A woman used eyedrops to attack her husband

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna talk about another crime big surprise no this case I chose specifically because of how strange it was to me and you'll see what I mean in a second nurse gets 25 years for fatally poisoning her husband with eyedrops I thought that was a very strange method to go with and I'm not trying to make light of the crime that she committed I genuinely just did not expect to read about someone trying to kill someone else with eyedrops that's like the least threatening thing I can think of prosecutors argued that lana clayton stood by and did nothing while her husband steve suffered in agony for days before finally dying in July 2018 a South Carolina woman it was sentenced to 25 years for fatally poisoning her husband with eyedrops after prosecutors detailed how she watched as he suffered for days before finally dying in July 2018 Lana Clayton 53 was handed down the sentence Thursday after she pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and tampering with food or drug in the death of her husband as Steve Clayton we feel like a significant sentence was an order given the magnitude of what she did and the fact that we did not buy into her story Kevin Brackett the 16th Circuit Solicitor told oxygen.com Lana Clayton admitted in court last week to lacing her husband's drink with Visine but said she had done it only to make him uncomfortable and had not meant to kill him why see I have difficulty trusting anyone who would eat ampere with their significant others food to make them uncomfortable like what's going on in your marriage Lana what happened talk to him have a conversation go to marriage counseling I just I don't understand how this was the solution to whatever issues were going on and look what do you get from making your significant other uncomfortable a normal person would probably not be happy about that I don't know what's going on in her head but my edge guess is to say that she got some kind of enjoyment seeing him squirm and be uncomfortable because otherwise I just don't know what else what other reason unless he did something that she thinks she needs to take a revenge on him for question mark question mark question mark I did impulsively put the Visine and Stevens drink but I just did it to make him uncomfortable never thought it would kill him she said in court according to the Associated Press she claimed her husband had been abusive however prosecutors believe lana Clayton repeatedly dosed her husband over several days and disposed of his cell phone to prevent him from getting help listen I really hope that she wasn't abused but if she were abused I'm wondering if this is the only way she felt she'd get out but then again it wouldn't make sense just to make him uncomfortable if she really wanted to get out cuz making him uncomfortable doesn't solve the issue of someone being abusive it doesn't help you get away I don't know I hope she wasn't abused but if she was maybe it would make more sense what's happening here but also I'm wondering why they haven't discussed the abuse more at this point because that's kind of the biggest deal out of everything Brackett told oxygen calm the investigators also found his mattress clothing in floor soaked with urine indicating that he had been in that bed for an extended period of time without any kind of relief or anybody helping him Brackett said that as a nurse Lana Clayton should have been able to determine her husband was in distress and summon help this all should not have been lost on her he said prosecutors also believe that lana clayton may have disposed of her husband's will which authorities believe had been in the house at some point both never recovered after his death and Brackett said let's go with the she was abused if that were the case I kind of wonder perhaps why she wouldn't have tried to get away when he was clearly bed bound and was peeing the bed like it clearly he couldn't really get up so I'm wondering why she didn't leave at that opportunity maybe she did but they're not mentioning it who knows I have to say the will part makes it seem sketchy because it's like okay are there other motives I'm not saying she wasn't abused I'm just saying are there other motives here behind that and I mean being a nurse you'd think that if she wanted to really hurt someone or kill someone she'd know how right so I'm kind of wondering if she used the Visine maybe to make it seem like an error like not an obvious way to kill someone because like I said the last thing I would think when I see a murder is oh it was eye drops you know so we suspected that it was destroyed the will in the burn pile in the back because there was clear indication that a lot of papers had been burned back there he said he also questioned Lana Clayton's claim that she had only given her husband one dose of the eyedrops on Thursday noting that Stephen Clayton did not die until a few days later on Saturday she had indicated that she had only given him one dose of icing and that she did it on the Thursday before he died you know that simply couldn't be true he said according to the pathologist and the toxicologist the amount of tetrahydrozoline in his system was such that she had dosed him with that amount on Thursday he would have been dead on Thursday and not on Saturday it wouldn't have taken that long to kill him prosecutors argue that Lana Clayton took her husband's life by consistently dosing him over multiple days before delivering the fatal dose on Saturday the alleged motivation braket told oxygen was greed all that added up to one natural and reasonable conclusion that she killed him and then destroyed any evidence that he had left his property to anybody else so she could inherit it all under South Carolina law he said Stephen Clayton had been retired for it a businessman at the time of his death and had lived with his wife in South Carolina home valued at more than 1 million dollars the AP reported citing court records the 64 year olds also believed to have had more than 1 million in other assets in court last week Judge Paul birch told wanna Clayton he believed she had ignored her dying husband for days how you can maintain you did this to teach him a lesson when it is obvious from the facts you let him suffer for days he asked this situation just gets weirder and more complicated because if there weren't the abuse alleged abuse then I would directly draw the conclusion that yeah she was probably doing it for money they probably had problems in the marriage and she just wanted him out of the picture and she wanted money the prospect or rather the possibility that abuse was involved then makes me wonder is she telling the truth about the abuse the greed could be a side factor or perhaps a way to feel like you got revenge on someone who was abusive towards you I just don't know why they didn't ask more about the abuse like I'm wondering if they interviewed for they're family or someone who might know if it's actually true Lana Clayton had initially been facing a first-degree murder charge but that charge was dropped as part of the plea deal Brackett told oxygen calm he was pleased with a 25-year sentence and said under South Carolina law she'll be required to serve at least 85 percent of the sentence before she would be considered for release due to the severity of the crime he also believes Stephen Clayton's family was pleased by the sentence I think they feel like justice was served and she's going to spend the bulk if not all of the rest of her life behind bars so if she does spend 85 percent of the prison sentence that would be 21 point 25 years in prison and she is or was 53 so I would say that she would at least be 74 by the time she gets out that is what a horrible prospect imagine going to jail that and knowing you're gonna get out being that old you know like having that little time left in your life you know like even if you live to a hundred you what you wouldn't have that long of a time left so I mean I don't feel bad for her specifically but I'm just saying I would be so demoralized I don't know what the hell I would do I'm kind of torn because I don't want to discredit potential abuse if it's if what she's saying is true the way in which all of this unfolded is just bizarre to me because okay this is my thought if she was abused and she wanted to get away from him and the method was to kill him to get away I don't know why she wouldn't have chosen a more direct method because like they said if she had given her husband a higher dose he would have died that day so maybe she did it this way because she wanted him to suffer and then eventually die so maybe that's it but I don't know why you'd want to drag it out that long either unless you're getting some kind of pleasure I guess so I just don't know and the will thing makes it even more complicated because I mean I'm not saying you have to have one sole reason but then again I feel like if you are being abused do you really really care about the money that much as much as getting away from him I don't know I don't know also because burning the whale makes you look suspicious as hell strategically I don't know let me know we think in the comments down below let me know what you think the main motivation was cuz like I said there could be multiple reasons but do you think the main motivation was because of the abuse or because of greed thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 106,214
Rating: 4.9583106 out of 5
Id: R7D0CYVuxo8
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Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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