$10 vs $1000 Invisible Camouflage! *BUDGET CHALLENGE*

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today we are doing the hidden in plain sight budget challenge whoever can use their budget to make them the most hidden the most difficult to find in plain sight will be the winner once all of us are hidden our friend josh is going to attempt to find us and the last person found is the winner epic to determine who gets the highest budget we're going to do the 10 second hide and seek challenge 10 second side whoever is found last gets the highest budget three two one go one and one two three four letter five six seven eight nine ten ready or not here hear him coming oh no i think i ran the farthest that's gonna disappear yeah there's ryan did you hear the chicken chicken you laid on a chicken where's the rest of them where are you hello jeffrey wow dude jeff you win the highest budget that means i win one thousand dollars or my budget okay so the budgets have been determined ryan you get the lowest budget i'm sorry my man i get the medium budget and jeffrey get the high budget so our friend is going to be here in a couple of hours we got to get everything set up so everyone just go their step raising and figure out how you want to hide okay for my 1 000 budget i bought a bunch of mannequins here also i have this morph suit so i'm clearly a mannequin now i'm just going to spice this up a bit i'm going to use the rest of my budget to buy some clothes put on myself put on those cute little men over there and i'm going to blend right in all right so i got the cheapest budget it's not much but it was enough for this morph suit i'm going to spray this morph suit down with some of this spray adhesive and then i'm just gonna put a bunch of dirt on it with this shovel nope no then i'm just gonna go lay in the dirt i'm just gonna be like a dirt man that's my plan okay so my idea was a medium budget i had 500 i bought a couch basically i'm gonna become a couch okay so i'm gonna try and cut up this couch as little as possible and try and like get myself to merge with the couch i will become the couch and then my head is gonna stick out of this blue pillow here and i'm going to paint my face blue i think it should work i just want a bunch of clothes shoes shorts pants hats shirts socks it is now time to go dress the mannequins and myself all right i hope this works any more glue nice get it all nice and rubbed around let me ask you something johnny see anything here nothing good that's the plan look at this thing pretty much just straight dirt let's open up this couch i'm just going to try and open up this half of it you know i'm back at the house and i'm now dressing my mannequin it's kind of hard actually dressing in an inanimate object but i have about an hour to get all these dressed so wish me luck [Music] so i'm digging myself a nice little hole to sit in so that way i'm nice and flush with the ground [Music] hopefully this doesn't destroy the integrity of the couch oh there was a spark there was a legit spark i didn't know a couch could be so dangerous so my hide and playing side spot is done as you can see these are my brethren this is johnny this is michael it's not that one this guy's name is bucky say hi bucky hi bucky this one is turd buncher hi turd buncher this one is donald duck but essentially i'm just going to disappear [Applause] this wooden piece is getting in the way so i gotta saw it there we go [Music] so we just want to eliminate any fluff from getting everywhere because this needs to be nice and clean [Music] so let's see if my head fits i'm going to do the ostrich technique hey that's pretty good okay all that's left is the head pillow so what i'm gonna do basically stick my head through here just cut open a flap who knew cutting pillows would be so hard [Music] okay so i still have to paint myself blue but this is the gist of it pretty much i hope i don't get left here overnight so we're gonna be giving josh these dizzy goggles and honestly it is really hard to tell anything right now i can't even speak english so this is gonna make it even more difficult for him to see me so before johnny paints my face blue and we get every hiding spot set up we wanted to thank the battle cats for sponsoring this video so i'm gonna do the great abyss stage but first let me equip my army a wall cat a brave cat dude look at all these different cats you could get this is so cool let's go dude you know what i'm gonna upgrade my worker cat oh look at that there's a little night cat this one has two swords oh a tornado cat dang these guys don't stand a chance oh now i can unleash my most rarest cat alright time to unleash that looks crazy what is that thing i'm gonna shoot my cat cannon ding my worker cat is going ham right now i'm able to just unleash so many cats oh they're so done for it it's over these guys are super strong but they don't stand a chance oh victory dude i won okay let's see if we can get some new cats using the rare capsule machine okay let's do the 11 capsule draw and let's hope i get an uber super rare cat look at him spinning what are we gonna get rare super rare uber super rare well thanks again to the battle cats for sponsoring this video we had a ton of fun playing this game we think you guys will too so download the battle caps for free on ios and android by clicking the link in the description below and there's limited time summer sunfest events and discounts which are available now for a short time only thanks again to the bellcats for sponsoring this video paint me blue johnny you know when working with a canvas one has to remember that the canvas also speaks back to you your painting sucks let's see honestly this is slightly relaxing i think that's good i feel one with nature so josh is like a minute away so we gotta all get our hiding spots so this is what i'm doing we're having a couple spread out here we're gonna have a couple in front of the shelf and me myself i'm just gonna lay right here and act like an inanimate object perfect i'll move this jeff wish me luck boys i got a lot of dirt in my mouth and in my eyes i can't really see but feel great okay well i'm in position and it sounds like josh is here so it is go time so josh here's the deal okay all the boys in there are hiding you have 40 minutes that's fine but the first 30 minutes you got to be wearing these dizzy goggles for every danger of you find you get 50 bucks okay three danger bros 150 bucks all right the first 30 minutes and then if you can't get them by then the last 10 minutes just go find a proper one okay we have a timer for 40 minutes your time starts in three two one go okay dude like my arm doesn't feel like it's part of my like whose arm is that i feel like those are like cgi horns potted plants though like legs don't match up with where you think they should be all right let me get the door for you all right can they be in their offices it could be anywhere anywhere on the property might as well like trying to be on the moon is there anybody there this door is it super near connected just be like behind something can't they make it easy how's this work i feel like they're probably not going to take the very first room right unless that's what they want you to think i know that's the problem oh do you think they could fit in this computer my foot's nothing in here if i break something does that come out of my budget i should probably smell for him i feel like that would be good they're probably hiding in their little safe or something huh i can't tell if there's anybody in there this basically jeff likes to get crafty oh please wake up please wake up or stop doing my foot so sleep he's in the house my foot is numb shh there's like a door okay you're thinking like a danger bro though like you're like is there a secret wall over here are they in here are they in the bean bag that's they get like a danger bro all right uh what's my time has it been like we've been going for five minutes sorry gavin you're not seeing me at my best oh my leg's still asleep what will end this suffering i don't i don't see any probable false walls so we're just gonna put this in our back pocket i don't think that led into anything you're like oh man that would have been nice man that would have been cool guys your phone your stupid phone dude wait there's a closet i can't even tell what this is okay i've been here a while there's a screwdriver someone right now it's starting to get really hot and uncomfortable that is not a flamethrower okay what about the fireplace do you think it's possible it seems like he's been held up inside the kitchen in the living room for quite a bit but i anticipate him coming into this room very soon [Music] honestly guys being a couch is boring it's really boring don't ever be a couch i would have been a good spot for somebody perhaps easily gets for somebody one more just to make sure josh is right outside the bedroom chris what i'm thinking about going on a secret mission to get your phone you're going on a secret mission wait was it possible they painted themselves so it looked like that i mean anything is possible are they putting like things in though in plain sight all right well this feels like a money room it's like somebody's got to be in here right wait is that whose hand is that good job don't think i'm like the powerful bad for nothing dang it there you if there's anything dangerous why can't around this room with these goggles all right so if chris is in here then oh is this somebody oh they look a plane this could be jeff right said this was like a creepy thrift store and i uh it does look like that i feel like that's holding up isn't doctor who they come alive or something dude i was literally just talking about doctor who definitely not somebody from there probably i mean unless they head way down is that possible that would actually be a really good spot though i'm just gonna move on from that one all right these pins feel promising like there's a hat here like these waves of nausea kind of hit you oh there he goes and we did it folks josh is down for the couch we can watch the wild josh swim in his natural habitat here a sea full of pillows i wonder if chris or jeff has been found yet wait a minute is there somebody in here yeah there's a television uh it could have been good i feel like i'm almost done with the house i'm getting sweaty there's nobody under there right [Music] excluding chris because you found him okay i'll give you a phrase all right i'm listening one out one in one ounce oh that must mean that there's one more person inside and one more person outside i'm kind of glad you found me it wasn't fun being a couch be the dirt i am the dirt be the dirt ow wow turn my eye are you sure that none of these dummies are jeff i dirt promise there's no plain sight to be had okay with these goggles like nothing is playing it's like everything is in terrible distorted sight i haven't heard a single peep from anybody i think everyone went home for the day i'm getting hungry i will not be found they want a house over here not to have someone guys he walked right past me and i think he was looking on my shelf all right let's i guess we got to do some outside stuff i will not be found bro jeff i can't believe you didn't find you i know he was right here what was he looking underneath me yeah and above you he just skipped this show nice job okay it's nice that there's double handles so there's four options jeff he's going outside so i think you're good dude i want to stretch is he outside yeah i want to stretch bro dude get a nice good stretch bro do they put themselves inside a brick pile josh is being really thorough so that's why he got me he was checking everything but somehow he skipped right over jeffrey i hear him i wanna go spy on him okay not on a trampoline probably all right that thing over there hey jeff all right what's up ryan it's so cool because you can literally get up around i know and then if i feel like i'm like suck i just go to the corner wait a minute there's something oh my god this is a big pile of rocks i know you're smelling me so i'm thinking whoa oh that's shadows honestly i thought that was like burnt ground whoa okay guys i decided for the rest of the video i'm changing my hiding spots right here dude that's perfect we gotta get to work here man yeah sorry that's nothing [Music] well what's the cotton headed [Music] and jeff is going to be like i was right there all the time and you ride right past me i just can't i don't want to hear that oh careful that's a bucket there's a chair in the plant whoa yeah there's the chair around in front of you i see that there's stuff there the problem is i don't know what's actually wrong you're about to put away all right all right you got one minute you can take them off okay so i'm thinking i've got to run around my previous spots and like look where i was i think i should go to the other side like start out over there if i can kind of work my way back three two one and take them off oh whoa here's what i'm gonna do since i've only got a limited amount of time i'm gonna run down there real quick and then back up okay if i find jeff i'm gonna hit him with this and this i'm aborting my idea to move spots i don't think it's gonna do any i think he's gonna come in and find me right away i'm gonna go back to my spot here for you okay you've been by both of them i've been closed is that what you're saying you have been steaming hot to both of them let's put that one crazy why you've been less than a foot away from one of them somebody dug something out of there i said [Music] wait a minute they didn't pile themselves up careful let's do a quick sweep inside all right it is a lot easier when you can see stuff i remember jeff was like a couch at one point but so was chris there no okay three minutes the dummies are freaking me out man it's not somebody right okay just making sure wait a minute oh wait a minute oh that's good i like that hitch with the ball okay i gotta go out and find ryan hi josh ryan hey ryan it's over ryan is committed i am a master of disguise the winner with the lowest budget i was in there for almost an hour how do you keep doing that with the lowest budget right i don't know dude well that is the hidden in plain sight challenge hope you enjoyed it make sure to go down into the description below and click on the link to download the battle cats for free hope you enjoyed and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 12,347,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yyqLRIrdT7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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