My Older Sister GUESSES Warrior Cats! [Episode 1]

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welcome to the first episode of my insert person here guesses Warrior Cats for this first episode I thought I'd use my freakin turd of an older sister Mackenzie as a trial run well let's just jump into my first episode of my sister guesses Warrior Cats we're gonna show you 15 cats I know what the names are these guys know what the names are you potentially don't so where does he jump right into it we're gonna start off here okay so let's just start so this is the this is the first character I have for you oh so sweet everybody's like a sweet like I want to call you Ben beep ah that you know it's you have the system right you have names so Bambi paws that your final answer Bambi paws is the first thing that your heart speaks to Bambi paw very good okay hey storm cloud let's go storm name shocked why I'm sure I'm one of the actually we all know what I'm shocked at how excellently you have the name system I was thinking you're like eggs or something for knows what you say storm cloud yeah that's not its name but I'm still very impressed tell me the name I know not I need you to live in ignorance for the rest of your life oh ok so here's the next one I feel is this a villain no I don't think so is it I mean debatable I mean my eyes maybe Wow those eyes they're very icy to me something you got this little chefs finger boiling it doesn't have to be too complicated rust no no you don't like it that felt wrong it was a silly frost rage but that's not it that's not it okay I think I see some more along the lines up a little like ice rage ice mmm that's funny he's just an angry boy rage is a good word maybe they missed named him in the books yes so who do you think this is yeah she was so sweet like butter Bo butter like a butterfly in the big bow on the channel I love it that is fantastic in fact I might have to change her name to butter both hey who's this one you look so sure they remind me of like it's a hard one for ya well you know like I'm just really trying to grasp what's your just the first thing that comes to your mind yeah let's go with I'm like I'm gonna be 90 by the time this is done yeah smog struck smog struck yep its smog struck okay love it I'm a big fan okay who's this bad boy well in hamster my god tiger you just beautiful in bentleys highly concerned into what's going on here who's this oh yeah the tail you mean [Laughter] who's this rabid cat like red rash but with cat rabid cat grabby cat rabid cat or a lava flow lava you've got to decide which you prefer both - you know what we should do we should ask the viewers Sushil and they like better I think you trying to be a youtuber right now we're trying to promote that you were engagement I appreciate that came for now we're gonna put in quotes both lava flow okay lava flow sounds like you like that okay who's this snaggletooth Tiger Nagle tooth tiger okay don't take Tiger out take tiger don't take angry just snaggletooth reminds me of Nala from The Lion King hmm I'm gonna go with sand felt so shot what I think you told me that well no I'm not going to tell you them till the whole point okay ruthless oh I don't know like the teeth on the collar got me feeling all kinds of ways yeah I can actually see smoke commander you should this is a hard one midnight punch I was like a juice like this as an aside what color do you think his collar should be do you like purple or do you think it should be something else excellent I need you to say that for the rest your life I love the color purple for midnight punches midnight punches neck guys somebody quote that's just the funniest thing I've heard in my whole life oh yeah that's definitely a lion fluff right there what was the other one didn't they have a lion something already I can't remember probably like your tiger hey we're so close with the first look if I'm gonna leave it would you say I can't remember the lion fight oh my god okay lion fluff I think I need more visual not okay fire tiger flying closer than Tiger absolutely a fire tiger lion okay who's that this reminds me of a scar from why your cat like Timon okay what would you prefer to fall I would prefer to call this one like do all of them focus around like weather and nature or colors or animals oh you know who this one is that is a dark brown raven dark you got it right have your other books now we have the final one as grandpappy shark this is our shark scar shark that's a hard one to say what if you're in an argument touchdown it starts on face card scar I can't even do it scar just a shark okay no okay thank you so much for it on his name so we're gonna switch things up a little bit I'm gonna tell you the names and then you you're gonna tell me a little bit about them even though you know nothing about them you're gonna tell me go back backstory okay so this is doubling and you're gonna tell me a little bit about her a little bit about her backstory a little bit of info about her dog wing has been alive for approximately three years okay so it makes her the softest what's that's where the dove wing came from so dom wing she's a hunter for her perfect yep she loves to hunt and she gets straight A's in school I'm gonna tell you a little bit of information about doubling okay doubling has no brothers and one sister in fact her sister scar shark whom we just saw and she has the ability to hear very far away she's magic powers so she can hear hunt with those powers probably actually I think so yes she's a hunter that's doubling now's the time where we go back and seal the ones you got super wrong and then we tell you what they're actually called this is cinder pelt I can't remember what you said not a storm cloud or storm cloud right it's jay feather that's okay this is math wing muffin now you'll remember this is blue star dang this is Firestar Oh for everything sir this is bramble claw sweet dude he is and then this is holly leaf not eating strike snake egg snake that's right it's a squirrel flight this one is yellow Fang not snaggletooth so he said I face it Ragan tooth but nobody does a stable snaggletooth this is sandstorm sand pail this is scourge tiny yeah this is Lian blaze oh dang it Lian flame was so got half a point on there all right and this is Tiger Claw okay Tiger Claw and then tiger star used to like meerkats car better yeah and this is IV pool so definitely not sharks car no you know what IV pool doo doo doo doo that about wraps up the very first episode of my person that guesses Warrior Cats I definitely keep your eyes open for episode 2 that's coming your way definitely alongside of this songs the raps I know your clan mates all that good stuff thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video coming very soon as the later [Music]
Channel: Blixemi
Views: 1,048,356
Rating: 4.949584 out of 5
Keywords: Warrior Cats, Warriors, Blixemi, Squirrelflight, Firestar
Id: RoJCxbkUooI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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