Cheap and not so cheerful respirators

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today I wanted to do a video on really cheap sort of gas masks and I don't mean cheap for you to buy I mean like the countries that making them decided they wanted to assign absolutely no budget whatsoever to making these masks now that can actually be quite a good design decision because obviously with logistics if you can make lots of masks it will protect people for almost no money that's a really good thing but that doesn't always mean the user of the mask gets a very good quality controlled mask so this video is just gonna be looking at some masks in my collection that are obviously made on the really cheap so let's start off the British World War two civilian masks I'll show you quite familiar of this but this is like one of the examples of you know just how cheap can we make a mask you have a single piece of celluloid I'd guess as the eyepiece it's put together with free straps to attach it to your face basically it's almost like a rubber sock with free straps on it and then the filter just tape to the mask so it's some yeah really cheap and nasty of course it would have protected your life if you had to use it at the time and the filter was still working but you know these things would cheap I've said it's basically just a rubber sock the idea being of the filter at one ends my pieces in it and then you just do the straps up to make it an airtight seal roughly on your face certainly not a mask you want to use if you had access to anything better but it would probably done its job and I said this isn't necessarily criticized thing saying you know they're not going to work full stop it's mostly just to say look how cheaply these were made so in a similar thing to that mask we now have the Fox gas mask from Sweden which is basically designed to do the exact same job this doesn't look quite as cheap and nasty but it's still quite interesting oil cheap and nasty is a very similar design to the British one it's got the same free point sort of strap system really the thing I love of this is it's got safety pins on there as part of the strap mechanism because you know that will make it cheap so it's actually I think the exact same feel to design as the British one yeah is nice very interesting I never noticed that so the inside it's got the same filter style where the actual entire filter has a valve on the filters they would manufacture the filters with the valves on then tape them to the mask so the mask itself is essentially this piece of rubber two eyepieces now hold my breath alight there on so no Excel valve the mask expands around your face when you breathe out not a brilliant design known as the type thirty-two made by Goldman I think that says at the top there but yeah this was made incredibly good mare in the pony this was made incredibly cheaply a bit better quality control on it in the British one but all the same real design it's got just saying the eye pieces are surprisingly nice on this I'll give them that look these eye pieces are fairly well made but obviously the mask is super keep you basically got filter valve on it you take something that roughly fit some of these face to it for a mask when they breathe out there's no exit valve the air mass caster expand around your face so again you've got this really cheap and nasty design but of course it would work to a degree if you had to issue it to people so yeah the Swedish type 32 or Fault gas mask and other really cheap so horrible design back to Britain with a slightly improved mask it's the c-7 respirator the only difference between this and the previous british masks because this basically had an exhale valve on and it's got a slightly more competent strap system because it's got traditional strap on it that's about it again this is very similar that Swedish mask I just showed you same kind of sort of filter setup on it other than the excel valve and having two separate eyepieces this is no better really than the previous mask I'm not going to breathe through it but yeah it wouldn't be too uncomfortable to Ohio I guess but it's not gonna be brilliant again as I said before these the funny thing is this is made to be super cheap and then they said oh wait no that's actually too expensive for the civilians recall them recycle them they can die in the nuclear fire so this mask was despite being really cheap to make too expensive for the government to issue to civilians but it's still an interesting piece and now as I was saying these are fairly rare so they were cheap and nasty masks to make at the time but they're not cheap and nasty to buy now they're actually quite valuable but yep c-7 respirator another example of a mass made on the super cheap now this weird mummified thing I believe might be a GM 54 but all the stamps on it of long since perished so I have no idea what it actually is but it can either be a GM 30 or a GM 54 now this was basically in World War two the Germans were before World War two Germans made a mask called the GM 30 and it was basically how cheap can we make a gas mask and rather than making an actual gas mask out of rubber because Germany didn't have much rubber they kind of made the mask out of a weird material and then coated it with rubber which is kind of clever bit was also really crap mask now what happened is if this is a GM 54 which I believe it might be is that West Germany when they had no money after world war ii wanted to make gas masks again and they said what was the cheapest designed germany's ever come up with probably that one I'll actually know there was I think it was the Volks mask 44 or Volks gas mask 45 which was literally a sack cloth with eyes and a filter intake on it but yeah they basically just remade the same mask this has got a really weird funky smell to it I'm not quite sure how to describe it but this is what you get when you try and make a mask really cheap I can actually see light coming through the mask because the rubber coating so thin in places but yeah obviously it has not preserved well the even being kept in and kept in the tin the mask material is completely dehydrated it's like literally a mummified husk of a mask but yeah if you're too cheap to even make your mouth out of rubber why not just dip another material and rubber I'm sure that will be as good as using actual rubber so there you go now West Germany did make a slightly better slightly better mass than this a bit later which I think was called something like the civil mask of 56 it's the creepy white rubber one which is basically a GM 38 but then they've decided they're going to make out of white rubber so it's like civil protection ask 30 56 or something that was called or 58 whatever it was called but regardless this thing is the much cheaper nasty one because like the GM 30 before it was how cheaply can we make a mask let's make one like this so yeah it's a hollow desiccated Husker mask that's totally mummified very weird looking thing not particularly good quality to say the least so after recovering from that previous mask the Hungarians in the cold will basically design decided to do the exact same thing let's kind of have a bit of rubber inside the mask and then coat the rubber with cloth material now that is the better way to do it to be honest coating rubber with a cloth not the cloth with the rubber but what you get is this thing this is the m71 I think it is I can't actually remember without looking on the name of it and yeah I've done a video on this before it is not a particularly good mask or so ever let's take the dodgy filter off of that and I'll quickly show at you because it uses the exact same system to do up it doesn't make a good face he'll you know it's just kind of here's a free point sort of a strap system there's actually dust going into my face from putting this mask on my eye and it's very taking my eye now yeah this thing doesn't make a good seal I did do a test on this and it kept failing the test no matter how hard I tried the head harness is very weird maybe the head harness isn't quite in my size but regardless not comfortable the straps don't know if they want to sit above you here or below and so they're always in the wrong place overall rather uncomfortable and cheap and horrible mask now what makes this mask even weirder it's not hungry at the time was making PM G's as far as more so they had the sort of factories to make the rubberized soviet-style masks so why not make gp5 instead they made this thing which I guess mate might be even cheaper to make no gp5 but rather than using cheap Russian design let some kind of go back to at GM 30 design again and then just make you have modern machinery now you get slightly crooked looking mask the M 71 I think it's called I cover the top of my head but yeah not the most expensive mask to make I guess now for the Polish mz1 I spoke about this recently it's an even cheaper version of the Czech cm free it's not really an awful mask or anything but again it's like you take a cheap mask and you make it even cheaper to make so also this has an MS for filter Evette people got keep saying to me RMS for filters safe now I personally don't believe so simply because they're a Warsaw Pact filter from the period when the commies will have shoving asbestos in all those filters so no I wouldn't trust you know this particular communist filter because it's a communist filter made in a communist country you know where they all are shoving us best or some things maybe it is safe but I wouldn't personally risk it especially when you can buy polish fb5 filters now for not very much so masks I think was called the mouse I did this was covered in my recent video on Polish gas masks but yeah this thing is except it's not awful it would definitely protect you at least have the Tissot system in this but it's not a brilliant design so what I need to do is fully undo the bottom two straps I think from how I remember this works and these are kind of straps that they easily pull through all the time because let's make the straps as cheap as possible as well no this is really tight so then we'll do the straps up slightly you know you go there's this tiny mouth stretched onto my face there's a bit of metal only exhales vibrates a bit works as a student voice diaphragm yeah the mass could actually protect you I said this is kind of the better end of making a cheaper last email or it isn't unfelt in every way it's still funny that you can get a relatively decent quality that cheap civil mouths like the Czech cm3 and then reduce the costs even more and make this fee the rub is not as good the straps on is good the valve assembly isn't as good but yeah it would have protected you so there's always that yeah the protostome you see one is an example of taking a cheap mask and making it even cheaper and lastly the most famous and most mass produced gas mask in the history of world soviet gp5 respirator basically let's take our sh m respirator series short on the voice not the voice tire I'm sorry the intake and outtake valve to be as cheap as possible put that on there look now we've made the cheapest gas mask ever made because we've it's not this very like the lowest quality or anything like that us from the things that people often get wrong about GP fives they assume it like bad and horrible masks what this actually is is a fairly decent mask in terms of you know how it's built but it's just the Soviet sub became the masters at this point of actually working out how to strip something down to is you know bare essential parts to make some as cheap as possible then setting up all the machinery to mass-produce it in massive numbers so it ends up being even cheaper because of that 40 millimeter ghost you all know this mask it has two so tubes now you have it the world's most with these masks made of lots of numbers very cheap but dr. so tubes it's not actually quickly uncomfortable to be honest when you keep your hand up it doesn't put your horribly wrong place from the inside the loose deport if you believe in it very simple yeah probably masks to ever make considering the Soviets made apparently about a hundred million of them so there you go there's my video on super cheap gas masks not as I said not a so cheap for you to buy but must have been very very cheap for the countries to make them that made them I hope you've enjoyed the video if you know any other good examples of really cheap horrible gas masks leave me a comment and I'll have a look at them see if I find them quite funny but yeah generally Civil Defence respirators are made to be as cheap as possible because you know civilians aren't was worth worth as much to you as soldiers so a lot of them end up being how can we cut this mass down to the bare minimum to make it and I said that doesn't necessarily mean the mask is bad and from a logistics standpoint is brilliant being able to mass-produce something so at least everybody has a respirator rather than you know lucky few having respirators but that doesn't mean that they're particularly you know nice and well machined if that makes sense the gp5 kind of is just because of the SH m60 to you been you know the perfect amount of the Soviets cutting everything down and mass producing everything as possible but still you know this video hopefully does demonstrate to you if you're a country about much budget and you have enough ingenuity how you can make everything so so ridiculously cheap you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 65,956
Rating: 4.956778 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Cheap and not so cheerful respirators, civilian gas masks, civilian respirators, civil defence masks
Id: HxxRSt1uZgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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