My American/USA Gas Mask collection

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[Music] something something American anthem right let's have a look at my United States gas mask collection or respirator collection or protective mask collection which is I think the name you Americans like to give respirators because why'd we use the term everyone else uses because America obviously you'll probably know that I'm a big actual fan of America on this channel because I like the idea that people actually have rights like the right to free speech and rights to own firearms and not do what the government says or outs I know that in America like most nations you've actually got this kind of creeping fascism going on at the moment where you are going to eventually start losing your rights unless you stand up for them but that's getting off-topic already what I want to do is look at my American gas-mask collection or United States gas-mask collection respirator collection what have you bear in mind I don't have all that many American master Oh a lot of you requested this video simply because unfortunately how a United States laws work I think this is a law put in place in the Cold War military surplus is not allowed to be sold to people outside of the United States in case we're like commie pinko or something and we sell the things or we make them into our own backwards engineered military stuff that's why even some stuff being really old so I only can get the stuff when it turns up on UK eBay now and again once it's outside of America you can buy and trade freely but actual Americans can be arrested for sending out of the United States because they're probably sending it to be backwards engineered or something anyway we'll start off with a world war two miles they have which is an army diaphragm and gas mask is we had kidney shake back why did they design a gas more such like this I have no clue but let's get the thing out quite an interesting mask basically the idea with this is that it's a voice diaphragm mask very early one so well done America of coming up with the content first so here we go here's the mask it's made out a very similar rubber the M - it looks a bit shriveled and crushed because it's been sitting in there but as you can probably see it's got a voice diaphragm inside man you can't do not but there's a voice diaphragm it now you'll have to believe me on it so you'd originally have this hose connected to a filter some people said they cut them off when they sold in a surplus of the people said they've been cut off because it contains asbestos in the philtrum they can't sell a special filters anymore who knows regardless you have got your sort of six point head harness oh that's actually ripped in that corner as well but you would have had a six point head harness very similar kind of mask set up to the m9 you have two tubes connecting to your intake there again I don't know a massive amount about these particular masks other than they were you know early attempts are doing a voice diaphragm masks now if you look at American World War two masks they had absolutely loads and loads of designs so again I'm not a massive expert on American mobile tumors I wouldn't pretend to be but this was obviously a mask where they said let's burn of what what they offering me in there means for people can hear us I know it upsets a lot of you Americans when I do my kind of rednecky yellow bar boys but I'm just gonna do it for the sake of video if I want to come up with what an American engineer says I mean it in a fun way just a bit long offensively so yeah that was the mask they came up with there was lots of a war bought two masks and I said I don't get them because the law says I'm not allowed them but um yeah that's when the world will to us masks or a voice diaphragm um can't give you loads of information on it I'm sure you can find the information like that looks pretty cool especially if it was all working in you yeah good good job on putting your voice diaphragm on mask early on I know you went away from the idea for a while but yeah it's quite cool thing right times one of my favourite respirators ever ever even the m9a1 when America had like one the best design mask of the period and then they decided for some reason I'll let's do a way of a clever design of this so the m9a1 is the big nose mask that all of you know about it also comes with an asbestos filter nicely in this bag so we're not going to use this m11 filter m11 filter to fit the m9 in the american m system really noise me they also got some auntie didn't paste and what with this Bank I'm not gonna bomb you all know what that does so the m9 was basically during the 1950's they came up with an idea like 1949 whenever it was the they kind of took all the good aspects from their World War two masks other than the voice diaphragm for some reason and put into one mask I suppose this works sort of like a voice my friend when you talk anyway the idea is you have a 60 millimeter mask so it's portable you know you can change the filters comfortable rubber face piece it's got Tissot tubes in it too the fog it it's got a normal nasal cup inside but you cannot see some hands blocking it's all round very good it's got kind of a modern ice head harness but it's not quite there yet so on dudas trip Silvana Museum a mouse so we've back system where um yeah that's the m9 it's not no peripheral seal which is a disadvantage about it compared to some of the m9 clones but for a mask of its period it's very comfortable they worked very well and you know what happens when something military equipment works really want it has to be got rid of it has to be replaced you can't have something like the m9a1 in service very long you can't actually just improve upon this design now you have to get rid of it like every nation decides to do nowadays America is just way ahead of the curve you go well this thing works pretty well it's proper quite cheap rush to make we need to improve upon it and make a mess of every border heaps and now we have this thing the m17 the m17 is a master have a very love hate relationship with as I'm sure you know it was the cheap filter mask the original cheek filter mask the idea being basically that I've heard lots of stories about how Liam 17 originated so I don't know if they're true or not I've heard one that was actually a college professor who made it and he didn't really know much about gas masks but he didn't want many royalties so they were off him well know what let's try it out now the m17 is kind of brilliant on paper but falls apart when to actually try and you know make use of it doesn't fall apart and it falls apart they were quite reliable in terms of being well manufactured bits of rubber and whatever this one being made by MSA which is a good sign sign because mining safety appliance is one of the better u.s. muscle manufacturers so the idea was rather than most likely m9 of big canisters on the side you'd have a mass that has the filters inside the cheek of the mask which should in theory make the mask lighter and smaller less bulky it wouldn't matter if you left or right-handed to shoot with because it's got the same smaller filter on both sides it sounds great on paper doesn't it the issue being that you can't change the filters easily like they're really difficult to change even if you had the mass not like this you will like be bloodying your fingers and breaking your nails trying to actually get the filters out of the little pockets they sit in and then back into them so I'm not a massive fan of the filters for these things to say the least well I also is the m17 quality control Wiser's are better than a lot of the Eastern European copies of it so yes the argument can be made that you should look at something like the Bulgarian version of m17 and then say the m17 is bad because the Bulgarian version is about the m17 is kind of better than them bit Styles all the same flaws so yeah them ask yourselves kind of comfortable beyond right so yeah the m17 itself fairly comfortable it's not the most come to mask I have out of all my masks yes the weight is very evenly distributed which makes it comfortable but the cheek filters are just stupid it did a voice die from the instant enabling to also had a drinking tube system which is kind of ahead of the curve especially when the a one came out but somebody might discord pointed out something very good to me which is funny here's a mask where you can't change the filters while taking the mask off right so you're only expected to add his mask like six hours or something in a combat environment why would you choose a mask like that to put a drinking tube in surely the soldiers aren't going to really need to stay hydrated in a master and you expect to Taiwan for a few hours at a time I guess it was just kind of let's play in the mouse because we've got that kind of thing and that's sort of good enough I guess but you know here's a bit weird but whatever that's a quite a good thing to implement in masks the m17 actually has a drinking tube system I like the drinking tube which are probably not gonna be able to see here so it's far away from the face twist a lever and it goes backwards and forwards in that kind of direction which is a really good design it's much better than having one that comes from the sides and hits your cheek so the m7 teams kind of the mask where it sounds was again success a very good on paper but it's just a really flawed mask because you really do need a mask you can change the filters on from what military mask not something like this again it's kind of trying to redesign a wheel it didn't really manage it it's very interesting for it is but it's kind of a bit of a flawed design but while they were working at cheek filters they did actually at least come up with a cheek filter mask that did do what it was meant to do on paper now we have the really cool cheek filter mask which is like you know really cool and practical but it was kind of too little too late promise of the m17 is when they were actually designed it was meant to be lighter and sort of less bulky than them ended up being heavier and more bulky than the m9 the XM 28 is an incredibly light and compact respirator it's made of silicon so it's really comfortable the issue is though the silicon isn't that good against chemical weapons so they only originally intended this as a riot control agent mask and I guess they were going to develop maybe a version that works against police or a universe and everything else but they never got around to it but the m9 sorry not the up not the m9 the XM 2084 grasshopper is a really interesting mask them on after undo the straps a bit more before putting it on but yeah it's one of those masks that if you don't know about the american naming system XM means it's experimental or a prototype M means it's like an actual military model so if something is called XM it means it's a prototype and aasana implies X m-28 means that it never really went into full production they did actually keep using it for military use of various things and riot police and things like that but it was never actually made into a proper you know service master now one thing that's quite annoying of this mask and I'm assuming it's meant to be like that is that the aural nasal cup blocks most of your vision if that laid flatter you know like that you'd actually be able to see really well at the most but it doesn't it sticks up like that and I'm assuming that's not where it's not pegged back properly but regardless the XM 28 v4 is a the grasshopper is a really really cool mask it looks great everyone he thinks it looks cool yeah it's a shame that they didn't develop the M 70 more like this originally because then that would have been really cool but they didn't but the grasshoppers a very interesting mask anyway one the hardest American mask to find outside of the US as in you're gonna have to pay a lot of money if this turns up on eBay somehow lots of people want these Vande about paying about 100 pounds for this one so to give you an idea you gonna have to pay quite a bit for one so you had the M 17 and this mask although this mask wasn't massively used a nothing even so the goal for America was using the M 17 then what ended up happening is they looked at everybody else's masks and said oh maybe we need to have mass like everybody else they asked fielders America decided they were gonna take the m-40 approach which is rich in the XM 40nm became the m-40 it's important to note that America was developing a lot of these masks actually sort of as prototypes but they have really go in here as prototypes so I don't really like the argument people made where play again by America did I've already good 40 millimeter masks if it was only a prototype then they never put into production it doesn't matter it's like Britain had the em2 rifle which was amazing in the 50s but then we went with the FAL the m2 project was abandoned you know and never really saw the light of day and you know we know from hindsight that if Britain had then must develop the em2 and fielded it Britain would have had the best small arm in the world maybe even till today especially they kept improving em2 there's a prototype that didn't go anywhere so doesn't count for [ __ ] as far as I'm concerned so I'm yeah suddenly these masks like this didn't really see much widespread use some of the tunnel rats in Vietnam use them anyway America later went to the 40 millimeter master both the m-40 and the MCU to pee I don't have an m40 I do have an MCU to pee or the version of the microphone thing on so let's have a look at that okay so here's an MCU to pee this was missing straps I've got a bit of paracord on it so I can sort of Patel there's some weird stuff actually developing now on the panoramic lens or the visor I don't know that is bit look good let's get this off and have a look at it okay so yeah the silicon is now having weird stuff develop over it I don't know what that is but it doesn't look great can I rub it off it kind of rubs off at least but you know it's not great that the silicon's kind of developing this as you see the silicon is called horribly yellow now this mask was designed so they could basically have a lightweight mass that gave you a very good field of view you know meant to be quite modernized and it's cool I think msai millennium is the current version of this mask but there was kind of problems with it one the silicon discolours and silly is not good for a military mask in terms of city eats away at blister agents eat away it it doesn't offer that good protective capabilities it's a kind of neutralizer effect they had a polycarbonate face shield the wood hook over the silicon face bit so that's there we go that's back on so the mouths kind of cool I'll give it that you get a very good field of view I said this is horribly discolored because that they didn't last very long this is an MSA one which means it's made batten the Scott version but yeah my one I think there's a leak in my visor because people keep saying to me why don't you put straps on it well I could put 7:17 straps or ever on it but I still don't think it's gonna work properly because it does seem with this the you know there's actually a leak somewhere in the visor because they've been on try to do a pressure test of it you know it's not worked I suppose if I could put m17 straps on that I could use it with my homemade air pump and that way it would make a positive pressure seal but regardless the MCU tepees kind of a cool concept mask it was one less or half-baked ideas again that could have been really good if they damn you know spend a bit more time think silicone ain't that good in a respirator if it's a turret you know attack valium chemical agents but regardless is cool design America does lots of really cool respirator designs that aren't always you know that well fought out the at least they try it's better than what some nations do especially bad what Britain is currently doing and bought a load of broken masks but here you go the MCU teepees really cool looking sadly mine doesn't work has said but they're cool so I said thanks to all the Americans have watched my content you are the big lot of the people who watch my content and mark last majority I do really like America I said because of the First and Second Amendment and all those sort of things personal freedoms American master interesting sadly I can't get as many as I like to because of the rules on us with exporting and whatever else but American after the at least unique there's a lot of nations that just copy other nations and stuff like that at least the American ones are unique in even when some of them don't quite work right America is now using the Avon m50 so it's a British mass that the Americans have bought from what I've heard the m50 is really good sadly I haven't got my hands on one so I can't tell you if I think it is actually good but the idea is it's kind of like the cheek filter masks but the cheek hook does go on the outside and connect isn't that a great idea it's kind of what they should have done originally but Britain now has the cheap Scot GSR which is like nm 50 made on the cheap for people who don't deserve quality control in their stuff and the GSR doesn't work properly unlike M 50 so I kind of have the knockoff bad version of the m50 the GSR but from I understand the m50 is actually very good so yep I hope you've enjoyed this video I said I wish I had more us masks to show you but I don't because I'm in the UK and it's verboden I'll even say potent in its for a highly forbidden Sandia mask out of America in case the Communist backwoods engineered of our they already do Liam 17 clones but yeah I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you all on the next video you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 26,365
Rating: 4.8914332 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, My American/USA Gas Mask collection, American gas mask, USA gas mask, American respirators
Id: vdxwUHIpuvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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