Fix Your Autotargetting!! - Auto Target and Camera Settings Guide in Wuthering Waves

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hello everyone and welcome back to another woa video if you've ever mistargeted an enemy or had lock on Target something in Narnia then this video is for you today I'll be covering the lock on system camera settings and auto targeting as well as my personal tips for dealing with some of the issues finally I'll go over some of the stuff I'd like to see updated in the future that I think will move wo was combat from an A to an S before we cover camera settings let's go over the default lockon behavior in this game you can lock onto an enemy by using Mouse 3 for kbm or R3 for controllers or by pressing the lock button for mobile users lockon will Target the closest enemy within your field of view which is a cone-shaped Zone in front of your character while out of combat so long as the enemies are all within the cone it'll Target the nearest enemy rather than the one closest to the center of the camera if there are no enemies on your screen lock on will instead Target and turn the camera towards the nearest enemy even if they're behind you in combat however the rules change locking on while not targeting an enemy will generally Target the enemy nearest the center of your screen pressing lock on will select another enemy in combat with you and continuing to press lock on will cycle through the enemies in a predetermined order it's easy easiest to imagine this as a list of targets that's generated when you first enter combat the targets are placed in an order and lock on will just move down that list one by one without any regards to your camera or their position relative to you unlike when out of combat if there are no enemies on your screen and you are not currently targeting an enemy lock on will prioritize enemies closer to the center of your screen rather than by proximity and finally you can turn off lock on by holding down the lock on key now that we have an understanding of how lock on Works let's cover the camera settings available to us in what exactly they do the view sensitivity determines how quickly your camera turns when you move your mouse joystick or swipe the aiming sensitivity affects your camera when in the aim mode which is a g for kbm and left trigger for controller for certain range characters since the main use of this mode is completing shooting puzzles I've made mine slightly higher than my standard view sensitivity camera Shake intensity affects the amount of screen shake you get while in combat it can cause the camera to jerk quite violently at times so I have mine at low regular and combat camera distance refers to the distance the camera will be set to when performing certain actions not the max camera distance for example here you see that after gliding my camera will zoom in slightly which requires me to zoom out to get back to my max distance the difference between zero and 100 is very small and to avoid having to zoom out every time I keep mine at 100 camera reset allows you to press the lock on button to make your camera face the direction your character is currently facing but only if you are not near any enemies for the next three I've done a ton of testing and research but cannot seem to figure out what exactly they do presumably they affect how the camera moves and give you aim assist but I haven't been able to get any results Kuro games did release a statement saying that they've improved camera correction for the 1.1 patch but turned off camera correction for PC users so that could be why I'm having trouble noticing a difference still just in case I have them turned off next let's talk about how your characters act when you attack without locking on aka the auto targeting system the system may not act the way some expect especially those with experience in other hacking SL style action games that being said I have found that when not bugging the autotargeting system does seem to be fairly consistent here's what I've noticed about the targeting behavior when neutral you attack in the direction your character is facing not the camera if there's an enemy nearby your character will automatically turn and attack towards the enemy if you're already facing an enemy it will attack that enemy even if there's a closer option nearby if you input a direction that has an enemy your character will autot Target that one above all else however if there's no enemy in the direction you're inputting it'll simply Target the nearest enemy you're facing from what I've seen there are two common autotargeting issues that players experience the first is that your character constantly changes targets and bounces back and forth this usually happens when enemies go near each other and your character decides to track the other because it momentarily got closer to her fov there's no way to 100% over avoid issues like that but what I do to minimize headaches is constantly hold my directional Keys towards the enemy that I'm attacking this way even if an enemy flies by and my character attacks it once the directional inputs will tell my character to attack the enemy in the direction I'm holding the second is that sometimes even when holding directional inputs to change targets the autotargeting will continue to attack the same enemy without change this tends to happen when you're spamming actions non-stop or with attacks that have long animations when my character gets glued to a Target like that and I need to change targets I just give her like half a second to conclude her actions and then input the directions and attack to change targets again finally here are two things I'd like to see in the future as an update or fix to improve the player experience overall when it comes to the camera and targeting at the moment locking on forces your camera to Center on the target as well while this may be helpful for mobile users I'd love to see an option that separates the setting allowing us to lock onto enemies to attack but freely move the camera at the same time I'd also love for lockon to prioritize targeting enemies near the center of your screen even when out of combat or cycling through enemies although the outof combat part isn't as important having to cycle through an entire list of enemies just to Target the one right next to me is rather inconvenient kural games has mentioned that there are big upgrades and fixes to the camera and targeting system coming with a 1.1 yinin patch so fingers crossed for a smoother combat experience and that's everything for me combat in woa is by far the biggest selling point for me and I think with some improvements to the camera and targeting system it could have some of the best action gameplay in the market remember I am but one man so if there's anything I've missed make sure you share it in the comments below for everyone to see consider subscribing if you'd like to see more of my content and as always have fun and good luck with your pulls
Channel: bNatural
Views: 32,338
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Id: r9fOqgRobc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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