The End of the Beauty World

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I can't be the only person thinking that this 30-40 minute video of deleted scenes was more interesting than the entire series was, right? Why. Was. This. Cut?!?!?!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 209 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Joonbug9109 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Figured out all the chicks on the trip with Morgan. It was a Tarte trip in March of 2019 to Hawaii.

Morgan obv

Kalani Hilliker

RawBeautyKristi (She commented on Morganโ€™s pics so Iโ€™m assuming not her)



Rosanna Pansino

Karen Yeung




Lauren Giraldo

Sazan Hendrix


Kandee Johnson

What a weird lineup

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 171 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/powerlessidc ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It was posted from "Shane Glossin" and seems to be a full video of deleted scenes. Starts with a security scare and Shanes old house

-Heard banging on their doors and windows, but their gate was closed meaning the person jumped the fence. Saw them on the cameras and they were wearing a hoodie and two backpacks. Shawn remembered the front door was unlocked and he ran to lock it and they person grabbed the handle at the same time. He started filming after that in case he needed evidence inside the house if something happened. Cops showed up and arrested the guy and that was when shane decided to add extra security to their house.

-Shane says he was put on KVDs PR list and joked about wanting to be taken off

-Clip of Shane opening a PR box an making guesses about how much it all cost and then adding it up (the total was $1,300). I think it was all Fenty Beauty

-J* sent shane a statue of gold pigs

-Clips about Morgans brand trip where she was treated poorly by other influencers. The make up gurus were "scary" and rude. Morgan would say hi to people and they would just make a face at her or ignore her. J* says a lot of them also bring drugs to other countries. Morgan said that a lot of them expect anything to be given to them for free (food, goods, etc.) and would be shocked when Morgan would say she paid for stuff.

-Morgan said that these influences have a "30% rule" where they won't be friends with people if they are withing 30% of the same follower count as them because they are competition (lol?)

-Shane shows J* the beauty room Ryland made

-DRAMAGEDDON clip of Shane ranting that everyone involved just needs to shut up. Shane says nobody stuck up for JC publicly except Zamora and Nikita

-LIPSTICKGATE J* said that he was waiting for Jaclyn to say what was going on before he reviewed on his channel. Clips of them looking at the lipsticks and smelling them..OMG all of the lipsticks in Shanes PR box were hairy. J* says that after 5 years of creating make up he has never seen a lab use fuzzy gloves and as a business owner he has no what is going on with it. J* said that she just needs to make a video saying she is sorry and super embarrassed and tell everyone what is happening.

-Clip of them moving the green shade around the pallet and feeling it didn't fit anywhere based on the other colors.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 702 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/porcelain_queen ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 21 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The irony of discussing how mean and catty people in the beauty community are in a series about Jeffree Star......

Still waiting for that footage of Jeffree watching the James Charles apology that was in the trailer.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 235 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/surejan94 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I wonder who were the people that were rude to Morgan. I remember seeing her on RBK's video about that Tarte trip but I didn't recognize anyone on that trip apart from Manny, RBK and her.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 174 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/blinkgirlvm ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 21 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™s really sad that the deleted scenes were the most enjoyable part of this series. Whatโ€™s even sadder is that i still wanted to skip through most of it even though it was to me the most enjoyable of them all.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 191 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Antiquerainbows ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 21 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Man. I went from liking Shaneโ€™s personality (or what Iโ€™d seen of it of course, and I of course was not aware of the controversies at the time) to literally wanting to watch nothing he puts out. To be fair, I personally canโ€™t handle the energy Ryland brings to Shaneโ€™s videos, but thatโ€™s not his fault or problem, thatโ€™s my problem. However, the reasons Iโ€™ve lost faith in Shane are due to his own decisions. Garrett though, that guy is a fucken treasure.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 386 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/youmustbeabug ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 21 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So does anyone watch Anthony Padilla's "I spent a day with" series? Like at some point I thought Shane could grow and involve into an actual good YouTube documentary account and now I understand how naive that thought was... lol. Now that Anthony is dating a beauty guru, maybe he'll include them in his series. I'm sure his 15 minute video would be more educational on the beauty industry than Shane's multiple hour-ed mess.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 71 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/backbackbackrolls ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I did crack up when J* said KVD should give them a tattoo.... nice drama comedic relief.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 94 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PrincessDiNasty ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 21 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Oh summons really exciting after today Raylan okay okay so beautybay was so shocked when they saw it all they won't win more than they first productive like they knew was gonna be good right but they were like oh even if there wasn't a serious this would sell on its own and I was like whoa not so great when they saw though they're like oh you could announce this tomorrow just drop it about a series that was like [Laughter] [Music] luckily what is going hey Shane okay it's 11:30 at night here I'm so shocked right now I can't believe he even had to go through that it's traumatizing I just hope that you and Ryland are okay and it wasn't too bad I don't know obviously what happened or what this person tried to do but I'm just glad that you're okay the twisted part of me is like if you didn't tell nice swear to God or what were these ah no let's have a house tell them we'll open up the game it takes something I think really scary like that to wake you up but I think you need the house fully upgraded to even more security and our people are amazing so we got you girl yep when you're done love you you know it's not even to me just about the drama like the whole spark where Rylan it's like somebody's outside the window and it's very suspenseful like I was waiting to see that so the gas mask is because we're getting a bunch of high-intensity very far launching pepper spray guns no oh my god no and the reason is our security is not good right now security cameras first of all Jeffrey said he was like listen once we started mr. coming for them I thought he meant like on Twitter haters or something he met in real life and they would try to come to my house and rob me and find our makeup palette of steal it and [ __ ] counter than it like he meant like real [ __ ] 2.5 million dollars in cosmetics stolen from Jeffrey star I didn't know that so the last few months have been a lot he really secured the Chilean camera has gone it's a bodyguard it's like a whole situation because he had some pretty scary stuff go down you see new securities may be handled right now look at 30 new camera 100 new sensors so huh let's dive in and he told me he's like hey can you drop your security so now it started to get scarier winter people it's like I don't know how else to explain this it's been it's been one of those things where it's like I am feeling like should we move again so I parted then looking into getting a better security and then something happened a couple nights ago that was probably I would say the scariest thing I've ever been through my whole life ever eight o'clock we're on the couch and then we heard a banging at my front door so the gates are closed right so that means somebody had to jump over the gates ticket to my front door so obviously not good and we were like the [ __ ] what do we do so Bradley called number one then the person started going around the house and banging on all the windows and all the doors it was really scary and I thought we were gonna die because why else would they be here and then I look on the security camera and the person is wearing a hood and they have two backpacks and they're walking around the entire house and I see them on cameras and they go into the garage [Music] and I realize that my door is unlocked so I run ahead lock as I'm locking and the person goes and grabs for the hero really didn't come out yeah so I was just like are you suede are you serious what would you have done if a person came in I literally don't know I I've never been in that situation I it was like the strangers it were crazy it was like that feeling of like oh my god whatever the scariest thing that happened this is what I went from like oh maybe this person's just I don't know like a drug addict or whatever when it went for really dark places when these blinds are closed standing here like freaking out on the other side they go all the way down the whole [ __ ] door why else would someone do that like oh that's something a serial killer doesn't know some [ __ ] that like literally Michael Myers does people with the knife so I'm just like alright this is it this is the end this is it this [ __ ] it's that's when I started the filming not even for a video I was like I need to document this in case something bad happens or in case the cop doesn't believe me or whatever I so I started filming the whole thing doors windows I start running around closing all the blinds wait they were crawling on the floor I don't like see underneath the blinds [Music] then they started digging in their backpack I have hundreds and was like this person has gun they're gonna kill us I have nothing right so I grabbed my taser and I'm just like like the penthouse and I was on ammo - I think Lowe's cops finally common do you guys know we're also just on high alert because it just crazy shouldn't have been going on lately okay don't know who this person is and they arrest somebody on my patio drugs and they were sane crazy things so after that Jeffrey I texted him and he freaked out he was like you need to get like full [ __ ] like lockdown mode I don't have valuable stuff but I do because the makeup develop because it's not released yet makeup is like diamond then you're going to realize that this is really mana t so yeah so we are called the Geoffrey security guy is annoying I should hit it all this money will break these windows a light inton yeah you can't Shaina Jeffrey the next apology yeah I've never really cared about that kind of stuff but I guess I have a family now with Jeffrey yes and I just want to protect my family I know that sounds like a kind of like action but I do just want to protect them hold on let me get to let me get the right I'm going shopping obstructing your vision it's going nothing to help it is expensive today day and a half the trip is 18 grand expensive Casca listen to me book was a long time ago he's pretty like everything is booked to a tee cuz he doesn't have time to [ __ ] around it's like it's very different than working with Tana it's like with Tana first of all the plane and the hotel what is that but yeah we're staying at my friend's house in different doesn't and she doesn't she don't know we're coming so I love it how many of these things do you do you do you like these like meet ugly last year I think I did like 25 yeah last year I was on so many airplanes Delta like Stan tilted do I love Delta what do you mean why did you pull it up so good so if it's not available or the size you want isn't there you just go commercial and yeah it's like the airline that's the most on time for me like no that's United yeah I also would never do that hey like the 3d element like will you feel like it will come drop yep this was inspired by Garrett's forehead love that Brendan do any marijuana in the arcade room many people say those sentences yeah your mirrors I like the idea of like 4 right 4 4 colors or whatever it is the diet coke the diet root beer the a flaming hot and she loved it oh my god I don't know what that means I I know it is what I know what it did what and I've never even done this before it's two highlighters and two blushes [Music] BAM and then we've never even made blush but it's really similar to eyeshadow you like get down the pigment and I make it so creamy and amazing and we and you could do a [ __ ] oh my god because you don't have silver if you have the silver so I might have that and then you have the guy who pierced and then you color how to diet rubric you be the contour and I think you look like a [ __ ] can you look like literally literally made it were the cans this way or this way and it opens that so that and the commercial is like it feels like a [ __ ] so original but then the models they shake it up and then they kiss and then it's on their face and then custom wooden chicken it sold I just heard the website this is from Rihanna herself I guess I'm on a PR list now and oh so this is happening oh yeah I'm on a list of like 15 different companies they put me on Kat Von D's list and I have to tell them to take the offer I use your foundation is a pretty good okay here we go let's see so what I think will be fun to do is like each thing I take out maybe you look on your phone to see how much is I think we should all take a guess of how much we think is in there before we inoculate it feels a head [Music] whoa whoa wait so you have your phone ready oh wait the guess this is a lot of [ __ ] I think it's like I will say either way this precision concealer brush wait should we guess each day making money like amid my eyes like shrimp we conditioned madam come in with the freshness yeah a potted soil [Music] [Music] [Music] $1,300 that is a lot of numbers that was my rent wipers in the daily that's crazy saying oh this is rent what are these seems annoying to me Jeffery's are approved that is the weirdest it usually dudes don't send me pictures back unless they want to [ __ ] flirt what's up guys I'm so nervous okay back to this it was crazy like one of those crazies every day is crazy you know what's next [Music] definitely not someone you know it's crazy someone might try but if we won't get what is these are my friends this is our first statue like Barry is iconic but bears from home goods so is this us like folding our bottom pole that's for your palate yeah well he's just like an indication yeah he doesn't he doesn't identify as anything other than that I mean isn't Davis a tattoo artist I mean how I kind of got to be a Jay that's the guy who me [Music] well there's something else that you wanted to bring out you said you wanted to bring him something that you didn't bring out yesterday on camera we said you forgot to bring it up tell me I was thinking about it was it the Morgan [Music] Jesus because she's like having a little bit of a breakdown today she's like miserable she doesn't want to everyone a brand trip again as she been home from Hawaii he's going home now I was curious how it's gonna go with you kind of going on a trip with guru type people or you know a lot of stereotype people you're very very nice and I was a little nervous of you getting taken advantage of I'm just excited because I really oh my god the stars look at the moon can you see it like I've been on a million brand trips so how are they making her feel that way is she being dramatic like are they really she's very not dramatic he can confirm I'm not being dramatic no she's married show and like I'm really a go-with-the-flow person I'm happy doing anything shake some law firm not like somebody her to feel about she's so hopeful and so like let's people walk a listen then it sounds like nothing's changed from when I was doing those strips oh yes I texted him at 4 in the morning that I was never coming on another brand trip again not because the brand was horrible really nice they include me and everything but the people the makeup gurus scary I've met a lot of really [ __ ] word like instagramers and like youtubers the first few events I went to I don't know I have never been to a situation where people were actually rude like that but literally I would go up to people and I would just say hi my name is Morgan and I'd be like and you were saying other people other people that were with her were like audibly saying that didn't just happen did it and then they were keeping track of how many times people just ignored like on my hand it was like a game like who will I talk to that Monique Normandy was crazy Jesus Christ Authority ever heard and then this person literally just kind of like freezes and acts like they don't hear me and literally straight up says oh what's going on over there and walks away and I was just like and I didn't know I was like maybe people don't know who I am and maybe they thought that I like worked for you even if they and that's crazy like to treat a person like that is like crazy yeah they just gonna make like pretended that I wasn't there she's so like self-consciousness so like doesn't want me I just can't imagine her being like yes every way check out this palette word like that's just not her no she said yes because she o hawai II like I haven't met her so long like I've never been on a thing and I was like I'm never doing it ever she's smart and she probably saw through the smoking mirror is that who those people were quickly no and that's what I want to know to does I'm kind of entering the world or whatever the beauty thing and I want to learn about everything and the people is a huge part of it I was like literally watching all these beauty influencers hugging each other and was like how are you baby because I feel like it's very thick from what I've seen it's very like if I can literally have a dollar for every single time I caught someone rolling their eyes after they gave someone a hug I was like what's they have all these parties and what you're not seeing is a lot of demons come out at night and I don't mean people thought they makeup on yeah I mean like people that over take pills that want to get [ __ ] up that get really wasted at night and you see like the demons come out of them and it's just a crazy experience of like you see this girl doing tutorials and now she's blackout drunk screaming and crying about her eggs on the floor and they're like on a brain trip yeah so a lot of people have no boundaries because there's no rules here's their to post about an eyeshadow palette [ __ ] I want I've seen people sneak cocaine in their luggage and bring it to foreign islands where they would be arrested for 20 years but they want to do drugs so bad they're willing to risk it and sneak it in their luggage and I'm like Bob that's insane and like why are all these rich people all these rich girls getting all this like this stuff I myself bought this online and then I send it got a box sent of like a million times more makeup than that from thank you whoa like and these girls that's their whole life but then you have come to me and they're like oh that's so cute where did you get that I got it this or that you came for that you don't pay for things why would you pay for that free it's crazy like going to restaurants they're like can we eat for free what story tag can we get it just like gets to the head a little bit like as soon as I stuck any free product they're like I'm the famous beauty guru like in its it's just a bit like gross I don't know oh my god you've heard about the 30% rule oh my god I didn't tell you this before we got on camera there's like this is rule for the 30% it's like a beauty community thing I guess or some people that meeting committee so and it means that they don't want to be friends with anyone and that's not 30% below them or 30% above so they can't be people if they're significantly underneath them in armored fighting for their sweet spot or PSP in front of someone like a chains who's gonna like blow up here socially how many people told you that that was a thing personally you're gonna tell about it yeah I do like it like a hierarchy of like okay these people haven't lost followers so they're this and then these people are beneath them it's just it's weird the way everyone is each other but to them it's these definitive points and it's just like no I don't live my life like that okay I don't know kind of sounds believable and that's the mentality yeah and the partying is such a turn-off for me so I can imagine her feeling alienated and like this is not my scene but it is hard you see a sentiment I thought and she always comes back from anything where she's hanging out those types of people feeling really bad about herself I'm not a very good blogger like she's not me enough money because all they talk about spenders they make money she doesn't get brand deals I also her all lying just for attention and to feel good around others if they were all just themselves imagine how great everyone would get along there were girls like walking to the front of the line I mean like I have 200k and I need to get in and there I feel like confidence all-time low but all they're focused on is it's just like that's why it's not going there are people out there that are super nice that do not deserve to be treated this way those people laughing at us still okay I will say this so if jeffree star cosmetics and Shane do a brand trip will you think about going oh well yeah because I'm really busy I hang out with Hannah now we hang out every day [Laughter] [Music] I did two different looks using the mini controversy oh my god you have more makeup than any YouTube right now oh oh color correctors the house she has every Formula One testing trees oh I love that marijuana Kris Jenner are you kidding me right now what are the chances that I start Wow you know what maybe this will be good maybe this will be closure because I was gonna go on a full-on popping off an MV like I'm done I want this over I want closure I want everybody move [ __ ] on so maybe that's what she's doing diabetes that would be good see that with the honesty that would be a reality of the situation and I need y'all need to shut the [ __ ] up and I think let me wake up home for everybody like folks you know what maybe we should all buddy needs to work on their wing and less on their yeah they need to work more on their look and less on their baby shut the [ __ ] up okay it's like you know nobody stuck up for James so publicly right except yeah Gabriel Zamora medicate a dragon and listen they brought themselves into this right like I feel kind of bad dragging them into this but they get on that's kind of go by dragging them into this I kinda feel bad Nikita dragging them into this but like but I have to drag them a little Zamora until you really know I've been there better remember I refused to talk a review about Jacqueline's lipsticks on my channel until she figured out what's happening with it but you did a little black dots in there yeah wait I haven't shown me right now I'm dying that's so crates of what actually happened because like it's like my PR box they're all hairy like to a point where it looks like I rubbed it on my dog I mean I think the containers are do they put like melted lipstick into molds is it molds that makes them maybe all the molds have like hair and plastic and [ __ ] in them what do you think she's gonna do is she like Barriss I can't believe this happen my lab [ __ ] me is correct oh my god I'm so horrified everyone's you a refund and these things happen going to be really real people Butler was in here by my lockers a few years ago it was you know when you're playing the machines with the paintbrush the runny bristle hair one of them fell into one of the pans and a pop down house or by the lab now it's switched off Cal [ __ ] used toothbrushes anymore because of my bitch-ass white siddhis why does she always have a problem every lunch I chose horrible burger I don't understand and predictions Oh I'm actually really nervous she would all go to the beauty of room yes well I'm actually what the nervous you would say it's been for a few right but can I tell why actus of all jokes aside today is really scary because what happened was a shank rated this shade in the lamp right it accidentally put without knowing carmine which is not be right scruffy toes and the lab accidentally left a jar open and he picked out one of the pigments make sure that whatever you pulled is all being in June so the color they were not matching correctly and they literally it's like 98% there it's just scary because if he doesn't like it still a dope run crazy in the lab BAM right this is really wrong as well there's only one that's right and here is the one that matches 98% is right here but I'm actually willing Irvin so you got touch it swatch dig shames like you know they're all on both my palate will come out next summer [Music] yeah it's really it's like really they're more oh I love that I mean that's a beautiful mistake like it's it's hot it's very we're a so what you do like some boy like this and step back see how you like good cuz it kind of also like it kind of makes bring it to a Deloitte's and does somehow make it like a more than final hour how did this happen extended yeah it matches perfect wait why do this okay well these are the finalized contracts wait this is weird no weren't you grown for that [Laughter] did you do one more spin with the glasses with the dog for the trail yes [Music] something like beauty world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh my god Johnston's bikini we put in every swearing disgusting you're right [Music]
Channel: ShaneGlossin
Views: 11,586,432
Rating: 4.9217863 out of 5
Keywords: shane, dawson, jeffree, star, journalism, investigative journalism, docuseries, documentary
Id: oW78qOFK404
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 44sec (2204 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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