I Stacked Luck Until I Found Very Rare Items in Luck Be A Landlord

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so it's called luck be a landlord i mean it's right there in the name let's just get as many items as we can that are gonna boost our luck which isn't really any of these so we're just gonna take a monkey for now because at least that gives us one coin and we might have to settle for a little bit of garbage before we find what we need but at least these give us something we're gonna take a dwarf for now because he gives a coin but it can at least drink stuff and give way much value way much value yeah you could tell i'm probably tired let's go for a monkey that's been gave me nine coins we needed 25 we have 31 haven't really got any luck boosting items yet but i might just restart until that works but for now we're going to take the wine because the dwarfs really going to like that but for now we're going to take a swear jar we put one coin in every spin and eventually we destroy it for three times the value back and that's gonna save us because our poor choices are gonna destroy us so far i'm really finding no luck boosting items so ironically i'm having bad luck maybe we'll take a bounty hunter because then we'll throw a thief on the board and get a little bit of money out of him but also this orange we've got two spins to make 14 and thanks to that dwarf drinking net we already did it so this one is just gonna be extra so let's skip this all together we don't want to clear up the rails too bad with crap we don't want we needed 50 we have 81 though our luck is still very very basic so let's take a sapphire then let's go for tax evasion if a symbol would take a coin it takes one less still not finding much so we're going to take the item capsule because we can at least take items for now oh and we got the one that actually boosts luck for every cat we have that is our first luck boosting item and i don't know if it's a coincidence but we got king midas we don't want king midas but we will take a toddler so we're now 1.3 times more likely to find uncommon rare and very rare symbols eventually i want nothing but very rare symbols i don't know if it's possible but we're sure gonna find out and since we have three spins to make a hundred i think we're actually going to skip a few symbols this is a little bit risky because i should be trying to get further ahead right now but we do have another cat and that's going to boost our luck again i just need all the luck in the world i just want nothing but diamonds oh a lucky capsule speaking of which you still get is a rare item all by itself and we broke the 100 mark that we needed only by 12 but our luck is going up and if the name of the game is any indication that should be a big help to us so actually in theory a lot of these are rare symbols but the general would actually benefit from that because he'd find a lot of people to eat he takes 15 for each one he does eat but let's take that and hope we get a lot more players and then we're also going to take probably shedding season because if we get rabbits they have a 10 chance of adding rabbit fluff which boosts our luck does that make sense to you because it doesn't really make sense oh the general just say two people though there's an easy 31 48 for that spin then i'm gonna take a void stone because that's easy money until it destroys itself and gets off my rails there goes the general again there's 32 for that spin that's another cat so that further boosts our luck again so i think we've got three cats on the rios each one of those cats makes us 1.3 times more likely to find rare stuff and there's not a lot going on here so let's skip that we got a dwarf to feed to the general though the general's going to make a lot of money for us there was 19 for that spin uh attempted to take the chemical seven because that's going to be a big boost eventually i'm also not sure how many coins we need right now but thanks to the general again there's another 41. so we need 150 we already have 164. so this one's just going to give us a little extra money we needed 150 we have 180. then for now i think we're probably going to take a wealthy capsule because that's an easy 10 coins and then since i do for some reason have two monkeys on my reels we're gonna take this and they're gonna give us two times more money now that's a nice little boost and i always take capsules anytime i see them because it might take up his space for now but then they give you something hopefully useful that one gave us a green pepper so it gives at least three coins of at least three the spaces are blank and our first very rare our luck is paying off already that's gonna give four per spin so then we just gotta start to put some multipliers on top of that we'll be getting somewhere so we got four spins to make a hundred and sixteen dollars can it be done i think it probably can but it would be nice to feed more stuff to the general because we're going to need to go to a better pace than that here's another very rare item how's your chest use 50 coins when destroyed maybe the luck really was a good thing to chase after all i wasn't really sure and rabbit fluff so we're gonna get even more luck it gives two coins but we're also 1.2 times more likely to find even more rare crap and i think as it is we already have two very rares on the board already uh we need a 225 we have 202 so let's break open this and hope that puts us up to where we need to be yes and then we're now finding all uncommons we'll probably still find some comments but uncomments aren't going to hurt chemical sevens because that's gonna pay out and since i don't really use anything here what is gonna take the blue pepper that way we'll get three coins if there's three blinks which i think there are currently well there are now so that's easy money there's 39. then every time we get common stuff we might as well reroll it hoping for something better not really a lot there well maybe take the tomb just because it gives us three coins and that is technically a rare item so that's going to be very helpful and then let's take the lucky capsule to get a rare item on the board i just realized i probably should have taken the bounty hunter because the general's gonna eat him for extra money i keep forgetting i even have him there's also a spear for four coins uh we're gonna put the thief on the board because he's actually gonna be good combination with the general those were all pretty good things though so it's a good problem to have when you can't pick because they're all so good unlike this when they're maybe not so good let's reroll this and also not take any of that so let's just hope for a big spin the general got the thief already which is fine would have been nice to have the thief roll a few times but beggars can't be choosers also wasn't paying attention how many spins we're gonna need so we've got one spin to make thirty one dollars but we get a rare ruby so that might actually help us i'm feeling lucky there's thirty four we need a 275 you have 277. so the luck so far is helping us find rare symbols but maybe it's not all about the rare symbols they are worth three but you need multipliers and all the synergies to really make them work but for now i'm gonna throw an apple up there then also a yellow pepper because that'll give two coins if none of the symbols are blank so that should start to play out but i'm also going to start to remove some of the symbols i don't want anymore like the cherries because they so serve no purpose and don't make me a lot of money there's 36. and there we go we got some more things that are gonna give us more luck should probably take the martini but the rapid fluff is better more rare items for us i just can't help myself at this point and more rapid fluff our luck is gonna be stupid from here moving forward we got so many luck boosting items all over the place that was 35 and we still need to find a key for the safes and stuff but we'll take a buffing capsule for now because that's going to give double value to whatever it's beside which was actually a lot of things and that's good because we've really got to start making some money lucky capsule work your magic i would really like to break open my treasure chest that was worth 40. we're gonna throw down a bartender that way the general can eat him grab a fluff would be good but i need to start eating some things or i'm gonna lose i guess a general probably doesn't eat bears or sloths which is a shame because that would make me some money but that thing just got destroyed for almost no money that spinners with 44. uh there's a rare beehive which gives three and has a chance to spawn bees and i'm actually not gonna take it just because of that if i get bees or honey they're just gonna take up space i'm gonna take the rabbit fluff which does of course add luck and two coins per spin and i really need those coins right now because i was out but i'm not gonna give up i'm gonna keep pushing this luck strategy i've got a pretty lucky run going again because i've got three rabbit fluffs which all boost my luck plus a shiny pebble so far then we got one diamond on the board and one diamond about to be on the board plus a rare omelet now i just need to hope that we get some kind of symbols that actually align with each other better but there's 25 for that spin and i do have a thief on the board so i'm going to throw a banana peel down right now eventually that will destroy him for some amount of money not sure how much yet that's going to depend on how long it takes him to die but the two diamonds are now boosting each other and we're going to take a chemical seven because that's going to give us our second one of those that we need oh we already lost a thief but we did get 16 coins for him for 50. and then i'm actually gonna take a cap for now because those can be a boost to luck if we get the appropriate items really kind of want more diamonds right now though maybe the lucky capsule will help us get there we got two spins to get 64 so i think we might get there we're doing pretty good and there's the general again so we can maybe start feeding him other idiots or maybe not i'm not really sure how that's gonna go yet and there's our 35 so we scraped in just barely and i don't really want any of those so let's just take a removal capsule this is kind of tough because these are all pretty helpful i think we're gonna take the lucky cat for now now this one does add rabbit fluff every 10 spins then everything in the left is gonna make extra money we're going to take the lefty the rabbit that's probably a choice i'll come to regret but the general did just eat something for 16 then we're gonna take an item capsule because maybe we'll get the lucky cat thing anyway nope we got the checkered flag instead then we're going to take a void creature because that will destroy itself for money as well and we're also going to take a rabbit fluff for now it's worth 2 but if it's in the left column it's worth 4. and i'll take any value and get right now but look at all that luck we're getting there's four rabbit fluffs on the board already they're uncommon items which isn't great but it's better than common we're gonna take a safe because obviously and the key already opened the safe so that was pretty big for me that was 82 for that spin and we're pretty early on two spins to make 275 we have 244 we're going to take an item capsule and that's going to give me an item a fishbowl i really want the one to boost my kitty luck because i've got three cats on the board let's skip that and not take any of these but that's okay because we're still in pretty good shape i just hope my luck really manages to carry me we need more diamonds there's 275 we have 315 and another rare omelet we got two omelets on the board plus a rare recycling gives one after each spin that's actually really overpowered so we basically gonna get double the choice of items from here moving forward and considering a lot of those are gonna be rare that's actually gonna be huge for me so like this if i don't like any of these which maybe i do maybe i don't we're gonna take the coal because i want more diamonds might come to regret that but now i've got more items to skip then we're gonna take a void creature and this is basically gonna guarantee we always get a good item so finding this recycling was huge luck in itself because as soon as i don't really find anything i like i can skip don't really like that so i skip it again i can throw the miner down uh because idiot can eat the miner for me and he already did so this is gonna help us a lot finding all the items we could possibly want uh an uncommon sapphire probably would have taken if i didn't have the ability to constantly skip through things uh we'll take the void creature because he's gonna destroy himself for eight dollars and that spin is going to give us 46. and then conveniently we already have two lucky sevens so once this one pops off that's gonna give us a 77 we need for a pretty big spin 121. now we're going to throw up the only 100 down for the general to eat and we're just going to keep on stacking our luck as much as we can that regular spin is worth 39. uh we're going to take the wealth capsule because that'll give us an easy 10 and we're going to keep stacking up our item skippers that way we can find lots of good items we needed 375 we have 444 and we got our choice of some rare stuff i think we're probably going to take the farmer mostly because idiot's gonna eat him and that's gonna be good money and then for items i guess just purple pepper gives five coins if three or more of the same item are adjacent and not blank well we got lots of rabbit fluffs going so that's probably gonna happen more than you'd think and the farmer will double a few things until he gets eaten uh the sun would normally be a great one it is worth three uh i don't really know if i want to do the sun though i guess i do have one flower on the board and it is gonna give me three for now so i don't know there you go it already paid for itself it made the flower worth five instead of one don't like anything they're gonna skip don't love anything there we're gonna take the wealthy capsule why not it's just gonna give us an easy ten dollars anyway for a total of fifty four then we're gonna take the hooligan because the generals can eat him as soon as he lands near him and he didn't but we still got 42 for that then we'll take another wealthy capsule we are gonna have to start to get some more multipliers at some point or something going but the general just ate him for 16. uh we're going to skip those oh robin hood's a rare one the problem with robin hood right now is he takes four coins every turn and the general's gonna eat him probably before he pays out so we're gonna take a dwarf most people would eat a dwarf over robinhood anyways there's 38. does the general eat miners he sure does and i'm gonna need him to start eating stuff soon because we're actually falling behind we've got to get him eating stuff he's not landing near anything though so that's a little concerning i've got one spin and i need to make like 70 dollars so we're gonna start skipping through items hoping to find something that can actually save me a void creature will give me eight that might be as good as it's gonna get for a single spin really i do also have a swear jar that's also probably gonna help me a little bit but i'm hoping to not need that yet 55 with 13 short let's break the spur jar and hope we get a little bit luckier again we actually just found a second general zera off and i think i'm probably going to take that that way we can get more of those on the board eating more idiots and then none of these really matter so i'm just going to take quigly the wolf because why not now that thing got destroyed so we're just going to keep on going um okay then we're gonna start skipping because i've got 10 skippers we're going to take a chemical seven then we're also going to remove some of the items we don't want like the cherry the coin the pearl and even one of the crabs that way the rails should be a little more opened up for the general to land next to players to eat because the more he does that the more money we're gonna make though we didn't even get a single general on that one wasn't gonna take a dime dame because she can multiply by diamonds for me but watch general's gonna land next to her first turn and eat her nope he ate a few others though so that's kind of helpful there's 73. the day might actually be a good one for doubling my diamonds if i could get more diamonds going oh and there's another diamond so that's kind of fun that could make for a fun round maybe i got to keep uh get rid of the general now to just uh try and use the dame on the diamonds but i have eight things to skip through so let's see if we can find a removal a buffing capsule is kinda nice that's gonna give double value for whatever pops off beside which wasn't much but at least a single diamond so there's a spin for 82. and we're gonna skip then we're going to skip again maybe take a chemical seven because i think we're sitting at one of those currently and those are definitely worth it once they all blow up and we multiplied one of our diamonds which is worth 12 by itself if you had more diamonds on the board that'd be worth considerably more then we're going to continue to skip this recycling item is way overpowered because we can basically just skip until we find something of use like a wild card that's very rare gives coins equal to the highest value among adjacent symbols which is going to start to get pretty high pretty soon because we got a lot of high value things on the board also just realized we're still way behind where we need to be didn't realize that otherwise probably would have been taking this a little more seriously so far two generals on the board they're not eating anything let's give him a farmer though they'll eat that mon big money oh and he ate the dame but the diamonds were worth a lot that time uh we are six coins short six coins okay we're building up another luck run this wasn't particularly special until i found the oil can but you may re-spin a column of symbols once per spin though that's another one of those that feels a little overpowered so when you want to respin a column say this one it'll throw down some different symbols if i want don't like what i'm seeing in there we're gonna take a sapphire for now because we're gonna try and build this run up because i really like that item and that could really work if i see something that i don't like or think that something should be adjacent to something else i also have the item that gives me two coins every time i skip so when i want to skip i will get two dollars for my effort which is usually worth quite a bit for now we're gonna settle for a ninja because it does give two coins and we need to start making some money again and i don't think there's much point of respiting until the wheels are a little more full anyway because anything that can appear will appear and nothing synergizes with anything else sapphire it is for two coins not gonna respin but the luck's already showing through we're finding a lot more uncommon items than we would be we need seventy and two spins though so that kinda sucks let's take a plum for now to help get some value out of things would be nice to find a key also because the money from that lock box would be great right now well okay this isn't looking super good for us we've got to make 45 on this one spin and we can't really even do that because we oh there's a diamond but we still feel short we're finding all these really cool items but we're just not getting luck anywhere else here's one that started out pretty lucky pretty early we got a shiny pebble right away and then two rabbit fluffs and so far we're actually making a lot of money because we needed 100 we have 160 already plus a swear jar so this might give me that buffering space i need to create my stupidity but i've also just been throwing a lot of different things down on the wheels just to make some early money and the frying pan is interesting eggs are destroyed when adjacent to cheese and that adds an omelette when they're destroyed so we're going to try that i don't think we're ever going to use that but it has a nice option and then since we have a dwarf on the board we're going to throw the wine down i just want to keep throwing symbols down for now we can remove them later when they're in the way but for now i need money just to survive obviously item caps is going to add a basic item for us which was a black pepper which gives one coin whenever a symbol is destroyed i'm also gonna throw down a b to work with these flowers for now to get us a little bit of value there there's 22. so far this one's working out pretty good we got pretty decent luck going but we're also making pretty decent money we don't have the cat luck thing so we're gonna take a void creature for now he's gonna destroy himself the door is gonna drink the money there is 43 which is great for such a low spin we needed 150 we have 227. then i'm actually gonna take a pinata because i have two toddlers on the board they'll open up pinata and then eat all the candy for huge money so this is interesting the cleaning rag means all of these symbols give one coin more so the shiny pebble and diamond are especially interesting there the x-ray machine is also good because that means that the oars will only drop rare or better which would basically be emeralds or better i don't really know what one to take but we're gonna take the cleaning rig so i don't have to think about it and hurt my brain and it's giving us a lot of flower boosting symbols so i'm gonna worry about those for a little bit because those are gonna help carry us and there goes the toddler eating at things that spin gave us 42. i don't really want any of these so we're gonna re-spin and take the wine for the dwarf he needs to drink toddler ate another one of the candies so that's going to boost us for now we're going to take probably a coal to turn into a diamond since we have the boost for that and there's two toddlers eating multiple candies 45. and they've had a key on the board annoyingly for quite a while so we're going to hope to combine it with the lock box at some point for a little bit of easy money there's another 32 we're already way ahead we needed 225 we have 250 and we got two spins left plus we're going to manage to add some pretty good stuff to that eventually while i'm at it i'm going to remove the cherry just because i feel like we're running out of room for it we have one blank space on the board but we can now fill it in i guess we have two spaces now all of this is garbage skip spin hopefully we get some big money out of this not really but we need a 225 we have 312 we're almost 100 ahead unless we have a swear jar so let's take an item capsule for now because those items can be invaluable i should take the lucky cat but i only have one cat on the board and i think they're going to be hard to find because they're common so i'm just going to take the lock pick for now now and actually find some of this rare stuff or the any of these locked items i can open them that's been 47 so this is a very good sign for how early on vr and there's a shiny pebble that will boost our luck so we're just gonna take that because we still need to fill the wheels anyways these flowers are gonna get a hearty boost that one is worth four and more alcohol for alcoholic dwarf we're not enabling him we're just encouraging him don't want any of these and we still need more luck but we'll take a sapphire for now just to make sure we're getting some value out of the reels and for now these can just spin because eventually we'll get some diamonds we'll take another bead to help the flowers too this is getting a little bit convoluted so we'll maybe remove a symbol so we probably don't need a pearl anymore that has no use to us at all now we get more useful stuff on the board we get lots of multipliers to the flowers potentially when they want to line up and appear for the dwarf we definitely didn't make as much money this time around we didn't get as lucky with some of our symbols but our diamond finally popped so there's 58 we needed 275 we have 321 we're about 50 ahead which isn't good enough nothing a golden egg can help that's a rare that's worth three per spin and i guess we're just going to take a lunchbox because i don't know what else to take and that gives us items that aren't necessarily good but at least it gives us a chance to find things like apples which are good i probably am going to have to start removing some symbols now but at least i got a diamond on the board that already has a boost as soon as that other coal turns into a diamond we're going to get an even bigger boost and then let's also take the chemical seven because we can start collecting those it's never a bad time to start those that was 43. we're going to take a rapid fluff just for a little bit more luck so maybe those are starting to work against me i don't think i'm going to take any more we've got plenty of luck so far don't really need to get any more so we're going to add a beer for the dwarf and he's going to drink both of those so we get 21 all by himself definitely finding a lot of rare items i'm actually going to take the pinata over that because that pinata between the two toddlers is going to be worth a fortune because he's already opened it and eaten one of those so the toddler is worth 13 that's a spin and there's still lots more to eat then we take the wealthy capsule that's worth 10 months it pops which isn't on this spin oh maybe it was but we got a whole bunch of things going on so there's another 51. now this one's turning out pretty good the toddlers can eat a second candy lots of stuff going on every spin that's worth 57. so we need the 375 we have 421 and we still got the swear jar which is hopefully gonna save us but then again hopefully we won't need it do we need a diver for anything drivers can be very good but it's a little bit late to start on one of those i think that's our third chemical seven though it sure is so we're gonna take that even over the emerald this one's a little bit tricky because we could take the rusty gear and hope the diamonds stack up next to each other that's gonna be pretty rare to do and we need one more diamond so we'll take a fruit basket that means things like my rare apple are worth one extra coin and that's actually gonna add up a lot over time but this spin by itself is worth 119. and we got another chemical seven already so we'll go ahead and take that i don't really want any of these although the thief is tempting and maybe just a reroll capsule because i don't really know what else to do there might have to remove a symbol at some point too because i feel like we're getting lots on the board oh there's highlander very rare we're six coins all by itself so we definitely want that then we need to find a way to multiply that this should be a pretty good spin all by itself 54. then we're gonna skip all these and i might remove a toddler at this point because they're not really doing much for me anymore they're eating candy occasionally but they're not worth a lot i guess we could remove the mouse first or even a coin because that is even less value to me definitely gonna need some more removals but we finally got our second diamond so now there were seven each provided they both show up on the reels not gonna take a rabbit fluff because i think they're gonna start to work against me we got plenty of luck going so far a lock box i will take because i think they have a one in three chance of blowing up and giving me their value on any one spin maybe we'll take a shiny pebble for now i did say we're gonna go for luck so we might as well stick to that i think we're gonna be okay as it is anyways cause that was worth 53 we needed 450 we have 490 so we're okay for now and looking at it we do have three shiny pebbles and three rabbit fluffs those are all boosting luck which is probably also why we found all of this stuff rare honey that's worth three avoid creature which is gonna blow up and give us eight and rabbit fluff which is worth two and is for the boost of luck but i don't think we can push luck at this point not with items like this so we're gonna take a void creature then the items are no good so we're gonna take a small cymbal bomb and open that up and hopefully they give us something good which they did not well let's just spin and hope we definitely get some rare symbols out of this deal because we've got a lot of good ones but we also have a lot of bad ones still that we got to get rid of because i need highlander showing on every spin along with both my diamonds neither of which showed up here and that's a little bit alarming to me skip those need some item removals that's all i want right now item removals or maybe also some rain because if i manage to get everything aligning on a flower right now it's actually going to be a big big boost the lock box finally broke so that was worth 68. oh then we got more rain for flower boosts do i take that no i think they're safe for now the flowers are good to help carry me into the game but i don't want to rely on them late game that's boring but also probably pretty smart which is why i'm not doing it but both the diamonds and highlanders showed up so that means 51 for a regular spin a creature for an easy eight coins and my safe blew up but this should be a pretty decent spin that's worth 89. do i want to be stupid and bring in a bronze arrow yeah i do let's multiply some diamonds or more realistically nothing at all well we did multiply a bunch of stuff but nothing that was really necessarily worth it all right well we need to open a really really really big spin here which we're not going to get because we didn't multiply the diamonds it was a decent spin so 538 we needed 575 is esparza are going to save us it is okay so we're still in business and this might work out because here's a geologist he's going to destroy adjacent shiny pebbles and other stuff and he gets value for each one of those he destroys that's going to be good for using up my shiny pebbles because i don't think we need those anymore i think our luck naturally increases as we get further in who'd ever want a barrel full of dwarves you may destroy this and get seven of these idiots i guess if you have a lot of alcohol on the board that would be great but i don't so let's just take pizza the cat and then hopefully my gemologist starts to eat all the good things there's a multiplied diamond for 14 all by itself then we're going to re-roll this and then re-roll it again and then skip that because we have good symbols we just need more of them to align and then we need to remove some of the bad symbols but that's where my gemologist will come in handy to uh eat some of the shiny pebbles that are definitely taking up room at this point well we got the sapphire so that's a start this buffing capsule could make a difference depending on what it's next to when it blows up well i was next to the diamond so whatever that's fine 14 for a total of 69. i would take a diver if i was earlier on in collecting sea creatures but i'm not so i won't it is a very simple however that spin was only worth 47. a bartender might be good because they give three and they have a five percent chance of adding well things my dwarf can drink if you had a lot of bartenders and dwarves actually you could probably carry yourself just on those and we got a symbol of removal so let's remove say the mouse still got a lot more to remove but we have a whole bunch of different things multiplying a whole bunch of different things so this isn't really a very optimized setup i'll take a long box so just to make a further mess of it we're going to rely on luck and more ways than one tonight there's 57 nimbles we're all garbage and we really need to get some money we did double a diamond so that's not a bad start 58 and i don't need anything here and i feel like this is where we're gonna run out of steam it started out very good we were way ahead but we've ended up 150 short because i had too many things they could multiply a bunch of things but it was all too scattered around a convoluted i maybe should have just stuck to one or two things to multiply each other but that's what happens when you try and push your luck you get a lot of rare symbols but rare symbols by themselves aren't good enough they can't carry you you need multipliers
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 386,628
Rating: 4.907443 out of 5
Id: 1Mapa4wewQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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