My Wuthering Waves Mobile Review

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so before I dive into my full review I just want to put out there that this is my experience and my opinions on the game I know everybody's going to have a different experience as the optimization on launch was a bit Rocky but for me I haven't had really any issues performance- wise the only thing I can really complain about would be the camera bug and I'll dive deep into that with my fullon complaints later on but for me this is my opinions my review so you don't have to relate to it this is just what I experienced so let's get into it so starting off talking about performance for me the game has been running absolutely buttery smooth I'm at the highest settings playing just fine combat feels great the environment feels great they did have to dumb it down on mobile a little bit to get those visuals looking nice so that the game could even run otherwise it still looks really good for a mobile game obviously the controls can be hard to get used to at the start for combat but overall I think performance has been very good for me so far and I'm absolutely enjoying it on my in my device but I am running the Snapdragon AG gen 2o so that is why it is so good now continuing on that point for me it's been very good I know it's not the case for everybody and that really sucks that the launch was not able to be well optimized enough to run good on everybody's devices for me I've had a good experience but I feel bad for anybody that has struggled really hard with the game I do hope it does get better they have been releasing hot fixes and patches but that would be just the most negative when it comes to Performance overall for the game is that it was under optimized unfortunately but that is only expect Ed with Unreal Engine so we can only wait to see what happens from here on the performance- wise but I'm going to jump into my next point now I think of positive to a game that has such intense combat like this is being able to edit your onscreen controls or connecting a external device like a Gamepad or a controller to play with just to make the experience on a mobile a little bit easier so you don't have to hold your phone in your hand it's getting hot in your hand while you're playing since it's such a demanding game but overall the onscreen control editing tab is actually pretty nice you can change the size as you can see on screen I have it in the bottom right pretty tiny you can change the transparency on it if you want it to go a little bit dimmer it is a very nice device and you can find it in the settings under the controller tab overall I really enjoy being able to edit the controls to make it feel more comfortable also allows me to see more of the screens so I can pay attention a little bit better and it's a great feature overall I'm very glad that they have it I know some people haven't been able to see it I do believe that's just a bug I don't know why it's not there for everybody but for the most part you should see it right underneath the controller settings now a major downside is the lack of Bluetooth controller support or EXT external controller support on release there really isn't a automatic connection right now at the moment you kind of have to riggy it up to make it work there is devices that do have software that allows you to map the controls on screen that you can get like the backbone or I do believe the razor Kishi works as well with that my device also allows to map with a controller on screen I use a Gam handheld I use the Ayn Odin 2 or iodin 2 as some people call it it is a great device if you want to get a controller I always recommend getting the backbone for external controllers anyways cuz it's basically giving you that handheld experience but for some people that like to prop the screen up with like a Bluetooth controller or a PS5 controller there really isn't full support on that yet so that is a downside but for me when it comes to controller support since I have that mapping feature it has been a blast to play on controller as well it definitely makes the combat a lot easier to do compared to playing with the onscreen controls but I'm I do a mixture of both cuz I have a handheld device I can't map every button on the screen to controls on my handheld so I kind of use both anyways and it's been a very pleasant experience to be honest I am very surprised how easy it is to eventually get used to the combat and play it so that is a plus I do hope they get that full controller support down the line for those people that do have controllers that they bought for the game and that is all I have for the controller section now I am going to jump into a negative unfortunately with how good the game looks and just how demanding it is this game just makes your device pretty hot and it's draining that battery very fast they have released some hot fixes to help with the heat but overall a lot of the times you can just see just an exponential amount of heat coming out of your device depending on what you have luckily for me I have a pretty good cooling system but even with that being the case it does get decently hot sometimes and the battery does strain pretty fast depending on how high your screen brightness is depending on the workload that you're pushing on it for the most part my device has pretty good battery life but for such a demanding mobile game like this the Heat and the battery drain is such an unfortunate thing CU you really want to be able to enjoy playing the game and a lot of people that only have mobile devices to play with they want to be able to play the game and get their stuff done without it dying so quickly and it is a downside of such a demanding game and that is really my only major complaint about the game is the heat coming from it on mobile and then just the overall battery drain as well from the workload now for most people I do want to say this game isn't for everybody there is a challenging amount of skill that you have to get used to on the mobile aspect it really isn't built around mobile per se it's more built around the PC platform it still looks great and runs great on mobile but when it comes to like those boss mechanics the fast-paced combat that is something you're going to have to get used to I think uh the mobile controls can be hard to get used to but over time I think you'll be fine with it I think the major issue would just be the overall performance and optimization for a lot of people I hope it gets better they're releasing some more patches so I think if you still are having issues maybe wait a few more updates before you come back to the game I mean it is a great time to start playing the game as they have given you a festar selector now multiple banners to pull for five stars you're basically able to get a full festar team basically for free you're getting a bunch of pulls as well for coming back just because the devs are releasing rewards for how Rocky and unfortunate the release was so I just wait for maybe a few more updates but for me I've had nothing but a good experience on mobile it's been very fun and it's been an absolute treat so far now wrapping it up this really isn't issues with mobile per se it's just the game in general I think the bugs that have been happening do need to get fixed like the camera bugs with the random lock and change in directions was a major bug that was around in the closed beta test that is one thing that I do think needs to get changed uh the English voice Direction has been another issue I've had they are going to fix that for the future apparently so that is good to hear as well as the story it wasn't very good at the start but they were cooking up a bit at the ending so I do hope it does get better for future patches for people that enjoy story based games for me I care more about the gameplay anyway so that doesn't really matter so much um overall the content in the game right now is fine I think the few game modes that you have to play will be enough to keep you satisfied until the next update and especially just farming echo on the daily to try to get the perfect sets my only complaint is the lack of echo XP and the cost of the tcid fields if you want to get more XP I don't know how much better the rewards are going to get as you level up through Union levels I will maybe make another video on that but for now I do feel like it's kind of underwhelming so maybe they will change that for the future but for me I'm going to give the final Mobile review rating probably like a s out of 10 experience I think just because of some of the bugs you can experience it's been like a seven out of 10 performance-wise it's like an eight maybe a 9 out of 10 it's a very smooth game and it looks visually very very good I know that's not the same for everybody but for me at least it is an amazing visual experience I know it is dumbed down a bit on mobile but it's still like an 8 to n out of 10 visually and it's very fun so I think you know even with the rocky start you could still consider trying the game if it isn't still running that good I might just say wait until patch 1.1 to come and play you'll still be to get all the rewards like I said there's no better time to start playing than now with all the free stuff they gave away so that is all I got for today's video and that is my full Mobile review of weaing waves [Music] [Music]
Channel: Panic
Views: 6,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wkduUyJk1lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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