Fixing Your Warrior Cats OC's (Volume 4)

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[Music] welcome to fixing warrior cats ocs volume four you see i'm calling it volume four instead of part four because i wanna make it clear that you don't have to watch parts one two and three to understand this there's not exactly much lore that you have to keep up with well except j-burgers and my obsession with pink cats but that's it nothing else let's go sage a dragon cat she has a mask that you were too lazy to design well that's literally just a circle i could make it into a cookie easier than i can make it into a mask and honestly that's perfect she's pink so it's not like there's anything else i can fix pastry pelt is too cute to be fixed well i mean if you're going to call her pastry pelt you ought to make her look like an actual pastry boom it's bread sunbeam you can't make him any better if you can i will give you a thousand dollars because it is simply impossible well there is a small flaw in your logic you aren't telling me to make him perfect you're just telling me to make him better so even the slightest improvement counts you say his favorite food is jayburgers so wouldn't giving him a j burger make him happier and therefore better i think you owe me a thousand dollars hmm a cat with an ikea bag on his head that's not good if you keep an ikea bag on your head for too long it turns into ikea furniture i hope it's not too late okay it's too late your new name will be couchhead people are making fun of twigno's funny nose ooh i know this story all you gotta do is make use of the light that it brings to guide santa sleigh through the night wait wait you're saying his nose doesn't light up oh well i guess there's only one place you'll fit in now the trash my nervous boy owl paw always scared of almost everything okay almost everything that implies there is at least one thing he is never scared of and we can use that to comfort him like i doubt he'd be scared of a lollipop hey buddy want a lollipop oh well i guess we have to keep searching here is day kit well you see the problem is that it's night time the solution well just change your name to night cat easy then in 12 hours give or take you can change the name back to day kit it's um it's a flawed process i think foxheart needs more snow no just no not only is covering her and snow an easy joke her name is already foxheart does she really need any more coldness in her heart i say we just roast her a bit to make her hurt warm wait where did she go a moth cat hybrid akira help burn foot burnt his foot no worries i could save him wait how can it be called burn foot now if his foot isn't burnt well great now he doesn't exist anymore unless you can fix blindness and daddy issues blood paw is incurable oh okay winner hurt is a big angry girl who hates pink um well actually if you look at her ears what color is that oh it's pink check me she loves pink and i'm gonna give it to her oh she's so happy now you can't possibly fix dragon fruit she's pink while you can't possibly fix pink star because she's pink listen i don't know if you get this you are not the ones deciding whether or not i am capable of fixing your cat i am okay pink star is good um but i look at dragon fruit and i see blue ear fluff and yellow eyes which in itself is okay but the fact that you had the audacity to call this cat pink shame on you pink means pink this is brightwing when she was an apprentice a tyrannical leader named perch star banned jaybirkers and j dogs in favor of breeze burgers and berry dogs she saved the jaybirkers and j dogs and starclan gave her pink hair and wings okay braised burgers and berry dogs are disgusting but you know what else is disgusting the fact that you called j hot dogs j dogs j dogs do not exist the supreme form of hot dog is called the j hot dog so you know what right wing doesn't deserve to be blessed with pink she deserves to be gray which is very fittingly the color of the breeze burger which will be her complete diet moving forward as atonement for her sins against the mighty j's wing plant this is background kit who has a different fur color every time she is mentioned wait hold up you gave her nine different color palettes and none of them are pink just give me a minute and there we're good smoke never learned to smile well if you can't smile the traditional way my advice is just to simplify things a lot that's cute fix my long man weasel paw welp time to make the most predictable joke ever a long cat cotton cloud looks delicious but it's not edible fix that please well do you want me to stop her from looking delicious or keep her delicious look and just make her edible because you didn't specify well i can't stop her from looking delicious because she must stay pink so let's just make her edible and done what you don't believe me watch this she is made of cake now is it just me or is primrose paw looking kinda sus oh an among us joke well i gotta stay hip with the kids so um there now primrosepot isn't among us don't question it a rich girl cat a goth girl cat honestly neither of those are very stylish i know how to fix their style just give me a second jburger okay we all know coolness is measured entirely in j-burgers so i thought i'd whip up some quick j-burger themed variants to their style oh that's so much better alrighty my inspiration for comedy is entirely drained so now's a good place to wrap up please subscribe to my channel because next week i will destroy an innocent gray striped toy and you're going to want to be notified when that video drops alright bye everyone
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 326,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, art, animation, oc, ocs, books, erin hunter
Id: KPKIrvgPOs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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