CHEAP Camping & Backpacking Food

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there's no beating around the bush backpacking food is expensive for so the good stuff the good stuff so today we're talking about cheap of camping and backpacking food earlier today an you know I took a little trip to the grocery store cheap food we we talk about food a lot once again and always a common theme in our videos and we dehydrate a lot of our own food and when we first start out backpacking there's no question we started with your mountain houses your backpackers pantry that kind of stuff but as we started backpacking more and more and we looked at the prices that stuff we started looking at other backpacking options food to take and there's so much other food out there yeah there's there's so much so I think we we had a lack of content around affordable cheap backpacking food which you you see all over the trail let's kick it off let's talk about some of the the things we got we spent 33 dollars and 99 cents today on food we were just around that $34 34 bucks on food and in my opinion you probably get about five five days out of what we out of this $34 so that's that's pretty cheap and there are definitely some places in what we bought where you could save some additional money and maybe some you know add additional things as well so we kind of break it down into like breakfast lunch dinner snacks and a lot of the lunches and dinners you can kind of switch around and swap depending on what you feel like eating at the time so breakfast cheap stuff to get for breakfast instant oatmeal it's cheap though we're not I mean we like breakfast skillet but it's not super cheap instant oatmeal granola bars yep instant coffee yeah instant coffee so instant coffee oatmeal granola bars in snow meals probably the cheapest yeah gets the job done you can get you can go to any girl so I get a package cheap granola bars so yeah for lunch the cheapest thing we normally found is by packets of prepackaged tuna and all that tuna what flavor are you going with Thai chili what does that tap it tap it to you they're going nuts with these Starkist man and put it on tortillas yeah you put some cheese on there some hot sauce as well easy and cheap so you know there's also like ramen 29 cents ramen 29 cents for ramen yeah super cheap bro it's a cheap lunch option yeah so you know get yourself some tuna packets gonna get a packet of tortillas a little bit of hot sauce maybe some cheese you don't you need that and you can get your hot sauce hot sauce / pho free at Taco Bell yeah asking for some extra fire packets next time you're there yeah get a bean burrito and and get ten pack yeah I'll take a burrito and 30 packets of hot sauce so one of the additional snack items that we consistently bring which can be used for a wide variety of meals is cheese where is it oh there it is that one oh yeah fairly cheap cheap ish yep cheap issue could definitely save some money by not bringing cheese but we bring usually some type of hard cheese like a smoked gouda is that's our favorite yeah you can cut that up you can put it on tuna you can add it to your easy mac you can put it in your spaghetti you can eat it by itself it lasts and if for some reason you're out for a really long time and you start getting some mold on it just cut off so get it off or eat it it probably won't kill you for lunch there's so many different options I'll sit summer sausage we've got peanut butter as well we got these individual Jif peanut butter cups so you could do peanut butter on a tortilla you could bring some honey packets get those from KFC yeah yeah so you give you honey peanut butter on a tortilla a lot of different options there summer sausage cheese hot sauce on a tortilla tortilla themed tortilla name it I think for me it's just wrap it up you know you get your ramen you get your instant potatoes then do yourself a favor and go on YouTube and search by ramen bomb yeah ramen there's a lot of possibilities with ramen yeah by far the most amount of cheap food you can buy is geared towards dinner and there's a lot of options for dinner some of our favorites instant mashed potatoes this is what I'm talking about right here along the same thread there and I think better instant stuffing mix my instant stuffing makes it Thanksgiving on the trail since stuffing and you get some instagrammy packets in there yeah oh these things are less than a dollar a pack of the tuna in there too yeah some protein how one of our favorite items that if you've watched any of our trick videos we bring on almost every trip is easy mac super cheap super easy taste good you can add a lot of meats to it you can put hot sauce in there Easy Mac is fantastic yeah and then also like you go you go into that aisle which you know we were at this morning yeah I know that nobody actually ever buy stuff yeah the pasta side the past aside - oh they're always there they look delicious but nobody really buys them except for backpackers upper back but that was the first when we moved away from mountain houses and before we started dehydrating food which we'll get to the pasta sides were like the go-to cheap dinner because you can get you know five six seven hundred calories for like a dollar or dollar 15 there just add water and then there's like there's chicken teriyaki there's noodles there's rice there's a bunch of different and broccoli macaroni macaroni today so the pasta pasta sides instant mashed potatoes instant stuffing Easy Mac lot of stuff that's a lot of stuff in and and if you're if you're stuck in the pasta sides island don't be fooled by you have to add oil and milk no no you don't have to know just just just add water I figured that out a long time ago yeah and you can of course repackage all this stuff into like Ziploc bags or however even with the with most of the pasta sides packets you can add your hot water directly into that packet and it works fine 34 bucks we got a value five days I'm 65 days now we'd be remiss if we shot a cheap backpacking food video and we didn't at least talk about dehydrate you know food yeah because that's by far is it by far the cheapest thing to do it's not the easiest Andi and I we dehydrated a lot of our food I'd say at least 50 percent if not 75% of our dinners are dehydrated dinners that we make ourselves we have a ton of videos on our favorite dehydrated foods lately all of our lunches have been dehydrated too so by far dehydrating food on a you know cost per unit calorie basis is going to be the cheapest thing to do it it's just it's not the easiest thing to do not everyone has a food dehydrator 60 bucks on Amazon yeah and if you are someone who is backpacking at least more than once twice three times a year it is worth it to invest in a good food dehydrator and you can you know you could dehydrate other stuff it doesn't be just for backpacking yeah but I like I said we can talk about a cheap backpacking food video without discussing and least dehydrating your own food because you know you can buy tons of cheap stuff but dehydrating it is gonna be the cheapest option lastly we do bring this up in longer videos if you are going to buy backpackers pantry mountain house this is what you need to do you need to go on Amazon and Ari I might sell them actually to maybe on their website you need to buy what is called the number-10 can and what it is is ten servings of one of those meals and a huge can and what you can do is empty that can and do a freezer bag toss it in your freezer and just dish it out over the course of year I've got a breakfast skillet one in there that I've had in there since May of last year that's still fine yeah that is the cheapest way those meals do taste very good there's a reason they're expensive but if you can buy the number-10 can and like split with some other people or store it for a while you can bring the cost of those meals from like six seven eight dollars a meal to like two to three dollars a meal which is almost worth it it's still not as cheap as like a pasta side but those meals taste I mean that mountain house is taste really good yeah so and there's sales on those TennCare are we got famously i got a number-10 can of breakfast skill for eighteen dollars so that was 10 breakfast skillets for a dollar eighty a skillet and that almost rivals instant oatmeal almost so if you are gonna get mountain houses going amazon check re Icom get a number 10 can and just throw it in your freezer it's so much cheaper to buy those things in bulk so i think that's it for us that's all the cheap stuff yeah yeah there's a lot of great out and I'm sure there's a million more options that you know we haven't discussed but you know if if you're looking for food on a budget there's so many options out there so hit up those those nostalgic aisles at the grocery store yeah buddy really shops act and yeah come up with some crazy ideas and concoctions so I all this stuff you could mix together and it was tasty yeah and we've done some of that before yeah so thank you all for watching please let us know your cheap foods where are always on the market to find out other people's cheap backpacking recipes or foods that they bring let us know throw them in the comments and we will catch you all on the next one
Channel: Schill Brothers Outdoors
Views: 99,330
Rating: 4.7824841 out of 5
Keywords: Camping, Hiking, Hiking Gear, Gear, Hammocks, Backpacking, Outdoor, Ultralight, Schill, Brothers, Trail, High definition, Backpacking Food, Camping Food, Cheap Food, Cheap Backpacking Food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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