Finding Billions Buried Deep At The Bottom

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you can never have too much oil we're already pretty rich so we're gonna get very rich today starting with two moles and one idiot so far the moles are even more disappointing than the idiot with the stick that's also considering they're covering an area that's very small so far but idiot finally found something so let's see exactly what he's on to hopefully it's something enormous i don't know what that was i don't know why my cursor moved we found some oil over there though okay now we're gonna do this on a little bit of a budget because we have less money than we normally do because my cursor ran away but we'll just go ahead and tap into that then we just need to silo and a couple horses the price on the left is about a dollar so we'll just start shipping all over there right away we need to make up a little bit of money for my little incident anyway so that'll work out just fine price is already dropping off so i'll throw another horse in but we'll take a little bit of this oil i feel like there's probably a lot in the ground since we have 313 to work with i'm going to use a little scan right here so i can see exactly what that is not a big pocket of oil but it's oil silo is already getting pretty full so let's go ahead and dump a little bit of oil in there just so we don't overflow we can also upgrade that but we still need a little bit of money for further exploration okay we're gonna need to find some more oil hopefully here on the left side but while we're waiting we can definitely go ahead and dump some all over on that side and we found some oil where you can hopefully be able to dig straight into it and that's gonna work out okay because the horses need some time to get way over there but for a dollar twenty we're gonna put all our horses on it and we're gonna add another one and i'm gonna upgrade these horses so they can get that oil over there right away i don't know what i'm gonna spend all this profit on today but we're gonna spend it on something back below a dollar don't want it so while we're at it i'm gonna upgrade both you and you and then we're gonna extend all the way down to this one then let's send another idiot or two out there and a few more moles into random places to hopefully find some of the good stuff also it'd be great if there's some oil down here i'm gonna save myself with 500 in case i need to extend my pipes i think he just found the one i was literally drilling into so that's not really a great find on his part and you can never have too many silos also noticing a fair amount of gas in the ground here there is one pocket there one pocket there that are decent sized the silo is starting to get pretty full so we're gonna take a little bit of all over to the left still pumping lots out of the ground but we can sell a little bit off right now because we're over a dollar so let's dump some of that out we need some exploration money and apparently another horse or two just because we're actually moving oil that quickly suddenly i'm also gonna upgrade this to a drill and just drill straight into that and we're also gonna go for the magma while we're at it the price is coming back down below a dollar that's okay we tied into the lava so next we're going to connect the silo and maybe make one more we might as well for now i don't know how much oil is left so let's go mulling around to see what we can find we're going to put one there and then we're going to put one maybe right here we did find another pocket of oil that actually might be a big one we need to tie into that someone go sell some oil over here just going to dump that in there just need a little bit more maybe not that much then we'll tie it onto that one this oil pocket is actually bigger than i realized at first so we're going to upgrade it and we're going gonna upgrade this and also this because this is actually a really big oil pocket i did not realize that was down there so we're gonna need to pump this at absolutely full capacity someone sell some oil we need to get this out of the ground it was nice of the dowsers to miss these entirely really appreciate that guys so i'm basically going to cancel this one for now put a few going over here because we need to make some money and also manage to get this out of the ground somehow so while they're selling over there i'm also gonna have to tie in all of these pipes to the gas and also buy more horses okay so i think we got enough to maybe do this so we're going into the gas there we're going to close that valve then we're going to go to there we're going to put another horse there then we're going to go all the way up there and then all the way up there as soon as we have the money for it i think we're actually going to run out of time on this one because it's already the end of october but we'll see luckily they can switch sides now the oil is coming up to that side so we'll get some easy money we definitely need to upgrade this one uh all the other pipes are very upgraded right now so it's coming out of the ground so it's basically yeah everyone store the rest of the oil for a second then once the price on the left hopefully goes up we'll hit with all the gas while also upgrading them to the thousand dollar upgrade okay we i just realized it's already uh december wait no that's bad don't go there yet we're gonna open the valve we're gonna let the price go up just a little bit because it's the last month and yeah just start going for it now we're over a dollar that's going to be as good as it gets we'll throw more horses on this job as many horses we could buy we need to move all of that oil probably gonna set a record for the amount of oil moved all at once 19 horses go for two dollars a barrel i'll take that yeah definitely shouldn't run out of that okay we're gonna leave a lot of oil up didn't realize how badly we timed that all actually in the end it wasn't bad we got twenty six thousand dollars profit we probably could have got forty but in my defense that pocket of oil was very big and very hidden okay so the secret ground the guy gave me was a 56 someone just had a 58 over here which is crazy good i'm gonna try and go behind that right now probably gonna bid each other big time for that but i want that it doesn't mean it's good but it means it can be good and the main already have 66 000 in the bank so i don't need a ton hopefully this time we find oil faster idiot in the center certainly found something so let's do a nice big scan there we go get a pretty good idea of what we're working with and that's a decent size deposit nice and short oil prices could be a little better but i like the placement of the molds so far they actually cover quite an area in their short little journey gonna start selling one of my horses to the left that way we can definitely get some money going again price on the right is a dollar ten so let's just send all the horses there for some quick easy money to start can never complain with profit that's for sure we're already over a thousand dollars again which means we get a bigger salar which means we can get a bigger pipe times two and then we can also send some more moles down to do moles stuff well no matter i'm gonna hire another idiot to hopefully find some more oil they really let me down last time but there's definitely more down there in the ground so right away i'm gonna do the big storage okay he's definitely got some here i just want a little bit of a look at how big that is that's not bad i think that's probably big enough to be worth its own uh potential pipeline and we started to spill oil for a second because we're unprofessional like that okay luckily we can add another horse to the equation now we're probably gonna need a few of them at this rate i think perhaps what i also need is the upgraded wagons we're actually moving a lot of oil despite the fact it's only one little thing okay there we go bigger wagons now we shouldn't spill the oil not with the horses we have currently so i'm going to put a storage over here just so it's close to this one we're going to stop selling oil for that price and then we're going to kind of start pumping here and because that's a short little pipe we can upgrade that nice and easy and even connect it to magma since we have some money again let's put some moles down deep i don't think the dowsers can hit very deep and that's why we occasionally miss oil so deep okay we did find some more oil down to the left hopefully we don't hit a rock but we can't afford that yet anyways the dowser found some oil somewhere on the left we're gonna have to drill through some other stuff also so we'll dump a little bit of oil there because it's mid-june okay so we have the money for the rock drill unfortunately that's pretty expensive but it's necessary right now we're gonna swap some oil delivery to the left side and then hopefully be able to reach the magma now so that's good price on the right is over a dollar so we'll eat some of that up actually we've got a lot of oil let's send like six horses over there for a minute uh just to get some of this oil out right away and then i don't have to stress about it later because look at all the oil hiding down here we're gonna have to upgrade a lot of things plus there's oil way over here i'm gonna do something really stupid and go like i'm gonna have a fork there that'll make sense in a minute i guess we could also be scanning to actually see what we're getting into here that's not a huge pocket of oil so let's make a super silo we're gonna upgrade all of these pipes one more time to get that out asap then i'm also gonna use this one to tie into the gas this is gonna be a really inefficient way of doing this but what do i care we started to spill oil again not sure what that's about we spent all our exploration money whoopsie dipsy don't open that that was a waste of gas but i also really need to finish this whole setup okay we hit a rock so we're gonna need the expensive drill here so we're gonna have to start making a little bit more money again that should about do it guys stop spilling the damn oil not a lot of oil left coming out of the ground there might be another big deposit hidden down there i can't really uh care about that right now i'm gonna have to use some gas to get some price we can maybe do a little scan around but if i find oil now i can't really do much about it so something like that kind of sucks well there's little deposits anyway i don't like those but let's upgrade the wagon and start gassing the right side and once the price goes up we'll send all of these super upgraded horses out there didn't realize there's probably also a deposit here i can tie into those once um we unleash the horses which is gonna be right about now everyone go there we'll make a ton of money and we'll drill into some new pipelines there we go we're up over two dollars about two dollars uh we should be able to pump that out fairly quickly anyways at the end of november but we're moving a ton of oil for a dollar fourteen it's last month so i'm just gonna upgrade those one more time hopefully quickly that only took about a week to do so we have three except extra pumping prices dropping they're gonna go to the left side now for the final few days we definitely didn't get all the oil but we definitely made some decent profit considering the ground wasn't all that great we did get most of the oil though we did lose like a third of our profit to spillage but we still did pretty good some people are actually losing money because they're amateurs so the ground can definitely change fast i'm gonna go for this uh it's kind of scary because it's beside one good piece but beside a bad piece but milo my old lady has spidey sense so there's definitely oil to be had it is actually a little known fact that old people can sense oil on the ground like this isn't even a special guy it's just an old person with a cane they just know where it's at no one knows why oh this idiot i'm pretty sure there's a pretty big deposit right here he basically waltzed by it okay i'm gonna drill into this go find a different one please no okay he found it as i'm already drilling into it so he fades away but actually look at those prices on the right they're up to a dollar 30 so everyone get over there right now get all that all in there i'm even gonna upgrade that pipeline real quick just get some oil in there dollar dollar dollar dollar and that's going up on the left we'll take advantage of that while they're running a bit of oil over let's upgrade the pipeline that way uh it doesn't spill too much while i'm away i'm just doing the bigger horses right away i'm so sick of spilling oil right now but look at it all coming out we're making a good profit already oh and i just realized we actually um okay you guys could take all that over there for now because we need that exploration money i'm pretty sure there's a big pocket here somewhere so far we found magma but those two idiots did find something so let's see exactly what it is they got that's a rather small deposit that's disappointing pretty sure this one's also going to be pretty small unless it's hiding like specifically right there that's not bad i'm gonna send another idiot or two out uh we're gonna put a whole other drilling rig on this because it's gonna be cheaper to go straight down to it also found a nice deep one down below pretty sure we're gonna have to rock drill down into it so be it so then we're going to build another silo okay there's another pocket somewhere might be below we can upgrade the size that pretty easily we can also drill into the magma from there so we'll still be moving quite a bit of oil i seriously missed the magma twice right here because this one doesn't count either it's surprisingly picky about where it wants you to land that thing you know what give us some money right now whatever we have is going for over a dollar that's fine by me we need the money then we're gonna swap back over to the right side for dollar 20 per barrel 1.30 per barrel that's very good for natural prices i won't complain with that okay then we're going to try and tie it back into the magma even though we're basically out of oil here already there we go okay so also this weirdo has signaled uh something here i'm assuming it's down below and hopefully it's like all of this space please be enormous well that's not bad considering then maybe we'll pull this one all the way across as 527 but we'll make some profit on that we'll also upgrade this then let's send us a few more moles out because we're getting sneaky oil today it's hiding in all sorts of weird spots we couldn't find before and i do think i want to see a little bit more of this one obscure how big it was it's not that big and then i'm not sure if it's even worth it to trying to do gas pockets to bring them all the way around i suppose it would be but i'm just being lazy and i mean since we got all this money already in price of a dollar 12 on the left maybe we should just dump this all out here real quick yeah we could probably take advantage of that because i just don't see there being a lot of money in the ground so we don't need to spend a lot more to try and get more out we just take that healthy profit just don't spill anything on the way and we're good there's 12 000 13 that's all getting sold for about a dollar there we are we'll play this one safe just to maintain some profit i'm scared to put another dowser down right now because you'll probably find a massive pocket of oil that's just somehow tucked between the blind spots but we can put a few more moles down just for funsies so there is a little moral we can still chase it if it's not huge but i'm getting more and more confident that we got it all there was a little pocket hiding over there but it was too small to bother with we did pretty good considering the ground wasn't great yeah that was only a 24 there was a 38 down there i think we just take a shot in the dark and go like there uh we were out bid for that spot for some reason so i'm gonna take it back i don't know why people are following me but i guess we're all going for it this guy's selling a spearhead for thirty seven thousand six hundred dollars i'm not gonna buy that yet because i'm pretty sure i can find it cheaper it was on the last map we played it i just didn't get it because i'm stupid i got a good feeling about this one because we already found several potential pockets of oil that one's not big but we can connect down to the other one and magma and since we have a little over a dollar on the right right now and this two upgraded pipe we're gonna take advantage to get some more exploration monies and then we can store some more of that in the big silo then we're gonna tie down into there and then into the magma then let's mold the rest of this area pretty thoroughly i need to know if there's something else out there uh we did find an artifact but it's not the right one but that's okay an artifact is an artifact price on the left is creeping up to a dollar so we're gonna send two horses over there for now and then we're gonna buy some more horses to cover this mess because they're gonna do that you know what it looks like we have a lot of oil down there just everyone get over there for a second we'll buy more horses or also upgrade the horses but also buy more horses because they can actually stop a lot of spilling just from doing that okay that's given us 2 300 to work with which is lots then i think we're just gonna go like that and tie them together and then we got good prices on the right right away so everyone get over there with your oil while they're doing that i'm gonna upgrade pipes dollar 30 even that's tons of money okay stop spilling you guys are better than this stop doing that dollar 36 we could actually make tons of money just at this rate okay then we're dropping we'll hopefully find some gas but we're at over ten thousand dollars and it's only may 22nd this could be a good one idiots do your thing find me treasure okay we're also gonna mold a few spots then he found something here since i have like big bucks i'm gonna do a pretty big scan something like that that's a big pocket how do we miss that this entire time you idiots this looks like the type of ground that might be a uh a lot of oil but not a ton of gas and i'm okay with that so there's also oil here and somewhere down there so once that one's fully upgraded uh i'm gonna tie down probably into both of those we're going to do the rock drill because i'm lazy and go for that one then i'm going to add more silos i won't connect those unless i have to because we've already spent a lot of money on exploration but we are getting a lot of oil then i'm going to upgrade both of those pipes they're still pumping up the top let's maybe get these two horses going for a second just to give me a little bit of profit because our silos are actually getting pretty full already which is a good problem to have we might as well at a dollar forty because there's not a lot of gas in the ground we probably can't really inflate prices dollar fifty even yeah we're gonna make some money on this one that's no problem we'll even make another super silo and we're going to send some more moles down because i suspect there might still be more oil down there somewhere there's still a lot of uncharted ground then again i guess i can just do a big scan i've got 22 000 i'm pretty sure a thousand dollar scan goes almost top to bottom and then we can see where the real treasure is well you know cost almost 2 000 it does cost two thousand dollars but there's the ground oh there's another pocket down there great that's hopefully gonna be worth it a level like this would actually be perfect if there was lots of gas in the ground the oil is very easy to get to it's very uncomplicated but we need that gas to those prices but the right side is coming up we might have to dump it out for whatever we get right here we can add a few more horses for the uh rush that's about to come okay we're running out of storage room anyway so everyone just go it's less than a dollar but i don't care that's still easy profit this level is super easy i really like those low effort ones 99 cents a dollar it's holding they're fine with the amount of oil removing we don't need a super high price anyways plus i might get that hearty three thousand dollar bonus for not spilling any and getting it all and selling at all as long as we didn't miss any good thing we sold when we did because the price didn't get any better well we got two thousand dollars forty six thousand dollars profit hopefully that's better than the other idiots sure is and it's also time for the stock auction five percent of the shares it's all up for grabs so we have lots of money so we might as well just keep bidding especially if we can start them out now okay i got a good share already at five percent and i'm at 115 000 still i think i am gonna buy this spearhead for 40 000 because i'm really just lucky to forget about it otherwise wow that was a 53. we're gonna go ahead and see if we get in there okay we got that land fairly easily because they're stupid so i'm hoping the oil is just in one massive deposit right near the surface that would be great he found something fairly quickly so i'm hoping that doesn't mean as close to the surface i'm not sure that's how it works that one's so small i'm actually gonna push for whatever this one is i don't really even care if it's huge or not it's just bigger than that one so we'll make some quick profit off this for sure uh we could do a little better upgrade that pipe then we'll bring lots of oil out that's gonna almost overwhelm the horses and that means lots of money okay we have two thousand dollars left to explore with so we're going to build a big silo for a second and don't go the malls also going to do a little scan here i just want to see what that is small pocket of oil there's a pretty big pocket down here it looks like there's also mega man stuff i'm liking looks at this area down here i actually want to scan that a little bit just to be sure that we're working with something substantial yep that's gonna work nicely and we'll send two horses over here for now because i'm gonna need a little bit more money to help maintain this and buy some more horses because that oil is gonna start coming out quicker and quicker speaking of which we need storage pretty badly there is actually a pocket of oil right here i didn't notice too so this could be a good one price is up to 85 cents it's only may right now so i want these guys to dump some of that oil out we need more still okay i want to scan this to see how big this is to know how to approach it then we're also going to send down a mold there and we're going to put one there and there and there and i don't know there okay then we connect those we're going to tie that one into that one we're going to upgrade this pipe and then i'm going to put another oil rig down here which your horses are going to hate but they're going to have to deal with that we're gonna go there and upgrade to a drill rock we don't have enough but we do now so now we can drill into that and then also to the magma then also to that again i'm not really seeing a ton of gas but we are getting lots of oil then i guess it's just a matter of upgrading this all so we can actually get it out of the ground on time which means we'll probably put another silo or two i wish that would fit that's really annoying but that's okay we'll just go like that then with our leftover money for now we are just going to be content to coast for a minute okay i'm gonna send two horses over here so i can make a bit of money because i need to do a couple of scans just to make sure i'm not missing anything yet also because i'm like legitimately running out of storage so we're gonna start going to the right for a second with maybe three horses because i cannot have anything sitting still right now we might have actually gotten all the oil so far i'm to do a few large-sized scans somewhere like here okay we did find a little more oil here that's not the end of the world we can certainly gather all that up we'll make a dollar 13 on the right so we're gonna do another scan somewhere here lo and behold there's more oil there's a lot of oil in this ground that's hiding all over the place i feel like anywhere i look right now i'm gonna find some let's just do a big scan over here and reveal the whole left side we might as well this is gonna cost our two thousand dollars but i like to see okay then we need some upgrades we're gonna get this coming out of the ground then we're going to upgrade that pipe and then this one if you ultimately like that there's always all we're going to stop selling for that low price didn't realize that was so bad price on the left is going up i think we're going to take advantage of that because there's no gas anyway so all horses uh what are we doing 20 horses 20 horses is good enough for me fully upgraded they'll dump off that all in a hurry price is still going up uh which is good and yup that's pretty good money 36 000 we're gonna have a couple thousand spillage fees but when don't worry probably more oil down there but with the month left i can't i don't have the time to go get it but i think we got it all so we should get a two thousand dollar bonus there uh we lost six thousand spills but thirty two thousand profit which compared to the other idiots is mediocre wow so two of these guys had 64's the special spot i was introduced to was a 56 when i came in so there's definitely some good oil around i just don't really know where to chase it and we're gonna outbid some more idiots because i have a hundred thousand dollars to spend and i'm reckless that was easy ten percent sure okay back to work mole mole and mole this could be a good piece because there's two pieces of oil here i'm gonna do a little bit of a bigger scan than i should but i think that's gonna be worth it yeah that tells me everything i needed to know i'm gonna take this one a little bit over further than i normally would but that's gonna be very close to sell and uh that we can fit more storages in and i think this is gonna be pretty good ground so we're gonna go ahead and sell right away with all we can price is going up so we're going to upgrade this pipeline right away we need those horses to be full good so far so good i'm going to upgrade again it's only 120 anyway and then they're gonna keep going for a second to make whatever money we can and upgrade the quality of the horses and the number of them stop billing so far so good we've already sold lots we've made pretty good profit but we need to send the bulls back down and more idiots okay again the right also found some yeah they found a few over there fairly quickly so that's another good sign going to send a few horses over right now also didn't really realize we were not pumping oil and that's something we don't ever want to do and since the price is going up yeah they can just continue to dump oil over here right now because it looks like i'm going deep to get to this one i'm hoping we can get away with that and then one over here to the magma okay i'm pretty sure i actually missed on this one but that's all right we can i guess go backwards getting a dollar five on the right i'm still not sure about the quality of this ground but we do have some money to do some more exploration so back down go the moles okay they did find some more so we're gonna rock drill and come all the way over to here and we're gonna upgrade a bunch of everything and interestingly we found some more somewhere over here so i'm gonna do a big scan because i need to see what's going on not too big because we're not completely rich but we're rich enough to get away with stupid things like that and then we're going to upgrade because i want to give these horses a workout uh plus combined with the fact that it's already july we do need to get a move on somewhat and also buy more horses or maybe somewhat just better horses can you guys go sell that for a dollar thirty that's actually really good money everyone go and we'll look at the one side pumping right now but that's okay we're getting a dollar 24 with lots of horses so we'll shut that down for a second then we're going to upgrade everything else while waiting for prices to come back then i'm going to scan everything it's september so i can't go chase more oil i wish the scan blew up bigger it's actually a really big waste of time to sit here like this but we're gonna take a look around what do we have here not much of anything there's a spearhead there actually so i didn't need to buy it for 100 billion dollars but you know that's me so we like to waste money i'll just go bigger and bigger here until we get pretty much everything this deposit is so small i almost can't tell what it is but since we do have a lot of money let's go like this and close that and then we can use a tying to that that costs probably a thousand dollars in total to do so hopefully it's worth it but with the price on the right like eleven eight cents now i uh you know i don't work out my choice price on the left is coming up so we'll be able to inflate it just a little bit and dump out all this oil hopefully so price is over a dollar let's let that go buy a couple horses this uh gas is gonna run out almost instantly so we're gonna need to have one going over there pretty much right now horses go every last one you dollar eighty so yeah that was definitely worth it that made us more than a thousand dollars it cost and it's holding at 1.30 so no complaints there without that we wouldn't have made so much money on this one but it looks like we got it all we don't need to talk about how much be spilled but uh next time we're going to make ever more even more than these idiots
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 431,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h8GO2xytcRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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