First to say NO to Girlfriend LOSES $1,000! *BOYFRIEND SURVIVAL CHALLENGE*

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shave your beard you know that we're getting married soon right shave it let's do it was gonna say no double YouTube it's your favorite girlfriends today we get to torture the themes you bros first dude to say no has to get their legs legs whoever gets their boyfriend if they know first wins its body there's some really insane stuff plan so gonna be super fun Jeff and Julie are gonna go first so let's go ahead and get no idea we'll see what they have in store for us but where's Jeffrey oh yeah I'm just starting the video first one to say no movies they said I don't wanna do this video I'm gonna obviously fight in the classroom right now I think he's hiding because Jillian's pretty scary with her pranks yeah let's go find this little dude little dude will do something want to go look in their jobs get out please is he really in here [Applause] all right fine I think I should start with ranch down his throat yeah what is that he's Karen Julian is diabolical really I sent me need to take a meet wait I don't want to get my clothes really I know I don't want to get these clothes really are you saying no why because they love you freeze I feel a little bad but then again I don't Jeffrey lift your chin up I got a nice shoes you're the host I feel so bad punishment Rob's next no your night here pal better yet if you could just lay with your head this way love you awesome cuz I the life talks about how much you love Mustang I just had to you know be around it talking about mastery we totally had to talk about Western over your mouth that path [Music] I don't think it's time yet but you can swallow at fifteen forty five minutes you can get up and move you just can't swallow you can do anything you just kiss a little mustard that's all I like great it's my turn now Chris is known to hate pickles oh no an entire pickle by the way you have to drink all the juice inside the jar you I hate pickles so much yeah pickle how do people eat this delicious she watched a spa day she was that small eight by the time folks I said 215 its 136 well I really really really really just wanted to turn you in a pretty girl for Halloween but since that was yesterday I think let's do today what do you think so an address that I'd like you to wear right now oh I think it'll be nice and I've got some nail polish in pink nails just like glossy kinder than that it's a glossy finish why do you have a seat while I do some makeup so makeup I'm so sorry but I'm not this lipstick smells good good I was like no you could always I'm not going to I'm gonna give you a choice you can swallow the mustard right now boy you can zip wine into the pool how you are right now you don't say no I loved you other spot okay I'm kissing no no kiss jelly come here yeah yeah say no Chris no finish it now Roberts gotta do the zippy zippy oh come on you can always say no so next we're gonna give Chris a glitter beard if you're okay with that sure grab that glitter you rub it in there like conditioner Oh Santa is that you where the border so cold oh thank you so much battery hey are you having fun yet your little last finishing touches look good yeah look at my hand shiny I open my eyes I don't know Kenya to help you doing give me a glittery chest yeah I was thinking wait I was thinking now since you did that we should go order coffee and I think Jeff should go to the register and order it for me Beck's but delicious you so I'm going to take all this off okay so me and Robert are still in the next girlfriend to get their boyfriend to say no it's a spa day and whatever boyfriend last long just gets $1,000 right so know it start I mean you mentioned to me like a couple weeks back he really needed a haircut right should give you a good little haircut like in a little log or you could say no ready pal he made see so much gonna okay we'll take a little chattery you like about it no by your okay it's not the bud you're fine right bigger piece I wake up in the front some Justin Bieber swoopy action you oh I feel so nice girlfriend to say nobody alright Emily what do you got plans with Christopher sharpies my fiancee Emily and Joey we're conspiring together they called each other so I'm really scared captain fall time time upgrade so we're going to a family wedding tomorrow and I thought it'd be really nice to add some finishing touches to Chris's face my face why don't you start as my artist and that is bad are you Edward from Twilight don't get out here so I think we're gonna start right here can I please what you like to do then get him away from me I want death to do it for me run what if it doesn't come off what are the things that you know for all please no no no no just make it nice and bless [ __ ] no Univ oh oh wow music I didn't think in getting here I think I'll see one last finishing touch on his arm I want to give him a nice little tats you know sections this is permanent marker mom I'm actually fine with that I love my mom there you go got another ten this one more design I am a huge poopy poop huge I am a huge poopy poop that can you feel he's writing demonstrate what it says right hey you're fired I thought it really bad the lesson so 15 I think our passion was a hug more like a punish me no I mean like can that be my no smart you're just a bit I never excited her to be like this no he's so nice you have behind your back nothing you're going to wear this winning I mean Halloween was yesterday so maybe they'll understand you're gonna create let's go we need to make them alright so Starbucks doesn't want any cameras in there because they don't want people on camera I don't want to be built which makes sense they said I look cute so we're just gonna go through the drive-through instead two videos to be legit okay so I pass now it is on to Emily and Robert Emily what's next Brad I know how much you love your vans so I think we should spray paint on pink nice shoes bra open up this slide I wanna move out of the way for this what you want something so oh you're gonna do it you get the last one I get to do the right one come on I think you said wear it all the time I'm not asking you nice things over there is this portrait collective oh yeah nothing about it just do the rest of my shoe yeah perfect great he passes by turning I passed with flying colors get it so I'm just wondering how fast is your beard grow Oh three four months shave your beard you know that we're getting married soon right shave it she was gonna say no we're gonna see if she really loved them right I'm gonna see you without a beard ever might give me back that ring ma'am I thought you're really doing oh no no no no we said we're ice not tape no no okay okay Wow hour-long compilation okay can we really help you guys enjoy today's video click right here for previous video great for YouTube you used to like nice too late for you click right you subscribe also if this video gets 100,000 likes we will do first girlfriend to say no loses challenge 100,000 likes will see in the next video
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 4,210,205
Rating: 4.9053354 out of 5
Keywords: girlfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend vs boyfriend, gf vs bf, first to say no to their girlfriend loses, challenge, funny, last to leave, dangie bros, controls my life for 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, overnight, survive, survival
Id: fOpo_rGaun8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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