All about the Soviet PMG Gas Mask

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hello everybody I'm gonna do another video where I talk about gas masks I already talked about but just go into a bit more detail and this time we're gonna look at the PMG the soviet PMG because it's always a favor of people because it's basically the metro metro cop mask from half-life 2 if you have this mask about a filter on it then it's the metro cop mask you know if that was like that and then you had another sort of filter around the area and also for how to kind of helmet on the back so that's why this masks I think so popular just because it's the metro cop mask from half-life 2 rather than actually being you know people liking it actually is but it's an interesting mask now I spoke about this before in other videos but what the Soviets actually did of this mask eventually was they updated it to the PM g2 also known as a GP 5 m and probably incorrectly known as the GP 6 but most people refer the GP 5ms of GP 6 because there's not as GP 6 as far as anyone's aware so what is this mask exactly Wow Soviets had mostly been using a helmet style masks like the SH 741 for quite a while and the idea was that they went to the lightweight infantryman's mask that I guess would forward up into a smaller satchel and you'd put the filter directly on the mask not having the filter on the hose connected you know of a big canister so I mean they could have easily done that with nsh m41 but what they actually instead did was come up with this thing and this is both a good and a bad design which we'll get into I like it personally but it has some flaws that a lot of people overlook when they talk about the masks which I think kind of hurts the thing of the mask now it has this weird filter intake there if you look closely you can see a sort of rotting a bit or you know the rubbers at least a bit damaged and that's because rather than having standard kind of metal filter intake is slightly moulded the rubber into the shape of a 40 millimeter ghost fret so in theory it works that is a really weird decision but the problem is with this mask is that because the rub is so flexible once you put the weight of a filter on it and Soviet filters issued of this are fairly big they're like gp5 filters that are bigger it puts too much weight there so starts pulling now on site and mask but you've got a speech diaphragm in here speech laugh from very simple just take it out it's actually you know you can take it out on this one little coming up anyway you have this front cover cap looks like that some versions of the PMG have different variants these I've got one with this many holes in and I've got one that has more holes which is smaller they don't really affect the mask at all and then let me just try and poke this out from this side damaging it hopefully [Music] no I don't think you really wants to come out there we go okay so what you have here take both bits out is what's essentially a washer and as your voice diaphragm voice diaphragm snorts masks are just typically fin plastic because that amplifies your voice so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to reassemble that into the mask carefully so I'm going to pause the camera get that done and I'll go back to talking about the mask but that is your voice diaphragm if you want to see the mask about it's just got a sort of hole going in there interestingly I don't know what the intake screw size is on that let me just check in case the filters can be put into the voice diaphragm that would just be funny if they could imagine here's a different intake size but you never know yeah that's bigger it's like 60 millimeter find out a sixty millimeter NATO it's gonna fit that I out of curiosity it would be quite funny if you could mount a filter to the front I guess you can't anyway let me reassemble this okay so here's the mass of the filter on you might already be able to see the filters pulling down on one side of the mask which isn't great it's not so bad when you've got your head in it alright there's a couple of weird things this mask firstly it kind of has this weird carry thing here where they've taken a load of the rubber out of the mask and they've just made it like this the Chinese m69 which I think is based on this also has holes where the ears are as well which is a bit weird but there you go this was the standard Sylvia ear thing where you've got kind of an outline for year to go where the rubber might be a bit thinner in they're like it's got a bit of you know fitness to it right this one and this is very important fact this is a size free one and it's made in 1984 this one what I'm going to save this mask if you're interested in getting where these always size up one of these because these are really tight masks so if you think of like how tight your gp5 is in your size if you've got what this is essentially like buying a small mask so always get these in a size above size free is kind of like Russian large or at least medium large and I personally found that I won my others of these is as much smaller size and that thing just like crushes my head so for comfort reasons often they get that the mask also has the episode of SH M s and PBF style optical sort of lenses where the idea is that they sit forward so you can use binoculars so that's a very good feature about this mask as well that has the cooler eyepieces but they don't actually sit as close to rise in this master they do have the SH M s at least I family don't so that doesn't mean you know it's not quite as effective but overall yeah it's quite an interesting and cool mask but anyway if you all see the inside because people complain I don't show the inside of masks not on here and it's mostly because it's really hard to show the inside of the last on the camera but there you go you can see where the sort of TSO system is where the voice diaphragm is exhales at the bottom and this mask weirdly has another strap or like a buckle so you can do up even tighter if you want to and should go on but yeah I can see fairly well if this binoculars would work fine with it because it has flat front bits XL valve at the bottom it always makes a weird clicking noises mask I think that's the voice diaphragm pushing forward and backwards comfortable mask on the nose again because I might need an even bigger size but there always seems like this bridge puts a bit of pressure on the nose it sound so she when you inhale and it sort of pushes against your nose on ya most works it's a good design apart from the filter kind of weighing this one side down but that's not the end of the world but due to cheapness reasons the Soviets replaces for the PMD 2 which is an inferior mask as far as mask design goes but it's a superior mask in terms of logistics and making masks so it's not as good for the users but it's better for the factory in the economy to make them so let's get one up to show you a difference right an interesting thing to know is this mask was made in 1981 so I think as much as they wanted to replace the P mgs @pm v2s this is a PMG - I think it was kind of like the PPS hmm PPS 41 situation in Russia or Soviet Union during World War two if you know about that where they basically get machinery up to make an even cheaper gun in the case of the PPS 40 you free but because they already have so many factories that were built to make ppsh-41 they kind of said it is expensive to convert the minute to stop us making guns let's does make both in parallel so they made both the ppsh and the PPS 43 at the same time and what ended up happening is after world war ii russia had such a big surplus of SMGs that they basically sold them to absolutely everywhere that's the reason China and North Korea has so many ppsh-41 because the Soviets had more submachine guns than you ought to do with and this by that point as well they'd already got the Kalashnikov coming into service it was meant to be an SMG the SKS is their main rifle when they figured they could just combine it and have the a K to do everything and then they had all these guns and they didn't know what to do them but how does that relate to the mask well I have a feeling it's going to be a similar thing of this they had factories to build these but they also had factories geared up to make those and they said that he's too expensive to convert the factories that make PMG one they'll make it BMG - why don't we make both masks at the same time and I think that's what's happened so the PMG one as I said is technically superior if you're wearing it other than a couple of minor complaints I have of it but the PM g2 is still pretty decent so what you have here is your typical SH hmmm of Soviet helmet mask gun it's funny as HM could stand to see how no it doesn't you have you know that kind of intake outtake at the bottom you've always died from there your Tissot tubes that go up to the ice all very simple is the same designing use on all of these masks this one nose ear holes in people said doesn't that make your ears at risk only if you didn't have a hood on but bear in mind if you're wearing an NBC suit your ears are going to be covered by anything all the NATO masks pretty much expose your ears so you can hear clearly so that's not a floor in the mouth design this is done intentionally alright set spit on okay so urea stick out there and you can hear your voice diaphragm worked fine the voice diaphragm is actually I think slightly bigger than the one on the PM g1 the size of a disc whether or not that makes it clearer here I don't notice there's a stain same standardized one they used on the MM one you know on the shus it's kind of like Soviet I guess a membrane voice diaphragm stick it on every last even fear on yeah mask works fine no problems there but that one is definitely superior for seeing out of this one you kinda can see a bit more to the sides because these sit at under 45 degree angles like that the ones that sits looking straight ahead are obviously better because if these are shaped like that like the MM ones yeah you could use binoculars and things as a mask but they're like that so you can again this would be fine from regular infantryman but you couldn't use a scope of it or anything like that and I think the eye pieces like this are technically superior so I think they block more kind of like getting into the mask when you want to see out and it's easier to put binoculars and things flat against them if that kind of rub around the outside and it is a bigger you know sort of thing like that so this is as I say the mass that was designed to replace it whether it actually did properly or not I don't know yeah it's kind of cheaper to make faster to make go it's mostly using other gas masks bits sort of blood together and Stein's monster approach but the other one is technically superior you're wearing it so yeah that's your video on the kind of PMG masks hopefully you found that interesting so yes the PMG one is kind of a weird ugly mask but it kind of works well of them the filter weighing it down bear in mind as I said the Soviet filters I would come without a heavier than that type this is superior having a metal filter intake but if they have done the eyepiece is like the s hm well yeah basically what I'm saying is if they'd made the CSH MSA division superior but it's not but yeah this is good enough what is I said this was a combined master issue to civilians issued as GP 5m or issue to the military as PMG to because the Soviets had a weird thing where the masks have an SH M name technically for example the GP five I think is SH M 66u or something like that or at least SH M 66 but they do a thing where they sort of give the mask a name sort of as a factory name and then when it's issued it becomes a GP five when it's put in a civilian kit or you know so it's that sort of thing where the name will change depending on how it's issued so that's a bit of random trivia for you again I always call GP v to GP v not the SH M 66u or whatever it is just simply because GP v is the name everybody knows it's the name I know it's naming you as if you were given it as a civilian it says GP v on the filter so you know you can remember it easily that way but yeah there you go that's my little talk about the PMD masks again I think PMG said something like lightweight infantryman's mask yeah they're good gas masks said they have some flaws the I think that's why I keep saying SH M s is the best and the Soviet masks because you know the balance between good and bad factors normally massively outweighs in terms of good and it's a shame that PBF had cheek filters because as I said before the PBF is technic be the best of the Soviet masks in the inside because that has a normal nasal cup you know PBF has lots of nice features it just takes cheek filters not conventional filters if they'd have done it you know blanking plugs you could have 240 millimeter filters on the sides or you know one on each side and now it's been a really good mouse but sadly that never materialized so there you go that's all about EMG masks you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 46,113
Rating: 4.9675851 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, All about the Soviet PMG Gas Mask, Soviet PMG, PMG gas mask, PMG-2 gas mask, GP-5m gas mask, pmg respirator, Soviet respirator, Soviet gas mask
Id: vRd9pQzAMrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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