My Mom GUESSES Warrior Cats! [Episode 4]

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did you think 12 years ago we'd be sitting here talking about these books stuff I was afraid of it okay welcome thank you for laughing at me literally we sit here for five minutes and I started talking you start laughing at me hey I'm gonna have to have a little pause here we got a really off-track really really fast when I was recording with my mom so I never actually introduced this is me in the future saying hello this the episode my mom so carry on past jaded let's go I know who the characters are the audience knows who the characters are you potentially don't know who the characters know I don't we're just gonna get started so here is our first character what do you think it's name is I think he's like a slate blue so I call him Slade Oh Slade forerunner Slade forerunner like fo you are fo re fo RT Slade forerunner good boy no see little eyebrow thing going on a bit of Botox on that level okay okay so there we have a suede forerunner played for run yeah man MS Slade for run I absolutely adore it all right ever heard they won't know that you're my kid I mean you were introduced as my mother and it's in the title but I mean so they're slaves on looking ahead who's this oh the color green monster sort of not an evil green-eyed monster of a mesmerizing mesmerizing mesmerizing or so cute though kinda has a little bit of a I don't know it's got a hand up there mesmerizing what am I supposed to do mesmerized okay let me look okay okay night Bella okay Bella though we're changing your mind yeah it looks more like foxy emerald whoa okay foxy emerald foxy emerald see you like I do I like Fox animals okay oh I like this one no this is like added eyes fiery fiery trailblazer you have such a good wave they're so epic is this bad no I love it fiery trailblazer yeah it just looks like his little eyes look fiery love it he's on a trail and he's just gonna be the pie I can't believe this we've got what was that first one Slade 4runner and who's this fiery real blazer very true like there's a new fangs oh yeah fiery bang true we're adding bang yet is a girl I think it's a boy so we have fiery fang trail no I think I like fiery trailblazer okay that took a lot to get out but we eventually got there excellent okay carry on it--some yeah oh I just so confused little cross that like look I was those watch her in the wrong spot no wonder he has cross eyes what are you going to be confused Kitty confused Kitty me at any given point I can feel scared it should be me confused kitty in brackets me confuse kitty no just me confused kitty you could shorten it to me kitty I'm so confused Oh perfect this goes with an Aunt Kate me confuse Kitty like me space confused space kitty yeah first name me his middle name EMU's last name Katie well look his poor little eyes his mother never told him if he doesn't stop crossing them they're not gonna go back to well you tell him that I bet just did make it be a skinny mood next one mother what is wrong with their eyes they're all wrong he's just like carefree oh that literally opposite he's very nervous well exactly like he's like you know just kind of like okay you know kinda like your sister oh he's so cute so he's a I like it all could be theirs so cubby they are like you just want to like pinch oh yeah but what are we going to call you darf kitty g8 ARF look at cars sheriff kitty Garf what is a Garf I don't know but that's what he looks like Garf kid Garf it was aggressive he kind of just looks like he just doesn't care about pronunciation like Garfield sort of like Garth yeah except he says I'm a Garf kitty love it barf kitty there's a family name here we had confused kitty and then you saw the eyes needing this one Garf kitty was that intentional are you just a genius it's like I say he's your child the way he could be look how cute he is oh so sweet no call me telling his little feet Garf get that is so cute is it cute that is cute Oh crystal sunset kitty again with the kitty they're all okay so they're all ready they all have kitty in their name I don't care you take you yo oh we can leave it in it's your cool something crystal sunset or sunrise I don't think that's what I said Chris a crystals Darbar maybe something astral great maybe we better rename her okay okay so crystal is good Chris don't ever land Oh looks like white snow that's spot on way to go so crystal avalanche I just hope it's a girl it okay I can't do that ma'am I need it to be a girl crystal avalanche yes crystal Evelyn beautiful my crystal level are you on the flip side dude mob sighted you know what we're not here to judge except the fan he has one paw that's the wrong color fire warrior that's the name is books warrior is it well he looks like a warrior because he's got you know that bang out he's got his prizes on his little collar there oh here's that ear bitten no warrior why are you stuck home if I were that's exactly I don't worry okay okay I really like that one little tooth thing you know you're drawn to that cuz the other one had a little thing here yeah he's like that ear bothers me well I want to fix it well blown the case so why do you think he's all those fangs on his collar I don't think he's a kissy no he's not we could clump kiss you might kissy monster the warrior of kisses looms in for a kiss on any bike oh my god oh can we please keep that one okay like it better be a firework so what are we gonna call him kiss he wants I do a kissy one yeah I do I do like kissy monster because he kind of looks like exactly the opposite of a kissy monster kissy monster okay kissy monster see ya ah okay so though feet it's got his little feet planted little athletic or those little fish that you put in by themselves cold Siamese fighting fish yeah so that's um Siamese lover Warriors I think it should be Siamese warrior Love Bug love love love it you love yeah but Oh Siamese warrior love bug yeah oh man I can't get over how good these are okay who's this I really like this one do you yeah earth storm earth storm whoa I love that that's like really close to hell they actually named them really yeah it kind of looks like a little storm I love Earth's storm 92 those good I got a little stormy earth yeah okay cool so cute oh that's kitty no it's a different one oh honey hot leg is he like crippled mm-hmm permanently yeah I got hit by a car oh I know this little foots like that forever yeah hmm I love her little smile she's smiling because of you oh I'm thinking obstacle seeker Optimo obstacle seeker like people are gonna use your names they're gonna take them they're so good okay well as they can as long as they shared this 25 friends oh my god I release my copyright I love that my family wants me to succeed so much I care about you I just your sister your dad you know what I'll tear emotive society success for you is like success penis oh my god is like the seeker obstacle seeker okay humoring me no I've never humor you I promise okay ready for the next one yeah boom ah it's like I love this one oh girl thing love those eyes oh my god you look like marbles okay we can move on no I've been sufficiently complimented so it's an original piercing justice damn you're gonna be so disappointed when you hear their actual names remaining all right well that's because it his eyes are piercing and you see King just piercing justice okay so we got four more for an exhausted who's that look at this guy he's like happy baby please just laughing I love this guy he sound like a warrior cat well he mustn't get much done full-color dreamer oh I'm a little confused where are we getting these from what is fire like he just looks so happy that he would see everything beautifully like not even kidding that is so cute full-color dreamer I know like he's happy he is so happy the butterflies where are their little flies oh yeah he's so cute I like him okay so full-color dreamer god that's so cute oh I'll never get over that so cute I like him he's the baby of the mother - [Music] so cute okay follow your dreams and reminds me a little bit of you so happy can I put that on my gravestone no come on you're so funny you're killing me I'm gonna need a gray suit after this what what moving on missing XR okay why he looks like some anything mean to him look at a little heart his bum this one was on purpose that one was a happy accident mmm that's right caller happy accident max no changing your mind okay hang on and I think we're gonna share this blanket and then okay I never got any episode seeker episode secret Hey damn episode secret episode me thinker okay I see I see your train of thought there yeah because he's looking back and he's trying to decide if it was okay episode rethink her yeah next one two little bags I like here yeah you just a happy kitty so he's gonna be WTF okay what does that stand for what the Freak just happened WTF happening cat not W tweet now fo wcl WTF happening cat yeah that is so funny WTF happening cab yeah okay perfect HP WTF apostrophe s happening cat oh I see what you're talking about okay you don't do that WTF apostrophe s happening cat what the freaks happening see you buddy this is our last one are you ready okay are you having fun yeah you don't want to be over whoo-whoo no that is definitely that is strong cat yes what are we gonna name you tomorrow's reckoning oh my god just know like oh she means business tomorrow's reckoning tomorrow's reckoning today I was defeated but not today I would not be looks like she's saying tomorrow's payback Oh tomorrow's reckon sorry my bad no tomorrow's reckoning reckoning Dan's never Little Feat effect oh they gonna fight like her maybe we'll even City yeah I like it do you do I like it oh my god can't do no we gotta use tomorrow second okay I can't name them well see you tomorrow second a there's another one you hello it's me again in post you're probably noticing that the episodes are consistently getting longer this one the reason being I could not reel in my mother she is like a wild stallion so we just let her run free so we're just gonna go back into what they're actually called hang continue the video we'll see at the very end okay so we're like pretty much done you've done really well and I'm not kidding you've done really well hey baby you're welcome and we're gonna go back now and I'm gonna tell you what the name sir okay okay okay okay for this first one yeah this is blue star hmm I like my name better can't remember what it was but I got laid forerunner yes I like mine better this is needle tail needle tail well that is wrong I'm so weak she's feisty needle tail she's that doesn't embrace of who she is no no you're focusing just on her tail well needles not bad but still doesn't suit her so needle tail this just Tiger heart that's cute Tiger heart so what is the tiger heart star that's so funny that you say that oh you're boring my mom okay so he yes he does become a leader I don't know how you know that you're just a genius I think so but so they dropped their last name so becomes Tiger star but it's funny because his granddad's name was Tiger Claw and then he became Tiger star so the way the fans kind of differentiate them as they call them Tiger heart star so it's just funny that you know that I think it might be unofficial warriors fan I grew went up you did way to go your number one fan i birthed you thank you for coming number one fan I really appreciate that but there's gonna be a lot of fighting in the comments sorry guys here first I am the number one fan who tells me that my mom yeah I said so you know Tiger heart star excellent this is leaf pool leaf pool how you get leaf pool because her dad named her after somebody else who looked like her and their name was leaf she got the name pool because she discovered like their holy site that's like it's kaboom pool so because you're kind of thinking maybe those ripples on her body were for pool but that's a dummy name Wow no that's the lovely leaf pool well she has a crooked nose have you ever noticed that [Laughter] you're gonna hate this this is Elder Hart elder Halldor a lder elder because elder is a type of tree bark I think our tree that's red well he's been eating too much of it why is he chunky no he looks kinda his face again he's just really nervous he said why I would be too if I eat trees [Laughter] okay oh there's my little crystal so this is cloud tail long tail I didn't mind that I think he's so cute yeah I like this one cloud - this is scourge mmm I kinda like that name scourge he is from kind of the Outlands kind of and he's like a bad guy oh I'm so disappointed in him kissee what was this a theme one kid Z monster but scourge he deserve to have your ear bitten off yes and these are all dog teeth ah okay I don't like your style your key is 13 Oh Jaden okay there's skirt so this one's Sasha earth it's Sasha why I don't know I always get in trouble for the way say it's I think it's song from Sasha Sasha yeah she's from outside the clans but she's the mother of my favorite character bonus question you know my favorite character is probably not Pinkie Pie my swing Oh mah Queen so uh yeah that Sasha she's Sasha sorry off shop this is spotted leaf mmm I could see that you're okay with leaf here but I was late fool well no because leaf pool didn't look like a leaf pool does she look like a spotted leaf not really I know well I don't think she looks like fish but okay ah this is cinder pelt oh I like that yeah finger pelt yes I like Cindy you're right I like that this is you called it green eyes yeah so we called her justice chaser this is dove wing dove wing because I think she's the color but a dove where the wing I was wrong actually I think that's a pretty name though yeah yeah I love those eyes though I love this little guy a little friend this is Purdy I love he's a little old guy although he looks so young he's a little old man you can tell by the flies on him ah yeah he's got some fleas jump oh no I don't like that I do look pretty yeah oh that's the one that keeps looking behind her yeah that's tawny tawny Pelt yes look so sad I said I like Connie pelt this is storm fur the warm fur ya know he was like wut WTF cat you like that better yeah should I go in and sharpey all the name from storm for it I would think so yeah okay well I'll get on that I'll work he definitely is a yeah okay ooh well that's storm fur this is leopard star that just doesn't seem to be enough of a commanding name for this one oh well her name used to be leopard fur baby leopard fur god I can't remember it should be 2019 cat got it I'm with it I mean she was made in like 2005 nice too like my name better yeah so those are the kitties okay so they're there we have it guessing warrior cats you've done excellent but is there anything that you would personally like to say to anybody watching this video be good to your mom that's a good one be good to your mom yeah is there anything else no pretty much that's it was a tiny bow yeah okay well thanks for coming and uh until I sign peace out love you ah the show you were here for 20 whole minutes and that is some serious dedication thank you so much for watching all the way up until this ending part I'm super excited for next episode I think that's going to be oh man it's gonna be nuts and I'm so excited I am so pom it it's gonna be I say it every time but I'm very excited for all the upcoming episodes thank you so much for watching I can't wait to show you what I have in store next and we'll catch you next time you
Channel: Blixemi
Views: 593,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warrior Cats, Warriors, Blixemi, Blix, Spottedleaf, Cat, Erin Hunter
Id: ld7Kgrrg2Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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