Why You Shouldn't Want a Warriors Movie

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whoo Wow really starting with this huh okay well I guess we got to start honestly and crush the dreams of those of you still hoping for a warriors movie I think a warriors movie would be a terrible idea and I have some pretty damning thoughts as to why I know I know we all want a warriors movie you know generally speaking and I know this doesn't apply to everyone not everyone once a movie and I know some fans who are against any sort of official representation of the characters being considered canon and we'll talk about that eventually so stick around but first what I want to make clear to everyone is what a warriors movie would actually look like I know lizard wizard sort of touched on this topic briefly in his review of SS warrior cats but I wanted to expand on that as an aspiring animator and someone who has spent a lot of time researching movie production and how films get made I feel like I have some reasonable conclusions on what some of the problems of warriors movie would face even in the best-case scenario assuming that there would be a studio willing to put all the money that it would need into the film and had the ideal group of people to fully realize the idea and the Farren's were willing to give them the right to the property there's still plenty of other hurdles that would be extremely difficult to face this is also only looking at the problems a Warrior's adaptation would have here in the West if a studio in Europe or Japan or wherever else wanted to make a Warrior's movie then not everything I talk about here will apply but I just think that if one were to get made a Western studio would be the one to do it let's start with what I think is one of the biggest problems with adapting warriors marketing who are what audience will warriors be aim for and I know what some of you are thinking well the same audience as the books of course but there's where I'm going to have to stop you because reading about violent cats killing each other is a whole different ballpark than watching violent cats kill each other it may not seem different at first but it really is especially in the movie business plus any warriors film would be animated of course and there's certain stigma in the West about animated movies that say they need to be family films which sucks yes but there is sort of a reason for it unfortunately so please bear with me as I try to explain basically the family market in the u.s. is big in animated movies from studios like Disney Pixar DreamWorks you name it cost a lot of money a lot a lot of money making an animated film is a huge undertaking and I know the market for animated films is good right now but it hasn't always been that way the family market keeps Animation Studios afloat here in the US and in order to make a successful animated movie it's got to be aimed at the widest audience possible anyone can go see a family film and animated movies need everyone to come and see their movie in order to make the money back if a film can't make the money back that it spent on it the movie is a failure good people lose their jobs and sequels are never made warriors would have to be marketed to people outside of the already established fan of the books we've seen this countless times for other book to film adaptations but I'm just making sure I cover everything here and let's face it guys warriors is not a family movie and to make it a family movie would mean tearing apart a lot of what warriors is - so many of us this is not just about the gore either because as gruesome as warriors can be sometimes even if you took the gore out warriors would still be too dark to get a PG rating blue stars downward spiral and depression and self loathing yellow Fang murdering her son broken tail cinder pelt having to give up her dream to become a medicine cat instead none of this could make it into a family film here in the West it would have to be changed or made so subtle that the kids wouldn't notice it happening or cut all together and I hope I speak for all of us when I say that removing or changing any of that content would really ruin any warriors adaptation for me and yes sometimes animated movies get away with some heavier dark themes but nothing comes close to the amount of death and psychologically damaging material warriors has especially if you saw it on-screen I still remember parents complaining about how inside out story was too sad or boxtrolls had too much gross imagery and as a result those movies took risks that hurt them in the box-office as opposed to burning garbage heaps like minions that take no risks and make enough money to fill a screwed McDuck swimming pool Warriors would either take too many risks to be successful or remove all risks and then we'd have a singsong happy Warriors movie that's just so gosh-darn swellin why don't we just let all our cats live in the wild at the thought of fire heart singing a song like this with that fencing where I can run free it makes your stomach turn then good it should just an adaptation of into the wild alone would have let's see here red tail oak art spotted leaf Lionheart blue star losses of life a 5 character deaths three of which would be on screen and a fairly established characters at that point threats of killing a minor a bad guy who's been killing babies revelations a family murder lots of violence territory and gang wars the successful exile of a certain group for minority and a minor having to leave his home to live with a gay guy all joking aside but seriously I know I hardly need to keep saying it but wires is dark and a loyal film adaptation would probably be too much for younger kids to handle and it would probably have to give the movie a pg-13 rating which is the equivalent to a death sentence for an animated movie and that's just talking about the first book the rest of the series keeps building on top of that and I don't think a studio would want to try to adapt just the first book there's just not enough material from the first book to war in a movie plus you're then asking the studio to dedicate its time and money to five more films after that one for each book and that's just an unrealistic expectation there aren't that many sequels to some of the most beloved and money-making animated films out there even Lion King and Shrek don't have six theatrically numbered sequels it's true we have a few exceptions to that rule but I don't think we want warriors to get the Land Before Time treatment so I hear some of you say well what about adapting one of the super editions instead well that's a great idea actually I think the super editions would be the best stories to adapt to film the only problem with that is even blue stars prophecy relies on information readers get from the original series and with no fire heart we've lost the excuse for exposition dumps onto the audience fire heart is the perfect character to see this world from since he comes into it completely blind like the audience plus no studio is going to want to adapt the less popular books of the franchise when they could have the obvious choice in the original series think about all the times Narnia has been adapted no one starts with The Magician's Nephew even though that book is awesome no they always go for the moneymaker The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe first and then try to make the other books but inevitably have to give up the project I will have a Magician's Nephew movie someday damn it no we'd be lucky if they tried to split up the first series into two parts the first movie adapting into the wild fire and ice and forests of Secrets and the second movie only permitting that the first movie did well enough bite you would be adapted for rising storm dangerous paths and darkest hour this is honestly being generous and I'm sorry to say that it's far more likely for a studio to try to fit the whole first series into one hour and a half to two hour movie yet again this film is animated and to support the cost of making it it needs to be marketed everyone meaning it has to have the expected running time the longer a movie is the more it costs and the less likely people are going to go see it warriors is not Lord of the Rings and you can't mark in a movie centered around cats as the main characters for a three hour film but even being generous and saying it could get a two-and-a-half hour runtime I don't think that this is enough time we're going to assume for best case scenario here and say they make two movies out of the first series here's what they'd have to fit until the first movie from the books rusty oh yes and let's not forget all the name changes that are going to be happening in this two-hour flick one of the commercials say rusty fire pas fire heart he'll only be known as rusty for the first five to ten minutes of the movie fire pas better but the audience is introduced to him in the movie is rusty fire heart well that's kind of a spoiler anyway rusty lives in a house as a pet he goes outside him hears about the cats that live in the woods he leaves his home and joins the Thunder clan cats out in the forest his Firefall and trains under several mentors and meets everyone in the clan most of whom are not too excited that he's one of them now fire Paul works hard to prove them wrong and makes friends and enemies all while learning about his own clan and the other clans that share borders with them fire pod rescues yellow Fang decline attack lionheart dive spotted leaf dyes fire pine gray pot a craven pot of barley and learn a Tiger Claw healing red tail fire paw help shadow clan exile their evil leader broken star fire pod becomes fire heart fire heart and gray stripe gets sent on a quest to find wind clan they find when clan and bring them home gray stripe kills white cloth fire heart and gray stripe get apprentices of their own cinder pond Bracken cloth gray Shrek meat silver stream gray stripe is missing most of the time and fire heart has to cover training both apprentices fire heart fields ostracize from play in life and starts meeting princess his sister a kitty Pet Center pod gets hit by a car but survives fire heart brings back cloudkit Prince's his son to be raised in ThunderClan there's a battle in wink land help win clan cats keep their territory cinder paw becomes yellow fangs apprentice River clan is suffering from the floods fire heart and gray stripe help them out silver stream is going to have gray stripes kits fire heart kits cloud paws his apprentice my heart finds out about blue stars Kitson river clan hostilities between clans rises silver stream dies giving birth River clan once the kids to live in River clan Tiger Claw plots and follows through with an attack on Thunder clan and tries to kill blue star fire heart stops him Tiger Claw is exiled Thunder clan is devastated by Tiger claws betrayal grey stripe Leafs under Clan to live with his kits in river clan who okay yes i paraphrased and left out most of the smaller details and I might have missed some of the important plot points or put them in the wrong order but the reason I went through all that is to just try to emphasize the fact that there is way too much story to fit into one movie and if it's still not clear let me just say this remember last airbender a wires film even only containing the first three books but suffer the same problems the adaptation Last Airbender face it would probably suffer from too much exposition confusing segues and horrible pacing just to name a few things I know that Guardians of Ga'Hoole is probably a better comparison here but I've not watched that movie yet or read the book series that it's based off of so I don't feel qualified to make that comparison with all that said though it brings me to another negative to making a warrior's movie cut content and we are just talking about somehow rewriting the plot points I already mentioned fit a script with an appropriate running time we're talking about the worst possible kind of cuts character cuts as much as it hurts me to save us a warrior's film would most definitely have to cut characters there's too big of a cast and too many names to convey in such a short amount of time it wouldn't just be minor characters like some of the elders or queens either it would be characters like white storm Bracken for a Lionheart running wind one whisker crooked star in dust Pelt and what might even be worse is the possibility of them combining characters like dark stripe and long tail or misty foot in stone fur or sender Pelton cloud tail so they can hit story points but don't have to make screen time to introduce new characters it sounds like a horrible idea that any of us who really love these characters but from a moviemaking standpoint this kind of mashing of characters together to make the narrative work would almost be necessary as an example I'll go over the one that sounds the most egregious combining cloud tail and send it all into one character this might sound like a crazy idea but actually it's not too far of a stretch for the filmmakers to consider fire heart in our hypothetical first film which covers the first three books has two apprentices cinder pelt and cloud paw neither of these characters have any real consequence on the plot when you think about it and time to develop both characters on screen would take away from time dedicated to speeding fire cart along the plot you could keep a fan-favorite character cinder pelt and cut cloud tail by making cinder pelt fire hearts nice who's got attitude aka she's just been giving cloud tails personality then cinder palette still has her accident and maybe starts turning into more of the cinder pelt we know and love but cloud tails effectively cut from the script altogether and cinder pelts character is also partially butchered as well this film cinder Punk may even follow fire heart into the forest as a kitten right from the beginning so the studio can cut the whole part of the story where fire heart goes and meets princess to save more time so some of you may be saying to yourselves at this point okay yeah a warriors movie would probably be a really bad idea but I know he'll get my animated warriors fix a TV show Game of Thrones style so which I'll say maybe but you're gonna run into a lot of the same problems you still have the problem of what age group to market for and while the running time is now theoretically not a problem money is because TV shows have a smaller production budget work with and smaller budgets could still mean cuts to the story or characters plus TV shows have a pretty strong formula for how episodes need to set up a problem needs to be established pretty quickly characters work towards solving said problem but things just get worse and then there's conflict and then the resolution with maybe a cliffhanger and this formula might seem like a good way to tackle warriors but I could see it having a lot of problems and adding unnecessary additional melodrama not to say a worst TV show would be in as bad of shape as a movie but I'm just not convinced a TV show would be the best place for warriors to get a visual adaptation that staple oil to the books either if you want my honest opinion maybe warriors was never meant for the big screen or even your TV screen but maybe just maybe it could be met for your computer screen someday there's already a ton of amazing warriors art out there and amazing animators who spent countless hours bringing some of our favorite characters life myself included and it's their dedication that has brought me to the conclusion that a warrior's web series would be the best way for the books to be adapted something similar to a sus warrior cats but with some of the polish and funding that projects like cartoon hangover creates or the team responsible for making the reward and it's follow-up series this would still require getting the rights from the urns and who knows if they're even interested in seeing their work in a visual representation it's very possible they don't want that right now and we should respect that but I think a lot of what holds a Warrior's animated series back is the marketing as a webseries the show could literally reach anyone who is interested in it and with sites like Kickstarter and patreon the creators the show could work with a budget that's built by people who are actually interested in seeing it episodes wouldn't be under restrictive higher power to follow a formula either and with the lower stakes of a web-based series the show could potentially collaborate with prominent members of the community and yet not be on such a large scale that people would feel discouraged from continuing to draw their own representations of the characters which has always been a unique aspect of this community and one that I myself would hate to see vanish so while I don't think a good warriors movie is really possible it doesn't mean we should give up hope entirely and we shouldn't take for granted the wonderful artists who are already making tons and tons of warriors content I look forward to seeing your thoughts below and I hope I didn't just destroy my channel with this video like I said I was being pretty generous in my discussion a real film would face a lot more challenges than already mentioned and if you like this video it's the first of its kind so congratulations you're here on the birth of a new series I have um several that I plan to do so hopefully you stick around and hopefully you like my voice enough to continue watching and if these turn out to be a total bombs and I guess I'll just go back to animating and don't worry animations are still being worked on I've got so many maps to work on
Channel: TennelleFlowers
Views: 657,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warriors cats, warriors movie, warriors, cats, warrrior cats, simatra, simmy speaks, tennelleflowers, movie, discussion, erin hunter, firestar, into the wild, fire and ice, forest of secrets, bluestar's prophecy, warriors books, warriors anime, warriors tv show, warrior cats analysis, simmy, family movies, book adaptations
Id: CrRJmTkhZ_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2016
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