Balcony Gardening: Houseplant Home Tour with James Ipy — Ep 103

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hey guys so I'm here in Singapore and clearly they have a different climate than we do in the north so I wanted to check in with a houseplant thews es to see how they are growing plans we're gonna meet somebody who lives in a very small apartment but has a big love for plan oh and I think I know where we're gonna find him oh my god this is the famous balcony [Music] as you can see it's so tiny a lot of people are so surprised when they come they find that it's smaller than what they think that's I mean that's the beauty of shooting all the different angles and everything you're on those lines you really do showcase a lot of angles on your Instagram oh yeah yeah I try to do that I mean it's ideal for for for Instagram gives you a little corner yeah yeah so when did you actually start building this little balcony here well I started me about 10 years ago when I moved into this place like it's what I used to be like renting places so it's like this is the first one way I could actually build my own garden did you get this place with the idea that you were going to have plants or for sure I have to be around plant plants all the time yeah if there's anything I like more that implies is many chickens I love you pee I know it's just so funny to come here and like just be like oh I may buy your plants but the fact that you love chickens - so nice to see you know when I came to this place is like straight away I knew that this wasn't gonna balcony where I'll spend time in because it's so small so small yeah and I get West fun strong strong and heavy if you look at the neighbors they only use it to hang their laundry to dry and they probably can't even put it out for that long cause it'll bleach their life so you don't work in plants though yeah I know that all no so what do you what do you n what do you do in your normal life I mean I T I worked as a project manager who is very technical and I faithful I'm on my laptop the whole day how is that coming home to to this after working on the computer all day long oh it's I can't describe the feeling it's like it's like I need it yeah every day is I keeps me literally saying actually I would say if you look at my plans I excellent my selfie plans I grew up with actually so it's like bringing a little piece of home as well I told you I was born and grew up in Mauritius so it's like having a little piece of home with me can you show us actually some of the the plants that you've like you remember from your home yeah it's just so amazing how much you've like fit in here I mean look at all these hanging down to this seems to be my favorite from back home son it's where I grow them here do you know what kind of variety that is it's called Eddie and Tanner on fall okay sekali Farley's million - okay so it's a it's a cultivated variety of that species yeah yeah I would think this one I haven't seen before it's a little bit more roughly and it's a bit pinkish when it's young I got this in a neighborhood nursery he actually it's got quite a interesting fine yeah you get them usually in the nurseries around here and you kind of like where do you get your plants increasingly now you can find them here but some of them is like rotting from overseas yeah like my mum brought this one in particular from home this is one hole make sure did she get it from spore did she give you a little one got like a teeny teeny blunt blunt she was like yeah she got me one so does she still live in Mauritius no I should leave in Canada okay okay so your family in Toronto Wow so I see you have a lot of stag horns here - yeah I love stag horn you know whether you've seen them on Instagram like a lot of those Japanese account yes I love how they grow stag horn so initially when I just joined Instagram that's how I was like influenced to grow more but they seem to also have so many different varieties yes very correct yeah yeah and if you see this one they're actually I learnt to appreciate even when the shield shield fronds are dried I see the Japanese tend to appreciate that kind of stuff rather like it looking all green yeah because they're more into that whole wabi-sabi where it's there's like perfection and the permanence and the imperfection of it is what's really beautiful that was so cool what kind of species is that actually is a hybrid between coronary 'im and a really I I don't really know the origins of it they call it the flattest areum mount chuck wood it was originated in Thailand so it's not like a natural hybrid no actually it could be I think it is because then maybe if they found it on that mountain yeah yeah it could be might be a natural habit hybrid and when did you start kind of hanging because I see that you know you used to probably started around here and then you started to hang actually my first blunt was this grassy you know it was just one stalk yeah and then I had there was a pawn with this thing papyrus yeah then when we ran out of space I said that is the first to persever I grew beautifully the Hooper's yeah mumumu Larry folio something like that so this is the one that started it all actually I really suck at DIY stuff so actually anybody will probably put a grill or something like that on top and then and hang things so for me I had to like string is like cord from one and okay if it works it works so this was the first one and then the rest yeah these are different types they seem to be doing extremely well one doesn't look too good now but it's very interesting because it's like blue uh-huh bluish creep tensou Wow yours is so much larger is it sneaked all the way up this makes me want to put mine on a pole because mine's so much so much tinier than this once it reaches the top I don't know what's gonna happen but she's been kind to me where this isn't growing non-stop and then is this some rhipsalis here that yes okay you have I see what you're doing here tell us because you have but there is a reason because I've found what the only place that they grow well mm-hmm body of water yeah makes a big difference like even this one is slightly out and you can see it's like crispy on the edges it's not doing so it's so interesting you say that because we did an episode in the Netherlands and he's the the one of the curators there actually started to grow their pop where is he and they're like oh fights over water so you and he probably came with it really like if I can't grow anything here yeah you won't you won't do as well so this sides a bit drier so I Grow Rich salads this year with chalice and what is this I've actually never seen anything like this but it's a beautiful climber yeah that's Cypress vine so it's a part of it seem like that yeah like like the sweet potato the flowers or by afternoon yeah they'd all be closed oh it's quite cute yeah but it gets messy actually dry it dries up very fast so what I do I try to always have small ones growing yeah so that they'll take over when the older one gets crispy and this is a yep yeah turning turning around yeah yeah yeah but interestingly it is grown here yeah they went all the way Wow and see the roots like just kind of clinging to your walls it's unbelievable yeah that's the roots of the the philodendron yeah the hotly philodendron actually that was the first all right so to speak but I grew yeah one of the oldest plants in the balcony actually Wow so at least 10 years old yep and I mean this one paper yeah Pinella or Needham yeah this one is popular whenever I post it people like it I think probably like the variegation with a pink and it's different how do you take care of this because you have so much more humidity and better climate here than in the Northeast coming from a northeastern ER and probably going back home to some of your family in Toronto for instance but you you water some of this I'd imagine - right I want every day but some plants I about every three days or depending on the weather its rained or not yeah these ones need to be watered almost every day at least every other day yeah yeah the rhipsalis maybe not as much but this one's definitely and then what do you have growing in here you have some oxalis right here and then some few years yeah look looking their best but sometimes they sometimes they shade out the their own leaves here and there he's just not looking their best at this one but they do no good at some point it's impelling these if red like wild Meyer yeah yeah they're beautiful look at these I think you posted something like on that recently they're in yeah they're on my bio pod which they I have them growing out in my house too but they when they have the humidity they just grow like crazy yeah you can see two different types because this one is more exposed to the Sun yeah this is nice this is a pili AK Kadir they call them aluminum correct correct this is also one plant that I grew up with so I had to have really that's so wonderful it's got also got just you know beautiful coloration to it and then what are some of these aquatic plants that you have growing in there I think this is actually an aquarium plant because I found that when you grow them like this it keeps the water clear they doesn't go green yeah when you grow them in the water because they use up all the nutrients and stuff so it's the same principle as like a planted aquarium so that's a water wisteria I think we call it is also an aquarium plant and this is a duck weed okay it's a marsh plant I mean even in the US you have it as a yeah we've all duckweed is actually a weed and they have some selaginella here which is it's interesting he's got is the red and yeah yeah it merely wasn't looking too good that it's coming back and this is actually in another aquarium correct he's literally moved out of the water oh really so it wants to be a little bit probably more on the interstitials yeah correct that's so funny and there is this another epinoia sweet potato of the deep ammonia patatas we call it the ducky yeah is that a quiz Nellie or what does that type of bromeliads oh that's the beauty of it yeah yeah what I like because they don't require a big footprint they just go in small pots I love how you're growing them over your balcony they don't look their best this is a given right in front of your face orchid Luda see a discolor yeah he's getting a bit too much Sun but it's is growing yeah and then that begonia is really beautiful is that it actually normally people would think I could grow begonias very well because I have shade but I get prime real estate to my maiden hair ferns oh hell no no space service the only space I have left for them well it is nice though with like all the greenery that you have and then you have this oxalis the FO Moya and then the begonia is kind of throwing off the shock of like purple color [Music] and then it seems like you got into a roids yeah okay yeah let me tell you at first I was only in two ferns if you look at earlier pictures maybe two years ago on Instagram I only had ferns actually and two years ago I went I actually this was my first ride actually and it really grew like so easily like putting up leaves and it's a beautiful variation as well it's a variegated Florida Beauty okay yeah it is that some of them also call it squirmy Ferrum magic mask I mean I don't know about this yeah it almost looks like for me one of the Horsehead ones but yeah I could see the Florida beauty in it too and this one squirmy Ferrum yeah I think it is one but I'm not so sure because it's not doesn't seem as hair even as a as what it should be a besides cuter I like this one at autumn I love this one so look at this you can see this the Beatles we have like the pinkest color when they come out yeah and they also are putting out some aerial roots here you could probably stake this too maybe you put a swagman pole on it yeah but is this one's going pretty slowly I'm fine actually I caught and all I wouldn't be able to handle if they grow bigger I don't know what to do that's why I like to grow plants on very small the smaller the better like given two leaves like this one had four leaves this one too yeah you hear that you're getting too big for daddy didn't have to go vertical is fine yeah this one was I got this maybe about two months ago is that a man a it's a hybrid between Saudi Roy and what's a very gossamer a very Colson Wow yeah I brought soda ray and American the silver spots yep yep especially when when its young yeah this one is test date oh yeah philodendron has stayed um it's got that Glaucus kind of look which is really striking nice and silver yeah is this an anthurium here yeah and for you I've seen its radicands but not really sure it could be a hybrid but it's going very well yeah that one's not only an thorium's grow well for me I found I've tried multiple an thorium's and not all of them grow well so sometimes it's like you get excited about a new species and you try it and then it's like but it for us it's a different problem it's maybe not enough humidity not enough light too cold you know but surprisingly they what do you call that one the king and theorem yes the anthurium vgi yeah it seems to grow pretty well in it does in North America it's an easier one to grow you like maybe cooler climate maybe they do or you know maybe they're just a little bit more tolerant of it you know it's because I take it like like if you go to the cloud for us dome weather last rise there we'll have difficulty in my garden so maybe that's how I think microclimate I guess oh yeah yeah because the temperature there's like 20 or something but here in those I get like 28 yeah I gets too much [Music] and then you have your monster is over here this one of course I'm sure you get a lot of like love yeah yeah this one all also started with two leaves so on Instagram I I celebrate its leaf day if we like this but for flip peacefully if 60 oh my god it's like a little birthday party this one was the 15th leaf actually that is amazing and they grow so I have to tell you these guys grow so slowly in the Northeast you have to have such perfect conditions for them actually took me two years to originally say it's not going bad that that fast for me actually yeah and is another one cause yeah we call him Kirsten skinny on him but like but I think that's just now they just call it monster up spa like from Peru because I think that was like a fake scientific name but but I love these I maybe they it's just never been identified yet but yeah but they sell them as carsten iana's but I don't know what's this one though this one is a cent you peep premium premium yeah MPC member wow that's a beautiful one it's got like silver stripes I love it oh that's a stunner I've never seen one of these before I find that a peep remnant grow well here so I'm trying to get more yeah this one is cebu cebu blue yes oh and you have holes in yours because my see Babu's didn't never had started to they didn't get um nobody one with holes but you can see the small so tiny and this guy is a latest addition it's a it's a variegated if you print them yeah that's these are great I mean this would go for beaucoup bucks in the north and I think yeah happy yeah it's new and this leaf until last week was all white but now it's cooking a lot of white ones that can go Brown because they just they're not as strong I think like a variegated one or a dark green so he was like he's got stripes he's got holes he's got pinholes what else yeah and then of course you have your Rafa de Fora and what's this is the a medium medium oh yes because we have a mediums there but you know we don't really have them this is a smaller form when it's smaller the fenestrations are so cool and of course there's this one which is quite popular rapid our forretress parama they're useless Mira it's it's perfect for the rapid off the light please plays a part because the resection yeah yeah I have um I have mirrors around my windows to bring in more light so I think that there is something to be said about it and this is a consequence had erase IAM sometimes there's yeah yeah and this is Filippis by sirata I think this is gross you can see this grows wild all over Singapore sure where is it growing actually it grew by itself on the walls of the aquarium so I just let it so actually now this is not really working as an aquarium yeah but there are fishing yeah we are we are yeah and like this guy the arty the rapid or not the transparent trauma but the roots are actually growing in the aquarium well I think they just like sent out those aerial roots and as soon as they get water ready and this is an allocation red reginella or which one oh this is a redneck yeah Friday but it's funny I can't get though the white being for some reason it's like it's lost its so pretty young you know cuz they could get pretty big leaves you know so maybe it's still or maybe just funny I'm not sure maybe something but it looks healthy yeah it does this guy is is the refugee for a forum Mini Farah he's got interesting holes that I probably should do something better to it now it's still growing in in water clipping on this or how you started it yep yeah and is this one that shingles to it does it shingle or does it how does it typically grow do you know what social has a juvenile form but this one already has holes yeah that's really cool do you have challenges with pests here different kinds of pests coming in like pestiferous insects or is that not really a problem in Singapore as much a Hilo people having problems like spider mites and stuff like that but I've never seen one actually I wouldn't know how to cope with one you've had one but I do get mealy bugs yes I've seen some of the mealy bugs actually around on palm trees some of the ferns do have like scale eel yeah yeah correct yeah but spider mites I've heard very bad things about them but lucky I'm glad you wonder if it's just because it's too humid here because they don't do well in humidity and oftentimes they tell you if you have spider mites to actually increase your humidity but if you cranked up the humidity here in Singapore it would just be even more uncomfortable to grow their stuff indoors they'll have problems with them but our dogs definitely not yeah oh this is just really marvelous thank you so much for taking us through like your your lovely little collection it's it's so cool to see that you know yeah maybe you're not growing them indoors but you're you're able to like find and carve out a space for yourself here and from what it sounds like you know this is like so necessary you don't know what you do and one one good see because the living room is small is like everywhere you you sit or standard you get a view of the all the time actually at night they're always underwater lights from the pond so is it does have different look because when you especially these things when you light them from below they look quite good well you did a really good job I have to say I mean I'm really impressive like you could do a lot in small spaces yeah tell me what you thought of that house plant home torrid jeans in the comments below and if you have a home that you think we should tour in a future episode then click on the link in the description below to submit your space support this channel by clicking on the subscribe button and if you never want to miss an episode and be sure to tap on the notifications valve and remember you can always learn more about plants on the homestead Brookland blog and get daily plant filled inspiration for my Instagram feed at homestead Brooklyn if you're keen on diving more deeply into indoor gardening knowledge then check out the house plant masterclass the first comprehensive online audio-visual course on house plant cultivation care and maintenance at house plant masterclass calm you
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 444,176
Rating: 4.9380541 out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, houseplant home tour, houseplant tour, balcony garden, balcony gardening, Singapore, James Ipy, balcony garden ideas, balcony garden design, balcony garden makeover, houseplant ideas, indoor gardening, indoor garden, James Ip, James Ip Balcony
Id: w-J1RgqktXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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