped by a priest at the door and he says there's a ghost in the house before I can go any further I am rudely interrupted by another Dragon we head into the museum and see some pretty wacky weird [ __ ] I find a note that I think has something to do with it but I'm told to take a nap instead when I awake [ __ ] gets taken up a notch mannequins are up walking around they flipped my dining room table but not like when you flip it on my opoly night like this I have to do some investigating to find the source of the ghost and I find a painting of the guy the pre says to take another map and everything will go back to normal but I awake to just fire and skeletons and scary Whispers then going down the hallway I see Alma from the fear franchise everything goes black and I wake up for real this time and everything is fine I do some more investigating and find a note talking about a statue the guy commissioned for his wife thinking it might be the key we head to the sculptor's family farm and find out that the family kept the statue all this time we pay for the Statue and have it delivered to the museum it does indeed solve our little ghost problem and now we have this pretty statue I loved this Quest it was wholly unnecessary because the mod itself was just so good with just the idea of the museum but this Quest just makes it a thousand times better I didn't mention it but I've been periodically giving this man a series of small loans so that he would continue Excavating this ruin for me he's bleeding me dry this episode is when I finally get to step inside cuz you see these dead guys got slaughtered by even dead guys and I needed to go and clear them out in order to continue I get unlucky because this button was supposed to activate when I move the skull but a pickaxe was perfectly a pixel too close and was keeping the button way down with the way forward open I can continue to get extorted by this [ __ ] [ __ ] and move on with the quest even after giving up so much money I noticed that my pockets were still pretty plump thus I decided to do a little shopping I honestly spend way too much time in menus going over equipment and while I wait for my order these children keep [ __ ] with this dead guy on the street did that little girl just what is this game what the [ __ ] are these children doing why are you stealing from this dead body I say as I steal from the dead body leave me alone after the upgrade I went and got it Enchanted God I'm terrible with money luckily I had enough sitting around in the museum to cover the cost and thus the penis poker was born then I Enchanted some armor as well but I'm totally out of money now so I go back to doing what I was doing before I got sick hoping this woman get a blessing from her ancestor or whatever it doesn't go well but she tells me to just lie to her people about it which I guess I'm cool with cuz I'm probably never going to see them again episode 23 we go back to the excavation site where I have to kill more dead people during the dungeon and with a heavy heart I dis Miss CAD vegetable he kept getting in the way and sometimes would even get me killed oh there you are okay get vegetable no get vegetable get out the way oh I can't Dodge but don't worry it won't be the last time we see him though after clearing out the site again this [ __ ] has the nerve to ask me for more money I actually can't afford it this time so it's time to just go sell a kidney or something I go back to the museum and get ambushed by yet another Dragon then I decide to do whatever Quest is closest which turned out to be this bounty hunting mission in the broken ore Grotto I kill everyone take her head turn it in giving me enough money to get robbed once more at this point I'm getting pretty desperate for money so I do the quest that looks easiest for some fast cash I deliver these shoes and get Jack [ __ ] for it wasting my time while I was doing that enough time had passed that the excavation site was ready again same [ __ ] different day as I get more and more tired of this [ __ ] place after I'm done the prick asks me for another 5K and I'm starting to cry a little I take everything that's not nailed down in order to sell it I'm In Too Deep now and I regret everything I go adventuring to find more [ __ ] I can sell and when I come back to the site it was under attack with my smooth brain I managed to kill the monster along with some of the miners which will probably cost me another 3K [ __ ] here also got caught in the blast but can't die so when he gets up he just attacks me I managed to [ __ ] off far away enough that I can fast travel and wait out his temper tantrum everything is back to normal when I get back so I stop the episode there in episode 25 I'm still needing cash so I go off to explore the coastline I fight a few walruses Wai no that sounds stupid what the hell's wrong with me I also explore a goblin camp that has a ton of goodies that these little dudes just hoarding I also get this cool ice horse for the museum outside I fight some dudes and one of them has a cloak that I immediately go and enchant it's surprisingly cheap for what it gives me cuz now I have infinite low-level spells that cost no Mana that means infinite relatively fast healing which saves my life more time than I can count up to so get ready to see that a lot I enchant the rest of my armor making an absolutely huge mistake by imbuing my helmet with dark vision I thought it would only be active in the dark and instead everything now looks like this oh no did I just [ __ ] ruin my helmet by putting this dark vision [ __ ] on it oh my God shut up a damn it [ __ ] and with no way of removing enchantments I essentially just ruined my best helmet once again returning to the museum to get pounced on by yet another Dragon I grab some more money and purchase a new helmet but I can't get it Enchanted just yet heading back to the site again once enough time passes is I show up and everyone is dead again back into this absolute mess I go this time it seems that it has been fully opened up I learn yet another Dragon slur then I proceed to kick anything and everything's ass I get to the final chamber but guess what [ __ ] is betraying me and summoning an even bigger [ __ ] who could have guessed a boss battle ensues and unfortunately I think they expect me to be way higher level because this [ __ ] is level 70 I give up on trying to have a fair fight and cheese the [ __ ] out of him [ __ ] number one says you sorry it wasn't my fault he asked me to forgive him and every cell in my body and every coin in my pocket wants this man dead I let him go because I'm a good person I do all my looting and continue into the next room where I'm greeted by thulu sitting in front of him is the black book I fearlessly took the book and started to read like any good book should it sucked me in and transported me to another world honestly this area looks so [ __ ] sick and it's all ruined when this guy starts talking and I swear it sounds like he's doing a terrible Zoidberg impression oh what the [ __ ] did I do so another Seeker after knowledge ers my real I am [Music] heror Prince of fate and Lord of Secrets I am tarty penis apoc I fight some cool lovecraftian monsters which is a nice change of pace and I get to the end where the book waits for me it gives me a choice of three powers and I take the one that gives me infinite Mana for 30 seconds it'll definitely come in handy later however it seems like that's about all I can do here so I head back to the museum to check up on the Airship gifted to me all those episodes ago now that I'm quite a bit more leveled up I decide to go back to school and kill that [ __ ] that won't give me those books turns out the boss fight's a lot easier if you're not getting one shot I pick up the books and head back to the college where they brought back the orb first study I don't know why but I somehow got in trouble and sent to the principal's office when I get there this guy used to talk to me privately he tells me or bad and gives me my next objective he then [ __ ] off and so do I but as soon as I leave the building who would have guessed but another Dragon Ambush now we have to make our way to the school's basement in the basement I run into this [ __ ] door that just just baffles me for like 20 minutes turns out I just had to walk up closer to the door I talk to the giant NightLight and go back to tell the teacher they tell me to go to another stinky ruin but time was up I ended the episode with my horse coming to say hi hello would you like to go to college episode 28 starts off with some wacky funny fun times with me trying to turn my horse around on the bridge [Music] [ __ ] okay I'm going to fast travel after that I head out towards the ruins when I stumble upon some very Silent Hill looking weather but instead of getting jumped by a monster I get jumped by a man after looting the dead man I go back to the museum for some Inventory management during which I set up the spell aato recital this is a neat spell that my viewer told me about that basically stores three Buffs that will pop on at the beginning of combat automatically for now I put in stone flesh and trolls blood giving me high damage resistance and massive Health regeneration I make my way into the stinky smelly shitty dungeon and go to clear it out of all Danger first fighting dwarfen conru and the fmer then I die resetting me about an hour of progress moving along I run into an actual sane human being and he gives me a puzzle to solve a puzzle that I admit takes me way longer than it should have I finished the puzzle and I'm finally free from my torment then I head back to college for the next episode I get back to the college to find out that thalore guy betrayed us oh no we find him shooting lightning at the orb for reasons I couldn't care less about but then he does a big boom and kills the principal I play with this corpse for a bit and then head out to town to defend it after cleaning up the town I'm told I need to go to another ruin yay I love Skyrim's unique environments I fast travel to the nearest location and my Lord and saviors save my skin once again making my way to my actual destination inside I find a bunch of ghosts of Christmas Past talking about all the goodies there are to find in this ruin fighting my way through the dungeon I run into a bone dragon he turn out to be super easy so I don't know if I should count him but I will just to make myself look cooler I spent a majority of episode fighting and listening to ghosts about how much they suck and how they all keep dying one by one I keep fighting and eventually find another Dragon word but this one is super profane so I'm just going to have to blur that out in order to stay within TOS of YouTube I dive deeper and run into the boss of the area I pump him full of arrows and he drops the staff that I need and a MK that I'll use later on my way out I run into another thalore who guess what betrays me I nuke him into the ground before he even gets a spell off and I continue with my day on my way back to the college I run into someone recruiting for the Dawn Guard but I won't be going there anytime soon on the steps of the college everyone from the school has been evacuated I use the staff to break in and fight off some minions I dawned the mask that I took from that boss earlier which drastically boosts my Mana recovery but I've been playing a little too long and I'll be leaving the episode off with a bit of a cliffhanger but it won't be much of a cliffhanger for you cuz episode 30 sees us go in and kill the man I start with the race outside and head inside to find out that I need to do some troubleshooting you see this teacher guy is supposed to go up to the other guy and yell something at him but he never does I spent about 2 hours trying everything under the sun to get this quest to trigger people online were saying things about how this happens if the gate outside was was open or some [ __ ] but that wasn't the problem some people said just to kill the thalore guy with console commands but that didn't work for me either turns out what I had to do was select the teacher using the console commands then disable him and enable him work like a charm as always I'm pissed at how easy the solution was then the big bad boss fight ensues to celebrate my victory the Illuminati personally show up to congratulate me and then they take my orb away anyway now I'm the Archer Mage and it's time for me to loot the last Arch mage's room I only do the first room for now but we'll come back later for the rest then as always I go back to the museum to put everything up and now that I'm Arch Mage I've met one of the criteria for visiting cidel I fast travel to the gate where the guard lets me through with no objection this time welcome everyone to Beyond Skyrim bruma a fantastic mod where we'll be spending a good amount of time I head down the mountain to see an ogre fighting with a bear a fight that I sure as [ __ ] would have lost money on if I was a beton man because the bear took him down with ease only to be obliterated by my dumbass further down I find the snow Stone rest where I head in and start talking to the owner and patrons I pick up a few quests and wathan is having the time of his life outside I Explore More of the surrounding area while still heading in the direction of bumma I discover a couple caves have a runin with some Cutters and fight a were bear which I didn't know that was a thing that's super cool eventually I made my way to bumma I spend the rest of the episode exploring the city listening to people talk on the street and searching for the blacksmith to deliver a letter from his brother that we met at the rest I find the building but I don't find him inside it so I decide to leave the episode off there for the day I start the episode back at the college because I was told by a viewer that the room can be changed into five different states and there was a lot more to loot and loot I do but that's boring for the most part so I cut it out back in bumma I managed to find the blacksmith and deliver the letter then I speak to Gort a man who's missing his booko Killin and ask me to find it for him never in my life have I agreed to a quest faster with no questions asked I love this man simple as that the quest marker is all the way across the map giving me the perfect excuse to explore the area I paraglide around getting some absolutely beautiful views I discovered the quaint little town of Greenwood an aliad ruin and a cave on my way when I found the cave I was actually looking for it was just filled with some wolves and bears that wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up oh okay you keep screaming and yelling I'm going to look around for a bit looks like it used to be somebody's home well you shut the hell up then the cave within a cave things get chilly in this one a bunch of ice wraiths Atron Nats and even a named one but he died like a [ __ ] like the rest of them so I don't really remember his name then suddenly a fire Atron in an ice cave crazy I pick up the book of killing and it seems just as dumb as I was hoping on my way out I get absolutely jump scared by this [ __ ] deer oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I also find this door that doesn't work and I have no idea what to do with I'll probably Google it later if I remember I get back to Bruna and find Gort drunk and having a gay old fun time I give him his book and he suddenly sounds less drunk next episode I test the limits of this mod the plan head south as far as I possibly can that's it that's that's the plan off we go getting a beautiful shot of the city it won't look like that for long about halfway there the ambient sounds just turn off okay I still footsteps the ambience is just gone that's cool um I managed to cross the river which is where I expected to run into an invisible wall but no wall came even when the world started to break even at the end of it all nothing came think I'll go home now except I didn't go home I went to the alien ruin we discovered earlier and man I got to say it is so nostalgic seeing this tile set again I played the absolute [ __ ] out of Oblivion and I I just think these ruins looked a lot better than Skyrim's boring ass caves but that's neither here nor there this ruin is littered with cultists and loot but nothing really stands out so when I'm done looting I head over to the other cave that we discovered at the same time the cave had nothing really of note except for this bridge this bridge that made me look like a [ __ ] idiot for 20 minutes I was too busy looting to see the chain on the wall and was looking all around for a way to lower the bridge after I managed to do so I find a deeper part of the cave that's filled with Bandits I find a book that asked me to change my religion and it is concerning then I find a sentient rock it asked me to go back to Skyrim and take it to a Mountaintop I needed to go back to the museum anyway so I figured I'd do that while I was out there we start the episode strong with yet another dragon fight followed by this guy committing just straight up murder I head across the river but wathan seems to have some trouble following it's okay though I don't want him to see my own psychotic episode I make it to meridian's Statue and she just keeps bitching about one thing or another now I probably shouldn't have said that because she shoots my ass into the stratosphere here now she's demanding me to get an artifact back for her and kill some dude once inside the temple I actually talk about how huge the file size is for this mod pack I kill some dudes and do a light puzzle that doesn't confuse me for too too long after a good while I finally find the guy and he's surrounded by Skelly boys the ads don't take long to deal with but I kept missing my shots due to some weird hitbox [ __ ] finally managed to kill him and wouldn't you know it he had a second phase I'm out of Mana so I panic and hit the wrong button then hit the right button and stun lock him to death The Relic turns out to be a sword and when I take it I'm teleported back into the sky where she gives it to me it's a cool looking sword but I don't plan on using it I take a trip back to the museum and deal with yet another dragon fight when I walk into the museum I'm greeted with the sight of blood and not my stuff I talk to the head of security and he tells me that some of his mates from back in the day heard he was working up here and came just to [ __ ] [ __ ] up don't you should just hate it when your friends come to your workplace just to [ __ ] around now time for some Swift Justice well okay maybe not Swift because this episode's almost an hour long but still Justice I fast travel to the nearest location and have some fights along the way once I get to the cave I have quite a bit of trouble with the bandits there but after dying several times I finally end up on top deeper into the cave I find a note saying that my princess was in another castle and my buddy tells me the big boss is in town to handle this job himself so we follow our lead and cut off the Caravan before they can get to the Border again I die a couple times but after I succeed I get a majority of my stuff back but I'm told that the big boss man has a real good Goods so we're off to confront him turns out I had already discovered his hidey-hole so it was easy to fast travel to Once inside I didn't have much trouble with the bandits here must have learned my lessons from the last few fights we get to the boss of Arena and my buddy guy friend pal here tries to talk him down now for the big plot twist the big boss was his brother brother unfortunately bro fails his Charisma check and we fight to the death obviously I Prevail and I gather the last of my stuff I head back to the museum and try to talk to my partner but he won't stop stuffing his fat [ __ ] face to talk to me but he drops everything to talk to The Courier pissing me off eventually I do get to talk to him and he says that it'll take a bit of kind to fully restore the museum so I put everything away and I take a nap in my bed in order to pass the time I wake up take a bath and talk to the MPCs dude bro is hella sorry for everything but I forgive him in full man another solid quest for this mod didn't need it but love that they have it while walking around I'm given a sick ass Katana that actually slaps episode 35 was the first time I started using AI generated art for my thumbnails and honestly it was such a spike in viewership that I still do it even now plus I think it looks cool as hell I am no artist nor do I have the money to hire one so I just find an image that I like and Spruce it up in Photoshop anyway we're back in bumma and it's time to go explore some more I find a cave full of Bandits nothing of real note inside just some now dead guys and a couple of saves so I exit the cave and start to paraglide down the mountain just enjoying the view but little did I know I landed right next to a bunch of necromancers performing a ritual it scared the hell out of me but I managed to take them all out on the first try I continue exploring and find more Bandits but in a camp this time I take them all out not on my first try then I decide to do looting in between episodes so I can go back and put it all away cuz it's boring in the chest I found an amulet that triggered a quest to return it to its owner problem was the owner was literally on the other side of the map I wanted to forego fast traveling in order to discover more points of interest and boy am I glad I did what the [ __ ] was that I did see that okay after that I couldn't really find any other landmarks so I ended up fast traveling to the furthest point I could I travel east and is that a duck what the hell is that is that a rabbit just running on water Hello Duck this mod is literally being coded as I'm playing it I discover a few places and get into a couple of fights my ADHD kicks in and I stop to admire the graphics for some reason I have to go out of bounds to get to the road that leads back in bounds to the camp in the mountain turns out it's a group of tals worshippers hiding from the thalore I finished turning in the quest and talk to everyone then I explore a little more thinking I had to be pretty close to the map border I find a couple of places and I turned out to be right I hit the map Edge I return to brma the end the episode but instead it is chaos people are running and screaming my battle Buffs activate I have no idea what's going on turns out a werewolf changed in the middle of town and Came Out Swinging I accidentally kill a guard here but I don't get in trouble for it with the werewolf dead and the people unfazed I end the episode there 37 is an episode I spent quite a lot of time talking the NPCs I start with the thalore but nothing comes of it then I head inside to the castle and get stopped by the Guard Captain he informs me that the counts had his Priceless heirloom stolen so a quest is triggered to return them the quest doesn't give me a map marker so I just continue to talk to everyone I run out of people to talk to in the castle so I head to the local criminal filled bar I talked to an orc who has nothing to do with my current Quest but gives me a quest of his own to help find his missing wife we'll be doing that later though the bartender on the other hand seemed like a hard cookie to crack he won't tell me anything about his customers so I get a prompt to find a way to pressure him into doing so I head out and over to the Guard Captain again he gave me a piece of paper and sends me on my way to deliver it the bartender after reading letter says nonchalantly that there were some bandits in a cave and marks it on my map I kill all the bandits but my treasure appears to be in another Castle again because I find a note saying so I head back to town and the thief who stole the artifact for the bandits is hiding in some random dude's house me and the boss man go in and the dude is already beat to Hell turns out they betrayed him the captain says the gang should split up and tasks me with going into the trapo and retrieving the the artifact while down in the trapo I fight a dude and find the artifact in a pouch sitting on a table on my way out I do a bit of a bad boy thing and I steal everything of work back at the Castle I watched the thief get turned in and both the count and the Guard Captain give me their thanks with a pretty hefty amount of gold in the start of episode 38 I finally figure out how the local map Works never even thought of using it in a town to see the names of the buildings around now I'm going to use it to look around and the first stop is the Fighters Guild slowly I became more and more disappointed as I explored I exhausted all the dialogue trees explored every room and I couldn't even join the damn Guild so I gave up and as soon as I walk outside I run into the leader of the guild we talk and I think I'm finally getting somewhere when she says they're not looking for new members but I could put up these posters around town for a small bit of coin this whole ordeal was unfruitful and sad so I go somewhere else to explore as I do I run into this guy who just absolutely Clips his mic screaming what the [ __ ] was that there was a wolf attack outside but nothing important I end up putting up all the posters anyway just to get the quest off my journal and yeah turns out that was the whole quest line which sucks but I mean this mod is already so incredible I'm just looking at gift course in the mouth also sidebar I looked up the origin of that phrase because of this and apparently it stems from the fact that you can determine how old a horse is by looking at its teeth and that it was considered rude to do so in front of the person that gifted you the horse because it was if you were immediately trying to determine the value of the gift just thought it was interesting anyway back to the video the next building I enter Because I like its symbols but little did I know what would happen next I don't know what is this this building I like it symbols Who Dares disturb my excuse the [ __ ] out of me what is happening am I [Music] dead oh [ __ ] I'm not dead holy [ __ ] Christ that clip I edited up for Tik Tok and it is by far my highest viewed video it almost has a million views so please go watch it again there so that I can pass that Milestone a crazy fight ensues and one of the dude turns out to be important so I can't kill him after a while everything goes quiet so I think it's over then wathan gets back up and immediate mediately starts fighting again I even try to talk to one of the guys but wathan was just not having it today and attacked him again wathan drop it leave it alone okay what do you think about the College of Whispers I what was that oh my God wathan you [ __ ] stupid son of a [ __ ] even though I super didn't want to have to do it I had to protect my boy from himself I put him back in his pokeball I talked to the other people without interruption this time and nothing really came of it plus I was so shook from the whole experience I just wanted out of that damn place I leave the building and I'm caught by a guard saying I have a bounty of two grand I pay the 2K gold and unfortunately I have all my stolen goods taken from me a lot of this [ __ ] I forgot I had on me so it's not a huge loss I continue around town and find this little butcher shop downstairs in the butcher shop is this old retired Hunter I talk to him and he regales me about tale of hunting a massive grizzly bear found me on the slopes of dive Rock Galloping from a cops of trees faster than an avalanche it's roar louder than thunder I didn't have time to put an arrow into his heart I dropped my bow pulled out my Axe and danced with the beast on that mountain fortunately such a creature is not well suited for hunting on the Steep Crags of the Geralds after a little tussle I I sent the Beast tumbling off the cliff to its death took me nearly a week to find clean and haul the carcass back to bumma now it sits above the fire a proper trophy I'm guessing I'm guessing in your house right after that fun time I find my way back to the Shady bar in town to pick up another Quest he says there's some upy [ __ ] trying to shut the bar down but that's for another episode I leave and go to the other bar in town a more high class establishment well I say that then I say this [ __ ] what's going on here who made that noise get this one anyway I talked to the guy given the bar trouble and can't seem to get him to back off we'll figure it out later though I go back to the castle and talk to some people that apparently was progressing a different Quest they also tell me that the captain is looking for me the captain wants me to talk to some tallos worshippers and get them to calm down but again that'll be for another episode episode 39 one of the few episodes I actually had a plan for first thing to do is talk to this gaggle of people just hanging right outside the door of the bar one of them tells me to steal this guy's journal and she'll tell me where it is if I put a love note in there for him I consider myself a bit of a Matchmaker so I agree the quest is called ugly love after all I head to the castle and talked to probably the most helpful NPC I've ever seen he actually helps with my investigation by going and looking at the records he tells me what I want to know but he also says he remembers some other guy doing the same thing but it was off the Record making that guy more of a suspect I search his quarters grabed the journal and leave the note I can't seem to talk about it to him though so I say [ __ ] it and go tell the orc that this guy did it he took your wife I expected him to fly off the handle and kill him but I vastly underestimated him because he calmly asked me to find more evidence at his house in order to fully connect them to the crime boy do I feel Doom wait was I just being fantasy racist probably anyway I break into his house and kill his guard I find a letter incriminating him and bring it back to the orc now he's proper pissed the letter implies that his wife is alive so we go and kick his door down we search the house frantically and the game makes me feel like a total idiot can I impossible to open what do we do destroy the barrel well that's that now let's March down here and find my wife we find the two in the basement and what happens next will shock you quiet now s just relax Sak relax [ __ ] here with my wife my wife you de deviant backstabbing She's Mine dumb rag she guys can't save you now you ignorant son of a I love him to you faithless wretch how dare you how dare you oh my God it's a NOA corrupt spineless do I come here you got to watch these stories me she no longer loves you you must come to terms with that orc now leave our home and never bother me or her ever again well he's just going to get with wathan apparently comes as a shock what do I do what what what do I do oh [ __ ] audience interaction okay leave them be try to forget and never existed and rebuild your life D you want a job at a museum thank right this was bad business all of no good can come from stooping to this level anymore I'm leaving this den of iniquity perhaps we'll meet again perhaps we won't thanks for the help here take this some gold from my old Merc jobs oh damn dude 12 50 anyway I fast travel to the next Quest back to the little camp with Talos worshippers I don't know how I [ __ ] up this dialogue tree so hard I came here to tell them to calm down and I ended up giving them the courage they needed to stand up for what they believe in the Guard Captain comes over to tell me what a good job I've done then I [ __ ] off to the other side of the map to turn in my last Quest episode 40 I finally get my [ __ ] together and look up how to continue the quest to help the bar turns out you have to say that you'll help him but don't really help him we do a bit of fibb in and he gives us a memory gem that contains some evidence of why the place should be shut down we head into the palace to find the captain and right as I was about to touch the handle he Springs out and scares the [ __ ] out of me I clearly caught him in the middle of beating the [ __ ] out of this poor woman guard but he buys my Silence by offering me a pint down at the pub before that I give him the G and he insists we listen to it as well what can only be described as one of the most embarrassing sex tapes I've ever heard plays what's that snot brained Almer doing here this is no place for one of them you don't think he's thalore do you no doesn't seem the sort but he's still not the right type for our little Den might bring the wrong kind of attention so what do we do stabbing him would be excessive so oh I know why don't we treat him to a little show of our favorite Lusty Argonian maid oh my God perfect let's go fetch her here take this coin I'd like to buy a little show for my Almer friend over there sure thing oh one other thing he wanted you to roleplay as lifer taale you know from oh my God Timmer always the same fantasy sure thing hey darling I heard you wanted a date with lifer taale what is the meaning of this lifer tail what a ridiculous name for an even more ridiculous oh my zaris is breath what an obli are you doing I demand that you put that back on Ari will give me strength cease and desist I demand that you cease and desist at once crous Li woman stop jiggling about I can't take this anymore I think I'm going to faint I think oh it worked Otis you really are a genius I know sop didn't even know what hit him they made him special in alinor don't they and when it finishes the Guard Captain deems that nothing illegal happens so there's nothing he can do about it I go back to the elf and give him the bad news that his premature ejaculation wasn't sufficient evidence for a legal case so he [ __ ] off back to wherever and I get paid now it's time to meet my buddy down at the bar for that drink he promised me earlier for no reason at all he gets a little lost in the sauce and starts spilling about some [ __ ] from his past it ends up with him asking me to take down a bandit leader which I'm always down for apparently they're Hol Up in an underground Fort that is directly south of the city I head straight there and I find out these guys ain't [ __ ] around first dude I fight right outside the cave is tanky as hell so it's going to be a big fight and a big fight ensues many arrows fireballs and funny moments were had then I died and had to do it all over again all right I'm going for it I'mma get you I'mma get [Music] you soon as this wears off you're dead all right where you go stupid [ __ ] I'll take on this whole Camp by myself what was that up [ __ ] [Music] a this time I was more careful when ended up winning but there was a ton of loot I picked up every little [ __ ] thing in this Fortress because I have a problem I find their jail area and decide to rumage through there next more fighting more dying more fighting more Victory more looting unfortunately somewhere in this waterfill room is a ner route that won't shut the [ __ ] up I find it but after that little annoyance I am so [ __ ] done with this room so I head back to go deeper into the fort turns out I had to go that way first anyway since I found the key for the main door in the next room there is a ton of people to fight and it gets super chaotic my only saving grace was my boy wathan being an absolute tank I loot a bunch and find a key to the next room then I do the smartest thing I've done in a good while I save my game before opening this [ __ ] door followed by the dumbest thing I've done in a while I try to recharge my sword and okay real quick let me charge my did I just drop it [ __ ] damn it you want I'm like hold on guys let me dropped my sword so you can [ __ ] kill me easier God damn it I die a few more times and finally win thinking I'm safe I start collecting my goodies then Mama Bear comes home luckily I managed to paralyze her on my second attempt and end her for good I start to loot all that good good but realize that I have very little room left in my inventory from all the other [ __ ] I've been picking up I pop some carry weight potions and start heading back to put [ __ ] up then on my way back all right I knew I heard oh son of a [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me I'm dead I just ran right into him surprise more combat at this point I'm sick of it I won I go back to the captain and he says he has a reward for me and he [ __ ] better after all the [ __ ] I just went through he had me follow him to the count where they gave me the opportunity to buy a house which isn't much of a reward and a bit of gold and a title they kind of piss me off for what they do to wathan nobody's going to thank wathan for his his deeds okay as we're exiting the castle the thalore stopped the Guard Captain to have a little word the sons of [ __ ] take him to prison for helping those Talis worshippers earlier and that's just the end of the quest line God damn it that is the most Cliffhanger of a quest ending and I want to go break his ass out of prison right now but I I get over that pretty quickly and in the episode episode 41 I [ __ ] up on so hard I typically do multiple mic checks before I start recording but not the one time it actually [ __ ] up my mic makes a clicking noise the entire episode and I hate it regardless I start by fixing another mistake by actually going back to the boss room of that last episode in order to finish looting nothing of notes so we move on back to Skyrim now that we're done with the main quest of the area there's still plenty to explore so we'll be back later but for now we're going to be tying up some loose ends once there I get interrupted by this sick fight scene obviously the bear wins and I kill the winner anyway I fast traveled to that one cave we couldn't beat earlier with the three-stage boss fight but we're back to kick some ass hopefully maybe and I do indeed kick ass it gets close a couple of times but finishing the fight gives me probably one of the best amulets in the game if I didn't have my dear friend and companion wathan here I'd definitely be rocking this thing giving you stat upgrades and resurrecting to full health every 20 minutes is actually crazy the next little while I spend roaming the countryside heading to the next objective which was a tool bag I find the cave and have a couple of scraps here and there eventually ending up with the tool bag now maybe I'm just stupid stupid but I don't really get the purpose of it scratch that I am stupid and I never use next item on the list is some rock luckily I've already cleared out the place that it's in so it should be a walk in the park it couldn't possibly turn into a 2hour episode then I see it the maze this [ __ ] maze dude it actually wasn't that bad it was actually pretty straightforward and used very little of my bio Ram the only part where I had to think were these parts where they wanted you to use a spell from a certain School of magic to trigger these switches that unlock doors which isn't exactly hard when they give you a staff from each school to use right at the start I make it through the maze grabbing the stone I came for which allows me to fully refill my magic at the cost of Soul Gems I learned the f bomb and head back into the winding path and flip some more switches with all of them activated a portal opens up saying the trial of conjuration upon entering I'm immediately attacked by some guy I beat his ass so hard even the game wants me to stop after that I'm teleported back to the beginning a couple of monsters are summoned in front of the exit but I get through them easy enough our next objective is a torch that we tried to get earlier but we're way too underleveled for I go to the cave and kill everything that moves I find the torch on a dead body I don't check it out because I'm too busy worrying about my full backpack in fact I forget about it entirely as I plan my next objective the stone hands that I tried to get earlier but failed this time will be different though this time I'm still going to fail but now I'm going to flee like a coward I run in grab everything I can learn the word of power and [ __ ] right off down the mountain using my paraglider I run into the forest to try to lose the dragon but stumble upon a little Inn in the middle of nowhere I get inside and I wait out the aggro I even rent a room to take a nap now that I'm safe and sound I check on my loot the torch just seems to be an infinite torch but not all that special the stone hands make my speech craft better for some reason but I don't see the importance next on the list is a journal that's on my Airship it took me an embarrassing long amount of time to find out I could just roll up the rug and enter the smuggling's hold where the book is the journal activates a quest that we will be starting in the next episode The Quest wasn't all that exciting I go to the quest marker and I dig for 12 hours and find a room the room was just filled with some robot spiders and odds and ends next objective was to get the Codex I waited till I had more fast travel points unlocked to do this quest to make it easier for myself and boy did it pay off as both points had locations nearby I I find them both relatively quick even though my game crashed while I was fighting I head back to the silent mood camps just to be ambushed once again this time however I do not ask for help instead I Slaughter the men in front of me proving my worth and showing them how far I've come my masters there they are in the dark you see how powerful I've become Masters this is all for you master I pushed my way through the camp one last time finding the Codex it gives a ton of bonuses for a bunch of different mods basically helping me locate things or finding things pretty neat and I'm a level with you I I didn't understand how it worked until I started writing the script I'm such a dumbass speaking of being a dumbass I couldn't decide what to do next so I decided to smooth out my brain by marking every [ __ ] quest in my journal not only does this clutter the map beyond belief it also glitches the markers so they're not accurate my dumbass didn't find out about this until later though I will start my journal cleaning in my home of solitude luckily I find a quest guy as soon as I get there unfortunately I also find a damn Dragon for the first time they actually give up and [ __ ] off I shrug it off and go back to following Quest markers I enter the blue Palace talk to a gal and enter the off-limits wing of the palace it leads to me blacking out and waking up to the girl of my dreams I love shio gorath and I totally forgot about this Quest and it shows when I forget how to do some of the basic task presented to me after completing my task I take my leave and gain the Waba Jack I leave the palace and flex my smooth brain once again by trying to use the wejack on a dragon I do manage to kill the dragon and by that I mean I waited patiently and edited out later I managed to squeeze one more quest in before ending the video continuing with the spring cleaning of my journal I head to the Guard Captain and have a word to advance a quest followed by me going to the temple next door and finding a chest that I have no means nor idea of how to open it I then head into town to go tell this woman the good news that she gets to bury her daughter a I talk to some more NPCs about some [ __ ] quests and then run into the problem of having this many Quest markers they don't update nor are they accurate the markers keep telling me that I can report the lizard man to the Guard Captain but it won't let me do so so I just say [ __ ] the whole Quest and just don't do it the next closest marker is the bird's eye so I follow the coast and it turns out that you can't follow the coast because it's up on top of a mountain i f travel somewhere else and get there pretty easily when I get there it's nothing but a tower filled with dead bodies and Alchemy ingredients I get to the top of the tower and the quest wants me to sit in a tiny chair for some reason and the reason is that some woman can sneak up on me and threaten me then she just immediately pivots to begging for her life turns out she was one of the necromancers here and was trying to get turned into some Harpy thing for great power I take pity on her and I ask if I can help out I don't see a marker because they're broken but I do see a marker for a delivery that I can make right before the episode ends another [ __ ] up episode for the books boys more mic clicking in this one and this time I downloaded a program to permanently fix the issue speaking of awful mistakes I start this episode off by going into the wrong cave turns out that there was a cave higher up into the mountains that was the true entrance I walk into the true cave and and kill a troll that's it that's the quest man not going to lie after I take my leave I go to the Dragon Bridge to pick up shipment for the guard captain in solitude and the first true problem of having too many Quest markers shows itself the marker is way off and led my dumbass up a mountain I get frustrated and head back to the bridge just to see if I can find the guy I find the guy but he refuses to talk with me no matter how many times I ask once again frustrated I go find something else to do back on the coastline is a marker to find some ring so off we go I find the ring out in the open next to a dead guy looking for more easy quests like that one I find one at the college that just says to talk to some guy it turned out to be the guy who traded an amulet but wants it back so now I have to go talk to the bully he says he'll give me the amulet back if you take back a staff he gave to an evil wizard unfortunately progression on this Quest was lost to the Sea of quest markers my meds must not be kicking in cuz I once again jump over to the other side of the map for a completely different Quest I just can't stay in one place I go back to the Inn in the middle of nowhere that I used to escape from the dragon I talk to some NPCs and waste a lot of time before not finding the thing I'm looking for and just giving up off to the next one now we need to find some guys journal in the same place that we found that useless quill earlier I get into a big fight and leave the book for the next episode I start the episode with more fighting and find the book pretty close to the entrance also between episodes I looked up the lighthouse Quest and found out that he betrays you anyway so I get the result I wanted I also find out that you can hit m in the quest journal to show the marker on the map the fact that I am just now learning this makes me so sad but now we know that we can easily find where the evil wizard is I make my way to the marker and find a cave I go in and pretty much slaughter them all all with a little resistance apparently there was a vampire here who had a bounty on him so just a little bonus to finding the staff I had back to the college and end up talking to the wrong guy but I still get to turn in a quest anyway I also got access to the college's secret Library I edit most of it out but I read all the books in there once again my markers are [ __ ] so I can't find the guy to give him the staff so I move on to the lith house Quest I turn off the light in the lighthouse and go back to Solitude thinking that's where I got to talk to the Argonian but it's not while I'm here I collect some bounties and then go to the docks to talk to him all he says is to go to the Shipwreck to meet his sister I meet with her and she tries to kill me I have that effect on women this actually takes me a couple of times but I managed to kill them all I read a note on their body that tells me where they took the loot and luckily it's a place I've already cleared out I go to this huge cave and fight two guys one of them being the Argonian we spoke to with that Quest done I actually form a wrinkle in this little brain of mine and unmark all the quests in my journal it finally fixes the problem so I go back to the college to find the guy for the staff he trades me the amulet and I give it back to the original owner we start episode 47 with the birds of a feather Quest the one where the lady wants to turn into a harpy or whatever it doesn't take long to get to this quaint little home in the middle of nowhere I start a conversation with the dad and hello sir ah S I actually managed to kill both of them on my first try I talked to the man again and he invites me to stay the night with his family which I thought was very nice of them it wasn't until he started talking about how nice my earlobes were and wondering how big my toes are that I started to get a little creeped out I step inside and meet his wife she talks about how much she likes my nose and I'm starting to get a little bit of a cannibal Vibe here I have the option to poison the soup and I take it at the table they talk about some weird superstitions they have and I am just so weirded out by them then the wife ask me the dumbest question ever so is it true what they say have the dragons returned were you not outside 2 seconds ago then the girl ruins my plans by showing me her bug collection it stops the before they eat but we do eventually get back to dinner except the girl she leaves the house for some reason the mom and dad sit down to eat and die just how I wanted I take what I need and head outside to my surprise the girl also triggered to die I triy to frame the dragon by putting the little girl's body next to it but the body despawned so I just throw her in a bush I head back to the Necromancer woman and she tells me to put some ingredients Into The Cauldron instructions unclear get cotton ceiling fan yeah I [ __ ] it up hard I give her a proper burial and move on onto Dawnstar where I can turn in some bounties on some vampires but wouldn't you know it they were dead when I got here I swear I find a piece of paper on one of the bodies and it triggers a new Quest it leads me to town where I go into the inn and find out that the whole town is having terrible nightmares this man asked me for help but before that I read another piece of paper that tells me to search some ruins I decide to go to the ruins first I find yet another dead guy and a journal telling me that there's a secret cult hiding in Dawnstar I'm now tasked with following the suspects to figure out who dun did Kill D episode 49 yes episode 49 you did not hallucinate and I did not [ __ ] up 13.5 is now Canon whatever doesn't matter between episodes I get a tad sidetracked with Final Fantasy 16 Final Fantasy 16 has my balls in a vice somebody help please help me and it's fun as hell but I came back to just do one more episode and disappear again back at dawn star I try not to blow my brains out walking with this dude he tells me about the temple being filled with some sort of sleepy epy gas but we go in regardless he heats up the door to let us through which was pretty rad and then shows me the skull of corruption which is even R we head further into the temple but we run into a magical barrier that is possible to get past he then says there might be a way in the library so off we go fighting some dudes along the way when everything settles he tells me to find a certain book out of all these books I grab the book in every other burned and ruined book along the way the book tells him about a potion that uses people's dreams to travel realworld distances which again Super Rad the potion needs a special ingredient that's in the Next Room I find it almost immediately after after the fight there and give it to the dude he makes the potion and gives it to me to drink I drink it in front of the barrier and I'm sent back in time to when all this [ __ ] went down I run back to the other side of the barrier and I am sent back to the present I take the crystal that was powering the barrier and we make our way towards the skull after a few fights and looting some more stuff we make it to the skull his two buddies aren't very nice to us so they die of course then he starts the ritual a voice speaks in my head telling me he's going to be betray me and free the skull but I trust the man enough to let him do his thing he comes through destroying the skull and saving the day next on legenda is tailing one of the three suspects that could be in the cult in between episodes I actually looked up who it was because I would have gone so mad just trying to follow each and every one of them I head to the mines where one of the suspect uses a secret door a secret door leading to a secret cult having a secret meeting after I find them I'm tasked with destroying them after looting them that was it that was the end of the quest and the final episode in this that's it that's the video You're now all caught up everything from the humble penis with a bump on his head to the absolute unit erected before you now as a god a God who admittedly dies quite a bit thank you to anyone who watched this it took me forever to do and it was quite challenging for me please validate my hard work with a like subscribe all that shiz if this does well God I hope it does well I'll be doing more of these edited videos of my other playthroughs if you don't want to wait for those you can always watch the videos as they come out I got playlists of everything mentioned here as well as every other video I make it's Prime second screen content I assure you again thank you for watching and please look forward to more Adventures of tardy penis and wathan I'll see you in the next one
Channel: TheAmazingPatPat
Views: 614,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bbngoO3bG7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 56sec (4556 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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