My British Gas Mask/Respirator collection

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okay time for a really anticipated video a lot people asked for I'm going to do my entire British gas-mask collection in one video so there's going to be a lot of masks in this video so be prepared the video is probably going to be very long to watch if you want to watch all of it and before I get started I will say that I think every single one of these gas masks except for one of my yes tens cuz I have multiple was bought off of ebay you know I think both - tens came from different places but you can get s tens on eBay so if you're going to ask for a gas masks from it's from eBay and if you want to find one you just have to keep searching for long enough and look hard enough and you'll find one eventually and so let's get started the first month we're going to go into sort of chronological order as well the first mask isn't actually a proper one it's like a cheap replica I don't have any one masks but I do have a replica of a World War One mask and this is a British pH guttered or pH antique acid and I also say in this video that any masks are safe to put on I'll do so but some of the masks that are old or unsafe I won't be putting on if in case you're wondering why I put some ones some don't so this is like one of the first gas masks in existence and the idea of one of these was you would have the mask on the mask was actually made of a sort of flannel material that flannel material would be soaked in the kind of acidic thing chemical so it's not very nice to have all the skin and that acidic chemical would basically neutralize chlorine gas coming in but it's quite quickly realized that these were very impractical things as much as they did work and obviously they decided they needed to come up with an idea to actually filter you know vapours and threats rather than just simply trying to block them with a chemical and neutralize them so that's where you start getting the small box respirators or English box respirators whatever you want to call them and the idea is that you had a metal canister which is basically what we know as a modern filter but much more primitive now said I don't have any actual World War one masks primarily because you know you'd have to keep them in good conditions and most of my masks are just scattered anywhere I can shove them around the house to fit them so even though I have seen what one master look genuine for sometimes prices I could afford I've never gone for one simply because I think personally I wouldn't keep it in the conditions it requires and I just damaged a historical relic that's why I've never bothered buying it so anyway that's a replica pH Gosford so that's a good place to start and now we'll start looking at the proper masks I have and move into World War two ok so now we're going to look at the British civilian gas masks from World War two and these were cheap nasty things but the idea was that they were cheap to make so you could actually make them for your entire population now this one doesn't one already came up the carrier but there we go so these are very simple they've got like a celluloid eyepiece their minds gone a bit hazy you know they wouldn't have been the most clear things to look through but you had a celluloid sort of piece of early plastic there you've got your arsenic filter and your normal filter tape together there I put fresh tape on to keep them together and the actual interesting thing of here these is that the filter unit to see that on the cameras probably won't be able to see the filter itself you're probably not going to be able to picked up on the camera has a valve on the inside on the actual outside of the filter on the inside of the mask so the filters came the valves on and then they are basically glued or taped to the mask you know make it cheaper to make them so very simple mass is not even an exhale valve on this you simply put on with the free straps around your head when you breathe out it causes the master swell up and let air out so it's very cheap to make no exhale valves but they fold up pretty small and they're just designed to be very simple air comes through here obviously on the intake you breathe out and obviously I'm not gonna go to loads of details of this but Old World War two masks have asbestos in the filters best not to wear them and breathe through them so there you go that's your very simple British civilian gas mask or respirator obviously as I said the main advantage this is very cheap to make but it wouldn't be a pleasant mask if you had to have it on for long periods but it would have kept you alive from in hailing sort of chlorine and stuff like that at least wouldn't give you any protection from nerve gas because you need to 4nbc suit with the master nerve gas but what mask would you issue to civilians if they wanted a slightly better more durable gas mask you'd give them this the civilian duty respirator also known as the warden gas mask you can see it says civilian duty very faintly there it's mostly worn off this particular one was made by siebe gorman I believe if I can find the stamp on it I think that's the siebe gorman thing somewhere on there but regardless yeah they go siebe gorman is on that bit of the filter the funny thing of this one is they've stuck the Excel bow from a British civilian children's Mickey Mouse gas mask on there I guess the factory had more red ones in that day or they needed a replacement valve so what makes this mask better it's got a very similar kind of filter on the front which goes into the mask there you might actually be able to see that valve with the excel thing on a bit clearer here but this uses the face piece that you're going to notice on most of the British military masks are coming up soon in this video they will use a very similar face piece of this the logic Brittenham I think was let's design a good face piece and then let's make all the masks to work around it kind of how you know the a K platform has been adapted into so many things so obviously you've got your good lenses at the front now I think people keep saying this as a Sid Wilson lasts from Slipknot and my very well be I'm not massive fan of Sid Wilson breaking gas masks to be honest and the other interesting things it's got a microphone input there so that was designed so what you could do is you'd have that you'd have a microphone or cut into it the microphone being in there would create an airtight seal and there might be a very thin bit of rubber on the other side of it and that meant when you talked you people could hear you if you're on a telephone exchange or something because it would you know be a thin adhesive rubber when you're speaking but yeah quite a creepy iconic looking mask one of my favourite British World War two masks I think my grandfather was issued one of these when he was in the home guard before he went into the army then he had a mark we'll get into the mark-5 in a minute so anyway because we said about the Mickey Mouse exhale valve on there let's have a look at a Mickey Mouse mask right here he is the British Mickey Mouse mask as you can see on there it's got a kind of blue filter that apparently screws on but I've never actually tried really unscrewing it because it seems to be quite forced on my own feet and I'll rip the rubber if I try and remove it you've got your arsenic pre-filter on there as you can see that's the excel valve there's the little eyepieces these are actually higher quality than the adult masks now I have the feeling the actual real name for the mask for something like the Avon c2 or the c2 protective mask c2 respirator but it was called the Mickey Mouse mask because although it looks nothing like Mickey Mouse the idea was they'll make it from bright colors which is why the filter was a blue sort of colour the Masters red also I think some of these have been black and blue as well and the idea was it would encourage children to wear the mask because it was bright colors and they called it Mickey Mouse so it's a creepy weird-looking little thing kind of looks like something a gnome would wear in a horror film I guess but yeah the weird thing about these is they are high yeah that doesn't screw the weird thing about these is they are higher quality than the adult masks because they have a removable filter yeah she says something G see mark free on that anyway there's your an asbestos filled filter and there's I don't know what millimeter a fret days I think figures 60 millimeter but anyway maybe at some future video I'll have a look into this filter a bit more anyway the idea was that the children's masks were made to a higher standard not necessary to protect children but just because I think the idea was to make them look nice to where they'd have to spend a bit more money designing them once children were big enough they were just given a small size adult last but first sort of five or six year olds they had the Mickey Mouse mask I think my grandma said when she was young during some of the war she had one of these masks so there you go little Mickey Mouse mask alright now we get on to the british army gas masks and this is a mark for general service respirator so that as a name implies there were other mark general service for us raters before it so this mask quite interesting the inside is made of rubber as you can hopefully see but the outside is covered in what's called stocking net which is like what bandages are made from it's kind of a canvas II material and the hose is covered in stocking that so you've got your two eyepieces you're not going to pair on because it's dirty young in the age you've got it's not really a voice diaphragm no idea it's mostly an exhale by oh I have no idea how loud would it be if you tried to speak Vicks and what kind of put the mask on you've got a sort of stocking neck covered hose and then you go to the filter and you'll notice I got some tape over there because this is absolutely filled of blue asbestos but you'd wear it in a satchel I'll demonstrate that with my mark 5 in a moment you'd have that on your sort of chest there with this actual mask on and then you've got a bow for charcoal and asbestosis particulate filter so vapor and particle films of that the funny thing is mark for masks tend to be in better condition when you find them for sale to mark fives because the stocking neck coating the outside of the rubber and as you can see there the rubber is actually decently thick it's not like really thin rubber the stocking neck coated rubber has actually preserved it but when they went on to mark five masks to make the mask cheaper to make what they basically did is said let's take the stocking net off and also because stocking that could catch chemical weapons and over there make the mask harder to decontaminate so stocking neck covered ones look really cool but unfortunately for cheapness reasons when they move to the mark 5 they got rid of the stocking net ok let's look at the mark 5 now I have to mark 5 so I'm getting out my one with a better condition bag so you can see the bag a bit better so again I won't really bother showing you the filter section of it because you saw that with the mark 4 but it's essentially a same mask that's not coated in stockinette the filter sits in the bag and there's a hole in the bottom the bag so you can breathe through it and the only real difference is other than cutting down on the stocking neck covering it what they've done is they've got the microphone input thing on here that was also in the warden mask so you'll probably be noticing this looks a lot like a wooden mask just in but where the pipe goes in and you have the Excel valve that would be removed on the ward mask and you just have a filter there instead so um yeah it's a pretty standard mask now that's interesting although it's a mark 5 this says number for free so maybe we had a weird sort of system for the numbering knees but can I see the manufacture stamp JB so I assume that's JB rubber or something 1942 on that one so yeah I said not gonna wear it but that's sort of what it would look like if it was on fairly simple sort of set up for these intake goes in there and the air comes out around that section and then you exhale through there but yeah mark fives amok fours have the filters attached via the hose where there's wire crimped onto like this little bayonet kind of spike thing that comes down here pipe the wire held the pipe on then you wired to filter on with a tight bit of wire as well so you didn't really get issued with spare filters for these I said this as the mast my granddad had when he was actually in Normandy and everything with this sort of mask he remembers it as being fairly comfortable as far as I'm aware he said he didn't like the gas mask so much because they had to do the tear gas thing so you know although that's meant to feel confidence in your mask after you've ever been tear-gassed having to take the mask on and off you probably hate the sight of the thing Bhosle it would have protected you in the event of a chemical attack but thankfully they never needed to use them anyway that's the mark 5 general service respirator lovely looking mask and now let's move on to the light anti gas respirators now time for the mark 6 gas masks or respirators but they're real lame there's light anti gas respirators now I don't know if this is the original original bags they were issued in or if this is the Dutch Channel Dutch rated Danish surplus banks because denmark or load of these after the 1960s when britain got rid of them and then once britain got rid of them when the danish bought them the danish had them for ages and used them a 40-millimeter filters as well as German GM 30 eggs and a load of other masks and the knee or sort of a surplus as well so chances are if you get certain less one of these you're gonna get one with Danish stamps on it so anyway this is the mark one light anti gas respirator the big difference between us and World War two masks is that all most of the British World War two masks is that you put a sixty millimeter filter directly on the side of it this one says that you are pee on it it's got the sort of standard six point head harness most of the British masks had now the interesting thing is Mike like and Mark one is made from really thick rubber I don't know if you'll be able to see that well in the video but this is really thick rubber for a World War two British mask and some dates on the bottom and you can see the Dutch crown and what the Dutch keep saying at the Danish crown there anyway put this mask on if it still fits me all right trying to put that on there you go for a world war two months yes this is very lightweight with a sixty millimeter filters there's nothing to stop your breath flow from fogging it up no anti fog systems that are a bit primitive in that regard yeah for what came before they were very nice masks now these are only actually made in right-handed shooter configurations supposedly if you're a left-handed shooter they told you to use your old mask you're not getting one of these new masks anyway that's the al-led mark one let's have a look at the lag mark - yeah mine's in the same sort of bag just two straps are missing right here's the lag mark ii did a video on this recently looks very similar the only real difference is this is a Fenimore flexible rubber which makes it more comfortable and easier to get an airtight seal all of it and it's got a voice diaphragm there on the saw bit and like the almost nipple thing that's six out the front of it so as you can hopefully see both masks are very very similar take a sixty millimeter filter this is an original one this is a Canadian one because it's safe to use but you just simply screw the filter onto the side of the mask put the thing on and there you go the voice diaphragm is surprisingly good on this for a 1950s mask so yeah the lag mark one was replaced by the lag them up to when the Canadians made to see free that's kind of a lag mark two of the normal nasal Cup in in a couple of different parts and Britain used this mask up until the 1960s my part way through the 1960s Porton Down developed the s6 respirator or sr6 respirator that was then made by Avon rubber berming in laymen's and a few others and they all came up with the s6 design so now let's look at the s6 where we move into a really truly modern looking mask that moves away from this loop will to design that's been on all the others so this is the s6 and it's in the carry satchel design I really like the Britten stuck with for a lot of their masks Benet Vaughn rubber used for pretty much all their masks you know ones Britten didn't buy so it's sort of out crow lead on later ones that have buttons on as well to give it an even more secure thing you've got side filter pouch inside and then what you've got is your actual mask so now Britain has moved into the modern era and is using 40 millimeter masks and this particular s6 is made by Leyland and berming and rubber and it's a very good design so this one actually is quite funny because it's dated 1987 which is officially when Britain should have stopped using these and already be going on to the s10 by guess production runs didn't quite go the way they wanted them to so as a 6-point head harness that's made out of kind of stretchy [Music] elastic should have a slightly bad buckle system for adjusting it than the previous mask now if you look in here it's we finally got a mask that's quite modern looking on the inside you've got an out exhale valve that I think kind of includes a voice diaphragm but I'm not totally sure you've got like your proper chin support and everything in there you've got your or nasal cup so it doesn't fog up and you've got obviously these weird eyepieces which are both good and bad the good thing is they give you a really good field of view the bad thing is they make you feel a bit sick when you're wearing a mask for too long because the way the lens is curved which you might owe to cede away the lights reflecting on that that curve has a really weird effect on your vision as you're wearing it now the house is weird tap inside it which is gonna be hard to show on camera you can just see it there over my fingers and this taps really weird basically I've read lots of different things on this and heard different things in the comments from people so I can't tell you exactly what it's meant to do what it does do is it adjusts the pressure and the kind of inflation of these sort of bits around the mask so the idea is that you can open this as a tap and blow into it and then turn it and seal it and that makes this kind of inflatable cushion go up around the mask that's what I always thought it was for but apparently some people say it regulates pressure inside the mask you meant to leave the tap slightly open and then apparently as the temperature changes and the altitude your app changes with the mask on the pressure adapt to it so I don't know which is true I personally go more for the inflatable kind of comfort thing because a later seep gorman mask we'll get to in the video has the exact same system but it's designed so you blow it up and then plug it with an actual plug that you don't take out and then that keeps the finger on but anyway let me show you the mask I'm just going to do the pull down technique for this because it's easier to do so there's your s6 respirator most famously used in Operation Nimrod by the SAS but the entire british army used it from the 1960s to the 1980s I think reservists and things like the RAF regiment actually have this for a lot longer but yeah the fisheye effect on wariness is really weird if I turn my head like this everything kind of seems to be moving in a weird way so anyway yeah you've got a good field of view of the mask I think this mask looks quite sinister and cool so as you can see yeah if I look that way like I'm looking I everything sort of distorted and weird so yeah the advantage is you get a good field of view the bad thing is it makes you feel sick if you wear it for too long but is a very comfortable mask other than that you know the partially inflated rubber thing is a nice cushion to your face makes a good airtight seal they also have an interesting system on here for loading the 40 millimeter filters 40 millimeter obviously screws in see out a bit but you've got this in a kind of bayonet thing that comes out to help stabilize the filter going in and provide a better air seal for the filter so a really clever design I think more 40 millimeter mouths should have a design like that where they've gotten in a bit to help you know make an even better airtight seal anyway now said supposedly this wasn't developed by any of the British rubber companies it was developed by Portland down the sort of infamous chemical warfare sort of research lab to the britain hand and they developed it and then basically either sold the rights to make it to british roller manufacturers or British Roma manufacturers were told to make in and make on money for making I don't know exactly you know it worked but regardless this is a Leyland and Birmingham one and but you there's lots of Avon versions of this some of them have a really cool 40 millimeter feel to have lots of holes around the outside might one doesn't have those mine just has standard-looking 40 millimeter filters but regardless a very cool mask definitely worth picking one of these up if you see on the cheap because they're I think one of the coolest looking 40 millimeter masks ever made so in 1950s in the 1960s you seen what respirator you'd have if you're in the Army but what respirator would you have a civilian short answer is you wouldn't get one but this is what they designed for you to have if you were to get one looks a bit like a plague doctors mask and I suppose of the beaky bit on and this is basically like an upgraded World War 2 civilian mask this is the c-7 respirator very rare if you find one at a good price buy it just buy it because they wrap what happened with these is they design them they start making them they then said well this is a bit expensive to give all the peasants one of these masks what Homer let them die so what they did is they record the masks Eva recycled them destroyed them there's lots of funny story about what they might have done with these masks but now and again people look in their attic and say no there's no gas masks in here I'm going to sell it on eBay and then they put one these up for sale sometimes not knowing the real value of the masks or they can't get the real value asked for as they have to lower it to you know 40 to 50 quid and they get a sale suppose that these these will sell for 200 pounds if you're lucky if you're trying to sell one the inside of these masks is very basic it's basically the world war two British masks except for it's got two separate eyepieces it's made from a better rubber and it's got an XL valve with this weird circular thing some of them are more of a gold color some of them are more of a silver colour but regardless if you see a c7 for sale pick one up if it's a reasonable price because they are rare and interesting masks but yeah the reason they're not very well-known is because they record them because don't give the peasants gas masks you know the poor people can die I mean the logic is obviously in a big nuclear war and further probably by anyway but as much as I do complain about the evil commies and all evil stuff they did at least evil commies made civilian respirators so there is that I mean I guess it's so you can keep more of the population alive to keep filling your gulags after nuclear that's what the West was going to plan to do anyway was just turn into a totalitarian state after nuclear war but anyway this is the mask you would have got if they decided your life wasn't so worthless they weren't gonna make this cheap mask for you now let's talk about one of my favourite gas masks ever it's the Avon is turning this 95 woodland DPM bag again it's likely a six pack were a bit improved again and what we have here is the s10 now I've done lots of videos on the s10 so if you want to see all the accessories and everything it came with my rent outs and whatever else look at those videos but it's a 40 millimeter mass that's exceeded the s6 and it is nearly perfect in every way so let's talk about the s10 it's made of this nice lightweight rubber it really is lightweight sturdy the rubber folds a bit you know to be comfortable but it doesn't fold too much it's like the Goldilocks you know thing is just right in every way it's got this Ridge around the outside designed to catch the hoods of NBC suits so the mouse sits on your face better it's got these um picnic PVC on this I think later Avon mask use polycarbonate sort of hard plastic things and they actually have a weird shape you'll probably ought to see that if I move them in closer the idea is it's kind of flat for looking through rifle scopes but there's also plastic that's been shaped so you can see you know more gab a field of view and the logic for this is now obviously the issue is when you have a mask is you can have an optical style man so it's obvious hms wear it limits your field of view you can see very well forwards which is great for binoculars and rifle scopes or you can have a mask that has like the s6 a very big curved piece of plastic and even the masks that are the modern kind of panoramic lenses have this problem where you can't put rifle scopes or anything to them very well at all because they're curved and you know a scopes not going to fit against a curved thing and also curving too much a big an angle makes you for your sick so you've got near six so this already s 10 which has a kind of solution to that which is to actually make a weird-shaped bit of plastic the kind of is you know bendy they're flat there the idea being that you can get the best of both words and you mostly can love this design okay so on this side you've got what's basically a little voice diaphragm you can clip a radio on to normal s tends only take the filter on one side and they made in left and right hand variants but the idea was that the filter only goes on one side outside and then decide you click the radio on to so people can hear you very clearly because you're speaking into your radio over microphone it clips onto there under this cover yeah off because sometimes these are a bit stiff okay here we go under this cover you have your primary XL valve and it's called the trumpet system on here and the idea being when you speak it amplifies your voice because it's coming out of sort of trumpet it works better than some speech diaphragms it's not as loud as the really good speech diaphragms but it's certainly better than nothing all right around here you've got your drinking tube that comes out here your hydration system you plug that into your bottle with your special Avon cap whence mine comes in the post after Christmas and everything's a world away I will do videos demonstrating the drinking tubes on these and what you have here is a lever on the outside and mask you twist that leave around and it there's a drinking chamber inside the mask so hopefully if I can get the lighting right you'll be able to see that yep see that moving it's like as I keep casting a shadow when I move my arm but that's the drinking tube moving into position so you move it from the outside to get it into your mouth and then you can move it back so anyway yes time all right so that's the eschaton on it's got these rubber straps on it which fairly comfortable for what they are the idea of being you just simply pull them really tight so you get a good field of view of this on very similar to cs6 but it doesn't make you feel ill and you've got relatively flat but for using one l85 sort of sousatzka or something like that when the drinking tubes modern youth you simply fold it down there I'm probably messed up a bit on the video though yet when you turn on that makes that folks he'll they'll see as you can see oral nasal cuff in here and everything else the ability to put out certs on that isn't yes can an amazing mask isn't even rubber great at designing masks isn't it a shame that Britain decided that they don't want even masks anymore right now for the weird masse nobody knows anything about it is the seed Gorman bm1 free e18 what is this mask Wow it's a bit weird basically from what I can understand the mo D wanted a self-contained breathing apparatus mask and rather than just saying 20 of the companies like see Bullman that made firefighters masks can you just met give us a special firefighters massive thicker rubber for you know chemical use they said make it in 40 millimeter NATO for us so there you go there's the 40 millimeter native thing but it doesn't work like a conventional respirator because it sounds a self-contained breathing apparatus the entire precious earth system served to a compositive pressure so what they did is a designer's mask and then said now we've got a 40 millimeter NATO intake desiring us a special airline adapter for 40 millimeter NATO so they could have just bought a fireman's massive thick and rubber couldn't they anyway this is what they got it's actually a very good mask aways but I can't demonstrate a filter properly because it relies on positive air pressure but I'll briefly put it on so it's got the same inflatable tube around the outside as the f6 and at the bottom here where there's a red plug that's where you inflate it and put the plug in the issue is that's a bit of a crap system and the plug doesn't stay in very well so if you get when these need to inflate it's probably just worth putting some plumbing tape over the end and sealing it that way now the issue is as I'm wearing it you'll start seeing this flag up and that's because the xcel valve requires a lot of air pressure to open because it's meant to be a positive pressure mask and it's also because there's no valve here or the intake is so what I think they should have done although it was designed as a self-contained breathing apparatus I reckon they should have just put an intake valve there and then that way you could use it as a conventional respirator if need be if I cover that and breathe out yeah so that works I said this would probably work fine in the way it was designed for it but it was the mo D looking weird requirement saying to them you know rather than simply make us one of your firefighters masks for thicker rubber of the standard airline intake make it in 40 millimeter NATO then make an adapter to use the standard airline intake it's completely pointless there you go the mask itself is actually very high quality is just very weird because you know what why did they think they had the need for this I don't know anyway so there's this and then we this apparently sat in storage they basically bought loads of these siebe gorman sadly collapsed or fairly recently they were bought out by another company and liquidated you know another proud mask manufacturer diving equipment manufacturer has been around for hundred years no liquid am so sadly no more siebe gorman but yeah apparently the mo D bought loads of these never really use them as now sort of surplus so what a great use of taxpayers money that was but now let's look at the mask I hate I really hate that replace the s10 in British army service and has lots of problems look at this huge such isn't this convenient to carry around with you this is the Scott GSR general service respirator not as good as the old Mark Forum 5gs hours oh no this is the Scott chair so if it sounds like I'm already very negative towards this mask it's because I've done enough videos and I've really tried to light this mask it's just right let's get this thing out the cool thing about this bag is ours got a little to make it easier to open and get the mask out so here is the Scott GSR look how big it is now I've complained about this ladies before another video so don't want to complain about it too much what I understand the issue was is the when Britain was deciding what new master buy they were being very like well we don't want to pay too much money for a mask and a Yvonne had suggested lady mask maybe other companies like steep Gorman had suggested mass for them but they weren't really interested you know I think they were sitting on their hands going mm-hmm you know not wanting to buy masks now people have told me in the comments and I think I did read this somewhere so thank you for alerting me to this in the comments that there was some sort of chemical weapons scare chemical weapons went missing from some you know Middle Eastern country over WMD you know all that sort crap and then the mo D suddenly said we really need a new mask and then Scott rushed in you know offered them you know undercut everybody Allison said we can do your mask for cheaper sorry that mass wasn't very good so basically what the GSR is I think actually Scott gave it a name before they called it the GSR and that I think failed to meet some sort of American test so then they had to find another buyer for it and it's basically let's rip off the Avon M 50 but make it worse in every way so you probably think this looks like a really cool worm futuristic mask you'd be wrong you know the mask itself has a lot of good ideas so just very poorly implemented and make the mask annoying so um we've got your drinking tube that sits on there plug that back in you've got a voice like it back in it doesn't go back in no you know you've got your voice diaphragm and exhale valve into this cover and you've got your filters here these are weird proprietary filters let me you do the East one you turn halfway and they come off see it's got like a bayonet lug the funny thing is under this cap here there is a 40 millimeter NATO filter intake that Scot don't want you to know that at some point I might do a video or I pull that off and show you what's under it but anyway you have to buy Scots proprietary filters now these are kind of interesting they use this weird bayonet kind of plug system and the idea is the when you change your filter you change them one at a time you take the filter off an air can't get in so you don't have to panic and really quickly swap the filter over that's a great idea the issue is having two of these on the mask is very bulky is very heavy people are telling me when you've got both on and you're using l85a2 that the filters keep knocking the fire selector and other stupid things like that anyway they are designed so when you're using a rifle with it and I'll demonstrate this now demonstrate of a rifle you can turn them all the way back these are the teardrop filters and that way you've got more space to shoulder the rifle the issue is you still not really got enough space from everything I've been told Sixpoint head harness it's all the inside stuff anyway the mouth does look nice I'll give you that you know the issue is there's also this weird thing in the chin which you can see it there it's it's like bulky and apparently the idea is it collects water in it and that helps your exhale the water so your monsters and sweat up again it sounds like a good idea the issue again is it's poorly implemented it adds a lot of weight to the mask and it digs into your chin when you're wearing it so anyway let's put the UM now I am the way this might not be the best size in my head so some of my complaints are probably because it doesn't fit me well but the complaints about weight and bulkiness and mass they're certainly not exaggerated so already I've got this fin thinking into my chin that's uncomfortable the field of view despite in panoramic lens that only really helps at the front to the sides it's no different than wearing an s10 to be honest your nasal cut tends to dig in a bit as well actually if I turn my head I still get some that weird effect the s6 lips so and I'd rather have less 6 and this mask to be honest so yeah fundamentally it's mask could have been brilliant if they did it right but everything's kind of in cheap and rushed on it and it's just not good I've complained about the glue on it as Wow and the plastic welding that look very good around the lens as like a really dodgy glue job but you know I wouldn't trust if my life depended on this masse to be quite honest of you so that's enough of me you know saying how bad this mask is this is a mask in my opinion where if it was made to a higher quality standard the parts of planned-out would be very good I guess that master be called the ALM 50 and lots of Scott GSR and interesting enough masks but I'd much rather have an older as 10 this mask if I had to rely on a mask even if it was a oldest tend to be quite honest right let's end the video on a more positive note and talk about some of the really good respirators that British companies are still making let's look at the Avon FM 12 and CT 12 respirators so here's that back design I really like let's get that open and inside this won't I have an Avon FM 12 so what's the able FM 12 it's basically where anyone said let's improve the s10 a bit more than it already is so what you have here is the s10 that's been made a bit more compact as you can see the Polycarp I think they put polycarbonate in the newer ones as well a lot PVC so see we are now from 12 with you now the interesting thing is it's basically an s10 that's been miniaturized and just made a bit more practical as you know it's lighter it's better as far as I'm aware it uses the same drinking to plug on this mask because the other one now most FM twelves have a dual filter port for some reason mine doesn't it has the one like the s10 I don't know why on that account but you've got a nice sort of mesh head harness that's very comfortable the rub is very comfortable yeah I can't really find any complaints this mass to be honest so let's put it on now normally I would just pull down right before I put on the way you meant to put these masks on so this is the Avon fm 12 you see the head pilot is very comfortable like that having a big kind of mesh one and yeah this is a brilliant mask you get a very good field of view I think it's being small even slightly miniaturize it's not quite as good as the s10 this field of view but it's not really massively noticeable I think at the price of having um you know like a lighter weight mask and like that that's kind of a good trade-off your amazing cups re comfortable doesn't begin at your eyes or anything like that like some masks do so I wasn't where all the Excel valves and voiced diaphragms work quite well as well you know it's all a very cool design it has the exact same system if that's on too tight I won't be able to do there we go the exact same kind of trumpet system that the s10 has for the voice diaphragm you know underneath there so that it's got the drinking tube system it's been moved a bit same system yes anyway yeah yeah Avon FM 12 what a brilliant mask now let's look at the CT 12 variant of it which is my favorite gas mask in my collection now here is the Avon CT 12 my favorite mask in my collection it is my go-to masks but everybody people ask you know what Mars could use in the gas attack so it's like the FM 12 the only difference is it doesn't have Joe say it doesn't have dual filter ports of my ex my 10 and 12 others I'm dual filter box it doesn't have a drinking tube on it the idea is the CT 12 stands for basically counter-terrorism 12 and the idea was that they wanted to make the same mass but even lighter more simple just for um you know like Counter Terrorist armed police kind of use where they went use would even need the drinking tube so that is the exact same mask now this is what the FM trial would be like if it had the dual things removable which is drops what this is is it's called a blanking plug so it's basically a little speech diaphragm built into here and this is the site that goes into the mask that's the outside one easy to tell which way it goes because it's got the Bing to help you screw it on so it means you can either have two filters on the mask swap the filter from side to side or you can have you know your radio clips on there same as an s10 so let's put the mask on and do it up so with these masks the bottom two clasps are sort of your standard pull through ones the top ones are ones you adjust and clip into place so it means you only really have to adjust the bottom two straps take the mask off and on which makes getting it back to face shape very simple this mask is incredibly comfortable I could wear this for very long periods it makes a very good fit with my Anglo faith which is obviously an advantage and yeah it's lightweight it's practical it's in our tough mask it does everything it needs to do and it's a brilliant mask so as I said Yvonne masks are always great because they're a company a lot of history designing respirators so they actually know what they're doing this is kind of my mask that's like my purity test for the masks I think about how great my CT 12 and yfm 12 are you know and by extension es tab it's the earlier version of them and I think how good is that mask and how you know I've got a new mask it looks like a modern ish one how does it compare to the CT probably FM 12 it if it doesn't compare to them where it's about masks now avons latest masks to the m50 see 50 and over 53 a lot of those are in the US service now from what I've heard and I can't verify if this is true or not so take it with a pinch of salt the CT 12 and FM 12 are used in Britain by the Armed Police and the SAS and supposedly it's because the SAS said the GSR is a load of crap we want to stick with the CT terrible we want you to buy a set of internal CT trials whatever does they like yes 10 they wanted masked up yes 10 I can't find much information that either supports that or doesn't support it so take it with a pinch of salt because I've heard people arguing both points but regardless the CT 12 an FM 12 are amazing masks and that's my entire British gas mask collection I hope you've enjoyed it you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 49,104
Rating: 4.9261889 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, My British Gas Mask/Respirator collection, British gas masks, british respirators, avon respirators, avon s10, avon ct12, avom fm12, Siebe Gorman, Avon rubber, LaG respirator, General Service respirator
Id: KQuqOgvFrSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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