My Stupid Idea Actually Worked

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it's like that road saying goes you can never have too much gambling and i plan very much on winning and that all starts with the key to unlock something down the road eventually we will find a build that makes us stupid amounts of money we're even going to go for a piece of call because in 20 turns that becomes a diamond so already we're making a massive six gold per spin and we get another diamond but instead of that we're actually going to go for a miner because he can destroy adjacent ore and big ore and we all like those big oars now don't we there's another seven gold and another key which we're going to take the keys are going to hang out until they run their use and they unlock a safe they get destroyed they get out of my way plus they unlock the safe we need 25 gold we have 28. and already we found ourselves a sapphire camera to take the diamonds because they multiply other suit symbols but sapphire it is and then this is a pretty good one to start lucky cat you're 1.3 times more likely to find uncommon rare and very rare symbols for each cat so if we happen to get another cat we might add one just for the added luck it's going to give us but also if history is any indication i'm gonna forget in about four seconds for now i'm gonna skip there's nothing there that i really see turning into a good build yet even though it is still pretty early on we're gonna take a seed for now because it's worth gambling it gives one coins for now but it can turn into a watermelon or a strawberry if it doesn't we can destroy it at some point and we got a flower and just to get some value going now we're gonna take a three-sided die that should give me an average of about two per spin this time it gave me one but you get the idea we have cheese here that would have complemented that most we saw earlier but we didn't take the mouse because we're stupid there's 14 which just put us over where we need it we needed 50 we have 56. so maybe for now we're going to take a spades because we're finding a lot of the suit cards then we're going to take a pool ball simply because that gives us one coin every spin that's gonna add up over time for sure there's 15 for that spin and another cat though also a golem and it destroys itself after five spins and adds five oars so i'm actually gonna take the golem it's not much value for now but it will be soon and if we manage to survive long enough that'll pay for itself plus we're going to take a cat at this point just for the extra value and luck we got 15 for that spin uh we should take a wealthy capsule just because it's going to give us an easy 10 coins we need clubs is a better long-term investment but we're looking at the short term right now otherwise i'm gonna die and then we're gonna take a sapphire because that gives two and that's good for things like the miners there's another 18 and i'm basically just gonna take the wealthy capsule just to be guaranteed to get my win here i need a hundred coins the golem popped and we got a shiny pebble and 33 coin value we needed 100 we have 123 things are looking okay so far and we found the diamonds so we're gonna take one of those and then we conveniently found a flush as well that gives 50 coins and is destroyed if there's at least three clubs diamonds hearts and mushrooms and the miner's going to work opening a bunch of things that's going to add a little bit of value that's for sure 31 for that spin then we're going to take the item capsule that simply destroys itself and gives us a free item basically and we're never gonna say no to a free item that gave us the cat which means my cats are worth one more so that's actually very much worth it and then i don't like any of these so we're gonna use this to skip on to these and there we get a spirit it's only gonna go for four turns but then it gets out of my way so that's fine by me and if we find another cat it would be worth taking it since they are in fact worth two coins now that spin was for 27. it's tempting to take the golem now and i think we're gonna try it this is very risky because he's gonna be blank for five turns but once he is destroyed he's gonna add a lot of cool things there's 32. i used to really like the shiny pebble but it only gives one coin and doesn't really increase your odds enough to make a noticeable difference so i ignore it now plus i've already got a few on the board our luck overall is actually pretty high right now i don't want any of these although the thief is kind of tempting wait how much do we have to make in one more spin i wasn't paying attention nothing got destroyed we got our diamond finally that's worth five per spin we needed 150 we have 186 so far so good now we need is 225 in seven spins we have a 36 head start really hoping we start to get some of the good stuff i'm gonna take a rabbit fluff for now it gives two coins and makes me more likely to find rare stuff plus we also found nori the rabbit so that means that rabbit fluff actually gives us three per spin so rabbit fluffs are very much worth it right now but since we have a chance to start getting rid of some of the less valuable stuff let's get rid of the pearls because they only give one can we get rid of blanks we can't get rid of blank so let's get rid of another pearl then the reels are more so full of better stuff didn't realize there was still two blank spots i think we're maybe gonna take a witch for now we'll boost the value of the cats and there are enough cats on there that they'll be with four per spin is that worth it she gives to herself yeah whatever we're gonna go for her for now if we don't like the witch later we will kill her and there's a spin for 32 and as i said earlier rabbit fluff is definitely worth it now because it increases my odds of finding rare stuff and it actually gives three coins per spin which is the equivalent of a rare item that diamond is also paying out nicely and my luck is definitely increasing because nothing but uncommon items here we're gonna skip that though and find a five-sided die that we are gonna take because it can give up to five per spin though it is kinda rare and the witch doubled both value of the cats so that was worth 40. i'm not gonna take any more golems for a while because i'm still trying to process this and i could probably actually use another miner for that didn't realize how slowly those are breaking up but i've got two spins to make 30 coins so if i have 15 coins per spin i'll be in luck and i think i'll probably do that there's 34. really likes the golems today not gonna take any of that i just don't need any of that there's a spin for five so overall there's 36. need a 225 have 263 so we're slowly getting ahead of things but we're gonna need to continue to be pretty lucky normally i would love the rain we're not going that route today that's too easy we're gonna go for the lucky capsule destroys itself after the spin one of the items will be rare and then we're gonna take the booster pack i destroy this and i get to choose what common symbols three uncommon and one rare simple to add why would i not take that i don't want any of those and i don't want any of those a lock box i will take because those keys need to be used on something eventually i don't want any of those uh i do want some of these i only have one red diamond and one black spade so i'm probably gonna add another red diamond then also an item capsule uh not gonna take any of those despite the amount of bees and rain we're getting so far king midas could be fun adds coins each spin adjacent coins give three times more value with the proper build we could work with him but today we cannot and the farmer would be good for all this but i'm kind of wondering if we do this is it going to give us rare options again it is this will work i'm going for the joker that way all the suit symbols give us double pay and i'm actually going to delete one symbol now giving a pearl because they're just gonna get in the way finally the miner goes to work a whole bunch of things just blew up there's 31 coins and now we're stuck with another annoying choice the divers i do like because they eat all the sea creatures and add one value for each time we do it but this one's gonna be better for now which is a tough choice to make but i'm gonna do that because those are gonna add multipliers nothing to see here but a sloth i feel like either get three great symbols or none but at least it is giving me three great symbols from time to time the miner opened up yet another pearl okay i'm gonna take the lucky capsule it's a bit of a risky play at this point but that way after the spin an item will be rare or better he finally did something to the diamonds and i feel like these diamonds i kind of need more well there we go there's actually another one there um yeah we're gonna take one of those now though it's not really looking good for us right now i think i got a little too diversified on my symbols too early on like we still have keys sitting here that haven't been used for anything and my rare symbol no doubt is a beehive which are pretty good but they're going to give me b's which are just gonna make a mess of things right now and honey which is also just kind of gonna get in the way so we need to get really lucky and open some lock boxes and stuff not like that there's 32. and wouldn't you know it here's a rare apple i think the only way we could possibly succeed now is if we open that lock box and get very lucky with everything else and we didn't there's 39 we've failed again this one could be interesting we started again we've got a hundred coins doing five spins with 20 currently but we just found king midas already gives one coin adds coins each bin adjacent coins give three times more money but then we also have the rusty gear if three or more of the same symbol are adjacent and not blank they give two times more so they're going to get a double multiplier already and we're still very early on i've just kinda gotta give enough value for now to make sure we're staying alive so i'm gonna add a banana because we've got a monkey on the board and he eats bananas for pretty big value when he's next to them at least then i'm gonna add a wolf simply because he's worth two per spin monkey to bananas so there's big value 24. and i also have the item for that every time i skip i get two coins so that's kind of worth it what would be extra worth it would be a key for those stupid lock boxes but look at all the coins we're getting already i don't know if that was a good or a bad idea but i'm gonna add another wolf anyway and we're going to continue to turn everything into gold because eventually those are going to get much extra value we needed 100 we have 125 and we already have the chance to get a removal capsule so we're going to take one of those then we're going to take the lunch box and hope we get lucky in the items that it give us i'll take a banana for now because the monkey likes those don't want any of those and i think we have a dwarf on the board so maybe give them a little bit of wine for now while also getting rid of maybe a flower because it's just getting in the way and it's a low value symbol though we have a blank so i guess that happens every time we uh remove a symbol we're going to skip those and take the lucky capsule now we're going to get a rare item after this spin i think minus is doing a zing these coins are all worth 2 because of the boost do we want a ruby i think you want one for now simply because it's worth three coins and i need a little bit of value to help because king midas is gonna need more coins before he's really worth his value i'm also going to remove the cherry because it's also not getting multiplied by anything it's just getting in the way but all the coin multipliers are gonna start to add up on each other so that's gonna be fun avoid creature just because he's gonna give me eight coins as soon as he dies which is right now there's a spin for 42. so far the king madison is actually working out somehow i don't know how far we're going to be able to go with this but it's going to go for now needed 150 we currently have 176 and we've still got one spin to go before that look at all those coins yeah if i can find a way to multiply these one more time we're going to be laughing too much she doesn't multiply coins she multiplies basically everything else and i think we're maybe going to take one of her for now just enough chance we get more rubies and diamonds i'll probably eventually destroy her but for now she can hang out then we're going to use the lucky cat because we always do because we have two cats currently that's just a little extra luck for very simples there we go now we're gonna get a pretty good multiplier these guys in the middle were six each that's as much as a diamond then we're going to take the item capsule that way it'll just randomly give us whatever item which is the fish tank which is pretty garbage but we're making pretty good value already that was 44 and there's an emerald also the emerald is going to be multiplied by her uh eventually if we start getting too many coins and that's detrimental we'll get rid of king midas but for now i'm enjoying this it's just everything's turning into coins and that's kind of counterproductive but at the same time also pretty funny we're gonna do this we're gonna lose six coins but we've got six coins to spare then we're gonna make an extra one coin per turn endlessly at this point i'm also not going to be adding any coins because currently we have 14 of them and 14 is lots of coins especially when most of them don't really do much they multiply off each other a little bit but they're only worth two each why does the game have to do this to me the arrows are such a bad idea for me but i go for it every time because i can't help it well they do give four times value for whatever they actually spin on to so if they spin onto something great so we're already 100 ahead i just i got to be careful how i do this already this is a really stupid idea and i think it's only gonna get worse but i'm almost 150 coins ahead on my rent so maybe this is going better than i think i'm gonna get another hustling capsule we're gonna sacrifice six coins but we're gonna get an extra coin every spin forever next i'm gonna take the piggy bank as an insurance policy every turn two coins go in uh i destroyed and gained two times the coins back out of it eventually and i'm getting a free two coins from these anyway so that's basically just free investment for me then we're gonna skip this and we're also gonna skip this because there's nothing there to be had we're gonna keep on rolling through our many many many coins i don't know at this point if i should destroy him or not adjacent coins give three times more like he's a great multiplier but he's adding so many coins it's getting kind of stupid but kind of stupid is kind of fitting for me the dwarf drink the thing so there's 55 dollars per spin like his multipliers are good but they're not that good i need something else to bounce off of those don't want any of those we want to keep spinning this one might be a little bit better because any of these coins in here will get a double multiplier for six each i just kind of see where this is going to crash and burn eventually but there's another 50 for a spin uh we've got one turn to make 300 coins we're only 100 ahead i'm gonna take a boy creature just to watch him die and i like the sound he makes when they explode so i needed 300 i have 431 this might be the best i've ever done early game usually my strategies are kind of slow early game and get out of control later this one was a quick start for once then do i want to unleash miss fruit in the world i don't know if i do because i don't have a lot of fruit on me anyways i think i'm better off skipping her and maybe take the beastmaster i mean i guess i'll take him for now just because he does give two and he doubles the value of everything there and maybe this will turn into a beastmaster run later oh and purple pepper is gonna help give us five coins if three or more of the same symbols are adjacent and not blank well i feel like we have adjacent coins sometimes that's gonna be a free five coins per turn i think five coins is a helpful number but i need more multipliers particularly out of my golden rod here which almost never points to anything helpful i always forget those but i always take them speak of which i'm going to start to destroy some things i'm going to get rid of a pearl then i'm going to get rid of this spade and probably also the lockbox because i'm never going to get to open that thing simply because even if i do find a key good luck getting a key to spawn against all these coins right now wolves are a fun strategy with the moon but that's not what we're going for here we want coins and only coins these masters going to work these guys are going to get a pretty good multiplier then we're going to destroy the item capsule for an easy item and that gave us a yellow pepper gives two coins if none of the symbols are blank so that's basically a free two coins every spin because there's rarely gonna be a blank because we're producing coins at an alarming rate i guess that's the curse of king midas though he just endlessly creates gold it's good at first until it isn't anymore because it's just going to be nothing but coins soon but we owe 350 we have 500 so we're up by 150 and we still have a full piggy bank to fall back on when we want to uh fittingly we just found the midas bomb which is very rare destroys itself in all adjacent symbols symbols destroyed this way give coins equal to seven times their value i think i can understand why these exist now because they're gonna destroy a whole bunch of coins and give me a bunch of value for them and then we're gonna take the white pepper give us three coins whenever you gain a multiple of three after a spin i hope this midas bomb doesn't take out anything valuable oh i didn't even see what was up there uh well we got 76 for that spin though so i'm assuming it was nothing too bad i was curious so i went back to luck and i took out a cat a coin and something else i don't miss because i already forgot what it was but i think it's been one spin and we have 225 coins already so i'm not doing too bad also i'm going to take this moment to get rid of a banana peel because i realize banana peels probably aren't doing much for my value right now but we got 55 for that spin and that was a pretty random spin so yeah these coins are both a blessing and a curse but look at all the value we're gonna get out of these because these are all worth six sixty-five and i guess i'll throw a key out there just in the off chance it does land an extra lock box but that's going to be pretty hard to do because there's just too many other coins in the way what i need is that symbol that makes everything adjacent that way all the coins are always adjacent to king midas and even a second king midas that would definitely amplify the coins but that would be pretty amusing all by itself the world is already basically pure coins 66. and here the buffing capsule is tempting for two times multiplier but i want the lucky capsule for those rare symbols uh i'm hoping for another king midas to be honest oh and the thing finally broke oh that got rid of two things we needed 425 we have 634 so we could get a tomb which i don't want a golden egg which is interesting but i don't want so we're gonna skip and i think we're just gonna skip again lots of rare symbols none of which are really to my benefit and then all of these none of these are really useful i guess i'll ignore either rabbit because it's probably the most useful of them then we're also going to destroy another banana peel because we want coins and nothing else that spinners were 63 uh no we're not taking those anymore i've learned my lesson at least for this round there's another spin for 48 and we just got a new item and that was a simple green pepper it gives three coins if at least three the symbols are the same and not blanks well that's gonna be three every spin because coins we're also going to take a thief because we lose one coin every turn for him but when he dies he gives four coins back so he's going to hang out for a while and take some value but when we destroy him later he's going to be worth it and we're still making very good progress look at all those coins around king midas this jones should be worth quite a bit more multiplier would be better but that's 83 plus avoid creature he's gonna explode for an easy eight coins if he ever shows up but we actually got a multiplier of the beastmaster that's kind of rare we could set a bounty hunter loose in the world uh he's going to destroy the thief eventually when he lines up to them so i'm going to do that now it's probably going to be a while before they touch anyways so that's fine there's a spin for 84. nothing i want there but we're already ahead and we've got three spins left i kind of thought this was going to be dumb strategy come about now but we're still so far ahead that it's almost stupid at this point should i take on a second thief i might as well i mean they're hardly going to show up on the rails and even when they do they're only going to take a little bit of value they'll be destroyed eventually for great value at least that's the theory we're just going to keep on going until something happens we're going to get a big multiplier down this row those are all worth eight one we're 24. we need a 575 we have a 25 plus a piggy bank still we are getting some pretty rare options now i don't want any of those because coins are the only thing that can help me now the lockpick is actually a nice so because any of the safes that show up have a 30 chance of being destroyed all by themselves which gets them out of my way and gives me value for them so when i want i can take a lock box without worry also we're going to destroy probably the dwarf right now cause he's just getting in the way and he's an alcoholic so he can get out of here there's another thief i don't want another thief i don't want any of those i just need more money oh he finally destroyed one of the thieves so what kind of value did that give me he gets 11. the thief gave me 25 we got 104 for that spin in its entirety and that this opens up more space again for coins i'm basically not going to take any symbols at all anymore unless they're conducive to coins or king midas those are the only two i want except things like capsules a re-roll capsule is great because it'll get out of my way and then i'll get to re-roll something there's another 54. i guess unlock boxes too there are a lot of variables to this game that i can't really think ahead for but that's okay eventually we'll have pure coins so we need 625 we have 682 currently don't want any of those we're just gonna keep on spinning it does kind of suck when king midas isn't on the board though because we lose a lot of value with that i'm not going to take another lock box right now cause it's taking a valuable room we lost a bit of ground we needed 625 we have 788 the coins might be kind of losing their shine at this there's another king midas never mind we're set plus an anthropology degree probably wouldn't hurt because king minus gives one coin more now not that that makes a big difference but any little bit helps and our golden thing is back on the thing so that's helping out as well so we should be definitely getting more coins than ever before and more king minuses plus i can destroy one symbol so the monkey is gonna go because he gives one coin and doesn't really do anything else at all it's pretty surprising how many non-coin symbols we still have because it feels like i have all coins and to be fair i do have 33 of them but look what else we got a very rare wild card give coins equal to the highest value among adjacent symbols yes please because that's going to show up and add value somewhere occasionally especially if it can make everything adjacent to everything finally broke a lock box we're gonna have a void creature showing up at some point to destroy himself for my amusement and we got two king minuses on the board so that definitely feels good and i feel like this wild card up here is definitely gonna pay for itself on this turn alone well maybe not but we got 100 for the entire spin wasn't as good as i thought overall but that's okay we're still making money there's another two symbols off the board for more coin multiplying and then we're going to take an item capsule of course because who doesn't want a free item double king midas so this coin in particular i think is going to be worth a double bonus 18. symbols were once again garbage but the double king midas is gonna work his magic there's gonna be a few that are gonna get double multiplied so this is gonna be worth a few dollars 2 for 18 107 for a single spin all thanks to stupid coins and 2 kings so we needed 675 we have 8.99 so we're starting 224 up all we need is 777 and now it's really starting to feed us some of the rare symbols which strangely enough we don't actually want we could turn everything into flames because our flames are indestructible now but they're only worth four and i'm pretty sure we don't have any multipliers for those as far as items are concerned i guess just the lucky seven because it's the only thing there that could even be of any value to me nothing i want here but what i do want to do at this point is destroy something probably an emerald better yet i'm gonna destroy a wolf i'm seeing lots of wolves appear on the board they're probably the lowest value i have that don't do anything there's another 74 that seems to be a pretty average spin anywhere between 60 and 100 seems to appear a lot there's another chemical seven so one more of those and we'll get an easy 77 coins 70 for that spin don't want anything there just need king minuses or anything else that can multiply coins but i don't think anything else exists do we even bother with the wealth capsule anymore it's going to give me an easy 10 coins but 10 coins isn't a lot to me anymore the entire spin here was worth 194. i'm not really sure why because i wasn't paying attention but that means we have four spins to make five coins plus we get a chemical seven so as soon as that pops off we're definitely gonna be there i don't know how far these coins are gonna be able to carry me but we're just gonna enjoy the ride for now if that thing points down which of course it won't that would have been valuable but this coin in the middle might be worth a few bucks 18 by itself 115 for the entire spin the mine is an interesting one but we're not gonna take it right now we're gonna keep on spinning so by the time rent is due we have 1049 coins so we're still well ahead and we haven't touched our piggy bank yet we're going to pay our 777 and we're going to continue playing an endless mode because coins but now it's increased to 1 000 so this might be the point where we fail general zairoff would be fun sometime because we could make our rent by murdering people but because i don't want to lose king midas we're not going to take any of those and then we're not going to take any of these though in theory if you had a few bartenders combined with a dwarf you would be making lots of money but that would be a very hard build to build now for items we're going to take pizza the cat cats give one more we have one lonely cat on the board might as well get a bit of value for it i just got my last chemical 7 broken so that gave me 135 total so not a great spin overall but the chemical thing did break we're at 630 out of a thousand with six spins left i think we're gonna be okay because look at all those coins oh there's a watermelon when i can't take it it's only worth four for being very rare though so it's not that big of a loss and it's too bad every three coins don't have their own individual multipliers because they'd be multiplying off themselves big time but i guess i'll still settle for making 70 per spin pressure's unknown though i need to make 40 coins in this one spin can it be done i think it probably can there's 58 that's not even a good spin but we did it 1000 1022 the next one however not super confident to get 1500. oh wait we're saved here's a silver arrow and i guess black suits because gotta take some kind of item then we're gonna get rid of probably the shiny pebble and just spin till the end okay here's where we're at we have two spins left we need 1500 we have 525 not feeling super confident however if my silver arrow and gold arrow both point together they're going to give a 12 times multiplier to something that might already have a several times multiplier but the odds of that happening are almost non-existent unfortunately so there's a spin for 101 and i'm not feeling too optimistic though the prodigal son is here to give us a multiplier worth not much so we're gonna bust open the piggy bank which gives us 1039 out of 1500 those coins though
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 475,545
Rating: 4.9279909 out of 5
Id: mlXpMPo2NaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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