Mystery Buttons Choose what I EAT for 24 HOURS! *WARNING GROSS*

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today we are pressing mystery buttons to determine what we eat for 24 hours on this panel there are six meals breakfast snack time lunch dinner dessert midnight snack on each meal there are three buns a good bun a bad butt and a very bad button if you get the good bun you eat all your food you get five dollars if you get the bad bun you eat all your food you get 25 and if you get the very bad bun you eat all your food you get 100 most money at the end of this video is the winner so for the next 24 hours whenever we're hungry we need to press one of these buttons and that's what we're gonna eat let's get dingy so right now it is 10 a.m which means we're eating breakfast all right i'm gonna press the first button all the delicious stuff yes all right johnny push your butt let's see what you get it's between bad and very bad oh no i don't want to get them oh okay well that's not that bad that's the bad new that means i get the very bad meal at least i'm going to be getting a nice protein full meal this morning let's cook our food and we'll eat it i gotta make a yogurt parfait toast chocolate pancakes eggs and bacon so uh i'm not gonna lie i normally eat cereal for breakfast all right we'll start with the eggs i guess oh egg number two not bad what the hell one cup oh there's two in there oh that's a lot that's not good oh [Music] and done my breakfast is ready to go as you can see i kind of burnt stuff a little bit because there was a lot to pay attention up that pancake was way better than that one chris is done making his food in so no you have to pour the egg whites first that's part of it that's why it's very bad guys check this out instead of milk i get to use bob evans cage free egg whites one percent liquid egg whites and cholesterol free fat free food not a sponsor oh dude murky you have to slurp every last egg white yeah in order for us to get our money and for it to count we have to eat every drop but chris you turned a good meal into a crappy meal yeah how did i manage that i don't drink water very much mainly just a mountain dew bro are you okay you can do a hundred dollars man like a booger 100 what is that actually it's like a bugger ew that's so gross that's actually making me lose my appetite i feel like i'm about to show up guys it's getting soggy you know what i'm doing some pancakes right now let's try this delicious chocolate maple syrup pancake hello to this guy over here with his burnt breakfast i know a little loser you can't burn cereal oh my god i've decided i am tired of eating this slowly i'm gonna gulp it all down in 10 seconds and then my suffering will be [Music] over how's it going guys um honestly i don't think i can get past the burnt food so i'm gonna pass so you don't get your five dollars all right so that means johnny gets 25 i get a hundred dollars and i get zero you know what jeffy you deserve it that was not fun it's pretty disgusting [Music] it is now snack time whoever gets very bad in the previous round gets to go first in the next round so i get to pick which button is first and my tummy hurts so i'd like to have a very good button very bad this is where i'm going bye that means i get the bad one banana did completely in ketchup that sounds worse than the bean boozled there's nothing worse than bean boozled i mean i'm gonna be tasting throw up i'm gonna be tasting poop i'm gonna be tasting boogers i'm gonna be tasting all swords and then and then you're gonna eat the bean boozled right yeah i've gotta dip a banana completely in ketchup here we go jeff why aren't you eating right now huh let me pray before my meal we have emptied the entire ketchup bottle strawberry banana smoothie or dead fish [Music] raw food or you're not gonna get the money dipping the banana in ketchup three bad flavors please give me a good one the banana is completely submerged in ketchup um look at this thing i got five that in a row i got excited for this this is so bad i'm gonna get sticks back in a row this is definitely weird flavoring honestly it's not bad because the banana kind of cancels out the ketchup a little bit the thing about the blue one is it's either berry blue or toothpaste can't complain about toothpaste after eating dead fish and crappy dog food you know for a fruity snack this is really high in sodium everything is bad i haven't got a good flavor at all this whole time i've taken like one two three four five six seven eight nine everyone has been bad the last bite of the ketchup idea that's the first good job i could not i would not have handled it that well yeah honestly i rate that a three or ten guys this is how it always goes i always get the worst ones this is how it just goes i don't know if there's a single good theme in this thing i've had nine in a row all of them have been okay should i try peach or barf huh picture this is either peach or barf yeah dude your breath smells bro i'm done i'm not doing it i think i might tap out on apples too i've got such a big package of apples i don't know yeah i will say it is nice that i get these blue ones because i get a bunch of toothpaste after that disgusting fresh yeah go wash your mouth out bro around your mouth too oh yeah one yeah [Music] [Music] before we move on to lunch jeff here's an extra bonus button that you get to press [Applause] peanut butter and jelly and cheese quesadilla here you go jeff if you can finish this peanut butter and cheese jelly quesadilla before i finish this brand deal read we'll give you an extra 50 bucks towards your score dude there's actually peanut butter jelly and cheese in this quesadilla that is disgusting let's do it challenge begins in three two one rocket league is free to play it's on the epic game store and is also available on playstation xbox and nintendo switch dude this tastes weird make sure to download rocket league for free by clicking the link in the description below get the fast and furious three-car bundle live in rocket league right now the bundle comes with the iconic nissan skyline dodge charger and pontiac fiero 17 decals and more and it's available now in the item shop thanks again to epic games for sponsoring this video rocket league is free to play on the epic game store use our link below to [Music] again so i downl go first again and i really want the good because i honestly have been eating trash all day how's your tummy feel by the way not good it might not taste like throw up oh okay i get the good one again all right that means you get the bad one let's see what it is pickles that's all you get for lunch and you got to drink the juice so i have a chance to make another 100 so let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] our meals are ready so uh it looks like someone just threw up a lasagna on my plate even though i got the good thing but but it's cheesy it's probably tasty it's noodly it's tomato saucy and he's got pickles he doesn't like it johnny's already started okay let's dig in boys i'm really just gonna try to power through this hopefully it's not too bad it's definitely probably the best thing i'm gonna have eating all day i don't like the beans how's it going pickle boy i don't want to talk about it i got i am a gentleman this isn't bad enough jeff i'm sorry buddy now that's what we're talking about that's very bad you know what maybe i'll like the pickle juice anytime you have to eat all this for 100 bucks it's like warm it's salty so why don't you take a big bite of the mustard and mayo and lima bean pizza oh my gosh jeopardy sending it no keep going keep going oh do you eat all the pickles before i eat the rest of my lasagna and i'm just gonna be going a slow pace i'll give you all the money from my price oh five dollars wait from from this price because it's only five dollars total for the video oh my god whoa why do you have to chew pickles so much why are they so crunchy who made them like that you guys wanted a couple good meals i've got one more bite johnny oh she's the last one you've gone this far come on it you gotta johnny the juice oh watch it down dog i can't i can't drink the juice plain is landing oh come on nope you get it i can't do it i can't pick that juice it looks like chris is the only one who completed his meal i did not want the pizza and mustard contraption so you know what that's great good job five dollars for you you know what johnny for your fruit and all the pickles you ate i'm gonna give you my fault five dollars from this round thank you thank you you're welcome it's worth it so we are halfway through our challenge right now currently i have 25 jeff has 100 dollars and johnny has 30 dollars so now since we had work at five we're gonna be taking the buttons home so we're gonna choose which ones we want we're going to press them at home and then we have to eat whatever it says all right so since i once again got the very bad i'm going to choose all my buns first and then they get to choose the thing is we won't know until we get home one of these buns for dinner is a five-star meal all right jeff is chosen time for dessert he's chosen dessert this will be my midnight snack so i've chosen my buns i'm gonna go with that one that green for some green lime green some blueberries for blue some blueberries all right everyone's got their buttons and like i said we won't find out until we get home and this is all we're gonna eat for the rest of the day we'll see you dinner bye now so i'm at home now and it is dinner time so that means i've gotta see what i get to eat [Laughter] doesn't sound bad um extremely spicy please be good okay so it's a gas station food only that is not the good one but it's not the very bad one so you know they have like hot dogs gatorade i said you know better than what i've been eating all day so let's head to 7-eleven oh extremely spicy yeah i think honestly this is a very bad one because we had to get one million scoville hot sauce [Music] i just picked up my dinner some wagyu steaks from bourbon steak and i got a uh baked potato the total came out to 297 dollars so we'll see how this steak is so this is one million scoville hot sauce let me just read this warning label real quick i agree as indicated by my opening this bottle as follows in connection with my purchase of this product due to the extreme high nature of this product this product shall be used as a food additive this product can cause serious injury if directly consumed ingested or applied to the body i bought myself a gatorade and i bought myself some warm tyson chickens you know what it's definitely a step up from earlier that's the best tasting thing i've had all day i'm going to have the first bite of wagyu steak all right here it goes it actually like melts in your mouth i've got it open and i'm just gonna get this in here [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh that one drop on my tongue no joke is oh well there's my hot wings i think i cooked them too long oh my gosh that literally is gonna melt through the wing i got my dinner guys that's great all right here we go lukewarm chicken from a gas station there's a little bit of hot sauce on this one i'm starting with the one with the least amount of hot sauce on it we'll see what happens [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh i don't know if i can do this i need to know this is literally the best steak that i've ever had this guy eat four chicken nuggets i'll get 25 bucks so that was trader joe's oat milk and you just drank it from the garden that's unbelievably hot guys this is all that's left in my steak and i'm kind of sad because i never want it to be over you know it's kind of like when you're hanging out with your best friend and you don't really want it to end that's how i feel about this steak right now i don't want to see this oh boy there's one this one has more hot sauce than the last one my mouth definitely is on fire right now two down three more to go i wonder how the others are doing right now all right guys final bite i successfully ate dinner from the gas station pretty proud of myself my mouth is on fire chicken wing number three here we go oh no i'm throwing in the towel that was way too hot all done that was one of the best meals i've ever had i am so full even though the steak was only that big and we're about to go get some dessert so i can't say that i'm pleased with dinner but i certainly can say that i'm not displeased with dinner anyways i will see you guys at dessert so there are still two buns left and so maybe if i get both 100s i could possibly still get this win if i eat them of course all right well i'll see you guys for dessert well it's currently 10 p.m and that means it is time for some dessert oh no melted ice cream that definitely isn't a very bad one because that that's not too bad so all right melted ice cream yo that's the other good one i'm honestly really glad i don't know what chris and jeff are eating right now all right well this is a disgusting s'more as you can see we've got graham cracker onion cheese and tapatio that's a taco with graham crackers if i eat this it's not a lot i get 100 bucks this has to be the very bad melting my ice cream turning a perfectly good tub of ice cream into a cup of soup ooh yummy here goes nothing you know the flavors there did i get a hot fudge sundae [Music] this is definitely better than my gas station dinner those are some lukewarm chicken nuggets so oh there's the onion going ham okay this is weird third bite was definitely not good this is definitely not a dessert you know i was really suffering early today but so far the end of the day hasn't been that bad so i wonder what the very bad dessert is for whoever got that i got my hot fudge sundae from mcdonald's chris and jeff i hope you guys are doing well i'm doing very good this is so good just one left this is the worst combination of foods i've ever eaten in my life power through it power through it power through it and finish the melted ice cream 25 bucks i might throw up honestly the weirdest sensations honestly my tongue's on fire freaking gagging from the onion and obviously a delicious paradise with the graham cracker very good i'm gonna just shove the rest of this in my mouth honestly gonna rate dessert a negative 17 out of 10. as of right now i have 125 dollars so that's pretty lit so now it's midnight which means it is time for my midnight snack squeeze i don't know if that's bad or very bad but that sounds pretty bad okay guys so it is 4am just woke up for a midnight snack it's time to press my bun but i got to be quiet because my wife is sleeping it's time for a little midnight snack all pockets okay so i got my greens here i don't know what they expect me to do with this broccoli lettuce kale squished into a veggie ball okay you got it coming right up is like every kid's nightmare are you serious it says you get nothing so it woke me up in the middle of the night and that's all i did i don't get to eat anything so i'm going to bed good night all right and squish it into a veggie ball like this so to be honest i don't really know how to eat this i feel like it's just going to fall apart when i try to so here we go [Music] it's crunchy just 98 minutes and 32 seconds to go see this is a weird snack folks i feel like i'm taking a bite out for apples be honest i'm not sure this is bad or very bad i guess we'll have to find out tomorrow it lives up to its name it is a hot pocket [Music] update this is just honestly really annoying to try and eat like it's just huge and it's taking forever one last fight before it's off to bed for me about 30 minutes later this is the last bite or maybe two bites but i'm just gonna shove this whole thing in my mouth ready [Music] goodnight everybody now that i finished all my meals i get to go to bed and then tomorrow we'll wake up and see who the winner is i'm glad this challenge is almost over early the next morning it has now been 24 hours since we started the challenge it is now time to reveal who is the winner i got a five star meal last night which i finished and a hot fudge sundae last night which i didn't finish and a hot pocket which i did finish bringing my grand total to 40 10 from last night and 30 from the other challenges oh bad for me last night i had to eat gas station food i got melted ice cream and i got nothing and i did all of them so that means i got 75 for a grand total of 175 dollars for the whole video eat that so i got 1 million scoville hot wings disgusting s'mores which were horrible onions my mouth still tastes like onions right now and i got a disgusting veggie ball i did not eat the hot wings i ate the gross s'mores i also ate the veggie ball which brings my grand total to 225 dollars well congratulations chris for winning i win and pulling through those difficult meals thank you it was horrible and i regret me too thanks again epic games for sponsoring this video rocket league is free on the epic game store use our link below to download rocket league for free today well we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to check out our other videos and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 2,460,316
Rating: 4.8984489 out of 5
Id: aCm-O2WNJ9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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