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how much is this oh hey today that's 15 off oh okay what about this one yup same thing 15 really okay what about this one these are 15 off okay what about this fifteen percent what about this fifteen percent what about this fifteen percent off what about these listen everything in the store even these wristbands uh-huh and this hat everything is fifteen percent off everything everything sweet butterly milk chocolate biscuit pancakes our entire store is 15 off for the next 48 hours it's black friday and everything's gonna get sold out i gotta give me some merch today my dream comes true and we're spending the night in a candy shop [Music] yo look at this thing dude that almost broke the counter here tug of war ready come on click that subscribe button guys [Applause] subscribe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your wizard hattie you're a it all right boys dude i already have like a sh sugar rush i know we're literally stuck here overnight what do you do just eat a lot of candies no you make a whoa that was kind of nice now it's on the floor okay well i'm gonna go grab my favorite candy and i'm actually gonna grab all of it i brought my own bag i think we should be i'm gonna grab first okay there is an entire wall of candy skittles are my favorite jawbreakers are my favorite reese's pieces are my favorites yeah help me i can't decide should i just go oh no bananas all right who would love bananas give me the bananas for bert though let it rip your look at how many bananas we have wait bro there's so many we can definitely fit some more in here i want some uh what do i want now there's some oh nine shark boys [Music] now that my bananas are ruined i guess i just gotta get more candy yo i saw some big there they are oh dude are you marshmallows those are humongous look at them boys wow that's my favorite bro stuffed on my shirt yo can i have a banana yo they don't taste like banana all right boys i'm gonna have to go for the cinnamon red hots let it rip how much all of it keep going we got room in here give me candy no you gotta do it you gotta do it you just oh it's broken wait let's weigh this and see how much this is going to cost all right let's see how much my bag of candy's going to cost oh 212 dollars 17 pounds of candy they got maple bacon maple bacon flavor laffy taffy yo i saw all flavoring red velvet and alcohol frosted cupcakes candy apple cookies and cream cantaloupe chicken and waffles look at the candles chicken waffles i'm not joking cantaloupe chicken and waffles cantaloupe cool that's a fruit chili mango lemon cream oh look there's a flavor thing here oh i want peaches and cream too can you find me peaches raspberry caramel corn caramel cheesecake caramel apple forget the candy ice cream sandwiches are where it's at are you kidding me bro yo i found shark sharks here gummy sharks bro there's some 09 shark bush you know i'm just going to leave now i don't need candy when i got ice cream so good you need ice cream wait dave what you want some ice cream yeah let me make you a [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] all right sir what would you like for your ice cream let me think i want a singular different flavors you want a sprinkle a singular sprinkle what's wrong with you can i get the chocolate chip cookie dough the strawberry the mint chocolate chip the cookies and cream the cotton candy the homemade vanilla the sea salt caramel and the dutch chocolate so you want everything yeah okay uh sir here is your single sprinkle oh breezy did you ask for orange get your money back yeah what color did you want not orange what did you want a sprinkle singular this is a green one did you want green i didn't ask for green [Music] get out of my candy shop well you you definitely just ate more than one sprinkle all right sir i'm gonna have your cone right up and ready to go wait whoa whoa you're going out of order i asked for strawberry first oh my gosh you're gonna contaminate the ice cream here we go so we have our our straw oh look we're gonna go look for candy oh they look candy okay what would you want next chocolate chip cookie dough then taco chip then cookies and cream then homemade vanilla then cotton candy then dutch chocolate and then sea salt caramel i think i could fold this into a paper airplane this ice cream guy is just taking so long don't mess me up bro this is precision right here [Music] ow moving on to the next flavors stop it all right let's see if it flies wow it flew badly put it on the cone i'm pretty sure there was just some wait did you go out of order it was mint chocolate chip dinner no no cream you don't put the vanilla on top of the mint chocolate chip look sir i'm trying my best this is my first day on the job um look at that all right we're almost there we're kind of you're tilting bro yeah it's hard it's kind of not balancing anymore if you want to just take it like this and i can make you a second one here you go take it take it eat it what do i do with it yeah eat it it's ice cream oh wait hold on consume you're gonna knock it over there you go there you go oh wait do you also want some uh some nerds who's wrong [Music] yeah yeah i know it's the leaning tower of isk it's a leaning tower if it's about to fall down all right sir that'll be 35 and 22 cents oh i didn't bring money you didn't tell me i need the money before you gave this to me so therefore it's free yeah you're right we're spending the night here so everything's free yeah weight is yeah everything's free what do you mean i haven't been eating anything yo they got donut whole bites you like skittles right yeah skip kiddos sour skittles oh even better oh yeah yeah i dare you daring you i'm ready i dare you to eat every skittle in this store uh he kind of kind of beat me to it yo he just ate the rainbow literally when you get to the end of the rainbow you see gabe [Laughter] all the colors mixed together makes you brown oh they got james what this thing is jammed dude another one can you look up there and see if you can see anything do you see anything in there maybe get a little yeah get a little more in there you got to put your head sideways yeah there you go a little stuck in there you see anything no i don't it looks good you know you don't you don't see anything honestly oh it's in my mouth i can't get out of his nose he has nerds in his nose no but for real your hands are kind of stuck just just pull it out all right well if you don't mind i'm gonna no no no no just keep it sideways your ears and the dispensing thing bro put your head sideways [Laughter] you're good i told you there was a problem with it yeah james was stuck in it bubblegum today we're playing extreme bean boozled whatever you land on you have to eat five of them good luck boys spin first oh you're gonna go first here we go what do we got for gabe we got five something like beans birthday cake or is it barf dirty dishwasher oh that's funny because you used to be a cook yeah i used to wash dishes all right i'll spin i'll take the l boys what do we got come on come on come on don't land on rotten egg please don't land on rotten egg oh that is like toasted marshmallow or stink bug ooh stink bug what would that even taste like i know what they smell like oh why is this kind of happening i always get the worst one i always get the worst one rotten egg coconut or spoiled milk spoiled milk sounds like something you really like so we got the stink bug it could be we got the stink bug the dirty dishwasher and the spoiled milk boys let's go everyone pick up their dirty beans here we go i'm about to puke i can feel it coming oh yeah oh there's alright all right all right all right here we go ready three two one eat he didn't eat his ah it tastes like dish soap oh no no no no yeah i'm with you on that one that's so terrible why would anyone ever do that for fun yo i try to last to see if i had at least one one i didn't have a good one i think i had at least one good one because it's like bitter sweet i'm crying all right one last round no one last round no no one means one bean one i'll do one one there's like a chance wait wait nope wait wait wait no no we're not doing it hold on boys boys one more round but whatever it lands on we all have to pick the same bean wait we can't eat the same one all right we got one buttered popcorn or rotten egg all right so i got three beans here these could all be rotten eggs or they could be buttered one for you one for you and one for me i can't tell if it's a good or bad one smelling it no mine smells good three two one [Music] i think that's that's buttered popcorn you got ryan are all right got an ice cream shaver machine type deal thing here and i got the world's sourest sour sour sour it's a snow cone not an ice cream it's an ice sheet made with ice you noob you're not getting it just just just listen all right turn it on it's making ice as you can see and we're just gonna keep spraying it with the sourest thing ever that sour spray is just straight pure citrus spray spray spray spray spray spray spray spray okay that's probably enough but you know what it doesn't have enough space no you used half the bottle bro in the air and we're just gonna just miss your cup you know there's plenty of it to go around okay i'll just set that there and then we add more sour yeah that should be good you got a spoon yeah there's spoons in that cup right there that looks like someone drew a highlighter you should also hey you should throw it throw some uh color onto it but i only like sour there are some color on top what's the sour color green gabe has his pure citrus snow cone i have a sour grenade huh i just want to give you something thanks bro and you have i have uh warheads super sour double drops green apple and watermelon why oh okay so we're all gonna try this at the same time ready boys all right three two one [Music] that'll wake you up it's yours not sour mine open i don't want to try that one look it will trade you got something [Laughter] open i'm good open we have to try all right ready [Music] yours isn't even bad this is disgusting yeah it's sour sour yeah you wanna try something um like not what happened to him looks like cosmo that's a lot go for it [Music] got it you think yours is sour oh stop it's like perfume hey i'm glad you didn't put any deodorant on today i know me too well since we're going to be here all night might as well eat dinner right yeah i kind of want pizza pizza would be nice hey do we have a waiter in here waiter it's just awesome here yeah we're gonna have to serve ourselves where's james i don't know he said he was in the restroom i really really want a waiter right now it'd just be hey guys welcome to the restaurant oh hi um i'll be taking your order i'm your waiter why are you so far away what's your name i i'm i'm anti-social and shy but what's your name but like today's special is a pizza with every topping you could think of like egg is there anything particular you want tonight you want to start with a beverage a water a key lime pie hold on sir i wasn't like i was like talking about okay okay can i take your drink order key lime pie can i take a big fat hissy fit with a side of root beer nice choice yeah big fat is if it always hits the stomach nice especially at 3am on the toilet for a good hour i'll get you your drinks right away [Music] later dude it's been like seven minutes we don't even have a brother this is the worst service ever [Music] oh there you go you rolling it oh what's up yeah that's what i'm talking about i have one favor i need a bottle opener yeah can you close your eyes maybe i can don't do that please sir sir please please don't can you close your eyes why you might close my can i just look the other direction close your eyes okay [Music] can i open them no yo what's up wow ow i asked for a key lime pie i mean i guess it is you know sir you never said what you wanted to eat huh pizza tacos donuts [Laughter] this root beer tastes like root beer i wonder why you said pizza and doughnuts i want a big fat hissy fit pizza i'm gonna put a throw on top man dude can we get some napkins no that's gross that sounded a lot like a zombie i was the zombie on world war z this one i don't know there was a lot of them oh we looked at him sorry we won't look we won't look look the other way yeah rainbow dinosaurs oh it's gummy butterflies how cute all right look at that i got my big fat hissy food oh i got my pizza where's my taco donut i guess we won't talk about it yo how am i even supposed to get this thing out of here ah that scared me bro yo yo stop stop i got about we're good that actually looks pretty good i don't know what to find out there's no crust i like to dip my dude there's many pizzas in my pizza bro i like to dip my big fat hissy bit inside my root beer so that's why you wanted them yup ready you dip it you let it soak for a sec hi how is everything going it's going great i'm missing a taco and a doughnut no it's on the floor he's scurvy oh oh it is there you go oh sorry about the mess i'll clean that up here's your donut here's your taco all right can you fully understand what four just go ahead how far pull it like really far like how far oh anything else i can get you why is your hair wet i'm sweating first time i've ever been at the table well you did a great job i'm going to give you a nice tip with the money i don't have you want a taco no all right will that be awesome hold on you scared them off man oh wait where's your writing notebooks oh oh i think oh what's up james oh that's james are you angry does he look angry i can't really tell james's angry face i don't know don't you do it i'm not i don't do it what am i going to do don't do it what am i going to do don't do it look me in the eyes what am i going to do don't do it tell me what i'm going to do do it you know what i'm going to do don't do it you know what i'm going to don't do it stop stop thinking about it you're doing it we are not starting a food fight we are not we are not starting a food fight why is he have a whole plate of pizza we are not starting a food fight oh [Laughter] boys we got mega smarties and we're about to get mega smart are you ready what did you just do i opened it with your forehead dude it's actually working high 3.14 the circumference of a circle is the same as its parameter turtles can breathe through their butts i'm getting rabbits are born naked and blind artificial bananas don't taste like bananas because artificial bananas don't exist anymore the animal of scotland is a unicorn surgeons that play video games are better at surgery slugs have four noses two plus two equals two peaches are a member of almond family what's a peach did you know that fish can cough most animals sleep just like humans that's some big brain stuff right there you know what else is big brain clicking that subscribe button get smart knock knock knock who's there you got a jack uh yeah here all right let's give me that airhead you got a king i got a k yeah give me that k for potassium and that baseball bro you want my baseball did i start if you got a seven i'm taking that nerds oh see i don't have a seven oh if you have like a four i'll take that airhead [Music] yo if you got that two three five six seven i'll take uh those gummy bears sour what if you got that two three five six seven i'll take those gummy bears in that package open how did you know that a magician never reveals a secret kill james what's up you got like a 3 k q a a k q j um i'll take all you can't do you said what again if you got like a like a j a q and then a k and then like oh it says it's on his glasses i get it give me all that i get it you can have the glasses if you got one of these cards i can just take all your candy the steaks are on bring it on donkey kong whatcha gonna call if you have a one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven tweet jack king ace if you have one of those cards i don't have any cards if you have one of those cards i'm taking all your candy what'd you draw oh it's a two didn't i say it two get wrecked newbie yeah what you can have a gummy bear hold on i got you i could top that ready if you got a youtube channel taking all of your candy that's not even fair though what's the answer that's what i thought yeah you gonna share that candy it's too much bro what it's too much too much sugar too much cavities too much everything i already have six cavities i have stage five right now that doesn't exist osteoporosis hi is there something wrong yeah your face master stewart is that you no you're eating too much gun no i'm sorry it's the only thing to eat around here come to the unspeakable lab and i will fix your candy problem you have a headache you have too much sugar in your body okay come on let's go get up okay what about him are you good yeah you're not good come on let's go let's go get up and here how do you go go into my cabin see i'm not gonna save him because like they didn't save me they're in the haunted maze yo get over here i'm gonna sock them rocking robots in your face get in got to hold the door handle extra strong these ones have a lot of caddy these people use google chrome what a disgrace safari is so much better i didn't ask for any compensation for this job what are these gold coins okay i think they're ready let me let me check up they are not ready no no no i'm going to sit here and hold the door if you guys could do me a favor and hold that subscribe button please click it before all the other subscribers get loose someone fingertips it's getting spicy in there it's getting laffy taffy should i say [Music] i don't know what that was was that english well give them 30 more seconds and now let the beast out okay someone might actually be dying in there maybe i should be concerned hey what's going on in here all right i need everyone to calm down because it's going to be okay you don't look right why is your arm on the ground why is your toe wow why is your toe now on the ceiling i made it all right okay they're having some issues but they're almost done unspeakable laboratory is top of the line laboratory of laboratories i think they're ready are you ready i'm gonna say that yes okay come out look at that he's turned into a giant piece of candy because he ate so much candy go get out [Applause] james is a chocolate bar all right get out of my laboratory goodbye get out thank you for watching the video if we should make more candy videos leave a like on this video dude don't use your costume bro james is a chocolate bar ah yeah
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 23,243,105
Rating: 4.879518 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: _dfjMq3ZL4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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