We Need To Talk About Shane Dawson's Deleted Statements

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so right now as I am writing this video out and planning what I'm going to say I want you guys to know like know that I didn't want to make this video like I saw the statements and I wasn't like I gotta hop on to the youtubes and do this it's currently 1124 p.m. I have had a long day in which I had a massive massive panic attack over my living situation no longer being deemed safe by any stretch of the imagination and other things in my life have been falling apart so know that I mean it when I say right now I'm tired I'm exhausted I want nothing more than to lie down and sleep for hours blissfully go away out of my consciousness but can I sleep No and you want to know why because I cannot get the statement that Shane Dawson put out two hours ago out of my mind I physically physically cannot put the for now five-part notepad apology / explanation / nonsense garbage black hole he puked out onto his phone and put on the bird app out of my head I can't get it out of my head and I know for a fact that my husband my beautiful wonderful husband does not want to listen to me a rage about this he does not care about this situation so here I am with you guys doing that I hope that I can sleep afterward for those of you who aren't aware at approximately 9 o 8 p.m. on July 20th 2028 the man who used to be so popular on YouTube that if you uploaded on the same day as him your video would see a radical decrease in views decided to address the multiple disgusting situations he yes he has gotten himself into like some kind of scooby-doo villain when he started collaborating with the person known as Jeffrey star now mind you he knowingly made the decision to collaborate with Jeffrey a good time after it's been shown stated and cemented that Jeffrey has a tendency to use people online and has a proclivity to being generally hateful I mean I know Shane pretty much wiped Jeffrey's slate clean when he a millionaire white man decided that the internet shouldn't care about past racial prejudices that you used to have when you're an adult online like what you do when you're still an adult doesn't matter because you've grown since then and it's fine but still even with that situation and particularly quotes dealt with according to Shane there are so so so so so so so many things that Geoffrey star has done that someone could take that someone honestly could make in multiple part video series just going over his scandals with a fine-tooth comb and they still would not touch the tip of it they still would not get to the meat and potatoes of it because boy is there a lot I am getting away from myself right now I really am so let me go back to why people are upset with shame and Jeffrey right now why there currently trending and what the situation these two silly little millionaires have gotten themselves into this time they are again like the scooby-doo gang who is getting into weird shenanigans accept change weird with like manipulative and gross shenanigans that they did themselves and they're not the scooby-doo gang there they're villains we'd love to see it these situations that currently have people mad include him co-signing false claims about James Charles last year camp are taking and celebrating James's losing of millions of subscribers for no reason him continuing to promote someone after they admit balanc admitted they didn't have evidence that was good enough to even give to the authorities about these claims but still made them him saying that anytime someone brings up that he has previously done blackface or any other scandals that he's going to use that as promotion for his products and him using this and all these scandals as promotion for his product which you know makes a lot of sense because it's it's almost like he told us right before that he was insincere and none of us wanted to listen because lol he Xin Dawson and he wouldn't lied to us right it's almost like he is lying straight to our faces telling us he's lying straight to our faces but then going like oh no I'm not I would never whoa I'm Shane that's my Shane Dawson impression is it good I don't think so Shane put out a statement that we are going to go over in a second and we are going to more or less go over his thoughts feelings of everything that has happened over his past years out in the beauty community and because it's a basic notes app apology [ __ ] thingy he was gonna go over the accusations that have been put forward about him and we're gonna talk about those now this no top apology includes but is not limited to the fact that there are multiple people coming forward saying that he called Jeffrey starred months before talk to us Brooks by sister video and customs Charles out showing that they might have colluded on his downfall the fact that Jeffrey has been turning people against James during that time telling them that they quote don't Oh James anything or any loyalty and you know the casually not addressing of the fact that James that jeffree star straight ups frightened another woman this other week the way he has threatened women in the past which is a weird habit to have if you're a grown-ass millionaire white man maybe don't threaten women maybe just a thought but you know what Who am I to say like cuz that's probably fun right intimidating women online saying that you want to see them quote shot in the head with a rubber bullet that's peachy King if YouTube de monetizes this for me quoting Jeffrey I'm gonna be big mad seeing as he's their golden goose and he's gotten away with saying straight up derogatory statements like that for virtually no reason like he just gets away with it but someone quoting when he says that's a big no from YouTube YouTube could not give a crap also if I sound oddly calmer than I usually do in my videos it's because I'm so annoyed and tired that I almost have reached a design like state like I'm angry but I'm super turned into the world's right now and I like can move mattr I'm Zen I'm the [ __ ] avatar right now welcome to the circus my final thoughts on the mutant world a few questions that I've been getting lately that I know that she was about to make a video yes did I tell her to make a video no did I have any involvement in the video no did I orchestrate it no did I need that kind of drama to make a good series no have I ever tried to ruin a career or make someone look bad in my 15 years on YouTube no do I have a track record of getting into drama with people or having fights with other youtubers no am i innocent and don't have huge anxiety provoking regrets about how I could have helped everyone handle everything better no I've had a pit in my stomach since it all happened now on to my final thoughts on the beauty world and my experience in it the conspiracy palace was one of the best experiences of my life the series would Jeffrey changed my life and changed me as a person it helped me be more confident and stand up for myself which I've always been bad at so to honor the series and what I learned from it I'm gonna say this the beauty gurus who are always involved in scandals are all the [ __ ] same they are all attention-seeking game-playing egocentric and narcissistic vengeful two-faced ticking time bombs ready to explode and I'm over it yes they are talented creative smart and love makeup but they also joined the side of the internet that is obsessed with looks money power Fame screenshot and sub tweets releasing private text voice memos emails and other receipts as a way to paint yourself in a particular light or someone else in a bad light is weird to me and I will never engage in that that is a game that they know how to play well and I would rather eat my own hands off than play it yes Jefferies in that list of Germanic gurus and he would admit that and he will always be family to me and I love him despite those characteristics he's very aware of the fact that I don't agree with many of the ways he approaches situations and I have been very honest with him about needing to make some changes but as far as beauty world I can't take the drama anymore and it's not how I am wired so I'm out it's draining exhausting depressing and sometimes amazing but for me the amazing is outweighed by the bad I can't have a pit in my stomach every day waiting for the next scandal or the next exposed video it's gonna give me health issues and I'm done caring about it anymore I've never been involved in drama with another youtuber ever and the second I decided to do a beauty series boom I'm in the hurricane so that I plan drama Gannon are you serious no do people in the YouTube world come to me like a grandpa and tell me their problems and ask me for advice yes is it easy for me to get wrapped up in something potentially toxic if I think someone I love is hurting or upset yes it's an issue I need to work on and have been working on when she told me how upset she was in person I had the same reaction in the world did and when they saw her video I felt awful for her and she seemed broken so I tried to be there for her and be someone she could talk to about it so was I shocked that she decided to make a video no was I shocked that tattoo you read his ass for [ __ ] filth yes I wasn't acting I didn't know it was gonna be that intense looking back I still believe her on a lot of what she said and I believe she felt it was what she needed to do at the time does she regret it probably does it mean we should see James as some poor innocent angel no don't get it twisted him and Geoffrey have always been at the top of the dramatic gurus list and I mean that with love did I warn James about the video no why for reasons that I will never discuss we've spoken privately on it and that's that do I think James is the devil no do I think he was a young Eagle centric power-hungry guru who needed to be served a slice of humble pie the size of the [ __ ] Empire State Building yes has he grown as a person since then it really seems like it and that's amazing I'm truly happy if he's realise how his Eagle was affecting others which he did address in his no more lies video do I think Tati is a villain no I think Tati was sick of being treated like [ __ ] by so many in the beauty world and finally snapped and damn did she [ __ ] snap all the way off holy [ __ ] she really said [ __ ] it and beat her face with the gods and popped on that ring light and went full Game of Thrones on that [ __ ] say what you want about her with that video but that [ __ ] will be in the history books [ __ ] YouTube rewind even gave it an acknowledgment damn ok sorry back to my rants do I think Jeffry orchestrated this whole situation no Tati is a strong woman who made a choice do I think Geoffrey was also upset by some issues with James and some things he heard behind the scenes yes was Geoffrey excited to see a competitor fall probably he's Geoffrey [ __ ] star what do you expect I guess I missed the part where he got baptized and devoted his life to Christ did Geoffrey take it too far and [ __ ] up big time by tweeting what he did yes and it's one of the biggest regrets of his life this all happened over a year ago and I'm really sick of hearing about it and having people constantly using it as a way of keeping my name and other names tagged together in drama videos don't get it twisted drama will never end with a lot of these people it's their game their survival their drug they love it this specific drama went too far obviously and hopefully something like that never happens again putting drama in the trailer was something I regret more than anything in the world and I'm mad that I chose T over my morals I'm really sorry too Tati and James if me putting their drama in the series that all felt like I was reopening up wounds although I did speak to both of them privately about the trailer I should have not even done it at all drama might be fun to watch but it's not fun to get wrapped up in and it's my fault for letting that happen and I'm sick of being trapped in the middle of it do I think this will be the last drama involving these people no no I don't do I want to be involved ever again [ __ ] remember to not expect these gurus to maintain some high moral code and we shouldn't have something they must be perfect or they're cancelled mentality the reason you watch these people is because they are so extra they are dramatic and if you keep canceling them and wanting them to go away then who will you talk about you don't go to a circus to watch the hay on the ground you go to watch the over-the-top performers who just want to be liked and want to do whatever they can to get your attention if you don't want to feed into it then don't but before all the drama free gurus pop off at me and well I'm not involved in the drama and I'm perfect a girl please your top viewed videos are probably top makeup fills and Aunty hauls with vomit emojis all over the screen and that's okay I love those videos but let's not pretend that the beauty world is negativity first makeup second it's just how it is and I'm sick of people pretending to be so above it all and with that said I love watching beauty channels of all sizes and I will continue to watch and support them the dramatic ones the non dramatic ones and the ones who genuinely just love to show their makeup skills sadly those channels get way less views for the reasons I have stated above so go enjoy the gurus enjoy the circus unsubscribe from me if you're mad that I'm no longer engaging in it unsubscribe to gurus you don't like subscribe to gurus you do like just don't take the beauty world there seriously as I did or as many of us did in 2019 it's not worth it and I feel like we all lost a bit of our soul during drama getting as for my channels I'm done with a beauty world I loved what I was able to create with Geoffrey and I'm sure people are gonna assume I did it for money but that's not true I just I'm choosing to no longer be a part of that world I will still watch Beauty videos buy and play with makeup and be a part of it in my life offline but as for being a part of that world on YouTube I don't think it's for me I need to get back to why I started YouTube back in 2005 I need to get back to why I started YouTube back in 2005 and that was to make things that bring me joy not drama and to make movies one day make up well for now just be a fun hobby I have to help with my anxiety like slime or emotional eating and that all sounds really good to me right now this will be my last and only addition to what I posted do I think it was okay for the internet to bully James no of course not not sure why some people would take that away from her post I literally said it was too far and should never happen again I didn't want to get too dark in my post which is why I didn't get more into detail on that we all know collectively that the internet was too mean to James me saying he needed to be humbled isn't mean it's honest and he said that in his own video sure the humbling have happened off camera well yes which I said but I guess I didn't order that right and I'm sorry if my humor regarding today's video seemed like I was making light of the situation humor is how I deal with stuff especially when it involves the insanity of the beauty world okay that's it leaving Twitter for a few months it's bad for my brain I feel good in my heart about what I said and that's all I can do sorry it wasn't the tea people wanted but I'm officially done with the so let's start with the first quickfire question and answer segment specifically the one where he says do I need that kind of drama to make a good series and he replies the same way a liar would and says no which is a lie you see Shane Dawson absolutely does need drama like that to make any series that he does good and watchable because in every single one of his docu-series that is what happens think of one docu-series that he made that didn't have drama in it that is what is needed that's the secret ingredient that's what gets and keeps people's attention it's why people held on to the last of the Geoffrey star series because they thought they foolishly thought it would be address at some point the drama with drama Kenan would be coming up because you again lied like a liar shame and put it in a trailer people thought that's what they were getting so they tuned in and with how many people are super disappointed in that series and say it felt like an ad that's how you know that you needed that drama to sell it because otherwise nobody cared you started all of these docu-series quote-unquote with the Tanic on videos a series that was built on drama drama that Tanis started and was in the middle of then the Jeffrey star series which again was built off of drama and then the Jake Paul series oh look another one built off of drama shame you do need drama and conspiracies and [ __ ] too in order to make your contact to say otherwise or to simply imply that thinking like that is absolutely ridiculous how could you guys even think that obviously that's not true that's disingenuous and false downplaying your actions and pretending you could put out a fart and people would be just as interested instead of this drama getting fuelled series it's false it's just factually incorrect because people left the moment the moment they heard you would not be included anything related to the James Charles situation and you know that and I know that but you're pretending like that's not factual because you don't want me to go and check you don't want me to trust my own memory of the situation in which I and multiple other people watch reacted and know what happened he then says quote do I have a track record of getting into drama with people or having fights with other youtubers no which again is a half-truth but not really it's a lie basically seeing is you when everything was going on with James and him getting purposely falsely accused by two people you were very close to you you did a lot a lot too show your support of him purposely distancing yourself from James you also do the same thing with Tana and with all your other problematic friends so while you can say I don't have a track record of doing any of that stuff you support people who do meaning you are a part of that and what people see you do they will follow that's your influence Shane seeing otherwise is lying during the time when James was being falsely accused Shane you unfollow James you tweeted about Geoffrey in support of him and who can forget the fact that you went out of your way to support promote and advertise Tottie's vitamin company halo beauty the one that taught you was so pissed that James didn't shout out enough you did that either out of spite or to promote your friend at a time where that was seen as a day also I just want to say something right now that always struck me as weird supporting someone and promoting something shouldn't be a thing when you're talking about a friend like if I'm friends with someone I shouldn't have to mention them at least 20 times per video 20 pounds or their brand 20 times per month and shoved them down people's throats in order to show my friendship with them I am going to be a friend to them in real life privately to show my friendship I shouldn't have to support them so much to quantify our friendship but maybe I'm old-fashioned and don't try to monetize my relationships online and maybe just maybe I'm not the type of person who says if you don't support my brand you don't support me like [ __ ] you it's not that deep the fact that he is out here thinking that collectively the public forgot that or thinking that there's public stamps of approval on both Jeffrey and Tottie's actions and on every one of the actions that he's validated from all of his ridiculous [ __ ] friends he thinks that [ __ ] would be easily forgotten like he didn't post anything and he didn't do anything as if his likes and continued support for people isn't a read isn't read into by his own van literally the other day just the other day I had someone send me a conspiracy that James Charles it's still year later actually evil because well Shane wouldn't have called him out and he wouldn't continue to be friends with Jeffery if it was false right because Shane is such a good person he would validate that behavior he would surely not be friends with Jeffrey had jeffrey said that and it was true so therefore james is so bad that is what your fan shane dawson sing and you shane dawson know that you are a million who's been online for over ten years living in a mansion and you need a golf cart to get around your property you are a smart businessman so for you to say that you were just oh so stupid and ignorant and you didn't think that your actions could be perceived that way that is false that it's false because if I've been doing this for less time with less success and I understand that like either you don't understand your actions which I don't believe seeing how manipulative you are with narratives or you just [ __ ] I don't know there's not even an or there's not an or there's not an on he then goes on to say am i innocent and don't have huge anxiety provoking regrets about how I could have helped everyone and handle everything better no I've had a pit in my stomach since this all happened oh poor Bibi Sheen oh and you know what I say to that mr. Shane Dawson if you're watching which you're not I don't know why I'm addressing this to you like you give a [ __ ] but um fun fact I cannot care I don't care and I can not hear I don't care in this situation because you monopolize this in a video series and you further monopolize this in a multiple makeup palettes and Murr so frankly if you say oh this gives me such anxiety to talk about I don't care I don't care that that hurts your feelings and sometimes makes you feel bad because you obviously didn't feel bad when you use this for context and you didn't feel bad when you opted to stay fret when you opted to say friends with a man who spread this false narrative purposely spread this false narrative and went out of your way to joyfully rejoice about it would you say later which we will get you you didn't feel bad knowing that you could have led to the suicide of a young gay man who had just been slandered in front of the internet for no reason you didn't feel bad enough not to include that in the trailer you didn't feel bad enough not to talk and tease that so I'm sorry I don't think you feel bad and even if you do I don't care again like you didn't feel bad enough to talk about this before it affected you directly so yeah I don't care your actions your continued support of jeffree star his businesses your continued support of a man who has done the exact same thing for multiple times across as years first to a known predator who has gone on record saying that he is witness crimes before backtracking it that like you can say you can say that you care a lot and that this is really hurtful to you but your actions say otherwise if you care your actions say you care more about money and wealth but not about how your actions reflect on others and that's messed up because if you cared at all you wouldn't have turned around and gotten into business with someone who would delight like you said like you literally said you did when a child was slandered and smeared and bullied off the internet over false allegations you wouldn't have supported him going after minors the way he has done multiple times if you cared you would have seen that as a sign of like oh you have [ __ ] up and maybe you shouldn't associate with this person no matter how much money he's offering you but you didn't because why would you so I'm sorry that you have anxiety but you're not a victim here Shane you're not so stop putting on the victim card on now we're gonna get into the meat and potatoes of this little [ __ ] he starts off his essay after the question and answer portion by saying how the series he did with Jeffrey which in reality was a long-form ad for his makeup palette meant to monetize both of their viewing bases into wanting to spend money on this passion project between two friends who have just gone through all this hardship and oh they were stolen from it Oh people don't like them right now and oh it was supposed to monetize their viewing bases like that when in reality all it was was to millionaires doing something to make more million all the while Shane professing he doesn't care about money even though let's be real he literally right after saying that had to drive around his property in a golf cart but it was really hard for him but he doesn't care about money okay did I mention I watch that while like homeless that's that's really great he starts off by saying that the series he did changed him as a person and make him more able to stand up for himself let's be real I live in the future so I can call [ __ ] right now because literally this post was up for a couple hours before he like a [ __ ] deleted it exciting like he was quote too sensitive for the criticism that was levied at him he was too sensitive to be held accountable for what he was saying okay and yet you say you could stand up for yourself I'm sorry but like I was a part where where's the lie which one's the lie let's never mind the fact that the hate he sent to James and then to Tati all of that never mind the fact that to this day he remains friends with someone who called another person a predator and attacked this person's younger brother who again was a minor for no other reason than to be spiteful never mind the fact that he co-signed and continues to co-sign all of that even just in the wording of this statement and says that everything there is Gucci and then downplays the fact that literally last week jeffrey star threatened a woman with physical violence but the hate he's kidding the criticism he's getting on his pulse it's just too much for him and we show off real bad for him because he's not used to the internet being bad to him he's used to being the Internet's golden boy and being able to get the Internet mad on his behalf but they're mad at him oh oh no no no no I personally love this post kind of ironically like I love that within [ __ ] hours it has already made himself irrelevant just in one of the first statements like this has made me able to stand up for myself and that's what I'm doing I love that as I happen to be writing this that's what's going on and it's a beautiful show-stopping iconic I love it it's a plus work my dude who thinks violence against women is a dope thing you do when you're an established billionaire and obviously cosines that [ __ ] and doesn't tell his partner to stop shame then goes on to talk about how evil and toxic the beauty community is going as far as to say that the releasing of voice notes and text is so vile which is ironic because what's going out and exposing Shane is voice notes and text notes so it's like oh it's vile when it's happening to you okay sure like the man is hanging his dick on the cross of this behavior this petty drama filled behavior and saying it's so disgusting and he wants no part of it even though he'd had no problem with it before but then literally only one nanosecond later he says yes Geoffrey star is on that list of dramatic people who he just described as evil and vile and manipulative and all the stuff and he goes on to say he will always be family to me and I love him despite that what what so you have him saying all of these nebulous dramatic terrible individuals are out here being terrible and garbage and evil and doing all of these things that you're describing and kind of implying that you can't stand these people and want nothing to do with them because they're so evil and they're so terrible but within the same paragraph you are also saying you're friends with someone exactly like this and it's fine and you will never hate this person and you will never criticize this person publicly because what the [ __ ] but I am my god so it's fine when Geoffrey released his voice notes and texts and shades people something that you thought was so funny that when you did your initial video series with him that you parodied that and tried to do that with him but whenever someone does it to you whenever someone does it whenever someone else does it though it's bad so because you like this person and their quote family what they do is okay but if I were to do the same thing I'm being unlikable and a dick and just terrible great I am so glad that we have established that you have a bias as a narrator in terms of the videos you make and hold a double standard so big that I don't even need to go into the details about why it's wrong because I am assured that even with some of the dumbest people but if ever stumbled across my videos that they would understand why that's wrong literally your statement does all the work for me you literally go these actions I am listening are terrible however when my friends do it they are fine and I'm at least happy that you kept that part in because I don't have to talk about it any longer than I want to shame them goes on to say that he is helping Jeffrey and he is trying to get him to make some changes in regards to the actions that Jeffrey is taking in certain situations and if that is true which I don't think it is shame little buddy your idea of helping isn't actually helping this man literally last month went on the mom's basement podcast which is free on Spotify and so that he has quote proof of Jamie's actions last month that he can prove that James did all of this and he has a voice now and he could show people he went on that podcast and called the victim of assault a liar and went on further to threatened the people who were talking about that situation aka me that he was going to sue them he did that last month that's something he did last month and last week he threatened a woman which are all things that are kind of sort of not things you should be okay with and yet and yet for some reason shame you are and you think you're helping it for some reason and when Jeffrey does these things that are obviously garbage things they are fine they are good you have no issues or at least you don't tell him to knock it off publicly at least you don't comment on it you just tell him behind the scenes hey man I know you're making me millions of dollars but please stop which we can attest to and no I'm not saying that you owe a public response to your private friendships however what you do owe is for people to know that you don't think that kind of behavior should be a part of your business and since this man is your business partner you shouldn't be aligned with him you shouldn't want to continue working with a man who thinks it's okay to threaten to assault women and to tell them you want to see them shot in the head with a rubber bullet and you shouldn't be okay allegedly him saying racist remarks to his staff which you've told people he does you shouldn't be okay with how your business partner presents himself constantly time and time again and guess what you shouldn't be okay with how he's not changing because I can point to his actions ten years ago and his actions now and people would say yeah that's the same person he's continuing continuing to do this and your continued collaboration with him and making money off of him shows how little how very little you truly care about his negative actions him acting out being dramatic something you thought was so funny last year when you were filming with him that is a staple of who he is and what's more clear to everyone and what's clear to everyone watching this situation is that that is not going to change that's not gonna change ever and it hasn't changed in the year or so you've been friends so this entire [ __ ] saying I'm trying to change Jeffery and make him a better person it's just that it's a bit it's a joke a sure rate it's not happening because let's be real if you genuinely cared about his egregious actions and how they affected people you would have stopped supporting him when I don't know he attacked multiple of your fans on Twitter any of them multiple times he's done that or when he's falsely accused someone or when he's stood by falsely accusing someone or when he took back falsely accusing someone only to falsely accuse them Ken any of those things you could have backed away from but you didn't you sat quietly and you made your Millions don't excuse me for not believing you cared I have some more points but I'm going to try to get through them as quickly as possible seeing as I just if I go point by point to the whole statement it will be like a three-hour video and like maybe I'll livestream it I don't know but like I can't I can't right now so let's do this one Shane says he's never been in drama before joining the beauty community this is notably and provably false he was in drama way before that with Bobby burns bunny Meyers and others let's be real he did blackface he got in trouble for that he was a part of the tannic on series he got tremendous backlash for his Jake Paul series he's been in backlash multiple times him saying that this is his first time is because he is trying to spin it in and I'm so innocent angle these people are corrupting me and it's stupid and pointless we can prove that you're not - he says this only happened because it's quote easy for him to get wrapped up in something potentially toxic if I think someone I love is hurting or upset which is garbage because when someone I know is hurting or upset I talk to them and they'd be there for them I don't cosign the destruction of their career with a false predator allegation I also don't support the people doing that by promoting them directly after and buying their vitamins and trying to sell them to people which again is what you did Shane like even in best case scenario that is what you did ya dingus so you're saying that oh I was just being a good friend no you weren't you literally co-sign the destruction of someone's career you cannot pretend that didn't happen Shane says I wasn't acting which okay no she no shame the thing is you absolutely were because we've seen you in videos when you are acting and in videos when you aren't there's a very obvious difference and there is a very clear reason why you are not an actor he says did I warm James about the video no why for reasons I will never discuss which this is a blatantly stupid statement that is supposed to make him look honorable he put this in there to make him seem honorable like he literally literally only said see I'm keeping a secret for someone else or James what I could expose them right now and vindicate myself aren't ia good person for not throwing this other person under the bus but we don't even know exists but in reality all he is saying is that I can't give you an excuse about why I did what I did but trust me I swear I'm a good person it's garbage it's hot garbage he goes on to say do I think James was a young egocentric power-hungry guru who needed be served a slice of humble pie the size of the Empire State Building the size of the Empire State Building yes I'm sorry let's roll that back right here and let's for real count all of the negative adjectives this grown-ass man who co-signed false accusations against this teenager chose to use for the victim of that let's count but this man who took part in trying to destroy this kid's career how many negative words he uses in describing the victim of that he uses five five and he could have easily said did I think James was a bit egotistical sure but instead he says he's a young egocentric power-hungry guru which lets you know just by his wording alone he still doesn't think that James is a victim in all this meanwhile he knows that the allegations were false and he still says this to his Audion painting James in a bad light purposely trying to make James look worse than everyone else in this situation James is young egocentric power-hungry he's terrible yeah everyone else will falsely accuse them they're fine its manipulation he then goes on to say say what you want about her but that [ __ ] will be in the history books referring to Todd he's bison your video and you know what he's right because it will go into the history books as the time three powerful successful millionaire youtubers tried to take down a 19 year old with unsubstantiated claims of sexual abuse that's what I will be remembered for not her going quote all Game of Thrones and burning everything down and literally reading him to filth what you think is so good and so amazing and you're propping it up while tearing James down like think about this he says tachi is beautiful the video was well done it was amazing he read him to felt all the stuff meanwhile James is still too young egocentric power-hungry evil person who needed humble pie that's [ __ ] was Jeffrey excited to see a competitor fall probably imagine framing this situation downplaying the situation that was in reality Jeffery spreading the allegation that James was a predator around and being happy to see him lose subscribers magic framing that as like oh he just was excited to see a competitor fall and then saying that behavior is acceptable delighting in the downfall of someone else doing that publicly that is not fun or fresh and it's actually disturbing it's actually disturbing that he's sitting here like yet Jeffrey was happy to see James lose everything what's wrong with that a lot is wrong Shane since the allegations were proven false a lot is wrong there but according to Shane that's fine that's best friend status everything's still Gucci with that he goes on to say that I am done with the beauty world and you know what Shane yeah you are seeing as you've milked every last drop out of your makeup palettes and still haven't put up one [ __ ] tutorial or makeup look like you said you were going to remember when you made this shameless and YouTube channel in order to show off what you learned and you told will spill that like oh you really were going to put up tutorials and you wanted to do makeup all the time and then you never did that and never use that for that and so it was just an easy cash grab for you yeah got it it's been noted dude he put up another post making this five pages and there's so much more to it but it all at a certain point gets really repetitive if you want if enough people ask I will do a live stream after this and share all my thoughts line by line and go over every point but I doubt anyone wants that to be honest through how he downplays the destruction of James Charles public image something he actively took pardon and he associated with how he continues to use such strong negative adjectives towards James Charles and positive ones toward Totti and Jeffrey and uses words like love and beautiful hurts them but like egotistical and manipulative towards James and just through every line of this poorly worded essay it's very clear to see that Shayne is not a bystander in this situation he's not pissed at Jeffery he doesn't think it went too far he doesn't care the mental health effects it had on James he doesn't care what this is doing to people it was fun but now that it's come back at him and now that people are criticizing him and looking at his actions it's not fun anymore Shane Dawson you were gross last time I said anything like that I lost 500 subscribers and I feel like it's gonna happen again now but your decisions to continue to defend the actions of Jeffrey star and pretend that someone quote deserved to be falsely accused of literal crimes because they quote how did he go that was so big that they deserved [ __ ] a slice of humble pie the size of the Empire State Building that is garbage that is absolute garbage the fact that you made millions off of someone else's destructions and continue to profit off of it continue to associate with a person who did that continue to use your platform to promote that gross gross but who knows maybe you just turn into a young egocentric power-hungry guru who just needs a slice of humble pie yourself who knows I just know I'm grossed out
Channel: CreepShow Art
Views: 471,858
Rating: 4.8937626 out of 5
Keywords: creepshowart, Jeffree Star & Shane Dawson Planned The Bye Sister, Scandal, !?, shane dawson, jeffree star, james charles, tati westbrook, bye sister, dramagetton 2, luke alexander, itzkeisha, Jeffree Star, Shane Dawson & Tati EXPOSED for PLANNING the “bye sister” video AGAINST James Charles, YOU might LOVE Jeffree Star but I will NEVER, I WAS ON JEFFREE STAR’S PAYROLL, ashlye kyle, kam lester, rich lux, drama, angelika oles, luke alexander james charles, luke alexander tana mongeau
Id: tU4hLTG12k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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