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hello everyone welcome back to the look bear landlord my name is apq now last time we had a pretty good run which we fell short by like a little tiny bit of gold we just fell short a little tiny bit um i think we made it to like was it 3000 or three thousand five hundred which is quite a lot for me i don't usually tend to go on a long runs so we're gonna try today and uh just you know we should try and do better i think we're trying to do better lots of comments telling me that i could do better which you know thank you for the uh the reinforcement i guess or the whoa whoa whoa an early thief we never get an early thief ever this is a sign i think this is a sign we're gonna take uh blue pepper for now because we've got lots of empties just gives us three easy goals for the next few turns five-sided dive right we never get an early thief so this is a sign let's just stack that boy up oh my third flower okay we got this now this is a confident run we've already got a toddler on the board so we can take the candies candy's been eaten already let's go let's get it yo cat we're gonna take we're gonna take second cat we love cats in this house [Music] cat has been added pay 50 27 spare this is it yo another pool ball let's go yo the cat was worth it we take tax evasion actually renders the thief useless so pizza cut it is the cats give us two [Music] my faith in cats has been restored okay we could get a monkey to eat the banana to destroy the thief which we're gonna do and we're not we're just not gonna add a banana for a while i think is the way to go just let the thief build up a little bit take a lock box we're going to get a key or a lock pick at some point so i want to add it to the hand why not we're going to add a mouse we can take some cheese we're just going to go a bit of everything at the start to secure these payments okay we're going to get a club suits are obviously a bit different now so i've yet to have a good suit build we got to go for a call why not so we just what we're trying to do pay 100 okay we got 37 spare we can do that all we're trying to do is make payments okay we'll get an orange we'll get a checkered flag i think we've got a an owl on the board so helps out a little bit i suppose you can always add a second owl to the board which we're gonna do just for now just why not you know we need to fill the board okay we're still not gonna take the banana so we're gonna skip we're gonna save our re-roll tokens for uh when we get a lucky capsule we're just gonna add some cherries here okay now we need to start thinking about what we're gonna build and maybe skipping a few turns so this one is easily skippable turn i don't really want a second lock box until we've got a way of opening them we're actually gonna take a second coal which is kind of a bit brave of me you know but we're on it okay pay 150 let's go okay so like this is the sort of run where you can kind of tell that we're not going to get very far right however we've got rain and we've got flowers and we've got a rusty gear so let's start to remove some stuff so straight away let's remove the pearl and the coin we still got two cherries but that's you know that's fine for now we'll take candy for the toddler we need the coals to really change up soon there's a banana peel to remove our thief i don't want to do that yet rather take the candy for the toddler we're gonna add a removal capsule for an extra removal token we can remove his cherry okay because i hope you can make 225 and three spins we're gonna get a flower okay and then we're going to remove one cherry okay we didn't get any adjacencies there that's not great 225 and two spins can we need some good rolls here okay flowers done a little bit it's still not amazing right we're gonna have to have adam martin here just for some free gold value yeah okay never mind we didn't make it but we start again we had flowers go in there we just needed a little bit more okay what we're going to take early like honestly like what we're going to add a banana peel i don't want to eat or anything else right now early toddler we can get some coins hopefully a pinyard coins candy hopefully a pinata again i know you've just took a toddler but i kind of want to get an early cultist just in case we can get a few more down the line we'll get a beer and try and add an early dwarf for some nice easy gold at the start please okay i'm actually gonna take a golem here which might surprise a few of you oh we should have took the safe we could have got the lock pick i know there's a grave rubber item there but i'm gonna try lock pick and try and add some cool stuff we're gonna add a crab for now i think and then we're gonna add a hustling capsule which is minus six it's kind of brave to take it this early actually 50 in two spins we're not gonna make that now oh no wait we actually might not make it okay we're gonna take a key whatever whatever taking a key when i've got a lock pick that's a bad bad roll sorry bad call by me we have a toddler right so we're gonna add pinata then we're gonna add we're gonna we are gonna add a monkey at some point so we're gonna add our monkey for now then we're gonna add a coconut because when we get a monkey he'll eat it we need this pinata to break though we're gonna get a removal capsule nice toddler gives us a little bit of gold to get towards 103 spins i'm gonna get coconut half just because it gives us two gold we've got this all on the board now so we really need something to come in and sort of clean this up we have to skip there okay nice work toddler okay we're gonna add the miner which destroys all which will obviously give us some some minerals but it's better than having an ore on the board i guess for now okay we can afford that we paid 150 we got 61 spare i'm gonna get an orange and then we're gonna get a small cymbal bomb i know we've got a beer on the board but we're actually going to open the small symbol bomb wow we'll add a seed i guess and a shiny pebble not really not great there gonna get rid of the coin and the pearl we probably could have kept the pill in case we get a pill from one of these ores to be honest um we've already got a key and a lockpick have we got a mouse we do have a mouse okay we're gonna skip here turned into a peach okay okay we've already got okay let's try and get some sort of suits going maybe we'll add a diamond item capsule as a yes okay nice we've got lots of shiny pebbles here so we should start getting some better yo that's our second red suit we shall add our item capture gave us a white pepper we're going to skip there it gives free whenever we gain a multiple of three after a spin okay pay 150 yeah we can afford that which is surprising for me and then we don't have any flowers we could add a ninja for ninja mouse but i'm going to get a second pull ball and then going to get clear sky just in case we do get a sun or a moon and we have time to transition our build i'm going to get an ore for the miner to destroy then we're going to get a flower because we've got clear skies we could get a cern okay i need to start i'm gonna get a wolf in case we get the moon i'm gonna take out the banana peel here with a void token i guess it's called actually gonna get another shiny pebble so we should be getting lots of oh we should be getting a better chance of finding it rare now i don't want to take another coconut half we haven't got a monkey yet even though you've got oswald the monkey as an item another goblin for some more ore let's go you really have an archaeologist now to be honest two two five we've only got seven spare okay maybe this isn't going to go as well as i would have hoped we're gonna try to think what i want here we're gonna go yellow pepper i guess two gold if none of the symbols are empty i'm gonna get another golem wow there's lots of ores about to break here we've got two golems on the board rabbit fluff helps us with rare we need to remove some stuff so let's remove the cherries and to be honest i think the mouse the mouse can go probably should have got rid of the crab though to be honest okay we have a key on the board and a lock pick i'm hoping the lock pick okay because i'm hoping the lock box can you know or the key can use it another shiny pebble right we've literally got shiny pebbles for days so this we're not obviously not about to make this it's just not been a good start to the video has it lucky cat we finally get a little capsule with two rolls left so now we get to choose a rare with have we don't get to choose a rare no worries it's a slow start it's how the day goes i definitely need to improve in my early game we'll take an ore a nice early or we're gonna take an early cultist probably should took an early cat but yo we'll take a second call test yo come on give us some more cool cultists i beg we'll take another ore yeah if we get a third coolest let's get it okay we're gonna do the stupid decision of taking a hustling capsule early we're then gonna take a blue pepper for early gold easy gold early on okay then we're going to add a beer in case we do get the chance to add a dwarf which we haven't had the chance to yet really a plum gives two so we're going to take plum i'm just hoping we can have a cultist that's the third cultist okay have we got a box no we're going to take a key though just in case we do get a box to open come on more cultists please pay 50. okay we're going to try not to item capsule this early on let's go i'm going to take pizza cut we've got an egg carton as well so we can add eggs to our build if you've got nothing else to take let's take big ore so we've now got two normal ore and a big o on the dick we're not taking an oyster we'll take a flower though so now we need to start thinking about what we want to go into right we've got three cultists if we get more then we can sort of maybe build around that just added one toddler i don't want to add a oyster right now i don't want to add oysters until i know what i've what i'm going for okay i know there's a flower we're gonna go dwarf the key to a flower build isn't the flowers honestly it's the rain the bees in the sun so we'll take a dwarf start removing some alcohol okay a rain helps with the flowers obviously fruits give one more what have we got on the board right now we've got a plum and we've got a cherries that'll do for now i think until we start clearing it out the beer is gone nice we're going to add a monkey just so we can put some coconuts in monkey is like a really basic mist fruit i saw a comment described as yesterday which is a good point and uh i actually kept miss fruit and the monkey in the same build so i think we did remove the monkey later down the line we're gonna get a void creature i don't want to go i don't want to add too many rare modifiers yet in case we do get more cultists this would be a fourth cultist or we can get an item i'm gonna have to take the item capsule [Music] i think the item captured is more worth there than a fourth cultist so and then we're then going to take another reign and anthropology degree so dwarf and toddler give us one more as if a toddler's got an anthropology degree like come on okay i think we can we've got candy we probably remove the pill soon we're gonna take the peach for now we're gonna remove the pearl and the cherry oh cherries give us one more because of the fruit basket we should remove the coin why did i not remove the coin okay now we add the fourth cultist cultists is good for now have we got a key we have so we're gonna add a lock box try and get rid of both of those free up some space okay we've got a monkey that can eat the banana so we'll take it and then hope we get a thief if not we can just remove it down the line re-roll capsule i think i don't want coal okay nice now i've got a banana peel to get rid of so let's hope we get a thief always have to use a token on it pinata for the toddler black cat cats give two times more let's go so if we get like a the copycat item now i guess void creature it is yo another cultist would be kind of lit if not um a b or the sun and i've already skipped on a b but you know end of a b wine for the dwarf we need this key and lockbox to go okay we're gonna take another flower and that's probably it for flowers now i need more modifiers than i do flowers golden egg gives us free so we're actually gonna take that for now and remove the coin off the board so let's skip here and let's remove the coin okay lock box and key both gone that's big okay here's our b i think we get rid of maybe the crab next to be honest okay we can pay 300 266 spare uh spirit is four for oh we got re-roll we should have took them okay fertilizer seeds will only grow into rare or better symbols i mean i think so we've got no coins i'm not really planning on taking any more chests at least now we can take some seeds and maybe they'll go into like some high value items like strawberries okay we don't want a witch we're gonna go strawberry for now and we're gonna remove the crab from the board because only gives us one gold every time we roll it you want this toddler to clean up the candy and we can really do with a miss fruit to be honest to start taking the fruits out the banana peel's gonna have to go soon i'm gonna take a second peach because we're starting to get a candy soon the spirit's gonna go there's even more space filled up then i'm going to use the next void yo another cultist i'm going to use the next voyage token i think to remove the banana peel so we've got an egg carton so we can actually add an egg here which i think is a smart move to do as we didn't want to add any of the other items we're going to skip there we just rolled all five cultists at once that's kind of spicy we're not going to get is it off we are going to get an egg though into our egg carton [Music] thank you 66 rolls pay 350 we've got 388 spare nice okay we've actually got a thief so we can actually get rid of the banana peel here however the bartender i think we take the bartender has a five percent chance of adding stuff now we'll take the lock pick and we will remove the banana peel with the void token i think the bartender just added alcohol straight away we're gonna take and now we get another thief of course after we remove the banana peel i'm gonna take a removal capsule and i think we get rid of i was gonna get rid of the monkey but we'll wait to eat the coconut to be honest we need to start removing some of the oil i'm gonna take the cast because we've got pizza cat and black cat although this only grows into rare which would be strawberry apple or better so but a cat would give us four gold so i think a cat is more worth it than a seed there to me okay we're gonna get take a miner so the miner can start to destroy ores we're then gonna use our removal token to destroy okay actually no we want the monkey to eat the coconut before we remove so let's let's focus on that let's get the miner to destroy the oars and the monkey to destroy the coconuts before we remove either of them but they'll probably be the next two things to go okay we're not gonna take a banana looks like a candy for the toddler though one ore is broken nice we're gonna skip we need some lucky capsules so we can re-roll with our re-roll tokens okay we can pay 425 436 spare 575's due next okay i don't want to add anything there okay lucky cat i think is the way to go honestly let's go lucky cat for now we want like mm-hmm to say i don't know what we want right now so maybe not lucky cat we've got um if you want more cultists we need me obviously uncommons don't want any of those okay monkey's eating one and a half coconuts see the other half to go then the monkey shall be removed i don't want coal we need to remove the fruits as well five sided die is going to be a no from me okay the monkey can go now he's got rid of all of our coconuts unless we get a coconut on this roll which we do not we do get another cultist though so the monkey is going to go and then next to go will be the minor after he gets rid of the two remaining ores i think then probably the toddler after that to be honest we'll see how good the build gets we're gonna skip we need more multipliers though to be fair not just cultists okay we're gonna take an egg for our egg carton regardless of if we've got compost or not you cannot get up to three eggs a lucky capsule here we go if we break this now we've got re-rolls so we're hoping for what are we hoping for actually okay we can add another bark okay we finally get the sun added the sun straight away now now would be the time to add you know more flowers and stuff and the clear sky item if we get there so we've got our removal token we've still got one more still got two more oars to remove come on miner i have to start removing some other stuff have you got any candy left if you've got no candy left we can remove the toddler let's have a look we have no candy left so the toddler is going to go okay so next it goes the monkey nice has one orgon one or left and the miner can be removed i hope we're going to add a hustling capsule here for another pool ball nice thing that's all the oregon so we can actually remove the miner we're gonna get another pool ball let's have a look at inventory there is no more oil to get so we are gonna remove the miner we've got a pill that needs to go which we'll get next i think that's two pull balls added at once okay i know we've got lucky capsule there actually we're gonna go look at capsule here because it could give us another sun with all the reroll tokens we've got we could get another son so we're gonna roll once and again i don't want this or flowers maybe for flowers okay we're gonna try a look and re-roll though we really want the sun okay there we go that's two suns okay now we need more flowers rain and bees and clear skies item please so we're gonna skip we need to start removing some stuff once we get some tokens though we don't have any lucky capsule i think we've got one reroll token so we're looking capsule we've got a chance of getting the sun or a farmer let's have a look let's skip all this okay we've actually got missed fruit i need to think about this right now so we can add fruits from this fruit an archaeologist destroys pills ores sapphires and shiny pebbles we've got one sapphire one pill one shiny pebble miss fruit i think we get miss fruit she destroys does she destroy peaches peaches and plums she does she doesn't destroy strawberries though but we shall take a miss fruit and we should then also take a quiver just in case we get a golden or a silver arrow okay miss fruit's already eaten some a dame we haven't really got any i mean we've got these but they're going to be removed by the oh is that our lucky capsule spin i think it might have been ah okay no worries we'll get there again okay we don't want a thief we're gonna skip we've got our removal token so we're going to think about removing some stuff soon we now obviously have an archaeologist so i feel like an oyster no we didn't take archaeologists we took miss fruit so we're going to go spirit it's a good job i checked that then before i took oyster honestly we could have been stuck with an oyster i'm gonna take an egg for our fourth egg in the egg carton [Music] okay we need some we have a lock pick so i'm going to go treasure chest and we're actually going to remove the pill i think as we haven't got an archaeologist we haven't got a toddler anymore let's get rid of the my voice is going sorry let's get rid of the pill okay there's our spirit gone [Music] okay lock box because we've got a lock pick [Music] our cultists are kind of keeping us going for now but they're not really gonna be a long-term strategy we've still got the sapphire which can't stay forever we're gonna add a safe for our build we really need clear skies to help with the flower and the sun combo let's have a look an archaeologist would remove that stuff adjacent beasts so um it's only really bees it's going to affect for us isn't it i'm going to get an archaeologist here just so we can remove some stuff dwarf gives two time more gold sure there's a lock box opened this flower just got times by a bunch 50. that's why we need more suns to be honest [Music] uh we're gonna go shiny pebble for the archaeologist let's hope we can uh oh we're gonna go chemical seven it's just removable symbol gives us some money okay we need to start thinking about what we're going to do next what do we want to remove right now we've got archaeologists to remove shiny pebble the safe needs to get locked picked would they need to remove the sapphire archaeologist gets rid of the sapphire okay let's let's definitely add some a little bit more rain i'm not gonna flood the board like last time however we do need to thin this out a little bit okay miss fruit takes coconuts we're gonna go coconut okay cultists i don't want to get rid of the cultists really but we may have to i'm gonna get another coconut come on miss fruit i know the strawberry's giving us four gold but i'm feeling like we should probably get rid of it pretty soon it's another egg for our egg carton okay there's some coconut gum what'd you do to get the other coconut now okay we're gonna take another cultist just until we get some more flower synergies we're going to stay with the cultists we've paid page 777 we're going into endless there's another sun there's our third son okay we're gonna go wanted poster but just in case we had a thief okay we need to get rid of these coconuts i think and then the strawberry the beer as well needs to go but the dwarf's obviously not close to drinking it nice miss fruit's eating two coconuts that's opened as well there's three tiles cleared up there that's huge item capsule definitely what did we get uh let's go to the next page have a look in a sec okay we don't want any of those we're gonna skip what i'm did we get pink pepper gives two whenever we skip fair enough okay so we need clear skies uh or telescope or protractor or all of those right now okay we could have added an oyster for the archaeologist but with the way we're going with the suns we can start to clear out a lot of stuff and just stay with suns and flowers so we're going to get another rain for now and we're going to start removing stuff let me get rid of the cats at this point honestly i'm going to get rid of the beer and then next removal token we're gonna remove the dwarf and then eventually the bartender and then the strawberry if we get that far i don't want to add the oyster i don't wanna flood the board nice miss fruit we're going to keep the cultists for as long as we can until we get more stuff another item capsule let's go [Music] uh let's go hustling capsule flower hustling capsule flower don't want i don't think i want any more flowers i think it's kind of enough we're going to get a pool ball that might be a mistake though okay we need these to get adjacency all the time so we need clear skies item we're going to skip this one we need removal tokens desperately okay we got a bit here not a lot though cultists are still carrying okay we paid a thousand we need another 755 to make it to 1500 we're going to add a treasure chest we're going to add a small cymbal bomb just in case it can give us anything good this one goes 40 okay 52 down here golden arrow we add we've got our removal token the dwarf is going so now okay oh it points two ways as well i forgot we've got the quiver on yo this could this could be good this could be good if we start filling out the board now this could be good we're gonna skip so we need to get rid of the bartender next i think and then the strawberry but also the shiny pebble and the archaeologist to be honest okay another hustling capsule let's go fifth pool ball when it when it pops of course nice golden arrow points two ways i suppose it'll do got 100 from this flower let's go we're gonna skip okay did not point towards the flowers that would have been a such huge roll of a point towards the flowers we got how much 50 of this one okay we've made 1500 we need to keep going though we need to remove the shiny pebble and the archaeologist next the archaeologist has given us more money than the bartender so we'll get rid of the bartender first okay some big flowers here come on golden arrow point towards oh god that i put off the board twice in a row golden arrow dude egg for our egg carton i think that's maximum of six per spin okay gold there i put it downwards so we should get some money from this yo this just got a huge multiplier as well 100 from this flower nice do we need more rain we've got four rain we're gonna take it but i don't think we do need more rain to be honest okay point to the rain and point to the cultist not too bad we still get a bunch from the coldest 50 from this flower okay we don't want any of these we just want to make it to to rent due date so we can um clear some more stuff off the board like this shiny pebble gotta go pay 1500 okay we need 2 000 oh my god we got another son we're gonna take red pepper why not okay we got another son we got removal capsule let's get this off the board golden already put it off the board twice again okay so we need to remove shiny pebble okay next what do we get rid of next i think bartender and archaeologist next to be honest this fruit can stay for a bit she's giving us like 15 gold maybe the cultists have to go if we can get more stuff if i add a c there's something to give us rare or better which is three items we don't really want because they don't have any synergies they just have high goal values come on golden arrow point that way of course you put it that way why can't you point to the flowery or the sunny flowers okay we're gonna skip i'm saving the re-rolls for lucky capsules still so we can get more suns this is such a weird build of all the cultists in between as well okay we're not going to add any golden arrow come on okay point towards the sun i mean gonna point towards the flower but we need two thousand and five spins removal capsule gives us a token to get rid of the bartender to be honest yeah yeah we'll get rid of the bartender because he's adding alcohol i'm gonna get rid of golden egg or archaeologist next point towards the cultists it gives us 24 200 from this flower okay re-roll capsule come on point towards the flower oh we just want to put towards the flower please [Music] okay two thousand doing two spins so we are gonna make that obviously we're gonna skip come on point towards the flower ah no point towards miss fruit which is okay it's not the best is it though really not the best another reroll capsule and that probably shouldn't be adding that because it takes more space every roll okay this point to the cultist it's fine for now 28. we need more higher rolls though now we gotta get 2510 spins okay give two times more so the b actually doesn't help it's only gonna give us two gold we're not really using anything else on there i think we re-roll here until we get a rare that we want another son let's go yo let's go okay we need to think about this i think we add protractor i know it's been nerfed it's only every four spins but rain only give one more so that doesn't change the rain modifier which we're not interested in getting more money from rain we're interested in getting more modifiers a rusty gear if three or more of the same symbol are adjacent and not empty they give two more so this is good because we can have a bunch of adjacent suns and stuff but they give two more gold so we need the flowers to be adjacent so i think we take protractor and hope that a sun is in the corner on our protector roll or a flower is in the corner for that matter i mean you've seen what it does there right or not 250 from this one for three sons next to it that's why we need protractor okay we've got our removal token so we're going to remove the archaeologist i think but he's given us five and the strawberries giving us like three or four i think we'll get rid of the golden egg actually okay we need to we're going to change page to the next item page in a second so we can keep an eye on the protractor because we're on okay let's go to here okay so is it this spin is the next is this being sun's or adjacent to all flowers well the cornerstone is anyway gold arrow come on okay point towards one flower that's big oh my god 10 000 roll it's happening it's happening the first broken run i kind of broken run it's happening let's go it's actually happening today right we need more suns and probably more flowers and then we can start even cultists i'm not going to go bronze arrow come on point oh i put it off the screen it pointed off the screen okay we can make payments for a little while which is nice because we've got 12 000 let's go okay we need some removal tokens though get rid of this archaeologist oh nice okay i'm gonna add another hustling capsule for another pool ball because why not we can afford to now nice it put it towards a flower this flower's gonna give us a bit only a little bit though didn't have too many modifiers yeah 100 and 250 from this one let's go okay miss fruit does eat fruit so we're gonna give her a plum for now just in case you know we don't really need to as if the arrow couldn't have pointed towards the flowers dude two adjacencies is nice no this is getting incredible okay nice i need to eat the plum okay we can pay 2500 sure 3010 spins hmm yo we got another son i know there's a silver arrow there but we've got under the sun i'm gonna get one gold whenever a symbol is destroyed which is obviously unlikely now here we put it towards the flower let's go it will do and mis fruit ate the plum we get a protractor roll next roll as well so we hope for a sun or a flower in the corner we have a lock pick so we're going to add a treasure chest yo stood in the corner that's one two three adjacencies [Music] 250 yeah okay it wasn't too bad item capsule definitely what do we get from the item capsule it put it towards the flower let's go we got ricky the banana 2000 from this flower let's go another flower which we're actually going to swap out now for the archaeologist because we've got a removal token although no it's a strawberry right because we're actually gonna add another flower we're gonna remove the strawberry so archaeologist is next to go we've now got a bunch of flowers okay okay it pointed to one flower which got multiplied by the b and two sun so we should get a lot from that 200 okay yeah sure that'll do come on this is this is it it's protractor one we had sun's in the corner i wasn't the best though we need to clear up the cultists miss fruit eats coconut halves so the misfruit will eventually be going along with all the cultists and the archaeologists we need the treasure chest to go as well you can add another coconut half of this fruit which seems ridiculous to be honest i feel like we don't need to add that so we should stop adding that now nice we've got one flower roll here with a golden arrow put it towards it okay guys 40. interesting we can't add any more eggs to our egg carton we're already on six so i'm just gonna skip nice treasure chest gone and it pointed towards the coconuts of course it's a low roll for us now that is well add a reroll capsule why not and then we've already got loads point to a flower nice point two flowers actually and it's a protractor run so oh my god we should get quite a bit that's 50 000. we got a 50 000 flower let's go we can pay 3 000. so if you're just absolutely screaming down your ears okay we're gonna add a fish tank just so we can add fish because why not let's go i can't wait to remove some of the rubbish stuff oh we've got a removal token we can remove the archaeologist um i'm gonna skip i'm gonna remove the archaeologist let's go [Music] okay okay okay i'm not adding another cultist right i'm just gonna take a little break here i've got to make a work call this is gonna go on for a lot longer than i thought this is usually where we end an episode around 37 40 minutes usually so i'm gonna be right back you guys won't notice a thing but uh there'll be a little jump cut so i'm bear with right hello everyone welcome back sorry about that little cut uh i also just i just did one spin off camera i forgot that i wasn't recording i put the phone down and just spun straight away so we didn't get anything we didn't have to do anything we didn't pick any items up it's the same as was before just like 100 extra gold so i apologize for that i'd like a quick call but welcome back everyone welcome back to the video this is a protractor run so we get flowers in the corner come on big roll here i'm seeing lots of adjacencies come on what we're getting okay okay a few 500s not the biggest role ever but you know it'll do around 69 000 let's get it so we just need removal tokens now to start removing some of these cultists i think and add some more you know flowers and suns and stuff so the reason i'm not taking seeds is because we've got the compost item which means seeds only grow into rare i am planning on removing this fruit down the line which is obviously why i don't want that i don't want to be adding any more fruits to the build we're not going to add any more cultists we've got enough are you trying to get rid of cultists and add more okay not the best uh golden arrow roll there really to be honest we've still got a few adjacencies with the suns i mean we're still rolling way more than we need we're on seventy thousand let's go golden arrow pointed off the board twice again on a protractor roll we love golden arrows useless okay we've got 240 thousands though so i'm not gonna hate it anymore imagine if the golden arrow pointed to those dude we got 240 000 let's go okay so what do we want now [Music] okay this is our rare so we want to look for another sun no no no no no ah come on do you want another i think if we add another rain right and remove the cultist that'll do for now we need to fill the board still just obviously not with cultists i think rain is better than cultist for our build that we're going for yo let's go pay 3500 sure why not this may go on forever okay we're going to add a farmer for now because adjacent flowers give more money and then we're going to add a piggy bank just because why not okay we've got a removal token so we're actually going to remove our first although i think we should remove the the cultists as a whole are giving us more money than the miss fruit is right let's have a look smith fruit's giving us like 16 maybe like his anthropology degree okay he's giving us like 18 i think so occultists are giving us like several at a time you know what let's just let's just start removing the cultists okay just gonna start removing the cultists and adding more flowers and suns point towards a flower okay it did nice to protractor run as well let's go let's go let's go let's go ten thousand fifty thousand hello was that fifty thousand i think it was fifty thousand it might have been like a million yeah it points to a flower let's go that's all we want just always point to a flower yo this is it this might be the one this might be the one okay skip yo when does this end hopefully it doesn't go up in 500 every time hopefully it goes up in like you know a few big jumps pretty soon because uh i guess it's gonna get a bit spooky so you give it spooky if it goes from the 500s and we're here on 600k yo let's go okay the farmer helps as well i listen to the comments about taking the farmer in a flower run i agree with you let's skip so right now we just have to remove all tokens and flowers and suns maybe another bee because why not to be fair another golden arrow would be kind of spicy we get four arrow spins a turn okay pointed towards the flower but not the best flower but you know i'll do we got some up here i was i've tried to roll i think it might have been yeah i think it was that's where that flower got so much come on golden arrow i pulled it off the board twice it's so weird seeing the cultists in with this build okay we're gonna skip it's nice to have to take any beer or like bananas or candy or anything we just know that we've got a bill that we don't need to add anything now it's nice we just need to proceed to refine it a little bit no thank you our friend from the discord one of our moderators fugitive just came online to play some lucky landlord we'd love to see it we absolutely love to see it okay removal capsule let's go point towards the cultists and the two suns why not the bees dude i mean i mean one of the flowers not the bees okay then we still get some decent gold four thousand from this one in the corner let's go on a protractor roll four thousand five hundred doing ten spins really we're gonna roll here and again and again ah okay no sun so we're gonna skip we're gonna take white pepper because why not get free gold after gaining a multiple of three golden arrow did not point to a flower this is sad we've got two removal tokens that means two more cultists are going i'm gonna skip and we're gonna remove two cultists let's go lots of rain in a row literally that's a jackpot surely five of the same symbol in a row put it towards a flower it's okay we should have put it towards a flower next to her son though but it's fine skip okay put it towards a flower let's go it'll do lots of adjacence is going on i can't wait to actually get rid of miss fruit and the cultists and it's just going to be flower signages for days we can add a b actually why not add a b it's going to take the place of one of the coolest eventually so wow okay come on you just want high rolls again 800 40 000 for the flower in the corner item capsule let's go i always forget okay we've got a happy hour sure i always forget when the flower's in the corner okay we just want a telescope now i think we get another flower honestly because we need to fill up the spaces the coolest are going to lose they're going to make because they're going this is incredible this is the run that we want this is the one that we've been after for so long another flower okay we need to be careful now yes we're adding more flowers but come on point towards these flowers oh i mean this one will do still got some decent adjacency it only gave us 80 though so maybe not okay to protect the roll so some good stuff in the corners here come on point towards the flower okay put it towards one flower that'll do we get okay we've got 40 000 from this one okay so it's obviously better for the flower to be in the corner skip i don't know i looked any of those all we want is removal tokens please you put it towards one cultist or one raindrop are you kidding me we had trust in you arrow we're the chosen one okay we're not adding another cultist you want to get rid of the cultists whether it should be being taken over by cultists miss fruit will be the last human standing in this build apart from barry b he's not really a human though is he's more of an animal paid four thousand five hundred and now it's five thousand jew okay we're not gonna add anything going to add sure or x-ray or the x-ray machine for no reason at all we just want to add the items okay this looks like a lot of adjacency is going on how much do we get though [Music] 280 for all those adjacencies okay come on if there's a sun in the corner it's gonna affect all the flowers i said okay i get it now the flower needs to be in the corner i know sorry i'm really slow uh just before people moaning me the flower needs to be in the corner to be adjacent to all the suns uh one sun in the corner is adjacent to all the flowers okay so if we get a flower in the corner it's like mage to pog like big money coming in have you got a removal token actually we can get rid of another cultist goodbye cultists well just not yet because we're still we're still buzzing across the map right now oh nice 400 right let's skip and let's remove a cultist there's three cultists left to go and of course you roll all three i'm very excited to get this protractor build up and going okay nice we're gonna go okay it's protracted build next roll pray that we get a flower in the corner maybe we get two flowers in the corner what about a flower in each corner that'd be kind of lit to be honest okay so we want a flower in the corner yes we got a flower in the corner let's go let's go flower you are adjacent to everything to the sun the rain the farmers let's go golden arrow point towards it yo it was on the same road but we're gonna get major stacks 32 000 from one flower okay spicy we still do some more though this is this is looking good i mean it's gonna have to go on forever i'm not sure when i can really end this suppose this is what they call truly endless we're going to skip maybe we end it when we just get rid of all the cultists and refine the board to exactly what we want you know maybe [Music] i'm not really too sure how to end this maybe we just end it when we get to like a billion or like a trillion even or just until the number gets off the screen who knows i think like right now like we're still there's still loads more to be done like more suns is just what we need if we manage to get a swapping device like put the flower in the corner on every protractor run we really need telescope to be honest we're going to get there eventually we keep playing we keep adding more items there's only so many items we can add you know oh look at this protractor build go with the flower in the corner maybe protractor roll give us some stacks forty thousand again let's go pay five thousand yeah sure the new rent is five thousand five hundred yo the moon we don't want the moon we want the sun okay we'll take a farmer but i mean ideally we want the sun removal token we can get rid of a cultist let's go cultists are going down so after all this buzzing this is going to leave us with two cultists [Music] okay let's just get through this okay do you want to add another flower i don't think so we're gonna get rid of a cultist here okay okay we've got two farmers now something that's just an extra thing for the flower to be adjacent to when it's in the corner so i'm happy with this because there's no point of flower being adjacent to a cultist so or miss fruit for that matter but she'll be going soon after the cultists go miss fruit she'll also go and then maybe add some more suns and get rid of the rain a little bit of the rain not all the rain obviously [Music] okay we just need to fly through this really so rain gives flower two times more same as bees so suppose you just don't need as many once we get more suns in the build swapping device would literally just absolutely kill this game right now if we get it that's all we can hope for [Music] but did we even get the choice to add an item actually after that roll i don't think we did did we we are like maximum items now do we have to remove items from the can we move up to the void token because if so we may have to do that because we've got loads of items oh i've got a small symbol bomb up here let's see there's like a maximum amount of items we can have once this comes through we're on 33 items so i guess there's not a okay is it 8 16. okay yeah we haven't got all the items yet definitely maybe it just doesn't give us items on every spin anymore so we need item capsules please we'll see i could just be completely losing my like mind i'm not gonna add more rain this is a protractor run we got no flowers in the corners that's kind of sad that's really sad actually we just need these cultists to go this is where the stage in the video just kind of gets like what do we do like trying to commentary over this like when there's literally no goal right now it's kind of difficult so we're going to skip you just want those removal tokens please didn't point towards a flower but you know sometimes life do be like that i mean we're still rolling like 2 000. can it skip between let's see at the end when we pay rent let's see if it gives us a choice to add an item or if i'm just losing my mind point towards a flower no just point towards the two raindrops sure yeah sure we still roll the thousand though so we pay and then pay six thousand yeah and then we can add another sun okay it does give us a choice to add items i guess i'm just skipping for some reason so who do you want to add here like sure we'll add maxwell the bear why not oh we've got a removal token we can get rid of another cultist we've also got another sun on the board now if we get a flower in the next in the corner in the next roll that's big and we roll all the suns of course big money all right let's get a it's actually a removal capsule because then if we roll that that's all the coolest has gone we did not get a flower in the corner it was a sad day it's a sad day to be a protractor we've rolled 84 turns since getting the piggy bank so this is kind of getting a bit crazy now [Music] um no so we just want okay there's our removal capsule breaking now we can remove the final cultist and then it's just miss fruit and then we just need like 11 suns and one flower and a swapping device actually we don't even need a swapping device for it to be more efficient we just need all suns because the sun's give five times where the bees and the rain only give two times removal capsule cultist is gone okay miss fruit you're next miss fruit shall perish i hope okay nice just oh man i just want to see how big we can get the number which obviously it's only going to get bigger with the more suns that we add up a tractor roll coming up next which is huge this looks like it'll be a decent kind of roll to be honest well not 1500 we're not going to add another flower this is a protractor roll flower in the corner no we got suns swapping device would actually be huge though so like if i keep saying it the game's going to give us right we can pray we can pray oh okay we just got a lot of stacks there though for the suns being in the corner okay we'll skip and this fruit just really stands out doesn't she in this crowd i can't wait to have like what is it like 5 10 15. like 19 suns and just one flower that's the real sort of vibe that we're going for you're a buffing capsule just because why not see okay it's gonna buff yeah it's not gonna buff much actually oh well we'll still take it why not should probably break this small cymbal bomb soon i don't really want to because you don't want more symbols i just feel like it needs to be broken as it's been sat there for half the game probably over for over half the game now actually okay is it protractor roll next next roll can we get a flower in the corner on the next roll we got two on this roll can we get two on the next roll come on for our biggest spin yet come on flowers in the corner one flower in the corner it'll do how much money are we going to get from this one flower can the golden arrow point towards it it cannot bloody golden arrow that'll be the last thing to go to be honest once we get 19 sons okay we've got 320 000 from one flower that's kind of that's kind of lit what the hell they can only improve we're going to re-roll here beehive adds bees no we want the sun no we don't want any of those yo clear sky we got it the sun is now always adjacent oh this is insane let's go we can remove miss fruit as well let's go look at the adjacent oh my god this run is never going to end all my life this is actually what is going on this is madness how much did we just roll all my life okay actually only a hundred thousand so wasn't as good as uh i thought it was going to be oh yeah we'll get another pool ball dude why not oh my god so this that makes the sun adjacent to everything right but obviously the rain and the bees and the farmers aren't so if you get a flower in the corner or doesn't it i suppose it doesn't really matter does it it's still gonna be the same just means now that every other roll is now also good like that we just rolled six hundred thousand hello what we just rolled six thousand oh my life oh how many sons oh my god yeah we need to remove miss fruit i keep forgetting we've got the token ready i just i'm addicted to watching all these little buzzes okay nice three hundred thousand sure let's remove miss fruit goodbye miss fruit you're the last she's actually not the last human to go we got two farmers yo there's a flower in the corner it's only two suns though but the golden arrow just pointed to it did it point to it twice or am i or am i tripping either way we got we got one son on the board two cents on the board actually two flowers in the corner i only just noticed that as well this could be a big roll okay hundred thousand from one flower kind of pog we're gonna add uh i shouldn't have done that shouldn't have added another flower we don't need more flowers we just need one flower we see one flower and a swapping device and then that's it please give me more suns game please so who's next to go to be honest i guess we can just get rid of rain and bees probably a few flowers to be honest like we've got time to refine the build now because we've got so much money yo chemical seven why not the bees gonna drink the chemical seven of course the sun is adjacent to every single flower so we have to go through this process of each flower on the board which is why i cannot wait to just get one flower right that's true actually surely we should just get to one flower and we need more suns for that to work though don't we never mind this is this is such a long process over all these flowers now oh my god how long one spin takes and the chemical seven breaks at the end nice okay that was like a was that a two million roll i it goes too fast for me to see and this process goes again this is it now guys we're in it for the long haul this could be like a three day long video okay honestly you don't know how to end it i don't think we can end it i think i'll be doing you guys uh you know i'll be doing you guys dirty if i ended it here i want to see what kind of number we can get to maybe i just keep rolling without you guys and then we just oh my god okay maybe not not forgetting rolls like that the rolls are getting bigger every time it's retractor we've got a flower in the corner it's adjacent to everything to all the suns if that's adjacent to all the suns anyway but with the rain and the bees and the farmers come on golden arrow you let me down as always dude can we not speed this up like we're not just going to spin again like hello i don't want to sit through this every spin okay yeah sure that's an okay run yeah okay roll oh god oh i need to get rid of the flowers i think because this is gonna drive me mad if i have to go for every single flower and every single sun i think the flowers are gonna be the next things to go to be honest also is the arrow even with anymore the arrow is what five times the sun is also five times okay that was a lot to take in the arrow is four times the arrow is actually less the arrow's worth less to a flower than the gold than the sun but it is worth more than the rain and the bees so we'll keep and it has to point to of course which is obviously not very rare sorry not very common occurrence always points off the board yo these flowers i gotta go please just give me like a million avoid tokens this is too much this is too much for me to handle oh my life the buzzing is getting unreal now like actually it's getting insane okay yeah we can pay up for sure why not we'll keep paying this extortion amount oh my god i have another son we got rusty gear it's not really that good with flowers because obviously it only increases the weight with free flowers in a row okay right we're going to start getting rid of some flowers though because i can't be dealing with the eight flowers buzzing every turn we've added a sun we're removing a flower i want to keep going into this one flower and 19 suns that's the plan it's going to take a very long time to get there though unfortunately so we've got a lot of flowers adjacent here so they're all going to give two times whatever their value is which is huge [Music] so each flower gives us well there you go that answers the question 350k from a few okay nice it pointed towards two good rows and a protractor build as well with a flower in the corner this is getting ridiculous like actually ridiculous this is just what my day has become oh my god come on end end please all my life all my life that was insane i wasn't even paying attention to what those numbers were but it was big we keep going guys we're not giving up yet we want more suns and less flowers i can't wait until we actually have one flower and it just gets obliterated by a million suns that is gonna be the biggest vibe of all time the most vibey flower ever made we're keeping our little symbol bomb as well till the end okay spicy spicy prawns arrow imagine adding a bronze arrow at this point even with quiver useless right this is actually getting ridiculous i'm not sure if i can keep the video going for this long honestly like it needs to end sooner or later it's been like an hour now [Music] okay i think is what we might have to do we may have to just like pause the video and then i'll come back to you guys when i've refined the build and see like what amount we can make because i honestly can't sit here all day recording this but also i can't like record this same run every day for the next week because it's you know it's not how my videos work it's not one run over a week period it's a new run every single day all right we'll just see though should we add i'm just adding a thief if we struggle for gold we've got 130 in our piggy bank you know just in case you ever lose the whatever that is 49 million that we've got sat there this is a protractor run with no sun's in the corner there's no flowers in the corner sorry we should still get a decent amount [Music] let's have a look i mean yeah still got you know a lot item capsule ah i'm really looking forward to see what item we're gonna get from it but we didn't even roll the item capsule let's go i wish i had all day to sit here and just keep spinning honestly i wish the rent payments went up so like there was you know it was a goal and it would end eventually this is our first truly endless run though like truly i wish we could save it and come back to it but unfortunately once we start a new run this run will go in the dirt it'll be gone forever no i didn't have a flower i keep forgetting to check how many turns we've got left until we get another void capsule i must check after this roll i want to remove stuff please you have too many flowers look at this just go i think a a telescope would break this build now as well to be honest so you know please give us one of those game okay now i suppose the two arrows well played golden arrow you did something useful [Music] oh right seven thousand in two spins okay it's not an option to make spins fast there is not what a shame that's all we need okay okay come on we are one spin away after this from paying seven thousand dollars in rent which is incredible to think about this is gonna have to end sooner or later okay nice skip one spin until we pay rent and we can remove another item from the board and have a symbol sorry in which case we will remove another flower i think get it down to just one flower and a million multipliers that's all we really want this is a protractor roll as well we got two flowers in the corner oh my life come on please stop this how much do we roll then wow quite a lot was that a 20 mil pay 7 000 after rolling 20 mil sure okay we're gonna re-roll once and again ah okay we're going to add oswald then we already got the monkey i guess that was another run removal token we're down to seven flowers still way too many flowers so i think what we're gonna do here i'm gonna stop recording and i'm gonna check in after every single rent day i think right so you guys can just see if we're adding any new items or stuff actually i'll just check in if we get any more suns you know because all i'm going to be doing is just wait until rent day removing a flower wait until rent day removing a flower and it's going to take a bit uh like for like an hour or two of my time uh which is obviously a lot uh and i don't really have a lot of time but i'm weird you know this is worth it and then that way the video isn't like six hours long and takes me a week to upload because my internet's quite poor so we'll end it after this uh abnormally long spin and then i'll check back in with you guys towards the end if there is an end i doubt there will be all right we're still going on the spin i don't know how to end there we go that spin is over okay now i'm just going to show you we're going to take none of these and next time you see me we should have a different looking board hopefully with a few more suns and less flowers but who knows this could go on forever i might perish before we finish this run who knows right see you soon hello everyone welcome back oh almost like a new video that's how long it's been so there was a little cut there for you guys for me it was about two and a half to three hours of me spinning so this is how far we've got um we're up to 14 suns so we need 19. that's that was the goal one flower we've kept the arrows for now until we get the 19 suns because they also give us four times uh and here's our item list so we've got 680 gold in the piggy bank at 680 spins uh since we picked that up we've got 37 pull balls uh well we got it's interesting i mean we've literally got we've got every single common item so now when we get to choose a common item it just gives me the option of three pull balls literally every time uh so yeah i'm sort of just chilling the reason i've sort of had to start recording this because i need to finish this video really in order to get this video out tonight then i need to finish like now so i can render it and upload it quicker quick enough um otherwise it'll be a day late so what i'm thinking is i think we just play here till the next payment you know and then we'll end it at the next payment for now and upload that so here you guys see this will give us a common item and it just basically gives us a pool ball so if we find the pool ball list we're on 30 around 37. we'll have a look at it in a second so we obviously we have clear skies so the sun is adjacent to everything whenever we have because we've got compost i think it's compost whenever we destroy so many items the seed grows um so i'm not really taking hustling capsules anymore i'm just taking i'm just doing this basically uh i'm just taking item capsules and rare capsules and then when it spawns a seed i'm removing the seed see i think we played to the next one the next payment and then we get this video out tonight and then i'll carry on spinning i'll carry on playing the game tonight and in the morning if i can i'll try and squeeze a few spins in at work um and then in tomorrow's video hopefully we've reached 19 suns and we can like give you a recap and then start a new run uh or we just carry on as normal i mean we just go on for the run we just carry on for the run until we get the 19 suns another 40 minutes of me spinning we'll have to see i'm hoping i can get 19 suns by this time tomorrow so i can get a new run out tomorrow uh this also is classed as like the god run like if you can get all the suns in a flower like it's it's pretty busted uh as you can see by our total money count in the corner um so like i'm gonna try some other sort of builds i'm still gonna be playing the game every day uploading every day just try some you know some fun little strategies and stuff all right that we wouldn't usually see really that's what i'm thinking so i'm just waiting how many spins have you got left to the end of this payment three free spins until the payment's due so you can see we're on payment 52 out of 53. we just we go in for everyone ever here i really need to stop to get this video out but you know how it is it do be like that [Music] all right okay what we got i pray every time we find a son i pray that's all we need it also it's a bit laggy that you might see that sun took a while to load in and it's a bit bit weird like that it does glitch a little bit we've also got no gold in our sorry no goldfish in our fish bowl it's actually empty well i might have skipped like a million fish and just completely forgot about it okay gives equal to the highest value among adjacent symbols we're gonna take this for now because it's the first one i've seen in this run and if it ever spawns next to the flower then it's two flowers basically right and we'll keep it until we get 19 suns on the board it even lets us get to 19 suns on the board so our rent is almost due i hope you've got enough here we go pay 21 000 we've got whatever that number is i genuinely couldn't even tell you um okay so we're going to end it there for now we're just going to see what we can choose of course we get a son okay i'm going to end it there for now guys there's my three paw balls but until next time uh you know carry on like and carry on subscribing and all that stuff um and join the discord please it's lit in there see you again next time goodbye
Channel: apqLIVE
Views: 213,879
Rating: 4.8741288 out of 5
Keywords: luck be a landlord, luck be a landlord game, luck be a landlord gameplay, luck be a landlord pc, luck be a landlord review, luck be a landlord steam, luck be a landlord cultist, luck be a landlord endless, luck be a landlord win, luck be a landlord speedrun, luck be a landlord demo, luck be a landlord mc, luck be a landlord mobile, luck be a landlord switch, luck be a landlord nintendo, luck be a landlord nintendo switch, luck be a landlord lets play, roguelite, roguelike, record
Id: 8OBbRhP38SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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