My Worst Gas Masks

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hello so this is going to be a video about really bad gas masks and I'll see this is not an attack on the countries that have made them because I think pretty much every country that's designed gas masks is designed something in total flops but this is gonna be in my collection because a lot of people have requested this what are some of the worst gas masks I can find and with masks that you could argue that other masks in the same series has been just as bad I'm just going to show one of them because there's no point saying oh and this variation is also bad so obviously as I said no hate intended towards the countries that made these but we're just gonna look at more objectively bad so those would make surprise you because I don't really have any issues that might South I know it has issues and this is the Yugoslavia m1 and I assume the MC one would have the same problems so Yugoslavia and m1 is pretty much a straight American m9a1 clone however there are some problems of it one of the big problems Malayan problem I've actually experienced personally is that this Fred is really bad on here to get filters in and out of it so you know that could compromise the seal but again you could now and again with quality control reasons any mouse could have a bad screw friend so what's the major gripe of this mask Wow the problem with this mask is and thankfully mine hasn't done this is that they have a tendency to melt yep melt turning to goop now I have no idea if it's due to exposure to sunlight or certain chemicals but lots of people have these masks and their private collections randomly find them one day and they've kind of dissolved into a rubber goo with the metal bits like the eye pieces just kind of laying on top so why does that happen I have no idea but I'd assume the rubber in here was because obviously this was a mask designed because it's called the m59 em1 all the m59 is one of the two names for it I assume it's 1959 they bought the production rights whatever or just stole the m9 design to make m9 clones and then you know they weren't expected to last all that long this particular one is does have a date on it that might be 1983 but I'm not sure if that's all the date but the point being that they probably didn't intend these to be being used lots and lots of time later although some people from the former Yugoslavia sort of Oakland state sort of like Bosnia and Serbia and Croatia have told me that sometimes you still see riot police or these masks on well they're just using them against teargas so they are still being used but the issue is that obviously certain things cause the masked amount now I'd hate to think what would happen if you had the mask on your face when it started melting by she was actually quite a slow process where just over time if it's been exposed to something it's slowly slowly sort of eats away itself so I just put it on for you so you can see it I've done a video on this this mask did actually work when I put a new a sixty millimeter filter on it so this just has that weird back kinda Papa's wrapped nope so I'm not gonna fully tighten that now but as you can see it's pretty much an American m9a1 clone so I can't really fault the mouse on that so if you probably know I really like the m9 series and the finish m61 is a really good mask but this thing forever reason has a tendency to want to melt itself you can already see of this there's kind of a little bit weird and floppy with its own sort of shape over time compared to a lot of masks so there we go the Yugoslavian m59 or m1 has a tendency to mount and doesn't have very good screw threads but again I've not seen enough of the screw threads to know if my name David Joanne is bad or if that was a general quality control issue on all of them but it as it stands these masks did have serious problems with melting for some reason private collections now you'll probably remember this mask from the other day it's the Chinese food a gas mask and this is kind of a copy of a trader explore one of those models but you'll notice what I've done loose in the bottom of the bag is put the bracket in there because what I ended up doing was threading the rubber strap through there which is a bit difficult but this way actually works as a mask so what am i great this mask there are two gripes the first one is there was a massive design flaw where this top buckle wasn't designed the same way so the other buckle is you can probably see so out of four out of five buckles they put a really good sort of system on them that's fine on the top one they decided not to bother and just use a different design if you look at the actual Drakkar explores these are copied from the draggers have the same strap system on every strap for some reason these don't and it wasn't that I had a defective imma because I looked at more pictures on shop selling these and they all have the same problem so I fretted that freer now but what would happen is you'd be randomly wearing a mask and a buckle would fly off and the mouse could obviously move away from your face see you would be compromised because they put a stupid strap system on it that obviously did went through no quality assurance whatsoever as I'm sure you know the first person who was wearing on these masks when they were doing the testing of them would have kept having that fly off because of how poor the design is but you know make those of them and ship them anyway my second gripe is that because it's a silicon mask sometimes when you pull the straps tighter because of where they're positioned that actually causes the mass to fold in more on itself and like making a less efficient seal so I'm just going to put the mask on as I said I've already got the top straps or the adjusted where I want it now that happened before but okay there are more reasons to hate this mask so I can probably show you what the problem is this needs to obviously go back over here which is really difficult to do on camera okay there we go that's back in there but as you can see the problem of these buckles and these buckles are better than most of them is that they are not designed in a good way that when you're pulling the strap through the buckle won't just fling itself off and I said that buckle is evidently better than the top one that you can see the problem when you put buckles and you know like strap sections on the mask you need a section where the straps actually gonna stay on the mask and not fly off when you're increasing tension on the stroke so never thing is keeping the top strap centralized because if that goes to one side the master comes very uncomfortable so as you can see that's on tight it's not too uncomfortable the other problem that being silicon is once you have a filter weighing it down the mask pulls away from your face even more so yeah not a brilliant mask design in theory it's got a really good panoramic lens with a really good field of view of course you need to tie that back because I've always that's gonna block your field of view would be no different wearing a regular Mouse yeah in terms of how the mask is laid out which is obviously the dragger design I have no faults of this the issue is that it's made out of silicon that's too soft and I'm assuming the Traeger version is probably a bit more butyl like so it's um sticks to its shape a bit better and obviously my other main issue is that the strap system is just awful rather than directly copying drag a strap system they obviously went for a cheaper design to copy and that design they copied made the mask massively inferior because you know a mask is gonna do no good to protect you if you're wearing it for whatever reason and all of a sudden the straps fly off because the buckle system is crap so there you go it's Chinese pewter gas mask not very good at all despite how cool it looks okay now for a series of masks you really know I hate the gp7 on pmk series so this is when near the end of the Cold War the Soviets decided they actually wanted to make kind of more advanced masks and they've been making before now the early Soviet masks are really good the reason being the early Soviet masks are very simple built to a very good robust standard so you know it's a bit like all of the good Soviet engineering it's very simple but it is made to be very strong so an idiot can use it and it's very hard to break however when they decided to make more complicated masks they added too many features and there's massive design problems of it so this is the gp7 not the gp7 V the V is the one with the drinking tube on and the PM Kaos is drinking chivonne so drinking tubing itself isn't very good but that's not going that so the big problem of this mask is they have these really hard to adjust annoying straps now I probably do need one that society than this one but as you can see it's got this weird sort of rubbery hood on the inside which is meant to be where your face rests against the problem is that by default it normally cuts into your face when you're trying to wear it the voice diaphragm is fine everything that this is just nowhere near as good as the earlier Soviet mask oh and the straps are really uncomfortable on this thing they basically just eat into your head right so that I could do it with having one that's a slightly bigger size but that's not really an issue because my PM K's bigger and the same fonts are still there so as you can see that's cutting off my peripheral vision because the silly hood I don't think there's any way I can actually get my head into that more and as far as in the way you'll definitely meant to use this bit as like a face rest because you know it makes sense where the chin is and everything else and the forehead it's just the eye bits are just too big now obviously I am aware that you could probably that's fully loosened on the straps as well I am aware that you could obviously get some scissors and I don't want to do this because I collect masks and cut these bits down a bit so they be in the way less I mean that's obviously a valid thing to do if you're trying to use the mask but it also to me kind of looks like they wanted a hybrid between our old helmet style masks with the hoods on and the straps I kind of wonder if you fully take the straps off of this mask and just stretch this over your head if that would now I'm probably gonna strap myself in the mask by doing this but there's probably anyway to someone yeah it's new 80s more as I say I wondered if you could kind of stretch this around your head you know like a retro Russian mask because if you did that that would actually kind of be a bit more practical obviously I've said the flaws of these masks is before you even go into the drinking tube they replace very robust and simple masks the ones a big design flaws and I'm pretty comfortable and the issue of these is that it's they're very soft and flexible look which is fine on the Soviet sort of gp5 style masks when you go into things like this well I meant to kind of keep a firm shape that's also a bit of a design flaw as you can probably understand why okay and the last mask on list and I know you're gonna say why didn't you include the GSR but I've just already ranted about the GSR enough so there's bad a mask is that is it's you know I've gone over it enough times I think so this is the Hungarian M 76 or 76 m FF it was called about looking up there was two variants this there was an early one which might mean something like the M 69 or something which had metal here not plastic this one's the plastic on the later one now this was Hungary's communist Hungary's mass-produced civilian gas mask for the Cold War and it's very similar to the GM xxx mask that Germany had during World War Two as a sort of cheap military mask it's basically rubber that's been coated in canvas so the idea is that you can use less materials now actually looks quite nice I really like to look at this mask the issue is this is a bit that holds your chin in place and I've had some people say that you know maybe I've got the wrong size and I think of all masks so you could maybe argue that if I don't like them but the issue of this mask is it's just not very good at making a face seal because you see when you've got a rubber especially if it's got for a fuel seal on it which and this almost as hazard / if you'll see it's just not made of rubber which is part the problem you can actually get quite a good face you'll just simply due to you know like how Lorber sort of sticks your skin in a sense when you don't have that it means if your face doesn't exactly fit the shape of it you've got a bit of a problem so what what I'm gonna do is put this mask on another thing I don't like about this which I'll point out is the straps these are fully loosened at the moment as well and as far as more when I looks at the size for it this isn't yeah that society's fault if you can see up there that's definitely a size 4 because I was looking up the sizes so this isn't a size one that is a size 4 because you can see it a bit where it goes across from one sound size falls are one of the biggest sizes of these as well so where this one is too small is a bit of a problem okay so this is basically how the straps are meant to work now one of the things I don't like is these straps they just kind of do that so whoever designed this didn't really think where the straps going to go now then there's a reverse strap that you can put on which is hard to do pinch my skin [ __ ] so when I did test on this I could never get to pressurize properly now this is a bit claustrophobic because I'm gonna get it off the issue of this it's very hard to tighten it properly to get an airtight seal at least for me the materials mean it's not very flexible useful and I said the straps are really weird because they just don't go where you'd expect the straps to go which is kind of a problem you know what you'd expect if you were wearing it is that again it's because also is like weird adjustable bit on the strap system which doesn't make much sense here yeah that's very odd isn't it so the sort of point is what you'd expect is you'd have it on I'll see the top strap goes over your sort of dome and then your ears go between these two straps that's what you'd expect but it's not really laid out like that so yeah the thing is hungry' was making like PMG masks and things like that during the Cold War so for the civilians why didn't they bother just making GP fives us what seems very weird to me because I'm sure gp5 being mass-produced who actually be cheaper than these because obviously coating the canvas on and the bits of elastic in here and everything else probably actually brings a cost up to be more than the GP five so I said I'm not gonna bring the GSR into this video even it probably deserves to be in it just cuz I've covered the GSR enough times before but all these masks are basically ones where they've got a bit of a design flaw to be honest of how they've been made or serious design flaws how they've been made whether it be mounting if exposed to certain chemical which isn't very good in the military gas mask is it ones that don't make faces where the straps don't quite go out it meant to be like the GP 7vm case here is where they've got the inner rubber hood that just gets in the way or um you know like the Chinese one where the straps ping off when you try and adjust them so there we go that's this video and I said no hate intended towards the countries that made these masks I think every country's make bad masks at different times but out of my collection these are the mask or I look at them and think who came up with this idea you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 82,722
Rating: 4.9426751 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, My Worst Gas Masks, worst gas masks, bad gas masks, worst respirators, bad respirators
Id: -HT1khOmY0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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