Hairdresser Reacts To Box Braiding Videos

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hi beautiful you look so good today thank you for being here today with me look at you looking back at me staring at each other looking gorgeous what's up today we're watching people get box braids and slash do the box braids themselves and today is going to be a huge learning experience for me because i have never done box braids i don't know much about box braids i just am fascinated by box braids nothing is more satisfying when i see a black woman or a man braid hair it's like magic coming out of your hands it's beautiful every single section is perfectly detailed it relieves all of my stress and worries i need some of that today and i'm gonna get some of it let's watch some girls get some really sickening box braids and hopefully i can learn a thing or two let's do it [Music] up first we have a video by exclusive tv and this is called how to knee length knotless box braids for beginner easy technique plus parting space tutorial this is exactly what i need to start with i need to know how this all works your boy's starting from scratch i definitely seen a few videos before but i haven't really paid full attention so here's my time to actually understand and appreciate the art of box braids so the exact look that we're going for today falls into the very full categories so i'll be dividing the bottom section from her ear down into four equal rows and the top section will be divided into seven rows so i'm sure some of you watching have like seen all of this before and like whatever but some people i know have never seen this before so just get ready for the most satisfying thing ever i'm going ahead to part out that first row or rather make a rough draft of the first row and once i have a good idea of what i want the row to look like or the size that i want that row to be i go ahead and just place some gel directly into the parting space with using a comb with a very very skinny rat tail i'm cleaning up that parting to be exactly how i want it so first of all you're already seeing that the part is like perfect and then we're adding that gel in there i definitely have seen that before i think the gel is supposed to make everything stay intact and make it easier to get a grip on the hair except i don't really know because gel kind of makes things more slippery so i guess we'll find out the gel is very important because it makes cleaning up that line easy and sharp once the world is prepped and ready then that's why you prep the hair for the braids i'm doing so by using my comb to section out the hair for each braid and i'm doing four braids in this exact row so again i'm using the gel directly into the parting space to sharpen those parts and we have created all four sections i'm combing out each little section or braid to be and i'm twisting it up while it's waiting to be braided up i still haven't even seen a braid be done yet but like you just have to appreciate like the amount of time that is put into box braiding i've had friends have box braids before and i've heard the stories and like they're there for the entire day or like six hours or whatever it's a long long long long process we're going to start off by sectioning off the braiding section into three parts vertically and started creating the client's hair alone okay wait i'm learning a lot mainly right now the fact that she has that glob of gel in the back of her hand that is such a good idea that when you braid you can kind of like dip your finger in and get that braid super super smooth and get all those little baby hairs inside the braid i'm totally using that trick from now on when i braid hair so simple i know call me stupid but like it's still genius but once you've braided the hair a couple times and usually i do about two times then i'm going to hook the smallest braiding hair into the right side and i hook it tightly and slip it right through my index finger then start braiding as normal okay so i've definitely done this before i always end up with only two strands and i'm curious to see how you end up with so many strands of hair how does this work and once i get back to the right side again where my fingers are open i'm going to slip the second braiding strand in oh my god i'm so tired again it's open this is why we trust the braiding experts because that makes so much sense you add another strand in that way you end up with all three strands duh brad look how tight she's getting that to the scalp like look at how precise and tight it is okay now she's on the second row and we're just gonna start seeing those little squares start to form and i think she's doing like a bricklay pattern which means there's no braid that's directly on top of each other that way the hair looks fuller and thicker the next row there's gonna be a braid in between all the other braids that she just did on the bottom row so there will be no gaps no spaces because if you put all the braids on top of each other you'll end up with like stringy weird thin looking hair um but look at her go the finger placement is so different for me like i've never braided on top like that i've always gone like on from underneath but i think that's how you get that really tight beautiful braid and look at the sections you guys you can't tell me this isn't so satisfying there's such a huge difference between somebody who's like mediocre at braiding and then like an expert like this you can really notice the difference in the quality of braids it's so worth going that extra mile to make these braids look perfect oh my god the amount of time i know i keep saying this but like how do your fingers not cramp up i would love to know look at that bricklay sectioning and just how precise it is okay let's watch her finish this up so this part is all about making everything come together with some finishing touches i'm starting with my pair of scissors and trimming away any flyaways don't be lazy on this part okay it's tedious i don't know what that foam was but i'm interested in knowing what it is but it's very beneficial with making your braids look crisp and making them look neater for a longer period of time and the next thing that i do is use some foaming mousse honestly if you ask me what this does for the braids i wouldn't even be able to tell you i just know that my clients always find it so satisfying i saw that honestly it really has no real purpose in it but i always did it for their satisfaction and just to massage their scalp a bit you know i was literally just wondering like why do you put foam over the braids like does that do anything because it seems like the braids are already very tightly braided and there's a lot of gel on there so i'm not sure foam is gonna make any difference but she said her clients like it so we're gonna do it for the clients you know to finally seal the deal i'm going in with some edge booster edge control and look at the precision and length look at the precision and length sorry guys like i'm so happy with the outcome and so was my client who literally by the way went on vacation right after which braids are perfect for oh my god she looks incredible you can just be on the go without so much maintenance you know like frontals and stuff like that but she was definitely feeling the look wow those things are to her knees and they look luxurious thank you for that you are a brain genius let's check out our next contestant up next we have a video by candace b and this is called tiny box braid video taught hey creepy title but it's okay i don't know the dot dot dot was for it i don't know it's just like ominous it's like girl is your head okay she clearly has much shorter hair than the last girl i'm interested to see how she gets this braids nice and tight and also already are you joking with these sections no is she about to braid that little thing i mean it is called tiny box braid video so that makes sense but how do you even braid that oh my god you can't even see the braid it's so small look at how your fingers go make fun of me all you want for being like shook by this but i don't know how she's gonna finish this entire head i can't wait to see how this all goes down the fact that she's about to sit here for probably like two days and do this i can't even style my hair more than once a week never mind do this that's dedication i have to say you know black culture in general when it comes to hair y'all rule the hair world the amount of time that is spent on hair um in that culture is just unlike any other anyway black girls and guys out there like i have to applaud you for for just the incredible amount of time and energy that is put on hair i mean this girl is gonna be there for ages oh my god look at how many there are already she's only done like one-sixth of her head it's gonna look so fresh when she's done though i have to say like this is gonna look out of this world it's almost gonna look like it's just her hair i feel like it almost doesn't even look like braids because they are so so tiny i also feel like you don't really see many women rocking this extremely tiny box braid look like it's quite unique and um definitely the most time-consuming thing imaginable oh my god look at her going towards the ends too i just know her little fingers are like stop braiding or maybe she has like super human fingers because i know that i can't do that with my fingers i would have to take like 10 breaks and i would be so miserable i would literally just start shaving my head because i'd be so irritated because i'm still doing my hair like the days that i bleach my hair and i have to take like you know two hours and three hours of time to do it i'm like this is torture this is torture but now i'm never gonna complain again because this she's gonna replay it at my head and be like if she could do it i can do it well i can bleach my hair not braid it she seems fine though she seems like she's doing great the other thing i just know i know this hurts like i know her scalp is throbbing is it not somebody let me know in the comments like does this hurt i've had a braid in my hair before once or twice when i had longer hair and that hurt not even that it hurts putting my hair in a ponytail when i have long hair like i couldn't wear my hair in a ponytail for the entire day or else my head would be throbbing except we do have very different hair so i'm sure after hundreds of years of braids um the hair follicle becomes a little stronger in black women and men than in white boys like me she's nearing the end of the front of her head i'm so proud of you i don't even know you but i'm so proud if i were there i'd be cheering you on and being like hell yes or i'd be like girl you're still going at it you're still you're still doing it okay i legit thought she was like done with her hair and she still has the entire back to go so she is dipping her hair in boiling hot water i believe and don't worry i'm i'm pretty sure people don't braid their hair like this with real hair um this is synthetic like more or less plastic hair i think y'all can correct me if i'm wrong you dip it in boiling water to kind of loosen up the hair and make it fall like natural to roundness of your scalp does that make any sense not a braiding expert but that is what i've i've obtained over watching these videos for a little while um in about a week or two maybe i'll be redoing the uh perimeters of my hair just wow longer because i have a lot to do you know thanksgiving is coming up and the holidays i'm trying to stretch these for the long run oh my god the work you put in was definitely worth it i think in my personal opinion but i'm not that wasn't the one doing it so you might not think so but i just realized something i knew this but i didn't really think fully through she has to re-braid the hair as it grows out how does that work i would like to know one day how that works how do you braid hair that is already in a braid you have to take the entire braid out no yeah how else would you do it that just made it even crazier this whole thing is wild she has to take all the braids out like on the perimeter of her head and her part in order to get that new growth in oh my god thank you for sharing that candace that was just wild like i i didn't think braids could get that small amazing job up next we have a video by nifem beauty or knife and beauty um this is called box braiding my one inch 4ctwa after four years of having a low cut 50 inches braids holy sh that was a lot okay first of all she has one inch of hair she's going to braid it to be 50 inches yeah no sure i didn't know that was possible here you see i'm taking color 1b color 27 and 613 to give me a darker variation of blonde so i can use it in the back of my braids and different areas within my braids because i'm going for braids for a gradient look i'm already highly interested she just mixed up her own color of hair with three different colors y'all are genius and she's doing blonde i think it's gonna look so fun on her now over here i'm showing you my parting so i make wigs and whenever i make wigs i start from the front and as you can see from the front so i know exactly how it's going to look like i'm very sure so it's easier for me to see it and easy for me to braid my hair because it's quite short my mind is about to be blown like the fact that she's about to go from that length to like this length it just looks remarkable i'm already shook and i haven't seen her to start yet wanna watch with me let's watch what's going on you gotta sit though you gotta sit you gotta sit down so over here i'm taking the lighter variation from the front and now i'm gonna use my living conditioner to help bring back moisture into my hair because my hair gets dry quickly this helps to moisturize my hair and make sure it's not going to break after i take my braids out and now i'm going to show you how i did my parting i did tiny parchment spaces because i feel like it's the easiest way is not abused like mine so what i did here was i took the extension and put it right underneath my natural hair then i braided my nitro hair right to the side then i took my natural hair back to the middle of the extensions then i parted some extensions with my natural hair and started braiding forward i realized with this technique easier for me to braid and made more comfortable for me to braid and grip my hair because it's quite short as you can see and i just continuously braid forward you're so cute you're so cute a little buttercup sandwich you gotta get damn daddy's gotta film daddy's gotta film honey so i continuously braid forward till i reach the breast level and this is where i add extra extensions to my hair so at this point i take an extra tiny bit of extension and i add it right at behind my braid and then i braid forward again i don't have much more to say each one of these videos just keeps getting more and more intense and wild and like just like how is it possible like i get it like i get it but at the same time it's like the combination of just pure talent with um just like mental strength to have to sit there for like hours and days or i don't even know how long it takes and do this the fact that it comes out so perfect is just so cool so i just continued this pattern and try my very best to make sure they're all aligned and equal so you can get that neat look now for the back of my hair since i didn't have a mirror to look at the back i really just restyled how do you do the back of your hair without looking in braids like this also have you noticed how not one of these women have complained about the process so what i did was i tried my very best to like pat it straight but i didn't take it so seriously because it's going to be covered by the hair in front anyway and i just continued braiding my hair oh my oh my god she looks incredible oh like i didn't think i could do it oh you did it you really did it also the color variation is so pretty she has highlights and low lights and it's just creating this neutral blonde it looks amazing with her skin i remember like when i started it i was very nervous and i was like oh my god can i do this can i hold my braids and like i did and i'm very happy about how it turned out and i hope you guys find it really helpful and like if you're also a student and you have different things to do too just don't rush like this entire thing took me like all together four days she just said it took her four days that was even longer than i was expecting her to say where did people get the time holy sh it's literally over the knees and tiny okay it wasn't even to her knees it was like past her knees she takes the cake today for the most spectacular braids oh my god and just as a reminder this is the hair length she started with this to this amazing job thank you for sharing that video those videos were spectacular i feel rejuvenated i love watching calming videos like that they were just so satisfying and the results were incredible and thank you guys for teaching me how to braid better i appreciate it i learned a lot make sure you guys follow me and my hair care brand everywhere else here are my social media handles right here if you would like to shop my hair color and my hair care brand it's called ex mondo it is linked right down below for you so check it out that's all for today thank you for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 741,995
Rating: 4.9667606 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Box Braiding Videos, box braids, micro box braid, knotless box braid, extensions, protective styles, natural hair, natural hair styling, black woman, wig install, weave, wig, curly hair, coily hair, long hair, locks, how to, tutorial, funny, hilarious, curly to straight hair, type 4 hair, wash day, box braids, box braids tutorial, box braids for beginners, box braids on short hair, box braids natural hair, bleach
Id: 0A_7Jv0Id0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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